Diapositiva 1 - Escola d`Art i Superior de Disseny


Diapositiva 1 - Escola d`Art i Superior de Disseny
Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de les Illes Balears
Programa d'Aprenentatge Permanent (PAP)
Programa de Aprendizaje Permanente (PAP)
Lifelong Learning Program (LLP)
2008 – 2013/14
[email protected]
El Programa d’Aprenentatge Permanent pretén contribuir a la
creació d’una societat del coneixement avançada, amb un
desenvolupament econòmic sostenible, més i millors
possibilitats d’ocupació i una major cohesió social. L’objectiu
general és facilitar l’intercanvi, la cooperació i la mobilitat
entre els sistemes d’educació i formació dels països europeus
que hi participen, de manera que es converteixin en una
referència de qualitat en el món.
El Programa de Aprendizaje Permanente pretende contribuir a
la creación de una sociedad del conocimiento avanzada, con
un desarrollo económico sostenible, más y mejores
posibilidades de empleo y una mayor cohesión social. El
objetivo general es facilitar el intercambio, la cooperación y la
movilidad entre los sistemas de educación y formación de los
países europeos que participan, de forma que se conviertan en
una referencia de calidad en el mundo.
The Lifelong Learning Program contributes to create a society
of the knowledge advanced, with an economic sustainable
development, with more and better possibilities of
employment and a major social cohesion. The general aim is
to facilitate the exchange, the cooperation and the mobility
among the education and training systems of the European
countries that take part, so that they turn into a quality
reference into the world.
En aquest context, el programa Erasmus té com a objectiu
atendre les necessitats d’ensenyament i aprenentatge de tots
els participants en l’educació superior formal i en la formació
professional de nivell terciari, sigui quina sigui la durada de la
carrera o qualificació, inclosos els estudis de doctorat, i
atendre també les institucions que imparteixen aquest tipus de
En este contexto, el programa Erasmus tiene como objetivo
atender a las necesidades de enseñanza y aprendizaje de
todos los participantes en educación superior formal y en
formación profesional de nivel terciario, cualquiera que sea la
duración de la carrera o cualificación, incluidos los estudios de
doctorado, así como a las instituciones que imparten este tipo
de formación.
In this context, the Erasmus program has the aim to attend
the needs of education and learning of all the participants in
higher education and in vocational training of tertiary level, no
matter the duration of the career or qualification, included the
doctorate level, as well as to the institutions that give this type
of formation.
Carta Universitària Erasmus
Carta Universitaria Erasmus
University Erasmus Charter
Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny
de les Illes Balears
(Palma, Illes Balears, Spain)
Des de 1779 · Desde 1779 · Established in 1779
475 estudiants · estudiantes · students
50 personal docent · personal docente · teaching staff
10 personal no docent · personal no docente · other staff
Ensenyament Superior · Educación Superior · Higher Education
Disseny Gràfic · Diseño Grafico · Graphic Design
Disseny d’Interiors · Diseño de interiores · Interior Design
Disseny de Moda · Diseño de Moda · Fashion Design
Disseny de Producte · Diseño de Producto · Product Design
Joieria Artística · Joyería Artística · Artistic Jewellery
fotografia Artística · Fotografía Artística · Artistic Photography
Il·lustració · Ilustración · Illustration
higher education
short cycles studies
(EQF, level 5)
(EQF, level 5)
(EQF, level 5)
compulsory subjects
(120 ECTS)
compulsory subjects
(120 ECTS)
compulsory subjects
(1.675 hours)
(50 hours)
final major project
(150 hours)
higher education
1st cycle / undergraduated studies
(EQF, level 6)
(EQF, level 6)
(EQF, level 6)
(EQF, level 6)
core subjects (basics)
(74 ECTS)
graphic design
(114 ECTS)
interior design
(114 ECTS)
fashion design
(114 ECTS)
product design
(114 ECTS)
(26 ECTS)
(26 ECTS)
(26 ECTS)
(26 ECTS)
(12 ECTS)
final major project
(14 ECTS)
Organismo Autónomo Programas Educativos Europeos
Projecte Europass
Erasmus Policy Statement
Institution Strategy
The Escola Superior de Disseny de les Illes Balears is a College supported by the Regional Ministry of
Education and Culture of the Balearic Islands Government. It is located in the centre of Palma de Mallorca in
a historically classified building and has a long educational history in the arts and artistic crafts going back
more than two hundred years.
The overall aim of the ESDIB is to prepare the students for a life in a multicultural community and
information society and thus to facilitate their future employment.
The ESDIB by the participation in the Life Long Programme, especially in the Erasmus Program expects to
promote the European Dimension from students and teachers as well as to reinforce its strategy of
internationalisation and openness to other countries, cultures and academic institutions.
priorities for Erasmus activities:
Promote the cultural, linguistic, intellectual and professional opening of students and teachers;
Force the practical implementation of ECTS;
Provide our students with an education that is relevant not only for the Spanish labour market,
but also for European and international employment;
Support the development of bilateral and multilateral co-operation projects;
Initiate and develop the programme of international placements for students
Encourage the participation to professors in ERASMUS programmes;
Exchange of students and teaching staff within bilateral and multilateral agreements;
Promote the international activities of the administration staff;
Undertake measures to unify curricula with partnering higher education design schools;
Enhance quality through the participation in Thematic Network that makes possible the
interchange of knowledge and experience between the different European institutions;
Reinforce and develop the European dimension with the interchange activities.
Actions in context of the Life Long Learning Programme
To facilitate the transition to a knowledge-based society, we understand that Europe’s future depends on
the extent to which its citizens can face the economic and social challenges.
In order to reinforce their contribution to social cohesion, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, gender
equality and personal fulfilment as well as to promote creativity, competitiveness, employability and the
growth of an entrepreneurial spirit.
Specific actions planned to give visibility to Erasmus activitie: Promote the cultural, linguistic, intellectual
and professional opening of students and teachers;
In order to make Erasmus activities visible, the ESD will prominently publish them on the
website and promotional leaflets and on the notice-boards.
The school will promote mobility opportunities during Regular Internal Talks, meetings, the
College Open Days and Introduction Programmes for the new coming students in order to reach
all staff and students.
Non-discrimination objectives
The School complies with non-discrimination objectives: gender equality, integration of disabled students
and staff, enhancement of social and economic cohesion and combating xenophobia and racism. Our
building is accessible for students in wheelchairs.
We believe that supporting mobility and exchange of thought and experience will be the very best way to
dissolve cultural, racial and intellectual barriers. The College acknowledges and accepts its legal
responsibility under the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2001, Disability Discrimination Act 2005, the
Equality Act 2006 and the Discrimination Act 2006.
Erasmus Policy Statement
Quality of academic mobility activities
a) Recognition and credit systems
At present the credit system in the college is 1credit = 10 teaching hours. Up to this moment a recognition
and credit system has not been developed to support credit transfer but our institution will be willing to
adopt it once established in the context of the European Space for High Education and especially for
activities related to mobility (academic activities and training placement).
We are going to implement the ECTS credit system, as well as most High and/or University Studies in
Spain. The appropriate procedure to recognize their credits will be applied to any Erasmus students.
Participating in the Erasmus Programme will help the practical application of the ECTS Credit System in any
academic activities.
b) Provision of information on curricula
The information about curricula is published on the website: http://boib.caib.es.
On the school website http://www.escoladisseny.com you can find downloadable material about:
Information and counselling of outgoing students;
Regular information meetings;
Transparent selection process (student curricula, language test, personal interview);
Information about language courses either in Mallorca or abroad;
Outgoing students will be fully briefed prior to departure and provided with placement
for Incoming students we provide:
Information about language courses (Spanish and Catalan);
Use of learning agreement;
Help orientation for accommodation;
Information about libraries, computer facilities, examination regulation, students’
accommodation, students’ union, other information about living in Mallorca;
Information about the different events and activities the school organizes and/or takes part.
Incoming students will have a full orientation program and will be given assistance with
accommodation and welfare issues.
Quality of students placement activities
At the ESD the undergraduate students must take work experience in a working centre. Their stays in
European centres are recognized as part of their studies, taking into account that they will fulfil all
During the last years, many students have taken part on the Leonardo da Vinci programme.
The College acknowledges the key importance of placements, but in the high education degree, placements
are not compulsory at our curriculum.
We are implementing optional placements to our students, so in the near future we will be able to offer a
list of placement partnerships.
We have already proposed a work program which must be done and negotiated between the work partner
and the teaching staff. The arrangements will concern all major issues, including period of placements, plan
of work and insurance. The main goal is to achieve that students & staff & placements providers are fully
informed of their individual responsibilities in relation to successful and safe placements and promote
ownership of their learning experience under the supervision, guidance and approval of relevant academic
acords bilaterals
acuerdos bilaterales
bilateral agreements
Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail
Toulouse (France)
Akadémia umení v Banskej Bystrici
Banská Bystrica (Slovakia)
École Supérieure des Arts Appliqués Duperré
Paris (France)
Éscole Sup. des Art Appliqué et du Textile
Roubaix (France)
University of Art & Design Lausanne
Laussane (Switzerland)
Escola Sup. de Artes e Design ESAD CR/IPL
Instituto Politécnico de Leira
Caldas da Rainha (Leira, Portugal)
Hochsc. für angewandte Wissenschaft & Kunst
Hildesheim (Gemany)
New Bulgarian University
Sofia (Bulgaria)
École Supérieure Estienne
Paris (France)
Libera Academmia di Belle Arti di Roma
Rome (Italy)
Haute Ecole Francisco Ferrer
Brussels (Belgium)
Institut Politécnico de Viana do Castelo
Viana do Castelo (Portugal)
Velikoturnovski Universitet Sv. Sv. Kirik I Metodii
Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa w Radomiu
Radom (Poland)
Cardill Metropolitan University
LLandaff, Cardiff (Wales, United Kingdom)
Veliko Turnovo (Bulgaria)
visites preparatòries
visitas preparatorias
preparatory visits
Les visites preparatòries (PV) es presenten com una ajuda a
les institucions d’educació superior que desitgen participar en
el programa Erasmus a conèixer altres centres educatius
adequats per a associar-se.
Las visitas preparatorias (PV) se presentan como una ayuda a
las instituciones de educación superior que desean participar
en el programa Erasmus a conocer otros centros educativos
adecuados para asociarse.
The main objective of the preparatory visits (PV) is to help
higher education institutions (HEI) to establish contacts with
prospective partner institutions.
2009-2010 PV experience - outgoing
organització de la mobilitat
organización de la movilidad
organization of mobility
L‘organització de la mobilitat (OM) té com a finalitat crear les
condicions òptimes, per mitjà de mesures de suport a la
qualitat, perquè els estudiants, els docents i el personal
d’aquestes institucions, realitzen períodes d’aprenentatge o
d’ensenyament en institucions d’educació superior o en
organitzacions d’altres països participants.
La organización de la movilidad (OM) tiene por finalidad crear
las condiciones óptimas, por medio de medidas de apoyo a la
calidad, para que los estudiantes, los docentes y el personal
de dichas instituciones, realicen periodos de aprendizaje o de
enseñanza en instituciones de Educación superior o en
organizaciones de otros países participantes.
The organization of mobility involves creating optimal
conditions, through quality support measures, for students
and staff to undertake periods of learning or teaching at higher
education institutions or, in some cases, enterprises in other
participating countries.
2009-2010 OM experience - outgoing
2010-2011 OM experience - incoming
2011-2012 OM experience - outgoing
2012-2013 OM experience - outgoing
2013-2014 OM experience - outgoing
mobilitat d’estudiants
movilidad de estudiantes
student mobility
La mobilitat d’estudiants (SMS) consisteix en la realització d’un
període d’estudis en una institució d’educació superior a un
altre país europeu. Al final d’aquest, la institució d’origen de
desenvolupats. Durant aquest període, l’estudiant estarà
exempt del pagament de les taxes acadèmiques a la institució
La movilidad de estudiantes (SMS) consiste en la realización
de un período de estudios en una institución de educación
superior de otro país europeo. Al final del mismo, la institución
de origen del estudiante reconocerá academicamente los
estudios realizados. Durante este periodo, el estudiante estará
exento de pagar tasas académicas en la institución de
Student mobility (SMS) consists of the accomplishment of a
period of studies in a higher education institution of another
European country. At the end it, the students origin's
institution will recognize academics. During this period, the
student will be exempt from paying academic rates in the
institution of reception.
2009-2010 SMS experience - incoming
2010-2011 SMS experience - incoming
2010-2011 SMS experience - outgoing
2011-2012 SMS experience - incoming
2011-2012 SMS experience - outgoing
2012-2013 SMS experience - incoming
2012-2013 SMS experience - outgoing
2013-2014 SMS experience - incoming
2013-2014 SMS experience - outgoing
mobilitat docent
movilidad docente
teaching staff mobility
L’activitat principal de la mobilitat docent (STA) és
l’ensenyament impartit per un professor d’una Institució
educació superior, o per personal d’una empresa, en una altra
institució d’educació superior d’un país soci, encara que també
es puguin desenvolupar altres activitats.
La actividad principal de la movilidad docente (STA) es la
enseñanza impartida por un profesor de una institución de
educación superior, o por personal de una empresa, en otra
institución de educación superior de un país socio, aunque
también puedan desarrollarse otras actividades.
The principal activity of staff mobility (STA) is that teachers of
a higher education institution, or personnel of a company,
teaches in another higher education institution of a country
associated, though other activities are welcome.
2009-2010 STA experience - incoming
2010-2011 STA experience - incoming
2010-2011 SMS experience - outgoing
2011-2012 STA experience - incoming
2011-2012 STA experience - outgoing
2012-2013 STA experience – incoming
2012-2013 STA experience - outgoing
2013-2014 STA experience - incoming
2013-2014 STA experience - outgoing
mobilitat personal no docent
movilidad personal no docente
administrative staff mobility
El programa de mobilitat del personal no docent (STT) permet
als beneficiaris adquirir coneixements basats en l’experiència i
les bones pràctiques, així com aptituds pràctiques pertinents
per al seu lloc de treball i el seu desenvolupament
El programa de movilidad del personal no docente (STT)
permite a los beneficiarios adquirir conocimientos basados ​en
la experiencia y las buenas prácticas, así como aptitudes
prácticas pertinentes para su puesto de trabajo y su desarrollo
The program of administrative staff mobility (STT) allow
people to acquire knowledge based on experience and best
practices and practical skills relevant to their job and their
professional development.
2011-2012 STT experience - incoming
2012-2013 STT experience - incoming
2013-2014 STT experience - incoming
2013-2014 STT experience - outgoing
visites d’estudis
visitas de estudios
study visits
Les visites d’estudis (SV) constitueixen un fòrum de debat,
intercanvi i aprenentatge sobre temes d’interès comú i sobre
les prioritats europees i nacionals. El CEDEFOP coordina el
programa a nivell europeu per la Comissió Europea des del 1
de gener de 2008.
Las visitas de estudios (SV) constituyen un foro de debate,
intercambio y aprendizaje sobre temas de interés común y
sobre las prioridades europeas y nacionales. El CEDEFOP
coordina el programa a nivel europeo para la Comisión
Europea desde el 1 de enero de 2008.
The study visits (SV) provide a forum for discussion, exchange
and learning on themes of common interest and on European
and national priorities. The CEDEFOP coordinates the
programme at European level for the European Commission
since the 1 January 2008.
Programa Intensiu Erasmus
Programa Intensivo Erasmus
Erasmus Intensive Progamme
Un programa intensiu Erasmus (IP) és un breu programa
d’estudi que reuneix a estudiants i professors d’institucions
d’educació superior d'almenys tres països participants. Pot
durar de 10 dies complets continus a 6 setmanes de treball
relacionada amb un tema proposat per l’organització.
Un programa intensivo Erasmus (IP) es un breve programa de
estudio que reúne a estudiantes y profesores de instituciones
de educación superior de al menos tres países participantes.
Puede durar de 10 días completos continuos a 6 semanas de
trabajo relacionada con un tema propuesto por la
An Erasmus Intensive Program (IP) is a short program of
study which brings together students and teaching staff from
higher education institutions of at least three participating
countries. It can last from 10 continuous full days to 6 weeks
of subject related work.
Pràctiques externes
Prácticas externas
L‘escola d’art i superior de disseny de les illes balears forma part
d’un consorci gestionat per la CAEB, que dóna als estudiants la
possibilitat de fer pràctiques externes a través del programa
Erasmus (SMP). També ofereix l’oportunitat de fer pràctiques
d’empreses als titulats a través del programa Leonardo da Vinci
(LV). Podeu consultar les bases a la pàgina web d’aquesta
La escola d’art i superior de disseny de les illes balears forma parte
de un consorcio gestionado por la CAEB, que posibilita a los
estudiantes la realización de prácticas extenas en una empresa
europea a través del programa Erasmus (SMP). También ofrece la
oportunidad de realizar prácticas a los titulados a través del
programa Leonardo da Vinci (LV). Podéis consultar las bases en la
página web de esta institución.
The escola d’art i superior de disseny de les Illes Balears takes part
of a consortium managed by the CAEB, which makes students the
accomplishment of placements in an European company with the
Erasmus program (SMP). There is also the opportunity of
placements for graduates too with the Leonardo da Vinci program
(LV). You can consult the bases in the web page of this institution.
Beques Erasmus per practiques externes (Erasmus placements)
SPEC 2009-2010 Students Placements in European Companies
SPEC 2010-2011 Students Placements in European Companies
SPEC 2011-2012 Students Placements in European Companies
SPEC 2012-2013 Students Placements in European Companies
SPEC 2013-2014 Students Placements in European Companies
Beques Leonardo per titulats (Leonardo Da Vinci)
PEC 2008-2009 Placements in European Companies
PEC 2009-2011 Placements in European Companies
PEC 2011-2013 Placements in European Companies
PEC 2013-2015 Placements in European Companies
Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de les Illes Balears
Programa d'Aprenentatge Permanent (PAP)
Programa de Aprendizaje Permanente (PAP)
Lifelong Learning Program (LLP)
2008 – 2013/14
[email protected]

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