
May 22, 2016
The Most Holy Trinity/Santísima Trinity
Saint Eugene
Catholic Church
San Eugenio
Iglesia de
Served by the Missionhurst
CICM Missionaries
Servido por los Misioneros
de Missionhurst CICM
Office/Oficina: (919) 365-7114
608 Lions Club Road
Fax: (919) 365-9431
PO Box 188, Wendell, NC 27591
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours/Horario de Oficina:
Monday - Thursday/Lunes - Jueves: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Friday/Viernes: 8:30 am to 2:30 pm
Religious Education Office/Oficina de Educación Religiosa:
Tuesday/Martes: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Wednesday/Miércoles: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Friday/Viernes: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Sunday/Domingo: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Pastor/Párroco: Rev. Johanes Teguh Raharjo, CICM
Parochial Vicar/Vicario Parroquial: Rev. Marlee Sagge Abao, CICM
Deacon/Diacono: Rev. Mr. Willie Foggie
Office Manager/Mánager Oficina: Gail Hernandez, Ext. 200
[email protected]
Finance & Accounting Manager/Finanzas: Shannon T. Coltrain, CPA, Ext. 203
[email protected]
Religious Education/Educación Religioso: Alexis Franco, Ext. 202
[email protected], (919) 404-9393
Director of Music/Música: Jennifer Hebert, Ext. 204
[email protected], (919) 395-8266
“We have come together in our common faith as
God’s Holy People. Strengthened by the
Word of God and nourished by His Sacraments,
we step forth in faith to love and serve one another.”
“Nosotros nos hemos unido por nuestra fe en común, como
el Pueblo Santo de Dios. Fortalecidos por la Palabra de Dios y
alimentados por Los Sacramentos, damos un paso en favor de
nuestra fe al amarnos y servirnos los unos a los otros.”
Did you know?
Food Lion and Lowe’s Food Gift cards are available from
your friendly neighborhood Peer Ministry Group??
Let us explain:
You can purchase Food Lion or Lowe’s Food Gift cards, and our Peer
Ministry group will receive 5% of each purchase of Food Lion cards and
6% of each purchase of Lowe’s Food cards.
Food Lion cards are available in denominations of $25, $50,
$75, $100 and more, and Lowe’s Food cards are available in
denominations of $25, $50 and $100.
The full face value amount of each and every card is yours to spend. There
is no extra cost involved. And hey, don’t you need to buy groceries anyway?
Any questions?
Please come visit our table in the Gathering Space after mass.
English Mass Schedule:
Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday ~ 9:00am
Saturday ~ 5:00pm
Sunday ~ 9:00am
Reconcilia!on (Confessions):
Saturday ~ 4:00 -4:45pm, or by appointment
Liturgical and Sacramental:
Commi!ee Chair and co-Chair: Mary Monck, 919 630-5447,
Liz Hall, 919 266-4221
Ministers of Communion: Mary Monck, Liz Hall
Readers: Geri E!ensberger, 919 272-7034
Altar Servers: Keri Peevey, 919 389-0302
Choir: Jennifer Hebert, 919 395-8266
Ushers: Ruth van der Grinten, 919 365-7212
Scheduling of Lay Ministers: Renée Nilles, 919 266-5820
Sacristans: Bruce Tarnaski, 919 412-5804
Misas en Español:
Martes ~ 7:00pm
Sábado ~ 6:30pm
Domingos ~ 12:00pm
Reconciliación (Confesiones):
Sábados ~ 4:00 -4:45pm o por cita
Liturgia y Sacramentos:
Presidente y vice Presidente del Comité: Gisella Medina, 919 965-9721, Eva
Contreras, 919 703-7413
Ministros de la Comunión: Gisella Medina, Eva Contreras
Lectores: Griselda Salomón, 919 585-2920, Yiseel Flores, 919 269-0118
Monaguillos: Ana Karen Casas, 919 366-2741
Coros: Domingo, 12.00 pm: Luis Felipe, 919 375-4202
Sábado, 6.30 pm: Jennifer Hebert, 919 395-8266
Ujieres: Francisco Lara, 919 413-3309, Lorenzo Hernandez, 919 269-4787
Horarios para los Ministros Laicos: Lupita Huerta, 919 366-9158
Religious Educa!on and Faith Forma!on (REFF):
Director of Religious Educa"on: Alexis T. Franco, 919 404-9393
REFF Commi!ee Chair: Chris Carreiro, 919 757-4506
Bap"smal Prepara"on in English: Please call the office at 919 365-7114
Children’s Liturgy: Joan Conn, 919 359-2616
1st Communion and Confirmation: Alexis T. Franco, 919 404-9393
Peer Ministry/Life Teen: Beth Teel, 919 325-6433,
Dan Strain, 919 550-9290
RCIA: (registra"on) Alexis T. Franco, 919 404-9393;
Charlie & Dee New, 919 553-2129
Adult Bible Study: John and Sharon Benton, 919 295-5289
Evangeliza"on and Adult Faith Forma"on: Mark Byrd 919 374-4541
Educación Religiosa y Formación de la Fe:
Pla"cas Pre bau"smales: Alexis T. Franco, 919 404-9393, Lorene Cira, 919
375-4202, Ruthie Margarin, 919 671-1421
Primera Comunión y Confirmación: Alexis T. Franco, 919 404-9393
Clases de Quinceañeras: Georgina Mercado, 919 202-0839
Coordinadora de las Bodas: Lorene Cira, 919 375-4202
RICA: (registración) Alexis T. Franco, 919 404-9393;
Jesus Hernandez, 252 291-9292, Carlos Casas 919 366-2741
Mujeres de Fe: Eva Gallardo, 919 669-4246
Adultos Jóvenes: Bolivar Velasquez, 919 426-5568
Coordinador de las Ventas de Comida: Enedina Ayala 919 266-9890
Social Ministries:
Commi!ee Chair: Dave Wagner, 919 269-0138
Alcoholics Anonymous: Joyce K., 919 830-4684
Brown Bag Ministry: Tom Falvey, 919 539-4579
Catholic Parish Outreach: 919 873-0245
Community Garden: Be!y Wagner, 919 269-0138
Community Spirit (Socials): John E!ensberger, 919 271-6052
Migrant Ministry: Ruth van der Grinten, 919 365-7212
Prayer Warriors, Prayer Blanket: John/Sue Broderick, 919 365-3479
Respect Life: Charlene Giacco, 919 359-2565
Senior Programs: Pat Tarnaski, 919 412-5334
Sick and Homebound: Ralph LaNeve, 919 217-9437
Wendell Council of Churches: Bruce Tarnaski, 919 412-5804
Finance Council: Carol Ours, 919 365-4286
Stewardship: Frank Conn, 919 359-2616
Maintenance Commi!ee: [email protected]; Carol Ours,
919 365-4286; Shannon Coltrain, 919 365-7114, ext. 203
Interna"onal Food and Music Fes"val: Gene Zack, Joe Howell
Volunteer and Involvement Ministry: Geri E!ensberger, 919 272-7034
Safe Environment: Alexis Franco, 919 404-9393
Pastoral Advisory Council (meets the fourth Thursday at 7PM):
Beth Teel, 919 325-6433 - Chairperson
Knights of Columbus (meets the 2nd Wednesday at 8PM):
Jim Humphrys, 919 889-6481 - Grand Knight
Ladies Guild (meets the first Wednesday at 7:00PM):
Sharon Benton, 919 295-5289 - President
First Friday Seniors (meets on the 1st Friday of the month at 10:00AM):
Mary Ruth Chauvaux, 919 217-9580 - Chairperson
Cub Scouts (meets most Mondays at 7PM):
Chris Hemphill, 919 816-7385 - Pack Leader
Ministerios Sociales:
Alcohólicos Anónimos (Martes y Jueves, 8:00PM):
Jorge Lopez, 919 426-9936, Gregorio, 919 278-6647
Comité del Ministerio Hispano: Ruthie Margarin, 919 671-1421
Grupo de Oración: Margarita Zamora, 919 965-3674
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano: Carlos Ayala, [email protected]
Divina Misericordia: Isabel Castro, 919 532-9324
Apostolado de la Oracion al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
(Primer viernes alas 7PM): Nieves Garcia, 919 671-8951
Full Time Chaplain at Wake Med Hospital
Catholic Chaplain - WakeMed Hospital
Fr. Lourduraj Alapaty is a Catholic Priest from the Diocese of Raleigh
assigned full time to WakeMed Hospital.
~ Email. [email protected]
Please email Father Alapaty directly if you have a family member at
WakeMed, he is there every day.
Prayer for Our Men and Women in the Service
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families for the selfless
acts they perform for us in our time of need.
We ask this in the name of thy Son, Jesus
Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Masses This Week
Stewardship Corner -Weekly Offertory
MAY 21 ~ MAY 28, 2016
May 21 5:00PM Mass
May 22 9:00AM Mass in memory of Eunice
Pinto, requested by Krys
Wednesday May 25 9:00AM Mass and Rosary
Thursday May 26 9:00AM Mass and Rosary
May 27 9:00AM Mass and Rosary
Saturday May 28 8:00AM Ladies’ Guild End of Year
5:00PM Mass in memory of Evelyn
Stracqualursi, requested by
Mary Ruth and Ed
This Week At Saint Eugene
May 22 10:15AM
May 23 7:00PM
May 24 6:00PM
Wednesday May 25
Thursday May 26 7:00PM
Choir Practice
Breaking Open The Word
Cub Scouts Pack Meeting
Devotion to Mary
Ladies’ Recovery Support
Pastoral Advisory Council
7:00PM Alcoholics Anonymous
May 27
May 28 8:00AM Ladies’ Guild End of Year
Mass and Breakfast
9:00AM Brown Bag Ministry
9:00AM Community Garden
10:00AM Baptisms
Readings for the Week of May 22, 2016
Next Sunday:
Prv 8:22-31/Ps 8:4-9/Rom 5:1-5/Jn 16:12-15
1 Pt 1:3-9/Ps 111:1-2, 5-6, 9-10/Mk 10:17-27
1 Pt 1:10-16/Ps 98:1-4/Mk 10:28-31
1 Pt 1:18-25/Ps 79:8-9, 11, 13/Mk 10:32-45
1 Pt 2:2-5, 9-12/Ps 100:2-5/Mk 10:46-52
1 Pt 4:7-13/Ps 149:1-6, 9/Mk 11:11-26
Jude 17, 20b-25/Ps 63:2-6/Mk 11:27-33
Gn 14:18-20/Ps 110:1-4/1 Cor 11:23-26/
Lk 9:11b-17
Remember, we can't depend on “Somebody Else”
to meet our weekly offertory goal because
we are ALL “Somebody Else”.
Have I given at least my first hour of wages each
week to our Lord?
Liturgical Roles
Saturday, May 28, 2016, 5:00PM
Altar Servers: Phillip Hoffmann, David Lytle and William
Extraordinary Ministers: Pat Gessner, J ohn Nussbaum,
John Broderick, David Horvath and Mary Monck
Readers: Danny Riley and Ger i Ettensber ger
Ushers: Mimi Haines and Mar issa Lim
Sunday, May 29, 2016, 9:00AM
Altar Servers: Er in Walsh, Camer on Agner and Aver y
Extraordinary Ministers: Br enda and Br ian Flannery, J oan
Conn, Kathy Tripp, Dan Walsh, Lisa Piratzky, Joan Fitts ad
Christy Scott
Readers: Pauline Pr ice and Lin Cosgrove
Ushers: J im Polito, J eff Maas and Thom Kinney
Please pray for sick members of our parish family and
Sue Broderick
Aiden Flannery
Erin Dowling
Crystal Sprissler Randall Soutiere Beth Teel
Debbie Smith
Anne Williams
Dan Koenig
Tony Mallette
Sean Kivel
Lori Nussbaum
Beth Miller
Colleen Yasenchock
Shannon and Liam Dowling Martha Jane Thompson
Raphael and Peggy Catlett
Please call the office 919 365-7114 to place a
name on the list, or have a name remain on the list.
We support the Diocesan National Collections
We sent $2,432.56 to the Diocese for the Holy Land Shrines (Good Friday). Thank you for your generosity!
22 DE MAYO DE 2016
Misas esta Semana
21 DE MAYO ~ 28 DE MAYO DE 2016
6:30PM Misa en memoria de
Modesto Garcia Pena, de
parte de Geri y John
Domingo 22 de Mayo 12:00PM Misa
Martes 24 de Mayo
7:00PM Misa
Sábado 28 de Mayo
6:30PM Misa
Sábado 21 de Mayo
Esta Semana En San Eugenio
Domingo 22 de Mayo 1:00PM
Lunes 23 de Mayo
Martes 24 de Mayo
Miércoles 25 de Mayo
Jueves 26 de Mayo
Viernes 27 de Mayo
Sábado 28 de Mayo 6:30PM
Divina Misericordia
Venta Comida
Coro de Grupo de Oración
Devoción de María
Grupo de Oración
Alcohólicos Anónimos
Lideres de Grupo Oración
Alcohólicos Anónimos
Cor o de Gr upo de
7:30PM Coro Hispano/Los Niños
Papeles Litúrgicos
Martes, 24 de Mayo de 2016, 7:00PM
Lectores: Mar ia Ser na
Ministros: Nieves Gar cia y Mar iana Quezada
Acólitos: David Lundy, Madison Maldonado Per ez y Blanca
Sábado, 28 de Mayo de 2016, 6:30PM
Lectores: J uan Amador y Andr ea Sanchez
Ministros: Linda Pinto, Gisella Medina, Soter o Lorenzo,
Antonio Jaimes y Narcisa Duran
Acólitos: Erwin Lor enzo, Kar en Saavedr a y Suamary
Domingo, 29 de Mayo de 2016, 12:00PM
Lectores: Enedina Ayala y Enr ique Dur an
Ministros: Gina Mercado, J uana Cer vantes, Eva Contr er as,
Eudocio Durazno, Ismelda Hernandez, Adela Mercado, Rosa
Garcia y Trinidad Jaramillo
Acólitos: Blanca Campos, Br idge Mejia y Per la J uar ez
Horario de Kermes
Domingo, Mayo 22, 1PM
Domingo, Junio 19, 1PM
Domingo, Julio 24, 1PM
Sábado, Octubre 15, 7:30PM
Domingo, Octubre 23, 1PM
Familia Mercado
Jesus Hernandez
Grupo de Oración
Belkys Ramirez
Rosa Romero
Las próximas clases de preparación para las
quinceañeras serán:
Lecturas para la semana del 22 de Mayo de 2016
Domingo: Prov 8, 22-31/Sal 8, 4-9/Rom 5, 1-5/Jn 16, 12-15
1 Pe 1, 3-9/Sal 111, 1-2. 5-6. 9-10/Mc 10, 17-27
1 Pe 1, 10-16/Sal 98, 1-4/Mc 10, 28-31
Miércoles: 1 Pe 1, 18-25/Sal 79, 8-9. 11. 13/Mc 10, 32-45
1 Pe 2, 2-5. 9-12/Sal 100, 2-5/Mc 10, 46-52
1 Pe 4, 7-13/Sal 149, 1-6. 9/Mc 11, 11-26
Jds 17. 20-25/Sal 63, 2-6/Mc 11, 27-33
Domingo siguiente: Gn 14, 18-20/Sal 110, 1-4/
1 Cor 11, 23-26/Lc 9, 11-17
La Misa para todos
los Alumnos Graduándose
este ano de Secundaria y de la
Universidad será
el 5 de Junio a las 12pm.
Favor de venir con sus todas.
Gracias y Felicitaciones a todos!
Domingo, 29 de Mayo, Domingo, 5 de
Junio y Domingo, 12 de Junio a la 1:30PM
MAY 22, 2016
Respect Life News
Fetal Development of Gabriela ~ Week 9 ~ Gabr iela is nine weeks old and just under an inch long. Her name now changes
from embryo to fetus. Everything is now present that will be found in a fully developed adult. If Gabriela continued to grow all
nine months as fast as she has the second month, she would be born as large as two overfed elephants. Thankfully, development
slows down. “Every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights.” James 1:17a
Word of Life: May 22nd
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
For those whose hearts ache for a child of their own:
May they experience the Lord’s presence and be filled with his peace;
We pray to the Lord:
When Choosing Life, know that help is available –
Birthchoice can help. Call 919 781-5433 - 2304 Wesvill Ct., Suite 340, Raleigh, NC 27607 near Rex Hospital in Raleigh.
In His Hands can help. Call 919 989-9897 -13 Dail St., Smithfield, NC –
Off Broadleaf Blvd in Smithfield
Please contact Charlene Giacco, St. Eugene Respect Life Ministry, for more information on any of these items.
[email protected] or (919) 235-2557. For all the latest Human Life and Dignity news and activities happening in our
Diocese, visit:
Want to learn more about scripture and your Catholic
faith? Join us on Sundays for BOW
(Br eaking Open the Wor d).
May 22: The Most Holy Tr inity
May 29: The Real Pr esence (Last Session)
For more information, contact Mark & Jennifer
Byrd, [email protected]
Brown Bag Ministry…
….is seeking your support!
We provide almost 1000 lunches each week, straining our
resources. How can you help? We need:
· Prayers ~ Please pray for our poor and hungry,
· Volunteer your time on Saturdays at 9am, please visit, or email
[email protected] to schedule.
· Financial Help ~ Checks may be made out to “Brown
Bag Ministry” and are tax deductible. You may drop
them in the offertory basket, and
· Donated Items~ these include sliced bologna, sliced
cheese, bread, plastic gloves, zip-lock sandwich bags
and #8 sized lunch bags.
For more information, please contact Tom
Falvey at [email protected]
“For I was hungry and you gave me
something to eat…” (Matthew 25:35)
2016 Festival Logo Contest & T-Shirt Sales
Watch this spot for a preview of
our winning T-Shirt design!
More details
St. Eugene’s 14th International
Food and Music Festival is on
Saturday, September 17, 2016.
Attention Business Owners, Professionals,
Self-Employed and Families
· Bulletin Advertisers Needed
Please consider placing an ad on the back of our
bulletin, as this enables us to receive our weekly
bulletins at no cost to the Parish.
Keith Canyon was at our parish office this past
week working on securing new ads for our
bulletin. For more info, please call Keith Canyon at
1 800 4774574, Ext. 6605 or at 276 266 7365 or
email him at [email protected]. Thank you!
All ladies of our parish are invited to
attend the
Ladies Guild End of Year Mass on
Saturday, May 28, 2016 at 8:00 a.m.
immediately followed by breakfast,
compliments of the Ladies Guild, at the
Country Café, 84 Hanor Lane, Wendell (inside the
Robinwood Retirement Center.) Please sign up with the
Ladies Guild in the Gathering Space May 14, 15, 21
and 22 or RSVP to [email protected] no
later than May 22, 2016.
Catholic Charities Counseling Services
are available to help adults and/or children cope with
numerous life issues, including depression, anxiety,
relationship challenges, family conflict and much
more. Counseling provided by highly skilled,
compassionate Licensed Counselors with an average of
15+ years of counseling experience. Most health
insurance accepted. Thanks to the Bishops Annual
Appeal, a subsidized fee scale is available for people
who cannot afford the full fee. Please call 790-8533
(Raleigh) or 388-3065 (Cary) to inquire about service
or schedule an appointment.
Catholic Parish Outreach
is in need of plastic and paper grocery bags!
Your donations are greatly appreciated.
2013 N. Raleigh Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604,
Phone: 919-873-0245, 10am - 1pm Monday - Saturday
It’s Time to Begin Festival Planning! Our next
meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 14 at
7:30pm. Please consider volunteering with us and
see what it’s all about! Mark your calendars for
Saturday, September 17, 2016 and let’s make this
festival one of our best yet!
Graduation Mass ~ Sunday, June 5 at 9am ~
Congratulations to you!!
Please join us for a Mass to recognize
and celebrate our High School and
College Graduates.
Graduates, please wear your caps and
gowns! A short reception follows.
Saint Eugene First Friday Seniors sponsor speaker
Kimberly Elks, RN at their meeting on
Friday, June 3 at 10am.
Did you know that 2 MILLION brain cells are lost
within the first minute that a stroke starts?
Please make plans to join us and learn how to spot the
signs and symptoms of a stroke, and healthy habits that
might decrease your chance of suffering a stroke.
Kimberly Elks has been a nurse for almost 40 years and is
the Stroke Program Coordinator at WakeMed, a position
she has held for the last fifteen years. She is passionate
about educating the community about strokes.
This event is open to the entire parish, and
light refreshments will be served.
May God Bless you on your First Communion!
Dios los Bendiga en su Primer Comunión!
Anahi Aguilar Cortez
Aidan Allardice
Lily Allardice
Samuel Allardice
Veronica Almanza Gonzalez
Sandra Almanza
Maria Arellano Delabra
Santos Arellano Delabra
Oscar Arguijo Torres
Adamaris Avila Baltazar
Lesly Vanessa Avila Garcia
Anayely Avila Garcia
Deena Ayala Martinez
Alexander Ayala Soto
Juan Ayala Soto
Dulce Denise Barrios Carranza
Estrella Kimberly Batista
Miguel Angel Braulio Madrid
Vi Broadfoot
Kevin Steven Candia Iglesias
Frida Abigail Carbajal Maya
Raul Castillo
Amayrani Castillo
Jason Castro Zapete
Brian Castro Zapete
Cooper Closson
Brian Espinosa Valdez
Jordi Erick Espinosa Valdez
Jason Espinosa Moreno
John Espinoza
Giovana Fajardo Bracamontes
Yadira Fajardo Bracamontes
Allan Fonseca Reyes
Eric Gabriel Fonseca Reyes
Samantha Franco
Mauricio Gallegos
Brisa Garcia Casares
Cynthia Garcia Cazares
Edith Garcia Molina
Alex Garcia Ponce
Anthony Garcia Pulquero
Chris Garcia Pulquero
Anthony Gonzalez
Brando Gonzalez
Vanessa Jesus Gonzalez Castro
Alan Francisco Graciano
Maria Fernanda Hernandez Barrios
Nicole Daniela Hernandez
Sarany Hernandez
Ariana Paola Hernandez Blanco
Kevin Yoan Hernandez Chaj
Victor Manuel Huerta
Nicholas Johnson
Danna Juarez
Evelyn Juarez Reyes
Ariadne Loeza Avila
Josahandy Loeza Avila
Sebastian Lopez Chavarria
Pablo Lule Becerra
Luis Angel Mendoza Apodaca
Mario Mendoza Apodaca
Carley Marie Middleton
Ian Christopher Middleton
Osvaldo Monreal Perez
Alfredo Morales
Kevin Nguyen
Linh Nguyen
Orlando Zaid Parra Mejia
Scarlett Patricio Lucas
Steven Amaya Ramirez
Alex Ramirez Lugo
Monserrat Ramirez Tapia
Jessica Margarita Ramirez Tapia
Paola Nicole Ramos
Arish Danel Rodriguez Mora
Josue Saavedra Flores
Selena Saavedra Flores
Teresa Saavedra Flores
Jamie Nataly Samayoa del Cid
Honorato San Juan Casio
Jan Santiago Lorenzo
Alan Solis Soto
Miguel Angel Solis Soto
Elizabeth Tarnaski
Christian Jessie Briones Torres
Emily Tovar
Justin Scott Tweedy
Brandon Vargas Bravo
Alex Vargas Bravo
Mariana Velasco Leon
Alexa Maria Villa Islas
Edwin Adany Villa Islas
Allison Lucille Williams
Zitlaly Zavala Lule
Luis Donavan Zavala Lule
~ Pastoral Advisory Council Elections ~
Congratulations to our newly elected PAC members!
Mark Byrd, Joe Howell and Dave Wagner
Thank you to our members “retiring” this year:
Tom Beneck, Frank Conn and Geri Ettensberger. Great job folks!

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