April 28, 2013 - St. Henry Catholic Church


April 28, 2013 - St. Henry Catholic Church
April 28, 2013
St. Henry Catholic Church
24750 W. Lower Buckeye Rd. Buckeye, AZ 85326
(623) 386-6407
Website: www.sthenrybuckeye.com & sanenriquebuckeye.com
Fr. William J. Kosco, Pastor
Saturday Vigil 5:00p.m. English
8:00a.m. English
10:00a.m. English
12Noon Español
Confessions: Wednesday 4:00p.m. - 5:00p.m.
Saturday 3:00p.m. - 4:30p.m.
Pastoral Center
128 S. Third St. Buckeye, AZ 85326
Nancy Vela, ext. 301
Office Assistant
Flor de liz López, ext. 300
Pastoral Assistant
Deacon Victor León, ext. 305
Deacon Mark Gribowski, ext. 303
Office Hours
Monday 1:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.
Tuesday - Friday 10:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.
April 28, 2013
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Marriage Mentoring Minutes
April 28 – May05, 2013
The first priority of a healthy, happy, holy Catholic marriage is to
live our love for God. “Seek first the kingdom of God and all else
will be given to you” (Mt 6:33). When a bride and groom walk into
a Catholic Church to be married they come as separate, independent people in love but when they walk down the aisle as
husband and wife they are bound together by Christ’s divine
love. They are forever a threesome consisting of Christ, husband
and wife, Share this with your spouse. Do you sometimes forge
bound together in love. At Cana, the bride and groom served
their simple wine which did not last. But due to Christ’s presence,
the water became abundant, exquisite wine. Jesus’ presence in a
sacramental marriage turns the simple love of a husband and
wife into abundant, exquisite and lasting love. Christ is present in
your sacramental marriage always renewing, healing and offering
His perfect love to you. Share this with your spouse.
Do you sometimes forget that Christ is present in your marriage?
Ask your spouse to begin to pray with you. If you already pray
before meals and at night before bed, then discuss how you can
grow closer in prayer together. Attending an extra mass a week,
saying the rosary or Chaplet of Divine Mercy or Eucharistic Adoration are all options for a married couple desiring a closer relationship with Jesus.
April 27
April 28
+Michelle Schofield
12:00 Noon
April 29
+Astul Fernando Gonzalez
April 30
12:00 Noon
May 01
+Helen & Robert Davis
May 02
+Guadalupe Ariza
May 03
+Pilar H. Yanez
May 04
+Mary Longoria
+John & Joan Bilinski
+Maria Teresa Sandoval
+Ronald Cavanaugh
12:00 Noon
May 05
+Joe Villa Sr.
+Benjamin Powell
+Mary Longoria
Sanctuary Lamp
Our Sanctuary Lamp is burning during the week of The Fifth Sunday of
Easter for the intention of:
+Jorge Toledo
St. Henry Community
Foundations of Catholicism
Foundations of Catholicism is a
course on the basic teachings;
beliefs, history, and practices of
the Catholic faith. All adults are
invited to attend Wed. evenings
6:30 – 8:00pm at the new hall.
Week 11 topic:
“Catholic Customs."
Pledge Envelopes
If you have recently made a
pledge to our parish building fund,
please pick up your pledge envelopes in the entrance of the
church hall. Thank you.
Single Souls
"Catholic? Single? Widowed, divorced or separated? Over 35?
Join Single Souls Saturday evening May 18th at 7pm at St. Joseph's Church, 11001 N 40th Street for "Christians in the Cradle
(of civilization that is)"presented by Catholic Sun columnist Joyce
Coronel. Join us as Joyce, author of "A Martyr's Crown", the
story of martyred Iraqi priest Fr. Ragheed Ganni, shares with us
her perspective on the plight of Iraqi Christians in this ancient
land and here in the US, as well as some of the details of the life
and death of Fr. Ganni as profiled in her book. For information
call Dan, 480-941-5952 or Karen, 602-332-1737."
Knights of Columbus State Raffle
Knights of Columbus State Raffle Tickets are on sale in the plaza
after Masses. Trips for 2 to Portugal, Spain, Italy, cash prizes. $5
per ticket or 5 for $20. Proceeds benefit scholarships for local teens.
5to Domingo de Pascua
Abril 28, 2013
La Buena Nueva de Jesús Resucitado
Las lecturas de este domingo me hacen pensar en todas las personas que realizan su ministerio en las
parroquias, y que cada año al iniciar
el ciclo escolar se dan a la tarea de
invitar a nuevas personas para que
les ayuden a llevar a cabo la evangelización y la catequesis en sus comunidades. "Invitamos", "deseamos" y
"queremos" son las palabras que
hacen eco en los anuncios dominicales. Ahora nos podemos imaginar a Pablo y a Bernabé haciendo la primera evangelización así
como nosotros hoy día: ellos llamaban a las personas a reunirse
para anunciar la buena nueva de Jesús resucitado. Pero perseverar
en la fe puede ser difícil. Por lo tanto, asistir a las reuniones parroquiales es importante en nuestro ministerio, aunque nos cueste
trabajo hacerlo.
El Reino de Dios es para todos y debemos de estar convencidos de
esto. En la jornada encontraremos cosas difíciles, pero la invitación
es clara: debemos perseverar en la fe. Es por eso que el Evangelio
de San Juan da comienzo con el pasaje de la Última Cena.
¿Por qué si estamos casi al final de la Pascua hablamos de la Pasión? Sencillamente, Jesús nos recuerda que para llegar al triunfo
debemos de recorrer el camino de la cruz. Y para enfatizar la cruz
tenemos que entender el significado del amor. Por eso el mandamiento nuevo es dado a los discípulos, así como a nosotros ahora.
El lavarnos los pies unos a otros significa el comunicarnos y comprendernos mejor, traicionarnos menos, ser fieles en el matrimonio,
dar tiempo de calidad a la familia, etcétera. Solamente así llegaremos a ser vivo el mensaje de Jesús de amarnos unos a otros tal
como él nos ama. ¿Lo haremos?
Next Sunday
Scripture Readings
Acts/Hechos…..…....15:1-2, 22-29
Rv./Rev………..21:10-14, 22-23
de Catolicismo
Fundamentos de Catolicismo es
un curso sobre enseñanzas básicas, creencias, historia, y practicas de la fe Católica. Todo adulto
pude asistir. Lunes por la noche
en el nuevo salón: 7:00 - 8:30 pm.
Sobres de Compromiso
Si receientemente lleno su compromiso para la edificación de
fondos de la parroquia, favor de
tomar sus sobres en la entrada
del salón parroquial. Gracias.
©2013 Liturgical Publications Inc
Beginning Experience
BEGINNING EXPERIENCE is a weekend program to help single-again
persons begin to deal with the grieving process. It is for those who
have lost a spouse through death, divorce or separation. It offers an
opportunity, through God, for turning the pain of loss into an experience of positive growth. The next weekend will be June 21-23, 2013 at
Mt. Claret Retreat Center in Phoenix, AZ. The cost is $149.
Please register by June 10, 2013. Some partial scholarships are available for those who cannot afford the full cost. For additional information
call 602-914-5148 or visit our website at www.AZBE.org.
¿Que es todo esto de
un mandamiento
nuevo? El mandamiento de Amarse
los unos a los otros
ya lo tenemos.
Esto es lo nuevo:
“Como los amo yo.”
Por un Nuevo Hogar
ayúdanos en nuestro esfuerzo
de construir un nuevo hogar.
Ilumínanos, para ver
como Tú nos guías
como Iglesia y como familia.
Por medio de la intercesión
de San Enrique, Te pedimos
nos guíes y nos inspires
durante esta jornada de fe,
a fin de que el fruto de nuestra labor
perdure para muchas generaciones.

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