Divine Mercy Parish


Divine Mercy Parish
Divine Mercy Parish
April 17, 2016
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Welcome to all twenty who received the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil!
Saturday 3:00—3:45 p.m.
Sábado 6:15 p.m.—6:45 p.m. (Español)
30 minutes before Sunday Masses
Tuesday, before 6:30 pm Mass
By appointment
Contact Us
• 8:00 a.m. (Latin on last Sat. of
• 4:00 p.m. Vigil
• 7:00 p.m. (Vigilia—Español)
• 8:30 a.m.
• 10:30 a.m.
• 6:00 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday
• 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
• 7:30 a.m.
Church & Parish Office:
4337 Sal Lentini Pkwy
Kenner, LA 70065
“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4
Phone: 504-466-5016
Fax: 504-264-5394
Emergency: 504-444-8997
Website: www.divinemercyparish.org
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School:
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Divine Mercy Parish
St. Joseph Sunday Missal
Today’s Readings:
Next Sunday:
p. 1192
p. 1197
To purchase a Sunday Missal for
$20, please see an usher.
Family Prayer
oving and faithful God, through
the years the people of our archdiocese have appreciated the prayers and love of Our Lady of Prompt Succor in times of war, disaster, epidemic
and illness. We come to you, Father, with
Mary our Mother, and ask you to help us
in the battle of today against violence,
murder and racism.
We implore you to give us your wisdom
that we may build a community founded
on the values of Jesus, which gives respect to the life and dignity of all people.
Bless parents that they may form their
children in faith. Bless and protect our
youth that they may be peacemakers of
our time. Give consolation to those who
have lost loved ones through violence.
Hear our prayer and give us the perseverance to be a voice for life and human
dignity in our community.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to
help us.
Mother Henriette Delille, pray for us that
we may be a holy family.
4:00 pm Mass
Our God is Here
1. Here in this me,
here in this place,
here we are standing face to face.
Here in our hearts, here in our lives,
our God is here.
Here for the broken,
here for the strong,
here in this temple we belong.
Here in our hearts, here in our lives,
our God is here. And we cry:
“Holy! Holy! Holy are you!”
We cry: “Holy! Holy! Holy and true!”
Amen, we do believe our God is here.
Our God is here.
2. Here in the Word, God is revealed,
here where the wounded
can be healed.
Here in our hearts, here in our lives,
our God is here.
Here we become what we receive,
here in this Eucharis c feast.
We are his body, living as one;
our God is here. And we cry:
By: C. Muglia©2001. OCP Publica ons. All
rights reserved. Used by permission. License # 608353.
How Can I Keep From Singing
1. My life flows on in endless song
Above earth's lamenta on.
I hear the real though far-off hymn
That hails a new crea on.
No storm can shake my inmost calm,
While to that rock I'm clinging.
Since love is Lord of
heaven and earth,
How can I keep from singing?
2. Through all the tumult
and the strife,
I hear that music ringing;
It sounds and echoes in my soul;
How can I keep from singing?
3. What, though my joys
and comfort die,
The Lord, my savior liveth.
What though the darkness
gather 'round?
Songs in the night it giveth.
4. The peace of Christ
makes fresh my heart,
A fountain ever springing.
All things are mine since I am his;
How can I keep from singing?
“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4
By: R. Lowry©Public Domain. Used by
Shepherd of Our Hearts
Shepherd of our hearts,
receive our song of praise.
Lead us to the Kingdom,
and guide us all our days.
1. Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless
your chosen pilgrim flock
with manna in the wilderness,
with water from the rock.
2. We would not live by bread alone,
but by your word of grace,
in strength of which we
travel on to our abiding place.
3. Be known to us in breaking bread,
but do not then depart;
O Lord, abide with
us, and spread your table in our heart.
4. Lord, sup with us in love divine;
your Body and your Blood,
that living bread, that heav'nly wine
be our immortal food.
By: J. Montgomery©1988. GIA Publicaons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. License # A-722878.
Sending Forth
You Are The Voice
For, you are the voice
of the living God,
calling us now to live in your love,
to be children of God once again!
1. Praise for the light
that shines through the night,
from darkness to light,
from death to new life,
and praise to the morning
that brings forth the sun,
to open our eyes to the Lord!
April 17, 2016
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Page 3
renuévanos el corazón.
To open our eyes to the Lord!
4. Toma, Señor, nuestras vidas,
confiamos en , oh Señor.
2. Praise for the water
that springs from the sea,
the seed that gives
life to all who believe,
God's love overflowing,
our hearts know the joy
To be daughters and
sons of the Lord!
To be daughters and
sons of the Lord!
Por: P. Rubalcava©1989. OCP Publicaons.Todos los derechos reservados.
Usado con permiso. Licencia # 608353.
Visión Pastoral
1. Eran cien ovejas
que había en su rebaño,
Eran cien ovejas
que amante cuido;
Pero una tarde al contarlas todas,
le faltaba una, le faltaba una
y triste lloró.
Las noventa y nueva
dejo en el aprisco
y por la montaña a buscarla fue;
La encontró llorando,
temblando de frío.
Ungió sus heridas,
la cargo en sus hombros
y al redil volvió.
3. Praise for the singing
and praise for the dance,
with new heart and voice,
all raise the song
of praise to crea on;
all heaven and earth,
come sing of the glory of God!
Come sing of the glory of God!
By: D. Hass©1987. GIA Publica ons. All
rights reserved. Used by permission.
License # A-722878.
Misa - 7:00 pm
Somos Todos el Pueblo de Dios
Cantor: Todos unidos en un solo amor,
Todos: Todos unidos en un solo amor,
Cantor: somos todos el pueblo de Dios.
Todos: somos todos el pueblo de Dios.
Cantor: Y alabamos tu nombre, Señor.
Todos: Y alabamos tu nombre, Señor.
Cantor: Somos todos el pueblo de Dios.
Todos: Somos todos el pueblo de Dios.
1. Alaben con cantos a nuestro Dios.
Te alabe toda tu creación.
2. Habla, Señor, te escuchamos,
tu Palabra da vida, Señor.
2. Esa an gua historia
vuelve a repe rse,
todavía hay ovejas
que errabundas van;
con el alma rota
van por los collados,
temblando de frío,
vagando en el mundo,
sin Dios y sin luz.
Pero todavía existen pastores
que por la montaña
a buscarlas van,
y cuando las hallan,
las traen al camino,
al camino bueno,
la Verdad y Vida
que es Cristo el Señor.
3. Si tú eres un alma
que sufre la angus a
de sen rse sola
en cruel lobreguez,
hoy te traigo nuevas,
nuevas de gran gozo,
es el evangelio
que salva y redime
y te da la luz.
Sea en la montaña
o en la cumbre agreste,
ya fuera en el valle
o en abismo cruel,
Cristo el Buen Pastor
quiere en pastos verdes
confortar tu alma,
vendar tus heridas y darte la paz.
Por: J. Romero©1969. OCP Publicaons.Todos los derechos reservados.
Usado con permiso. Licencia # 608353.
Abba, Padre
1. Abba, Padre, Dios del cielo,
gloria a Jesús.
Abba, Padre, Dios del cielo,
gloria a Jesús.
Gloria, aleluya, gloria a Jesús.
Gloria, aleluya, gloria a Jesús.
2. Les daré del agua viva,
gloria a Jesús.
Les daré del agua viva,
gloria a Jesús.
3. Soy la luz, la luz del mundo,
gloria a Jesús.
Soy la luz, la luz del mundo,
gloria a Jesús.
4. Voy buscando a mis ovejas,
gloria a Jesús.
Voy buscando a mis ovejas,
gloria a Jesús.
5. Yo la vida doy por ellas,
gloria a Jesús.
Yo la vida doy por ellas,
gloria a Jesús.
Por: Hna. V. Vissing©1994. OCP Publicaons.Todos los derechos reservados.
Usado con permiso. Licencia # 608353.
3. Perdónanos nuestras culpas,
“Dios es rico en misericordia . . .” Efesios 2:4
Divine Mercy Parish
Canto Final
La Misa Es Una Fiesta
La Misa no termina aquí en la Iglesia.
Ahora la empezamos a vivir.
1. Porque en la vida, cada día,
recordaremos lo que aquí
hemos vivido y aprendido
a compar r.
2. Hemos de ser la levadura,
hemos de ser semilla y luz.
Junto a nosotros, caminando,
viene Jesús.
Por: C. Gabaráin©1984. OCP Publicaons. Todos los derechos reservados.
Usado con permiso. Licencia # 608353.
8:30 am Mass
Our God Is Here
(See 4 pm Mass - Entrance)
You Sa*sfy The Hungry Heart
You sa sfy the hungry heart
With giU of finest wheat;
Come give to us, O saving Lord,
The bread of life to eat.
1. As when the shepherd calls his sheep,
They know and heed his voice;
So when you call your fam'ly, Lord,
We follow and rejoice.
2. With joyful lips we sing to you
Our praise and gra tude,
That you should count us worthy, Lord,
To share this heav'nly food.
3. Is not the cup we bless and share
The blood of Christ outpoured?
Do not one cup, one loaf, declare
Our oneness in the Lord?
Page 4
No mortal tongue can tell:
Whom all the world cannot contain
Comes in our hearts to dwell.
5. You give yourself to us, O Lord;
Then selfless let us be,
To serve each other in your name
In truth and charity.
Text: O. Westendorf©1977. Archdiocese
of Philadelphia. GIA Publica ons. All
rights reserved. Used by permission. License #A-722878.
5. I am the light that came into the
world; I am the light that darkness
cannot hide; I am the morning star
that never sets; LiU up your face,
in you my light will shine.
6. I am the first and last,
the Living One;
I am the Lord who
died that you might live;
I am the bridegroom,
this my wedding song;
You are my bride,
come to the marriage feast.
Take And Eat
Take and eat; take and eat:
this is my body given up for you.
Take and drink; take and drink:
this is my blood given up for you.
1. I am the Word that spoke and
light was made; I am the seed that
died to be reborn; I am the bread that
comes from heav'n above;
I am the vine
that fills your cup with joy.
2. I am the way that leads the
exile home; I am the truth that sets
the cap ve free; I am the life that
raises up the dead; I am your peace,
true peace my giU to you.
3. I am the Lamb that takes away
your sin; I am the gate that guards
you night and day; You are my flock:
you know the shepherd's voice;
You are my own:
your ransom is my blood.
4. I am the cornerstone that
God has laid; A chosen stone
and precious in his eyes;
You are God's dwelling place,
on me you rest; Like living stones,
a temple for God's praise.
By: M. Joncas©1989. GIA Publica ons. All
rights reserved. Used by permission. License #A-722878.
Sending Forth
Sing to the Mountains
Sing to the mountains, sing to the sea.
Raise your voices, liU your hearts.
This is the day the Lord has made.
Let all the earth rejoice.
1. I will give thanks to you, my Lord.
You have answered my plea.
You have saved my soul from death.
You are my strength and my song.
2. Holy, holy, holy Lord.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
3. This is the day the Lord has made.
Let us be glad and rejoice.
Death has lost and all is life.
Sing of the glory of God.
By: B. Dufford©1975. OCP Publica ons.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
License # 608353.
10:30 am Mass
Our God Is Here
(See 4 pm Mass - Entrance)
4. The myst'ry of your presence, Lord,
“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4
April 17, 2016
Fourth Sunday of Easter
You Sa*sfy The Hungry Heart
(See 8:30 am Mass - Offertory)
Take and Eat
(See 8:30 am Mass - Communion)
Sending Forth
Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
1. Jesus Christ is ris'n today,
Our triumphant holy day,
Who did once upon the cross,
Suffer to redeem our loss.
2. Hymns of praise then let us sing,
Unto Christ, our heav'nly King,
Who endured the cross and grave,
Sinners to redeem and save.
3. But the pains which he endured,
Our salva on have procured;
Now above the sky he's King,
Where the angels ever sing.
4. Sing we to our God above,
Praise eternal as his love;
Praise him, now his might confess,
Father, Son, and Spirit blest.
Easter Hymn©Public Domain. Used by
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6:00 pm Mass
Let God Arise
1. Hear the holy roar of God resound,
watch the waters part before us now.
Come and see what He has done for us,
Tell the world of His great love.
Our God is a God who saves.
Our God is a God who saves.
Let God arise,
let God arise.
Our God reigns now and forever,
He reigns now and forever.
2. His enemies will run for sure,
the Church will stand, she will endure
He holds the keys of life ,our Lord,
death has no s ng, no final word.
Our God is a God who saves.
Our God is a God who saves.
(to refrain…)
By: C. Tomlin©2006. All rights reserved.
Used by permission. CCLI License
#11201196. Song #4822413.
Here I Am
Here I am,
standing right beside you.
Here I am;
Do not be afraid.
Here I am,
wai ng like a lover.
I am here; Here I am.
1. Do not fear
when the tempter calls you.
Do not fear even though you fall.
Do not fear, I have conquered evil.
Do not fear; Never be afraid.
2. I am here
in the face of ev'ry child.
I am here in ev'ry warm embrace.
I am here
with tenderness and mercy.
Here I am; I am here.
3. I am here
in the midst of ev'ry trial.
I am here in the face of despair.
I am here
when pardoning your brother.
Here I am; I am here.
By: T. Booth©1996. OCP Publica ons. All
rights reserved. Used by permission. License # 608353.
Behold the Lamb of God
1. You are my Lord.
It’s you I adore.
Nothing on earth could ever
take your place.
Your might humbles ev’ry heart;
the highest of heavens bow.
Nothing on earth could ever
take your place.
And now we see your sacrifice,
the greatest giU, our greatest prize.
Behold the Lamb of God!
Behold the Lamb of God
who takes away the sins of the world.
2. We will not forget,
we will stay awake!
We will not abandon
the promise that you made.
We will not forget,
we will stay awake!
We will not abandon
the promise that you made.
(to final refrain…)
Final Refrain
Behold the Lamb of God!
Behold the Lamb of God
who takes away the sins of the world.
Behold the Lamb of God!
“Dios es rico en misericordia . . .” Efesios 2:4
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Divine Mercy Parish
Behold the Lamb of God
who takes away the sins of the world,
the sins of the world,
the sins of the world.
By: M. Maher©2005. All rights reserved.
Used by permission. CCLI License
#11201196. Song # 4669755.
Sending Forth
Mighty To Save
1. Ev’ryone needs compassion,
love that's never failing.
Let mercy fall on me.
Ev’ryone needs forgiveness,
the kindness of a Saviour.
The hope of na ons
Saviour, He can move the mountains.
My God is mighty to save.
He is mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salva on.
He rose and conquered the grave.
Jesus conquered the grave.
2. So take me as You find me,
all my fears and failures.
Fill my life again.
I give my life to follow,
ev’rything I believe in.
Now I surrender.
(to refrain…)
Shine your light, and
let the whole world see.
We're singing for
the glory of the risen King.
Shine your light,
and let the whole world see.
We're singing for
the glory of the risen King.
(to refrain…)
Candle Donations
Donations toward the cost of
Sanctuary candles for the Adoration Chapel are always welcomed.
Donaciones para Velas
Donaciones hacia el costo de las
velas del Santuario de la capilla
de adoración son siempre bienvenidas.
Prayer Blanket Ministry
If anyone would like to request a
prayer blanket for someone who
is ill or in need, please call Meryl
Rooney at 472-4383. Donations
are gratefully appreciated, but
not required.
Volunteer one small hour with Jesus in adoration each week. Watch
Him change your life forever, for
the Good. For more information
contact Pat Cassidy at 339-6532.
¿Conque no pudieron velar una
hora junto a Mí? VELEN Y OREN
Se voluntario para pasar una
pequeña hora con Jesús en
adoración cada semana. Mírale
cambiar tu vida para siempre, para
el bien. Para obtener más información ponte en contacto con Pat
Cassidy al 339-6532.
The Chapel
Candles burn this week
In Memory of
William L. Ayres
Ministerio de
Manta y Oración
Si alguien quisiera solicitar una
manta de oración para alguien
By: B. Fielding; R. Morgan©2006. All
que está enfermo o lo necesita,
rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI por favor llame al 472-4383 MerLicense #11201196. Song #4591782.
yl Rooney. Apreciamos sus
donaciones, pero no son necesarias.
“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4
The Sanctuary Candle
burns this week
In Memory of
Walter Taylor
Sunday, April 17
Second collection– Diocesan Priest retirement
• Confirmation 11th session, 3 pm, Par-
ish community center [Pcc]*
Mass Intentions
Day Date Time Intention
4/16 4:00 PM
• LIFE TEEN Mass followed by LIFE Night,
6 pm-8:45 pm, Church
Monday, April 18
• Group Pilgrimage, 3:00 pm, Church
• R.C.I.A. (English), 7:00 pm, Narthex
• Knights of Columbus Meeting, 7:00
pm, [Pcc]*
• Legion of Mary, 7 pm, Cry Room SEAS
Tuesday, April 19
• Come, Lord Jesus, 10:00 am, [Pcc]
4/16 7:00 PM
• Confessions, 6:10 pm - 6:25 pm,
• Elementary Catechesis, 6:30 pm, SEAS
• Edge (gr. 6-8), 6:45 pm, SEAS trailer 1
• Missionaries of St. Therese, 7:00 pm,
4/17 8:30 AM
4/17 10:30 AM
Wednesday, April 20
• AM Rosary, 6:30 am, Church
• Estudio biblico, 7:00 pm, centro par-
• Spanish Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 pm,
Thursday, April 21
• 33 Days to Morning Glory - Morning
Session, 10:00 am, [Pcc]
• 33 Days to Morning Glory - Evening
Session, 7:00 pm , [Pcc]
• Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 pm, Church
Friday, April 22
• SEAS Girl Scout Meeting, 3:30 pm,
SEAS PE room
• Grupo oracion RCCH Pesca Milagrosa
7:00 pm, centro parroquial
Saturday, April 23
• Ministerio Hispana reunion, 10 am,
centro parroquial
Page 7
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:30 AM
7:30 AM
7:30 AM
8:00 AM
Ella Mae Caviness
William Paul Drendel Jr.
Jose Francisco Gifford
Evelyn Beler (living)
Frank Raab (living)
Debbie Wilbur (living)
Sr. Edna Byrne (living)
Barbara Messina Migliore
Margaret Lang
Robert Self
Lorraine Mar n (living)
Carol Bodenheimer
Eric Siragusa
Carlos Wilfredo Lagos
Ana WiXng (living)
Bilma Janeth Lagos Flores
Marina Lobo Viuda de Lopez
Nelson Leyva
Inten on of a parishoner (living)
Joshua Cassaday (living)
Leon Perniciaro
Joan Sessums
The Florane and Miceli families
Frank Gifford
Emile C. Falanga
Frank Boneno
Tom Gray
Chris Reine (living)
Rich Gonzales (living)
Michael BriY (living)
Inten on of a parishoner (living)
Anthony Rando
Prayer Blanket Recipients
Eric Siragusa
Inten on of a parishoner
Fred Mire
Connie Carpus
Eric Siragusa
Baby Caleb Savoie
All parishioners (living)
Deceased members of the Knights of Columbus
For the souls in purgatory
Leon Perniciaro
Gerald Pare
Kleinschmidt family
Prayer blanket recipients
• Misa hispana, 7:00 pm, Iglesia
Sunday, April 24
• LIFE TEEN Mass followed by LIFE
Night, 6 pm-8:45 pm, Church
Pray for Gilberto Bardales, father of Liza Cruz & Sr. Lucie Leonard,
sister of Sr. Ann Leonard. May their souls and the souls of all the
faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace!
Ore por ellos. Que descansen en paz!
“Dios es rico en misericordia . . .” Efesios 2:4
Page 8
Divine Mercy Parish
The kind of Christ the world needs today is the virile Christ, who can unfurl to an evil world
the pledge of victory in His own body, offered in bloody sacrifice for salvation. Ven. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
When Jesus walked the earth, life was tough. There were no worldly comforts and the Roman rulers were cruel savages. To survive one had to be strong of body and mind. Jesus
did not suffer and die because He was weak, in fact He chose to surrender to His attackers
to save us from the power of evil. He mirrored for us how we are to live in today’s world.
We too need to be strong both in body and in mind, and this strength comes from our faith
in Christ who has risen from the grave.
Our television screens are filled with images of the blood of martyrs poured out on streets across the world due
to the savagery of those who have chosen evil over good. To conquer this evil, we need to become soldiers of
Christ, real Christians who are not afraid of the destruction of satan, but are confident that through the cross and
resurrection of Jesus we too will defeat evil and rise again in victory. As St. John Paul ll often said to us, “Be not
Reflection by Anne-Marie d’Abadie Barrilleaux
Welcome the pierced Heart of Christ into your home through the enthronement of the Sacred Heart. For information please contact Anne-Marie d'Abadie at 443-2204 or email [email protected] (English), or Lynda Peña
at 338-4306 (Spanish).
Catechesis Early Registration Sign Up
Elementary Catechesis (Grades K—5th) has begun. Elementary Catechesis will be meeting on Tuesday nights
from 6:30pm—7:45pm, staring around late August. Catechesis is a yearyear-long formation program in which your
child will be able to build a closer relationship with Jesus
Christ through prayer, understanding of the scriptures,
and building community with his or her class. Forms to
sign up are available in the Narthex of Church and given
out at Catechesis. Any questions or comments, please
contact Jacque Delouche at or email at
[email protected]
We look forward to sharing this journey together.
Today is “Good Shepherd Sunday.” The gospel
reading, John 10:27-30, is very short but to the
point. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice; I
know them, and they follow me,” John 10:27. Jesus is the “Good Shepherd” and we are the sheep.
He is such a “good” shepherd. Think about it. He
was slain for His sheep! Do you have any family or
friends that sacrifice for you? At Life Teen and
Edge, we pray that we can imitate Jesus, the good
shepherd. Come join us!
Cave Quest: Vacation Bible School
Beginning Experience Weekend
Early Registration for Vacation Bible School has begun. This
year, the Camp will now be available for children in grades K—
6th from June 27—July 1st. VBS is a summer camp program
that includes daily scripture review and activities about how
God plays a role in our lives. Anyone who is interested in either
attending VBS as a camper or volunteering, you may either
print out the appropriate form from the website or sing up in
the Narthex of Church after mass. Bring forms back to church
or when Elementary Catechesis, EDGE, or Lifeteen meet. For
more information contact Jacques Delouche at
[email protected] or Ryan Foulon at
[email protected]
We hope to see all you on this thrilling experience.
The Beginning Experience Weekend is a wonderful
healing for those suffering a loss of a spouse either
through death or separation/divorce. The program will
be held April 22—24, 2016. Those who have attended
this weekend attest to the new hope they have received and the powerful safe and loving environment
they found in the experience. Under the sponsorship of
the Archdiocese of New Orleans Family Life Apostolate, this international program has helped thousands
navigate the road through grief. For more information,
please call Toni at 985-789-8666 or Rose at 4558920.
“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4
April 17, 2016
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Page 9
El tipo de Cristo que el mundo necesita hoy es el Cristo viril, que puede desplegarse a un mundo malo con la promesa de la victoria en su propio cuerpo, que se
ofrece en sacrificio de sangre para la salvación. Ven. Arco-obispo Fulton J. Sheen
Cuando Jesús estuvo en la tierra, la vida era dura. No había las comodidades
mundanas y los gobernantes Romanos eran crueles salvajes. Para sobrevivir uno
tenía que ser fuerte de cuerpo y mente. Jesús no sufrió y murió porque era débil,
de hecho, él optó por rendirse a sus atacantes para salvarnos del poder del mal.
El refleja para nosotros cómo debemos vivir en el mundo de hoy. Nosotros
también necesitamos ser fuertes tanto de cuerpo como de mente, y esta fuerza viene de nuestra fe en Cristo, que se
ha levantado de la tumba.
Nuestras pantallas de televisión están llenas de imágenes de la sangre que los mártires derramaron en las calles de
todo el mundo debido a la ferocidad de aquellos que han elegido el mal sobre el bien. Para vencer este mal, tenemos
que ser soldados de Cristo, cristianos verdaderos que no tienen miedo de la destrucción de Satanás, pero confiamos
en que a través de la cruz y la resurrección de Jesús, también nosotros vamos a vencer al mal y subir de nuevo en la
victoria. Como San Juan Pablo II a menudo nos dijo: "No tengan miedo!"
Reflexión por Anne-Marie d'Abadie Barrilleaux Demos la bienvenida al Corazón traspasado de Cristo en su casa a
través de la entronización del Sagrado Corazón. Para información póngase en contacto con Anne-Marie d'Abadie al
443-2204 o por correo electrónico [email protected] (Inglés), o Lynda Peña al 338 a 4306 (español).
Catequesis inscripción temprana Registrarse
Catequesis Elemental (Grados K-5º) ha comenzado. Catequesis elemental se reunirá los martes por la noche de 6:30-7:45, comenzando a finales de agosto. Catequesis es un programa de formación de
un año de duración en el que su hijo será capaz de construir una
relación más estrecha con Jesucristo a través de la oración, la comprensión de las Escrituras, y la construcción de la comunidad con su
clase. Formas para inscribirse están disponibles en el Narthex de la
iglesia y se darán en las Catequesis. Cualquier pregunta o comentario, por favor, póngase en contacto con Jacque Delouche o por
correo electrónico a [email protected]
Esperamos poder compartir este viaje juntos.
Cave Quest: Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones
Registro temprano para Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones ha
comenzado. Este año, el campamento estará ahora disponible
para los niños en los grados K-6º del 27 de junio al 1 de julio.
VBS es un programa de campamento de verano que incluye revisión de la escritura diaria y actividades acerca de cómo Dios
juega un papel en nuestras vidas. Cualquiera que esté interesado en asistir al VBS como participante o voluntario, puede
imprimir el formulario correspondiente en la página web o firmar
en el Narthex de la iglesia después de la misa. Llevar las formas
de vuelta a la iglesia o cuando Catequesis Elemental, EDGE o
Life Teen se reunan. Para obtener más información contactar a
Jacques Delouche en [email protected] o Ryan
Foulon en [email protected]
Esperamos ver a ustedes en esta emocionante experiencia.
Hoy es el día de "Domingo el Buen Pastor." La lectura
del Evangelio, Juan 10: 27-30, es bien corta pero directa al punto. Jesús dijo: "Mis ovejas oyen mi voz; Yo las
conozco, y me siguen, "Juan 10:27. Jesús es el "Buen
Pastor" y nosotros somos las ovejas. Él es un "buen"
pastor. Piénsalo. El murió por sus ovejas! ¿Tiene familiares o amigos que se sacrifiquen por usted? En Life
Teen y Edge, rogamos que podamos imitar a Jesús, el
buen pastor. ¡Ven y únete a nosotros!
Fin de Semana “Experiencia de Comienzo”
El comienzo de fin de semana es una experiencia maravillosa curación para los que sufren la pérdida de un
cónyuge ya sea por muerte o separación / divorcio. El programa se llevará a cabo 22-24 de abril de 2016. Los que
han asistido este fin de semana dan testimonio de la nueva esperanza que han recibido y el poderoso ambiente
seguro y amoroso que se vive en esta experiencia. Bajo el
patrocinio del Apostolado familiar de la Arquidiócesis de
Nueva Orleans este programa internacional ha ayudado a
miles a transitar el camino a través del dolor. Para obtener más información, por favor llame al 985-789-8666 o
Toni Rose en 455-8920.
“Dios es rico en misericordia . . .” Efesios 2:4
Divine Mercy Parish
Page 10
Eucharistic Adoration
24/7 in the Adoration Chapel
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
• Thurs. & Fri., 3 pm, Adoration Chapel
• Following weekday morning Masses
• Monday—Friday before Mass
• Sat. before 8 am Mass
• Sun. before 8:30 am Mass
Please pray for our parishioners • Ore por los feligreses:
Jose Cruz Lopez Lobo, Beryl Hoffmann, Virginia Boyce, Evelyn Bealer, Ana
Witting, Diane & Francis Harvey, Timothy Schell, Lucy Moore, Elvira Savery,
and all of the prayer blanket recipients.
Sábados, 6:30 pm (Español)
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena
• Wednesdays, following the 7:30 am
Fr. David Dufour
Parochial Vicar:
Please pray for our military and others serving overseas • Por favor, ore por los
Fr. Bryan Howard
miembros del militar y por los otros que están sirviendo en otros paises:
Nathan Flitcraft, Matthew Wayne Comeaux, Gabriel Padilla, Lawrence Forestier,
Noel Martinsen, Drea Capaci, Brian
Kyle Connell, Nolan Connell, Sean Connell, Robert “Matt” Locke, Mauricio Tábora,
McKnight, Larry Oney
Raymond Victor, Chad Toledo, Joshua Mickles, Randall Brown, Derick Savery ,
of Religious Education:
Stewart Clark, Troy Bodenheimer, T.J. Allo, Roderick Singleton, Justin Griffin, Katie
Jacques Delouche
Youth Minister:
Ryan Foulon
Acto de Comunión
Act of Spiritual Communion
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School Principal:
My Jesus, I believe that You are in Mi Jesús, yo creo que Tú estás en
Joan Kathmann
Names will remain on the list one month. Call 466-5016 to add a name.
the Blessed Sacrament. I love You
above all
things, and I
long for You in
my soul. Since I
cannot now
receive You
come at least
spiritually into
my heart. As
though You have already come, I
embrace You and unite myself entirely to You; never permit me to be
separated from You.
el Santísimo Sacramento. Yo te
amo por encima de todas
las cosas y yo
Te deseo en mi
alma. Como
ahora no puedo recibirte
sacramentalmente, al menos ven a mi corazón espiritualmente. Como ya has venido, Yo te
abrazo y me uno enteramente a Ti.
Nunca permitas que me separe de

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