moving on! - St. Stephen Martyr Catholic Church


moving on! - St. Stephen Martyr Catholic Church
320 W. Garvey Ave. Monterey Park, CA 91754
Saint Stephen Martyr
Catholic Church
Third Sunday of Easter
April 10, 2016
Archbishop José Gomez has given new
assignments to our beloved priests, Fr.
Leo Ortega and Fr. Budi Wardhana.
Starting July 1, Fr. Budi will be the associate pastor of the Church of Epiphany
in South El Monte while Fr. Leo will be
going to Rome (Italy) to begin his doctoral studies in Dogmatic Theology at
the Pontifical Gregorian University. On
his return to the US (after five years) Fr.
Leo will be a professor of Theology at
Saint John’s Seminary in Camarillo. We
thank the Lord for their ministry to us at
Saint Stephen as we also wish them well
in their new assignments. Fr, Joseph
Magdaong will take Fr. Leo’s place as
the new administrator of St. Stephen.
Romo Kanis from Indonesia will be replacing Fr. Budi as the chaplain of ICADLA.
Do not be afraid!
El Arzobispo José Gómez ha dado nuevas
asignaciones a nuestros queridos sacerdotes, P. Leo Ortega y P. Budi Wardhana.
A partir del 1 de julio de P. Budi será el
pastor asociado de la Iglesia de la Epifanía
en Sur El Monte, mientras que P. Leo se
va a Roma (Italia) para comenzar sus estudios de doctorado en Teología Dogmática
en la Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana. A
su regreso a los EE.UU. (después de cinco
años) P. Leo será un profesor de Teología
en el Seminario de San Juan en Camarillo.
Damos gracias al Señor por su ministerio a
nosotros en San Esteban ya que también
les deseamos lo mejor en sus nuevas funciones. P. Joseph Magdaong tomará el lugar de P. Leo como el nuevo administrador
de San Esteban. P. Budi será reemplazado
por Romo Kanis de Indonesia como el
capellán de IC-ADLA.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, a Happy and Holy Easter! The Church throughout the
world echoes the angel’s message to the women: “Do not be afraid! I know that
you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has been
raised… Come, see the place where he lay” ( Mt 28:5-6). This is the culmination
of the Gospel, it is the Good News par excellence: Jesus, who was crucified, is
risen! This event is the basis of our faith and our hope. If Christ were not raised,
Christianity would lose its very meaning; the whole mission of the Church would
lose its impulse, for this is the point from which it first set out and continues to set
out ever anew. The message which Christians bring to the world is this: Jesus,
Love incarnate, died on the cross for our sins, but God the Father raised him and
made him the Lord of life and death. In Jesus, love has triumphed over hatred, mercy over sinfulness,
goodness over evil, truth over falsehood, life over death. That is why we tell everyone: “Come and
see!” In every human situation, marked by frailty, sin and death, the Good News is no mere matter of
words, but a testimony to unconditional and faithful love: it is about leaving ourselves behind and encountering others, being close to those crushed by life’s troubles, sharing with the needy, standing at
the side of the sick, elderly and the outcast… “Come and see!”: Love is more powerful, love gives life,
love makes hope blossom in the wilderness.
Fr. Leo Ortega, Pastor
Tel. (626) 573-0427
[email protected]
Christina Arellano, Principal
Tel. (626) 573-1716
119 S. Ramona Avenue,
Monterey Park, CA 91754
Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM (English)
Sunday 7:00 AM (English)
9:00 AM (Spanish)
11:00 AM (English)
2:00 PM (Indonesian)
Mon-Sat Daily Mass: 8:30 AM
Perpetual Help Mass & Novena
Wednesday 6:30 PM
Friday 7:00 PM (Spanish)
Holy Days as announced
Saturdays 3:30 PM—4:30 PM
Monday thru Friday
9 am - 1 pm & 4 pm - 8 pm
1 pm - 4 pm
1 pm - 5 pm
“We are a diverse faith-community that strives to conform ourselves into the image of Christ in and through the power of the
Holy Spirit, and nourished by The Word, Sacraments and Tradition to give glory to God and to be a light unto the nations.”
This can be a very good week to grow in a sense of and practice
with the notion of being a “contemplative in the midst of action.”
We have almost a whole week of gospels about Jesus' gift of himself to us as the “Bread of Life.” This gives us the opportunity to
let that mystery be in the background of our consciousness every
day this week, as we go about our everyday tasks. What makes it “contemplative” is that we will be asking for graces each morning, and we will let our desires and our activity interact.
We can begin reflecting upon how often we “work for food that perishes.” The pay-off, the success, the accomplishment, the reward we receive for what we do is often quite passing and unsatisfying. It would be important to be able to sense anything that
appears to be food that doesn't last and name it as such this week. The real food, the life-giving nourishment that our Lord offers
us is himself.
If we can't celebrate the Eucharist daily this week, we can simply open our hearts and desire to receive our Lord, so that he remains in us and we remain in him. We can practice consciously choosing union with Jesus, our Risen Lord and only Savior, and
experiencing how that would affect the choices we need to make throughout our day. If we begin each day, asking for the grace
of this union, and renew that desire at brief moments we have at various times in the day, our focus and attention begin to
change. We will experience a peace and a gifted lack of hunger and thirst for so many of the things that draw us away from him,
from loving, from mercy, from consciousness on those in need.
Men’s Retreat
“Holy Waiting…
In A World That Can’t Wait”
April 29 - May 1
Confirmation $428.00
April 2th & 3rd $8,162.50
Second Collection $741.00
Second Collection
This weekends second collection will be used for the
maintenance and upkeep of the Parish Grounds.
Thank you in advance for your generosity.
St. Stephen Parish Retreat for Men will be held at Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center in the city of Sierra Madre. The retreat, which is preached by the Passionate Retreat Team, begins Friday evening and concludes early Sunday afternoon.
The lovely grounds and peaceful atmosphere of Mater Dolorosa make this a perfect spot for a weekend of spiritual renewal and growth.
Please call Bob Montanez (626)201-5083 or Augie Koch
(626)281-0605 for more information or to reserve your spot.
VITRUS “Protecting God’s Children Training
April 30th
Sign ups April 9 and 10
In celebration of April as the National Child Abuse Prevention
Month, St. Stephen continues to be the ears, eyes and voice of
our children and youth and renews our commitment to protect them. In April, there will be additional prayer petitions,
lighted candle for prayer for healing, “Do You Know?” special
announcements in our parish bulletin, 2016 Archdiocese brochures in the church vestibule, site safety evaluation followed
by corrective actions, “Safeguard the Children” display table
after each Mass on April 9 and 10, and VIRTUS Training
“Protecting God’s Children” (English) for Adults on April 30
from 9 am to noon in the Parish Hall. Please pre-register for
the VIRTUS Training at your early convenience with Mabel Ng
([email protected]) or at the display table in the vestibule
by providing your full name, email address and phone number. Attendees will be required to arrive no later than 9am,
and children under 18 are not permitted to attend this training. Fingerprinting dates and locations will be advertised on
April 9th, 10th and 30th . If you are interested in the VIRTUS
Re-Certification program (1½ hour) which is required every
four years, please let Mabel know.
The Legion of Mary is collecting religious items for their
ministry. Items needed include new, used and broken
crosses, medals, scapulars rosaries and holy cards.
Please place your donated items in the box located in the
vestibule of the church.
he monthly billings for the Together in
Mission pledges have been mailed. It is
very important that these pledges be paid so
that our parish can reach and, hopefully, exceed our goal.
PARISH GOAL: $33,900.00
AMOUNT PAID: $15,073.00
Thank you for your continued support of
Together In Mission 2016
o temas, yo soy el primero y el último, el que vive; estuve muerto, y aque estoy vivo para siempre" (Ap 1, 17-18). Estas palabras del libro de Apocalipsis nos invitan a dirigir nuestra mirada fija a Cristo, para experimentar su presencia
tranquilamente. A cada persona, independientemente de su condición, aunque fuera la más complicada y dramática,
Cristo no repite: "No tengás miedo!; Yo he muerto en la cruz, pero ahora estoy vivo para siempre"; "Yo soy el primero y el último, el que vive." "El primero", es decir, la fuente de todo ser y la primicia de la nueva creación;" el último", el término definitivo de la historia; "el viviente", la fuente inagotable de vida que triunfó sobre la muerte para siempre.
En el Mesías crucificado y resucitado, reconocemos los rasgos del Cordero sacrificado en el Gólgota, que implora el perdón para sus verdugos y abre las puertas del cielo a los pecadores arrepentidos; vislumbramos el rostro del Rey inmortal, que ahora
tiene "las llaves de la muerte y del infierno" (Ap 1, 18). Doy gracias al Señor porque es bueno, porque es eterna su misericordia!
(Salmo 117:1). Hagamos nuestro el salmista la exclamación que hemos cantado en el Salmo responsorial: "la misericordia del
Señor dura por siempre!" Para comprender a fondo la verdad de estas palabras, nos permiten ser guiados por la liturgia en el
corazón del acontecimiento de la salvación, que une la muerte y la resurrección de Cristo con nuestra vida y con la historia del
mundo. Este milagro de la misericordia ha cambiado radicalmente el destino de la humanidad. Es un milagro en el que se
despliega la plenitud del amor del Padre que, para nuestra redención, no retrocede ante el sacrificio de su Hijo unigénito.
El Ministerio de Oración “Luz del Espirtu Santo”
Segunda Colecta para ayudar a la Escuela
Este fin de semana tendremos una segunda colecta para asistir
Los invita a orar, alabar, glorificar al Señor y darle gracias a la escuela para que puedan continuar ofreciendo una edupor todos Los beneficios recibidos cada dia de nuestra
cación católica. Por favor, sean generosos en su ofrenda. Le
vida. Nos reunimos los Miercoles de 7pm a 9pm en el sa- damos las gracias de antemano.
lon parroquial de nuestra Iglesia San Esteban Martir.
Las facturas mensuales para Unidos en Misión
2015 ha sido enviada. Es muy importante que
estas promesas sean pagadas de modo que
El grupo Legión de María está recolectando artículos religinuestra parroquia pueda alcanzar y, con su
osos para su ministro. Se necesitan cruces, medallas, rosariapoyo, exceder nuestro objetivo.
os escapularios y estampitas. Por favor de coloqar sus artículos dentro de la caja que esta ubicada en el vestíbulo de
la iglesia.
TOTAL PAGADO: $15,073.00
Gracias for su generosidad y apoyo.
Gracias por su apoyo continuado a
Unidos en Misión 2016
La Arquidiócesis sigue apoyando los sobrevivientes de abuso sexual y a sus familias
El banco de alimentos de San Esteban
(Community Outreach)
El Banco de Alimentos esta nesesitando
los siguientes articulos.
Salsa de espagueti
Spam / Salchichas Vienna
Cup of Noddles
Bolsas grandes de papel
Pasta de Dientes
Por favor, recuerde que juntos podemos proporcionar
alimentos para los que son menos afortunados.
Comenzando el mes de abril, mes para la Prevencion del Abuso Infantil, la Arquidiócesis de
los Angeles desea reiterar el compromise de seguir
ayudabdo a los sobrevivientes y usus familias a encontrar la
sanacion y la paz. Si usted cree que usted o alguien que
conoce es victim de abuso sexual por algún empleado o
voluntario de la Iglesia, por favor contacte a la Coordinadora
para la Asisencia de Vicitmas al (213)637-7650. Suzanne
Heaky está disponible para brindar ayuda.
Está abierta después de cada misa, el
Sábado y el Domingo o por cita. Mas
de 12,000 Regalos │ DVDs │ Libros
│ Biblias │ Joyeria y Accesorios │
Rosarios │ Novinas y Artículos religiosos. Apoye a nuestra parroquia.
Apoye al Librería de San Esteban
5 :00 pm Pail Lain Wu (D)
Jose Dolores Rivera - Happy Birthday!
Noni Bastedo (L) Healing
SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 2016
7:00 am Emelita Castro - Happy Birthday!
9:00 am
Rosales Payomo Families
Ricardo Serrano (L)
11:00 am Dario Soto-Montenegro (D)
Raymond Tsang (L) Good Health
MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2016
8:30 am Chai Nhi
Le Xuan Phuoc
Tran Thi Hanh
8:30 am Le Vu
Le Le Trung Thanh
Le Vu
8:30 am Mary Lou Retrosi (D)
6:30 pm St. Stephen Parishioners
8:30 am Sr. Susan M. Slater SHCJ (L)
Joshua Garcia—Happy Birthday!
Victor Lopez—Happy Birthday!
FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016
8:30 am Marge Velazquez (L)
7:00 pm St. Stephen Parishioners
8:30 am Natasha Lim—Happy Birthday!
is open after each Mass, Saturday
and Sunday or by appointment.
12,000+ Gifts │ DVDs │ Books │
Bibles │ Jewelry and accessories
Rosaries │ Devotional and
Religious Items │ Artwork.
One stop shop for Catholic gifts
and resources. Support our
parish. Support the Saint Stephen
Frances Salaises, Kitty Carlucci, Rosie Grego, Liza Anne Sesti,
Ana Nunez, Elaine Denery, Jose Galicia Sr., Connie Gonzales,
Norma Salazar, Michlina Kubek, Maria Cervantes, Maria Gonzalez, Jeanine Gregory, Peggy Jasso, Elena Dulay, Alex Vasquez,
Armando Loo, Rita Thoms, Elizabeth Dodge, Virginia Medina,
Rita A. Durazo, Ernest Durazo, Rudy Barraza, Sally Sandoval,
Emilia Rodriguez, Dominic, Jason, Rose Valdez, Antonia Castaneda, Natalia Castaneda, Kathy Garcia, Helen Lawrence, Sandy
Aguiar, Maria Castillo, Frances Montez, Ramiro Sanchez, Judy
Backer, Josefina Peralta, Tom Lujan, Maria Ngan Fong Lung, Erin
Gaffrey, Virginia Miranda, Frances Mosqueda, John Jaurequi,
Jeanine Lugo, Michael Alden Townsend, Natalia Orozco, Tisha
Platt, Teresa Ycedo, Larry Hernandez, Marge LaVenture, Vic Panganiban, Concepcion Rodriguez, Elizabeth Canadas, Maria
Mazloom, Phil Cisneros, Kenneth Adler, Carol Tollstrup, Howard
Lee, Eva Monroy, Al Acosta, Susan Acosta, Felipa McCrae, Angelica V. Rivas, Malcolm Anthony Francis Ferrao, Jane Catherine
Ferrao, Shawn Anthony Francis Ferrao, Nicole Antonette Ferrao
Prayer list will be updated on a monthly bases. If you would like
to add a name or make changes to the above list. Please contact
the parish office.
Did You Know?
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month,
a time to recognize that we all play an important role in protecting our children and
young people. Each year, the Archdiocese of
Los Angeles publishes the Working Together to Prevent
Child Sexual Abuse brochure, which provides a listing of policies, programs, resources and other information on how
the Catholic Church is working to help prevent child sexual
abuse. Copies of the 2016 brochure are available in the parish vestibule or by contacting [email protected]
Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24;
Rev 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31
Is 7:10; 8:10; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38
Acts 4:32-37; Jn 3:7b-15
Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Jn 3:16-21
Acts 5:27-33; Jn 3:31-36
Acts 5:34-42; Acts 6:1-15
Acts 6:1-7; Jn 6:16-21
Acts 5:11-14, 40b-41; Rv 5:11-14; Jn 21:1-19

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