Panorama Hispano News September 2016


Panorama Hispano News September 2016
Buffalo • Rochester • Dunkirk • Erie PA
September/Septiembre 2016
VOL. 26 A
La Voz de Nuestra Comunidad • The Voice of Our Community
Vol. 27 - No.
9 11
Panorama News
HISPANIC AMERICANS’ Puts Faces on over 500
Years of History
Lo bueno, lo malo, lo feo
de Río 2016
The story of Hispanic Americans stretches
from coast to coast and across 500 years of
history. The Spanish first arrived in Florida
long before the pilgrims and then settled
in California. Long before California,
Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas,
Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma and Kansas
were part of the United States, it was Mexico.
But the history of the United States, as most
of us learned it, still begins with Jamestown,
Plymouth Rock and the Pilgrims.
Los Juegos Olímpicos de Michael Phelps,
de Usain Bolt, de Neymar, de Mónica Puig,
y también los de Abbey D'Agostino y Nikki
Hamblin, cierran con nuevas historias para
el recuerdo y el olvido.
“We tend to think of the United States as an
English thing,” says Ray Suarez, who wrote
the companion book to “Latino Americans,”
a six-part, three-night documentary series
beginning Tuesday on PBS. “But this is a
case of three empires, Spain, France and
Britain, that went charging into this new
territory, elbows out, bumping into one
another and jostling for dominance.”
RIO DE JANEIRO - Michael Phelps ganó
más medallas que cualquier otro atleta, otra
vez. Y luego dijo adiós, nuevamente.
Usain Bolt besó en su despedida la línea de
meta luego de mejorar su legado olímpico.
Simone Biles y Katie Ledecky se entregaron
See RÍO on page 3
See HISPANIC on page 3
Superintendent Named Head of Rochester’s
failing Schools
Por: Marcos Lebron
Así como Panorama Hispano mostró la
opinión de algunos ciudadanos hispanos
que expresaron su apoyo para el virtual
candidato republicano, Donald Trump,
ahora se brinda espacio para que los
seguidores de la aspirante presidencial
demócrata, Hillary Clinton, externen su
opinión de porqué consideran que ella debe
llegar a la Casa Blanca.
The selection of Barbara Dean-Williams
as the new superintendent of Rochester
schools signals big changes ahead, and
that is just what the troubled school district
“The students cannot wait any longer and
neither can the city, finally experiencing a
resurgence that can easily stall without a
functioning public school system that can
attract and retain families”.
Williams has her work cut out for her
in trying to fix a district with lowest
achievement and high dysfunction in the
state. Her salary is a stunning $225,000,
but she will be worth every penny if she
Hispanos revelan porqué apoyan a Hillary Clinton
succeeds in turning around the worst school
district in the state system.
The Rochester’s School District is in
desperate straits. Superintendents have
A sus 71 años de edad, María Rivera,
Puertorriquena de nacimiento, se ha
sumado como voluntaria a la campaña de
Clinton ya que considera que la ex primera
dama es la persona ideal para ocupar la
presidencia debido a su inteligencia.
“Yo no creo que haya otro candidato,
ni del partido demócrata, menos del
republicano, que estén preparados ocupar
la Casa Blanca”, dijo Rivera; respecto a las
investigaciones que el FBI ha hecho contra
See CLINTON on page 3
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• TESTAMENTOS, PODERES, CASOS DE HERENCIA (testado/no testado/Guardianes y Tutores)
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Abierto: Lunes a Viernes de 9:00am - 7:00pm • Sabados 9:00am - 6:00pm
Para emergencias fín de semana 716-864-9618
Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day
Parade a Huge Success
Buffalo News Page 4
As Puerto Ricans Move to Florida, the
Clinton Campaign Is Waiting for Them
Buffalo News Page 4
Suhr Laments Olympic Analista asegura no es
Shortfall Despite
tiempo para el estatus
Giving Best Effort
Mundo Latino Page 9
Dunkirk News Page 8
No manches Frida – 9/2/16
Entretenimiento Page 13
Cambia tu pensamiento
• Constante aprender •
No pierdas tu tiempo
Tu Reflejo Page 16
Viajando por el mar Mediterráneo y el
mar Adriático en un hotel flotante
Al Panorama Page 5
Facebook's WhatsApp Turns on
Encryption for 1 Billion Users
Tech & Science News Page 10
Cruisin’ for a Cure Car Show
at Roswell Park Targets
Prostate Cancer Disparities
Salud News Page 17
Miss Rochester Puerto Rico - Tia
Rochester News Page 7
Lukas Alvira is Jr. Grand
Marshal of PR&H Parade
Conozca su Gente Page 11
Federal Reserve under
growing pressure to reform
system, goals
Business News Page 18
Professional Visual Artist
Conozca su Gente Page 11
Mónica Puig tendría su calle
frente al Coliseo de Puerto
Deportes Page 21
Gorditas De Frijol
Receta Page 11
Un Presidente Pequeño
Editorial/ Letters Page 22
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Panorama Hispano: 5.375” x 7.75”
HISPANOS • from FRONT page
CLINTON • from FRONT page
In fact, Suarez reminds us, “The first American settlement in 1565 in St. Augustine,
Fla., predates Jamestown, and Spanish was the first language spoken in what became the
United States. So, Latinos are the newest immigrants to the United States and also the
oldest inhabitants.”
Hillary Clinton, su seguidora añadió que, “Opino que es tanta basura lo que hacen, quieren
ensuciar la imagen de la señora. Por eso yo estoy sigo ayudando a la señora Clinton, y lo
voy a seguir haciendo hasta el final”.
Suarez, chief national correspondent for PBS’ “NewsHour,” admits that covering the
entire history of Latino Americans in just six hours or 256 pages is “a lot to tackle. It’s a
big bite of history, and there’s a lot to stuff into each hour. But I think the series handles
that in a way that’s both interesting and coherent, and I hope the book supports that.”
The series and book are structured chronologically, beginning with the earliest history of
the Americas. But each episode or chapter also singles out characters (sometimes depicted
in dramatizations) through whom the story comes alive.
We meet Apolinaria Lorenzana, who as a child is snatched from Mexico and grows old as
an important figure in the Spanish Missions. Juan Seguin, both Texan and Mexican, fights
at the Alamo on the American side, next to Davy Crockett. Moving along, in World War
II, Macario Garcia becomes the first Mexican National to earn the Congressional Medal
of Honor. Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta march for the rights of migrant workers in
the 1970s.
Hispanics service to the United States Military can be traced back to the Civil war.
Records of Hispanics in the armed forces were not kept until the 1970s, according to
the Pew Center for Latino Studies. While some records show that thousands of Hispanic
American men — Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans for instance — fought in the Civil
War as well as the two World Wars, researchers have determined that many more served
and died than official documents show. As a result of the omission, the full story of
Hispanic sacrifice may never be fully told. And that is a shame, since Latinos have been
part of the building of America — including dying while protecting it — for hundreds
of years. If the records don’t show that Hispanics served and died, that we toiled in the
trenches and contributed with blood, how does our nation measure Hispanic contributions,
let one acknowledge them?
In the new American conversation, cultural celebrations like these matter, and they matter
greatly. They help us better explain our Hispanic story to each other and ourselves; they
matter for the individual and national psyche, because they allow the 50 million-plus
Hispanics, and the larger American family, to better appreciate the Hispanic story within
the greater American narrative.
Why is this important to know? By 2050, almost one in three people in the United States
will be Latino, a total of more than 130 million, Suarez writes, citing a Pew Hispanic
Center projection. Pew also expects the Hispanic population to triple between 2005 and
As immigration remains a divisive issue, the vision of the United States as a melting pot
is different today, Suarez says.
Read the rest of the article on our website at
come and superintendents have gone, with little change in results. It is easy to get jaded.
Except, there is no time for negativity.
More than half of the city’s schools are facing an outside takeover, or receivership, within
the next year or two. Rochester’s schools are suffering from a dismal graduation rate,
hovering around 40 percent. English and math proficiency in many schools was below 10
percent – in some cases well below – in the most recent state tests for the lower grades.
These results stem from many issues common to large urban school districts, including
high poverty rates, large numbers of students who speak little English and poor
attendance. Williams is taking on a challenging task, to say the least.
She seems to have a strong base of support, at least for now. In a rare demonstration of
accord by a fractured School Board, she was approved unanimously.
Deane Williams says she's been given a list of goals, including improved test scores and
graduation rates. With 30 years of school administration experience, she's the former
leader of the Greece Schools, and worked this past school year in Boston.
"She's a seasoned leader that will come and hit the ground running," said Malik Evans, of
the RCSD Board of Education. "Obviously we all learn, but she's won't need to pick up a
book and see how to run a school district. She knows how to do that."
María Rivera ha vivido en Rochester por 48 años, La señora de 71 años dice que Clinton
puede ayudar a los jóvenes y a las personas a salir adelante, añadió que espera ayude a las
personas ancianas con Medicare y medicamentos en caso de llegar a la presidencia.
Pero Rivera, una señora retirada, dice que ella espera que Hillary Clinton ayude a los
latinos por medio de una reforma migratoria; además se mostro confiada en que la
demócrata puede ayudar a los latinos a permanecer legalmente en el país.
“A la señora Clinton tenemos que ponerle un congreso demócrata, puros políticos
demócratas, para que ellos trabajen con ella. Tengo mucha fe que lo va arreglar”, expresó
A sus 20 años de edad y de ascendencia salvadoreña, Selena Torres votará por primera vez
en una elección presidencial. Ella califica a Clinton como una gran líder que quiere hacer
cambios progresivos en el país, además de que entiende la necesidad por cambiar las leyes.
“Hillary Clinton entiende que nuestro país necesita una reforma que exprese una nación
de justicia e igualdad, especialmente en los derechos humanos. Ella apoya una reforma al
sistema de educación, el sistema de justicia criminal e inmigración, comentó Torres.
Algunos especialistas dicen que Donald Trump atrae seguidores por manifestarse de
una manera diferente al típico discurso político que emplea Hillary Clinton, pero Selena
considera que la experiencia de la demócrata es una ventaja sobre su contrincante.
“Es muy difícil para un candidato político, porque tiene que decir las cosas que la gente
quiere escuchar. Pienso que Hillary dice las cosas que ella sabe que el público quiere oír
sobre la necesidad de cambio; pero la diferencia entre Clinton y otros candidatos es que
ella tiene la experiencia que demuestra que cumple lo que dice”, aseveró Torres.
Si bien el presidente Obama no ha logrado una reforma de migración, la cual debe ser
aprobada por el congreso, sí ha intentado otorgar alivios migratorios como DACA en 2012
y DAPA y DACA II en 2014, estos últimos dos fueron negados recientemente por la Corte
Read the rest of the article on our website at
RÍO • from FRONT page
en medio de enormes expectativas. Una isla entera estalló en festejos tras conseguir su
primer oro olímpico en una final de tenis, y un multimedallista se embarcó de regreso a
casa para evitar problemas legales después de una historia de un supuesto asalto.
Y a continuación, la selección verdeamarela dio al país anfitrión el título que le hacía falta
en su prestigiosa vitrina: el oro en el fútbol olímpico masculino.Y horas más tarde, el del
voleibol masculino.
Los Juegos Olímpicos de Río de Janeiro no fueron perfectos. Pero brindaron momentos
para el recuerdo: algunos grandes, algunos terribles y otros francamente feos.
He aquí un vistazo:
Estados Unidos dominó el medallero y, aun cuando hay finales en disputa el domingo
en el cierre de las justas, su margen de victorias podría ser el más amplio en 68 años.
Phelps se adjudicó nuevamente la friolera de seis metales -cinco de ellos de oro- para
aumentar su registro personal a 23 preseas doradas, y 28 en total. Ledecky y Biles ganaron
cinco medallas cada uno; Biles llevará la bandera de Estados Unidos en la ceremonia de
clausura. La tiradora estadounidense Kim Rhode, en tanto, quedó como la atleta en ganar
una medalla en seis olimpiadas consecutivas.
Bolt besó la línea de meta después de conseguir su noveno y último oro olímpico -en sus
nueve carreras- para un final perfecto. Hizo el último tramo del relevo 4x100 metros de
Jamaica, ganando de forma enfática para convertirse en el tercer atleta en la historia en
sumar nueve oros en el atletismo. Luego insistió en que este sería el final de su carrera
"No queda nada que demostrar", señaló Bolt.
Él tiene razón.
"Soy el más grande", agregó.
The district embarked on its search after embattled former Superintendent Bolgen Vargas
announced his resignation in October. The board tapped former Syracuse superintendent
Dan Lowengard to serve in the interim, but in January he suffered a stroke and resigned.
Ex-Buffalo school administrator Linda Cimusz became the third superintendent in three
En el calor de la prueba de los 5.000 metros de mujeres, la estadounidense Abbey
D'Agostino y la neozelandéesa Nikki Hamblin -extrañas hasta ese momento entra ambasquedaron involucradas en una caída. D'Agostino ayudó a Hamblin, animándola a terminar
la carrera. D'Agostino se desgarró un ligamento de la rodilla en el otoño y, obviamente, no
pudo terminar. Hamblin finalizó última en la prueba, por lo que tampoco subió al podio.
Barbara Deane-Williams, three-year contract will pay her an annual salary of $225,000.
She plans on quickly developing missing system, and developing organizational structures
that supports teachers in the class room and in turn improves student outcomes.
Pero en lugar de ello, consiguieron mucho más.
The search for a new superintendent of schools had been done out of the public eye.
Deane-Williams name didn't even come into the picture until last month.
Read the rest of the article on our website at
"Esa chica es el espíritu olímpico", dijo Hamblin sobre D'Agostino. "Nunca la he visto
antes. Como nunca me encontré con esta chica antes. ¿No es algo increíble?"
Sí lo es.
Read the rest of the article on our website at
Noticias de Buffalo
Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade-Huge Success
The annual Buffalo Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade came through Avenida San
Juan on Aug. 20, 2016 with music, dancing and residents celebrating the weekend. The
parade included Congressman Brian Higgins, Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown, Dunkirk
Mayor and Grand Marshall Willie Rosas, Jr. Grand Marshal Lukas Alvira , Miss Borinquen
Merce DeJesus and the President of the Parade Yolanda Martinez-Rodriguez.
The annual Buffalo Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade came through Niagara Square
and up Niagara Street ending in LaSalle Park Saturday with music, dancing and residents
celebrating the weekend.
This year the Parade organizers moved the annual event to August; following months of
discussion with City of Buffalo resident who had expressed concerns with bad weather in
previous years.
Thousands of residents enjoyed the music of Charlie Cruz, Michael Stuart, Antonetti, La
Krema, Ronny Y , Mariachi Band Zelaya and a host of other entertainers.
The theme of this year's parade was REPRESENTA.
The crowds of thousands waved flags from their native countries and danced the weekend
away celebrating their cultures and being thankful for
their new found home.
The president of the Parade committee, Yolanda Martinez- Rodriguez said “I want to
take this time to thank my amazing board for putting forth their best efforts to make the
2016 Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade of WNY the best for our community and
surrounding areas. I have the best two Vice Presidents, Crystal Rodriguez and Bernice
DeJesus that do so much behind the scenes to ensure all runs smooth and bring their
families into the mix to make sure all gets done. Alex Sarabia our Treasure that works
closely on our finances and did so much running around this weekend. We also have
brought on new members that have also stepped up to the plate this year and really taught
us what teamwork is, Octavio Villegas, Erika Espinosa and Emily Melendez and Luis
Santos. I also want to thank my family who works endless hours with me to make this
happen. My husband Eugenio, who is my rock and right hand man, without you this would
not be possible. I put my kids Emilia and Alex through so much and they still stick by my
side to make sure all works smoothly (love you both so much). Thank you Frank Reyes
and Sam DeJesus you never fail us. Thank you to our artist and drivers that did so much
quietly and discretely. And most important I thank all those that took time this weekend to
volunteer and bring this all together. "It takes a village is right". This parade and festival's
success depends on sponsors and everyone in our community and I thank you.”
This year’s events had the most participants and attendance in the history of the Parade.
Case de Arte presents: "Mexican Movements: “Carlos Mérida and his Compañeros."
Opening reception: Saturday, September 10, from 6 to 10 pm.
Thereafter, by appointment:
registering their children for school, and hoping to establish them, in the long term, as
Mr. Trump’s dismal standing with Latino voters has complicated the task. An ABC News/
Washington Post poll in mid-June found that 89 percent of Hispanics held negative views
of him. And this week, the chief spokesman for the Florida Republican Party, Wadi Gaitan
— the son of Honduran immigrants — left his post to join Libre, citing Mr. Trump as his
“Moving on gives me a great, new opportunity to continue promoting free-market
solutions while avoiding efforts that support Donald Trump,” Mr. Gaitan said in a
Republicans could once rely on solidly conservative Cuban-American political refugees
in Miami as a crucial source of support. But it is not so simple anymore: Young Cuban
arrivals are less reliably Republican; South Americans now make up a growing segment
of the Latino population in the state; and Puerto Ricans, who at more than a million
statewide now rival the Cuban-American population, are flocking to Orange, Osceola and
Polk Counties in Central Florida — once the heart of the state’s white working-class vote.
Those demographic changes have already had consequences: George W. Bush lost to
John Kerry in Orange County by fewer than 1,000 votes in 2004, but in 2008 and again in
2012, President Obama won there by about 85,000.
Still, while Puerto Ricans generally favor Democrats, they have tended to be less partyconscious than some other groups, bolstering Mr. Obama in his two Florida victories but
also helping to elect Charlie Crist as governor when he was a Republican.
And in contrast to Cuban-Americans, who have long wielded power in Florida, newly
arrived Puerto Rican voters often need to be reminded they can even vote.
“Their political participation on the island is so high,” said Lorella Praeli, the Peruvianborn Latino vote director for the Clinton campaign. “Now that they’re in Florida, it’s
about voter education, reminding them they can participate.”
Some have not required prodding.
Fernando Ruiz, 39, said that registering to vote was among his first priorities after fleeing
Toa Alta, P.R., last year amid the island’s debt crisis.
“There’s no excuse,” he said through an interpreter when asked why it was important to
vote. “I came to the United States to progress.”
After finding work at a pizza restaurant, Mr. Ruiz said, he was quickly promoted to food
preparer from dishwasher.
Esteban Garces, the Florida state director for Mi Familia Vota, a nonprofit that registers
Hispanic voters, said the group expected to enroll 30,000 Latinos across five counties
of Central Florida before Election Day. More than half, he said, were likely to be Puerto
“It’s driving a migration to this area that’s not been seen before,” Mr. Garces said of the
island’s financial strain.
Sergio Bendixen, a Democratic pollster in Miami, was more blunt: The crisis-related
influx, he said, has been “very good news for the Democrats.”
Casa de Arte, 141 Elmwood Ave.. Buffalo, N.Y. 14201, 716-0227-0271
Missing person Mario
Feliciano Quinones
As Puerto Ricans Move to Florida, the Clinton Campaign Is Waiting for Them
of Puerto Rican origin, he has
disappeared and his family is very
distressed by not knowing his
whereabouts. Any information
about this person please call the
police at 716-851-4444y or 614817-6800.
KISSIMMEE, Fla. — Bilingual campaign workers fanned out across the event hall,
clutching clipboards as they sought prospective voters to register. Handmade signs shot up
from the crowd: “Latinos for Hillary” and “Estoy con ella!”
And from the stage at her rally here on Monday night, Hillary Clinton set aside time for “a
special word about Puerto Rico.”
“If you live in Puerto Rico, you can’t vote for your president and commander in chief,
right?” she reminded thousands of supporters, noting that she had worked closely with
Puerto Ricans as a senator from New York. “But as an American citizen, if you move to
Florida or New York, you can vote for the president and commander in chief.”
Se Busca a Mario Feliciano
Quiñones de origen puertorriqueño,
el cual se ha dado de desaparecido
y su familia esta muy angustiada al
no saber de su paradero. Cualquier
información por favor comunicarse
con la policía al 716-851-4444y al
Amid the commonwealth’s devastating debt crisis, Puerto Ricans have moved in droves
to the American mainland, with as many as 1,000 families a month relocating to Florida,
according to the Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration.
In that exodus, Clinton campaign organizers have recognized an opportunity, setting off a
furious scramble to register a coveted class of new voters: those who arrive as full-fledged
Many are settling in Central Florida, a swing region in a swing state with a peerless record
of razor-thin electoral margins.
Campaign officials and outside groups have responded accordingly.
In the Orlando area — which for years has been a de facto San Juan suburb, with an
estimated 400,000 Puerto Ricans calling it home — the Clinton campaign has assigned
organizers to neighborhoods, churches and even bus stops. “Caravanas” of cars blasting
reggaeton music and reminders to vote call to mind similar processions through San
Juan’s cobblestone streets during elections on the island. When neighbors come outside
to investigate the fuss, they are offered brochures about the candidate, known to many
Latinos simply as “La Hillary,” and about her plans for education and health care.
Democrats are not operating unchallenged. While Donald J. Trump’s campaign has left
little organizational footprint, other Republican-aligned operatives have stepped in.
Though they are sitting out the presidential campaign, Charles G. and David H. Koch,
billionaire Republican donors, are financing the Libre Initiative, which works to educate
Latinos about conservative positions. Libre has nearly 30 employees in Florida and has
begun appearing regularly with booths at expos held in Florida and in Puerto Rico for new
arrivals and those leaving the island — offering would-be migrants help finding jobs or
Ralph M. Mohr
Leonard R. Lenihan
La Elección Primaria se llevará a cabo en el condado de
Erie, el Martes, Septiembre 13, 2016 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Lugares específicos tendrán papeleta e información en la
ubicación de votación llame al 858-8891.
Al Panorama: viajes y más
Viajando por el mar Mediterráneo y el mar Adriático en un hotel
Kotor- Montenegro – Esta ciudad fue la tercera en nuestro recorrido y que sorpresa nos
llevamos al ver su belleza de una ciudad dentro de la fortaleza con mucha historia y
arquitectura de la época medieval. Esta ciudad situada en una área hermosa, en una de las
bahías mas bellas del mundo y esta situada en las faldas de muchas montañas .Si quieres
ver una vista impresionantes toma un tour a la cima de las montañas para presencias unas
vistas increíbles la bahía donde se localiza la ciudad y la belleza natural. Esta ciudad
también esta considerada y reconocida por su belleza arquitectónica y cultural por la
Viajar en un crucero por el mediterráneo es excitante e increíble en historia. En un crucero
reciente que tomamos por el las aguas adriáticas y del mediterráneo en Europa, visitamos
varios destinos en diferentes países durante la travesía y aquí te muestro lo mas destacado
de cada destino.
Corfú, Grecia- esta fue nuestra 4to punto durante el crucero y es una de las islas más
bellas y populares del país. Esto se debe a su fuerte conexión histórica con Europa,
esta fue una de las primeras islas griegas que se abrieron al turismo. Situado en el lado
occidental del norte del país, la isla de Corfú tiene una sensación cosmopolita combinado
con un carácter tradicional especial. Paleokastritsa, Sidari, Kassiopi Acharavi y son
buenos lugares turísticos en el lado norte de la isla, mientras que el interior está llena de
pueblos preciosos y muchos sitios turísticos. Además de las maravillosas playas, el punto
culminante de la isla se encuentra la ciudad antigua con el estilo típico veneciano. Sus
vacaciones en Corfú se pueden combinar con otras islas Jónicas, como Paxi.
VENECIA – Esta ciudad rodeada de agua con canales siendo sus calles principales pero
sin autos, que para recorrerla tiene que ser a pie. Esta ciudad cuenta con una inmensa
historia que comenzó desde antes de la era de cristo y al mismo es un museo por el arte de
sus edificios y la construcción de la misma, al mismo tiempo esta ciudad es una de las mas
fascinantes del mundo.
Para poder transportarte a esta ciudad del aeropuerto a tu hotel o dentro de ella tiene que
ser por medio de lancha. Esta ciudad es famosa por sus góndolas que en sus tiempos era
una de las maneras de transportación privada y publica dentro de esta ciudad, que a la vez
esta construida como un laberinto con muchos lugares interesantes y llenos de historia.
Venecia es la capital del norte de Italia de la región de véneto, fue construida con mas
de 100 isletas y una laguna en el mar Adriático. Sus palacios son increíbles y muchos de
ellos construidos desde la época renacentista de la ciudad. Esta ciudad ha sido una ciudad
mercantil y habitada por muchas dinastías, entre ellas la de los Bizantinos, Romanos y el
mundo musulmán. La ciudad sigue siendo una de las mas románticas del mundo y una
de las que debes visitar antes de que se desaparezca por los niveles de agua que siguen
subiendo a través de los años.
Ajaccio, Francia La capital de Córcega y de la región de Corse du Sud, está situada en la costa occidental
de la isla y su puerto está abierto al Mediterráneo. Villa natal de Napoleón Bonaparte, es
una de las ciudades más bellas de Córcega, un lugar único porque se sitúa en un golfo
mirando al mar, con un fondo de montañas nevadas hasta primavera. A esto se añaden
los colores vivos, la luz intensa – descubierta por Henri Matisse, entre otros artistas y
escritores, tiene unos 300 días de sol al año, la riqueza de su patrimonio y largas playas de
aguas cristalinas donde se puede aun se puede bañarse casi entrando el otoño.
Además, la ciudad está llena de lugares que recuerdan al emperador Napoleón Bonaparte:
el Museo Nacional de la casa de Bonaparte, la Capilla imperial, el salón napoleónico,
en el ayuntamiento, una estatua y calles en su honor…que se unen al encanto del casco
antiguo, la catedral del Renacimiento, el Museo Fesch, la Ciudadela del siglo XVI,…y
por supuesto sus mercados de segunda muy famosos en la isla. En esta isla fuimos a una
playa a un lado de la ciudad antigua y es bella por sus aguas cristalinas y definitivamente
regresaríamos a esta ciudad.
Split- Croacia – Esta ciudad situada en la costa del país y es una ciudad mágica, la
ciudad ha vivido bajo el dominio de Roma, Venecia, Austria, Francia, Italia y Yugoslavia.
En ella encontrará multitud de restaurantes y bodegas. Lugares como el Palacio y
Mausoleo de Diocleciano, la estatua de Grgur Ninski y la catedral de San Domnius y sus
hermosas torres justifican que haya sido declarada Patrimonio Mundial por la UNESCO.
La ciudad cuenta con varias calas y playas con mucho encanto, como la de Bacvice.
Los transbordadores conectan Split con los centros turísticos veraniegos de Dalmacia.
La ciudad es la segunda más grande del país después de Sarajevo y tiene el clima del
Palma de Mallorca- España – este fue nuestro ultimo destino en nuestro recorrido
por el crucero y definitivamente fue impresionante. Es la capital de la isla de Mallorca,
situada en la bahía de su mismo nombre, posee un clima privilegiado todo el año.
Conocida por su turismo de sol y playa, posee además un precioso Pueblo Antiguo,
La Catedral, el Palacio de la Almudaina, la Lonja y la Plaza Mayor son algunos de los
rincones en los que el viajero deberá detenerse. Las barcas de pescadores, pinares y
palmeras enmarcan los más bellos monumentos. El paisaje de la isla está rodeada de
cavas, playas y precipicios en la costa, mientras que en el interior esperan las localidades
típicamente mallorquinas y sierras con alturas de 1,500 metros. Una riqueza paisajística
y cultural que invita a recorrer cada parte de Mallorca y a profundizar en la gastronomía
Así concluye nuestro paseo en crucero de 8 días por el Mediterráneo, el cual fue
disfrutado al máximo y aprendimos mucho de sus historias, de su gente y cultura de
todos los destinos de este crucero. Definitivamente te recomendamos un recorrido por el
Mediterráneo y para que visites muchos lugares de la costa europea, conociendo un poco
de lo mucho que nos ofrece este mundo.
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Noticias de Rochester
Miss Rochester Puerto Rico - Tia Rivera
Tia Rivera is 17 years old and attends Greece Odyssey. She plans on either attending
Temple University or Arizona State University once completing her final year in high
school. She is represented her aunt’s hometown of Vega Baja, Puerto Rico in this years
pageant. She has run track throughout high school and loves to spend her free time
working on her fitness. Tia has competed in Miss Teen USA and feels as though her
previous experience will make her prepared for this weekend. She would love to become
Miss Puerto Rico of Rochester to be able to inspire local Latin students to do well in
school. She says, “being bilingual gives us so many more job opportunities so we have to
do use the language to our advantage.”
Thomas Judson Jr. From The Pike Company Will Serve As Keynote
Speaker At Ibero’s 48Th Anniversary Luncheon And Recognition
Awards On Thursday, October 6, 2016
Rochester, New York – Well-known business leader and community advocate Thomas
Judson Jr. will join the Ibero American Action League on Thursday, October 6th to address
the importance of community collaboration in the Rochester region. Judson, Chairman
and CEO of The Pike Company, will join the dual-language human services agency as it
recognizes nearly a dozen business and community leaders for their support of Ibero and
the community-at-large.
“In our work to build stronger families and greater self-sufficiency among individuals
of all ethnic backgrounds, we work with many people, organizations and businesses
that support our mission and that of the entire community in order to make our city and
region a better place to live and work. Tom Judson Jr. is one of these individuals and we
are honored to have him as our keynote speaker this year,” says Ibero President and CEO
Hilda Rosario Escher.
Judson began his career in construction as a laborer and carpenter apprentice during
school summer breaks for John B. Pike & Son, Inc., a general contracting company
founded by his great-grandfather in 1873. He became president of the company in 1975.
In 1985, he established The Pike Company, Inc., one of New York State’s most respected
and successful construction firms.
Under Tom’s leadership, Pike has played a major role in shaping the region’s landscape
with projects for numerous clients such as Rochester City School District, City School
District of Albany, University of Rochester, Cornell University, Xerox Corporation,
Corning Incorporated and Con-Edison. Pike has built numerous major projects throughout
the country including the General Motors & Exxon Pavilions at Disney’s Epcot Center in
Orlando, Florida, the Charlotte, North Carolina Airport and the Bryan Cancer Center and
Fuqua Business School at Duke University.
Shootings may be up, but crime is down in Rochester
Syracuse saw an eruption of violence — 10 shootings in four separate incidents.
The central New York city has seen a spate of gun violence, and is now on a pace for a 30
percent increase in shootings over last year.
That increase is almost identical to what is happening in Rochester, where shootings are
on the rise even as other violent crimes decrease.
Across the country, in fact, many midsized and large cities are seeing leaps in violent
incidents. These increases have police and criminologists questioning whether they
portend a crime wave or are, in fact an anomaly — albeit an anomaly that leaves much
grief and pain.
"It's all across the country and the experts are scratching their heads asking, 'Why is this
happening?'" said Scott Heagney, who heads the Rochester regional office of the Bureau
of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. "It's not just Rochester."
For Rochester, however, the violence became particularly traumatic with Wednesday's
triple homicide outside the Boys & Girls Club of Rochester at 500 Genesee St. Killed in a
drive-by shooting were Jonah Barley, Raekwon Manigault and Johnny Johnson.
The southwest Rochester neighborhood has seen its share of violence, but the three
killings shook residents, who have continued vigils at the site of the killings.
"Kids are dying," said Eileen Graham, a neighbor who was at a vigil Wednesday.
John Klofas, a criminal justice professor at Rochester Institute of Technology, said
Wednesday's killings may resonate with residents because the incident was so different
than many others. A car drove by the Boys & Girls Club parking lot after a crowd emptied
out after a summer-league basketball game. One or more shooters fired wildly from the
car, killing the three and wounding four others.
The crime seemed much more random with its victims than many of the city's shootings,
where the victim and the perpetrator typically know each other.
"This particular event is an unusual event for Rochester, with multiple victims in the
street," Klofas said.
Rochester is seeing a steady decline in crimes. According to newly released FBI data, the
number of violent crimes dropped by nearly 23 percent between 2005 and 2015. Until this
year, the number of shootings also continued to drop. This year, however, shootings could
be the highest number in the past nine years.
Klofas remembers when homicides totaled between 60 and 70 annually in the early 1990s.
Now the annual figure is typically half that.
Still, Klofas said, Rochester's crime rate is often higher than many cities of similar size —
something that has remained true over the past two decades.
"This is not what we saw in the early 1990s, but we all have to face the fact that we have a
serious problem of violence," he said.
For the past decade, the Rochester Youth Violence Partnership has tried to map out
intervention strategies to curb violence. Local hospitals and nonprofits collaborate and
devise ways to redirect the victims and perpetrators of violence. The partnership also
focuses on the trauma that youths suffer when they live in a community where violence is
The increase in Rochester shootings does not necessarily presage greater crime in the
future, said Jeff Rideout, a pediatric social worker at Golisano Children's Hospital and a
member of the partnership.
"They tend to be episodic," he said. "There are highs, then all of a sudden, there are lows."
There has been a drop in teenage shooting victims, Rideout said.
Instead, men in their mid- to late 20s make up the "preponderance of the victimization,"
he said.
Many of the guns used in local violence are stolen or given to drug dealers in exchange for
drugs, said Heagney of the ATF.
"We're seeing a lot of thefts (of guns) and a lot of trading guns for drugs," he said. "That's
not city kids. They're getting the guns from the folks in the suburbs that are trading their
guns for drugs."
The ATF's Heagney said that gang issues are at the root of much of Rochester's increased
"I think we're just dealing with a … generation that doesn't respect life and goes right to
the gun to settle disputes, whether it's a slight to a girlfriend or protecting their turf," he
said. " ... It's just senseless. There's no other way to describe it. There's no rhyme or reason
for it."
Buffalo, unlike many cities, is seeing a decline in shootings in 2016. A task force
there identified organized gangs and members and targeted them with increased law
In Rochester, research has shown that gangs are fluid, with individuals floating in and out,
and little in the way of a hierarchical structure. Those characteristics can make it difficult
to pinpoint the real roots of gang-related violence, Klofas said.
"We have as many conflicts within gangs in Rochester as we do across gangs," he said." ...
The gangs in Rochester are very amorphous."
The Rochester Youth Violence Partnership is scheduled to meet next week and Rideout
said he expects the triple killing to be on the minds of all of the members. For now, he
said, it is difficult to look at the homicides in a clinical or statistical way.
"I'm still processing it viscerally," he said. "It's really hurt quite a few of us. It's again the
wanton taking of life." 800.777.3921 716.829.7600
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Noticias de Dunkirk
Mayor Rosas was Grand Marshall of the Puerto Rican and Hispanic
Day Parade of WNY
Mayor Rosas of Dunkirk, the first Hispanic elected Mayor in New York State, paraded as
Grand Marshall of the 14th annual Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade which was held
in Buffalo on Saturday August 20th, 2016.
New Ollie's Bargain Outlet is open in Dunkirk, NY
A new Ollie's Bargain Outlet opened in Dunkirk, NY on Wednesday, August 17th.
The news store is located on Central Ave next to JC Penney's in the old Quality Mart
located at 1170 Central Avenue, Dunkirk, NY 14048.
Suhr Laments Olympic Shortfall Despite Giving Best Effort
Olympic pole vaulter Jenn Suhr says even though she gave her best effort and that the
illness she came down with this week hampered her chances of winning another gold
medal, she feels she let down her supporters. On Saturday, the Fredonia native made a
post on her Facebook account detailing her feelings during and after Friday's women's
pole vault final in Rio. Here is what she said:
The feeling of disappointing yourself is hard to handle. The feeling of disappointing
others is even harder. I am embarrassed and upset. I am trying to come to grips with the
unfortunate circumstances that came about this last week. It is a blurred nightmare. How
can I train and prepare for years/months/weeks making my body stronger than the day
before, then when it's time for all that hard work to show I get sick. Sicker than I have
ever been. I felt myself losing strength each day. I was exhausted, my body was weak and
sore. I still don't know what I contracted down here. Every day I woke up, I was worse
than the day before. I couldn't help but feel all those countless hours of work start to
reverse at the speed of light. I have lost a lot of weight and my power is gone.
During my Olympic Final warmup I felt hopeful, but I also knew that was all that I had. I
felt my muscles start shaking and my legs were giving out from under me. It was such a
helpless feeling. On my last miss it was hard not to wonder why I put myself and those I
love through this. I was being taken immediately from the infield to medical but through
the media zone first. I made it through most of media without emotion. Then when I was
asked about my supporters back home I cried. I cried because I am not bringing home
a medal for you. My past gold and silver didn't matter in Rio. I cried because I felt and
still feel I disappointed you. I cried because I let you down. I don't know what the next
step is and when this emotional pain will go away. Rick says it will last as long as I let it.
I understand the concept but how do I start. How do you not let your mind wonder and
ponder on all the "whys". How did I get this sick? I don't want to be upset, but I can't help
but feel I disappointed you.
I have the best and most loyal supporters nationwide. But I know Western New York felt
my disappointment. Western New Yorkers are tough, we are workers, and we don't quit.
We give 100% even if we aren't. My parents, my grandparents taught me this...Ricks
parents, his grandparents taught him. Their WNY attitude, grit and fire were passed down
to us. Now, more than ever, I realize how many people this let down. I feel your prayers
and encouragements more on a day that I let you down, that's how I know that you are
true. Thank you for that WNY and nationwide support. The only thing I know a WNYer
would do is to get right back out there and fight again. I feel loved by all of you. I gave all
I had.
Jamestown to Receive $10 Million in Downtown Revitalization
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that Downtown Jamestown was selected
as the winner of the $10 million Downtown Revitalization Initiative in Western New York.
The Downtown Revitalization Initiative, first laid out in the Governor’s 2016 State of
the State address, marks a comprehensive
plan to transform local neighborhoods
into vibrant communities where the next
generation of New Yorkers will want to
live and work.
The winner was selected as part of
a competitive process by the state's
Western New York Regional Economic
Development Council and will receive
$10 million in state funding to revitalize
the local neighborhood and generate
new opportunities for long-term growth
and prosperity. The award will include
up to $300,000 in planning funds for
private sector experts to work with a local
planning committee to draft a Strategic
Investment Plan that will identify specific
economic development, transportation, and
housing and community projects. The grant
is part of a $100 million effort to improve
the urban vitality of city centers across
the state. Plans will be completed by early
"Investments in downtown communities
are paying dividends by creating jobs,
attracting businesses, and new talent
across upstate New York," Governor
Cuomo said. "This initiative will capitalize
on Jamestown's cultural and historical
vigor, upgrade critical infrastructure,
and continue to attract employment
opportunities and private investment to the region. With this investment, Jamestown
will build on its progress and serve as a model for economic growth and opportunity for
generations to come."
"Governor Cuomo's unprecedented Downtown Revitalization Initiative acknowledges
that thriving urban centers are key to changing attitudes and bringing people back to our
communities," said Regional Economic Development Chair Lieutenant Governor Kathy
Hochul. "I have seen first-hand how revitalizing one downtown can be transformative for
an entire region. With support from the Regional Council, that's exactly what we expect
will happen here."
"Governor Cuomo's ground-up approach to economic development has allowed New
York’s regional councils to drive business growth, create jobs and build stronger
communities across the state," said Empire State Development President, CEO &
Commissioner Howard Zemsky. "This investment will help Jamestown reach its greatest
potential by breathing a new life to one of Western New York’s key urban centers.
Through collaboration with state and local officials, we are investing in the region's
strengths to build a bustling downtown and show everyone that Jamestown is a thriving
community to live and work."
Nearly $2.4 Million in Drugs Seized in Jamestown, New York
A combined total of 15 kilos of drugs with a street value of almost $2.4 million has been
seized during a bust in Jamestown, New York.
Juan Pacheco Jr., 34, of Jamestown, faces three drug charges, including criminal
possession of a controlled substance.
Investigators from the Jamestown Metro Drug Task Force arrested Pacheco after they
searched a residence in the 400 block of South Main Street around 1:30 p.m. Thursday.
Inside, they found:
$139,883 in cash
9 kilos of cocaine with a street value of more than $2 million
3.5 kilos of methamphetamine with a street value of $330,000
2.5 killos of marijuana with a street value of $35,000
Pacheco has been arraigned and sits behind bars in the Chautauqua County Jail.
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Mundo Latino
Analista asegura no es tiempo para el estatus
(Puerto Rico) Bajo el contexto de la llegada a la Isla de la Junta Federal de Control Fiscal,
la Senior Managing Director de Phoenix Management Services, Martha Kopacz, con
más de 25 años de experiencia asesorando inversionistas en el análisis de las operaciones
de sus negocios y las posibles reorganizaciones, tildó de estéril la discusión en torno al
estatus de Puerto Rico en estos momentos, al entender que la prioridad y el enfoque deben
estar dirigidos a estabilizar el país.
Esta reacción se obtuvo durante su presentación en el foro “What’s Next for Puerto Rico”,
celebrado por la Asociación de Constructores, la cual toma relevancia ante los rumores de
que Kopacz es una de las personas que podría formar parte de la Junta.
Según Kopacz, el estatus no es una discusión que ayuda en estos momentos a estabilizar
la economía de la Isla, para lo cual entiende que el sector privado y el tercer sector deben
jugar un papel muy importante. Sostuvo que la estructura del país debe enfocarse en la
simplificación gubernamental, la política tributaria, la reducción en el costo de hacer
negocios, la transformación tecnológica y la del sistema financiero, y buscar la eficiencia
“Puerto Rico tiene que enfocarse en esas prioridades y debe involucrar en el proceso al
sector privado”, reiteró.
Durante su exposición, enumeró las similitudes y diferencias entre Detroit y Puerto Rico,
ante los escenarios de quiebra y la le llegada de una Junta. En ambos casos, dijo, se trató
de un problema económico que venía de mucho tiempo, con una fuerte despoblación,
entre otras. Asimismo, identificó entre las diferencias la calendarización política de la
situación a nivel del Congreso, ventaja con la que Puerto Rico no contó. También señaló
la amplia diversificación de emisores que posee la Isla, lo que entiende deberá tomar
mucho más tiempo para poder lograr la reestructuración de la deuda.
Igualmente aceptó que la aprobación de PROMESA es otra gran diferencia, que inclusive
impacta el mercado municipal en su totalidad.
Durante el foro, también participó el economista Gustavo Vélez, quien coincidió con
Kopacz en torno al tema del estatus, sosteniendo que la Isla tiene otras prioridades que
debe ejecutar para reducir la intervención de la Junta en la operación de la Isla. Sostuvo
que mientras PROMESA debe trabajar con la reforma fiscal y la reestructuración de la
deuda, Puerto Rico debe establecer metas a corto y mediano plazo para el desarrollo de
plan económico y el logro de reforma competitiva. De igual manera entiende, que ambos
organismos debe dirigir esfuerzos para resolver el problema del sistema de retiro de
Puerto Rico.
Entiende además, que PROMESA tendrá un impacto potencial en la estabilización
fiscal, la restructuración de la deuda, la recuperación económica y la revitalización de la
infraestructura, la cual sostuvo requerirá para su modernización unos $10,000 millones.
Agregó que para el logro de estas necesidades las Alianzas Publico Privadas serán
cruciales, ya que atraen nuevo capital.
Durante su presentación fue enfático también en que la economía de Puerto Rico ha
regresado a los niveles del 1999, la inversión a los años 1996 y la población a los años
1990, situación estructural que PROMESA no atiende y en la que la Isla tiene que
trabajar. “Necesitamos impactar problemas fundamentales que necesitamos para el logro
de la competitividad: la educación, los impuestos, las leyes laborales, el costo de energía y
la dependencia gubernamental. Tenemos que reducir la vagancia institucional”.
En tanto, Gian Carlo González, ex CIO del Estados Libre Asociado fue enérgico en
la importancia de lograrse en la Isla una estructura digital que permita al gobierno ser
más operacional y efectivo. Entiende que para su viabilidad, las APP pudiesen ser
unas herramientas esenciales, y agilizaría el proceso de implementación y con ello la
transformación del país”.
Todos los deponentes coincidieron en que la herramienta clave para el resurgir de la Isla
es el desarrollo económico, ya que es lo único que maximiza los ingresos que Puerto Rico
necesita. Aunque coinciden también en que PROMESA no es lo que se hubiese deseado,
igualmente aceptan ser la alternativa que potencia el logro de estas metas imponiendo
disciplina fiscal y transparencia en los procesos para una transformación de país muy
Solicitud de revocatorio contra Maduro irá a la siguiente fase
CARACAS, VENEZUELA - La rectora del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) Tania de
D'Amelio anunció que la Comisión de Participación Política y Financiamiento (Copafi)
concluirá con una fase del cronograma para el referendo del presidente venezolano,
Nicolás Maduro, y emitirá un informe sobre la solicitud de los opositores.
"Hoy Copafi remitirá al CNE el Informe de Recomendaciones referidos a la solicitud
presentadas por el partido MUD (alianza opositora Mesa de la Unidad Democrática),
según artículo 21 de las normas del referendo revocatorio", escribió D'Amelio en su
cuenta de la red social Twitter.
Tras darse esta revisión que debió tomar unos 15 días continuos desde la fecha en que
se presentó la solicitud, la Copafi remite al CNE un informe de recomendaciones para
la procedencia o improcedencia de la solicitud hecha por los opositores para cesar el
mandato del jefe de Estado venezolano.
Desde el momento en que se emite el informe, la solicitud del revocatorio pasa a una
nueva fase de espera que podría demorar hasta 15 días hábiles en la que los cinco rectores
que dirigen el Poder Electoral venezolano, deberán decidir cuándo se podrá concretar
el siguiente requisito, que consiste en la manifestación del apoyo popular que tiene la
convocatoria a un referendo.
De declararse la procedencia del mismo, los opositores deberán recoger las
Panorama Hispano
Panorama Hispano News‫‏‬
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opinions of Panorama Hispano.
manifestaciones de voluntades de unos cuatro millones, que equivalen al 20 % de los
votantes inscritos en el registro electoral.
La oposición venezolana había propuesto que la recolección de esos casi cuatro millones
de voluntades se realizara entre el 23 y 25 de agosto, pero el pasado 9 de agosto el CNE
indicó que si se cumplían todos los requisitos la recolección se haría a finales de octubre,
lo que podría llevar a que el referendo se realice en 2017.
Previo a estos pasos, la oposición cumplió con amplío margen una serie de requisitos
establecidos por el CNE que consistían en la recolección de casi 200 mil firmas y la
validación con huella dactilar de las mismas.
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Hamburg Town Hall, 6100 South Park Avenue, Hamburg, New York 14075. Said
specifications may be obtained from the Hamburg Town Clerk during regular business
hours, Monday through Friday; 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Through to September 2, 2016)
and then during regular business hours, Monday through Friday; 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(September 6, 2015 - September 7, 2015). (One (1) “Bid Package” may be collected at
no charge. Additional “Bid Packages” can be purchased for $50.00 each. Funds paid
for additional Bid Packages will NOT be returned. Checks for additional Bid Packages
should be made payable to the: “Hamburg Town Clerk”.
Said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Hamburg Town Hall conference
room at 11:00 a.m. local time (according to the clock within Hamburg Town Clerk’s
Office) on Thursday, September 8, 2016 and thereafter considered by the Town of
Hamburg. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a performance bond in
the minimum amount equal to the contract award. Attention is called to the fact that
Community Development Funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development are being used to reconstruct approximately 1400 linear feet of road
within the Village of Blasdell. Due to the use of federal CDBG funds, compliance with
Title VI and other applicable provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Executive
Order 11246 (Buffalo Plan); Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act
of 1968 as amended; Section 109 of Order 11625 (Utilization of Minority Business
Enterprises); Davis-Bacon and Related Acts is required. “The Town reserves the right
to reject all bids and to waive any informalities.”
Sealed Bids Must Be Marked:
Dated: August 18, 2016
Catherine Rybczynski; Town Clerk
Town of Hamburg
Technology & Science
Facebook's WhatsApp Turns on Encryption for 1 Billion Users
Every private message, photo, video or file sent over Facebook's WhatsApp is now
encrypted by default for the messaging service's one billion users.
WhatsApp co-founders Jan Koum and Brian Acton announced in a blog post today
they had successfully rolled out end-to-end encryption by default, marking the
culmination of two years of work to help give people better security over their WhatsApp
Apple Files to Vacate Court Order in San Bernardino iPhone Case
Apple Encryption Battle: What's Next After Feds Drop Case
"The desire to protect people's private communication is one of the core beliefs we have
at WhatsApp, and for me, it's personal," Koum wrote. "I grew up in the USSR during
communist rule and the fact that people couldn't speak freely is one of the reasons my
family moved to the United States."
The issue has between balancing privacy and national security concerns has long been
discussed between Silicon Valley, politicians and law enforcement, but it was the FBI vs.
Apple case that dragged it into the spotlight. The FBI dropped the case last month after it
said it was able to access an encrypted iPhone belonging to one of the San Bernardino shooters.
"While WhatsApp is among the few communication platforms to build full end-to-end
encryption that is on by default for everything you do, we expect that it will ultimately
represent the future of personal communication," Koum said. "Efforts to weaken
encryption risk exposing people's information to abuse from cybercriminals, hackers, and
rogue states."
Users who have updated to the latest version of WhatsApp won't have to do anything to
encrypt their messages, Koum said, as the new security setting will be on default all of the
iPhone 7: The top 11 possible new features and how likely they are
Apple is expected to release the iPhone 7 at the beginning of September. The next
generation of its flagship handset is expected to have a host of new features, including a
better camera, faster processor and no headphone jack.
As the Silicon Valley giant prepares to unveil the devices on the week beginning
September 5, we take a look at some of the top features the iPhone 7 could have and the
likelihood that they will be introduced.
1. Better camera
Rumours surrounding the iPhone 7 have consistently shown the handset with an
upgraded, bigger camera. Some images have hinted that the iPhone 7 Plus will have a
dual-lens camera, and the smaller 4.7-inch handset a much larger, protruding camera lens.
The upgraded camera is likely to be one of the biggest draws of the new phone.
It has been suggested that Apple will completely remove the home button on the iPhone
7, replacing it with a fingerprint scanner under the screen. The company recently filed a
patent for technology that would facilitate this change, indicating that it is in the works.
But is not likely to be ready in time for the iPhone 7's release.
Instead, the iPhone 7 will probably have a pressure sensitive home button that works
like the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus' "3D Touch" display. Bloomberg confirmed that the
change, which would see the physical switch home button replaced with haptic feedback
technology, is on its way. The suggestion is also supported by a raft of changes to the
iPhone's home screen coming in iOS 10, the latest version of Apple's mobile software that
is due to ship with the phone.
2. Removing the home button
It has been suggested that Apple will completely remove the home button on the iPhone
7, replacing it with a fingerprint scanner under the screen. The company recently filed a
patent for technology that would facilitate this change, indicating that it is in the works.
But is not likely to be ready in time for the iPhone 7's release.
Instead, the iPhone 7 will probably have a pressure sensitive home button that works
like the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus' "3D Touch" display. Bloomberg confirmed that the
change, which would see the physical switch home button replaced with haptic feedback
technology, is on its way. The suggestion is also supported by a raft of changes to the
iPhone's home screen coming in iOS 10, the latest version of Apple's mobile software that
is due to ship with the phone.
7. Faster processor
The next installment of the iPhone series, which could be even more powerful than the
high-speed iPad Pro, is expected to run on a new A10 chip that could be 50 per cent faster
than the current A9X, with 3GB of RAM and a 2.37GHZ processor. Numerous sources
have suggested that the phone will have 3GB of RAM, where the current model has 2GB.
8. Third "Pro" model
Apple first released two versions of its iPhone at the same time in 2013 when it unveiled
the iPhone 5s alongside the more affordable iPhone 5c. Since then it has released two new
handsets a year - in 2014 launching the 4.7-inch iPhone 6s with the 5.5-inch 6s Plus. This
year the company could go one step further and release three versions of the handset.
Rumours suggest the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus could be launched along with a high-end "iPhone
7 Pro" that will have a dual-lens camera. It is not clear if Apple will release three versions,
or if the 7 Plus model will be the device that has a dual camera. The company could have
been testing both the dual- and single-lens cameras for the 5.5-inch device, hence the
multiple leaked images.
9. Different colours
The release of a "Rose Gold" version of the iPhone last year proved extremely popular, as
the gold did when it was first introduced with the 5s back in 2013. Given that the upcoming
roster of handsets could look fairly similar to the last two generations, Apple may release a
new set of colours to entice its customers to upgrade.
Leaks and artist renditions have suggested that the iPhone 7 could come in "Space Black"
and "Deep Blue" as well as gold, silver, rose gold and space grey.
10. Retina scanner
Apple could up the biometric security features on the iPhone 7 by introducing a retina
scanner or face recognition software. The company hasn't made any significant changes to
its biometric technology since it launched "Touch ID" in 2013 with the iPhone 5s. Apple
competitors have started experimenting with more biometric features, such as the retina
scanner on Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 and the selfie login in Microsoft's Windows 10
anniversary update.
There haven't however been any rumours that suggest either feature is coming to the
iPhone 7.
Likelihood: 3/10
11. Return to the all-glass iPhone
Moving away from the aluminium case back to an all-glass one would be a drastic
redesign for Apple. The chances of it happening one day are fairly high, and one of the
manufacturing companies Apple works closely with has been developing an all-glass case
for smartphones.
But it is very unlikely that the iPhone 7 will be the handset Apple chooses to revert with.
Instead it will probably save such a change for the 10 year anniversary edition of the
iPhone, due to be released in 2017.
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3. Ditching the headphone jack
Another very consistent rumour surrounding the iPhone 7 is that Apple will ditch the
3.5mm headphone jack. The potentially controversial decision will render millions of
users' headphones obsolete as the company forces a shift towards wireless headphones
or those that connect to the phone's Lightning port. Bidding adieu to the 50-year-old jack
would allow Apple to make the iPhone 7 1mm slimmer than the iPhone 6s.
Given its history of dropping outdated technologies from its devices, including the laptop
DVD drive, removable phone batteries and Adobe Flash, we can expect that the Silicon
Valley giant will take the plunge on this one.
4. Waterproof iPhone
Apple has left clues in the iOS 10 beta that suggest the iPhone 7 could be waterproof. A
new feature in the software tells users not to plug the iPhone’s Lightning charging cable in
when liquid has been detected. It has been pointed out that the feature bears a resemblance
to those that manufacturers who have launched waterproof phones have included.
5. Fast charging
Technology that lets smartphones gain hours of use in just minutes of charging could be
added to the iPhone 7, according to Twitter user the Malignant. The boosted charging
would introduce "five volt two amp charging", essentially doubling the electrical currents
in the iPhone 6s.
While some manufacturers, including Samsung and Huawei, are already using fast
charging, there has only been the one rumour suggesting the iPhone 7 will come with the
technology - so it should be taken with a pinch of salt.
6. Bigger battery
Leaked images have suggested that the iPhone 7 will have a 1735 mAH capacity battery
and the iPhone 7 Plus a 2810 mAH one - up from 1715 mAH and 2750 mAH respectively.
Battery life remains one of the biggest complaints that users have against the iPhone. To
address this, Apple introduced a "Low Power Mode" in iOS 9. Now a hardware upgrade
could be on the cards as the company inches towards a longer battery life in its devices.
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Conozca su Gente
Conozca su Gente
Top Scholarship Winner and Jr. Grand
Marshal of the PR and Hispanic Day Parade
Lukas Alvira
Professional Visual Artist
The Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade of WNY Association is pleased to announce
the 2016 Jr. Grand Marshal winner and Scholarship recipient of their Jr. Grand Marshal
Youth Development Program.
Lukas Alvira is an 18 years old youth recently graduated from Hutch Tech High School.
He plans to attend Medaille College where he will major in Sports Management. Lukas
is a great role model to his younger brothers and to his community, where he has been
involved in for the past few years. He helps with whatever is requested of him. Lukas
first started at the Boys & Girls club on 10th street four years ago as a Summer Youth
Program Worker. At first he was hesitant about what role he would have here, but little
did he know, this place would play a big part in his life. Although his work schedule
was from 8 am to noon he would stay until 6pm, the clubs closing time, to help and
assist both staff and youth. He has made a huge impact on the kids he has met and
mentored with the help of other staff. He knew that he wanted to be a better person and
that he was meant to help others to also achieve success. Lukas has won the Youth of
the Year award from the Boys & Girls club, which is an award given to the best youth
leader in the Buffalo area who has helped their club and their community. He has
demonstrated, without doubt, his sincere love for his community. As a youth leader,
he organized field trips to nearby nursing homes and has played board games with
the elderly. He has demonstrated to the elderly residents that there are youth that care
about our senior citizens. Lukas is a firm believer that youth must give back to their
community so that they can realize that they too can make a difference in this world.
Receta del Mes
Gorditas De Frijol
It’s very possible that neighbors might see Rochester Artist, Peggy Martinez, photographing
flowers in and around her neighborhood in the town of Chili, where she resides with her husband,
Cesar, daughter Rebecca, and two active puppies. They may even invite her to their backyards,
exchange flowers and offer a cup of coffee! Peggy Martinez takes hundreds of photos to find the
perfect one to serve as a muse for a painting. Flowers aren’t the only subjects she paints, but they
are the one subject she consistently goes back to and enjoys.
Peggy Martinez, a self- taught artist was born in Rochester, New York. She is one of four children
born to Margo and Domingo Martinez. The artist enjoyed drawing at a very early age, but the
extra spark occurred at the Rochester Puerto Rican Festival founded by her father. The festival
at the time held a children’s art contest in which Peggy entered at the age of 8 years old. When
Peggy’s name was called out as the 1st place winner, Peggy thought she had won the lotto! The
prize could not be more fitting as it was an Art drawing kit. This ignited the artist with a lifelong
love for art.
Although Peggy continues to work in banking, she continues to paint for private businesses and
has built a website;, where she showcases her art. Peggy also participates
at several art festivals during the summer, including the Naples Art Festival, Letchworth Art
Festival, Cornhill and Clothesline Art Festival and the Allentown Art Festival where she has
won awards. During the winter, she teaches oil painting for all level skills at a Different Path
Art Gallery. She has been featured on PBS, Democrat & Chronicle as “Woman to Watch”, El
Mensajero, Gates-Chili Post and Imagen promoting asthma awareness. Her artwork has been
featured in American Art Collector and Still Points Art Quarterly magazine.
This Latina is definitely a woman to watch. Her paintings are magnificent and each painting
speaks to individuals as it captures their attention.
“Es m�s que
un trabajo. Es
mi carrera y
mi comunidad.”
Conviertase en un oficial
de policía de Rochester
300 Gramo(s) de Masa de maíz
50 Gramo(s) de Queso añejo rallado
3 Pieza(s) de Chile chipotle adobado
1 Taza(s) de Frijol negro refritos
1 Taza(s) de Crema
1 Pieza(s) de Lechuga(s) chica
1 Cucharada(s) de Aceite
1 Taza(s) de Salsa de tu preferencia
-Amasa los primeros cuatro ingredientes hasta que queden bien incorporados.
-Con esa masa fabrica las gorditas de un tamaño mediano, no mas grande que una
tortilla y ponlas en el aceite caliente.
-Una vez doradas, sácalas y deja que escurra el exceso de aceite.
-Para servirlas agrega lechuga bien picada, bañalas con la crema y con salsa picante, al
Fecha del examen: 19 de noviembre del 2016
Fecha límite de inscripción: 30 de septiembre del 2016
Sueldo inicial: $41,985
Aumenta a $73,315 en cinco años
Llame: 585-428-6716
No manches Frida – 9/2/16
The story of Zequi, a recently released bank robber
who goes to recover stolen money buried by his ditzy
accomplice before he was incarcerated, only to find that a
school gymnasium has been built over the burial site. To
recover the money, he ends up taking a job as a substitute
teacher and meets the sweet and earnest Lucy as well as an
unruly class of teenagers. Zequi finds that life on the inside
may have been easier to deal with than a classroom of wild
rebellious teens.
La historia de Zequi, un ladrón de bancos recientemente
liberado que acude a recuperar el dinero robado enterrado
por su cómplice atolondrada antes de ser encarcelado,
sólo para descubrir que el gimnasio de una escuela se ha
construido sobre el lugar de entierro. Para recuperar el
dinero, termina tomando un trabajo como maestro sustituto
y se encuentra con la dulce y sincera Lucy, así como una
clase rebelde de los adolescentes. Zequi se da cuenta de que
la vida en el la cárcel puede haber sido más fácil en ves de
educar una clase de adolescentes rebeldes salvajes.
Morgan 9/2/16
A corporate troubleshooter is sent to a remote, top-secret
location, where she is to investigate and evaluate a
terrifying accident. She learns the event was triggered by
a seemingly innocent “human,” who presents a mystery of
both infinite promise and incalculable danger.
¿Quién es Morgan? Eso es lo que tendrá que averiguar una
especialista en resolver problemas corporativos que, tras un
misterioso accidente, es enviada a una localización secreta
en la que tendrá que evaluar una nueva forma de vida y
decidir si debe exterminarla o no. Este ser artificial podría
suponer un peligro incalculable para el mundo, pues aunque
aparenta ser una adolescente normal posee facultades
sobrehumanas que además evolucionan rápidamente.
each passing hour will bring them closer to a nightmarish
conclusion that could cost them their lives, in a world
where the line between right and wrong shifts like the
desert itself.
narra la historia de superación de una niña que sueña con
convertirse en una gran maestra del ajedrez en un país
marginado y que hará frente a todas las adversidades para
Es un día cualquiera para la Patrulla Fronteriza de los
Estados Unidos, que trabaja en pleno desierto. Flores tiene
una gran habilidad para rastrear, Hobbs es un Viejo guardia
convencido de que un título universitario no puede detener
una bala y David entró a trabajar allí con la idea de ligar
con mujeres y montar a caballo.
Los tres agentes creen que será una nueva jornada de
aburrimiento, pero acaban embarcados en un viaje
surrealista, jugándose la vida en la frontera entre el bien y
el mal.
Masterminds – De-mentes criminals 9/30/16
In this action comedy based on true events, David Ghantt
discovers the true meaning of adventure far beyond his
wildest dreams. He is an uncomplicated man stuck in a
monotonous life. Day in and day out he drives an armored
vehicle, transporting millions of other people’s money with
no escape in sight. The only glimmer of excitement is his
flirtatious work crush Kelly Campbell who soon lures him
into the scheme of a lifetime.
Bridget Jone’s Baby 9/16/16
After breaking up with Mark Darcy, Bridget Jones’s
“happily ever after” hasn’t quite gone according to plan.
Fortysomething and single again, she decides to focus on
her job as top news producer and surround herself with
old friends and new. For once, Bridget has everything
completely under control. What could possibly go wrong?
Then her love life takes a turn and Bridget meets a dashing
American named Jack, the suitor who is everything
Mr. Darcy is not. In an unlikely twist she finds herself
pregnant, but with one hitch…she can only be fifty percent
sure of the identity of her baby’s father.
Continúan las aventuras de la atolondrada Bridget Jones,
ahora ya con los 40 años recién cumplidos, y soltera de
nuevo. Decidida a comenzar una nueva etapa en su vida,
alejada de los excesos y de la constante depresión que
antes definía su día a día, la protagonista, con una actitud
más positiva, se mantiene en forma yendo al gimnasio y
se rodea de viejos amigos, y también de algunos nuevos.
Además, en su carrera profesional, se estrena como
productora en un informativo de televisión. Eso sí, aunque
mantiene una buena relación con su ex, Mark Darcy sigue
ejerciendo un papel importante en su vida.
Por una vez, Bridget tiene todo bajo control. ¿Qué podría
salir mal? De momento, su vida amorosa da un giro
inesperado cuando Bridget conoce a Jack Qwant, un nuevo
pretendiente que es todo lo contrario que Mark. Las cosas
se complicarán más todavía cuando Bridget reciba una
noticia que lo cambie todo por completo: está embarazada.
Y por si fuera poco, no se sabe de quién es el bebé: porque
las posibilidades son, al cincuenta por ciento, o su eterno
enamorado Mark o su nuevo interés amoroso Jack.
Along with a group of half-brained criminals led by Steve
Chambers and an absurdly faulted heist plan, David
manages the impossible and makes off with $17 million in
cash…only problem is he foolishly hands the money over
to this wild group of double crossers and has been set up
to take the fall. With the bandits blowing the millions on
lavish and ridiculous luxuries, they leave behind a glaring
trail of evidence. Now on the lam and in over his head,
David must dodge the authorities, evade a hilarious hit
man, Mike McKinney, and try to turn the tables on the ones
he trusted most.
Inspirada en un acontecimiento real que tuvo lugar en
1997, la película seguirá de cerca a David, un conductor
de un camión blindado que reúne a un equipo de inútiles
criminales sin experiencia para robar 20 millones de
dólares de un banco. Pero los novatos ladrones dejan a
su paso un montón de pruebas. Aun así, no evitan darse
a la buena vida con el dinero que han robado: compran
mansiones, coches, barcos, etc.. Todo es un gasto excesivo.
Pero las cosas se complican para David cuando sus
compañeros lo traicionan y lo abandonan en México.
Mientras estos siguen aprovechando el jugoso botín,
David tendrá que esquivar a las autoridades y tratar de
devolverles la revancha aquellos en los que más confiaba
Miss Peregrine’s home for peculiar children 9/30/16
QUEEN OF KATWE – 9/23/16
The colorful true story of a young girl selling corn on the
streets of rural Uganda whose world rapidly changes when
she is introduced to the game of chess, and, as a result of
the support she receives from her family and community, is
instilled with the confidence and determination she needs
to pursue her dream of becoming an international chess
Transpecos- 9/9/16
Rookie Davis and seasoned Flores work with the callous,
world-weary Hobbs to round out the trio. On what feels
like another routine stop, the contents of one car will throw
their lives out of control. As dark secrets are revealed,
Queen Of Katwe es una comedia dramática de Disney
inspirada en la historia real de la prodigio del ajedrez
ugandés Phiona Mutesi, una joven que con 11 años ya
destacaba en el estratégico juego de mesa tras ganar el
campeonato juvenil nacional de Uganda.
From visionary director Tim Burton, and based upon the
best-selling novel, comes an unforgettable motion picture
experience. When Jake discovers clues to a mystery that
spans different worlds and times, he finds a magical place
known as Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children.
However, the mystery and danger deepen as he gets to
know the residents and learns about their special powers...
and their powerful enemies. Ultimately, Jake discovers
that only his own special "peculiarity" can save his new
De el visionario director Tim Burton, y basada en la novela
de mayor venta, viene una experiencia cinematográfica
inolvidable. Cuando Jake descubre pistas para un misterio
que se extiende por diferentes mundos y tiempos,
encuentra un lugar mágico conocido como El hogar de
Miss Peregrine para niños peculiares. Pero el misterio
y el peligro se profundizan cuando llega a conocer a los
residentes y aprende acerca de sus poderes especiales
... y sus poderosos enemigos. En última instancia, Jake
descubre que sólo su propia "peculiaridad" especial puede
salvar a sus nuevos amigos.
WMPM Radio Musical
Buscanos en las redes sociales 24/7
Internacional Desde Puerto Rico
DJ Raymond
Maria psiquico
Saturday, September 17
Tickets $10
Tickets are available at JCC’s North County Center, call 716-363-6510 for more information
St. Hedwig’s Social Center, 324 Townsend Street, Dunkirk, NY
5 p.m. Cocktails (cash bar), 6 p.m. Dinner
7 to 10 p.m. Music with Johnny Ray & “Salsa Con Clase” Orchestra
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The Willie Rosas Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
The scholarship was named in honor of Mayor Rosas, the first person of Hispanic heritage to be elected Mayor in the State of
New York. It also represents Jamestown Community College’s commitment to cultivating diversity as well as investing in our
The scholarship awards two Dunkirk High School students from underserved populations with $2,000 toward tuition at JCC. It
also provides the recipients with an opportunity to participate in JCC’s Presidential Ambassador Program, which will be an
invaluable tool for they emerge as our leaders of tomorrow. The Gala will serve as an opportunity to honor the first recipients
of the scholarship from the Dunkirk Graduating Class of 2016, and proceeds will help ensure the continuation of this scholarship
in the years to come.
Please join us for this celebration!
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La Calle
Por: Octavio Paz
Cambia tu pensamiento
Uno es lo que uno piensa y visualiza. Se necesita mucha confianza en uno mismo y tener
bien claro lo que se quiere. Si vas a estar toda tu vida lamentándote por tu situación actual,
por tu pasado, por tus malas decisiones, no vas a salir de ese círculo de negatividad.
Llegarán más y más situaciones negativas hacia ti, pues las estás atrayendo con tu
Es una calle larga y silenciosa.
Ando en tinieblas y tropiezo y caigo
y me levanto y piso con pies ciegos
las piedras mudas y las hojas secas
y alguien detrás de mí también las pisa:
si me detengo, se detiene;
si corro, corre. Vuelvo el rostro: nadie.
Todo está oscuro y sin salida,
y doy vueltas en esquinas
que dan siempre a la calle
donde nadie me espera ni me sigue,
donde yo sigo a un hombre que tropieza
y se levanta y dice al verme: nadie.
Si quieres que tu vida cambie, cambia primero tu línea de pensamiento. Cambia esa
negatividad por positivismo. Idealiza lo que deseas que suceda en tu vida. Visualízalo.
Entrega tu corazón a ese ideal y ya verás las maravillas que pueden suceder en tu vida. Tú
eres lo que piensas. Tú logras lo que te propones. Tú llegas hasta donde quieres. Saca de
tu vocabulario las palabras, 'límite', 'negativo', 'miedo', 'no puedo'.
No todo será color de rosa en nuestro camino, pero lo que suceda será un proceso no
negativo. Al contrario, será beneficioso para nuestro crecimiento tanto mental, intelectual,
como también espiritual. Lo que suceda, debe suceder. Lo que tú decidas hacer con tu
vida según la línea de pensamiento, debe suceder porque así tú lo deseas. Todo está en ti.
Tu mente es poderosa. Actívala y verás los cambios inmediatos en tu vida.
Una Flor En El Camino
Por: Armando Nervo
La muerta resucita cuando a tu amor me asomo,
la encuentro en tus miradas inmensas y tranquilas,
y en toda tú... Sois ambas tan parecidas como
tu rostro, que dos veces se copia en mis pupilas.
Es cierto: aquélla amaba la noche radiosa,
y tú siempre en las albas tu ensueño complaciste.
(Por eso era más lirio, por eso eres más rosa.)
Es cierto, aquélla hablaba; tú vives silenciosa,
y aquélla era más pálida; pero tú eres más triste.
Por: Armando Nervo
Como duerme la chispa en el guijarro
y la estatua en el barro,
en ti duerme la divinidad.
Tan sólo en un dolor constante y fuerte
al choque, brota de la piedra inerte
el relámpago de la deidad.
No te quejes, por tanto, del destino,
pues lo que en tu interior hay de divino
sólo surge merced a él.
Soporta, si es posible, sonriendo,
la vida que el artista va esculpiendo,
el duro choque del cincel.
¿Qué importan para ti las horas malas,
si cada hora en tus nacientes alas
pone una pluma bella más?
Ya verás al cóndor en plena altura,
ya verás concluida la escultura,
ya verás, alma, ya verás...
Tus ojos
Por: Octavio Paz
Países vastos como el insomnio
Pedregales de hueso
Otoño sin confines
No pierdas tu tiempo intentando comprender el por qué de las cosas, pues NUNCA todo
tendrá su explicación.
No pierdas tu tiempo lamentándote por algo que te ocurrió, pues NUNCA alguien ha
logrado retroceder al pasado y corregir algún error.
En lugar de todo lo antes mencionado, deberías aprender a escuchar tu intuición, pues
SIEMPRE es acertada cuando abunda en ti la confianza.
Deberías aprender a vivir tu vida en lugar de comprenderla, pues SIEMPRE habrá un
motivo por el cual vivir.
Deberías aprender a no mirar atrás con amargura, pues las historias pasadas en nuestra
vida, SIEMPRE acarrean una valiosa enseñanza por peores que hayan sido.
Deberías aprender a vivir en tu presente pues SIEMPRE el futuro se verá influenciado por
las cosas que hagas hoy y las decisiones que tomes hoy.
Deberías aprender a echar a un lado el miedo, pues SIEMPRE habrán malas situaciones en
nuestra vida que con el miedo no podrás resolver ni desaparecer.
Simplemente vive como si fuera el tu último día de vida. La vida está para vivirla, no para
Todo es espacio;
vibra la vara de la amapola
y una desnuda
vuela en el viento lomo de ola.
Nada soy yo,
cuerpo que flota, luz, oleaje;
todo es del viento
y el viento es aire
siempre de viaje...
Por: Octavio Paz
La luz devasta las alturas
Manadas de imperios en derrota
El ojo retrocede cercado de reflejos
No pierdas tu tiempo
No pierdas tu tiempo escuchando opiniones de los demás pues NUNCA todos estarán de
acuerdo. Al final de cuentas nadie vivirá en tus zapatos y nadie morirá en tu lugar.
No pierdas tu tiempo detenida en el camino de tu vida por temor, pues NUNCA se ha
sabido de alguien que haya logrado sus sueños gracias al miedo.
Libertadad Bajo Palabra
Por: Octavio Paz
A Roger Munier
Constante aprender
Ser humilde precisamente no es decirlo, sino demostrarlo con creces... Por otro lado,
analizando el camino de la vida a mi alrededor, me he dado cuenta de que en la vida todos
vivimos situaciones difíciles, otras más difíciles que otras, pero hay algo en común en
todas... la fuerza de voluntad que las enfrentemos. Para salir de una situación difícil se
necesita positivismo y ganas de salir adelante y luchar. La variación aquí será el ímpetu
que se le ponga para enfrentar cierta situación, pero el positivismo es el mismo. Es por
eso que a las personas que están enfrentando diferentes problemas en su vida, algunos
con consuelo, otros sin ninguno, pues les digo que toda situación por más difícil que sea
es pasajera y debemos llenarnos de valentía y sobrellevarla con calma. Todo pasará... son
situaciones que por alguna razón debemos afrontar y por peor que sea la situación tiene su
propósito. Mucha fe, fortaleza y mirando hacia adelante con la frente bien en alto. Todo
pasará. Todo es un constante aprender, pues no hay nadie que haya vivido lo suficiente
para saberlo todo en la vida, sólo hay que vivir, absorber y continuar hasta que nos llegue
el turno de irnos.
No pierdas tu tiempo preocupándote por lo que pueda pasar en tu futuro, pues NUNCA
alguien ha logrado adelantarse y saber lo que le sucederá.
Tus ojos son la patria
del relámpago y de la lágrima,
silencio que habla,
tempestades sin viento,
mar sin olas, pájaros presos,
doradas fieras adormecidas,
topacios impíos como la verdad,
otoño en un claro del bosque
en donde la luz canta en el hombro
de un árbol y son pájaros todas las hojas,
playa que la mañana
encuentra constelada de ojos,
cesta de frutos de fuego,
mentira que alimenta,
espejos de este mundo,
puertas del más allá,
pulsación tranquila del mar a mediodía,
absoluto que parpadea, páramo.
Cantan las hojas,
bailan las peras en el peral;
gira la rosa,
rosa del viento, no del rosal.
Nubes y nubes
flotan dormidas, algas del aire;
todo el espacio
gira con ellas, fuerza de nadie.
Tu Reflejo
Alza la sed sus invisibles surtidores
Un último pirú predica en el desierto
Cierra los ojos y oye cantar la luz:
El mediodía anida en tu tímpano
Assistant Professor
The Business Department at Buffalo State, State University of New York, seeks
candidates for the position of Assistant Professor.
For a full job description and to apply:
Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.
Assistant Professor in Digital/Social Media and Public Relations
Buffalo State, State University of New York, seeks candidates for the position of
Assistant Professor in Digital/Social Media and Public Relations.
For a full job description and to apply:
Cierra los ojos y ábrelos:
No hay nadie ni siquiera tú mismo
Lo que no es piedra es luz.
Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.
Cruisin’ for a Cure Car Show at Roswell Park Targets Prostate
Cancer Disparities
By Terry Alford
Not all prostate cancers need to be treated. Many of these cancers are slow-growing, nonaggressive
tumors that a man can safely live with for years, with good quality of life. But prostate cancers can
be life-threatening, and some men are more likely to develop the disease because of their ethnicity
or family history.
Too many men are underinformed about their own risk status, and many don’t have good access to
health care. For these reasons, a group I work closely with, MANUP Buffalo, or Men Allied for the
Need to Understand Prostate Cancer, began partnering with Roswell Park Cancer Institute to help
educate Western New Yorkers about prostate cancer risk and promote early detection. MANUP was
founded by prostate cancer survivors motivated by their personal experiences and a desire to help
others make informed decisions about their health.
On Saturday, Sept. 24, MANUP Buffalo will hold its 6th annual Cruisin’ for a Cure car show and
prostate cancer screening event at Roswell Park. The event, presented by West Herr Automotive
Group, will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with screening appointments available for eligible men
between the hours of 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. This is a fun, family-friendly event, but it’s also a great
opportunity to take charge of your health and learn about your own personal risk factors.
“This great event informs men most at risk for this disease about the importance of talking to their
personal physicians about early detection and knowing the risk factors associated with prostate
cancer,” says prostate cancer survivor Richard Satterwhite, MANUP Buffalo President.
Prostate cancer has a disproportional impact on African-American men, who have the highest rate
of prostate cancer in the world, and are more likely to get more aggressive forms of the disease. It’s
also the most-diagnosed cancer in Hispanic men in the U.S. Earlier detection can help overcome
these disparities, so screening to detect these cancers while they’re at early stages is critical.
Roswell Park follows the guidelines of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN),
which recommends initial or “baseline” PSA screening at age 50 for men at normal risk of
developing the disease, and beginning as early as age 40 for those at high risk — a group that
includes all African-American men and any man with two close male relatives (father or brother)
who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
All men who attend the Cruisin’ for a Cure car show will be offered an educational overview
about prostate cancer and, if eligible, will have the opportunity to receive free prostate screening.
The screening process only takes a few minutes, and involves a conversation about risk and early
detection, physical examination of the prostate and a PSA blood test, all offered by Roswell Park
We invite the whole community to join us for Cruisin’ for a Cure Buffalo 2016. We’re expecting
more than 200 cars, trucks and motorcycles in all styles and from many decades. For any man who
is eligible for prostate cancer screening but has not been screened yet, this is an excellent chance to
put yourself in the driver’s seat when it comes to your health.
Terry Alford is Community Relations Coordinator with the Office of Cancer Health Disparities
Research at Roswell Park Cancer Institute. For more information about the Cruisin’ for a Cure car
show, please contact Terry at (716) 845-4557 or [email protected]. To participate in
the free prostate cancer screening at Roswell Park on Sept. 24, 2016, please call 1-877-ASK-RPCI
(1-877-275-7724) or visit us online at; preregistration for the screening is strongly
Delta Development of WNY is hiring! We are looking for a
maintenance technician and a custodian to join our team.
Technician - A qualified candidate will be familiar and able to perform
a wide variety of general building and maintenance needs including
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to detail, be flexible and have some knowledge of custodial duties
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Reliable transportation may be required.
Competitive wage and benefits package offered. To apply, send resume
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ARIES: a Aries: Crees que todo lo que hiciste estuvo mal y ahora te arrepientes.
Mereces una nueva oportunidad. Trata de pasar una tarde en esas ocupaciones y juegos
que quedaron pendientes en fin de semana
TAURO: Una buena noticia te alegrará el día. Deja de lado lo que te impide avanzar
para lograr tus metas. Gran perspectiva en las decisiones financieras e incluso puedes
probar algo de suerte en el juego.
GÉMINIS: A veces te sientes mal porque las cosas se complican un poco, ten paciencia
y buen humor. Es un buen momento para actividades con tu pareja, algo íntimo al terminar
la jornada laboral.
*CÁNCER: Necesitas apoyo de una persona con experiencia para resolver tus
problemas. Vas por buen camino. Aprovechas estas horas para planificar un buen
encuentro con esas personas a las que tienes descuidadas hace tiempo.
LEO: Vives ilusionado por ser feliz con esa persona, pero ten cuidado, puedes llevarte
una decepción. Serán horas de mucho esfuerzo, pero la recompensa llegará pronto.
VIRGO: Da un paso adelante y deja atrás esos problemas. La vida te dará satisfacciones.
Confía. Ten confianza. Se vienen grandes reconocimiento en tu entorno de trabajo.
*LIBRA: Es tiempo de dejar el rencor a un lado y perdonar las faltas pasadas. No
gastes más de lo que tienes. Es la gran ocasión para dar rienda suelta a tu fascinación por
los detalles.
*ESCORPIO: Debes tener mejor criterio para actuar. Necesitas ordenar mejor tus
ideas. Da lo mejor de ti. No estaría mal dejar apagado el celular y darte tiempo para ti esta
SAGITARIO: Estás confundido y eso te atormenta. Ten calma, no te dejes presionar
por los demás. La aventura siempre estará presente en el horizonte pero no te excedas que
la semana aún no acaba.
*CAPRICORNIO: No busques lo que tanto deseas en el lugar equivocado. Debes
ser más sincero contigo mismo. Novedades a nivel profesional. Sería bueno pedir más de
una opinión entre tus personas de confianza.
ACUARIO: Buenos augurios para tu economía. Esfuérzate y verás que lo que has
sembrado dará frutos. El camino que escojas será el correcto, confía en ese buen juicio.
PISCIS: Valora lo que tienes a tu lado, es importante que seas sincero y te muestres tal
como eres. Cambia y avanza. Esa persona espera más demostraciones de tu parte.
Unidades de 1 dormitorio, dos pisos sin elevador para personas de 62
años de edad y mas, y incapacitados sin importar la edad.
• Estacionamiento accesible en la calle
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Rentas razonable basado en requisitos de ingreso elegible.
Un arriendo del ano y deposito de seguridad requerido.
Escribe o Llamen para una aplicación al:
Holland Meadows Apartments c/o Belmont Management Co., Inc.
37 Meadow Lane, Holland, NY 14080
Para más información llame 537-2998
TTD Relay Line: 711
Formulando Lista de Espera
Unidades de 1 recamara, en edificio de dos pisos sin elevador, para
personas de 62 años o mas, o deshabilitados sin importar la edad.
Estacionamiento disponible en la calle. Lavanderia dentro del edificio,
alfombrado y recolección de basura. Unidades accesibles.
• Se ubica en la ruta 16 del metro-link de NFTA.
• Renta es basada en los requerimientos de elegibilidad de ingresos
• Se requiere un deposito de seguridad y un contrato de un año
Llama para solicitar una cita y te pondremos en nuestra lista de espera.
Welch Village Apartments
c/o Belmont Management Co., Inc.
2854 Welch Lane • Eden, NY 14057
Telefono: 716-992-2005
TTD Relay Line: 711
Igualdad de oportunidades de vivienda
Oportunidad de albergar por Igual
Apartamentos de un cuarto de dormitorio, dos pisos con elevador, para
personas de 62 anos de edad o mayores y personas incapacitadas sin
importar la edad.
•Estacionamiento en la calle accesible
•Servicio de lavanderia en premisas
•Enseres (Nevera y Estufa)
• Alfombrado y coleccion de basura
Renta razonable basada en requisitos de ingreso.
Arrendamiento por un ano y deposito requerido
Escriba o llame para una solicitud al:
Maple Terrace Apartments c/o Belmont Management Co., Inc.
206 Maple Rd., East Aurora, NY 14052
Para mas informacion llame al 655-4117
TTD Relay Line: 711
Formulando Lista de Espera
Oportunidad de albergue por Igual
Federal Reserve under growing pressure to reform system, goals
The U.S. Federal Reserve has two guiding goals when designing monetary policy:
maximum employment and stable inflation.
But as the country's central bankers converge for their annual symposium in Jackson Hole,
Wyoming this week, they are under increasing pressure to reform their own system and
goals to better reflect the diversity of America and its incomes.
At this year's flagship economic policy conference, policymakers will confered not only
with their counterparts from around the world but also host a meeting on Thursday with a
group calling for a radical overhaul of the Fed.
Still, in recent years Latinos have grown more optimistic about the future of their personal
finances, according to Pew Research Center’s 2015 National Survey of Latinos. Last year,
eight-in-ten Latinos (81%) said they expect their family’s financial situation to improve a
lot or some in the next year, up from 67% who said the same in December 2011. (Among
the U.S. public, our most recent survey found the share has increased more modestly,
from 56% in June 2011 to 66% in June 2016.)
Latinos also continue to be more optimistic than other groups about the future of the
nation’s economy. In the June 2016 survey, 44% of Latinos said they expect economic
conditions in the U.S. to be better a year from now, compared with 35% of blacks and
24% of whites.
Fed Up, a network of community organizations and labor unions that wants a more
diverse, transparent and income-inequality aware central bank, will meet with Kansas City
Fed President Esther George.
Poverty-related needs of Americans rose in 2016
It may be one reason why the organizers changed the dress code for the evening, usually a
suited and booted affair, to casual attire.
The report by the Human Needs Index (HNI) is a collaboration between Indiana
University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy and the Salvation Army. Based on
the social services provided across the U.S. by the Salvation Army, HNI takes into
consideration seven needs: meals, groceries, clothing, furniture and assistance provided
with housing, medical and energy bills.
So far three other Fed policymakers, New York's William Dudley, Cleveland's Loretta
Mester and Boston's Eric Rosengren, are also scheduled to show up.
A Fed spokesman said Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard from the Washingtonbased Board of Governors also plans to attend the meeting.
The activists will look to build on their proposals, put forward in conjunction with former
top Fed policy adviser Andrew Levin, to make the Fed's 12 regional banks government
entities. The Fed is the world's only major central bank that is not fully public.
The group has recently been joined by powerful allies in Congress in forcing racial,
gender and income inequality up the Fed's agenda.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has come out in favor of restricting the
financial world's influence on regional Fed boards.
In May, 127 U.S. lawmakers including Senator Elizabeth Warren and former Democratic
presidential candidate Bernie Sanders sent a letter to Fed Chair Janet Yellen urging more
diversity among its ranks in order to "reflect and represent the interests of our diverse
A new report shows that the poverty-related needs of the American people increased in
2015-2016 - the first spike in the index since 2012.
“It’s hard to verify through the data what is causing the uptick (in 2015-16) but from other
studies and anecdotal information, one of the issues seem to be affordable housing and
landlords increasing the rent with improvement in economy,” said Lt. Col. Ron Busroe,
national community relations and development secretary at the Salvation Army.
This year's increase is a reverse in the trend of declining needs seen from 2012 to 2014,
according to the latest figures of Human Needs Index.
HNI scale begins at zero, the lowest level of need. In the past decade, the highest HNI
recorded was 3.00 in 2012, which declined to 2.57 in 2013 and 1.97 in 2014. For 2015,
the index rose back to 2.28.
According to Una Osili, director of research at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy,
the declining HNI over the past few years show that the economy is recovering from the
recession and 2015 is part of the process.
“We don’t want to make too big a deal out of 2015 because it sits within the larger
recovery being quite slow,” Osili said. “It suggests the lingering effects of the recession.”
Currently 11 of the 12 regional Fed presidents are white, 10 are male, and none are black
or Latino. At the Board level, the highest echelons of the Fed, Yellen is the first woman
chair in the central bank's 103-year history.
HNI is calculated both at the national level as well as the state level. In 2015, North
Dakota, Nevada and Pennsylvania topped the list of states with highest needs, while
Arkansas, Alabama and Colorado recorded the highest increase in need since 2014.
There are indications that the steady drumbeat of pressure is having some effect on areas
on which the Fed does have some control.
According to Busroe, the spike in North Dakota is due to the decline of oil prices and
cut backs in jobs. In other states, such as Arkansas and Alabama, natural disasters have
caused a jump in needs, he said.
"I believe that diversity is extremely important in all parts of the Federal Reserve,"
Yellen told Congress in June under sustained scrutiny from lawmakers about the Fed's
Minorities now make up 24 percent of regional Fed bank boards, up from 16 percent in
2010, while 46 percent of all directors are either non-white or a woman.
Yellen, who has not been shy in speaking on income inequality, has also noted that rising
inequality could curb U.S. economic growth.
And for a Fed not used to addressing distributional issues associated with monetary policy,
such considerations are now seeping into policy discussions.
"The unemployment rate for African Americans and for Hispanics stayed above the rate
for whites..." the Fed noted in minutes released last week from its policy meeting in July.
Or as Yellen put it to Congress in June, "We're certainly very focused on...wanting to
promote stronger job markets with gains to all groups."
The economy is a top issue for Latinos, and they’re more upbeat about it
The economy is at the forefront of Hispanic voters’ minds in this presidential election
year, with 86% saying the economy is very important to their vote, according to a
recent Pew Research Center survey. But while Hispanics are on the same page with the
overall population about the importance of the economy, they are more positive about its
condition and their family’s finances than some other racial and ethnic groups.
A third (33%) of Hispanics rate the economic conditions in the country today as excellent
or good, a share equal to that among blacks but higher than that among whites (25%),
according to the June survey. In addition, Hispanics are less likely than others to say their
family’s income is falling behind the cost of living – 45% say so, compared with 55% of
whites and 56% of blacks who say the same.
Despite this economic optimism, about half (52%) of Latinos say jobs are difficult to
find in their community, a share similar to blacks and whites. At the same time, the
unemployment rate for Latinos has improved over the past year, standing at 5.8% in the
second quarter of 2016, down from 6.7% a year ago. However, it remains above the 4.7%
national average for non-Hispanics.
Hispanics lag the U.S. public on a variety of other economic measures. For example,
Hispanics had a median household income of $42,500 in 2014, compared with $53,700 for
all households. Hispanics had a 23.6% poverty rate in 2014, compared with 14.8% among
all households, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
Government and national statistics related to poverty take a long time to be produced and
HNI is the only real time data that regularly provides up-to-date monthly snapshots of
poverty-related needs, Busroe added.
Osili said the school plans to continue the research and expand it to include the factors
contributing to the changes in HNI.
“We need to look into what’s driving them. Most people are quite excited and impressed
by the data but they also want to understand what’s going on in their own community or
county,” she said. “The goal is to educate and inform those working with poverty, whether
other non-profits, policy makers or leaders.”
Interactivo•Actualizado • Videos•Imagenes•Links
Associate Vice President for Development
Buffalo State, State University of New York, seeks candidates for the position of Associate Vice President
for Development.
Required Qualifications:
• A Bachelor’s degree
• Record of identifying, cultivating, soliciting and closing major gifts; including at least 5 and 6 figure gifts
• Successful experience creating major gift strategies
• Experience coaching, managing, and motivating staff as well as experience in recruiting, developing,
and retaining high-performing staff
• Resource management experience
• Effective communication and listening
• Knowledge of best practices and/or experience in all areas of advancement
• Ability to set priorities, manage time, leverage limited resources, and meet deadlines
Preferred Qualifications:
• Advanced degree
• Demonstrated successful and progressively responsible fundraising management experience in
higher education
• Expertise in strategic planning, program implementation, personnel management, and accountability
• Major, comprehensive or capital campaign management experience
• Proficiency in the use of Raiser’s Edge database system
Qualified applicants may apply online at
Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.
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Gobernador Andrew M. Cuomo llego al canal “Canalside” en Búfalo para
concluir un viaje de motocicleta por todo el estado para crear conciencia en
la detección del cáncer de mama.
4 años de servicios vitales de nuestra comunidad.
10,000 razones para celebrar a los sobrevivientes.
En los cuatro años de la fundación de la Unidad Móvil de Mamografía del ECMC,
se han hecho muchas mamografías para poder salvar vidas en nuestra comunidad y
hemos examinado más de 10,000 personas en el Oeste de Nueva York, de las cuales
son madres, hermanas, hijas y amigas. Mientras que a través de la nueva campaña
del gobernador Cuomo “Hágase la prueba, no hay excusas,” somos capaces de
salvar vidas y construir una comunidad más saludable a través de un mejor acceso.
Gracias a nuestro equipo de especialistas por proveer esta atención critica,
y a nuestros socios por ayudarnos hacer todo esto posible.
Para mas información, contáctanos al (716) 632-7465 o en el web
: Oficina de el Gobernador del Estado de New York
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Buffalo public schools (BPS)
September 22
September 28
October 1
October 4
October 5
October 6
October 6
October 8
October 13
October 17
October 18
October 19
October 20
October 20
October 21
October 22
October 22
5 p.m.
6 p.m.
9 a.m.
4 p.m.
5 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
9 a.m.
6 p.m.
4 p.m.
4 p.m.
9 a.m.
4 p.m.
6 p.m.
6 p.m.
10 a.m.
4 p.m.
Herman Badillo Bilingual Academy
Buffalo Academy for Visual & Performing Arts
Emerson School of Hospitality Annex @28
Frederick Law Olmsted School #156 @203
East Community High School
Leonardo da Vinci High School
City Honors School at Fosdick Masten Park
Hutchinson-Central Technical High School
International Preparatory School
Emerson School of Hospitality
Frederick Law Olmsted School #64
South Park High School
Lafayette International High School
McKinley High School
Lafayette International High School
B.U.I.L.D. Academy
315 Carolina St.
450 Masten Ave.
2885 Main St.
1515 South Park Ave.
319 Suffolk St.
820 Northampton St.
320 Porter Ave.
186 E. North St.
256 S. Elmwood Ave.
110 14th St.
86 W. Chippewa St.
874 Amherst St.
150 Southside Pkwy.
370 Lafayette Ave.
1500 Elmwood Ave.
370 Lafayette Ave.
340 Fougeron St.
November 19
December 17
November 2 & 3
November 16 & 17
By Appointment
By Appointment
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
9, 10
9, 10
 All students MUST bring 2 letters of recommendation to the audition (1)
October 15
8:00 a.m.
9, 10, 11, 12
October 22
8:00 a.m.
9, 10, 11, 12
October 29
8:00 a.m.
5, 6, 7, 8
November 5
8:00 a.m.
5, 6, 7, 8
from an individual who can attest to the student’s artistic ability & (1)
from an English or Math instructor who can attest to the student’s
academic ability.
All students MUST fulfill the requirements found at for the major
area of his/her choice.
8:00 a.m.
October 15
October 22
November 5
Make-up testing
1:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
9, 10, 11, 12
6, 7, 8
6, 8
5, 6
7, 8, 9
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
PS #195
PS #156
PS #156/#195
PS #156/#195
PS #156/#195
PS #156/#195
PS #195
PS #156
Non-BPS Students (Charter, Home Schooling, Parochial or Private) MUST provide the items below ON THE TESTING DATE:
 Copies of two (2) distinct proofs of City of Buffalo residency: parent’s NYS driver’s license or non-driver’s license; utility bill within the
last 30 days (only 1); parent’s pay stub within the last 30 days; Notice of Decision from the Erie County Department of Social Services
from 2016
 Applicant’s final 2015-2016 report card; final attendance record from 2015-2016 (may appear on the report card)
 Completed 2017-2018 Elementary or High School Application available at
 Current IEP, 504, or English Language Learner documents (if applicable)
Current BPS Students
 Students interested in 5th, 7th, or 9th grade for 2017-2018 may test at their home school; please contact your child’s principal.
 Students applying for 6th, 8th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grades for 2017-2018 cannot test at their home school. See above for test dates &
APPLICATION WINDOW: Oct. 3 –dec. 2, 2016
Mónica Puig tendría su calle
Proponen nombrar el tramo de la avenida Juan Ponce de León que pasa frente al Coliseo
de Puerto Rico
Un legislador puertorriqueño presentó hoy un proyecto de ley para que un tramo de una
avenida de San Juan reciba el nombre de Mónica Puig, la tenista boricua que en Río 2016
logró la primera medalla olímpica de oro en la historia de la isla caribeña.
La iniciativa ha partido de una ciudadana y ha sido recogida por el representante José
Aponte Hernández, quien propone denominar con el nombre de Mónica Puig Marchán el
tramo de la avenida Juan Ponce de León que pasa frente al Coliseo de Puerto Rico José
Miguel Agrelot.
"Mónica representa un orgullo y un ejemplo para Puerto Rico, no solo por hacer
historia al ganarse la medalla de oro, sino también por su humildad, determinación y
perseverancia, que la llevaron a conquistar el corazón y la admiración de todos", dijo
Aponte en un comunicado.
La deportista, que nació en Hato Rey el 27 de septiembre de 1993, es la primera
medallista de oro olímpico de Puerto Rico y la primera tenista hispana en obtener una
medalla de oro en unas Olimpiadas tras ganar en el torneo individual femenino de Río
"Mónica vistió de oro a Puerto Rico dando el ejemplo que cuando se quiere, cuando hay
disposición y entrega, se consigue lo mejor", añadió el legislador, tras dar las "gracias" a
la tenista por "darle a Puerto Rico un segundo aire y por hacer historia".
El pasado sábado, cientos de personas recibieron en el aeropuerto a Puig, incluido el
propio gobernador de Puerto Rico, Alejandro García Padilla, que quiso dar personalmente
la bienvenida a la tenista, toda una heroína en la isla, donde hasta ahora ningún deportistas
había conseguido un oro en unos olímpicos.
Puig está situada en la posición número 34 de la Asociación Mundial de Tenis de Mujeres (WTA).
Destituciones por desempeño de jueces de boxeo en Río 2016
RIO DE JANEIRO — La Asociación Internacional de Boxeo destituyó el jueves a su
director ejecutivo y supervisor de la justa olímpica Karim Bouzidi en medio de críticas al
desempeño de los jueces en Río 2016.
La AIBA dijo que no había despedido a Buzidi sino que le daría otras funciones, pero no
especificó cuáles.
Boudizi era director ejecutivo desde hacía 15 meses y estaba a cargo del boxeo olímpico.
Las últimas cuatro jornadas de la justa las supervisará Franco Falcinelli, vicepresidente de
la junta ejecutiva y presidente de la Confederación Europea de Boxeo.
El organismo rector del boxeo destituyó el miércoles a varios árbitros y jueces tras llegar
a la conclusión de que "unas pocas" peleas no habían sido juzgadas bien. La AIBA se
abstuvo de identificar a esos jueces
"Las últimas medidas que hemos tomado ponen de manifiesto que la AIBA no le huye
a sus responsabilidades y seguirá garantizando la transparencia en el deporte", dijo
el organismo en un comunicado. "Es de vital importancia proteger el deporte y su
comunidad (de árbitros y jueces), cuya integridad es puesta en duda constantemente".
El boxeo olímpico abandonó el viejo sistema que asignaba puntos a cada golpe conectado
e instauró el sistema que se usa en el profesionalismo, en el que cada juez decide
subjetivamente quién ganó cada asalto. El torneo empezó sin problemas, pero esta semana
hubo dos fallos muy cuestionados que favorecieron a boxeadores rusos.
Ha pasado muy poco tiempo desde que una falsa salida lo dejó fuera de la final en los
Juegos Olímpicos de Río de Janeiro, y su proceso de sanación apenas comienza.
“Tengo estos dos compromisos y voy porque ya compré el pasaje, pero realmente mi
objetivo eran las Olimpiadas”, reconoció el vallista en un aparte con este medio, previo al
recibimiento que le hizo hoy su pueblo de Ponce, el cual comenzó con una caravana desde
Juana Díaz y terminó con una fiesta en la Plaza Las Delicias de la Perla del Sur.
Culson marcha tercero en la Liga Diamante con 22 puntos, detrás de los estadounidenses
Kerron Clement y Michael Tinsley, que acumulan 25 y 24 puntos, respectivamente.
Clement, de paso, fue el ganador del oro en Río.
“La Liga Diamante la estaba tomando como entrenamiento, no estaba buscando puntos
sino mejorar técnicamente en las Olimpiadas. En esas competencias tuve altas y
bajas, y era porque estaba buscando mi patrón de carrera, y ya estaba perfecta para las
Olimpiadas”, explicó.
¿Te sentías listo?
“Sí. En la primera eliminatoria (en Río) mejoré la marca de la temporada y en la semifinal
también. En la final, obviamente, iba a mejorar mi marca e iba a salir a hacer la carrera
que acostumbro a hacer, no la de cerrar duro, sino la de salir agresivo”, teorizó.
El periodo de descanso que sucederá a esas carreras de la Asociación Internacional de
Federaciones de Atletismo (IAAF, en inglés) le servirá para pensar si continúa activo en
las pistas y si se da la oportunidad de un nuevo ciclo olímpico.
“Quiero analizar en mis vacaciones qué va a pasar conmigo”, señaló el corredor de 32
años de edad.
Vital la solidaridad del pueblo
Culson no ha enfrentado solo este duro proceso. Su esposa, su madre y su hija,
inicialmente a la distancia y desde este domingo en persona, le dieron soporte. Su equipo
de trabajo, el Comité Olímpico de Puerto Rico, la delegación puertorriqueña en Brasil y
especialmente el País también han estado ahí para él, cargándolo con mensajes de aliento
y exhortaciones de que no se quite.
“No me esperaba esa avalancha de mensajes positivos. Sabes que los puertorriqueños
somos bien exigentes y si fallamos nos queman, pero de verdad fue un apoyo bien grande.
No solamente en las cosas buenas nos unimos, sino que en las cosas no tan positivas
también. Eso es algo que nos faltaba como pueblo para salir hacia adelante”, reflexionó.
Su esposa Keishla Merced fue a la primera que llamó aquella tarde del jueves, de camino
a la Villa Olímpica. Luego pidió estar solo. Y al cabo de varias horas habló con su
entrenador Héctor ‘Kno” Amill, antes de llamar a su hija Yari. Ese intercambio fue difícil
porque la niña no entendía lo que había ocurrido, pero Culson se llenó de fuerza para, aun
en medio de su dolor, calmarla.
“Yo le expliqué que esto pasa en la vida, que aprenda que la vida no es solo ganar y ganar.
Le dije que llegué lejos a las Olimpiadas, que quería ganar y no pude lograrlo, y que
quiero que cuando le pase algo en la escuela, un examen donde saque mal promedio, que
vuelva a prepararse y lo supere. Que en la vida siempre va a haber caídas y uno se tiene
que levantar”, rememoró.
Después fue que se conectó a las redes sociales, donde estuvo bien activo durante su
estadía en Río, y se topó con una avalancha de cariño y buenos deseos.
“Leí un sinnúmero de mensajes de apoyo y aliento, vídeos de las escuelas, artistas, figuras
que se han solidarizado conmigo y me empezaba a animar, pero aunque veía que tenía
mucho apoyo me decía que no logré mi objetivo, que era estar en esa carrera, en ese
podio”, expresó.
En uno de ellos, Evgeny Tishchenko ganó la medalla de oro de los pesos pesados al
vencer por puntos al kazajo Vassiliy Levit, que fue más agresivo e impresionó mejor a lo
largo del combate.
En ese vaivén de emociones, donde la empatía ha sido aliciente para su frustración,
Culson tiene a su progenitora, Judith Pérez, quien le pide que siga adelante con su carrera.
En otro, Vladimir Nikitin fue declarado vencedor de una pelea de cuartos de final con el
irlandés Michael Conlan, campeón mundial de peso gallo, a pesar de que sufrió tremendo
castigo y terminó ensangrentado. Conlan denunció que le habían robado la pelea.
“Mami me dijo que no me quitara, que lo que sucedió es un propósito de Dios para mi
vida, que lo cogiera con calma y que siga hacia adelante, que no me rindiera”, compartió
el atleta.
Nikitin quedó tan maltrecho que no se le permitió combatir en las semifinales el jueves. El
estadounidense Shakur Stevenson avanzó así sin pelear a la final, en la que se fajará con el
cubano Robeisy Ramírez.
En la última semana hubo varios boxeadores que se quejaron de los jueces, lo que hizo
que la AIBA tomase cartas en el asunto.
"Siento como si estuviésemos de nuevo en 1988, cuando peleé en los juegos de Seúl y a
Roy Jones le robaron en la final", dijo el técnico de Estados Unidos Billy Walsh. "Desde
entonces no veía nada tan malo como aquí. Tal vez necesiten volver a la computadora",
agregó, aludiendo al sistema que otorga puntos por cada golpe, los cuales son registrados
Javier Culson hará dos carreras más este año “por cumplir”
Ponce - Javier Culson regresará a la pista dos veces en lo que queda de 2016 para correr
en la Liga Diamante, pero no será hasta después, cuando tome vacaciones, que decidirá su
futuro deportivo.
El atleta ponceño confirmó hoy que se presentará al evento de los 400 metros con vallas
en París el 27 de agosto y en Zurich el 1 de septiembre, pero no para sumar puntos que lo
lleven a optar por el campeonato de esta liga por tercera ocasión en su carrera, sino “para
Un Presidente Pequeño
Miami. Muy cerca de aquí, en un cuarto piso, huele a corrupción. Otra vez se refuerza la
percepción de que la familia presidencial mexicana se beneficia de su posición. La historia
se repite. Y todo comenzó con reporteros haciendo su trabajo.
Un reportaje de José Luis Montenegro y Julio Roa de The Guardian asegura que el
empresario mexicano, Ricardo Pierdant, le presta su apartamento en Key Biscayne a la
familia presidencial. El apartamento en cuestión -el número 404 del Ocean Tower Onequeda exactamente arriba del número 304 que la primera dama, Angélica Rivera, compró
en el 2005. Ambos condominios, según el reportaje, se administran como si fuera uno solo
y comparten el mismo número de teléfono.
Pero hay más. Pierdant, a través de la compañía Biscayne Ocean Holdings, pagó $ 29,703
dólares de impuestos prediales del año 2013 del apartamento de Rivera (#304), dice
The Guardian. En ese momento Peña Nieto ya era presidente de México. (Aquí está el
reportaje del diario inglés )
El periodista Gerardo Reyes de Univision Investiga reporta que Ricardo Pierdant y Peña
Nieto se conocen hace mucho -antes, incluso, de su matrimonio con Angélica Rivera.
Ellos fueron compañeros en la Universidad Panamericana. Peña Nieto no puede decir que
no sabía del apartamento. (Aquí está el reporte de Reyes ).
¿Qué esperaba ganar el empresario a cambio de prestar su propiedad de dos millones de
dólares y pagar impuestos de la primera dama? No lo sabemos. Pero el diario británico
asegura que la empresa de Pierdant (Grupo Pierdant) es un “contratista potencial” para
construir puertos y “se espera que concurse para lucrativos contratos gubernamentales.”
La presidencia de México, a través de un comunicado, dijo que The Guardian “faltó
a la verdad” y que se trata de una “especulación” decir que Pierdant es un contratista
potencial. Pero no negó lo esencial del reportaje.
Es muy preocupante que un empresario, con operaciones aquí y en México, pague
impuestos de la familia Peña Rivera y les preste un departamento de lujo. Más allá del
problema de percepción, se trata de un gravísimo error de juicio. ¿Quién asesora al
presidente de México sobre cuestiones de imagen y corrupción?
Menos mal que, en este caso, el gobierno no podrá presionar para que despidan a los
reporteros de The Guardian (como hicieron antes con Carmen Aristegui y su equipo). Pero
lo más lamentable es que el presidente y su esposa no aprenden. El ejemplo que dan es
fatal. ¿Qué pasaría si todos los funcionarios públicos aceptaran favores como el presidente
y su esposa?
Además, hay una cuestión legal. ¿Violaron el presidente y su esposa la Ley Federal de
Responsabilidades de Servidores Públicos? En el artículo 88 la ley prohíbe recibir dinero,
donaciones o servicios. Y en el artículo 89 establece que un funcionario público -como
el presidente- debe informar de “obsequios, donativos o beneficios en general”. ¿Lo
hizo? Por eso hay que investigar. Pero es poco probable que el nuevo Sistema Nacional
Anticorrupción se estrene con el presidente.
Hace poco Peña Nieto pidió perdón por la llamada Casa Blanca mexicana, valuada
en siete millones de dólares, y que su esposa compró a un importante contratista del
gobierno. Realizaron una falsa investigación oficial -encargada a un subalterno- y dijeron
no haber violado la ley. Pero el golpe a su reputación fue terrible. O eso creíamos.
Después de pedir perdón, la pareja presidencial debió haber arreglado todos sus asuntos y
evitar otro conflicto ético. No fue así.
Luego del escándalo de la Casa Blanca, Rivera fue obligada a regresar la propiedad.
Tras este nuevo escándalo lo menos que pueden hacer ella y su esposo es desalojar el
departamento que les prestaron en Key Biscayne y reembolsar los impuestos. Pero ya me
sé el cuento. Dirán que no hay nada ilegal en lo que hicieron y la vida seguirá igual.
Lo más triste es que uno de los presidentes más jóvenes que ha tenido México será
recordado, no por grandes obras o ideas, sino por la frivolidad de tratar de beneficiar a su
familia con otra casa y otro apartamento. Qué presidente tan pequeño. No es el líder que
necesitaba México en estos momentos.
Por Jorge Ramos Avalos.
We Urgently Need to Assume the Economic Impact of the Exodus
The figures provided in the study conducted by economists from the New York Federal
Reserve Bank indicate that around 300,000 people have left Puerto Rico
The figures provided in the study conducted by four economists from the New York
Federal Reserve Bank indicate that around 300,000 people have left Puerto Rico in the
last five years, suggesting a demographic debacle that requires an urgent solution and will
have to be taken into account when the time comes to promote economic changes.
The findings made by the Reserve’s economists—who can’t be attributed with having
local partisan political motivations nor any interest other than compiling the most accurate
figures possible, as well as recreating the average emigrant’s educational and social
profile—suggest that the Island has been losing around 164 residents a day since 2010.
The motivation behind this research is based on the damage that a stampede like this
causes the originating country—in this case Puerto Rico,—irreversibly undermining its
economic activity, and henceforth destabilizing an entire system of financial and social
We must also consider that the Reserve’s economists have studied this phenomenon
because this mass emigration is heading to the United States and, therein, to very specific
places where there is already a settled diaspora and it’s becoming noticeably overloaded.
The relocation of tens of thousands of Puerto Ricans represents a challenge for some cities
and counties, which must make space in areas like education, security, public health, and
Migratory processes are not individual problems, and they are not solved by demanding
answers from only one side. An understanding of this can be furthered by the report of
these four experts, who seem to suggest—even though their comments don’t necessarily
represent their own institution’s point of view—that whoever is in charge of the Island’s
public finances will have to assume policies and commitments that will help mitigate the
emigration to be able to overcome the budgetary deficit.
These results are a tool the Oversight Board will have available when carrying out its task
of restructuring Puerto Rico’s debt and public finances.
The report also debunks the myth of Puerto Rico’s emigration being mostly made up of
professionals and technicians searching for better jobs and quality of life. On the contrary,
it notes that it is actually the people with less academic preparation that are leaving in
droves. This vision is supplemented by the report from the National Council of La Raza
published three weeks ago, which reveals that almost a third of the 27,000 Puerto Ricans
that have moved to Florida in the last year are still unemployed.
The data shows the effect the Island’s fiscal crisis has had on individual economies, and
points to the urgent need to propel Puerto Rico’s economy to stop the exodus.
This has specific impacts both here and there. Therefore, it is normal that the financial
planners of a responsible entity like the New York Federal Reserve Bank have raised a flag
and suggested taking this new data into account when designing policies to balance the
budget, revitalize the economy, and restructure the debt. They have created, in that aspect,
an important frame of reference for the Oversight Board and the policies that they will
have to put into place.
Lastly, we must emphasize the human aspect of the migratory phenomenon, and how
necessary it is for the government and institutions in general to educate the population
about the consequences of taking a step like this, as well as the need to chart a route in a
prudent and sensible manner before embarking on a new life outside Puerto Rico.
The Reserve economists have given us good material to set the path towards the restoration
of Puerto Rico.
Sealed Bids Are Hereby Requested For Project 2016 - 02: “Waterline Reconstruction”
all in accordance with specifications on file with the Hamburg Town Clerk’s Office,
Hamburg Town Hall, 6100 South Park Avenue, Hamburg, New York 14075. Said
specifications may be obtained from the Hamburg Town Clerk during regular business
hours, Monday through Friday; 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. One (1) “Bid Package” may be
collected at no charge. Additional “Bid Packages” can be purchased for $50.00 each.
Funds paid for additional Bid Packages will NOT be returned. Checks for additional
Bid Packages should be made payable to the: “Hamburg Town Clerk”.
Said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Hamburg Town Hall conference
room at 11:00 a.m. local time (according to the clock within Hamburg Town Clerk’s
Office) on Thursday, September 22, 2016 and thereafter considered by the Town of
Hamburg. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a performance bond in
the minimum amount equal to the contract award. Attention is called to the fact that
Community Development Funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development are being used to reconstruct approximately 700 linear feet of waterlines
within the Village of Hamburg. Due to the use of federal CDBG funds, compliance
with Title VI and other applicable provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Executive
Order 11246 (Buffalo Plan); Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act
of 1968 as amended; Section 109 of Order 11625 (Utilization of Minority Business
Enterprises); Davis-Bacon and Related Acts is required. “The Town reserves the right
to reject all bids and to waive any informalities.”
Sealed Bids Must Be Marked:
Dated: September 7, 2016
Catherine Rybczynski; Town Clerk
Town of Hamburg
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