mission statement mission - the Archdiocese of Los Angeles


mission statement mission - the Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Registration Logo Page
The Office of Religious Education serves the ongoing redemptive mission
of Jesus Christ through fostering and developing lifelong evangelization
and catechetical processes.
We form leaders for a catechetical ministry that integrates a social justice
perspective and that responds to the needs of the diverse peoples of the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
La Oficina de Educación Religiosa sirve a la continua misión redentora de Jesucristo mediante el impulse y desarrollo de los procesos catequéticos, dentro de una
evangelización permanente.
Formamos lideres para un ministerio catequético integrando dentro de una perspectiva de justicia social que responde a las necesidades de los diversos pueblos de la
Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles.
San Pedro Religious Education Congress
Amazing Joy!
Alegria Desbordante!
Saturday September 27, 2014
St. Joseph High School
5825 North Woodruff Avenue
Lakewood, CA 90713
Schedule of the Day/ Horario del dia
7:30am – 11am
On-Site Registration /Inscripciónes
Opening Liturgy / Liturgia de Apertura
Presider: Bishop Oscar A. Solis
Honor the awardees with the Excellence in Catechetical Service
Honrar a los premiados con los Premios de Excelencia en el Servicio
10:00am – 11:30am
Workshop / Taller I
11:30am – 12:30 pm
Lunch; Visit Exhibits / Almuerzo; Exhibiciones
12:45 pm – 2:15 pm
Workshop / Taller II
2:15 pm
Break / Descanso
2:45 pm – 4:15 pm
Workshop / Taller III
4:30 pm
End of the day - Evaluations / Conclusión del día – Evaluaciónes
We, as the People of God in the San Pedro Pastoral Region, continue to
stand in solidarity to care for Creation and the Poor. Everyone can continue to make a difference by taking the St. Francis Pledge for a better
world at: www.CatholicClimateCovenant.org
Nosotros, como el Pueble de Dios en la Región Pastoral de San Pedro,
continuamos en solidaridad de cuidar la Creación y a los Pobres. Todos podemos seguir hacienda la diferencia adoptando la Promesa de
San Francisco para un mundo mejor. Vaya a
2014 San Pedro Regional Congress
Presenters /Conferencistas
Alba, Cristina: C16
Ayon, Jennifer: B57
Baeza, Fernando: B51
Bailey, Melanie: A24
Bazyouros, Christopher: A10, B18
Cayetano, Heriberto: A51, B58
Coffey, Andrew: YT-C1
Coito, Jason: YT-B1
Cruces, Lillian: C17
de Blas, Mariano: A50, B52, C51
DeHarpporte, Jim: B10, C22
Diaz, Luis: A57, B59
Diomedes, Dean: B12
Doyle, Joan: A20
Duckett, Bill: YT-A1
Fewless, Eileen: A22
Finke, Rudolf: A58
Frazier-Yzaguirre, MFT, M.Div., Claire: C12
Flaherty, John : A26, B26, C24
French, Maria: A55
Gomez, Ana L.: A15
Just, Felix: C23
Kadera-Redmond, Rosa: C18
Kopitcke-Ponnet, Dawn: C13
Krause, Gaile: B20
Kunkle, Warren G.: A17, B17
Lagarda-Quiroz, Socorro: B60
Lamas, Christina: B24, C15
Lara, David: A60
Longo, Nancy: C14
Lotker, Michael: A18, B11, C11
MacDonald, Heather: B22, C21
Magallanes, Isela: C52
Masero, Nick: YT-B2
Matijasevic, Margaret: A25
McKown, Frank: A19
Medina, José Antonio: C53
Melendres, Bertha: A11, B53
Melendrez, Joe: YT-C2
Meza, Ramona: B50, C50
Montaño, Norma: B54, C54
Murdy, Kay: B15
Nestojko, Jeannie: B19
Palmer, Terri: B16
Plascencia, Javier and Martha: A54
Ponnet, Christopher: A14, B25, C10
Pratt, Maureen: A21
Quiroz, Hector: A56
Reynoso, Adriana: C55
Ritza, Kathy: B23
Rodriguez Hernandez, Federico Guillermo
(Memo): C56
Rojas, Roberto: C57
Sanchez, Veronica: A52
Shaules, William: A23, B14
Slaton, Helen Marie: A12
Supancheck, Norm: A13
Tembreull, Tricia: YT-A2
Valenzuela, Victor: A16
Vargas, Carmen: C19
Vega, Ernesto: B55, C58
Vega, Richard: A53, B56, C59
Villera, Luz Dari: C60
Wagner, Luella: B13
Yepes, Beatriz: A59
Youssef, Michelle: C20
Zeigler, Katie: B21
Archdiocese of Los Angeles
September 2014
Office of the Regional Bishop
September 27, 2014
Dear Friends in Christ:
Queridos Amigos en Cristo:
I am pleased to welcome and extend my heartfelt greetings to all participants, catechists, parish and youth leaders, school teachers and staff, volunteers and other coworkers in the vineyard of the Lord to our annual San Pedro Pastoral Region Religious Education Congress.
Me complace dar la bienvenida y extender mi saludo
sincero a todas las personas que participan en nuestro Congreso Regional de Educación Religiosa: catequistas, líderes parroquiales, líderes de los grupos juveniles, maestros, voluntarios y demás compañeros de
trabajo en la Viña del Señor.
Every year, this event has been a continuing source of
inspiration, on-going formation and support for believers
and leaders in our church so that we can become more
effective ministers and partners in our evangelizing mission. It is quite heartwarming to see the enthusiasm and
dedication of everyone when we gather as a faith community in pursuit of our call to be proclaimers and
teachers of the Gospel.
Pope Francis helps us to carry our call and share in the
mission of the Church in his latest Encyclical, “Evangelii
Gaudium” or The Joy of the Gospel.” Let then the theme
for this year’s gathering, “Amazing Joy!” - “Alegria Desbordante!” sets the tone in pursuit of the mission of Christ
and the spirit of whatever ministry we participate in our
Congratulations and kudos to Karina Plascencia, Araceli
Ruvalcaba and many others who helped in planning and
organizing this event. Thanks also to all who in any way
lent support to make it a grace filled gathering. Most importantly, wishes of God’s blessings to all!
Cada año, este evento ha sido una constante fuente
de inspiración, formación continua y apoyo para los
creyentes y líderes de nuestra iglesia, y cada año, fortalecemos nuestra capacidad como ministros y compañeros en nuestra misión evangelizadora. Es muy alentador ver el entusiasmo y la dedicación de todos al reunirnos como una comunidad de fe en búsqueda de
nuestro llamado a ser predicadores y maestros del
En su última encíclica, "Evangelii Gaudium" (“la alegría
del Evangelio”), el Papa Francisco nos ayuda a llevar
nuestro llamado y compartir en la misión de la iglesia. Por lo tanto el tema de este año - "¡Alegría Desbordante!" marca la pauta en la búsqueda de la misión
de Cristo y del espíritu de cualquier ministerio en el
cual participamos.
Felicito y agradezco a Karina Plascencia, Araceli Ruvalcaba y a todos los que ayudan a organizar y planificar este evento. De igual forma, agradezco a todos los
que aportan apoyo para que este evento sea un encuentro lleno de gracia. Pero sobre todo, mi más grande deseo es que Dios los bendiga a todos.
Dearest Friends,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the San Pedro Region Religious Education Congress. Our
theme this year is “Amazing Joy”. It is through sharing the Gospel that we find abundant joy in our lives.
We must, therefore, be shining beacons of that Gospel joy to illuminate the darkness that can permeate
and damage our world. May we always be mindful of the great gifts given to us that enables us to have
joy and bring joy to others !
As you look through the workshops being offered please keep in mind others that might benefit from this
enriching day and share this information with them. I challenge you to choose three workshops that will
help you become more effective in your ministry, will nourish your hunger for learning more about your
faith and will help you grow personally.
We continue to honor catechists who have been nominated and selected to receive the Excellence in Catechetical Service Awards, because of their exemplary service to their faith communities. See page
28 for further details. We are proud of their commitment to share the Good News.
Queridos Amigos y Amigas,
Es con gran placer que les doy la bienvenida al Congreso de educación religiosa de San Pedro r Nuestro
tema este año es "Alegria Desboradante". Es a través de compartir el Evangelio que encontramos abundante alegría en nuestras vidas. Por lo tanto, debemos ser brillante balizas de esa alegría del Evangelio
para iluminar la oscuridad que puede penetrar y dañar nuestro mundo. Que siempre seamos conscientes
de los grandes regalos para nosotros que nos permite tener gozo y llevar alegría a los demás
Al revisar los talleres que se ofrecen, mantengan en mente a las personas que se pueden beneficiar durante este día de enriquecimiento, para que ustedes les compartan esta información. Los reto a escoger
tres talleres que les ayuden a ser mas efectivos en su ministerio, les nutran el hambre que tienen por
aprender mas de su fe y les ayuden a crecer personalmente.
Continuaremos honrando a catequistas que han sido nominados y seleccionados para recibir el Premio
de Excelencia en el Servicio Catequético, porque se han destacado por su servicio a la comunidad. Favor de ver la pagina 28 para mas detalles. Estamos orgullosos de su compromiso de anunciar la
Buena Nueva.
In Christ Jesus,
En Cristo Jesús,
A. Karina Plascencia
San Pedro Regional Coordinator
Office of Religious Education
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Oscar A. Solis, D.D.
Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles
San Pedro Pastoral Region
Youth Track
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos—RICA
En el campo pastoral últimamente, hemos visto personas presentándose para los sacramentos de matrimonio y confirmación. En conversación con ellos nos damos cuenta que
por varios motivos la persona no ha recibido el sacramento de Eucaristía o quizás no han
sido bautizado o ha sido bautizado pero en una secta o en un rito fuera de la Iglesia
Católica Romana. ¿Cuál es el plan catequético para que puedan integrase plenamente a
la fe y recibir el sacramento o sacramentos que desean?
La Iglesia tiene un plan catequético para responder ha estas situaciones pastorales: El
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) y adaptado para niños de edad catequética. Desgraciadamente muchos no conocen el rito ni el plan catequético que esta a nuestra disponibilidad
para responder a estas personas.
I Timothy 4.12
.“Let no one have contempt for your youth, but set an example for those who believe, in speech, conduct, love, faith, and
purity.” ~1 Tim 4:12~
Este año estamos presentando tres talleres para ayudarles entender el proceso y el plan catequético de
RICA. Los tres talleres ayudaran en entender el proceso, como desarrollar en la parroquia y tener una conversación con otros lideres catequéticos los varios temas que rodean la situación catequética que afrentamos a nivel parroquial.
In the San Pedro Region, we are blessed to have many high school youth who have said a resounding “YES!” to God’s invitation to share their AMAZING JOY by serving their parish and school communities in leadership roles. Like their adult
counterparts, these young leaders are called to continue growing in their faith and developing their leadership skills. The
Youth Track provides an opportunity for them to do so during the Regional Congress.
Si esta involucrado en RICA, venga a los tres talleres para enriquecer y profundizar su conocimiento sobre
el proceso. Si no conoce el RICA, venga conocer su historia, el plan catequético, y escuche la conversación
que surge en la implementación del RICA a nivel parroquial.
The workshops in the Youth Track are directed specifically toward high school youth who serve as peer leaders in their
parishes or schools. Youth Track participants will have a choice between two options for each of the workshop periods.
We ask that adults register for the youth track workshops only if they are bringing youth participants. Please note that
parishes and schools are responsible for providing the appropriate chaperones and supervision for the youth they bring
to the Regional Congress.
A53 La Nueva Evangelización y el Rito de Iniciación Cristiano
Últimamente se ha hablado mucho de la nueva evangelización; ¿que tiene que ver la evangelización con
el RICA y que implicaciones tiene para esta obra pastoral?
B56 Formando el Equipo para actualizar el Rito de Iniciación Cristiana
Muchas veces uno trabaja con pocas personas para actualizar el RICA en la parroquia. ¿Quién debe de
ser parte del equipo y como encontrar nuevos miembros para realizar esta obra.
C59 ¿Padrino o Acompañante, que es lo que se busca en el Rito de Iniciación?
Cuando se trata de la recepción de los sacramentos de iniciación, por lo regular los padrinos se presentan a la ultima solo para celebrar los sacramentos. Muchas veces quedamos frustrados por la falta de
participación de ellos. ¿Hay otra opción para realizar el Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para adultos y
adaptado para niños que trata de responder a lo que el rito invita?
Fr. Richard Vega es miembro de la Sociedad Mexicana de Liturgistas y presentador para las oficinas del Culto Divino en Los
Ángeles y Chicago. Actualmente es párroco de St. Frances of Rome en Azusa. Fue párroco de La Purísima Concepción en Lompoc,
CA, y vicario parroquial en la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles.
Session A
10:00 am—11:30 am
YT—A1 Called to be Christian Leaders
What does it mean to be called to be a Christian Leader? The world has an abundance of 'good' leaders,
but few 'great' leaders. What does it take to be a 'great' leader? In this workshop we will explore the
difference, name some 'great' leaders, then explore the correlation between being a 'great' leader and being a 'Christian' leader.
Mr Bill Duckett has been a volunteer for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for over 19 years. His work with youth includes 16 years as a director for Christian Leadership Institute, 10 years as a Youth Day Rally Coordinator, and 8 years a Youth Minister for St Mark Parish in Venice. He has been a presenter
for OLA Regional Congress and other varied youth ministry trainings.
YT- A2 Thy Will Be Done: How to Discern God’s Will
Does God have one right choice for me in each decision I make? How do I discern God’s will ? How to serve
Him? How can I possibly know His will for my life? In this workshop we will explore how the power of
prayerful discernment and how it can help lead us on the path that God has for each and every one of us.
Ms. Tricia Tembreull served as a youth minister in Southern California for ten years prior to joining the Life Teen staff seven years ago as the Western
Regional Director. Tricia is blessed to serve and empower teens and adults at various parishes, camps and Life Teen training conferences around the world.
Close to her heart is the study of John Paul II’s Theology of the Body and empowering teens to humbly serve God through teen discipleship.
Youth Track
Session B
12:45 pm—2:15 pm
YT-B1 Dear Lord, Sweet Baby Jesus...
One of the important roles of youth leaders is to lead prayer, and one of the most important parts of
Christian living is to to pray. This workshop in the Youth Track will explore ways of praying to grow in
our own relationship with Christ and how we can grow as leaders of prayer with others. So, come ready
to do some praying.
Mr. Jason Coito has been a teacher and campus minister with high school and college students for 11 years in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. He
currently teaches 11th grade religion and directs the Kairos Retreat program at Bishop Alemany High School. Jason,
YT-B2 Effective Leadership: Identifying Gifts and Talents to Get Things Done
Being a part of a team involves learning how to navigate what each team member brings to the table.
Come learn how to identify gifts and put to work your talents and the gifts of others. Discuss how to
coordinate the talents in our communities to put together successful events
Nick Masero has been working in teen ministry for more than a decade. He is on the Christian Leadership Institution (CLI) director’s team as well
as offering workshops at regional congresses. Nick just finished law school and looks forward to beginning his career as a civil rights litigator this
Session C
2:45 pm–4:15 pm
YT-C1 Mission Possible!
Our relationship with Jesus isn’t just for ourselves; it compels us to be for others – especially the poor!
Come discover the mission you have accepted to be an agent of evangelization.
Mr. Andrew Coffey is currently the Director of Family Ministries at St. Pancratius, Lakewood. He has a youth ministry background having served as
the coordinator for the Salesian Youth Movement, USA-West and the Coordinator of Youth Ministry at St. Pancratius Parish, Lakewood.
YT-C2 We Remain Faith Full
Faith! How do we find it? How do we live it? How do we grow it? How do we lead others into a FAITH
Full life experience with Christ at the center? As one holy family, let's explore ways that we can remain
FAITH FULL to God, Family, Friends and all we will meet and encounter in our lives. May we lead by example and continually increase our effectiveness as disciples of all nations.
Mr. Joe Melendrez at 15, he began his faith-filled outreach, offering spiritual retreat facilitation, Christian rap, and food for the hungry. After
graduating from the University of Dayton with a BA in Religious Studies, Joe released his revolutionary album ROSARY RAP as way to inspire all to
embrace this powerful form of prayer.
Session A
10:00 am - 11:30 am
A10 What IS that RCIA thing?
Have you ever wondered what it means when people talk about RCIA or "the Rite"? This workshop gives a brief
history of adult initiation and the form it takes today. Great for beginners or those just starting.
Fr. Christopher Bazyouros was born and grew up in the San Gabriel Valley. He entered St. John's Seminary after receiving a Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry.
Ordained in 2003, he is serving in the Archdiocese at the Office of Religious Education in Adult Formation. He also serves the Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission.
A11 "An invitation to live and model a virtuous human life"
Our focus will be on the four "cardinal" Virtues. Prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance. Being able to embrace our humanity to live as virtuous as possible and model our faith as we live out joyfully these virtues.
Mrs. Bertha Melendres is a wife and mother of two. She is the Director of the Religious Education program at Nativity in Torrance for the past nine years. She
is certified as a Master Catechist and has been involved in parish ministries for twenty years.
A12 All My Students Showed up! Now What? Bringing the Miracles of Jesus to Life in Your Sessions.
Students’ faith and spirituality are developed when they are involved in interactive and tactile activities that
have been integrated into your sessions. The workshop will focus on creative ideas and techniques that can be
immediately used in your learning setting with elementary aged children. You will take an active role at this workshop and come away with lots of practical ideas.
Ms. Helen Marie Slaton, a Master Catechist, serves in ministry at Our Lady of Malibu parish. Her creative ideas have been published nationally. She believes
that the faith is passed on through tactile hands-on experiences of the faith knowledge being presented.
A13 “God fills us with Joy in the Sacraments and we go out to share joy”
The Sacraments show the tremendous love that God has for us. They fill us with God's love that overflows so
that we need to share the joy of the Gospel with others.
Rev. Norm Supancheck was born in Long Beach and went to St. John's Seminary. He was ordained in 1968 and has served in several parishes. He was Campus
Minister at Cal State University for 8 years and now is Campus Minister at Bishop Alemany High School for 12 years. He works with EPJ, YES, Engaged Encounter, Marriage Encounter, Retrouvaille, and Scouting. Presently Campus Chaplain at Bp. Alemany, residing at St. Didacus Parish in Sylmar.
A14 Affordable Health Care for All—A Catholic Value
The new health care plan is helping the most vulnerable and reflects the papal and US Bishops teaching for decades from health care around pregnancy to end of life issues. The prophetic gift of catholic clinics and hospitals
around the world for centuries
Fr. Christopher Ponnet was ordained for Los Angeles Archdiocese in 1983. Fr. Ponnet is Pastor and chaplain at St. Camilus Center for Spiritual Care. He also
serves as Director of Office of Catholic HIV/AIDS Ministry, Board of Death Penalty Focus, Pax CHristi USA, Angel Interfaith Network, MLGC Ministry with Lesbian and Gay Catholics and Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace.
A15 Are You In or Are You Out? Accepting the Challenge
Pope Francis says: “We should not simply remain in our own secure world, that of the ninety-nine sheep who never
strayed from the fold, but we should go out, with Christ, in search of the one lost sheep, however far it may have
wandered”. Are we up to the challenge? This workshop will inspire youth to accept this challenge by using their
gifts to go out and search for the lost sheep.
Mrs. Ana L. Gomez is originally from Guatemala and has raised a family of four college students together with her husband, of 25 years, Carlos. Mrs. Gomez
has always been driven by her passion for sharing the richness and value of Catholic faith to all. She is especially invested in youth ministry and believes in the
potential that the youth have in understanding their faith and living it out in a way that makes a difference in their own lives and those of others. Currently Mrs.
Gomez is a Confirmation Catechist at St. Anthony Church in Long Beach, CA. She is also a Master Catechist for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and has been teaching Basic Adult Faith Formation since 2008.
A16 The Spirituality of the Child: Practical Ways To Foster Faith Growth
Faith formation is a process where we understand the faith that God has given us and is embedded with us. Grace
helps us to see, hear and feel our faith in God. Children of all ages have faith as well. As a catechist our challenge
is to help them discover.
Mr. Victor Valenzuela is a National Religion Consultant for Bilingual Resources for William H. Sadlier, Inc. He has presented workshops to numerous groups
both regionally and nationally. Victor has been in ministry for 20 years including classroom teaching, youth ministry, teacher training, and writing and development
of new materials. He has a Bachelor of Arts from St. Joseph Seminary in Menlo Park, CA and a Masters of Arts from the University of San Francisco. Born in Arizona
to parents of Mexican descent, he is fully bilingual and bicultural.
A17 The Call to Prayer in the Journey of Life-long Learning
Life-long learning and a personal commitment to catechesis in your parish inspires a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. This workshop will discuss aspects of personal and communal prayer as it relates to
your ministry; ever growing in grace and sharing the gift of faith for decades to come.
Mr. Warren G. Kunkle III is presently an educational consultant for William H. Sadlier Inc. He is a Master Catechist and volunteers in his parish as the High
School Confirmation Parent Formation Coordinator. He has also served as a Parish Administrator, Youth Minister/Confirmation Coordinator and a variety of other
ministries over the past 25 years. With his wife, Elga and their three teen-age sons’, a broader understanding of the realities of our “domestic” church and its unique
challenges, will be fore-front in this presentation.
A18 “How a scientist views religion, God, and belief.”
Rabbi Lotker discusses how his religious faith is informed and strengthened by his scientific training and 30 yearcareer as a physicist. He will discuss the evidence for God’s existence, the truth of the Bible, the question of
how a good and loving God can allow evil and tragedy in the world and the question of why be religious.
Rabbi Michael Lotker comes to us with a wealth of experience. A Phi Beta Kappa/Magna Cum Laude physicist, he spent the bulk of his first career in the alternative energy business, working in windpower, solar and geothermal energy. About 500 of the windmills that are spinning in Palm Springs, California were financed
and installed by a company that Mike was President of. In 2003, he was ordained as a rabbi at Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles, where he also received his
Master of Hebrew Letters degree. He presently Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Ner Ami in Camarillo, California and Community Rabbi for the Jewish Federation of Ventura County. In addition to his studies, Mike has published a book for the Paulist Press entitled "A Christian's Guide to Judaism."
A19 Always Are Children: Pastoral Care of Lesbian and Gay Catholics and Their Parents
This session will explain the various Church teachings on ministering to gay and lesbian catholics with an emphasis
in counseling parents after they've learned their son or daughter is LGBT. Structured to help catechists and
teachers better communicate with students and parents, the session will concentrate on the U.S. Bishops' documents "Always Our Children" (1997) and "Ministry to Persons with a Homosexual Inclination: Guidelines for Pastoral Care" (2006).
Mr. Frank McKown Frank McKown is co-chair of the L.A. Archdiocese’s Catholic Ministry with Lesbian and Gay Persons, founded in 1986 by Cardinal Mahoney.
The ministry is the oldest such organization in the nation and provides a safe and welcoming environment for lesbians and gay persons through liturgy, outreach,
education, and fellowship. Mr. McKown has planned and led liturgies and retreats on a variety of topics and has previously spoken at L.A. Regional Congress sessions
in 2010 – 2013. A lifelong Angelino, he received his BA from UCLA and MBA from Pepperdine University.
A20 Catechesis According to CNN, QVC, Stephen Colbert…and St. Augustine
Catechists are always on the lookout for effective ways to proclaim the Gospel message. Today they have creative avenues available to them that were unthinkable even a short time ago. With this in mind, what catechetical
skills might be learned from some contemporary – and unexpected – sources: a cable news network, a merchandising empire, a television satirist? Further, how can these modern-day skills benefit from the wisdom of a fifth
century saint? This session will allow both veterans and newcomers to discover creative ways to enliven their catechetical ministry to children, youth, or adults.
Ms. Joan Doyle is a catechetical consultant, workshop presenter, writer, and nationally certified Lay Ecclesial Minister. She has held a variety of positions in her
Los Angeles parish, St. Paul the Apostle (junior high religion teacher and assistant principal; parish DRE). Her education includes a B.A. (English) and M.A.
(Religious Education) from Immaculate Heart College, and she holds a California teaching credential and certification as a Master Catechist and a Media Literacy
Educator. Joan has served as a judge for THE HUMANITAS PRIZE, rewarding writers of film and TV shows and "Film Clips for Catholic Youth Faith Formation
A21 Don't panic! Important faith tools for coping with a crisis.
Whenever a crisis occurs, we are shaken. We might not know how to respond, or we might think we're falling
apart. We might feel as if God has abandoned us. This practical and prayerful workshop will give insight into
what happens to our bodies and minds when we're hit with tragedies and problens. We'll talk about the "life cycle" of a crisis, and how we can recognize the stages and needs of particular times within it.
Ms. Maureen Pratt is an award-winning author, speaker and television program host who lives with multiple chronic illnesses and pain. Her work combines
faith, prayer, humor and practicality. Her books include, "Peace in the Storm: Meditations on Chronic Pain & Illness," and "Beyond Pain: Job, Jesus, and Joy."
Maureen is a syndicated columnist with Catholic News Service and a frequent contributor to St. Anthony Messenger Magazine and guest on Relevant Radio, a Catholic Radio network. Her television program, "Peace in the Storm," aired for nearly 2 years Her website is www.maureenpratt.com
A22 Are You Ready to Meet the Catechist's Challenge?
A challenge that calls us to respond to the loving call of God, to constantly move forward on the journey toward
Him in knowledge, faith and love. The challenge to use our gifts to engage and transform the children and families in our care. The challenge to do all of this with a joyful heart filled with wonder at the task entrusted to us.
Come let’s explore together.
Ms. Eileen Fewless Eileen is a consultant for RCLBenziger and a DRE at St. Bernardine in Woodland Hills.
A23 Song of Songs
This workshop is an introduction to the Song of Songs, an exquisite love poem that speaks to human sexuality,
theology, and spirituality.
Dr. William Shaules Ph.D. in New Testament from Fuller Theological Seminary. Teaches Scripture at Loyola Marymount University. Serves as an Associate
Coordinator of Diaconate Formation for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
A24 Exciting Today’s Youth about Scripture
Do you want to help your elementary students fall in love with Scripture but don’t know how to begin? Youth today are immersed in a culture that receives information in snippets at the speed of modern technology. If we
are going to capture the attention of this generation, we need to present the Bible in a way that is interactive,
visual, and relevant to them! In this session, we will expand our vision and explore practical suggestions to engage modern kids in the timeless Word of God.
Mrs. Melanie Bailey Involved in parish ministries for over 15 years, Melanie Bailey is currently Coordinator of Catechetical Programs at Holy Name of Mary
Church in San Dimas, CA. She loves sharing our Catholic faith with elementary students and field-tests all of her best ideas on her two children.
A25 Photography: A Conversation With God
Through visual experiences and expressions, God pulls us into the experience of the creation story. Photographs
reveal moments of grace gifted to you, and can allow you the invitation to recognize God’s movement in your life.
What might this mean about using your camera roll for prayer? Your Pinterest board and Instagram profile for
theological reflection? And even your photographic archives for insight into God’s presence throughout your life
journey? Come… have a playful and intriguing conversation with God rooted in the art form of photography.
Ms. Margaret Matijasevic is a mother of two wonderful children serving as the San Fernando Regional Coordinator for the Office Of Religious Education in the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles. BA from the University of San Diego in the area of Theological and Religious Studies. MA from Loyola Marymount University with a
focus in Pastoral Ministry. Just celebrated 10 years of ministry work in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Experience in the Archdiocese ranges from teaching in Catholic Schools to serving in parish work, both as a DRE and Coordinator of JH/Confirmation ministry, and now in the area of Diocesan work. Master Catechist since
2007. A digital immigrant that is eager to learn.
A26 Preparing & Training Children & Teens to Serve as Ministers at Masses & Prayer Services
This informative workshop will equip you with the tools and knowledge to train the young and young at heart to
serve as lectors, altar servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Ministers of Hospitality and other roles in Catholic worship.
The team facilitating the Liturgy & Music Track is led by Eileen Kearns, Campus Minister at Rosary High School in Orange County. All the workshop presenters
are graduates of the LMU Pastoral Liturgy Certification Program in the Center for Religion & Spirituality. They are certified as Master Liturgists. John Flaherty
serves as the Director and Lead Instructor of the PL Certification and Pastoral Music Certification Programs.
Sesión A
10:00 am - 11:30 am
La caridad es la reina de todas las virtudes. Jesús lo ratificó recordando que el segundo mandamiento consiste en
amar al prójimo como a sí mismo. “Éste es mi mandamiento que os améis los unos a los otros, como Yo os he amado”. Nos recalcó que todo lo que hacemos a los demás se lo hacemos a Él. Por eso en el juicio final el veredicto definitivo será éste: “Venid, benditos de mi Padre, a tomar posesión del reino de los cielos, porque tuve hambre y me
disteis de comer, tuve sed y me disteis de beber…” Al final de la vida se nos examinará del amor.
Fr. Mariano de Blas es un sacerdote Legionario de Cristo, nacido en Ávila, España. Realiza sus estudios primarios en Ontaneda, Santander. Termina Humanidades Clásicas en Salamanca, España y estudia Filosofía y Teología en la Universidad Pontificia Gregoriana de Roma, donde obtiene el
grado de Licenciatura en Filosofía. Ha desarrollado una intensa actividad de formación de jóvenes y matrimonios como Director del CEYCA y del Instituto Cumbres,
en la ciudad de México. En Monterrey y Guadalajara, México ha conducido grupos juveniles y fungió como consejero matrimonial. Dirigió un Centro Empresarial de
Superación Personal y fue asesor de valores en el Instituto Andes, de San Luis Potosí, donde dirigió un centro de Formación Familiar. Actualmente radica en Los Ángeles, California, colaborando en la estación Guadalupe Radio y en televisión, con el programa "La Alegría de Vivir". Es un experto en los medios de comunicación
social. Ha escrito diez libros. Se destaca por su capacidad de motivación para vivir la vida con amor, alegría y esperanza.
A51 Tentaciones del Agente de Pastoral
El Papa Francisco en su Exhortación Apostólica: “Evangelii Gaudium”, llama la atención sobre un asunto muy importante: Las tentaciones a las que los Agentes de Pastoral que están expuestos en sus ministerios eclesiales. Los
destinatarios de este Taller son líderes de grupos, servidores.
Mr. Heriberto Cayetano tiene varios años trabajando en la Pastoral Hispana en la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. Actualmente es Director del Ministerio Hispano de la parroquia del Sagrado Corazón de Lancaster, CA. Cuenta con un Certificado en Estudios Pastorales por Loyola Marymount University, Licenciado en
Ministerio Cristiano y dos Maestrías, una en Artes Pastorales Teológicas y otra en Divinidad, ambas por Azusa Pacific University (APU).
Porque soy Cristiano? Que implica este reto y cuales son las actitudes y el modo de vivir de un Cristiano comprometido? El Cristianismo transforma la condicion humana y toca la vida de quien lo recibe. Aprendamos a vivir nuestro Cristianismo y a demostrar con nuestra vida lo que afirmamos.
Ms. Veronica Sanchez Licienciada en Ciencias Religiosas, graduada de la Universidad Anahuac de Mexico.
A53 La Nueva Evangelización y el Rito de Iniciación Cristiano
Últimamente se ha hablado mucho de la nueva evangelización; ¿que tiene que ver la evangelización con el RICA y
que implicaciones tiene para esta obra pastoral?
Fr. Richard Vega es miembro de la Sociedad Mexicana de Liturgistas y presentador para las oficinas del Culto Divino en Los Ángeles y Chicago. Actualmente es párroco de St. Frances of Rome en Azusa. Fue párroco de La Purísima Concepción en Lompoc, CA, y vicario parroquial en la Arquidiócesis de Los
En esta sesión explicaremos las diferentes enseñanzas de la Iglesia en el ministerio para Católicos gay y lesbianas
enfatizando la consejería para los padres . Este taller está estructurado para ayudar a catequistas y maestros a
mejorar la comunicación con los estudiantes y sus padres, la sesión se concentrará en los documentos de Los Obispos Estadounidenses y Ministerio para Personas con Inclinación Homosexual
Mr. and Mrs. Javier and Martha Plascencia, El ministerio con lesbianas y gay Católicos (MLGC) reconoce que todas las personas con una orientación homosexual son capaces de vivir una vida Católica completa en unión con todos los miembros de la iglesia. Este ministerio les hace un llamado a Católicos consternados y a
todas las personas de buen corazón a aprender y a compartir los retos, las pesadumbres y bendiciones de las personas homosexuales que viven una vida cristiana dentro
de la tradición católica.
A55 La identical sexual, as normal? Con o sin discpacidad
Este taller explorara el desarrollo natural sexual en personas discapacitados o no; los problemas que se pueden
presentar y como los valores de nuestra religión Católica pueden servir como guía, entendimiento y desarrollo espiritual en individuos, según el nivel de entendimiento.
Dr. Maria French Con paralices cerebral; realizo un PhD. Educación Especial y Psicología Anormal, voluntaria en varias organizaciones.
A56 La Alegría de ser Catequista, Formador de Fe
Ser catequista es tener una misión, un reto y una gran responsabilidad que conlleva un compromiso personal, La
alegría de ser formador En la fe para niños y adultos y de ser instrumentos de Dios es única e invaluable, pero
para eso necesitamos tener una formación integral y conocer más de nuestra fe católica para seguir evangelizando
y catequizando con amor y alegría.
Mr. Hector Quiroz Director Escuela de Ministerio Pastoral Laico, Iglesia de Santa Rosa de Lima en San Fernando, Asistente General y maestro del Instituto de
Pastoral y Evangelización de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles, comisionado como Asociado Pastoral. Co-DRE en la Parroquia de San Marcelino, en Commerce. Graduado del IPE y de la Maestría en Estudios Religiosos de Mount Saint Mary's College y de la Maestría en Ministerio Pastoral en St. John's Seminary en Camarillo.
A57 La Fe más que una emoción
El año pasado fue dedicado a la Fe, hablamos de que era la Fe que implica tener Fe se reflexionó a cerca de la Fe.
Pero no se nos ha dicho que no es la Fe y de esto es lo que hablaremos en este taller. Fe no es un estado emocional,
no es sentir bonito. Y es ahí cuando la Fe se pone a prueba. Porque que fácil sería que todo fuera bonito, color de
rosa, pero no. Y de esto vamos a hablar en este taller.
Mr. Luis Diaz es creador del programa social “Emoción Activa” el cual ofrece una serie de talleres informativos a cerca de problemas sociales como la violencia en
las pandillas, la drogadicción y la violencia doméstica entre otros. Nacido en Puerto Rico posee un bachillerato en Comunicación de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en
Arecibo. Fue coordinador del grupo de jóvenes Génesis en Puerto Rico y ha trabajado con jóvenes con problemas relacionados a las drogas. Fue redactor y reportero
interno de Univisión Radio en Puerto Rico y productor del segmento Conocedores del programa radial Frecuencia Alterna. Es conferencista de la arquidiócesis de Los
Ángeles en los distintos congresos de educación religiosa.
A58 El niño rebelde y agresivo en la sesión catequética.
Todos los catequistas, tarde o temprano en su ministerio, se topan con niños que son difíciles de manejar en el salón de clases. El taller ofrece introspección en la problemática psicológica y modos saludables de reacción.
Mr. Rudolf Finke Licenciatura en Teología y Estudios Religiosos en la Universidad de Marburg, Alemania. Formador de catequistas en Alemania, Argentina,
Paraguay, México y EU. En los últimos 30 años ha dadoconferencias sobre catequésis, Sagrada Escritura, Pedagogía y Psicología en 15 diócesis de EU. Desde enero
2003, es socio fundador del centro "Desarrollo Integral Comunitario" en Wilmington, CA. Colabora en programas de radio de la arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles y "El
Sembrador". Ha publicado algunos materiales sobre educación familiar, relaciones de la pareja y comunicación.
Session B 12:45 pm—2:15 pm
El Sentido De La Historia a la Luz de Fe
La memoria es fundamental para la vida de los cristianos. En este taller retomaremos algunos de esos grandes
momentos de la historia iluminados por la fe que nos puenden ayudar a entender nuestro presente historia iluminados por la fe que nos pueden ayudar a entender nuestro presente histórico y nuestra misión como cristia en la
vida de la iglesia.
Ms. Beatriz Yepes -Licensiada en Sagrada Escritura -Masters Degree en Teologia Biblica, Propagando los estudios biblicos a lo largo de 22 Archidiocese de
Medellin, Colombia, Diocese de Orange y Archidiocese de Los Angeles
A60 Las 5 Necesidades Vitales de los Niños
Para que la catequesis sea más efectiva, es importante que los niños se sientan respetados, importantes, aceptados, incluidos y seguros. En este taller aprenderás estas 5 necesidades vitales de los niños según el Doctor Gerald Newmark.
Mr. David Lara Antes de trabajar como Coordinador Regional en la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles, David trabajó por más de veinte años en tres parroquias.
David, estudió en la Universidad Estatal de Northridge, Universidad de Loyola y el Seminario de San Juan. Él es miembro del Comité de Formación de la Comisión Litúrgica de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles; Equipo de Directores del Instituto de Liderazgo Cristiano y del Comité de la Junta Consultiva para Catequesis en
español de RCL Benziger.
B10 “Feed them Yourselves” Pope Francis and his answer to Jesus’ Invitation
“Hunger and malnutrition can ever be considered a normal occurrence that we should become used to, as if it
were part of the system. Something must change in ourselves, in our minds, in our societies.” – Pope Francis
Before Jesus performed the miracle of the multiplication of loaves he made one request to his disciples: “Give
them food yourselves” Mat 14:16. Pope Francis has made the concern for the poor a central theme of his pontificate. Come and learn about the reality of global poverty and how you can join Pope Francis in eradicating the
“scandal of hunger.” Together we will see that we are all “One Human Family” and that there is indeed “Food for
Mr. Jim DeHarpporte since 2002 he has been Regional Director for Catholic Relief Services in the Western United States, based in San Diego. A native of
Minneapolis, Jim holds a B.A. in Philosophy and an M.A. in Community Development. He began his international career as a teacher in a Catholic mission in
Malaysia. For nearly 30 years he served with CRS in Asia and Africa. Jim lives in San Diego with his wife, Scholastica, a native of Malaysia. They have three
children and three grandchildren.
B11 Secrets of Kabbalah/Jewish Mysticism
Jewish Mysticism, also known as Kabbalah, has attracted much interested recently. Rabbi Lotker will present
some of the basics of this esoteric field and contrast Jewish Spirituality with Christian Spirituality. We will
read some familiar texts from Genesis and Deuteronomy with some new and inspiring interpretations.
Rabbi Michael Lotker See A17
B12 What Matters Most: When NO is better than YES.
Do you ever feel as a ministry leader, you're just too busy for God? When we do, we can justify ourselves by
thinking "God would understand because we're busy for Him." Based on information from the book by the same
title written by youth ministry guru Doug Fields, this workshop is great for anyone in full-time, part-time or volunteer ministry. It's perfect for the youth minister, DRE, Business Manager or anyone else who wants to "avoid
the personal pain and collateral damage that can happen when we, as ministry leaders, don't recognize what
matters most."
Mr. Dean Diomedes got involved in ministry shortly after receiving first communion when he became an altar server. As an adult, he’s served in youth ministry
since 1997 and has held a full time position since 2002. He has sat on many committees and project teams for the Youth Ministry office in the Archdiocese of Los
Angeles, and is a contributing author for the on-line resource from the Center for Ministry Development, www.youthministryaccess.com. He currently sits on the
leadership team for the National Association of Catholic Youth Ministry Leaders (NACYML) and is in parish ministry at St. Linus Church in Norwalk, CA.
B13 "Bloom Where You Are Planted." -St. Theresa of Lisieux
So many times we find ourselves not where we want to be and wondering what we did to get there and what we
can do to get out of it. Based on the book of Jonah and the wisdom of St. Theresa of Lisieux this workshop will
teach us not only to accept the conditions that God sends us, but to embrace them and thrive in them. Forgiveness, discernment, patience, and the rewards that come with it will be talked about.
Ms. Luella Wagner has taught in Catholic schools for 19 years at both the elementary and high school level. She has taught in Los Angeles, CA, Sao Paulo,
Brazil, American Samoa, and most recently the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation in southeastern Montana. She recently finished her memoir about her experiences in Catholic education. She has a teaching credential from UCLA and an MA in Educational Theatre from New York University.
B14 St. Paul's Bible
What specifically was St. Paul's bible and how did he use it in his preaching? This workshop will explore these
questions as a way of introducing students to deeper study of the Pauline Epistles.
Dr. William Shaules See A13
B15 The Joyful Mysteries: A Model for Ministry
Mary is the model for our ministry, living according to the Spirit, listening and pondering on the Word of God and
allowing it to transform the everyday circumstances of our lives. Mary leads us to discover the secret of Christian joy, reminding us that Christianity is, first and foremost, evangelization, "good news", which has as its heart
and its whole content the person of Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, the one Savior of the world. - Pope John
Paul II
Ms. Kay Murdy has a Master's Degree in Religious Studies from Mount St. Mary's College, and is a Master Catechist for the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Kay is a
member of the teaching and coordinating team of the Catholic Bible Institute co-sponsored by the Archdiocese Office of Religious Education and Loyola Marymount
University. Kay has written five books on scripture and spirituality for Resource Publications, and Ligouri Publications. Her novel, Song of the Dove, a story of Mary
of Nazareth, was published by ACTA, 2014.
B16 Integrating Media Into Your Catechetical Sessions
Do you ever wonder …”how can I really get the attention of my learners in my catechetical sessions”...”how can I
have my learners walk away with an experience that is both tangible and spiritual”? Come join me in my workshop
and experience new ways of integrating media into your sessions to engage the children, youth, teens and adults
who come to you for catechetical sessions, retreat and prayer experiences. I will introduce you to some ideas
that are interactive, engaging and very easy to utilize and incorporate into your programs.
Mrs. Terri Palmer is the Director of Faith Formation at St. Augustine Church in Culver City. Terri has over 25 years of experience in Religious Education,
including positions as a Catechist, Retreat Facilitator, Lecturer and DRE. She and her husband, Deacon Scott, completed the Archdiocese Diaconate Formation
program in 1999. She has continued her formation by earning multiple certifications and went on to become a Master Catechist in 2010. Terri graduated from the
LMU RCIA Certification Program May 29, 2012. Terri also serves on the L.A. Archdiocese ABC Board and is a VIRTUS Facilitator.
B17 How to Create and Implement Adult Faith Formation --- for Parents and Sponsors
The new evangelization calls us to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Unique challenges are presented to
parishes with families of high school age youth preparing for Confirmation. Family life, the turbulence of adolescence with practical applications for creating and implementing adult faith formation will be the focus of this
Mr. Warren G. Kunkle See A16
B18 What Am I Going to Do With These Kids?!
This workshop is for those who do RCIA for children. We will explore common issues and problems with unbaptized, older children and adolescents, as well as family dynamics and catechesis. We will discuss problems and
best practices. Come ready to contribute and work!
Fr. Christopher Bazyouros See A10
B19 Rejoicing in Your Gifts: Discovering and Affirming Your Skills through the National Certification process
As a recent recipient of National Certification as a Lay Ecclesial Minister, Jeannie will share about the process
of certification as well as the benefits to the catechetical leader. This process enables the leader to create a
comprehensive curriculum vitae that reflects the multiple skills and gifts used throughout one's ministry. Recommended for ministry leaders.
Mrs. Jeannie Nestojko has served in catechetical ministry at St. Catherine Laboure parish since 1973. In May of this year, she was among the first in the nation
to receive National Certification as a Lay Ecclesial Minister. She has experience at all levels of religious education, and is currently serving as Director of Faith
Formation and as a Master Catechist. Jeannie's passions are faith formation, storytelling, and leadership training, as well as spending time with her large family.
B20 Smell Like Sheep: Ministering with College Students in Parishes
As ministry leaders, are we "shepherds living with the smell of the sheep?" How can we lovingly nurture and joyfully animate those 18-25 year-olds who have untapped gifts and unheard needs? Let's reflect and brainstorm
about Pope Francis' urging to be in the midst of your flock.
Ms. Gaile Krause is a part-time faculty member and Assistant Director of Campus Ministry at Mount St. Mary's College. She graduated from LMU with a Bachelor's degree in English and from MSMC with a Master's degree in Humanities with an emphasis in history and pastoral theology. She has worked for the Archdiocesan Office of Religious Education, and has been a cantor and catechist at various parishes. Her workshop topics have included retreat planning, working with young
adults, and using various media and internet resources in catechesis.
B21 Cultivating Your Call to Serve Youth
Has someone ever invited you to do something for the young people in your community? Perhaps you said yes in
what seemed like a moment of weakness, but the experience sparked in you a desire for more. You feel called to
serve youth, but what does that really mean? And how should you do so? Come explore how you can cultivate this
call in ways that will be truly life-giving for you as well as the young people you serve.
Ms. Katie Zeigler serves the Archdiocese of Los Angeles as Consultant for Youth Ministry & Confirmation in the Office of Religious Education. For over 15 years,
she has served as Youth Ministry/Confirmation coordinator, volunteer team member, and retreat facilitator in several parishes throughout the Los Angeles area. Katie
is pursuing an M.A. in Pastoral Theology at LMU and is a member of the National Association of Catholic Youth Ministry Leaders.
B22 Middle School Kids, Junior High Youth, Young Adolescents: Who Are They & How Do We Minister To
Sometimes we don't even know what to call young people who are out of elementary school but not yet in high
school, let alone what to do with them. Should we have them in a Middle School Faith Formation class? Junior
High Youth Ministry program? If you are a catechist, coordinator or leader in any program working with Young
Adolescents, this is the workshop for you! Come & learn strategies for working with this fun and unique age.
MS. Heather MacDonald works for the Office of Religious Education in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles as a Consultant for Youth & Young Adult Ministry. She
works and resides in the Santa Barbara Region. She is a Master Catechist in the Archdiocese and has spent 16 years working as a Youth Minister, Confirmation Coordinator and Director of Religious Education.
B23 "Keeping students engaged: Making Catechesis fun, lively and memorable.
Let's pray, tell stories, sings songs and do crafts as we discover new ways to share the joy of the gospel with
your young disciples in grades 1 though 6.
Mrs. Kathy Ritza is currently the Director of Faith Formation at St. Denis Church in Diamond Bar, CA. She has over 25 years of experience in catechesis as a
parent, grandparent, catechist, DRE, retreat director and Master Catechist for the Archdiocese of LA. She is currently a consultant for Our Sunday Visitor.
B24 There’s no “one way” to pray with young people
Experience and discover a variety of ways to pray with young people. You will leave with a tool box of practical
Ms. Christina Lamas has been involved in catechetical ministry for over 15 years. She is currently the Associate Director and Coordinator of Youth Ministry for
the Office of Religious Education for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. She holds a Master’s Degree in Social Work for the University of Southern California. She has a
passion for enriching and empowering young people to find ways to actively live out their faith. She considers her most important ministry being mommy to her
daughter, Bella.
B25 Nonviolence is needed in our homes, schools and world and it starts in our hearts
Pax christi is the official catholic peace movement using the vow of nonviolence and principles we will explore bulling, self image along gang and military violence. What is Jesus and pope Francis calling us to.
Fr. Christopher Ponnet See A19
Choosing Music & Preparing Musicians for Catholic Worship
Ready? Sing!! The Mass is intended to be sung from start to finish. Since this is so, everybody sings and every
body is fully engaged when we’re at worship. Choosing songs for Catholic worship is only the beginning. We don’t
sing at mass; we sing the mass! This interactive workshop will provide you with the skills to help teach others
that everyone can sing. Make a joyful noise!
John Flaherty and Team See A26
Sesión B
12:45 pm—2:15 pm
B56 Formando el Equipo para actualizar el Rito de Iniciación Cristiana
Muchas veces uno trabaja con pocas personas para actualizar el RICA en la parroquia. ¿Quién debe
de ser parte del equipo y como encontrar nuevos miembros para realizar esta obra.
Fr. Richard Vega See A53
B50 Gozo.....Alegría.... y Amor abundante....son revelados en Catequesis "Activas".
Catequista: Ve con Gozo y con gran Alegría a presentar tus catequesis. Así revelas tu amor por Dios, por lo que
haces y por los demás, especialmente por tus catequizandos que merecen lo major de ti. En este Taller se les darán ideas de actividades que les recuerde lo aprendido e ideas para crear oraciones según el tema a presentar.
Mrs. Ramona Meza, es Maestra de catequistas por 20 años, con experiencia en Educación Religiosa de niños, jovenes y adultos. Conferencista en Congresos
Regionales y en Retiros de Catequistas y padres de familia. Presentadora de talleres de preparación en tiempos litúrgicos y cursos avanzados de Elemental. Es miembro del comité del Congreso de Educación Religiosa de Anaheim, del Consejo Hispano de Cursos Avanzados y del Equipo de Elemental.
B51 Acción preferencial por los pobres y los inmigrantes, una acción de Justicia y Amor
En un mundo de valores cambiantes, el retomar la justa acción preferencial por el inmigrante, el pobre y el necesitado; es fundamental para mostrar a la humanidad lo que es el amor de Dios para su Creación
Mr. Fernando Baeza Coordinador del Ministerio Hispano en la Parroquia del "Divine Saviour", Certificado Agente de Pastoral por el Instituto de Pastoral y
Evangelización de la Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles, Licenciado en Ministerio Cristiano;certificado en una Maestria M.A.P.S y con Maestria en Divinidad; Secretario
General del I.P.E. y exmiembro del Consejo Pastoral Diocesano en San Fernando y miembro del mismo en la Parroquia del "Divine Saviour". Ha ofrecido conferencias en diferentes parroquias de la Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles invitado por los grupos de oración y es responsable en su parroquia base de la formación de Fe para
adultos en Inglés, así como de Sacramentos para Adultos en Inglés.
Ser santo fue desde la infancia mi sueño dorado. Y en mi edad madura ese sueño no ha muerto: sigue siendo mi
meta primera. A veces parece que muere, cuando me revuelco en mi sangre con el ánimo partido, pero me levanto
muchas veces, todas las que son necesarias y lo vuelvo a intentar. Mientras dure la vida la esperanza está abierta
y se puede.
Fr. Mariano de Blas See A50
B53 "Una Invitacion a vivir y ser modelos de una vida humana virtuosa"
Nuestro enfoque sera en las cuatro virtudes cardinales. Prudencia, justicia, fortalesa, y templanza. Aceptando
nuestra humanidad y buscando vivir estas virtudes con gozo, asi convirtiendonos en ejemplo para los demas.
B57 Catequista Excepcional para un Niño/a Excepcional
En nuestro llamado del Señor, a ser Catequistas somos llamados a servir a todos los niños. ¿Que sucede cuando llega a nuestra clase un niño/a excepcional, aquel que tiene necesidades especiales?
Este taller le mostrara como usted puede ser una catequista excepcional y recibir ese llamado de
Nuestro Señor.
Miss. Jennifer Ayon ha servido como Catequista de Educación Religiosa por 10 años primero con niños y despues como instructora de Confirmación. Jennifer recibió una Maestría de Ciencias en Consejería y un Bachillerato de Ciencias en Servicios de Rehabilitación; su énfasis es en
ayudar a personas con discapacidades a lograr sus metas personales, sociales y vocacionales. Actualmente ella es una Maestra Catequista para la
Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles.
B58 Seis cosas que Dios “detesta” y una séptima que…
El Papa Francisco dice que, ¿para qué complicar lo que es tan simple? ¿para qué oscurecer lo que es
tan claro? (EA no. 194). En este Taller aremos una reflexión teológica sobre las cosas que Dios
“detesta y aborrece”. Los destinatarios r son todos aquellos servidores o líderes que desean hacer
una revisión de su comportamiento y actitudes en los ministerios mixtos de la Iglesia.
Mr. Heriberto Cayetano See A51
B59 ¿Quién Soy?
¿Cuántas veces nos hemos hecho esa pregunta? En este taller hablaremos de eso, contestaremos
esa pregunta y concretamente de los distintos temperamentos que tiene el ser humano. Esto me
ayudará a mejorar mis relaciones especialmente con mi esposo (a) y me ayudará a ser mejor líder o
servidor en mi comunidad. Seremos capaces de identificar cual es mi temperamento y de las personas que dirijo.
Mr. Luis Diaz See A57
Mrs. Bertha Melendres See A11
B54 Confirmación: ¡Wow que reto!
Compartiremos ideas de las cualidades de un catequista de confirmación. Y como nuestra actitud y catequesis debe luchar contra la indiferencia, la depresión y la falta de interés en los jóvenes adolescentes. ¡wow que reto!
Sra. Norma Montaño Catequista por mas de 16 años, con un Diplomado en el catesismo de la Iglesia Católica, Con la especialización en la organización en
retiros para jóvenes, y como facilitadora de la especialización para maestros de Confirmación, parte del programana de formación avanzada de ministros catequeticos
de la Oficina de Edicación Religiosa. Y parte del Equipo Arquidiosesano de Confirmación con Adolecentes en español de la Oficina de Educación Religiosa de Los
Angeles. Y como Maestra de catequistas, entre otras cosas…
B55 La pausa ignaciana: espiritualidad para gente de hoy
La espiritualidad para la persona actual es un reto ya que en medio del ruido de la tecnología y de la cultura consumerista y materialista, el Espíritu de Dios nos sigue hablando, y ¿Cómo le pondremos atención? ¿Cómo desarrollaremos una espiritualidad en medio de las ocupaciones de la vida? Ven a aprender sobre la pausa ignaciana, veremos sus efectos espirituales, psicológicos y de comportamiento en este ejercicio espiritual.
Mr. Ernesto Vega Actualmente Ernesto Vega es el Coordinador del Ministerio de Formación de Fe y Educación Religiosa para Adultos de Habla Hispana de la
Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles. Obtuvo una licenciatura doble, una en filosofía y otra en español, del Seminario Arquidiócesano de San Juan. Ernesto escribió su
tesina de licenciatura sobre la Lectura simbólica de la imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe. Fue maestro de una escuela preparatoria en Los Angeles y estudio pedagogía en CSULA. Ernesto también obtuvo una maestría en Psicoterapia Familiar y de Parejas de la Universidad de Loyola Marymount (LMU) y escribió su tesis sobre
las Familias Inmigrantes Mexicanas en Psicoterapia. Él está en el proceso de obtener una maestría en teología pastoral con concentración en dirección espiritual de
LMU. Ernesto tiene una pasión por las artes, la sicología y la espiritualidad.
B60 El ministerio de la mujer de acuerdo a Jesús, “…si tú quieres yo quiero…”
Mirando pasajes de la Biblia donde se mencionan mujeres, se encuentra un gran sentido de poder
compartido. El ministerio de la mujer se trata de un cambio de mentalidad, de un nuevo paradigma
teológico, que exige tiempo, renovación generacional y, sobre todo, un cambio de actitudes y de
mentalidades. De ahí, las inevitables resistencias al cambio, el peso de la inercia y la desesperanza
de los que captan la lentitud de los cambios y la resistencia de la misma Iglesia en su conjunto.
San Juan Pablo II en su documento “La Dignidad de la Mujer” nos exhorta a reconocer la dignidad y
el trabajo espiritual y catequético que la mujer ha ejercido durante toda la historia de la Iglesia. Te
invito a conocer más del ministerio de la mujer en la actualidad partiendo desde las palabras de Jesus “…si tú quieres yo quiero…”
Mrs. Socorro Lagarda-Quiroz obtuvo la Maestría en Ministerio Pastoral en St. Jonh’s Seminary en Camarillo, CA., es maestra del Instituto de Pastoral y Evangelización de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles, Co-DRE y anulaciones matrimoniales de la Parroquia St. Marcellinus en City
of Commerce, CA. Co-conductora del programa "Formación en la Fe con Héctor y Socorro” trasmitido en www.valoresmedia.com a través del
internet .
Session C
2:45 pm—4:15 pm
Jesus the God of mercy from abortion to death penalty
What is your image of God? What do you teach your children and students? Using Catholic social justice teaching and Disney Frozen and Tangle to find the Compassionate God Pope Francis is pointing us to live.
Fr. Christopher Ponnet See A19
C11 What Every Serious Christian Should Know About Judaism
Did you know that Judaism is much more than the religion of the Hebrew Bible? Did you know that Jews have
sacred literature beyond the Hebrew Bible (our own "New Testament")? Did you know that Jews mean something completely different than Christians when we speak of the Messiah, sin, redemption, salvation, repentance
and forgiveness? Come and question, learn and explore with Rabbi Michael Lotker, author of "A Christian's
Guide to Judaism" published by the Paulist Press.
Rabbi Michael Lotker See A17
C12 "How to Become a JOY EXPERT in your Life & Ministry!"
This workshop is for everyone who wants to learn how to BECOME A JOY EXPERT! Come and learn how to transform your negative emotions of anxiety, anger, and discouragement and become a JOY EXPERT in your life, your
relationships and your ministry. Experience God's love and joy in a deeper way this year...and invite your friends!
C15 Confirmation Catechist 101
Yikes! I said yes to helping with the Confirmation process in my parish and now I’m facilitating a group of 15-20
youth, what do I do? If this is you, then this workshop is for you. We will explore the essentials of developing
youth friendly lessons that meet youth where they are.
Ms. Christina Lamas See B24
C16 Parent & Child Reconciliation and First Communion Retreats
Retreats are a beautiful way to help children prepare to receive the Sacraments. They offer an opportunity to
journey into the dessert with Jesus and prayerfully spend time with our Lord, away from the busyness of life.
Children receive great spiritual benefits by walking that journey with their parents. Come and discover wonderful
ways to plan and facilitate retreats that will spiritually prepare them for Reconciliation and First Communion.
Mrs. Cristina Alba is the Director of Religious Education at St. John Vianney in Hacienda Heights. Her prior work as an elementary school teacher as well as a
catechist for the past 15 years have helped her develop a successful Family Catechesis program at the parish. She is also currently involved in the Advanced Catechetial
Ministries through the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
C17 Pope Francis - What it means to "BE" a catechist
This session will help catechists ponder the thoughts and wisdom of Pope Francis and share the love of Christ with
others. Ideas for prayer, lessons and crafts will be shared.
Mrs. Lillian Cruces has been involved in Religious Education since 1977. She is a long time Catechist and has taught 5th grade and coordinated Religious activities in the Los Angeles area catholic schools. She is currently the Director of Religious Education at St. Mary's Church in Whittier and the West representative for the
National Association of Parish Catechetical Directors.
Mrs. Claire Frazier-Yzaguirre, MFT, M.Div., is a Catholic Marriage & Family Therapist, an ordained minister (and Joyful convert!), a family life consultant to churches in various dioceses & denominations, speaker, author, wife, and mom. Claire is the co-author with her husband, Dr. John Yzaguirre, of their
popular book & program, "Thriving Marriages" (also in Spanish) taught to thousands of couples in churches in 50+ cities a year. To learn more about their program & resources in English & Spanish, and to book a talk at your church, please visit them at www.ThrivingFamilies.com.
C18 Biblical Literacy: Bringing Scripture to Life for Children
In our work with children, we all strive to foster greater biblical literacy. This workshop will present basic goals
that will inspire joy and enthusiasm in the developing of biblically literate children. Focus will be on creative ideas
and techniques that can be immediately used in the learning setting with children with elementary-aged children.
C13 Lesson Planning: Tom Groome was right!
Thomas Groome author of numerous books gives us a praxis that truly works for children, teens and adults.
Come revisit (or learn for the first time) the Shared Christian Praxis...and make those Religious Education Sessions come alive!
Ms. Rosa Kadera-Redmond has been active in parish ministry for 15 years. She has a passion for inspiring children and youth to discover the scriptures. She
has worked beside the De La Salle Christian Brothers and worked as a Youth Ministry Coordinator in the Diocese of Oakland. Rosa currently lives in the San Francisco
Bay Area, works as the Western Sales Consultant for Saint Mary’s Press and is inspired by God’s Creation in her home garden.
Mrs. Dawn Kopitcke-Ponnet is the Director of Faith Formation at Holy Family Church in South Pasadena. She also serves on the Confirmation Directional
Team and the Directors Team for the Christian Leadership Institute for the Archdiocese. Dawn is currently completing her Masters is Religious Studies at Mount
Saint Mary's College.
C14 Do you feel like a “Flintstone” teaching to a “Jetson” Audience???
Relax…it is true that technology is changing quickly these days….but the message of Jesus Christ stays the
same! There are so many great resources on the internet (and many not so great). How do we find good
“FREE” resources on the internet? Bring your tablet, laptop or cellphone and we will go on a treasure hunt to
find good Catholic websites for inspirational videos, lesson plans, and other creative ideas for teaching children,
teens and adults who are living in the “Jetson” age! Let’s think outside the box – getting our head in the “Cloud”.
We can use today’s social media and other computer tools to empower our students to be Disciples of Christ! I
will share my top 10 favorite resources; you can share yours, too! We will also cover ways to share documents,
create forms, and download videos to use in PowerPoint if you are interested.
Mrs. Nancy Longo is the Director of Religious Education at St. Joseph Parish in Long Beach. She was a Youth Director for 18 years, she is a Master Catechist,
has her Advanced Bible Institute Certificate and the National Youth Ministry Certificate. Nancy loves her family – who are spread across the United States, 7
grown children (his, mine and ours) 14 grandchildren! She loves Jesus more than anything and is a technology geek in her spare time!
C19 Joyful and Creative Catechesis
Creative ways to help a Catechist survive his or her classroom. I offer creative ideas and activities to teach and
engage the learner, enriching their spiritual growth and bringing them closer to God.
Mrs. Carmen Vargas is a DRE Consultant for RCL/Benziger. Carmen has over 20 years of experience as a Master Catechist. She is a graduate of the Catholic
Bible Institute and a Pastoral Care Minister.
C20 The Whale, The Ark and The Lion's Den
The stories we are told as children live within us, form our moral and faith compass and as we grow older, they
come to hold deeper meaning in our lives. Identifying with the life and struggles of a character in a literary story,
a biblical figure, or a saint instills a sense of belonging and community in the faith life of a child which brings their
own personal faith to life. This workshop will show you how to bring your classroom alive with the power of scripture, the lives of the saints, and storytelling.
Ms. Michelle Youssef is currently the Director of Faith Formation for the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. She was the Consultant for Elementary Catechesis
at the Office of Religious Education in the Los Angeles Archdiocese for four years. She has a Bachelors degree in Theology from the University of Notre Dame and a
Masters in Theology from Loyola Marymount University. She has six years of experience in high school ministry as a theology teacher and as the Director of Campus
Ministry and Community Service at Marymount High School in Los Angeles.
Sesión C
2:45 pm—4:15 pm
C21 Fostering a Social Justice Perspective in Youth Ministry
Justice and Service is one of the essential components in Youth Ministry. And in the words of Pope
Francis, "true power is service." But sometimes we struggle with how to incorporate service into our
ministry with youth. Come to this workshop to learn ways to incorporate such a service perspective
in youth ministry programs.
C50 Es Necesario tener "coraje"... para vivir como Cristo.
Tomando en cuenta una frase de uno de nuestros nuevos Santos: San Juan Pablo II. "Es necesario tener coraje". En este Taller reflexionaremos en como el Catequista necesita tener coraje para Ser y Vivir su Espiritualidad, revelando con su vida y sus acciones el amor incondicional de Cristo
MS. Heather MacDonald See B22
Mrs. Ramona Meza See B50
C22 "Embracing Families in Times of Darkness: The Catholic Church’s Witness in War Torn
This October, Catholic bishops from around the world are gathering to reflect on the challenges
that prevent us from bringing the good news to each and every family. One challenge facing us is how
the Church responds to families who are living in regions of violent conflict around the world. This
workshop will tell stories of the Church’s ministry in times of darkness and will inspire you to become
peacemakers to the world.
Nuestra vida es el resultado de nuestros pensamientos. Por eso hay que decir que, si cambias tus pensamientos, cambiará tu vida. Debemos colocar un guardia muy estricto para que no deje pasar ninguno
de esos pensamientos negativos y, por el contrario, debemos atraer y retener todos los pensamientos
buenos y saludables que podamos encontrar.
Mr. Jim DeHarpporte See B10
“Ve y se pescador de hombres…” Fácil, verdad? No siempre. Como enganchas a un joven que no parece
tener interés en nada? Como atrapar el interés de un adolecente que mentalmente no está presente en
la clase? En esta clase se hablara de como captivar a los jóvenes de hoy. Cubriremos la planificación
apropiada e interactiva, diferentes medios y recursos para usar en la clase, y consejos de como conectar con los jóvenes de hoy. Ven preparado para recibir una experiencia práctica, saldrás con nuevo anzuelo para tu clase!
C23 What does the New Testament say about joy and rejoicing? Surprisingly little in two of
the Gospels, but amazingly much in the other two Gospels, and in the letters of Paul. This
workshop will look at the biblical foundations for our Christian joy, and how
Joy in the Gospels; Joy for our Lives!
Fr. Felix Just, SJ, is Executive Director of the Loyola Institute for Spirituality in Orange, CA. With a Ph.D. in New Testament from Yale, he
has taught at LMU, USF, and SCU. He gives many parish missions, public lectures, and biblical retreats, and regularly teaches Catholic Bible
Institute sessions. He has produced seven audio-CD programs with Now You Know Media and maintains a large website of “Catholic Resources” (www.catholic-resources.org).
C24 Preparing for Mass, Prayer Services, Adoration & Other Prayer Services and Devotions
Where do you start when planning and preparing for mass? What prayers do you choose? How do
you shape a prayer service for students? This workshop will teach you the skills to choose prayer
texts and how and when to write them when called for.
John Flaherty and Team See A26
Fr. Mariano de Blas See A50
Miss Isela Magallanes ha trabajado con jóvenes por 14 años. Lo que empezó como trabajo voluntario de pronto se convirtió en una misión amada. Isela enseño clases de Confirmación por siete años y continúa dando temas para retiros de jóvenes y adultos, el Ministerio de Jóvenes, y el Congreso Regional. Ella ha enseñado todo desde kínder hasta RICA, pero su amor permanece guiando a los jóvenes. Isela recibió su diploma en Sociología
de CSULB y actualmente trabaja como Oficial de Correcciones en una Juvenil.
Desgraciadamente la violencia doméstica es un problema muy grave en muchas familias. Los matrimonios y a las familias deben saber como enfrentar esta situación. En este taller explicaremos las raíces
culturales, lo que la Sagrada Escritura dice, lo que la Ley de California y lo que los obispos nos piden que
hagamos para parar este pecado.
Dr. José Antonio Medina obtuvo su doctorado en teología por la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca en España y es candidato para obtener el
doctorado en Sociología por la misma Universidad. Es profesor en diversos Institutos de formación superior de California y Nevada. Ha escrito varios
libros entre los que destacan "Diálogos Semanales con Jesús" "Temas calientes para jóvenes cristainos" "Vivir el presente, imaginar el futuro", "Con
el corazón lleno de alegría", entre otros. Actualmente es consultor para la Conferencia de Obispos de California y Director de la Oficina de la formación Continua de los Sacerdotes de la Diócesis de San Bernardino.
C54 ¡¡¡Auxilio… Soy Catequista de CONFIRMACION!!!
Una catequesis activa y dinámica a pesar del viento en nuestra contra (bulling, droga, alcohol, internet, pandillas, noviazgo, etc.)
Sra. Norma Montaño See B54
Tema del Taller: Misión y Visión del Catequista.
Ser Catequista es un reto personal, la Misión es aprender dar respuesta al que necesita desde la
razón y la Esperanza, estar consciente de su misión con alegría más allá del entorno, desarrollar su
visión hacia una Sociedad más Humana y Fraterna.
Ms. Adriana Reynoso nacio en Guadalajara, Jalisco (México) ella es Maestra Normalista en su Pais, a cursado Pastoral Hispano en la Universidad Loyola Marymount, se ha dedicado en los ultimos 12 años a la formación de Catequistas de Adultos, actualmete es Coordinadora de Catequesis Familiar y del programa sacramental “Semilla del Reino” e imparte Seminarios en la Iglesia de San José en Hawthorne, CA. Ha tomado diferentes cursos de Pastoral, Psicologia, y estudios Religiosos.
C56 ¿Qué pasa si me enfermo?
Cuando le doctor le dice que tiene una enfermedad seria, puede que usted tenga muchas preguntas.
¿Qué va a ser de mí? ¿Por qué a mí? ¿Dónde está Dios? En esta clase hablaremos sobre estas preguntas y sobre cómo nuestra fe nos prepara para enfrentar las enfermedades con paz y esperanza.
Deacon Federico Guillermo (Memo) Rodriguez Hernandez es un Diácono Permanente en la Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles. El está actualmente involucrado en el Ministerio Hispano en la parroquia de San Pascual Baylon en Thousand Oaks. Ha participado en ministerios como
Justicia Restaurativa, Grupos Juveniles, RICA, Educación Religiosa, la Renovación Carismática y el Consejo Interreligioso. Memo y su esposa Liliana son Facilitadores del Tercer Año de Candidatura para el Programa de Formación para el Diaconado Permanente en la Arquidiócesis de Los
Angeles. Memo trabaja como Arquitecto de Aplicaciones de Software en Westlake Village. El vive en Thousand Oaks con su esposa y sus tres hijos.
C59 ¿Padrino o Acompañante, que es lo que se busca en el Rito de Iniciación?
Cuando se trata de la recepción de los sacramentos de iniciación, por lo regular los padrinos se presentan a la ultima solo para celebrar los sacramentos. Muchas veces quedamos frustrados por la falta de participación de ellos. ¿Hay otra opción para realizar el Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para adultos y adaptado para niños que trata de responder a lo que el rito invita?
Fr. Richard Vega See A53
C60 La Catequesis un Encuentro con Dios
Catequista, Jesús te invita a experimentar la alegría que renueva la Oración en la catequesis y el cómo
hacer que nuestras catequesis sean espacios con Dios desde los grupos en los que compartimos. Facilitar elementos que den respuesta a la Invitación de Jesús y a la del Papa Francisco. "Encuentro personal con Cristo"
Sister Luz Dari Villera Religiosa de la Comunidad Hermanitas de la Anunciación. Trabaja en la Parroquia St. Michael de Los Angeles como
Directora de Educacion Religiosa. Coordina el programa de Confirmación, apoya a los ministerios de su Parroquia y de otras Parroquias con platicas. También ayuda a otros ministerios dentro de E.U.A y fuera del País, con retiros y platicas para diferentes audiencias.
En su País hizo sus estudios de Misionología y Antropología con Enfasis en Sociales, en la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Fue Maestra de
Escuelas Secundarias.Ha participado en los Congresos De Educación Religiosa, de Salud y de Sanación desde el Contexto Sacramental en Mexico,
en otros congresos intensivos de formación,cursos de pastoral,colabora en el equipo de Especialización para la Confirmación en la Arquidiócesis de
los Angeles, y en el basico para elemental, apoya en lo que esté dentro de sus posibilidades a la Iglesia.
C57 Yo soy el Camino, la Verdad, y la Vida. Nadie va al Padre sino por mi! El mas Importante
y Vital Encuentro con Cristo!
Hay varios modos de encontrarnos con Cristo el Señor. Cual son esos modos? Por que son importates?
Como puedo vivir la experiencia de un encuentro transformador con Cristo?
Sr. Roberto Rojas nativo de Argentina, Roberto completó sus estudios en filosofía y teología en Mendoza (Argentina) entre 1989 y 1996.
Rojas estudió orientación en la Universidad de Fu-Jen en Taiwán (ROC) 2004-05 y su certificado de ministerios pastorales internacionales en la
Universidad de Loyola Marymount en Los Angeles (2006). Rojas fue parte de la facultad en el Instituto de liderazgo en el Ministerio en la diócesis
de San José de enseñanza moral, la ética, la justicia social y la historia de la iglesia desde 2006 a 2010. Fue miembro de la Comisión de preocupación humana en la diócesis de San José. En julio de 2013 Rojas se unió a CRS y ha estado trabajando como Gerente de relación para Catholic Relief Services en la región oeste de nosotros desde entonces.
C58 El ciclo de planificación ministerial
Este taller te ofrece un entendimiento teórico y práctico del ciclo de planificación ministerial. Es un
método sistemático de organizar la pastoral a través de nueve pasos. Esto te ayudara a administrar
con acción y contemplación eventos como vigilias, retiros, congresos, asambleas, y mucho más.
Mr. Ernesto Vega See B55
Excellence in Catechetical Service Awards
We have invited several Exhibitors to join
us—Books, videos, music CDs and
religious articles will be available for
review and purchase.
Schedule is 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
Hemos invitado a varios Exhibidores para
que nos acompañen—Libros, videos, música en CDs, y artículos religiosos estarán
disponibles para la venta.
Horario de 8:00 a.m. a 4:30 p.m.
Logo design by Valerie MacRae— Exhibitor
The Office of Religious Education in the San Pedro Pastoral Region (SPPR) will recognize volunteer
catechists in the various deaneries who have served their parishes with marked excellence, dedication and
passion for ministry. Each of us can almost instantly bring to mind a model teacher who is always the first to
arrive and the last to depart; willing in every circumstance to offer time, talent and treasure; and in the
greatness of their service, inspires others to give their best to the children, adolescents and adults under their
care. The Annual SPPR Excellence in Catechetical Service Awards will pay homage to those catechists who
have given their utmost in ministry.
The Parish Catechetical Leader (DRE, CRE, CYM), in consultation with their leadership and advisory
councils, are asked to identify a single catechist from their parish to submit for nomination for the 2013 SPPR
Excellence in Catechetical Service Awards. In selecting a nominee, please choose an individual
whose service and teaching has left an indelible imprint on the spiritual life of the religious education program
and the parish at large. Specific examples and accomplishments should be noted. Be sure to describe the
candidate’s contributions and characteristics that demonstrate excellence in every respect. Submit the
nomination online at http://archla.org/oresppr .
The SPPR Excellence in Catechetical Service Awards will be presented at the opening liturgy of the
2013 Religious Education Congress on September 28th, at St. Pius X/St. Matthias Academy, in Downey. The
honorees will receive a special award (designed exclusively for this honor) at this time, blessed
in a
unique way by Bishop Oscar A. Solis and the community of the faithful who gather for this annual event. Recipients will be contacted a week prior to Congress to ensure their presence and to allow the honoree to inform the parish leadership, friends and family.
Lunch/Almuerzo—11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
You may bring your own snacks and lunch or lunch may be purchased on site. $6.00 Lunch package includes: Menu option, Chips or fruit, with soda or bottled water.
(Exact change will be appreciated)
MENU options: 1— Beef Burrito
2—Sandwiches—Ham, Turkey, or Veggie
3—Chicken Salad
Snacks and water will be available to purchase at a minimal cost.
Puede traer su propio almuerzo o comprarlo ese día ordenándolo de la cocina. El precio de $6.00
incluye: Chips,o fruta, y soda o Agua embotellada. El menú incluye:
1. Burritos de Carne de Res
2. Sándwich de Jamón, Pavo o Vegetariano
3– Ensalada de Pollo
Habrá aperitivos y aguas a la venta por un costo mínimo.
The Regional Congress is for Adult learning—
there are no accommodations for children.
Premios de Excelencia en el Servicio Catequetico
La Oficina de Educación Religiosa de la Región Pastoral de San Pedro dará reconocimiento
a catequistas voluntarios de los distintos decanatos que han servido en sus parroquias con admirable
excelencia, dedicación y pasión por su ministerio. Cada uno de nosotros puede instantáneamente traer a
mente a un catequista modelo que es siempre el primero en llegar y el último en partir; dispuesto en cada
circunstancia a ofrecer su tiempo, talento y tesoro; y con su encomiable servicio, inspira a otros para que den
lo mejor de sí a los niños, adolescentes y adultos bajo su tutela.
Se les pide a los Directores de Educación Religiosa, Coordinadores de Confirmación, en consulta con
sus mesas directivas y el liderazgo parroquial, que identifiquen a un catequista de su parroquia para presentarlo a nominación para los Premios de Excelencia en le Servicio Catequético 2013. En la selección de un
nominado, escojan a un catequista cuyo servicio y magisterio han dejado una huella indeleble en la vida espiritual del programa de educación religiosa y la parroquia en general. Se debe hacer nota de logros y ejemplos específicos. Asegurarse de describir las contribuciones y características del nominado, resaltando la excelencia en cada aspecto del servicio. Someta la nominación en http://archla.org/oresppr .
Los Premios de Excelencia en le Servicio Catequético se presentarán durante la Misa de Apertura del
Congreso de Educación Religiosa 2013 de San Pedro el 28 de septiembre en la Preparatoria de San Pio X/
San Matías en Downey. Se les presentará un premio especial (diseñado exclusivamente para este honor) a
los reconocidos durante este tiempo, con la bendición particular del Obispo Oscar A. Solis y la
de fieles que se reúne cada año para este evento. A los escogidos se les contactará la semana previa al
Congreso para asegurar su presencia y para darles tiempo para que notifiquen al liderazgo
sus colegas y familiares.
El Congreso Regional es para la formación de
Adultos—no hay actividades o cuidado de niños.
San Pedro Regional Congress Registration Form-2014
NOW AVAILABLE AT: http://archla.org/sp2014
Why register online?
1. Find out immediately what workshops you have received
via a confirmation email. This is your
ticket for the workshops. Please be sure to pick your name badge on the day of Congress
2. Payment Method: Personal or Church Check (e-check with routing number) and credit cards are
When registering online, you must pay the fees at the time of registration. If not your registration will be cancelled.
3. GROUP RATE REGISTRATION AVAILABLE : If thirty (30) or more persons register online
from your parish, you will receive a $5 discount per person registered. Group registration discount
available for online “ONLY”
$25 Early registration by Sept 13, 2014 After Sept 14, $30 registration fee
NOTE: To register online, you must enable pop-ups on your computer. Otherwise, you will not be prompted
to the registration screen.
If a workshop is NOT listed online, it means that it is now closed because it has reached maximum capacity
Early Registration Fee postmarked BY September 13th / Inscripción hasta el 13 de Septiembre
Registration Fee AFTER September 13th / Cuota de inscripción despues del 13 de Septiembre
Make check payable to / Haga su cheque pagadero a:
Office of Religious Education
Mail to/Envie a: San Pedro Religious Education Congress— 3555 St. Pancratius Place., Lakewood, CA 90712
Name / Nombre:
First Name / Primer Nombre
M. I. / Inicial
Last Name / Apellido
Address / Domicilio ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Street / Calle
Apt. #
City / Ciudad
Zip Code / Código Postal
Day Time Phone / Teléfono durante el día
¿Por que inscribirse por internet?
1. Conozca inmediatamente a que talleres ha sido inscrito al inscribirse por internet! ¡Recibirá un
correo electrónico confirmando sus talleres—este es su boleto instantáneamente! Asegúrese de
recoger su gafete el día del congreso.
2. Método de pago: Cheques Personales o de su Parroquia (usando la cuenta bancaria) y tarjetas
de crédito. Cuando se inscriba por internet, tendrá que pagar la cuota o si no su inscripción queda cancelada.
3. Cuota de Grupo disponible: Si treinta (30) O MAS personas de su parroquia se inscriben, recibiran un descuento de $5.00 por persona
El descuento solo aplica a las registraciones recibidas por internet solamente
Registracion-$25 antes de Sept 13, 2014, $30 después de Sept 14, 2014
NOTA: Para poder inscribirse por Internet, tiene que darle permiso a su computadora para aceptar pop-ups. De otra
manera, no podrá seguir con la inscripción.
Si el taller ya no esta incluido en la lista de opciones quiere decir que el cupo llego a su limite.
Please mark appropriately - Favor
de marcar adecuadamente
Master Catechist / Maestro/a de
Catholic School Teacher / Maestro/a
de Escuela Católica
Religious Education Catechist
Catequista de Educación Religiosa
Certified / Certificado
Yes / Si
Other Ministry, please name /
Otro Ministerio, dar nombre
Workshop Choices / Selección de Talleres
Session 1 / Taller 1
Session 2 / Taller 2
Session 3 / Taller 3
Choice / Opción 1:
Choice / Opción 1:
Choice / Opción 1:
Choice / Opción 2:
Choice / Opción 2:
Choice / Opción 2:
Choice / Opción 3:
Choice / Opción 3:
Choice / Opción 3:
Youth Track
Youth Track
Youth Track
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Check # ___________ Amount $ ________ Date received ________________
Registration Information / Información para la Inscripción
**Early registration helps assure that you will be able to attend workshops of your choice.
**Inscribirse con anticipación le asegura que podrá asistir a los talleres que escogió.
Non-Profit Organization
Los Angeles, California
Permit No. 31795
Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Office of Religious Education
3424 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90010-2241
1. Please complete the registration form. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY! Each
participant must fill out a separate form. You may duplicate the registration form as needed or access the registration guidebook on-line at http://archla.org/regionalcongress
Favor de completar su forma de inscripción, ¡USANDO LETRA DE MOLDE! Cada participante
deberá llenar una forma por separado. Puede duplicar la forma de inscripción si es necesario.
También esta disponible en línea http://archla.org/regionalcongress
Please indicate your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice for each workshop session.
Favor de indicar claramente su 1ª, 2ª y 3ª opción, para cada sessión de talleres.
B. Make checks payable to:
Haga su cheque pagadero a: Office of Religious Education
Mail to:
San Pedro Regional Education /Congress
Envíe a:
3555 St. Pancratius Pl.
Lakewood CA 90712
2. Early Registration fee postmarked by September 13, 2014 is $25.00 per person.
Registrations received after September 13th the fee is $30.00 per person. La cuota de inscripción
antes del 14 de Septiembre del 2014, será de $25.00 por persona, empezando el 14 de Septiembre 2014, la cuota será de $30.00 por persona.
3. Group Rate available: Please refer to page 29 for Online registration.
If registering by mail—30 or more participants, paid with one check and mailed in one envelope by September 13th—$20 per person.
Cuota de Grupo disponible: Favor de ver la pagina 29 para inscribir su grupo en línea.
La inscripción por correo—30 o mas participantes, pagando con un solo cheque y enviado en
un solo sobre antes del 13 de Septiembre—$20 por persona.
4. Your Nametag (with your workshop choices) is your ticket. It will be mailed to you if the registration is received by September 20th. After this date, it will be available at the Will Call table the day
of Regional Congress.
Su Gafete (con los tres talleres que escogió) es tu boleto. Recibirá su gafete por correo si su inscripción es recibida antes del 20 de Septiembre. Después de esta fecha, podrá recoger su gafete
el día del Congreso Regional.
5. All workshops may be used for Catechist re-certification. Todos los talleres cuentan para su
re-certificación como catequista.
St. Joseph High School
5825 North Woodruff Avenue
Lakewood, CA 90713
From the 605 fwy traveling South, exit South Street
make right (west) to Woodruff Ave, turn right.
School is on the left hand side
*****Parking is available in the school lots, across
the street at Mayfair High School. Sreet parking will
also be available,
*****Estacionamiento disponible en la escuela, en la
calle y en la High School Mayfair que esta al crucar
la calle Woodruff.
6. Catholic Elementary School teachers may use these workshops towards required hours for
in-service credit. Catholic High School teachers may use these workshops toward religion recertification.
Please call or email the Regional Office if you have any questions: [email protected]
Si tiene alguna pregunta llamar a la Oficina Regional
(562) 630-6272
O mande un correo electrónico
Or visit us at the web at/ O visítenos en la web http://archla.org/oresppr

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