S15 Spanish_BodyMindSpirit


S15 Spanish_BodyMindSpirit
Body, Mind & Spirit Titles
in Spanish
Spring 2015
Los Ángeles de Atlantis
F. E. Eckard Strohm
An inspiring book, Los Ángeles de Atlantis teaches us an often forgotten technique: the ability to connect with
angels-forces with individualized consciousnesses. When we receive their wisdom, we are thus able to heal
ourselves and those around us. This may sound like a fantastical tale; however, it is nothing but an application
of the ancient Atlantic wisdom, fragmented but preserved to this day. Los Ángeles de Atlantis, by means of
simple exercises, will open you to the possibility of accessing a new cosmic consciousness, full of wealth, joy,
happiness, and harmony within your environment through animals, plants, and nature.
Contributor Bio
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 8/1/15
$18.95/$22.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
F. E. Eckard Strohm is the founder and president of the International Reiki Association, one of the largest
organizations in the world that focuses on natural and energy healings. He travels and spreads his teachings
throughout Europe and America.
220 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Angels & Spirit Guides
6 in W | 8.5 in H
Descubre a los Ángeles
Marco Rocdevick
Discover the fascinating world of celestial hierarchy, from the most famous to the least known. In your life, there
is always an angel that shadows you, attending to your calls and prayers. It doesn't matter whom we name as
an angel, spirit, or demon; what matters is that we treat them as an energy that interacts with us, that is
impossible to rationalize. This book, like its protagonists, pretends to always accompany you, offer answers to
life's questions, and serves as consultation with the process of growing closer to angels.
Contributor Bio
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 12/1/14
$16.00/$18.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Marco Rocdevick is a professor, a journalist, a writer, an anthropologist, and an investigator of the mysteries of
the world. He has compiled a vast amount of material on the phenomenon of angels.
218 Pages
Carton Qty: 60
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Angels & Spirit Guides
Series: Swing Universum
5.3 in W | 6.8 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 1
Más allá de los ángeles
Descubre su sorprendente historia, contacta con ellos y mejora tu vida
Marco Rocdevick
Examining the phenomenon of angels from a variety of viewpoints and across a range of religious and cultural
traditions-including Christian, Islamic, Jewish, and ancient Egyptian-this discussion includes the history of angels,
their appearance, their demon counterparts, and the hierarchy that governs them. The interaction between
angels and humans is also described, explaining how angels communicate and how to respond, how to attract a
guardian angel, and the role that angels have in daily life. Gorgeous color illustrations ensure that this survey is
as visually fascinating as it is informative.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 7/17/12
$23.95/$26.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
224 Pages
Carton Qty: 44
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Angels & Spirit Guides
6 in W | 7.3 in H | 1 lb Wt
Examinando el fenómeno de los ángeles desde distintos puntos de vista y mediante una gama de tradiciones
religiosas y culturales-incluyendo la cristiana, la islámica, la judía y la del Antiguo Egipto-esta discusión repasa la
historia de los ángeles, su apariencia, sus homólogos demoníacos y la jerarquía que los gobierna. La interacción
entre los ángeles y los humanos también es descrita, explicando cómo los ángeles se comunican y cómo
responderles, cómo atraer un ángel de la guarda y el papel que desempeñan los ángeles en la vida cotidiana.
Ilustraciones espléndidas a todo color aseguran...
Contributor Bio
Marco Rocdevick is an anthropologist, a journalist, a writer, and a researcher specializing in enigmas.
Diccionario práctico de los ángeles
Emmanuelle Morgane
Drawing from accounts from the major world religions, this lucid account argues that angels exist outside of any
particular religious persuasion and subtly accompany, protect, and love people. This profusely illustrated guide
then aims to help readers contact and converse with angels through provided prayers and invocations.
Sacando información de relatos de las religiones de primer orden mundial, este relato lúcido argumenta que los
ángeles existen a fuera de una confesión y sutilmente acompañan, protegen y aman a la gente. Esta guía
profusamente ilustrada luego intenta ayudar a los lectores ponerse en contacto y conversar con los ángeles a
través de oraciones e invocaciones provistas.
Contributor Bio
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 1/1/07
$28.95/$31.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Emmanuelle Morgane is the author of several books in his native French.
368 Pages
Carton Qty: 22
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Angels & Spirit Guides
6.7 in W | 9.5 in H | 1 in T |
1.7 lb Wt
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 2
Los maestros de Atlantis
F. E. Eckard Strohm
One day, archangel Uriel is presented to Master Eckard Strohm and gives him a surprising order. He urges him to
visit the Akahsic Archives and travel to the remote past of Atlantis, the capital of the long-lost continent, and
to write about what he finds. This book is the surprising story of his journey traveling back in time 60,000 years,
where he uncovers some of the secrets from their civilization. For the first time, the 22 cards of the Major
Arcana are presented in Spanish. This amazing book lets you in on the surprising truth about this lost continent.
Contributor Bio
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 8/1/15
$18.95/$22.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
F. E. Eckard Strohm is the founder and president of the International Reiki Association, one of the largest
organizations in the world that focuses on natural and energy healings. He travels and spreads his teachings
throughout Europe and America.
284 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit /
6 in W | 8.5 in H
Una vida entre el cielo y la tierra
Yohana García
Editorial Pax Mexico
Pub Date: 11/1/05
$17.95/$24.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
208 Pages
Carton Qty: 80
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
After suffering from a long illness Francesco arrives at heaven's gate, disoriented but safe. Upon his arrival
spiritual teachers show him ways that he could have reached his potential more fully and made choices that
could have brought him a stronger sense of internal strength. These distinct and moving writings-based on the
spiritual teachings of the Akashika Registry-take the reader up to heaven so that he may return to earth with
the understanding that one's death is not one's end.
Después de sufrir una larga enfermedad, Francesco, un poco desorientado, empieza la aventura que emprende al
llegar al cielo. Los maestros espirituales le muestran cómo tendría que haber vivido para crecer, y cómo se hace
para lograr lo que cada uno desea para lograr el bienestar interior. Estas escrituras conmovedoras-basadas en
las enseñazas de los Registros Akáshicos-llevan al lector hasta el cielo para que después regrese a su vida y
comience a dejar huellas en la tierra.
Contributor Bio
Yohana García is a well-known teacher of the Akashika Registry and has conducted numerous workshops and
seminars in Latin America.
5.5 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.4 in T
| 0.6 lb Wt
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 3
Francesco: El llamado
Yohana García
The main character, Agustin, was named Francesco in another life. He was a confused and indecisive man who
had to die to understand, thanks to the teachings of his spiritual guides, the feeling of existence and of
happiness. Now, Agustín has met Camila, who he knew when he was in Heaven. By the hands of a wise and
exceptional teacher, they both will learn the way to self-realization that will take them on very different paths.
Each one will find answers to what they have been searching for, and they will discover that the things that
they need will come in due time, that we are all part of a grand, divine plan and that our actions affect the lives
of others. But Yohana García also utilized as inspiration the thousands of emails and letters that have been sent
by readers, sharing their personal experiences, and through this, the gifts that they received and the miracles
that gave a turn to their existence.
Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Pub Date: 11/1/11
$14.95/$17.00 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Yohana Garcia is a writer, lecturer and therapist. She has a Masters degree and is an International Trainer in
the Neurolinguistic Program for the Southern Institute of NLP. She is the author of the successful books
Francesco: A Life Between Heaven and Earth, and Francesco Decides to be Reborn.
192 Pages
Carton Qty: 44
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Angels & Spirit Guides
6 in W | 9 in H | 0.5 lb Wt
Francesco decide volver a nacer
Yohana García
After the international success achieved by Francesco: A Life Between Heaven and Earth, this new and
fascinating book enriches the message of life and the hope of Yohana Garcia, an author whose work has
conquered thousands of readers. Here we once again find Francesco, who, after a stay in Heaven, has received
advice and teaching from the great masters, now has the privilege to be born again, this time in the body of
Agustin. He still remembers what he learned during his time in a higher place and now is the moment to apply this
knowledge to give meaning to his new existence.
Contributor Bio
Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Pub Date: 11/1/11
$14.95/$17.00 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Yohana Garcia is a writer, lecturer and therapist. She has a Masters degree and is an International Trainer in
the Neurolinguistic Program for the Southern Institute of NLP. She is the author of the successful books
Francesco: A Life Between Heaven and Earth, and Francesco: The Call.
256 Pages
Carton Qty: 34
Body, Mind & Spirit /
6 in W | 9 in H | 0.7 lb Wt
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 4
Francesco: Una vida entre el cielo y la tierra
Yohana García
This book has conquered all who have looked through its pages in many different countries. It is a novel that
goes beyond mere literary fiction to get us closer to a story of death and rebirth. After suffering a lengthy
illness, Francesco’s spirit lets his body go and arrives at an unknown place. Very soon he realizes that he has
died and is in Heaven. There he receives the teachings of the spiritual masters and asks to visit relatives in their
dreams, and is soon sending them messages that help guide them. This work shows us that death is not the end
of everything, but a step towards a transformation. If you want to comfort your soul, open yourself to new
possibilities and to find purpose in your life, this book is for you.
Contributor Bio
Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Pub Date: 10/1/11
$14.95/$17.00 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Yohana Garcia is a writer, lecturer and therapist. She has a Masters degree and is an International Trainer in
the Neurolinguistic Program for the Southern Institute of NLP. She is the author of the successful books
Francesco: The Call, and Francesco Decides to be Reborn.
224 Pages
Carton Qty: 24
Body, Mind & Spirit /
6 in W | 9 in H | 0.6 lb Wt
Un camino al cielo
Lorna Byrne
In this moving book, Lorna Byrne once again provides her readers with hope, helping them realize that no matter
how alone they may feel, they always have a guardian angel by their side. In Un camino al cielo, she tells us her
true-life story about how angels helped her pull her own life together after her husband passed away. Written
from a direct, personal experience, the book contains an extraordinary account of the role angels play in our
lives. The author also discusses discovering your guardian angel and allowing him or her to approach you.
Contributor Bio
Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Pub Date: 4/1/15
$18.95/$21.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Lorna Byrne is the author of international bestsellers A Message of Hope from the Angels and her autobiography
Angels in My Hair. She has possessed the gift of talking with and seeing angels since she was a little girl and now
is dedicated to talking to young girls about their teachings.
308 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Angels & Spirit Guides
9.3 in W | 6.3 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 5
La fuerza de ser mujer
El poder de Eva
Manuela Dunn Mascetti
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 7/1/14
$16.95/$18.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
From a psychological and spiritual perspective, this exploration unpacks themes of tremendous importance to
women: sexuality, being part of a couple, the relationship with children, and menstruation, as well as different
methods of self-fulfillment. The author argues that in a world with unprecedented freedoms and opportunities for
women, the goddess archetypes-lover, mother, priestess, creator, virgin-can offer profound wisdom and
encouragement, demonstrating traditional concepts of femininity as well as providing women with a model of
what they can become. This is an illuminating guide for both men and women interested in the power of the
Contributor Bio
Manuela Dunn Mascetti is an anthropologist and a linguist. She is the author of The Song of Eve: Mythology
and Symbols of the Goddess and Vampire: The Complete Guide to the World of the Undead.
204 Pages
Carton Qty: 50
Body, Mind & Spirit /
5.3 in W | 6.8 in H | 0.7 lb
Diosas para cada dia
La sabiduria de lo divino femenino
Julie Loar
Exploring the qualities and origins of 366 goddesses, this book explains how to put their attributes to practical
use. Each goddess is aligned with the cycles of nature and the signs of the zodiac, so readers will find a deity to
appeal to for every aspiration and necessity. Principally aimed at female readers so that they may discover the
Divine Feminine, this book will also prove illuminating to male readers who wish to better understand the wonders
possessed by women.
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 8/1/13
$29.95/$32.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
464 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Explorando las cualidades y los orígenes de 366 diosas, este libro explica cómo hacer uso práctico de sus
atributos. Cada diosa está alineada con los ciclos de la naturaleza y los signos zodiacales, de tal manera que la
lectora encontrará una deidad a la cual recurrir para cada aspiración y necesidad. Principalmente dirigido a la
lectora femenina para que pueda descubrir lo Sagrado Femenino, este libro también resultará iluminador para el
lector masculino que busque entender de mejor forma las maravillas poseídas por la mujer.
Contributor Bio
Julie Loar is the author of Tarot & Dream Interpretation, Messengers, and other metaphysical and mythological
books. She lives in Pagosa Springs, Colorado.
5 in W | 8 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 6
Feng Shui
Angelina Shepard
Feng shui is an ancient science developed in China that reveals how to balance energies in a space to assure
health and good fortune for the people who inhabit it. This book is an extraordinary introduction that is a
practical and simple guide to understanding feng shui. Learn purification techniques to transform your home into
a sacred space and distribute the different elements of the house to achieve maximum well-being. Discover how
to utilize the space to better harmonize personal, family, or romantic relationships, whether you are starting new
or revitalizing existing ones. Chapters include discovering the hidden messages of your house, the healing power
of geometric shapes, keys to design, purification by sound and light, and feng shui applied to your workplace.
Contributor Bio
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 6/1/15
$18.95/$22.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Angelina Shepard is a creative thinking consultant. A graduate of the Western School of Feng Shui, she has
developed major projects in homes and public buildings in the United States.
144 Pages
Carton Qty: 40
Body, Mind & Spirit / Feng
Series: Esenciales
5 in W | 7.8 in H
Mejora tu vida con el feng shui
Futabei Shoki
This feng shui manual helps promote the balance and flow of the chi-or life energy-in any living space by
providing advice and tips on decoration and design. Among the suggestions offered are using black, blue, or
green when attempting to foster inner peace; using red and gold to stimulate energy; and having a solid
headboard for the bed as a symbol of security in life. This is an excellent resource for those looking for a bit of
serenity in their home.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 7/17/12
$10.00/$11.00 Can.
Trade Paperback
192 Pages
Carton Qty: 50
Body, Mind & Spirit / Feng
5.5 in W | 5.5 in H
Este manual de feng shui ayuda a promover el balance y flujo del chi-o energía vital-en cualquier habitación,
proveyendo consejos y recomendaciones para la decoración y el diseño. Entre las sugerencias ofrecidas se
incluyen el uso del negro, el azul y el verde si se busca la paz interior; el uso del rojo y el dorado para estimular
la energía; y el tener una cabecera de cama sólida como símbolo de la seguridad en la vida propia. Éste es un
recurso excelente para el que busca un poco de serenidad en su hogar.
Contributor Bio
Futabei Shoki is the director of a feng shui center in California.
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 7
Cambie su vida con el feng shui
Técnicas sencillas y eficaces
Karen Kingston
The techniques in this invaluable guide offer solutions to turn one's home into a sacred space and achieve
maximum harmony by organizing the home and creating order in life. Explaining this unique and effective oriental
art, the book suggests that cleaning, clearing, and purifiying will fill one's life with positive and regenerative
energy. With clear, fun, and simple ways to get rid of unnecessary belongings that accumulate in the home, the
book aims to correct the flow of energy and kick-start personal development.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 9/1/11
$18.00/$20.00 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
200 Pages
Carton Qty: 56
Body, Mind & Spirit / Feng
Las técnicas en esta guía invalorable ofrecen soluciones para convertir su hogar en un espacio sagrado y lograr
la máxima armonía mediante la organización de la casa y la creación de orden en la vida. Explicando el arte
oriental único y eficaz, el libro sugiere que la limpieza y la purificación llenarán la vida con energía positiva y
regeneradora. Con maneras claras y sencillas de deshacerse de las pertenencias innecesarias que acumulan en la
casa, el libro quiere arreglar el flujo de energía y reactivar el desarrollo personal.
Contributor Bio
Karen Kingston pioneered the development of Space Clearing, the feng shui art of clearing and revitalizing
energies in buildings, and is acknowledged as the Western world's leading authority in the field. She is the author
of Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui.
5.3 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.8 lb
La práctica de la visualización curativa
Sharon Wayne
Visualization healing is a natural activity that involves a conscious creation of sensory impressions in order to
turn a life around. These mental representations can be powerful tools to improve upon every facet of our lives,
as a form of therapy and healing process. But how is visualization healing done? Is it difficult? What can it be
used for? This book demonstrates your ability to visualize an outcome in order to take advantage of an activity
and help you stay fit, healthy, and happy.
Contributor Bio
Sharon Wayne is a well-known therapist with more than 30 years of experience as a lecturer and consultant in
human relations. Her consultant work has earned numerous acknowledgements.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 2/1/15
$15.95/$18.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
160 Pages
Carton Qty: 50
Body, Mind & Spirit
Series: WORKSHOP - Salud
5.5 in W | 8.3 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 8
Campos elíseos
Jose Bonnet Casciaro
Ediciones Corona Borealis
Pub Date: 2/1/12
$22.95/$27.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
240 Pages
Carton Qty: 0
Body, Mind & Spirit
6 in W | 9 in H
The Champs Elysées is the history of a hominid that appeared on our planet over 40,000 years ago. Their
character, limitations, fears, and dangers… are changing. A review of their actions have led their society and
followers to the most terrible and heinous situations. It is said in the book, "The hand, thanks to their anatomical
perfection, progressed along with the straight path and the brain, is the same hand that tortured and murdered
in the name of any injustice. God included, then, whether their interests were necessary, to kill God himself".
Politics and religion, understood as organized structures and far from their own doctrines, are the two factors
that have strongly affected the human mind through ideologies, dogmatism, fundamentalisms that, when taken
to the extreme, have led us to factions of all kinds. Their teaching is indoctrination, heir nature is their tribe, and
their motivation is fear and power. But we recognize that it is difficult to analyze them ourselves. Although the
facts are stingy, they are there. They could be hidden, but not forever, they will finally come to light, the only
question is whether they will arrive on time.
Los Campos Elíseos es la histor...
Contributor Bio
José Bonnet Casciaro, aventurero y viajero incansable, ha visitado numerosos países entrando en contacto
con diferentes culturas y situaciones sociales. Su relación con la astronomía en la que se inicia a través de la
astronomía náutica o de posición, le lleva a fundar, en 1987, la Asociación Astronómica de Cartagena, de la que
es presidente desde hace unos dieciséis años.
En los cursos de divulgación y de formación imparte Historia de la Astronomía, además de otros temas como
galaxias, cosmología… Este contacto con la historia le permite elaborar una historia cronológica de la astronomía
con el título de Astrohistoria (Acaecimientos de Astronomía y otras ciencias afines). Ha cursado estudios de
Historia y su afán investigador y divulgador de los grandes acontecimientos de la humanidad e...
Cartas para Claudia
Jorge Bucay
Facing self-denial, justifications, and both real and imagined obstacles, the thought process of Bucay becomes
an invitation to look at reality as it is so we can make our own decisions. These letters address love,
responsibility, happiness, losses, death, and the grieving process to a fictional character. This format allows the
reader to know a direct and intimate Bucay, a close and comprehensive Bucay, through the imaginary Claudia
utilizing simple but profound words of deep meaning. These words speak to us regarding fundamental aspects of
human beings. They are reflections that pass through the sieve of personal experiences that link with the
common experiences, perplexities, and questions of the average individual.
Contributor Bio
Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Pub Date: 10/1/10
$9.95/$11.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Jorge Bucay is a doctor and psychotherapist. His books have sold well in all Spanish-speaking countries and
have been translated into more than 24 languages. Apart from conferences and seminaries, he has become one
of the most influential thinkers of today's society.
256 Pages
Carton Qty: 48
Body, Mind & Spirit
5 in W | 7.5 in H | 0.4 lb Wt
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 9
Inhoa Makani
Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian art of problem-solving based on reconciliation and forgiveness. It provides
us with the opportunity to clean and sweep away the negativity in our lives to thrive now as well as in the
future. Just as the fisherman knows to patiently reel in his fishing line, the practice of this therapy helps
eliminate painful memories that cause disorder and imbalance. This book proposes a methodical development,
step by step, following a working protocol to achieve maximum therapeutic efficiency. Readers learn
intrapersonal resolution, forgiveness, phrases that solve problems, and how Ho'oponopono applies to maintaining
good health and good family relationships.
Contributor Bio
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 6/1/15
$18.95/$22.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Inhoa Makani has dedicated her life to recounting what her personal initiation was to the ancestral teachings of
the Kahuna through workshops and seminars, resolving conflicts and strengthening personal relationships based
on loving thy neighbor.
144 Pages
Carton Qty: 40
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Series: Esenciales
5 in W | 7.8 in H
Técnicas taoístas para vivir más
Iravan Lee
Energy, essence, and mind are the three great Taoist treasures. Following the natural order of things, Taoism
seeks purification through control of appetites and emotions. This is done through a series of techniques such as
controlled breathing, meditation, preserving energy through sexuality, and many others that bring people to pure
consciousness. This book demonstrates a few of these techniques and exercises from Tao, which has been
practiced for thousands of years with the objective of achieving a harmonious, healthy, and sustainable life.
Contributor Bio
Iravan Lee has been investigating the healing potential through movement techniques, relaxation, and
meditation for many years. He has extensive experience leading awareness groups on health and well-being
through these ancient Taoist techniques.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 2/1/15
$15.95/$18.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
160 Pages
Carton Qty: 1000
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Series: WORKSHOP - Salud
5.5 in W | 8.3 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 10
La práctica del Reiki esencial
Diane Stein
More than simply an introduction to the ancient healing tradition of Reiki, this manual is designed in such a way
that readers might, after having assimilated the lessons in its pages, be equipped to teach others the
fundamentals of Reiki. Diane Stein, one of the world's most respected authorities in this healing art, draws on her
decades of experience to provide readers with a comprehensive teaching system. Among the topics discussed in
the book are how to prepare to be a Reiki healer, how to pass attunements, how to prepare the Reiki teaching
space, and how to teach a Reiki course. What was once a closely guarded secret is now available to all through
this illuminating guide.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 6/1/14
$29.95/$32.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Diane Stein is a leading Reiki master and the author of more than 30 books on women's spirituality, Wicca,
psychic techniques, and natural healing, including Essential Psychic Teaching, Essential Reiki, and The Women's
Book of Healing. She lives in Florida.
224 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Series: Masters/Salud
6.8 in W | 9.5 in H | 0.8 lb
Somos energía cuántica
El secreto cuántico y el despertar de las energías
Jorge Blaschke
This remarkable analysis examines the link between quantum physics and spiritual perception and describes a
revolutionary method of harnessing energy to reach health, personal, and social objectives. Using a practical
approach that combines the classic and latest trends in personal development, this useful examination includes a
number of practical exercises that explain how to awaken energy, understand the world, and change ways of
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 2/1/14
$13.95/$15.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
192 Pages
Carton Qty: 50
Body, Mind & Spirit /
5.5 in W | 7 in H | 0.7 lb Wt
Este análisis extraordinario examina el nexo entre la física cuántica y la percepción espiritual y describe un
método revolucionario para aprovechar la energía con el fin de lograr objetivos de salud, personales y sociales.
Empleando un enfoque práctico que interrelaciona las clásicas y últimas tendencias en temáticas de desarrollo
personal, este examen útil incluye varios ejercicios prácticos que explican cómo despertar la energía, comprender
el mundo y cambiar maneras de pensar.
Contributor Bio
Jorge Blaschke is an award-winning journalist, a former correspondent for the Spanish newspaper El País, and
the author of more than 50 books in Spanish on religion, the occult, and meditation, including Más allá de Conny
Méndez and Más allá de lo que tú sabes.
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 11
Los chakras
Helen Moore
Exploring the seven energy centers located in the human body, this book is a guide to knowing the essence and
location of the chakras. The author sustains that chakras connect people with their spiritual world, and health
depends largely on their balance. The book includes information on how to read the signals of the chakras and
how to correct their trajectories by using different postures to prevent disorders.
Explorando los siete centros energéticos situados en el cuerpo humano, este libro es una guía para conocer la
esencia y la localización de los chakras. La autora sostiene que los chakras conectan a las personas con sus
mundos espirituales, y que la salud depende en buena medida de su equilibrio. Este libro incluye información sobre
cómo leer las señales de los chakras y cómo corregir sus trayectorias mediante el uso de posturas diferentes
para prevenir trastornos.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 4/1/13
$17.00/$19.00 Can.
Trade Paperback
144 Pages
Carton Qty: 40
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Series: Esenciales
Contributor Bio
Helen Moore organizes seminars and conferences on inner development and workshops on massage therapy,
acupressure, yoga, and psychic and psychiatric healing.
5 in W | 8 in H
Comer atentos
Guía para redescubrir una relación sana con los alimentos
Jan Chozen Bays
The art of mindfulness has the power to transform our daily struggles with meals and renew our sense of
pleasure and satisfaction with our food. Mindful eating is a completely novel approach that urges focus on the
process of eating, with all its flavors and smells, as well as the thoughts and sensations that run through you
while you eat. Whether you suffer from being overweight, have any kind of eating disorder, or simply just want
to get more out of life, this book is for you. You will learn to tune into your body's wisdom about what, when,
and how much to eat; identify your habits and dietary patterns; develop a more compassionate attitude towards
your struggle with food; and find out what you really crave. An audio CD with guided exercises to start the
reader with a healthy, mindful eating is also included.
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 10/1/14
$27.95/$33.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Jan Chozen Bays is a pediatrician and a professor of meditation. She has been teaching people how to eat
healthier for more than 20 years. She serves as a priest and a teacher at the Jizo Mountain-Great Vow Zen
Monastery in Clatskanie, Oregon.
294 Pages
Includes Audio CD
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit
5 in W | 8 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 12
Escucha a tu cuerpo, escucha a tu mente
Aprende cómo funciona tu cuerpo y libéralo de enfermedades
Claudia Rainville
Urging us to deepen our knowledge of diseases and healing mechanisms of the body, Escucha a tu cuerpo,
escucha a tu mente guides readers towards a better understanding of treatments for a variety of health
problems so that they can choose, with clarity, the best path to healing. The author demystifies the nature of
germs, cancer, and tumors and shares the main tools she successfully uses in her seminars to teach us the path
we should take to resolve our inner conflicts in order to eliminate the mechanisms that lead to diseases. What
happens to our bodies when we are faced with conflict? What psychological benefits produce laughter? These
questions are answered, and the book includes motivational and positive thoughts to activate healing.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 8/1/15
$26.95/$31.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Claudia Rainville is a therapist, an international lecturer, and the founder of the metamedicine approach. She is
the author of Crea tu nueva vida, La curación a tu alcance, and La metamedicina.
224 Pages
Carton Qty: 30
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Series: Alternativas
5.8 in W | 9 in H
Tranquilos y atentos como una rana
La meditación para los niños . . . con sus padres
Eline Snel, Christophe André
Meditation is a simple and effective tool that can easily be adapted to the needs of children and that can yield
immediate benefits. This appealing guide includes stories and offers brief and simple exercises that children can
do on a daily basis. The exercises and activities are geared to children between the ages of 5 and 12 as well as
their parents, who can accompany them in the practices. Certified mindfulness trainer Eline Snel has based her
program on the mindfulness method developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn, and the activities she proposes can result in
children who sleep better, show better concentration, are more calm and alert, and are more confident and
secure over all. The book includes an accompanying CD with 11 guided meditations.
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 5/1/14
$29.95/$32.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Eline Snel is a therapist and a certified mindfulness-based stress reduction trainer. She is the founder of the
Academy for Mindful Teaching in the Netherlands. She has developed a meditation program for children that has
been used in numerous primary schools in the Netherlands. Christophe André is a psychiatrist and a
psychotherapist who teaches courses on meditation at Sainte-Anne Hospital in Paris. He is the author of Los
estados de ánimo, Meditar día a día, Prácticas de autoestima, and Psicología del miedo.
156 Pages
Includes audio CD
Carton Qty: 68
Family & Relationships /
5 in W | 8 in H | 0.4 lb Wt
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 13
Curación con la energía
Nicole Looper
All living things have sources of energy that vibrate at a certain frequency. This dynamic energy feeds through
every part of the body to ensure it functions correctly. If a blockage occurs, physical, emotional, or spiritual
health can be impaired and diseases may be induced. This book explores the different mechanisms that lead to
healing through various techniques such as acupuncture, chromotheraphy, and quartz crystals. All of these
techniques are based on the principle of reverberating energy and polarity of the elements.
Contributor Bio
Nicole Looper is a prestigious therapist dedicated to researching inner life. She has explored different disciplines
and splits her time between the United States and Australia.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 3/1/15
$18.95/$22.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
144 Pages
Carton Qty: 50
Health & Fitness /
Alternative Therapies
Series: Esenciales
5 in W | 7.8 in H
Tai Chi
Zhang Yutang
Tai Chi emerged in China in the monasteries scattered throughout the empire for hundreds of years. It is a
martial art meant to teach warriors the perfect body movement and connect it with their mind and spirit. Today,
it is practiced with therapeutic applications to achieve better physical and psychological equilibrium. When
someone does not have a sense of balance, problems with health and disease manifest. This book presents an
attractive introduction to the practice of this technique and an exposition of the most popular styles. Upon
completion of the book, anyone will be able to move in accordance with the flow of nature.
Contributor Bio
Zhang Yutang is a teacher of Wu Shu dedicated to his personal meditative practice that follows the teachings
of the great Tai Chi masters who have the purest knowledge of the practice.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 3/1/15
$18.95/$22.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
144 Pages
Carton Qty: 50
Health & Fitness /
Alternative Therapies
Series: Esenciales
5 in W | 7.8 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 14
Qi Gong
Practica corporal y pensamiento chino
Isabel Calpe Rufat
Aspects of Qigong as a discipline of the body, a therapeutic path, and an art of living are each thoroughly
introduced in this guide to the tradition of Qigong and its beneficial effects on the mind and body. Beyond
covering the Chinese philosophy at the core of Qigong practice, the book also adopts a multicultural perspective,
encouraging practitioners to develop their human gifts and transform themselves from the inside out.
Los varios aspetos de Qi Gong-una disciplina para el cuerpo, un camino terapeútico y un arte de vivir-son
introducidos en esta guía a la tradición de Qi Gong y los efectos beneficiales que tiene en la mente y el cuerpo.
Más que discutir la filosofía china al centro de la práctica, este libro también adopta una perspectiva
multicultural, animando a estudiantes a desarrollar sus talentos humanos y comenzar una trasformación personal
desde el interior.
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 2/1/07
$18.95/$25.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Isabel Calpe Rufat is a social anthropologist who has spent many years studying Qigong.
190 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Health & Fitness / Exercise
5.5 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.5 in T
| 0.5 lb Wt
Equilibrando las funciones de tu cuerpo
Meir Schneider
Editorial Pax Mexico
Pub Date: 5/1/08
$18.00/$19.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
344 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Health & Fitness / Healthy
Series: Sanacion personal
Based on the author's experiences with patients, this two-part guide gives specific directions to help the body
heal itself from various maladies, including back problems, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, breathing ailments, eye
problems, and muscular dystrophy. This holistic method works by taking a three-tiered approach that includes
physical exercises, nutrition, and a positive mental outlook. By unlocking the healing powers of the body, readers
can take charge and lead healthier, happier lives.
Usando las experiencias del autor y su interacción con las personas que ha trabajado, esta guía enseña como el
cuerpo puede sanarse por sí mismo de ciertos problemas físicos como la artritis, esclerosis múltiple y problemas
visuales, musculares y de respiración. Este método holístico funciona a base de ejercicios físicos, dándole
importancia a la nutrición y teniendo una mentalidad positiva. Al desatar el poder de sanación del cuerpo, los
lectores pueden tomar cargo de sus vidas, volviéndolas más sanas y más felices.
Contributor Bio
Meir Schneider is an internationally respected therapist, educator, and the founder and director of the School
for Self-Healing in San Francisco. He is also the author of Meir Schneider's Miracle Eyesight Method, Movement
for Self-Healing, The Natural Vision Improvement Kit, Self-Healing: My Life and Vision, and the principal author of
The Handbook of Self-Healing.
6.8 in W | 9 in H | 0.7 in T |
1.2 lb Wt
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 15
Recuperando la salud
Meir Schneider
Editorial Pax Mexico
Pub Date: 5/1/08
$18.00/$19.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
264 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Health & Fitness / Healthy
Series: Sanacion personal
Based on the author's experiences with patients, this two-part guide gives specific directions to help the body
heal itself from various maladies, including back problems, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, breathing ailments, eye
problems, and muscular dystrophy. This holistic method works by taking a three-tiered approach that includes
physical exercises, nutrition, and a positive mental outlook. By unlocking the healing powers of the body, readers
can take charge and lead healthier, happier lives.
Usando las experiencias del autor y su interacción con las personas que ha trabajado, esta guía de dos partes
enseña como el cuerpo puede sanarse por sí mismo de ciertos problemas físicos como la artritis, esclerosis
múltiple y problemas visuales, musculares y de respiración. Este método holístico funciona a base de ejercicios
físicos, dándole importancia a la nutrición y teniendo una mentalidad positiva. Al desatar el poder de sanación del
cuerpo, los lectores pueden tomar cargo de sus vidas, volviéndolas más sanas y más felices.
Contributor Bio
Meir Schneider is an internationally respected therapist, educator, and the founder and director of the School
for Self-Healing in San Francisco. He is also the author of Meir Schneider's Miracle Eyesight Method, Movement
for Self-Healing, The Natural Vision Improvement Kit, Self-Healing: My Life and Vision, and the principal author of
The Handbook of Self-Healing.
6.8 in W | 9 in H | 0.5 in T |
0.9 lb Wt
Kundalini yoga
Ranjiv Nell
Kundali yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline that bases its work on the development of energy
throughout the human body, awakening the great creative potential inside of everyone. This book concisely
shows you the movements, posture, sounds, breathing techniques, and meditations, and their connections with
different parts of your body. The nervous system and source of your daily energy are also discussed, with the
goal of strengthening the link between each person and her spirit.
Contributor Bio
Ranjiv Nell is a yoga master who teaches classes in Los Angeles. Throughout his career he has become a driver
of Kundali yoga, running many projects and organizations dedicated to the discipline.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 3/1/15
$18.95/$22.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
144 Pages
Carton Qty: 50
Health & Fitness / Yoga
Series: Esenciales
5 in W | 7.8 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 16
Cuentame tus males y te dire como sanarlos
Como interpretar los mensajes del cuerpo para cuidar tu salud fisica, psicologica y emocional
Deb Shapiro
Explaining the connections between a person's physical state and their emotional, psychological, and spiritual
health, this useful guide places the necessary tools for self-healing in the reader's hands. The language of
symptoms is explained so that readers can learn how they themselves can heal their own bodily ailments, but
also how they can use their bodies to improve their emotional and mental states. Arguing that the body is
always sending signals that simply need decoding, this book details which parts of the body are related to
certain thoughts and feelings and the effects that unresolved problems can have on the human body.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 3/1/13
$31.00/$35.00 Can.
Trade Paperback
304 Pages
Carton Qty: 30
Body, Mind & Spirit /
6.8 in W | 9.5 in H
Explicando las conexiones entre el estado físico de una persona y su salud emocional, psicológica y espiritual,
esta útil guía coloca las herramientas necesarias para la auto-sanación en las manos del lector. El lenguaje de los
síntomas es explicado de manera que el lector pueda aprender cómo él mismo puede sanar sus propios males
corporales, pero también cómo puede mejorar sus estados emocionales y mentales. Arguyendo que el cuerpo
siempre está enviando señales que simplemente necesitan ser decodificadas, este libro detalla cuáles partes del
cuerpo es...
Contributor Bio
Deb Shapiro is trained in Buddhist meditation and Jungian psychology. She teaches courses on mind-body
therapies and meditation and has written several books on those subjects, including The Body Mind Workbook.
She lives in Boulder, Colorado.
Vivir bien con el dolor y la enfermedad
Mindfulness para liberarte del sufrimiento
Vidyamala Burch
After suffering a severe spinal cord injury, author Vidyamala Burch had to face a daily life of chronic illness on
her own. Instead of letting her life slowly unravel, she decided to address her physical challenges with
acceptance, compassion, and love. In Vivir bien con el dolor y la enfermedad, Burch gives us the benefits of her
courage, showing that the practice of mindfulness can help us face all kinds of health challenges. Based on her
experience teaching meditation, she offers instruction and wisdom needed to achieve the five-step model of
mindfulness and how to use it to foster healing. This book is both a practical handbook and an inspiring story for
those suffering from chronic pain or illness.
Contributor Bio
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 7/1/15
$24.95/$29.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Vidyamala Burch is the cofounder of Breathworks, an organization that helps people realize a state of
mindfulness and compassion to address chronic pain and other illnesses.
352 Pages
Carton Qty: 0
Health & Fitness / Pain
5 in W | 8 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 17
Una curación completa
Cuando el alma duele . . . el cuerpo enferma
Rubén Poplawsky
What role does illness play in life? With extensive experience as a homeopath, Dr. Poplawsky explains different
ways to accept or reject the language of the soul: fear, anger, sadness, and happiness. He demonstrates cases
in which fear attacks situations, and he argues that people tend to try to hide their emotions. This book will help
you better understand why people fall ill and how to let go of the emotions that illness provokes. Illness of the
body can be seen as a step toward healing the soul.
Editorial Pax Mexico
Pub Date: 6/1/15
$23.99/$28.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Rubén Poplawsky is a homeopathic doctor and a former mechanical and electrical engineer who worked for IBM.
286 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit /
6.8 in W | 9.3 in H
Usa tu cerebro para rejuvenecer
Cómo verte, sentirte y pensar mejor cada día
Daniel G. Amen
The human brain is one of the most sophisticated, dynamic, and powerful instruments that exists. Thanks to our
brains, we can accomplish extraordinary things. Psychiatrist Daniel G. Amen demonstrates how our brains can
help us live longer, look younger, reduce the risk of diseases such as Alzheimer's, and be happier. This can be
achieved by adopting a number of strategies that, together, can produce extraordinary benefits. It doesn't
matter our age, economic background, IQ, or education. Beyond those factors is a program that helps our
neurons grow and develop, and this book contains the details.
Contributor Bio
Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Pub Date: 4/1/15
$20.95/$24.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Daniel G. Amen is a physician and an adjunct professor of psychiatry and human behavior at the University of
California-Irving. He founded Amen Clinics, which specializes in helping patients with memory problems, learning
disabilities, and addictions. He is an eight-time New York Times-bestselling author. His books include Change
Your Brain, Change Your Body; Change Your Brain, Change Your Life; and Magnificent Mind at Any Age. He lives
in Orange County, California.
384 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit /
9.3 in W | 6.3 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 18
La llave del reino
John-Roger, John Morton
In this uplifting guide, practical keys, insights, techniques, stories, and quotes are provided in bite-size
passages, educating readers on what forgiveness is, how it is carried out, and what the results of practicing it
are. The author argues that forgiveness is the key to unlocking a heart imprisoned by anguish and condemnation
and moving toward a knowledge and experience of an all-overcoming love. No matter what page readers turn to,
this manual for a healthier soul will provide them with a much-needed dose of inspiration.
Contributor Bio
Mandeville Press
Pub Date: 8/1/14
$12.95/$13.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
John-Roger, DCE, is the founder of the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, the University of
Santa Monica, the Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy, and the Institute for Individual & World
Peace. He has appeared on numerous radio and television shows and has been a featured guest on Larry King
Live and Politically Incorrect. He is the author or coauthor of more than 50 books. John Morton, DCE, is a
doctor of spiritual science and the spiritual director of the nondenominational Church of the Movement of
Spiritual Inner Awareness. He is the author of You Are the Blessings. They both live in Los Angeles.
256 Pages
Carton Qty: 26
Body, Mind & Spirit /
6 in W | 9 in H | 0.9 lb Wt
Sendino se muere
Pablo d'Ors
Serving to calm the spirit, this book brings light and hope to people that suffer from pain. In a spiritual tone, the
author describes his experience caring for Dr. Africa Sendino during her last few months of life. In this volume, he
has collected and interpreted her commentary about life and her sense of death and pain.
Sirviendo para calmar el espíritu, este libro trae luz y esperanza a quienes sufren del dolor. Con un tono
espiritual, el autor describe su experiencia cuidando a la doctora África Sendino durante sus últimos meses de
vida. En este volumen ha coleccionado e interpretado los comentarios de la doctora sobre la vida y su sentido de
la muerte.
Fragmenta Editorial
Pub Date: 5/1/13
$12.95/$14.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Pablo d'Ors is a Spanish priest and the author of El amigo del desierto, Andanzas del impresor Zollinger, El
estreno, El estupor y la maravilla, Las ideas puras, and Lecciones de illusión.
80 Pages
Carton Qty: 20
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Series: Fragmentos
4.3 in W | 7 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 19
Las emociones y el cáncer
Mitos y realidades
Gina Tarditi
The false beliefs concerning emotions and their supposed role in the development of cancer give way to
unrealistic expectations and reductions that obstruct timely attention. In addition, they hold patients' hostage,
who feel guilty for being sick. Gina Tarditi reports erroneous ideas in this book that were promoted by numerous
authors of self-help books, healers, and alternative health doctors that anger, resentment, and frustration
causes cancer or accelerates its development. She also questions assertions like those that claim that positive
thinking alone can prevent or even cure the dreaded disease.
Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Pub Date: 3/1/13
$15.95/$19.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Gina Tarditi is a psychologist and a specialist with the National Cancer Institute. She has concentrated on the
field of palliative care and the terminally ill and their families. Currently she is an advisor to the Mexican
Association for the Fight against Cancer.
184 Pages
Carton Qty: 0
Body, Mind & Spirit /
6 in W | 9 in H
Amad a vuestros enemigos
Cómo acabar con el hábito de la ira y ser más felices
Robert Thurman, Sharon Salzberg
Often we feel as victims of others and circumstances outside of our control. We feel wounded, and, motivated
by anger, we adopt defensive attitudes. We see each other as enemies and, in turn, end up becoming enemies
ourselves. But what if we could learn to put aside those feelings, the hurt, and the defensiveness? Inspired by
Buddhist philosophy, this book teaches us to identify the four classes of enemies that we face on a daily basis.
Most importantly, it describes how to transform our relationships using set principles including freeing ourselves
from thoughts such as "us versus them;" developing compassion, patience, and love; accepting what is beyond
our control; and other fundamental concepts.
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 7/1/15
$22.95/$27.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Robert Thurman is a professor at the University of Columbia. He is the author of Inner Revolution and the
translator of El libro tibetano de los muertos. Sharon Salzbergb teaches meditation and is a cofounder of the
Insight Meditation Society. She is the author of Faith, Loving-Kindness, Real Happiness, and Real Happiness at
272 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit /
5 in W | 8 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 20
Aprende a vivir con optimismo
Desarrolla tu motivacion con el pensamiento positivo y consigue tus metas
Catherine Douglas
Filled with ways to increase motivation and develop a more positive outlook, this guide demonstrates how to
take control of all of life's challenges, from efficiency at work to erratic emotions. This inspirational book contains
practical advice that can be applied immediately to daily life and shows how positive thinking can lead to
reaching goals and achieving personal happiness.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 12/1/10
$10.00/$10.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
192 Pages
Carton Qty: 72
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
5.50 W | 5.50 H | 0.60 T
Llena de métodos para aumentar la motivación y desarrollar una perspectiva más positiva, esta guía demuestra
cómo tomar control de todos los desafíos de la vida, desde la eficacia en el trabajo hasta los sentimientos
imprevisibles. Este libro inspirador contiene consejos prácticos que pueden aplicarse de manera inmediata a la
vida diaria y muestra que el pensamiento positivo puede resultar en el alcance de las metas y el logro de la
felicidad personal.
Contributor Bio
Catherine Douglas is a writer and the creator of an accelerated-learning program.
Vivir en la zona
Regresa al lugar al que perteneces
Julio Bevione
Based on the book A Course in Miracles, which purports to provide a path to universal love and peace by undoing
fear and guilt through forgiveness, this book offers an accessible and practical approach to the search for
spirituality. Rather than hewing to any one belief system or philosophy, it seeks to transcend them all, providing
exercises and lessons that help readers see that pain and struggle offer opportunities for enlightenment. Readers
will come away with an understanding of how easy, simple, and naturally abundant life can be.
Editorial Pax Mexico
Pub Date: 12/20/12
$10.00/$11.00 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
128 Pages
Carton Qty: 80
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
Series: En la zona
Basándose en el libro Un curso de milagros, el cual pretende proporcionar un camino hacia el amor y la paz
universal, deshaciendo el miedo y la culpabilidad a través del perdón, este libro ofrece un enfoque asequible y
práctico a la búsqueda de la espiritualidad. En vez de adherirse a alguna creencia o filosofía en particular, busca
trascenderlas todas, proveyendo ejercicios y lecciones que ayudan al lector a ver que el dolor y las
tribulaciones proporcionan oportunidades para la iluminación. El lector hallará un entendimiento de qué tan fácil,
simple y abundante puede ser la vida.
Contributor Bio
Julio Bevione is a speaker on spirituality and the author of numerous books on the subject. He is the editor of
the New York-based magazine Ser Saludable (Being Healthy) and a columnist for Selecciones, a Reader's Digest
magazine in Latin America and Spain. He lives in Miami, Florida.
5.5 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.4 lb
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 21
Vivir en paz
Julio Bevione
In this inspiring guide, Julio Bevione proposes that the secret to a foundational, lasting peace is a conscious
acceptance of what is currently happening. The key to this is a connection with the inner spirit, which doesn't
recognize fear-a paralyzing emotion on the road to peace-and promotes love: a love of self, of others, and of
the present moment. The counterpoint of this self-knowledge, of the revelation of the true self, is ego, which
the book describes as a constant process of discovery of what one is not. For readers struggling with the
frustration of an existence marked at every turn by the influence of the ego, this spiritual handbook offers a
different path.
Editorial Pax Mexico
Pub Date: 11/27/12
$10.00/$11.00 Can.
Trade Paperback
96 Pages
Carton Qty: 60
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
Series: En la zona
En esta guía inspirante, Julio Bevione propone que el secreto para una paz fundacional y duradera es una
aceptación consciente de lo que pasa en el momento actual. La clave para esto es una conexión con el espíritu
interior, el cual no reconoce el miedo-un sentimiento paralizante en el camino a la paz-y promueve el amor: un
amor del yo, de los otros y del momento presente. El contrapunto de este autoconocimiento, de la revelación
del ser verdadero, es el ego, el cual el libro describe como un proceso constante de de...
Contributor Bio
Julio Bevione is a speaker on spirituality and the author of numerous books on the subject. He is the editor of
the New York-based magazine Ser Saludable (Being Healthy) and a columnist for Selecciones, a Reader's Digest
magazine in Latin America and Spain. He lives in Miami, Florida.
5.5 in W | 8.3 in H
Vivir sin miedo
Julio Bevione
Asserting that humans are, above all else, eternal spiritual beings, this inspirational handbook argues that
connecting with the inner spirit is an integral part of the soul's journey and that manifesting the spirit's qualities
in the physical realm should be an individual's most important goal. When this essential connection is forged
between body and spirit, the result is greater peace, love, and fulfillment. By identifying the most common
obstacles to abundance, the book outlines the path to a greater plane of happiness for readers.
Editorial Pax Mexico
Pub Date: 11/27/12
$10.00/$11.00 Can.
Trade Paperback
96 Pages
Carton Qty: 60
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
Series: En la zona
Afirmando que los humanos son, antes que nada, seres espirituales eternos, esta guía inspirante arguye que el
conectar con el espíritu interior es un paso integral en el viaje del alma y que manifestar las cualidades del
espíritu en el mundo físico debería ser la meta más elevada de un individuo. Cuando esta conexión esencial se
forja entre cuerpo y espíritu, el resultado es un mayor sentido de paz, amor y realización. A través de la
identificación de los obstáculos más comunes hacia la abundancia, el libro traza para el lector el camino a un
plano más enaltecido de alegría.
Contributor Bio
Julio Bevione is a speaker on spirituality and the author of numerous books on the subject. He is the editor of
the New York-based magazine Ser Saludable (Being Healthy) and a columnist for Selecciones, a Reader's Digest
magazine in Latin America and Spain. He lives in Miami, Florida.
5.5 in W | 8.3 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 22
Inteligencia emocional plena
Mindfulness y la gestión eficaz de las emociones
Natalia Ramos, Hector Enriquez, Olivia Recondo
Written in a didactic but concise and accessible style, this study analyzes, from a theoretical standpoint, how to
incorporate the practice of mindfulness as an empowering tool within the framework of emotional intelligence.
The book discusses what mindfulness is and its therapeutic effects and also explores the history and
development of the concept of emotional intelligence. It then goes on to describe how integrating the concepts
allows the reader to develop a complete emotional intelligence, in which an intentional focus on the emotions can
lead to a better understanding and regulation of them.
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 12/1/13
$18.95/$20.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
208 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Self-Help / Personal
5 in W | 8 in H | 0.5 lb Wt
Escrito de una manera didáctica pero concisa y asequible, este estudio analiza, a nivel teórico, cómo incorporar
la práctica de la atención plena, o "mindfulness," como herramienta potenciadora de la inteligencia emocional.
El libro discute qué es el mindfulness y sus efectos terapéuticos, y explora la historia y el desarrollo del
concepto de la inteligencia emocional. Procede a explicar cómo el integrar ambos conceptos le permite al lector
desarrollar una inteligencia emocional plena, en la cual un enfoque intencional sobre los contenidos emocionales
puede llevar a una mejor comprensió...
Contributor Bio
Natalia Ramos is a psychologist, a therapist, and a professor at the University of Malaga in Spain who
specializes in personal and emotional development. She is dedicated to the study of methods such as
mindfulness and their application in emotional development. Héctor Enríquez is a professor and researcher at
the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez in Mexico. His focus is on emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and
emotions in the educational sphere. Olivia Recondo is a professor of social psychology at the University of
Malaga, as well as a psychologist and therapist specializing in personal and emotional development. She teaches
courses on the development of emotional intelligence through mindfulness.
La practica de la atencion plena
Jon Kabat-Zinn
An intelligent fusion between science, poetry, and spirituality, this book focuses on the transformative power of
mindfulness in everyday life, both at an intimately personal level and at a more social one. It describes how to
confer true value to the present moment with the practice of meditation. Readers will learn how to endure stress
and pain through mindfulness in meditation.
Una fusión inteligente entre la ciencia, la poesía y la espiritualidad, este libro se enfoca en el poder transformador
de la atención plena en la vida diaria, tanto a un nivel íntimamente personal como a uno más social. Describe
cómo conferirle verdadero valor al momento presente con la práctica de la meditación. El lector aprenderá cómo
sobrellevar el estrés y el dolor a través de la atención plena en la meditación.
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 7/1/13
$44.95/$49.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
616 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Self-Help / Personal
Contributor Bio
Jon Kabat-Zinn is the founder and director of the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society
at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, as well as the founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic. He is
the author of several books on mindfulness, including Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body
and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness. He lives in Boston.
6 in W | 9 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 23
Tu guía interior
El camino más rápido para volver a casa
Diana Jaramillo
Inspired by the teachings of the successful book A Course in Miracles, this resource contains a practical 52week spiritual program designed to restore life's balance and help readers strengthen the most important
relationship in their lives: that with themselves. This book of reflection and inspiration helps readers reconnect
with their internal guides one chapter at a time, completing the cycle over the course of a year. Each weekly
course has a specific purpose and represents a foundation for restoring communication with oneself.
Contributor Bio
Ediciones Oblicuas, Inc.
Pub Date: 10/1/13
$16.95/$18.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
Diana Jaramillo is a growth-development and spiritual advisor and a Reiki Master. She teaches weekly classes
inspired by the tenets of A Course in Miracles. She is a former TV host, actress, and model. She lives in Miami.
259 Pages
Carton Qty: 40
Body, Mind & Spirit /
5 in W | 8 in H | 0.8 lb Wt
Pídeselo al Universo
Cómo conseguir que se cumplan nuestros deseos y nuestros sueños con la ayuda del Universo
Bärbel Mohr
This perceptive polemic outlines the key ideas and principles to interpreting signs from the universe. Exploring a
wide variety of concepts-understanding intuition, modifying one's thoughts, making dreams a reality-this
accessible text presents practical approaches to listening to one's inner voice and increasing self-awareness.
Contributor Bio
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 6/1/15
$14.95/$17.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Bärbel Mohr is the author of numerous self-help books, including Cosmic Ordering: The Next Adventure and The
Cosmic Ordering Service: A Guide to Realizing Your Dreams.
192 Pages
Carton Qty: 50
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
Series: Nova vital
5.3 in W | 6.5 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 24
Mensajes con amor
Pensamientos positivos para recobrar la autoestima y alcanzar la paz interior
Susan Jeffers
Filled with daily affirmations, this inspirational guide demonstrates that positive thinking can lead to inner peace,
confidence, improved self-esteem, and healthy relationships. Offering ways to overcome personal problems by
finding wisdom from within, this informative handbook explains how to peacefully deal with situations and
eliminate negative thoughts that can cause fear and anxiety.
Contributor Bio
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 6/1/15
$14.95/$17.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Susan Jeffers is a doctor of psychology at Columbia University and the author of numerous books, including Feel
the Fear . . . and Do It Anyway and Feel the Fear . . . and Beyond: Mastering the Techniques for Doing It
Anyway. She lives in Los Angeles.
192 Pages
Carton Qty: 50
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
Series: Nova vital
5.3 in W | 6.5 in H
Felicidad es . . .
Pensamientos positivos para atraer el bienestar
Margaret Hay
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 3/3/10
$10.95/$11.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
160 Pages
Carton Qty: 68
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
5.50 W | 5.50 H | 0.60 T
Enlightening and inspiring, this innovative guide provides positive and effective reflections for coping with dayto-day decision making and strategies to find happiness in the world. The positive thoughts reveal how to enjoy
each day and find inner peace. By promoting positive thinking, these short, practical lessons provide the means
to discover the path to happiness through making personal changes such as living in the present, being able to
handle adversity, and having a healthy mind and body.
Iluminadora e inspirante, esta guía innovadora provee reflexiones positivas y eficaces para ayudar con la toma de
decisiones diarias y estrategias para encontrar felicidad en el mundo. Los pensamientos positivos revelan como
disfrutar cada día y encontrar la paz interior. Por medio de promover pensamientos positivos, estas lecciones
breves y prácticas proveen el modo de descubrir el camino a la felicidad a través de hacer cambios personales
como vivir en el presente, poder superar la adversidad y tener un cuerpo y una mente sana.
Contributor Bio
Margaret Hay is a writer.
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 25
333 maneras de ser feliz
Brenda Barnaby
Offering many ideas and topics for reflection and for perceiving life from a different perspective, this book reveals
a multitude of formulas for achieving happiness and inner peace. It offers alternative ways of thinking and
behaving and helps readers accept life's challenges, rediscover hope, and take control of their lives. This makes
an excellent gift for anyone seeking to lift themselves out of life's doldrums.
Ofreciendo un sinfín de ideas y temas para reflexionar y para ver la vida desde otro ángulo, este libro desvela
una multitud de fórmulas para lograr la felicidad y la paz interior. Ofrece maneras alternativas de pensar y de
comportarse y ayuda al lector a aceptar el desafío de su existencia, recuperar la ilusión y tomar el control de
su vida. Éste es un excelente regalo para el que busque sobreponerse a la melancolía de la vida.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 1/1/14
$14.00/$16.00 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Brenda Barnaby is a psychologist, a researcher, and a writer specializing in issues related to mental powers and
brain waves. She is the author of Guía práctica de El Secreto, Más allá de El Secreto, and Más allá de la Ley de
la Atracción.
256 Pages
Carton Qty: 44
Self-Help / Personal
5 in W | 8 in H | 0.6 lb Wt
El camino de la felicidad
Jorge Bucay
All human beings wish to achieve happiness. A large part of our efforts, dreams, and everyday anxieties are
directed toward this ultimate goal. However, few concepts result in being more elusive and difficult to define.
What does happiness really mean? How is it achieved? True to his style, Jorge Bucay doesn't pretend to provide
foolproof recipes or tell us how to be happy. He accompanies readers and helps them discover, on their own,
their individual keys to happiness.
Contributor Bio
Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Pub Date: 4/1/15
$9.95/$11.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Jorge Bucay is a doctor and a psychotherapist. His books have been translated into more than 24 languages,
and he has become one of the most influential thinkers of today's society. He is the author of Amarse con los
ojos abiertos, Cartas para Claudia, Cuentos para pensar, De la autoestima al egoísmo, De la ignorancia a la
sabiduría, and Hojas de ruta.
200 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Self-Help / Personal
7.5 in W | 5 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 26
La nueva psicología positiva y la búsqueda del bienestar
Martin E. P. Seligman
In this groundbreaking book, Martin Seligman, renowned psychologist, founder of the positive psychology
movement, and prolific author, offers a new theory on a fundamental issue. What is happiness? Why do some
people feel satisfied with life while others do not? How are they influenced by circumstances outside of their
control? Is it their financial position? Is it something related to the wiring of their personalities? Seligman provides
real-life stories that, in addition to inspiring the reader, serve as support for his proposal. Human well-being
depends on a number of attitudes and values-personal, family, social-that help guide our lives towards
Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Pub Date: 4/1/15
$18.95/$21.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Martin E. P. Seligman is a psychology professor at the University of Pennsylvania and the director of the
Positive Psychology Network. He is the author of 20 books, including Authentic Happiness, Learned Optimism,
and The Optimistic Child. He lives in Philadelphia.
372 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Self-Help / Personal
9.3 in W | 6 in H
Cómo evitar amargarse la vida
Brenda Barnaby
Love, happiness, and hope are all notions that give life meaning. However, they are only enough when they
surpass our fears, like when the sun shines through the clouds and thunder. Brenda Barnaby gives us a new
marvelous book that talks about all that we can do to keep ourselves from what upsets us, leading us to a state
of happiness. Through this route, readers encounter many interesting scenarios about handling their emotions
and the requirements they impose on themselves. To experiment, the author offers practical proposals,
scenarios, reflections, and suggestions in order to become a stronger, happier, and more optimistic person.
Embellished with moving stories and personal experiences, this book will guide readers to a new personal
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 2/1/15
$19.00/$22.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Brenda Barnaby is a psychologist, a researcher, and a writer specializing in issues related to mental powers and
brain waves. She is the author of 333 maneras de ser feliz, Guía práctica de El Secreto, Más allá de El Secreto,
and Más allá de la Ley de la Atracción.
192 Pages
Carton Qty: 50
Self-Help / Personal
Series: Éxitos de
5 in W | 7.8 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 27
Disfruta el momento
Renueva tu vida y el ansia de vivir
Raphael Cushnir
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 3/3/10
$10.95/$11.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
192 Pages
Carton Qty: 52
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
This inspiring study explores the concept of living in the present moment by being in contact with the five
senses and offers easy, specific practices designed to bring awareness to a person's thoughts and actions. Filled
with both serious and playful life-affirming activities-from redefining friendships and forging forgiveness to
revisiting childhood pleasures, such as blowing bubbles and hugging trees-this work presents practical and
appealing encouragement for dealing with stress, fear, abandonment, and loss, thereby helping readers create a
more joyful here and now.
Este estudio inspirador explora el concepto de vivir en el momento a través de ponerse en contacto con los
cinco sentidos y ofrece prácticas fáciles y específicas diseñadas para infundir con conciencia los pensamientos y
las acciones de una persona. Llena de actividades que afirman la vida-desde redefinir amistades y forjar el
perdón hasta volver a visitar placeres de la infancia, como soplando burbujas y rodeando un árbol con los
brazos-esta obra ofrece apoyo práctico y atractivo para hacerle frente al estrés, el miedo, el abandono y la
pérdida, y así ayuda a los lectores a crear un presente más alegre.
5.50 W | 5.50 H | 0.60 T
Contributor Bio
Raphael Cushnir is an emerging voice in the world of contemporary spirituality. He is a frequent a contributor to
O, The Oprah Magazine and the author of Setting Your Heart on Fire and Unconditional Bliss: The One Thing
Holding You Back. He lives in Portland, Oregon.
Peter Redlock
A beginner's guide to mandalas, this practical guide discusses the origin and significance of these spiritual and
ritual symbols, examining their presence in universal culture, the symbolism of the colors and numbers often
employed in mandalas, and their application to daily life. The book includes more than 30 mandalas that readers
will be able to color themselves, benefiting from a sense of peace and self-understanding as they do.
Contributor Bio
Peter Redlock is a scholar of East Asian cultures.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 7/1/14
$17.95/$19.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
144 Pages
Carton Qty: 80
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
Series: Esenciales
5 in W | 7.8 in H | 0.4 lb Wt
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 28
Más allá del poder de la mente
Una apasionante introducción a las ideas de Joe Dispenza y Eduard Punset
Jorge Blaschke
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 7/17/12
$23.95/$26.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
224 Pages
Carton Qty: 36
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
6 in W | 7 in H | 1 lb Wt
Founded on the theories and ideas of Joe Dispenza (Evolve Your Brain) and Eduard Punset (The Happiness Trip),
this study is a thorough analysis of the roles that the brain and mind play in current human existence, also
delving into the roles they might play in the future. Chapters discuss the evolution of the human brain and its
capacity to promote healing, as well as the root of emotions, the benefits of meditation, and a host of other
topics en route to underlining the importance of the human mind and demonstrating its untapped potential. The
exploration illuminates the tremendous mental capacity of humans and the key to unlocking greater happiness by
the recognition of it.
Basado en las teorías y las ideas de Joe Dispenza (Desarrolla tu cerebro) y Eduard Punset (El viaje a la felicidad),
este estudio es un análisis exhaustivo de los roles que el cerebro y la mente juegan en la existencia humana
actual, además indagando en los roles que podrían jugar en el futuro. Los capítulos discuten la evolución del
cerebro humano y su capacidad para curar, así como la raíz de todas las emociones, los beneficios de la
meditación y otra gran variedad de temas dirigidos a subrayar la importa...
Contributor Bio
Jorge Blaschke is an award-winning journalist, a former correspondent for the Spanish newspaper El País, and
the author of more than 50 books in Spanish on religion, the occult, and meditation, including Más allá de Conny
Méndez and Más allá de lo que tú sabes.
El libro del perdón
El camino de sanación para nosotros y nuestro mundo
Desmond Tutu, Mpho Tutu
In a world marked by hatred and rivalry, and against ideologies based on resentment and exclusion, 1984 Nobel
Peace Prize Winner Desmond Tutu and his daughter Mpho Tutu vindicate the importance of forgiveness. For
them, this value is one of the most effective spiritual tools to build unity between humans and restore the love
for your neighbors. In these pages, the social activists send a message of peace. Desmond, who experienced
firsthand the repressions of his native South Africa and contributed to the founding of a free and just nation,
knows that the path to achieve peace is not an easy one. However, his thoughts and opinions are seen as
valuable contributions to the overall effort.
Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Pub Date: 4/1/15
$16.95/$19.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
224 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
Contributor Bio
Desmund Tutu studied theology in England and was ordained an Anglican priest in 1960. In 1975, he was
ordained Bishop of the Church of Providence of Southern Africa. In 1984, the Swedish Academy awarded him the
Nobel Peace Prize for his struggle against apartheid. Mpho Tutu is the youngest daughter of Desmond Tutu. She
studied at the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 2004, she was ordained into priesthood
of the Episcopal Church. She is the founder and director of the Tutu Institute for Prayer & Pilgrimage.
9.3 in W | 6.3 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 29
El camino de la autodependencia
Jorge Bucay
No one can walk down the personal path that leads to happiness for us. Everyone must take the course at their
own risk. There are, of course, those who are slightly lost and arrive a bit late, as well as those that discover
the shortcut and become the leaders. In this book, Jorge Bucay shares with us the first of his Roadmaps:
personal maps that help us stay on course and better cope with obstacles that we inevitably find in our way.
Contributor Bio
Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Pub Date: 4/1/15
$9.95/$11.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Jorge Bucay is a doctor and a psychotherapist. His books have been translated into more than 24 languages,
and he has become one of the most influential thinkers of today's society. He is the author of Amarse con los
ojos abiertos, Cartas para Claudia, Cuentos para pensar, De la autoestima al egoísmo, De la ignorancia a la
sabiduría, and Hojas de ruta.
168 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
8.8 in W | 5.8 in H
De la ignorancia a la sabiduría
El camino de Shimriti
Jorge Bucay
In this newest edition, the author offers us, by means of sharp reflections, ingenious stories, and revealing
observations taken from everyday life, a personal narrative of achieving wisdom. For Jorge Bucay, no one is
obligated to travel a long path from ignorance to obtain knowledge. Because such a route is a possibility, we
have the liberty to either take it or refuse it. All it takes is for us to board the train that will lead us to
awareness (of ourselves, of others, and of the world around us), is the decision to leave behind the tranquilizing
certainties, the wounded truths, and the wisdoms established by customs. Only if you can value who you are,
can you accept yourself and be true to yourself.
Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Pub Date: 2/1/13
$9.95/$11.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Jorge Bucay is a doctor and psychotherapist. His books have sold well in all Spanish-speaking countries and
have been translated into more than 24 languages. Apart from conferences and seminaries, he has become one
of the most influential thinkers of today's society.
272 Pages
Carton Qty: 44
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
5 in W | 7.5 in H | 0.5 lb Wt
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 30
Hojas de ruta
Jorge Bucay
Since their appearances, each one of the books in the series, Roadmaps, written by the therapist Bucay, has
added to his compilation of extraordinary editorial accomplishments. Thousands of people have found in this
series, the thread of Ariadna, to help guide them along the path of personal growth and self -realization. This
current volume unites four stages of this itinerary; they can be addressed independently, but read in a
successive manner illuminating this vital trajectory. These stages are the Path to Self Dependence, the Path to
Discovery, the Path of Tears, and the Path to Happiness.
Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Pub Date: 9/1/10
$29.45/$35.00 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Jorge Bucay is a doctor and psychotherapist. His books have sold well in all Spanish-speaking countries and
have been translated into more than 24 languages. Apart from conferences and seminaries, he has become one
of the most influential thinkers of today's society.
716 Pages
Carton Qty: 16
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
6 in W | 9 in H | 1.7 lb Wt
Un cuento triste no tan triste
Jorge Bucay
Successful therapist Jorge Bucay uses his storytelling talent to delve into literature to address issues that
concerns us all. This tale exposes truths that are essential in order to live more happily. Narrated from the point
of view of a young girl whose parents have separated, this story describes the relationship between the girl and
her grandmother. The woman is a difficult character who at first appears to be cold but slowly reveals her
secret. The result is as emotional as it is enlightening.
Contributor Bio
Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Pub Date: 4/1/15
$14.95/$16.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Jorge Bucay is a doctor and a psychotherapist. His books have been translated into more than 24 languages,
and he has become one of the most influential thinkers of today's society. He is the author of Amarse con los
ojos abiertos, Cartas para Claudia, Cuentos para pensar, De la autoestima al egoísmo, De la ignorancia a la
sabiduría, and Hojas de ruta.
96 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
9 in W | 5.8 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 31
El libro del estilo
Antonio González de Cosío
For journalists and fashion experts, the word "style" does not simply mean fashionable dress. Dressing in a
certain way does not define someone as having specific tendencies or attitudes. Rather, fashion can
demonstrate inner strength and serve as a way to convey oneself to the world. The concept of style is very
personal and is based on individual personalities and interests. Focusing on growth and personal development,
Antonio González de Cosío introduces readers to a wide variety of style and urges them to adopt one to make
their own.
Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Pub Date: 4/1/15
$21.95/$25.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Antonio González de Cosio is a fashion correspondent for Editorial Televisa and is a judge on Mexico's Next
Top Model. He formerly worked as a fashion editor in New York for many years and was chosen by GQ as one of
the top-10 best-dressed men in 2007.
344 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
6.8 in W | 9.3 in H
Las bendiciones ya existen
John Morton
Revealing a profound spiritual perspective for day-to-day living, this book uses a variety of examples from the
author's life to illustrate the point that blessings can be found in any situation, no matter the circumstances.
The blessings contained in this book are intended to inspire and uplift into an expanded awareness of the
perfection in all things, offering readers the opportunity to view life through the eyes of love and acceptance.
Mandeville Press
Pub Date: 9/1/13
$18.95/$20.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
212 Pages
Carton Qty: 18
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
Desvelando una perspectiva profundamente espiritual para la vida cotidiana, este libro se basa en una variedad
de ejemplos de la vida del autor para ilustrar el hecho de que las bendiciones se pueden hallar en cualquier
situación, sean cuales sean las circunstancias. Las bendiciones contenidas en este libro tienen como intención
inspirar y llevar hacia un estado elevado de consciencia acerca de la perfección de todas las cosas, ofreciéndole
al lector la oportunidad para ver la vida a través del amor y la aceptación.
Contributor Bio
John Morton, DCE is a doctor of spiritual science and the spiritual director of the nondenominational Church of
the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. He is the author of You Are the Blessings. He lives in Los Angeles.
7 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.7 lb Wt
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 32
Esencia divina (Baraka)
Merging Eastern concepts of devotion and the presence of the divine in everyday life with Western practicality,
this collection of short reflections offers information on spirituality and relationships with God. The lineage of
each individual's direct connection to God, the process of working with a spiritual master, and methods of
screening a spiritual master are all described.
Uniendo conceptos orientales de devoción y de la presencia de lo divino en la vida diaria con la practicidad
occidental, esta recopilación de meditaciones cortas ofrece información sobre espiritualidad y las relaciones con
Dios. Se decribe el linaje de cada persona y su conexión directo con Dios, el proceso de trabajar con un maestro
del espíritu y métodos de examinar a un maestro espiritual.
Mandeville Press
Pub Date: 6/1/10
$9.95/$10.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
192 Pages
Carton Qty: 42
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
Contributor Bio
John-Roger, D.S.S., is the founder of the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, founder and
chancellor of the University of Santa Monica and of Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy; he is
also the founder and spiritual adviser of the Institute for Individual & World Peace. He has appeared on numerous
radio and television shows and been a featured guest on Larry King Live . He is the author and co-author of more
than 50 books, including Living the Spiritual Principles of Health and Well-Being, Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise,
The Rest of Your Life, and Spiritual Warrior-inspiration for the acclaimed film Spiritual Warriors. He lives in Los
6 in W | 9 in H | 0.5 in T
Libertad íntima
Lo masculino, lo femenino y la transformación cultural
Mark Josephs-Serra
Plataforma Editorial, S.L.
Pub Date: 5/1/12
$23.95/$26.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
198 Pages
Carton Qty: 48
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
Series: Plataforma actual
Arguing that everything around and within human beings is either masculine or feminine, Mark Josephs-Serra
explains the process whereby readers can balance the two so as to be happier with themselves and with their
partners. The masculine is described as that which, when immature and insecure, inspires disconnectedness and
a lack of empathy and sympathy. When the feminine is immature and submissive, it enables that cut-and-dry
behavior, leading to a lack of inner balance. The author proposes introspection as a path to a self-awareness
that will aid in maturing both sides and awakening the loving feminine and the dignified masculine.
Arguyendo que todo lo que rodea y está dentro del ser humano es masculino o femenino, Mark Josephs-Serra
explica el proceso mediante el cual el lector puede balancear ambas partes para estar más feliz consigo mismo y
con su pareja. Lo masculino se describe como lo que, cuando es inmaduro e inseguro, inspira desconexión y una
falta de empatía y simpatía. Cuando lo femenino es inmaduro y sumiso, permite ese comportamiento seco,
causando un desbalance interior. El autor propone la introspección como el camino hacia la auto-conciencia que
ayudará a ambos...
Contributor Bio
Mark Josephs-Serra is a former Hindu monk and a successful businessman dedicated to helping others with
their personal growth. He is the author of Sex, Spirit & Community, has written many articles and essays, and
offers seminars and workshops in Europe and the United States.
5.5 in W | 8.8 in H | 0.6 lb
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 33
Un canto de amor a la Tierra
Thich Nhat Hanh
This book is a passionate invitation from the Zen master Thch Nhat Hanh for ecological mindfulness and the
strengthening of our relationship with the Earth. Focusing on the destruction of our ecosystem and the
disappearance of species, Nhat Hanh explores the most essential aspect that has the potential to create a true
turning point. Beyond the concept of "environment" he focuses in on what aspects cause us to feel separate
from the Earth and view it solely in utilitarian terms. Rejecting conventional economical approaches, Un canto de
amor a la Tierra teaches us how to free ourselves from addiction to consumerism, protect nature, and be
mindful of climate change. Our personal happiness is inseparably linked to the happiness of our planet.
Contributor Bio
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 7/1/15
$15.95/$18.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Thich Nhat Hanh is a Buddhist monk and teacher, a poet, a peace activist, and the author of Be Free Where
You Are, The Miracle of Mindfulness, and Peace Is Every Step. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by
Martin Luther King Jr. in 1967.
136 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit /
5 in W | 8 in H
Tierra, alma, sociedad
Una nueva trinidad para nuestro tiempo
Satish Kumar
Inspired by the great philosophies of his native India (Hindu and Buddhism), Satish Kumar teaches us with great
simplicity that caring for the natural environment, maintaining personal well-being, and defending human values
are the moral imperatives of our time. To facilitate the birth of a sustainable and peaceful future, we must make
educational transformations in which reading, writing, and arithmetic are replaced by our minds, hearts, and
hands. This book contains a guide on how to conduct a quiet revolution in the way we think and how we live.
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 7/1/15
$36.95/$43.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Satish Kumar is the founder and director of Schumacher College in England, the editor of the magazine
Resurgence & Ecologist, and the author of La brújula espiritual; No Destination; and Tú eres, luego yo soy.
176 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit /
6.3 in W | 8.5 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 34
La respuesta del Universo
El despertar de tu interior a la energ?a que te rodea
Arlette Rothhirsch
Editorial Pax Mexico
Pub Date: 9/1/10
$21.95/$24.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
168 Pages
Carton Qty: 10
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Angels & Spirit Guides
7.3 in H | 8.3 in W
Arguing that it is only by knowing and perceiving the subtlest of emotions that the energy of the universe can be
truly harnessed, this inspirational meditation describes how to recognize and apply this omnipresent wisdom to
everyday life in order to develop skills, connect with the inner self, and gain a true appreciation for the
surrounding world. The book includes a number of blank spaces that can be used to write down notes and
personal observations, as well as a set of oracle cards to aid in gaining insight.
Argumentando que es s�lo a trav�s de conocer y percibir las emociones m�s sutiles que se puede aprovechar
de la energ�a del universo, esta meditaci�n inspirante describe c�mo reconocer y aplicar esta sabidur�a
omnipresente a la vida cotidiana para desarrollar dones, entrar en contacto con el ser interior y apreciar el
mundo alrededor. El libro incluye espacios en blanco que se puede usar para tomar apuntes o escribir
observaciones personales, as� como un juego de cartas or�culas para mejorar el entendimiento de las
lecciones descritas.
Contributor Bio
Arlette Rothhirsch is a former surgeon, a practitioner of energy healing, and the author of The Book of Wishes
and Sanando Cuerpo y esp�ritu.
Estás aquí
La magia del momento presente
Thich Nhat Hanh
In this guide, Thich Nhat Hanh, one of the most renowned Zen meditation masters, explains the essence of
Buddhist practice and demonstrates how mindfulness can transform lives by awakening individuals' spirits, healing
their emotional wounds, and improving their relationships with others-in short, helping individuals break the
chains that tie them to the circle of birth and death. The book also serves as a guided meditation, as the author
describes practices for cultivating mindfulness, including awareness of walking and breathing, deep listening, and
skillful speech.
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 1/1/13
$21.95/$24.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
160 Pages
Carton Qty: 75
Body, Mind & Spirit /
5 in W | 8 in H | 0.4 lb Wt
En esta guía, Thich Nhat Hanh, uno de los maestros de meditación Zen más conocidos, explica la esencia de la
práctica budista y demuestra cómo la atención plena puede transformar vidas al despertar los espíritus de los
individuos, curar sus heridas emocionales y mejorar sus relaciones con los demás-en suma, al ayudar a las
personas a romper las cadenas que las atan a la rueda del nacimiento y la muerte. El libro sirve también como
una meditación guiada, mientras el autor describe prácticas para cultivar la atención plena, incluyendo el caminar
y respirar conscientemente, escuchar a profundidad y hablar diestramente.
Contributor Bio
Thich Nhat Hanh is Buddhist monk, teacher, poet and peace activist, and the author of Be Free Where You Are,
The Miracle of Mindfulness, and Peace Is Every Step. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Martin
Luther King Jr. in 1967.
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 35
El poder curativo de la meditacion
Dialogos cientificos con el Dalai Lama
Jon Kabat-Zinn, Richard J. Davidson, Zara Houshman...
Presenting the entirety of the 13th Mind and Life dialogue, this book gathers the thoughts and contributions of
the Dalai Lama, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Richard J. Davidson, and other leading researchers in the fields of meditation,
medicine, psychology, and neuroscience. Each contributor explores a particular aspect of the convergence
between meditative practice and modern science, thus providing a greater understanding of the potential of the
human mind. The participants in the discussion seek to answer questions such as What effect does meditation
have on suffering and pain? What role does the mind play in emotional and physical well-being? To what extent
can the mind influence illness? and What impact does this all have on the development of the human species?
This book is a considered, engaging look at the nature of the mind, its capacity to refine itself through training,
and its role in physical and emotional health.
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 12/1/13
$29.95/$32.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
Presentando el 13o dialogo del Mind and Life Institute en su totalidad, este libro reúne las aportaciones del Dalái
Lama, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Richard J. Davidson y otros investigadores de primer nivel en los campos de la
meditación, la medicina, la psicología y la neurocien...
384 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Contributor Bio
5 in W | 8 in H
Jon Kabat-Zinn is the founder and director of the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society
at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, as well as the founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic. He is
the author of several books on mindfulness, including Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body
and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness. He lives in Boston. Richard J. Davidson is the William James and
Vilas Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the Waisman Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and
the director of the Waisman Laboratory for Affective Neuroscience and founder and chair of the Center for
Investigating Healthy Minds at the same. He has won numerous awards, including the first Mani Bhaumik Award
from UCLA for advancing the unders...
Meditar dia a dia
25 lecciones para vivir con mindfulness
Christophe Andre
Conceived as an introductory manual on meditation-and mindfulness, specifically-this book includes 25 practical
and poetic lessons for beginners. Each lesson includes texts designed for the reader to learn and grow,
reproductions of works of art by famous painters on which to ponder, and, in the included CD, a guided
meditation to practice. The author discusses both the basics of meditation-how to breathe correctly, the optimal
body position, and a consciousness of the present moment-as well as its deeper applications, such as
confronting suffering, stabilizing emotions, and achieving peace of mind and heart.
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 10/1/13
$36.95/$40.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
344 Pages
Includes audio CD
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Concebido como un manual introductorio sobre la meditación-y específicamente, el mindfulness-este libro
incluye 25 prácticas y poéticas lecciones para principiantes. Cada lección incluye textos para que el lector
aprenda y se cultive, cuadros de grandes pintores para sentir y una meditación guiada en el CD que acompaña
el libro. El autor se centra tanto en las bases de la meditación-así cómo utilizar la respiración, la posición
óptima del cuerpo y la consciencia del instante presente-como en las prácticas más profundas, diseñadas para
hacer frente al sufrimiento, estabilizar ...
Contributor Bio
Christophe André is a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist who teaches courses on meditation at Sainte-Anne
Hospital in Paris. He is the author of Los estados de ánimo, Prácticas de autoestima, and Psicología del miedo.
5 in W | 8 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 36
Meditacion para principiantes
Jack Kornfield
A beginner's guide to meditation, this book shows how meditation can calm the spirit and clear the mind to
achieve a deeper understanding of the world. In this complete introductory course, a celebrated teacher
provides a gradual and direct method to integrate meditation into everyday life. The book also includes an audio
CD of guided meditations.
Una guía de meditación para principiantes, este libro muestra cómo la meditación puede calmar el espíritu y
aclarar la mente para lograr una comprensión más profunda del mundo. En este curso introductorio completo, un
maestro celebrado proporciona un método gradual y directo para integrar la meditación dentro de la vida
cotidiana. El libro también incluye un CD de meditaciones guiadas.
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 5/1/13
$21.95/$24.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Jack Kornfield is a Buddhist monk, a meditation teacher, and the author of Vipassana. He cofounded the Insight
Meditation Society and the Spirit Rock Meditation Center. He lives in Woodacre, California.
128 Pages
includesaudiocd 1
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit /
5 in W | 8 in H
Secretos para meditar
Técnicas para alcanzar la armonía
Philippa Faulks
Pub Date: 5/1/12
$6.95/$7.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
64 Pages
Carton Qty: 150
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Series: Una vida saludable
5 in W | 6.3 in H | 0.2 lb Wt
A practical and easy-to-use guide, this book offers simple techniques and postures for meditating, as well as
symbols, mantras, and mudras that help center the mind. Providing basic techniques for static meditation and
meditation in motion, this helpful illustrated guide encourages the use of meditation for stress relief and for the
acquisition of harmony and equilibrium. Already an integral part of many world religions, meditation is known to
benefit the mind and spirit, and curious readers will be able to reap those benefits as they learn how this
powerful mental exercise works and how they can integrate it into their everyday lives.
Una guía práctica y fácil de usar, este libro ofrece técnicas y posturas simples para la meditación, al igual que
símbolos, mantras y mudras que ayudan a centrar la mente. Proveyendo técnicas básicas para la meditación
estática o en movimiento, esta guía ilustrada fomenta el uso de la meditación para reducir el estrés y adquirir
armonía y equilibrio. La meditación ya forma parte de muchas religiones mundiales y lectores curiosos podrán
aprovechar de sus beneficios mentales y espirituales al aprender cómo funciona este poderoso ejercicio mental y
Contributor Bio
Philippa Faulks trained as an aromatherapist and masseuse and has been a long-term student of alternative
medicine, with a special focus on ancient herbology. She also writes about alternative history, mystery, and
religion and is the coauthor of The Masonic Magician.
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 37
Los mundos internos de la meditación
A guide to meditation, this book helps readers discover powerful keys to peace, relaxation, and spiritual
awareness. An excellent introduction for novices, as well as a refreshing review for those long-accustomed to
meditating, this book enhances readers' technique and introduces them to a wealth of new meditation practices
and experiences. Included among the meditations are short chants and sacred tones, as well as meditations
involving water or fire. An entire section is devoted to attuning to different color rays, as well as tuning the
Mandeville Press
Pub Date: 7/12/14
$12.00/$13.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
123 Pages
Carton Qty: 60
Body, Mind & Spirit /
6 in W | 9 in H | 0.5 lb Wt
Una guía a la meditación, este libro ayuda al lector a descubrir claves poderosas que llevan hacia la paz, la
relajación y la conciencia espiritual. Una introducción excelente para principiantes, a la vez que un refrescante
repaso para aquéllos ya acostumbrados a meditar, este libro mejora la técnica del lector y le presenta una gran
variedad de nuevas prácticas y experiencias de meditación. Incluidos entre las meditaciones hay cantos breves y
tonos sagrados, además de meditaciones que involucran agua o fuego. Una sección entera está dedicada a
armonizar con diferentes rayos de colores y a templar el aura.
Contributor Bio
John-Roger, DCE, is the founder of the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, the University of
Santa Monica, the Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy, and the Institute for Individual & World
Peace. He has appeared on numerous radio and television shows and has been a featured guest on Larry King
Live and Politically Incorrect. He is the author or coauthor of more than 50 books. He lives in Los Angeles.
El libro del mindfulness
Bhante Henepola Gunaratana
An insightful introduction to meditation, this book reveals that people already possess the necessary foundation
within themselves that allows them to live in a more productive, conscious, and peaceful way: mindfulness. The
author, a Buddhist monk, asserts that meditation and mindfulness are beneficial to humankind's mentality and
spirituality, and explains in an accessible language the basic aspects of meditation and how to apply them.
Una introducción iluminadora a la meditación, este libro revela que las personas ya poseen la fundación necesaria
para vivir sus vidas de una manera más productiva, consciente y pacífica: mindfulness. El autor, un monje
budista, afirma que la meditación y la atención plena son beneficiosas para la mentalidad y la espiritualidad, y
explica de manera asequible las herramientas de la meditación y cómo emplearlas.
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 5/1/13
$22.95/$25.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Bhante Henepola Gunaratana is a Buddhist monk and the founder of the Bhavana Society. He lives in High
View, West Virginia.
240 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Religion / Buddhism
5 in W | 8 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 38
Mindfulness para principiantes
Jon Kabat-Zinn
International mindfulness expert Jon Kabat-Zinn distills years of practicing and teaching mindfulness in this
accessible guide for beginners. Among the essential attitudes and practices covered in the book are the
importance of staying connected with the body and the senses; how thoughts self-liberate when touched by
awareness; going beyond the individual's story and connecting with direct experience; stabilizing awareness and
presence amid daily activities; and the three fundamental mental factors that can provoke suffering. This book,
and the accompanying audio CD, which includes five guided meditations, shows readers how directing their
awareness time and again to what is happening in the moment can lead to a more clear, reliable, and loving
connection with themselves and the world.
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 12/1/13
$22.95/$25.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
160 Pages
Includes audio CD
Carton Qty: 32
Self-Help / Personal
5 in W | 8 in H
El experto internacional en el mindfulness Jon Kabat-Zinn destila años de práctica y enseñanza del mindfulness
en esta asequible guía para principiantes. Entre las actitudes y prácticas esenciales abarcadas en el libro están
la importancia de conectar con el cuerpo y los sentidos; la manera en la que los pensamientos se auto-liberan
al ser tocados por la conciencia; ir más allá de la historia del in...
Contributor Bio
Jon Kabat-Zinn is the founder and director of the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society
at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, as well as the founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic. He is
the author of several books on mindfulness, including Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body
and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness. He lives in Boston.
El cultivo de la atencion plena
La practica de la meditacion Vipassana
Henepola Gunaratana Nayaka Thera
Taking readers step-by-step through the myths, realities, and benefits of meditation and mindfulness, this guide
reveals that every person has the potential to achieve a productive, conscientious, and peaceful life. It also
shows both beginners and experts in meditation the key aspects to opening up internal and emotional spaces to
answer life's profound questions.
Llevando al lector paso a paso por los mitos, realidades y beneficios de la meditación y la práctica de la atención
plena, esta guía revela que cada persona tiene el potencial para lograr una vida productiva, de conciencia y llena
de paz. También muestra a principiantes y expertos en la meditación las claves para meditar y abrir los espacios
internos y emocionales para poder responder a las inquietudes más profundas.
Editorial Pax Mexico
Pub Date: 7/1/08
$13.95/$15.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Henepola Gunaratana Nayaka Thera is a Sri Lankan monk and Buddhist teacher. He is also the author of Eight
Mindful Steps to Happiness: Walking the Buddha's Path.
248 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit /
5.5 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.5 in T
| 0.7 lb Wt
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 39
Mitos y misterios del mundo
Pedro Silva
After years of studying various unexplained mysteries from around the world, author Pedro Silva has gathered in
this volume 10 of the enigmas that generate the most fascination among the public. Among the topics he
discusses are the mysteries of ancient civilizations such as the Egyptian, Aztec, Incan, and Mayan; the
relationship between Lucifer and Lilith; and the concept of Paradise or heaven in a variety of world cultures. The
final chapters of the book discuss some of the most intriguing secret societies and also delve into the shadowy
details surrounding the deaths of figures such as Elvis Presley or Princess Diana.
Contributor Bio
Ediciones Corona Borealis
Pub Date: 8/1/14
$23.95/$28.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
Pedro Silva is a historian, a sociologist, and a researcher of historical mysteries. He has published more than 40
books in many different categories, including historical essays, fiction, and travel guides. He also works with
various history magazines in Brazil and Portugal.
284 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Ancient Mysteries &
Controversial Knowledge
6 in W | 9 in H
La séptima llave
Rafael López Alonso
Maintaining that, for millennia, human spirituality has been based on empty traditions, rites, and perceptions of
reality without any substantiated basis, the author of this astonishing consideration offers a shocking revelation
that he believes will bring the artifice crumbling down. Outlining the undisputed role that religion has played in
politics, the book divulges a secret that has been passed from caretaker to caretaker over the course of
centuries and will spur humanity to forsake the current paradigm of belief for a new paradigm based on
experience. The end of one era is approaching and the dawn of a new age awaits, and the wisdom in this book
reveals the secrets to that transition.
Contributor Bio
Ediciones Corona Borealis
Pub Date: 8/1/14
$22.95/$27.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Rafael López Alonso is a historian, a linguist, and an expert on topics pertaining to spirituality and the origin of
world religions.
200 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit / New
6 in W | 9 in H | 0.7 lb Wt
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 40
La Ley de la Autocreacion
Dr. Felix Toran
EDC Corona Borealis SL
Pub Date: 12/13/11
$20.00/$21.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
250 Pages
Carton Qty: 0
Body, Mind & Spirit / Gaia
& Earth Energies
Series: Ecologia Mental
¿Desea superarse a sí mismo alcanzando sus deseos y experimentando la felicidad? Sin duda, la respuesta es sí.
Pero dicha respuesta conduce a otras evidentes preguntas: ¿Cómo hacerlo? ¿Existen fórmulas mágicas para
conseguir estos logros? Si existen, basta con descubrir la ley más poderosa del universo interior, aquella que está
presente hasta en la más recóndita célula formando parte de nuestra información biológica. Esta ley va más allá
de la ley de atracción, es su fuente y ahora está en tus manos, entre estas páginas.¿Aceptas el reto de
autocrear tu vida?
Would you like to improve yourself fulfilling your dreams and feeling happiness? Surely the answer is yes. But this
response leads to other obvious questions: How can I get it? Are there any magic formulas to achieve these
purposes? If they exist, you only need to find out the most powerful law of the inner universe, the one that is
present even in the most remote cell taking a part of our biological information. This law goes beyond the law of
attraction, in fact, it is its source, and it is now in your hands, between these pages. Do you accept the
challenge of self-creating your life?
Contributor Bio
Dr. Felix Tor?n is a motivational speaker, andpersonal growth author. He has a recognizedprestige in Spain, Latin
America and USA.He is author of the bestseller The Answerofthe Universe which explains the Law of Attractionin
a practical, clear, and tangib
6 in W | 9 in H | 1 in T | 0.9
lb Wt
Autodiseño personal
Félix Torán
Combining teachings about the law of attraction with the structured principles of engineering, this guide seeks to
help readers on the path to happiness and success. Pointing out that rarely, if ever, will engineers seek to design
complicated or unintuitive tools or machinery, the book argues that individuals should similarly strive for simplicity
as they build a life around core values. The straightforward advice provided in this manual will help readers
discover their "inner engineer," realize that they are capable of transforming grand ideas into reality, and design
a life engineered for success and well-being.
Contributor Bio
Ediciones Corona Borealis
Pub Date: 7/1/14
$24.00/$28.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Dr. Félix Torán is a motivational and self-help writer and speaker. He has published more than 100 essays and
books on topics pertaining to science and engineering and is the author of La respuesta del Universo, in which
he elaborates on the law of attraction.
260 Pages
Carton Qty: 40
Body, Mind & Spirit / New
6 in W | 9 in H | 0.8 lb Wt
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 41
Ley de atracción en la pareja
Olivia Reyes Mendoza
Offering advice on how to put the tenets of the law of attraction to use in one's personal life, this manual helps
readers develop the attributes that will allow them to attract their ideal mate as well as develop into happier and
more confident people in the interim. The book includes the tools individuals will need to put the ritual of creating
harmony into practice, as well as formulas that will aid readers as they increase their own magnetism and
develop their power of positive attraction. The keys supplied in this guide will also help individuals become
attuned to their partner's frequency-and to the vibration of love as a result. Anyone interested in using the
energy of the universe to attract the fullness of love into their life will find this an invaluable resource.
Contributor Bio
Ediciones Corona Borealis
Pub Date: 5/1/14
$21.95/$26.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Olivia Reyes Mendoza is a psychologist and a law-of-attraction expert and coach. She is the founder of the
Attracting Prosperity project and the Laboratory for Self-Improvement. She is the author of Conciencia de
prosperidad, Ley de atracción en la pareja, El mágico poder de la autoestima, and El viaje hacia la fe.
206 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit / New
6 in W | 9 in H | 0.6 lb Wt
Cambia tu vida en 30 días con la ley de la atracción
Olivia Reyes Mendoza
One of the few books to offer clear and precise guidelines and tools for making the most of the law of attraction,
this manual demonstrates how to use the power of positive energy and thought to achieve concrete and
immediate results in any aspect of life, whether economic, social, personal relationships, and health. While
Rhonda Byrne's The Secret brought the law of attraction to the attention of millions, it is still necessary to
discover how to apply this energy in everyday life. This guide provides readers with the keys for transforming
their lives and attracting abundance and success.
Contributor Bio
Ediciones Corona Borealis
Pub Date: 5/1/14
$21.95/$26.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Olivia Reyes Mendoza is a psychologist and a law-of-attraction expert and coach. She is the founder of the
Attracting Prosperity project as well as the Laboratory for Self-Improvement. She is the author of Conciencia de
prosperidad, Ley de atracción en la pareja, El mágico poder de la autoestima, and El viaje hacia la fe.
200 Pages
Carton Qty: 36
Body, Mind & Spirit / New
6 in W | 9 in H | 0.7 lb Wt
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 42
Salvemos al amor
Yohana García
Yohana García has written this book for those who take action in order to live a life filled with love and happiness
rather than waiting for it to be handed to them. Readers are invited, through faith, reflection, and action, to
ignite their inner fires that can lead them in their ascension toward perfection. The parts along this path are
relationships with oneself and others, creative abilities, personal journeys, and relationships with divinity. The
author presents personal observations and provides online exercises to help readers obtain answers, love more
easily, and grow internally.
Contributor Bio
Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Pub Date: 4/1/15
$16.95/$19.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Yohana García is a writer, a lecturer, a therapist, and an international trainer in the neurolinguistic program at
Southern Institute of NLP. She is the author of Francesco: El llamado, Francesco decide volver a nacer, and
Francesco: Una vida entre el cielo y la tierra.
216 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Inspiration & Personal
9 in W | 6.3 in H
Relacion y amor
La verdadera revolucion
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Enlightening and inspiring, this analysis highlights the importance of meditation-the act of ridding the mind of all
falsehood-as a path that leads to a more authentic and freer relationship with one's inner self and, as a result,
with the surrounding people and environment. This examination also provides an astute reflection of daily life, in
all its simplicity and complexity, by dissecting various scenarios and situations, always placing them within the
framework of an exterior beauty that is often difficult to perceive. A DVD of lectures given by the author is
additionally included.
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 9/1/09
$21.95/$24.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
240 Pages
Includes DVD
Carton Qty: 64
Philosophy / Mind & Body
Iluminador e inspirante, este análisis destaca la importancia de la meditación-el acto de liberar a la mente de
toda falsedad-como una vía que conduce a una relación más auténtica y libre con el ser interior y, por tanto,
con los demás y con la naturaleza. Esta investigación también provee una reflexión astuta de la vida cotidiana,
con toda su sencillez y complejidad, disecando diversas situaciones, enmarcadas siempre con descripciones de
la belleza exterior que puede ser difícil de percibir. Se incluye adicionalmente un DVD de conferencias dadas por
el autor.
Contributor Bio
Jiddu Krishnamurti was a spiritual teacher and the author of The Awakening Intelligence, Freedom from the
Known, and Think on These Things.
5.00 W | 8.00 H | 0.70 T
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 43
Guía práctica de El Secreto
De "El Secreto" a "El Poder"
Brenda Barnaby
Breaking down the fundamentals of the Law of Attraction and Rhonda Byrne's bestselling The Secret step by
step, this roadmap to greater success and well-being provides visualizations and affirmations for a better life and
discusses how to maintain a healthy mind, foster a positive personality, and strengthen emotional bonds. The
book examines frequently committed errors, responds to basic questions on the Law of Attraction, and even
provides inspiring, real-life accounts of individuals who have used the power of positive thinking to transform
their lives. This is a comprehensive guide to tapping into the power of the mind.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 9/10/12
$23.95/$26.95 Can.
224 Pages
Carton Qty: 44
Body, Mind & Spirit / New
6 in W | 7.3 in H | 1.1 lb Wt
Desglosando los elementos fundamentales de la Ley de la Atracción y del best seller de Rhonda Byrne El Secreto
paso por paso, este mapa hacia el éxito y bienestar provee visualizaciones y afirmaciones para una vida mejor
y discute cómo mantener una mente sana, fomentar una personalidad positiva y reforzar los vínculos
emocionales. El libro examina errores frecuentes, responde a preguntas básicas sobre la Ley de la Atracción y
aun provee relatos verdaderos inspiradores de individuos que han usado el poder del pensamiento positivo para
transformar sus vidas. Ésta...
Contributor Bio
Brenda Barnaby is a psychologist, a researcher, and a writer specializing in issues related to mental powers and
brain waves.
Los mensajes de El Secreto
Descubre cómo puedes mejorar tu vida con la Ley de la Atracción
Carol Marshall
This overview of the law of attraction concisely states its main points-think, ask, believe, visualize, receive-as it
describes the great potential of positive thinking. The keys to finding love, good health, and success are all
outlined in this handy resource, providing a path to self-improvement and happiness.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 4/27/12
$10.00/$11.00 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
192 Pages
Carton Qty: 72
Body, Mind & Spirit / New
Esta visión general de la Ley de la Atracción relata de manera concisa los puntos principales-pensar, pedir, creer,
visualizar, recibir-mientras describe el gran potencial del pensamiento positivo. Las claves para conseguir el amor,
la salud y el éxito se esbozan en este recurso práctico, proveyendo un sendero hacia la superación personal y la
Contributor Bio
Carol Marshall is a student of the law of attraction and positive thinking. She is a frequent collaborator with
Brenda Barnaby, author of Más allá de El Secreto.
5.5 in W | 5.5 in H | 0.5 lb
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 44
Más allá de El Secreto
Las claves del best seller y nuevas revelaciones para mejorar tu vida
Brenda Barnaby
Inspirational and rousing, this examination reveals all of the keys to Rhonda Byrne's bestselling The Secret,
explaining how to access a path of self-improvement and reach higher levels of success and well-being through a
better understanding of mental power. New revelations based on the points made in The Secret accompany
methods for getting rid of bad thoughts and rising above fear and anxiety.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 8/4/10
$15.00/$16.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
192 Pages
Carton Qty: 72
Body, Mind & Spirit / New
Inspiradora y evocadora, esta investigación desvela las claves del aclamado mensaje de Rhonda Byrne en El
Secreto, explicando como acceder a una vía de superación personal y alcanzar mayores cotas de éxito y
bienestar gracias a un conocimiento mejor de poder mental. Nuevas revelaciones basadas en los puntos de El
Secreto acompaña métodos para alejarse de los malos pensamientos y superar los miedos y los temores.
Contributor Bio
Brenda Barnaby is a psychologist, a researcher, and a writer specializing in the study of issues related to
mental powers and the sources and functions of brain waves.
5.8 in W | 6.8 in H | 0.6 in T
| 0.6 lb Wt
Nostradamus Maya 2012
Mas alla de la profecia maya del fin del mundo
Spencer Carter
Exploring such questions as Will the world end in 2012? and What cosmic messages did ancient civilizations leave
behind?, this remarkable guide discusses the multifaceted mysteries that surround the Mayan civilization and the
real significance of their extraordinary predictions. This timely analysis addresses topics such as the phenomenal
cosmic alignment that will occur in 2012, the evolution and abrupt disappearance of the Mayan civilization, and
how their knowledge and beliefs correspond with contemporary science.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 4/1/11
$13.95/$15.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
224 Pages
Carton Qty: 50
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Explorando preguntas como ¿Se acabará el mundo en el 2012? y ¿Cuáles mensajes cósmicos dejaron las antiguas
civilizaciones?, esta guía notable discute los múltiples misterios que rodean la civilización maya y la verdadera
significación de sus extraordinarias profecías. Este análisis oportuno aborda temas como la fenomenal alineación
cósmica que ocurrirá en 2012, la evolución de la civilización maya y su abrupta desaparición y cómo sus
conocimientos y creencias corresponden a la ciencia contemporánea.
Contributor Bio
Spencer Carter is a renowned scholar of the ancient world and a disseminator of paleontological and
archaeological issues. He is the author of Misterios de la antiguedad.
5.50 W | 7.00 H | 0.60 T
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 45
Nostradamus Maya 2012
Más allá de la profecía maya del apocalipsis
Spencer Carter
Exploring such questions as Will the world end in 2012? and What is the cosmic message that the Mayans left
behind?, this remarkable guide discusses the multifaceted mysteries that surround the Mayan civilization and the
real significance of their extraordinary predictions. This timely analysis addresses topics such as the phenomenal
cosmic alignment that will occur in 2012, the evolution and abrupt disappearance of the Mayan civilization, and
how their knowledge and beliefs correspond with contemporary science.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 3/3/10
$24.95/$27.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
224 Pages
Carton Qty: 28
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Explorando preguntas como ¿Se acabará el mundo en el 2012? y ¿Cuál es el mensaje cósmico que dejaron los
Mayas?, esta guía notable discute los múltiples misterios que rodean la civilización Maya y la verdadera
significación de sus extraordinarias profecías. Este análisis oportuno aborda temas como la fenomenal alineación
cósmica que ocurrirá en 2012, la evolución de la civilización Maya y su abrupta desaparición y cómo sus
conocimientos y creencias corresponden a la ciencia contemporánea.
Contributor Bio
Spencer Carter is the author of Misterios de la antiguedad.
6 in W | 7 in H | 0.8 in T | 1
lb Wt
Los poderes de la mente
Alejandro Parra
Do you think it is possible that the union of people and the strength of their minds can ‘be made accessible to all’
before emotional, intense events occur? Did you know that this reality we see, hear, and touch, is not the only
one there? Who or what are these imaginary friends, children’s mysterious companions? Do you remember once
having the ‘sensation’ that someone you knew- but never talked to on the phone- that called that day or
moments before the ‘sensation’? Are experiencing hunches or premonitions of future events that end up true a
skill or a curse? Can the battlefield become a breeding ground that fires paranormal experiences? Did you know
that there are extraordinary mediums that defy laws of physics?
Contributor Bio
Ediciones Corona Borealis
Pub Date: 3/1/12
$26.00/$31.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
328 Pages
Carton Qty: 0
Body, Mind & Spirit /
Alejandro Parra es doctor en Psicología y profesor graduado en la facultad de Psicología de la Universidad
Abierta Interamericana de Buenos Aires. Desde 1990 hasta 2004 fue editor de la Revista Argentina de Psicología
Paranormal y desde 2006 del boletín electrónico E-boletín Psi. Ha atendido un gran numero de talleres,
seminarios, simposios y cursos de postrado en Psicología. Desde 1993 es presidente de la Asoc. Civil Instituto de
Psicología Paranormal y la Agencia Latinoamericana de Información Psi. Es miembro de una decena de
asociaciones internacionales, entre ellas la Parapsychological Association, la American Psychological Association
y la Sociedad Interamericana de Psicología. Autor de numerosos libros, entre ellos Historia de la Parapsicología,
Fenómenos paranormales: Una introducci...
6 in W | 9 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 46
Compañeros en el camino
Un viaje espiritual por las relaciones de pareja
F. E. Eckard Strohm
Since the age of 10, author F. E. Eckard Strohm has supported and helped others by means of counseling,
hypnosis, and spiritual healing. He is the creator of healing and hypnosis techniques taught worldwide. This book
leads you through different forms of relationships and their possible problems and solutions, and it encourages
reflection. In a simple manner, Strohm explains the components of relationships and why people often attract the
wrong partners. The book also touches on relationships between friends as well as families. The knowledge this
guide provides will help you improve upon your personal relationships.
Contributor Bio
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 6/1/15
$13.95/$16.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
F. E. Eckard Strohm is the founder and president of the International Reiki Association, one of the largest
organizations in the world that focuses on natural and energy healings. He travels and spreads his teachings
throughout Europe and America.
156 Pages
Carton Qty: 60
Body, Mind & Spirit /
4.8 in W | 7.5 in H
Ensayo sobre la inmortalidad
Federico Paz, Vicente Merlo
The search for physical immortality is one of the principal themes of universal thought and literature, observed in
some of the earliest recorded writings, including The Epic of Gilgamesh. Sherpa is a philosophical and existential
approach to this age-old human quest. The book synthesizes the different paths that various cultures-the
Chinese, the Tibetan, the Indian, and others-attempted to pave toward immortality, examining the
consequences of adopting a philosophy and behavior that revolve around it. The author argues that
incorporating the concept of immortality into everyday life can drastically change an individual's perception of
sexuality, mysticism, the use of technology, social obligation-in short, the building blocks of life. The essay
discusses individuals who, though they did not achieve physical immortality, left an enduring legacy, including
scalers of the Himalayas' eight-thousanders and the Sherpa community.
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 5/1/14
$21.95/$24.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
240 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Philosophy / Eastern
Contributor Bio
Federico Paz is a copyeditor, a photojournalist, and an award-winning writer of essays, poems, and short
stories. Vicente Merlo is a philosopher and social scientist whose work focuses on Eastern philosophy and
religions. He is the author of La llamada (de la) Nueva Era.
5 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.6 lb Wt
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 47
Un cerezo en el balcon
Practicar Zen en la ciudad
Laia Monserrat
This short introduction to the practice and principles of Zen shows how to create an easy and useful routine in
the midst of hectic city life, whether while riding on the bus, washing dishes, or engaging in any number of other
everyday activities. Clear descriptions and explanations are provided of some of the basic elements of Zen,
including the postures of zazen (seated meditation), breathing techniques, silence, and meditation, and how
they can be integrated into daily living.
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 1/1/13
$15.95/$17.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
104 Pages
Carton Qty: 0
Philosophy / Zen
5 in W | 8 in H
Esta corta introducción a la práctica y los principios del Zen demuestra cómo crear una rutina fácil y útil en
medio de la frenética vida urbana, ya sea mientras se ande en autobús, se frieguen los platos o se esté ocupado
con alguna otra actividad diaria. Se proveen descripciones y explicaciones claras de algunos de los elementos
básicos del Zen, incluyendo las posturas de za-zen (la meditación sentada), técnicas de respiración, el silencio y
la meditación, y cómo se pueden integrar en la vida diaria.
Contributor Bio
Laia Monserrat is a psychologist, psychotherapist, and business consultant. A practitioner of Zen for more than
30 years, she created Presencia Zen, a program based on the active principles of Zen as applied to both
businesses and individuals.
Camina como un Buda
Aunque estés de resaca, tu jefe te agobie y tu ex te torture
Lodro Rinzler
How can you be the person you want to be when you're trapped in a job that you hate? How is it possible to "be
present" in an era full of distractions? Can I flirt with someone in a bar and still consider myself a spiritual being?
This guide is for those who consider themselves to be spiritual, but not necessarily religious. It uses the
teachings of Buddhism to answer those burning questions about relationships, work, social activities, and
everyday dilemmas. Based on the author's popular advice column, Camina como un Buda offers wisdom that can
be applied to these difficult situations. It teaches the reader how to walk like Buddha, that is, to live honestly
with wisdom and compassion in the face of everything that may come your way in life.
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 7/1/15
$22.95/$27.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Lodro Rinzler teaches at the New York Shambhala Meditation Center and has an advice column in the
Huffington Post and the Good Men Project. He is the director of the Institute for Compassionate Leadership in
New York and the author of El Buda entra en un bar. He lives in New York City.
264 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Religion / Buddhism
5 in W | 8 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 48
Que es la Kabala?
Mario Satz
This brief introduction to Kabbalah discusses the tenets of the Jewish mystical discipline, including the symbolism
of the letters used in the Hebrew bible, the Tree of Life, and the pathways to wisdom, among other topics. The
author explains that Kabbalah is a study that ultimately seeks to sharpen the mind of its practitioners, allowing
them to make revealing discoveries that lead to greater happiness and an understanding of their deepest nature.
Esta breve introducción a la Kábala describe los principios de la disciplina mística judía, incluyendo el simbolismo
de las letras que se usan en la biblia hebrea, el Árbol de la Vida y los senderos de la sabiduría, entre otros temas.
El autor explica que la Kábala es un estudio que busca afinar la mente de sus practicantes, permitiéndoles hacer
descubrimientos reveladores que conducen a la felicidad y a una comprensión de su naturaleza más profunda.
Editorial Kairos
Pub Date: 2/1/13
$14.95/$16.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Mario Satz is a writer, a poet, and a translator. Having studied Kabbalah for eight years in Jerusalem, he now
teaches seminars on the subject in Spain.
120 Pages
Carton Qty: 0
Religion / Judaism
5 in W | 8 in H
Cumpliendo tu promesa espiritual
John-Roger, DSS
This three-volume compilation offers an overview of the teachings of soul transcendence. It addresses broad
concepts such as karma, incarnation, the realms of the spirit, and the human consciousness. It also includes
practical and insightful information about relationships, dreams, everyday spirituality, and how to live in
partnership with God. Complete with a glossary, this is a guide to achieving spiritual fulfillment and living a life of
health and happiness.
Contributor Bio
Mandeville Press
Pub Date: 8/1/15
$29.95/$35.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
John-Roger, DCE, is the founder of the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Awareness. He has appeared on
numerous radio and television shows and has been a featured guest on Larry King Live. He is the author and
coauthor of more than 50 spiritual and self-help books and audio albums, including the New York Times
bestsellers Do It! Let's Get Off Our Butts and Life 101.
1125 Pages
Carton Qty: 10
Religion / Spirituality
5.5 in W | 8.3 in H
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 49
Cómo dejar cualquier adicción
Frederick Woolverton, Susan Shapiro
If smoking, constantly eating or drinking, or gambling have become hindrances to achieving your goals and you
no longer have control or know how to overcome your addictions, this book is for you. Discover strategies that
help you regain control of your life and build a better future. Dr. Frederick Woolverton, specialist in addictions,
compiles several cases of past patients who were addicted to various substances or activities, from alcohol and
drug use to gambling and pornography, and how they were rehabilitated. In collaboration with his former patient,
Susan Shapiro, Woolverton proposes different ways to free yourself from suffering without having to resort to
temporary releases of endorphins that addictions cause. This book will help you learn to trust in people rather
than in harmful substances.
Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Pub Date: 4/1/15
$17.95/$21.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
224 Pages
Carton Qty: 32
Self-Help / General
Contributor Bio
Dr. Frederick Woolverton is a clinical psychologist who specializes in treating patients with addictions. He is
the founder and director of the acclaimed Village Institute for Psychotherapy in both New York City and
Fayetteville, Arkansas. He has contributed to the New York Times and Psychology Today. Susan Shapiro is a
journalism professor and has written for the Nation, the New York Times, Newsweek, Psychology Today, Salon,
the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post. She is the author of The Bosnia List, Five Men Who Broke My
Heart, Lighting Up, and Tripping the Prom Queen. They both live in New York City.
5.8 in W | 8.8 in H
Comprende tus sueños
Peter Talbott
This concise reference for dream interpretation begins by explaining what dreams are and where they come from
before delving deeper into the language of dreams, their meanings, and their possible applications. Information on
different types of dreams is provided, and practical tips and habits for being able to remember dreams on a more
consistent basis are described. Ultimately, this handbook will help readers tap into the revealing, premonitory,
and therapeutic aspects of their dreams.
Ediciones Robinbook
Pub Date: 7/17/12
$10.00/$11.00 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Esta referencia concisa para la interpretación de los sueños comienza con una explicación de lo que son los
sueños y de su proveniencia antes de ahondar en el lenguaje de los sueños, sus significados y sus posibles
aplicaciones. Se provee información sobre los diferentes tipos de sueños, y se describen consejos y hábitos
prácticos para recordar los sueños de una manera más consistente. Como resultado, esta guía ayudará a los
lectores a acceder el carácter revelador, premonitorio y terapéutico de sus sueños.
192 Pages
Carton Qty: 72
Self-Help / Dreams
Contributor Bio
5.5 in W | 5.5 in H | 0.5 lb
Peter Talbott is a neurologist and a lecturer who has given numerous seminars on dreams and dream
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 50
Sabiduria sin tiempo
Volumen uno
Following the premise that each person is a unique, divine being, this collection of short essays serves as a
constant guide to the spirit within. Each essay provides a few moments of repose and reflection to balance the
fast pace and multitasking of daily living. Concise and compassionate, the wisdom in this volume is pertinent in
any given time or situation.
Mandeville Press
Pub Date: 4/15/10
$12.95/$13.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
220 Pages
Carton Qty: 40
Self-Help / Meditation
Series: Timeless Wisdoms
6 in W | 7.8 in H | 0.6 in T
Siguiendo la premisa que cada persona es única y divina, esta colección de ensayos cortos sirve como una guía
constante al espíritu adentro. Cada ensayo provee unos momentos de reposo y reflexión para equilibrar el paso
rápido de multitarea de la vida diaria. Concisa y compasiva, la sabiduría en este volumen es pertinente para
cualquier tiempo o situación.
Contributor Bio
John-Roger, D.S.S., is the founder of the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, founder and
chancellor of the University of Santa Monica and of Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy; he is
also the founder and spiritual adviser of the Institute for Individual & World Peace. He has appeared on numerous
radio and television shows and been a featured guest on Larry King Live . He is the author and co-author of more
than 50 books, including Living the Spiritual Principles of Health and Well-Being, Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise,
The Rest of Your Life, and Spiritual Warrior-inspiration for the acclaimed film Spiritual Warriors. He lives in Los
Cuentos para pensar
Jorge Bucay
During his long and plentiful professional career, Jorge Bucay has always recounted stories not only as a means
to teach his patients, but also to reflect with them on common worries and concerns of human beings. This
book, one of his most widely read titles, combines many of these inspiring stories. They are the stories that
accompany us and help to shed light on our inner growth. Almost all of them have their own inspiration, but we
also find the traditional narratives and stories that have enriched the thinking process and lives of readers. In
this book, the author engages us in an imaginary discussion with his numerous readers. It is a warm and friendly
conversation that recalls some of the themes that men and women have dealt with for a long time, while ending
with a challenge to the reader to make each day better and better.
Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Pub Date: 5/1/12
$9.95/$11.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Jorge Bucay is a doctor and psychotherapist. His books have sold well in all Spanish-speaking countries and
have been translated into more than 24 languages. Apart from conferences and seminaries, he has become one
of the most influential thinkers of today's society.
188 Pages
Carton Qty: 63
Self-Help / Motivational &
5 in W | 7.5 in H | 0.3 lb Wt
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 51
De la autoestima al egoísmo
Jorge Bucay
Consisting of imaginary chats with numerous readers, Jorge Bucay has written yet another heartwarming and
uplifting book meant to help its readers. The friendly conversation includes common topics that have concerned
women and men throughout the ages, and presents them in such a way as to improve upon every day. This
dialog, filled with tasteful humor, stories, and parables, invites us to question our most deep-rooted beliefs and
to meditate on questions that truly touch human condition.
Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Pub Date: 1/1/12
$9.95/$11.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Trade Paperback
Contributor Bio
Jorge Bucay is a doctor and psychotherapist. His books have sold well in all Spanish-speaking countries and
have been translated into more than 24 languages. Apart from conferences and seminaries, he has become one
of the most influential thinkers of today's society.
184 Pages
Carton Qty: 60
Self-Help / Motivational &
5 in W | 7.5 in H | 0.3 lb Wt
Servir y dar
Portales a la conciencia superior
John-Roger, Paul Kaye
Looking at the act of giving as a way to bring greater happiness into one's life, this insightful exploration
challenges contemporary concepts of service. Offering simple and practical techniques for open-minded
volunteering, a wealth of quotes, narratives, and reflective pieces seek to motivate and inspire. Encouraging an
attitude of selflessness with positive and timely action, this thought-provoking guide posits that serving is a
gateway to higher consciousness. Comprised of brief, clear chapters, this perceptive meditation is easy to
reference while attending the needs of others.
Mandeville Press
Pub Date: 7/1/10
$14.95/$16.95 Can.
Trade Paperback
178 Pages
Carton Qty: 46
Self-Help / Motivational &
6 in W | 9 in H | 0.4 in T |
0.6 lb Wt
Mirando al acto de dar como modo de producir mayor felicidad en la vida, esta exploración perspicaz desafía los
conceptos contemporáneos de servicio. Ofreciendo técnicas simples y practicales para ser un voluntario con una
mente abierta, una riqueza de citas, narraciones y piezas de reflexión intentan motivar y inspirar. Fomentando
una actitud de desinterés con acción positiva y oportuna, esta guía de pensamientos provocativos plantea que
servir es una puerta de entrar a mayor conciencia. Compuesta por breves capítulos claros, esta meditación
perceptiva es una fácil referencia cuando se atenda a las...
Contributor Bio
John-Roger, D.S.S., is the founder of the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, founder and
chancellor of the University of Santa Monica and of Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy; he is
also the founder and spiritual adviser of the Institute for Individual & World Peace. He has appeared on numerous
radio and television shows and been a featured guest on Larry King Live . He is the author and co-author of more
than 50 books, including Living the Spiritual Principles of Health and Well-Being, Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise,
The Rest of Your Life, and Spiritual Warrior-inspiration for the acclaimed film Spiritual Warriors. Paul Kaye, DCE,
is an ordained minister and the president of the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. They both
live in Lo...
IPG Body, Mind & Spirit Titles in Spanish Spring 2015 - Page 52

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