verkoopfolder 10-2010 Nobel Spain Solar Pool Heating


verkoopfolder 10-2010 Nobel Spain Solar Pool Heating
Calentamiento Solar de Piscinas
Solar Pool Heating
Energía solar para calentamiento de piscinas
No le gustaria disfrutar de su piscina exterior durante todo el
año y no solo en los meses de verano?
En España este sueño se puede hacer realidad con la instalación
del avanzado sistema del Disco Solar Nobel Spain.
Fabricado en España por Nobel Spain solar innovations y
diseñado especialmente para piscinas exteriores. Los colectores
solares, continuamente calientan su piscina y extienden asi el
período de baño, sin tener que pagar gastos adicionales de
Con su propio sistema de discos solares Ud usa la autentica
energía solar para el calentamiento de su piscina exterior. Una
solucion sostenible y verdaderamente ecologica.
Con este sistema puede esperar que su período de baño se extienda de marzo a noviembre, y a veces
más tiempo dependiendo de las horas e intensidad del sol.
Elige Nobel Spain y disfruta más de tu piscina.
Los contornos del
El sol. Para nosotros: suministrador de luz y un recurso de inspiración.
El diseño del disco solar Nobel Spain esta inspirado en la forma del sol y su inclinacíon esta perfectamente calculado para capturar cada rayo de sol. Por su forma esferica, no requiere inclinación hacia el
El disco contiene una tubería especial en la parte superior, hecho de plástico reciclable de alta calidad
totalmente resitente a cualquier clima. Es de color negro mate para maximizar la absorción del calor.
Su superficie total es de 3,80 m2 por colector y absorbe suficiente luz para calentar el agua de su piscina
exterior. Puede bañarse en una lujosa y natural piscina, mucho antes y despues de temporada.
Energía solar para calentamiento de piscinas
Calentamiento en practicas
Como funciona sistema solar Nobel Spain ?
Su funcionamiento consiste en un colector redondo de doble capa con forma esférica y 195
metros de tubería de 20 mm de díametro enrollado encima. El agua de la piscina circula por la
tubería mientras se calienta gracias a la luz solar.
Este sistema fiable es totalmente automatico, dirigido por el módulo de control, que es el
elemento esencial para aprovechar la alta eficiencia que produce su colector.
La temperatura del agua se incrementa en primavera aproximadamente de 2 a 3 grados al día,
hasta obtener y mantener una temperatura agradable de unos 8 grados más de lo habitual.
Las posibles situaciones para colocar los colectores; sobre tejado, pérgola, suelo o sobre su
“soporte parasol” .
Energía solar para calentamiento de piscinas
El Colector
• Dimensiones
3,80 m²
• Diámetro
224 cm
• Peso en vacío
58 kg
• Peso incuyendo aqua
89 kg
• Altura maxima
37 cm
• Metros totales de tubería
195 m
• Diámetro de tubería
20 mm
• Maxima presion en tubería
• Volumen de aqua
6 bar
28,6 litres
• Distancia maxima de colector Nobel Spain a la piscina.
60 m
• Altura maxima de posicionamiento de colector Nobel Spain sobre nivel de aqua de piscina.
18 m
• Angulo maximo de posicionamiento de colector Nobel Spain.
• ¿Cuantos m³ cubre el colector Nobel Spain?
20 m³
• ¿Se puede poner el colector Nobel Spain encima del techo?
• ¿Se puede poner el colector Nobel Spain encima de una pergola?
• ¿Se puede poner el colector Nobel Spain sobre el suelo?
• ¿Cuando tiempo de garantia tienen los colectores Nobel Spain?
• ¿Puede el sistema engancharse a nuestra bomba normal de la piscina?
• ¿Se Puede instalar Nobel Spain en piscinas nuevas y antiguas?
• ¿Que coste electrico anual tiene el sistema Nobel Spain?
10 años
+/- 50 €
Energía solar para calentamiento de piscinas
El sistema estándar conveniente para una piscina de 4•8 metros
Colectores solares Nobel Spain
10 años garantia
€ 2.998,00
Control de temperatura
Incluyendo sensores
Bomba de circulacion 0,50 kw
Accesorios de montaje
Costes de la instalación basico
€ 3.260,00
€ 3.380,00
Precio total incluido 18% IVA
€ 3.638,00
El sistema estándar conveniente para una piscina de 5• 10 metros
Colectores solares Nobel Spain
10 años garantia
€ 3.959,00
€ 4.029,00
Control de temperatura
Incluyendo sensores
Bomba de circulacion 0,65 kw
Accesorios de montaje
Costes de la instalación basico
€ 3.320,00
€ 3.430,00
Precio total incluido 18% IVA
€ 4.779,00
Nobel Spain solar innovations: Aconsejamos utilizar una cubierta para piscinas durante la noche, para
mantener el calor creado durante el día.
Solar Pool Heating
Wouldn't you like to enjoy your outdoor swimming pool all year
round and not only during the summer months?
In Spain this dream can now be realized through the installation
of the advanced Nobel Spain solar system.
Made in Spain by Nobel Spain solar innovations, the system is
specifically designed for outdoor pool application and uses
highly efficient solar collectors to continuously warm your
swimming pool and extend the swimming season.
All this without having to pay for costly heating energy!
With your own Nobel Spain solar system, you use genuine solar
heat to warm up your outdoor swimming pool providing a truly
"green"" and sustainable solution. This system offers attractive
long-lasting financial savings in combination with improvements
to the quality of your life and lifestyle.
In the Costa Blanca, expect your season to extend to March through to November and sometimes even
longer, depending on the hours and intensity of sunlight.
Investing in a Nobel Spain solar system is not only a lifestyle choice. You can also feel rightly proud of
your "green credentials" and positive contribution to the environment from choosing free sustainable
solar energy.
The Nobel Spain solar system offers the ideal solution to optimise your outdoor "family or public"
swimming pool experience.
The contours of the sun
The sun. For us: the supplier of light and a source of inspiration
Each ´Nobel Spain’ collector is provided with a spherically-shaped PE hood. The design inspired by the
form of the sun. Just like the contours of the sun but also with a perfectly calculated inclination angle,
so that each sunbeam is captured, independent of its inclination angle. A southerly facing aspect is
therefore not necessary.
The roof ’disc’ is supplied with a special pipe on the top. Manufactured out of high quality recyclable
plastic, it is protected against frost and storm. Furthermore, it is black, to maximise heat absorption
and warmth retention.
With over 195 meters of 20 mm pipe, outside diameter of 220 cm and an effective surface of 3.80 m²
per collector it absorbs sufficient light to heat the water of your outdoor swimming pool, even out of
season. You can bathe in a luxurious, naturally warm pool well before and after the normal swimming
Solar Pool Heating
Warmth in Practice
How does the sunlight manage to heat your pool water to pleasant temperatures?
It is because of the exceptional design of your solar collectors. The light absorption occurs from
early morning to late evening. Converting absorbed light directly into heat and then preserving
the heat.
Firstly, due to the isolating effect of the double wall hood from which the rain water simply flows
away keeping it from the warmed water inside the collectors. An effective distribution system
takes care of the rest.
The quick circulating water ensures that fast cooling is averted. Owing to this feature, the water
temperature increases in the Spring and in the Autumn on a sunny day by an average of some 2
to 3 degrees Celsius per day and throughout the whole swimming season by a minimum of at
least 6 to 7 degrees.
Using technology to harness natures free resource ¨The Sun¨ allows us to fully relax after the
strenuous combination of work and family; when obligations are taken care of and more spare
time remains for you; or simply because you would like to truly enjoy life.
ing p
Solar Pool Heating
The Collector
• Effective surface
3,80 m²
• Outside diameter of collector
224 cm
• weight empty
58 kg
• weight including water
89 kg
• Maximum high of collector
37 cm
• Total length of pipe
195 m
• Outside diameter of pipe
20 mm
• Maximum pressure of pipe
• Water contents insight collector
6 bar
28,6 litres
• What is the maximum distance that I can put the Nobel Spain collector from our pool
60 m
• How high can I put the Nobel Spain collector compared to our pool.
18 m
• What is the maximum angle of degrees that I can put the Nobel Spain collector under
• For how many m³ of water has one Nobel Spain collector been designed
20 m³
• Can the Nobel Spain collector be mounted on the roof
• Can the Nobel Spain collector be mounted on a pergola
• Can the Nobel Spain collector be put on the ground
• Does Nobel Spain give guaranty on their collector
10 years
• Can the system run on our normal pool pump
• Can Nobel Spain install it´s system on new and existing pools
• What are the electricity costs to run the Nobel Spain system a season
+/- 50 €
Solar Pool Heating
Complete standard system suitable for Swimming pool of 4•8 meter
Nobel Spain solar collectors
10 year guarantee
€ 2.998,00
Nobel Spain temperature controller
including temperature sensors
Circulation pump 0,50 kw.
Small parts and connection materials
Standard installation costs
€ 3.260,00
€ 3.380,00
Total Price including 18% IVA
€ 3.638,00
Complete standard system suitable for Swimming pool of 5•10 meter
Nobel Spain solar collectors
10 year guarantee
€ 3.959,00
€ 4.029,00
Nobel Spain temperature controller
including temperature sensors
Circulation pump 0,65 kw.
Small parts and connection materials
Standard installation costs
€ 3.320,00
€ 3.430,00
Total Price including 18% IVA
€ 4.779,00
Nobel Spain solar innovations: advises clients to use a pool cover to maintain the created heat in their
pool during cold nights.
Nobel Spain Parasol
Nobel Spain solar innovations • 2010
distribuidor oficial / official distributor

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