Home of the Wildcats! - Lapwai School District #341


Home of the Wildcats! - Lapwai School District #341
January 13, 2014
Home of the Wildcats!
Dates to Remember!
Important Contact Info:
 Jan 13-17– Finals Week
 Jan 15- Explore Testing—8th grade
Mrs. Shubert
843-2241 x205
Main Office secretary
Rhonda Taylor
Lapwai Middle/High School
Humanities Showcase Night
Jan 29, 2014 (4:30-6:00 P.M.)
Attendance secretary:
Mrs. Stavros 843-2241
Lapwai District Office
Counseling office
Mr. Penney
843-2241 x 102
Activities DirectorMrs. Walker
Bus Route info–
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your Wildcat News quickly and efficiently!
Please send your email address to
[email protected] to be added to our
newsletter list.
By creating a Lapwai Middle/High School
Humanities Showcase Night, students will
be able to celebrate their talents while
motivating and rewarding them for their
hard work in the area of Humanities.
We will also be able to recognize the gifts,
multi-intelligences, and talents of our
students by creating a Lapwai Humanities
Showcase twice a year.
The students in the following classes will
present or display their talents that night:
•Tina Stacy/Jenny Williams Native Arts
•Tina Stacy Native American Written
•Mrs. Walker Native Studies and Nez
Perce Language
•6th Grade Chimburas Poetry Night
•Nez Perce Language Arts Knowledge
•Peggy Fiske Arts
•And others!
 Jan 20th– No School MLK day
 Jan 21st– Health Fair, 12:35– 3:30
in the library.
 Jan 24th– No School (end of 2nd
quarter, grading day)
 Jan 27– Beginning of 3rd quarter
 Jan 27-31– STAR testing (all
 Jan 29– Humanities Showcase
 Jan 29– FAFSA night, Seniors and
their families
Tue, Jan 28th 12:00-4:00
Thur, Jan 30th 12:00-4:00
Tue, Feb 25th 12:00-4:00
Thur, Feb 27th 12:00-4:00
Wildcat Spring Break Attendance Incentive
Our fall and winter attendance campaigns were a huge success.
We decided to keep the momentum going with more incentives.
BREAK: January 6th – March 26th will be entered into a drawing to
win an iPod Touch valued at $229. Parents of the winning student
will automatically win a Walmart gift card for $100!
“News From the Principal’s Desk”
Dear Wildcat Parents/Guardians:
This week we have spent time focusing on our school wide expectations: “Be Respectful, Be
Responsible, Be Safe.” We created posters on Monday showcasing what appropriate behavior looks
like, and our drama class created skits showing how to behave appropriately. Now would be a
wonderful time to review expectations with your child at home and to ask how things are going at
We would like to continue to see our attendance improve. Attendance is a critical factor in student
success. Students should attend school and be on-time (8:15) every day. Even when a student
receives make up work it is difficult to replace the instruction students receive in the classroom.
In order to fulfill our mission statement, “Together, we ensure all students will reach their full potential”,
it is essential that families and teachers work together as a team. It is our parents’ enthusiasm,
involvement, and support that help to inspire children to do their best work. Some opportunities for
involvement at Lapwai Middle/High School include parent participation in our committees (Indian Parent
Committee, Family Engagement Team, and District Leadership Team), volunteering during school
hours, participation in tutoring activities, and supporting our athletic programs. If you are interested in
becoming involved in any of these activities please call me at anytime.
Mrs. Jennifer Shubert
From the Counseling Office
Seniors attended the LCSC “FAFSA” workshop on Jan 8th. We encourage them to complete the
application with their families. Be aware that funding is often “first-come-first-served”
Scholarship deadlines are ending soon and you MUST apply to be
eligible, but it is not too late! You have nothing to lose by
The grades you receive in ALL
your classes will affect your GPA,
even if you don’t need that class
to graduate.
“Important Dates:
 Jan 24– Seniors should request a 7th Semester transcript be sent to the
colleges they applied for ( Keep your grades up! )
Your GPA can affect your
 March 11– Compass Testing for all Juniors. This is an important college
acceptance into college, your
eligibility for scholarships, and
placement test that evaluates students skills to help place them in
your application to the military,
appropriate college courses . It is untimed, allowing students to relax and
and more.
truly do their best.
 March 19– Juniors will attend the North Idaho – Higher Education Day at
Please speak with the Counseling
Lewis-Clark State College in Lewiston, Idaho.
Office or your Advisory Class
 April 16,- Juniors will take the SAT test. It is never too early to prepare for
teacher if you have questions
the SAT!!!! The SAT tests academic skills and knowledge and how well they
apply that knowledge. In addition to admission, the SAT can connect students to scholarships, merit aid and
course placement.
Wildcats start the
year out right!
Student Council– Contact: Lydia Skahan, President.
Nez Perce Language Club Contact: Angel Sobotta.
Meetings on Thursdays in Mrs. Walker’s room 2:30- 3:00pm.
Cheerleading Contact: Catherine Bigman
Japanese Club—Contact: Ben Broadbent.
Meets Tuesdays at 3:30 in Rm 320. Learn about the language
and culture of Japan. Fifteen minutes of Japanese language
then videos and other fun stuff.
BPA: Contact: Georgia Kerby. Meeting twice monthly in Ms.
Kerby’s room, 341. BPA ( Business Professionals of America) is
club not a class, It is similar to FFA but it deals with business
instead of agriculture.
The first week back after the New
Year found the Wildcats starting
out on the right foot with a focus on
reviewing school-wide expectations.
Monday, students participated in
round-table discussion and created
colorful posters to help make
Lapwai Middle/High School hallways a Respectful, Responsible,
and Safe place to be!
Mrs. Scott’s Drama students rehearsed throughout the week to
perform in Friday’s Welcome Back Assembly with skits
illustrating school-wide expectations in a variety of settings.
Sixth grade students Zeke Jordan, Roman Liedkie, and Andrea
Domebo (pictured in foreground) shared the meaning of being
Respectful, Responsible, and Safe with the help of upper
classmen, Judah Swift, Michael Skinner, and Marquel Shawl.
(pictured in the background)
When asked of BPA and their current happenings Mrs. Kerby
had to say “ we are working on presentations that individuals
and teams will showcase at LCSC Jan, 24th 8am-2:30pm.”
What sort of presentations? “All kinds, examples include: a
video production on dehydration, a digital media production for
promoting the 2015 national conference, demos on
parliamentary procedure, and PowerPoint presentations dealing
with international trade and team building.” “anyone who places
1st or 2nd at regionals will go to state!”
(Thank you to student Chris Spann for his contributions to
this feature!)
Senior Parents- Contact: Misty Wisdom. Meetings are held
every-other Wednesday. ([email protected]).
Indian Club– Contact: Jenny Williams
Idaho Lives Project
Lapwai School District has been selected to
participate in the initial phase of the Idaho Lives
Project, a partnership between the state and the
Suicide Prevention Action Network of Idaho (SPAN
Idaho) to reduce the prevalence of suicide among
youth ages 10-24 in Idaho.
Selected schools will receive support and training
aimed at preventing suicide, bullying and substance
abuse. In addition, the Idaho Lives Project will work
directly with the communities surrounding these
schools to focus on training mental health providers
and other stakeholders to prevent and respond to
suicide crises.
Idaho ranks among the top five states for teen
suicides and in the top ten states for overall
Please contact the district for more information.
As winter continues in the
valley, we will be using our automated phone alert system to
notify you of school closures due to road conditions. It is
critical to keep us informed about changes in your contact
information, ensuring we have correct phone numbers on
record. School closures will also be announced by the
following television and radio stations:
Television Channel: KXLY Channel 4
Radio Stations: KATW 101.5 FM, KCLK 94.1 FM, KRLC
1350 AM, and KZID 98.5 FM.
Growing through art
In an effort to grow and develop the art department,
sometimes there will be a need for supplies. Some
needs won’t cost a dime. Mrs. Fiske will be collecting
art supplies from time to time. If you have any art
supplies you would like to donate to our art
department, Mrs. Fiske will take them and put them to good use. She
will be pursuing grant money to expand the art department as well.
Mrs. Fiske wants everyone to remember that her door is
always open for anyone that needs help. She is looking forward to
working with all the students as well as the community. Mrs. Fiske is
excited and can’t wait to watch people grow in their artwork.
Story contribution by Chris Spann
Lapwai FFA Chapter–
Devin Boyer reports that approximately 25 Lapwai
students will be competing in the FFA Career Development Event
in Moscow, Friday, Jan 17th. Results will be posted in next
month’s Newsletter.
If I have 3 bones and Mr. Jones takes away 2,
how many fingers will he have left?
Class Spotlight
It is very exciting to see these students move through
this course. Most of them have good study habits,
know how to ask for help, and generally have very
This month’s “Class Spotlight” was contributed pleasant personalities. Students can take College
by Adam Rogers. Adam chose to interview Mr. Algebra if they finish Algebra 1 in the 9th grade,
Palmer. This is what he had to say:
Geometry in the 10th and Algebra 2 in the 11th. By
“My two college math classes are my favorite taking College Algebra in High School most students
will enter college and never have to take another
this year. These are primarily seniors who already
math class unless they are pursuing higher math or
understand my expectations and what it takes to
science degrees. I hope more and more students will
pass a math class. The 8 students in my LCSC
finish their Algebra 1 in the 9th grade so they can
Applied Math class is mixed in with 3 students
taking Algebra 2 and 2 students taking Intermediate take College Algebra as seniors.”
Algebra. This makes for a very interesting day
teaching 3 classes in one room. Right now all
students are passing which is always rewarding for a
Mr. Palmer
My UI College Algebra class has 15 students who are
working on very advanced Algebra concepts that
prepare them for Calculus. These are senior who I
started with teaching Math 87 in the seventh grade.
Around age 50 he decided that he would do
what he wanted to do, not what he had to do.
In his free time Mr. Palmer likes to study the
In this month’s teacher feature we would like
bible, play guitar, and sing. His favorite
to honor Mr. Palmer. He wanted to be a
pastime is spending face-time with
teacher because he likes to watch students
granddaughter, Kinsley.
discover how smart they really are. He has
been teaching for 11 years. Six of those years
he has been teaching math. If he had a choice
to teach a class that he doesn’t teach right
Story contributed by
now, it would be World History. He didn’t
Chris Spann
always know that he wanted to be a teacher.
Mr. Palmer with Kinsley
Student on the Street
Column by Adam Rogers and Chris Spann
Our Question of the Month:
What classes would you like to see offered at Lapwai High School?
Answers were as follows:
“I wish we had home economics” -Stephanie Baptiste, 12th grade female
“I think we should have more mythology classes, choir, or a photography
“Home economics” -Mariah Penny, 11th grade female
“Spanish Class” -Teegan Tucker, 10th grade female
“Band Class”- Lenae Gilbert, 9th grade female
“Choir or Band” - Dawn Jordan, 10th grade female
“Sports Medicine or Adult Preparation” - Nico Higheagle, 12th grade male
“More business classes!” - -anonymous, 11th grade female
“World History”- anonymous, 12th grade male
“Spanish Class, we need a foreign language that isn’t online,” Michael Skinner, 12th grade male.
Lapwai Middle/High School Library offers books for check out
and computers for research and information, as
Featured Book Series of the Month
well as space for students to socialize and relax.
The “Halo” Trilogy by Alexandra Adornetto
Mrs. Coats
Lapwai student Stephanie Baptiste explained the
series to Mrs. Coats.
“Blind Date with a Book” Contest
It is true that you can’t judge a book by it’s cover, but yet that is often
what we do when it comes to picking a book in the
library! To help students try something new, we
are having a “Blind Date with a Book” contest.
Students are invited to visit the library and choose
a plain-brown-paper-wrapped book from our “Blind
Date with a Book” display.
To enter the contest, students must spend at least 1 week getting to
know their book to see if they have anything in common. If they do,
great! If not, they can just return it: Its feelings won’t be hurt!
Once they have spent a week with their “date”, they can fill out the
“Rate Your Date” form inside the book and turn it in to library to be
entered into the drawing.
On February 14th, Mrs. Coats will draw out one prize-winning name
from those who participated and award them 2 tickets to the Village
Centre Cinemas in Lewiston.
Halo: Three angels arrive on earth to guard its
residents against the dark work of Lucifer’s
demons. The angels blend in with teenagers at a
high school, but one of them, Bethany, meets a boy
who has a troubled past and falls in love with him.
Hades: Our angle, Bethany, is tricked into a
motorcycle ride that takes her straight into the
underworld. What price will she have to pay to
come back?
Heaven: She has literally been to the Inferno and
back. Now Bethany is facing the prospect of being
called back to Heaven from Earth and leaving the
love of her life. What price will she have to pay to
Sound good? Check out the Halo Series at the
library today!
Contact info–
High School Boys Basketball
Jan 13
@Kendrick 6:00/7:30
Jan 18
Troy 1:00/2:30
Jan 21
Kamiah 6:00/7:00
Jan 24
Jan 27
Jan 30
@Prairie 6:00/7:00
Feb 1
Feb 6
Feb 11
Feb 14
Boys High School Basketball Coaches:
Josh Leighton Jr.
Carlos Chimburas
Girls High School Basketball Coaches:
Shawn Spencer
Rebecca Miles
Senior Night
District Tournament Feb 19, 21, 24, 26
State play-in game March 1
In order to participate in Lapwai
Middle/High School Athletics,
athletes must:
High School Girls Basketball
Jan 17
Jan 13
Jan 25
CV 1:00/3:00
Jan 28
Jan 31
Feb 1
@Troy 1:00/4:00 (quad)
Districts: Feb 5,7,8,12 @LCSC
State play-ins: Feb 15th@St. Maries
State: Feb 20-22 in Nampa
Attend all practices (students not
attending the practice prior to a game will
be ineligible for that contest).
Travel with the team unless prior
arrangements have been made. (Parents
must sign-out athletes).
Maintain a “C” or better in all classes.
Be at school ALL DAY on game day.
Be drug and alcohol free.
Behave appropriately at all times (no
detention or behavior forms)
Respect team mates and coaches
Respect equipment.
Use appropriate language.
For additional information on athletics,
please visit www.whitepineleague.com.
Middle School Girls Basketball
Jan 21
Sacajawea (elementary)
Jan 23
Jan 28
Jenifer (elementary)
Jan 30
@Moscow (HS)
Feb 4
Feb 6
Clarkston (elementary)
Feb 11
Feb 13
Feb 25
Middle School
Basketball Coaches
Middle School Girls Basketball Coaches:
Ray Ellenwood
Brooklyn Baptiste
Middle School Boys Basketball Coaches:
Ray Ellenwood
Tami Church
Middle School Boys Basketball Season in review
Coach Mrs. Church Reflects on the Season
Middle School Boy’s Basketball Coach, Mrs. Church was
asked to reflect on this season’s games. She shared her
thoughts with student reporter, Chris Spann:
Middle school boys’ basketball had a good season. There are
two teams, an 8th grade team and a 6th/7th grade team.
Both teams had a record of 9 wins and 2 losses It was a
successful season, despite having 28 players with the teams
combined. That was one of the most prominent challenges
Student reporter Adam Rogers
spoke with Gear Up staff
member Lori Rogers:
with the season, trying to play everybody. The strengths of
the season were good athletes with good attitudes and work
ethic. We asked Mrs. Church where she envisioned the
team was going, and she said, “It’s hard to say what is going to happen, there is always a new group of kids.”
Contribution by Newsletter Reporter, Chris Spann
Lori Rogers, Gear-Up staff member,
reminds students that she offers afterschool tutoring in all subjects from 3:30
to 4:30 every school day but Fridays.
This month Gear Up is
involved in a new fundraiser:
“Pennies for Patients”. It is put
on by the Leukemia and
Lymphoma society. It donates
to fund research, improve
public health, and provide
professional education. The 8th
and 9th grades will be donating
the most, but feel free to help
out too! This program begins
Jan, 15th and ends Jan, 21st.
bring donations to Lori Rogers,
Gear up.
Gear Up (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for
Undergraduate Programs) is a grant-funded program
that provides tutoring and college preparation.
Although the program benefits all students, the key
focus is on 8th and 9th grade classes.
If you are reading this in paper format,
please know that we are online, and you
can visit our district website at
lapwaidistrict.org. Our website now
includes information for parents on the
new assessments in Idaho and the
Common Core State Standards. Please
check these resources regularly for
important updates
In addition, you can follow
us on Facebook under:
Lapwai School District #341.
You can also “like” us on our Facebook
page at “Lapwai Middle/High Gear Up”
to be sure not to miss anything that
Gear Up has going on.
STEP Grant SCI Survey
FAFSA Night!
We will be administering a
School Community Index
Survey through the STEP
grant from January 21February 5. This survey
will give parents the
opportunity to tell us what
we are doing well and in
what areas we can
improve. We will be set up
in the gym during home
games on Jan 23rd , 24th,
and 25th for parents to
take the survey regarding
our school’s needs and
strengths and will have
computers available
during our FAFSA night
on the 29th. Please take a
few minutes to drop by
and take this survey.
January 29th
Randy Bennett of Bridge
Idaho, Upward Bound will
be on hand to help Seniors
and parents complete and
submit the FAFSA in the
High School Commons on
January 29th beginning at
4:30 P.M. The Free
Application for Federal
Student Aid (FAFSA) is
a form used annually
and submitted to your
college of choice to
determine eligibility for
student financial aid
Wildcat Community News?
Contact me if you have anything you would like to see
featured in the next issue of the Wildcat Newsletter.
I welcome your comments on current newsletter
I hope to hear from you!
Vickie Coats library Clerk/Newsletter Editor
[email protected]
208– 843-2241 x213
Thank you for remembering……………..
Parents, please schedule appointments for
after-school hours whenever possible! Even
on Fridays. Fridays are short, but these days
will remain crucial to your child’s education.
Absences on Fridays will not only impact our
funding, but these students will be at a
disadvantage and behind in their learning.
Please continue to join us in this effort to
ensure all students reach their full potential.
Nez Perce Language Knowledge Bowl Participants!
Nez Perce Language Knowledge Bowl was held Dec 19th at Payniwaas.
Ten teams participated. Primarily 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades from
Lapwai School District.
1. Madison Brown, Angalicia Gonzalez, Andrea Dombeo, Lucy Bohnee
2. Joe Eneas, Tarriq Wells, Raylin Shippentower, and Austin Broncheau
3. Vada Johnson, Julia Gould, Lakota Chimburas, and Michiah Hayes
4. Delia LeClaire, Moses Lawrence, Samuel Ellenwood, and David
5. Dailyn Moreno, Justin Rabago-Johnson, Tru Allen, and Mick
6. Nate Mosqueda, Julian Badoni, Manuel Covers-up, Roman Liedkie
7. Althea Ellenwood, KC Lussoro, Shaylee Bisbee, and Josiah
8. Farley EagleSpeaker, Talina TwoMoon, Omari Mitchell, and Benae
9. Chaia Powaukee, Glory, Grace, and Faith Sobotta
10.Chloe Thompson, Amil Mitchell, Hattie Covers-up, and Payton
4th PLACE: Chaia Powaukee, Glory, Grace, and Faith Sobotta
3rd PLACE: Dailyn Moreno, Justin Rabago-Johnson, Tru Allen, and
2nd PLACE: Chloe Thompson, Amil Mitchell, Hattie Covers-up, and
Payton Sobotta
1st PLACE: Farley EagleSpeaker, Talina TwoMoon, Omari Mitchell, and
Benae Wright
Wheeler. 1st place received $35 Moccasin Flat Gift Certificates and each
places and participants received a certificate for participating.
and Teri Wagner
(Elementary Principal) for working with the NPLP staff to make the event
possible. Mrs. Penney and Mrs. Chimburas for their support and
participation during the whole day and for setting time aside to learn the
NPL. Parents and community members who came by and supported the
Nez Perce Language Program. Also thanks to Quincy and Kiri for helping
set-up and save the date for our Program. AND ALL THE STUDENTS
‘ilexni qe’ciyew’yew (many thanks)
Bessie Walker
NPLP Coordinator

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