la salette our lady - Our Lady of LaSalette


la salette our lady - Our Lady of LaSalette
8:00 and 10:30am in English
5:30pm en español
4:30pm on Saturday or by appointment
Reverend Victor J. Reyes, Pastor
[email protected]
Deacon Charlie Carignan
[email protected]
Deacon John Stanley
[email protected]
Lonnie Naylor, Music
[email protected]
Michelle Gunter, Faith Formation
[email protected]
María Pérez, Formación de Fe
[email protected]
Donna Bryan, Parish Management
[email protected]
Viviana Dyckowski, Admin. Assistance
[email protected]
Lucia Martin, Bookkeeping
[email protected]
Louise Baker, Maintenance
[email protected]
Bulletin/ Web Site Announcements
[email protected]
Twenty-Third Sunday — Vigésimo-Tercer Domingo
(06 September 2015)
2941 Sam Nelson Road. Canton, GA 30114
770.479.8923 tel
770.479.6025 fax
September 06, 2015
vigesimo-tercer domingo del tiempo ordinario
Stewardship of Prayer .
We fulfill our obligation to unite with one another in prayer.
Prayers are powerful and important for those in our
parish community who are ill or need our support.
In an effort to ensure our prayer request list is up to
date, at the end of each month we will remove anyone from the list for whom we do not have a current
request. Thank you for your cooperation and your
prayers for our parishioners in need.
Mary A. Gunderson
John Conroy
Dot Conroy
Mary Beth Smith
Marian Baker
Rick Warnke
John L. Pheulpin
Karen Smith
Elsie Bonnici
Larry Bonnici
Colleen Hood
Victoria Hood
Susan Buschur
James Buschur
Mary Bonsignore
Erin Herst
Kelly Tibbs
Jason Cornell
Johny Barker
Mildred Wilson
Page 2
Kathy Tom Wilson
Julie Beale Wilson
Thomas Hampton
Dale Hampton
Marian Schuetz
Imelda Jarrett
Sergio Saenz
Jan Fleckenstein
Joan Wilson
Emily Macke
Saturday, September 5
Sunday, September 6
Tuesday, September 8
Wednesday, September 9
Thursday, September 10
Saturday, September 12
Sunday, September 13
Leon C. Pierro †
Pro populo
Caroline Crossland †
Miguel Garcia †
Lawrence Schmul †
William Lakin †
John Stapleton †
Joseph Peacock †
Pro populo
Billie Poon †
Niceta Brown (L)
Candelaria Velasquez (L)
Universal: That opportunities for education and employment may increase for all young people.
Evangelization: That catechists may give witness by living in a way consistent with the faith they proclaim.
Universal: Que las oportunidades para la educación y el empleo aumenten para todos los jóvenes.
Evangelización: Que los catequistas den testimonio al vivir de manera consistente con la fe que proclaman.
Terry Smith
Ryan Halloran
Ben Ball
Jeff Goodwin
Rick Savage
Jullian Walker
John A. Minnich
Kasey Mortilaro
Matt Larson
Brandon Larson
Brandon West
Adam Tokarski
Cody Bilodeau
Nelson “Eddie” Rivera
Rachel Palmer
Randy Eaton
Trey Rickert
Sean Brown
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every
Wednesday from 12:00pm to 6:30pm.
We want guardians for every hour.
Please call Leslie Beal at 678-925-0748 to sign up.
Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento
Todos los miércoles de 12:00pm a 6:30pm
Queremos adoradores para cada hora.
Por favor llamen a Alicia Azula 770-720-6940
Sunday, September 6 — Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 35:4 - 7a; Ps 146:7 - 10; Jas 2:1 - 5; Mk 7:31 - 37
The advent of the age of salvation is upon us; the deaf hear, the blind see, and
those bowed down are raised up. The kingdom is made manifest around the Eucharistic table, where rich and poor alike are invited to feast.
Monday, 7 – Weekday of the Twenty-Third Week in Ordinary Time
Col 1:24 – 2:3; Ps 62:6 - 7, 9; Lk 6:6 - 11
Tuesday, 8 – Feast of The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mi 5:1 - 4a or Rom 8:28 - 30; Ps 13:6abc; Mt 1:1 - 16, 18 - 23 or 1:18 - 23
Wednesday, 9 – Memorial of Saint Peter Claver, Priest
Col 3:1 - 11; Ps 145:2 - 3, 10 - 13ab; Lk 6:20 - 26
Thursday, 10 – Weekday in Ordinary Time
Col 3:12 - 17; Ps 150:1b - 6; Lk 6:27 - 38
Friday, 11 – Weekday in Ordinario Time
1 Tm 1:1 - 2, 12 - 14; Ps 16: 1b - 2a, 5, 7 - 8; Lk 6:39 - 42
Saturday, 12 – Weekday in Ordinary Time
1 Tm 1:15 - 17; Ps 113: 1b - 7; Lk 6:43 - 49
Sunday, 13 — Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 50:5 - 9a; Ps 116:1 - 6, 8 - 9; Jas 2:14 - 18; Mk 8:27 - 35
Isaiah would suffer and call upon the Lord for help. Jesus speaks of his own suffering and death and of the demands of discipleship. What use is faith, to confess that
Jesus is the Christ without works of love?
twenty-third Sunday in ordinary time
Saturday, September 12th
Page 3
Sábado, 12 de septiembre
An Evening at the Canton Theatre
Una Noche en el Canton Theatre
with Emmanuel Ministerio de Alabanza and the Estudiantina Canaria
E.M.A. (Emmanuel Ministerio de Alabanza)
—a Young Adult Music Ministry, they
have been praising God since 2004. They
have also been featured in local, national
and international radio and television
Estudiantina Canaria —a Family
Music Ministry from Saint Thomas
Aquinas Catholic Church.
Parents together with their
children combine their musical
talents to praise God and to
support family ministries in the
Catholic Church.
Celebración del 30o aniversario de nuestra parroquia y de
la Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de La Salette, domingo 9/20.
Celebration of the 30 th anniversary of our parish and
the Feast of Our Lady of La Salette –Sunday 9/20.
Comida de Aniversario después de la Misa de 10:30am
¡Traiga a su familia y traiga un platillo para compartir!
Escoga su plato de acuerdo a la letra inicial de su apellido.
A—F : Arroz, Granos o Pasta
G—L : Vegetales o Caserolas
M—R : Bebidas o Postre
S—Z : Fruta, Ensalada o Pan
¡Llame a la oficina, 770.479.8923,
y déjenos saber que vienen!
Anniversary Lunch after the 10:30am Mass
Bring your family and bring a dish to share!
Choose your dish according to your last name initial.
A—F : Rice, Beans, or Pasta
G—L : Veggies or Casseroles
M—R : Drinks or Dessert
S—Z : Fruit, Salad, or Bread
Call the office, 770.479.8923,
and let us know you’re coming!
September 06, 2015
vigesimo-tercer domingo del tiempo ordinario
Page 4
" The family that prays together stays together."
(Servant of God, Father Patrick Payton, C.S.C. )
“La familia que reza unida, permanece unidad”.
(Siervo de Dios, Padre Patrick Payton, C.S.C.)
Would you and your family lead the Novena and Rosary to Our Lady of La Salette one evening?
¿Usted y su familia quisieran dirigir la Novena y el Rosario a Nuestra Señora de La Salette?
(September 11 through 19 —see page 3 for details)
Looking for English and Spanish speaking families to lead us in prayer
Buscamos familas Anglo-parlantes e Hispano-parlantes para que nos guien en oración
Please contact Berta Cox at [email protected] or Jennifer Gronroos at [email protected] to sign up
Catequésis Familiar — Family Catechesis
Abriéndonos al poder de Jesús
Vigésimo-Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Semana del 6 de septiembre del 2015
Opening up to the power of Jesus
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Week of September 6, 2015
Escucha la Palabra (Isaías 35:4-7; Santiago 2:1-5; Marcos 7:31-37)
Al escuchar de Isaías y al volver a escuchar esta semana la Carta de
Santiago y el Evangelio de Marcos, ¿que queda en tu memoria de estas
lecturas? ¿Qué palabra o frase realmente te llama la atención?
Listen to the Word (Isaiah 35:4-7; James 2:1-5 and Mark 7:31-37)
As you hear from Isaiah and again this week from the Letter of James
and the Gospel of Mark, what lingers in your memory about these
readings? What word or phrase really strikes you?
Ve tu vida
Pregunta para los niños: ¿Cómo evitas a quienes no te agradan?
Pregunta para los jóvenes: ¿Quiénes son las personas que a veces
pasan desapercibidas en el mundo actual? ¿Qué podrías hacer para
Pregunta para los adultos: ¿De qué maneras discrimina en su
corazón a aquellos a quienes juzga menos dignos?
Look into your life
Question for children: How do you shun others whom you don’t
Question for youth: Who are the people in our world today who
sometimes go unnoticed? What could you to do to help them?
Question for adults: In what ways do you discriminate in your heart
against those whom you judge less than fully worthy?
Actividades para la semana
Tomen estas actividades para reflexionar más:
Cuanto más nos abrimos a Jesús en nuestras vidas más entenderemos cuánto lo necesitamos. Haga unos momentos de silencio esta semana y pida a Dios que abra sus oídos, sus ojos, su mente y su
corazón al poder de Jesús.
Jesús abrió los oídos de los sordos y curó al mudo para que pudiera
hablar. ¿A quién conoce que se podría sentir segregado o solo debido a
una discapacidad? Comente en familia cómo pueden ayudar a esta
Tomen turnos para hacer la prueba de no poder hablar, ver o caminar. ¿Se sintió excluido? ¿Quién lo ayudó a sentir que era parte del
grupo? ¿Cómo lo ayuda Jesús a oír y hablar?
Los prejuicios pueden ser disimulados, como las bromas acerca de
personas de cierta etnia o con cierto patrimonio nacional. Comenten en
familia cómo pueden responder a esta clase de bromas.
Activities for the week
Take these activities to further reflect:
The more we are open to Jesus in our lives the more we understand our need for him. Take a moment of silence this week and ask
God to open your ears, eyes, mind and heart to the power of Jesus.
Jesus opened the ears of the deaf and cured the mute so that they
could speak. Whom do you know who might feel separated or lonely
because of a disability? Discuss as a family how you can reach out to
the person.
Take turns experimenting with the experience of being unable to
speak or see or walk. Did you feel left out? Who helped you feel as if
you were part of the group? How does Jesus help you to hear and
Prejudices can be subtle, such as jokes told about people of a certain ethnic or national heritage. Discuss as a family how you can respond to this kind of humor.
twenty-third Sunday in ordinary time
Page 5
“An Evening at the Canton Theatre”
Saturday, September 12 at 7:00pm
Feast of Our Lady of La Salette
Saturday, September 19
Novena and Rosary at 4:30pm
Eucharist at 5:30pm
Reception to follow in the Parish Center
Sunday, September 20
Eucharist at 8:00 and 10:30am
Celebration Lunch at 12:00pm in the Parish Center
Novena y Rosario en honor a Nuestra Señora de La Salette
Desde el viernes 11 de septiembre hasta el sábado 19 de septiembre
7:00pm en el Santuario (a excepción de los sábados 12 y 19 a las 4:30pm)
“Una Noche en el Canton Theatre”
Sábado 12 de septiembre a las 7:00pm
Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de La Salette
Sábado 19 de septiembre
Novena y Rosario a las 4:30pm
Eucaristía a las 5:30pm
Recepción en el Centro Parroquial después de Misa
Domingo 20 de septiembre
Eucaristía a las 8:00 y 10:30am
Celebración y Almuerzo a las 12pm en el Centro Parroquial
Feast of Our LADY OF La Salette
Fiesta de nuestra seÑora de la salette
Novena and Rosary to honor Our Lady of La Salette
From Friday, September 11 through Saturday, September 19
7:00pm in the Sanctuary (except on Saturday 9/12 and 9/19 at 4:30pm)
September 06, 2015
9/12 AND 9/13
Saturday 5:30pm
Marge Nettuno
Margie Ryzkiewicz
Phil Ryzkiewicz
Barry Young
Altar Server
Peter Gunter
Judith Brown
Leslie Beal
Donna Bryan
vigesimo-tercer domingo del tiempo ordinario
Parish Grounds CleanClean-up
Saturday, September 12 at 8:30am
Bring trimmers, weed eaters, blowers and gloves
Limpieza de los Terrenos Parroquiales
Sábado 12 de septiembre a las 8:30am
Por favor traigan podadoras, desmalezadoras, sopladores y guantes.
Celebration of the Eucharist
Sunday 8:00am
Elizabeth Garner
Michael Evenson
Jodie Rodkey
Lexie-Anne Rodkey
Altar Server
Lizeth Avila
Jose Herrera
Shari Garnsey
Sue Deering
Helen Evenson
Sunday 10:30am
Lee Kendziora
Christine Crosby
Alyson Ditty
Keith Kahn
Greg Paterson
Altar Server
Dillon Sawyers
Matt Halloran
David Krecl
Robert Mitchell
Ruth Schuster
Sunday 5:30pm
Eleuteria Bastidas
Modesto Cruz
Matias Francisco
Petrona Mateo
Salvador Ramos
Mario Tubac
Altar Server
Christopher Cortes
Alex Escobar
Emily Herrera
Urbano Gabriel
Enrique Pedro
Oscar Perez
Elsa Tercero
Mario Herrera
Lucila Kelson
Annette Peña
Page 6
Tuesdays at 4:30pm
The Chapel in Tarpley Hall
(Second floor)
All parishioners are invited
Adult Confirmation
Confirmación de Adultos
Are you a Catholic at least 18
years old who has not celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation? Are you seeking to
complete your full initiation in
the Catholic Church?
¿Eres catolico(a) mayor de 18
años y aún no has celebrado el
Sacramento de la Confirmación? ¿Estás buscando completar tu iniciación en la Iglesia
If you are baptized Catholic,
at least 18 years old who has
received formation in the
Catholic Church and who
regularly participate in the life
of the church; you can start a
preparation to celebrate the
sacrament. For more details please contact fr.
Reyes via email at [email protected]
God’s love in action!
Si eres bautizado católico,
mayor de 18 años que has recibido formación en la Iglesia
Católica y regularmente participas en la vida de la iglesia,
puedes comenzar la preparación para celebrar el sacramento. Para más detalles por favor
comuníquese con la Sra. María Perez a
[email protected]
¡Amor de Dios en acción!
For more information (Para más información):
[email protected] or call Cathy Hoetink at 404-314-6041
To report abuse call 888-437-0764
Archdiocese of Atlanta
— 24 Hour Reporting Hotline
twenty-third Sunday in ordinary time
Tuesday, September 8
Saturday, September 12
9:00am in the Sanctuary
Scripture Study
9:30am in the Parish Center
Women’s Book Group
9:30am in the Parish Center
Soup Ministry
9:30am in the Parish Center
Formación de Equipo de RICA
7:30pm en el Centro Parroquial
An Evening at the Canton Theatre
Una Noche en el Canton Theatre
7:00pm at the Canton Theatre
Wednesday, September 9
Sedientos de Dios
8:30am en el Centro Parroquial
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
12:00pm in the Sanctuary
6:30pm in the Sanctuary
Family Sacramental Catechesis
6:30pm in the Sanctuary
Conversational Spanish
7:30pm in the Parish Center
Thursday, September 10
9:00am in the Sanctuary
Soup Ministry
9:30am in the Parish Center
Redescubriendo el Catolicismo
7:00pm en el Centro Parroquial
Scripture Study
7:00pm in the Parish Center
Sunday, September 13
Twenty - Fourth Sunday
Vigésimo - Cuarto Domingo
8:00am in the Sanctuary
Reunión de Grupo de Cursillo
9:00am en el Centro Parroquial
Family Faith Formation
9:15 in the Parish Center
Men’s Bible Study
9:15am in the Parish Center
10:30am in the Sanctuary
Estudio Bíblico
12:00pm en el Centro Parroquial
Formación de Fe Familiar
3:45 en el Centro Parroquial
5:30pm en el Santuario
La Salette Novena
7:00pm in the Sanctuary
Page 7
Pastoral Care: Are you homebound and in need
of Pastoral Care? Do you know someone who is
homebound and in need of Pastoral Care among
our La Salette Parish community? Do you or someone you know wishes to receive Holy Communion.
Please call the parish office at 770.479.8923.
Prayer Requests: Names of recently deceased
are listed for one week in the bulletin and the Universal Prayer at the celebration of the Eucharist
(The prayers of the faithful at Mass) Please call the
parish office at 770.479.8923 to add a name to the
Cuidado Pastoral: ¿Está usted confinado en su
casa for enfermedad? ¿Conoce a alguien en la
comunidad parroquial que está confinado a su
casa y necesita que se le visite? ¿Usted o alguien
que conoce desea recibir la Sagrada Comunión en
casa? Por favor, llame a la oficina de la parroquia
al 770.479.8923.
Peticiones de Oración: Los nombres de los recién fallecidos se enumeran por una semana en el
boletín y en la Plegaria Universal en la celebración
de la Eucaristía (Las oraciones de los fieles en la
Misa) Por favor, llame a la oficina parroquial al
770.479.8923 si quiere agregar un nombre a la
Life after Loss. (support group)
We meet the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month
at 11am in the parish hall.
Contact Dianne Halloran at 770-704-4954
or Donna Hillhouse at 770-345-5372.
Friday, September 11
Close-Knit Group
10:00am in the Parish Center
“Life After Loss” Support Group
11:00am in the Parish Center
La Salette Novena
7:00pm in the Sanctuary
Jóvenes Adultos
7:30pm en el Centro Parroquial
Basic Conversational Spanish for Adults.
More than 300 million people in the world speak Spanish…and so can you. Spanish
is the third most widely spoken language in the world after Chinese and English. It is
also the United States’ most popular second language. Join in the fun and make new
friends learning another language. Wednesdays after 6:30pm Mass as part of
Adult Formation. For more information call Yini Riggi at 770-875-1744.
Saturday, September 12
Cursillo Groups
10:00am in Parish Center
Renovación Carismática
12:00pm en el Centro Parroquial
La Salette Novena
4:30pm in the Sanctuary
5:30pm in the Sanctuary
Bulletin deadlines
Please send notices to [email protected]
by noon on Friday (9 days) before they are to appear in the Sunday bulletin.
Thank you for your coo
Fecha límite para anuncios en el boletín
Por favor envíe los anuncios a [email protected]
antes del mediodía del viernes (9 días) antes de la fecha en que van a aparecer en
el boletín dominical. Gracias por su cooperación.

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