fundación asturiana de la energía, faen


fundación asturiana de la energía, faen
Legal Framework
Carlos García Sánchez
Responsable Ahorro y Eficiencia Energética FAEN
Actual situation. Energy Consumption and emissions.
Legal framework
Projects in EU
Transport. Main figures
• GROSS VALUE ADDED : With around €520 billion in Gross Value added (GVa) at basic prices,
the provision of transport services (including storage, warehousing and other auxiliary activities)
accounted for about 4.6% of total Gva in the eU27 in 2008. It should be noted, however, that
this figure only includes the GVa of companies whose main activity is the provision of transport
(and transport-related) services and that own account transport operations are not included.
• EMPLOYMENT: In 2008, the transport services sector in the UE27 employed around 9.1million
persons, some 4.5% of the total workforce. around two thirds of them worked in land transport
(road, rail, inland waterways), 2% in sea transport, 5% in air transport and 27% in warehousing
and supporting and transport activities (such as cargo handling, storage and warehousing).
Source: European Comision
Energy consumption
the sector most consumer in EU is transport
Final energy consumption, by sector, EU-27 (Mtoe)
Energy consumption
Road is the most important mode of transport
Final energy consumption by mode of transport EU-27 (Mtoe)
Energy consumption
Final energy consumption in transport by fuel EU-27 (Mtoe)
Biofuels is a small part of all the energy consumption in transport in each country
Energy consumption
EU imports more than 50% of the primary energy
Energy dependency — all products, 2010 (%)
Greenhouse gas emissions (TRANSPORT)
1 000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent
Greenhouse gas emissions, breakdown by inventory sector
EU-27 (million tonnes of CO2 equivalent)
Source: EEA
The objectives of the European Transport Policy are:
•A high level of mobility;
•Protection of the environment; pursuit of energy security and
guaranteed minimum labour standards for the sector; protection of
passengers and citizens;
•Innovation in support of the first two aims by supporting new
technologies and promoting the efficiency and sustainability of the
growing transport sector;
•International connections – projecting the Union’s policies to
reinforce sustainable mobility, protection and innovation in Europe
and globally.
Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area –
Towards a competitive and resource efficient
transport system
Transport is fundamental to our economy and society. Mobility is
vital for the internal market and for the quality of life of citizens as
they enjoy their freedom to travel.
The future prosperity of our continent will depend on the ability of
all of its regions to remain fully and competitively integrated in the
world economy. Efficient transport is vital in making this happen.
Hoja de ruta hacia un espacio único europeo de
transporte: por una política de transportes
competitiva y sostenible
El transporte es fundamental para nuestra economía y nuestra sociedad. La
movilidad es vital para el mercado interior y para la calidad de vida que aporta
a los ciudadanos la libertad de viajar.
La prosperidad futura de nuestro continente dependerá de la capacidad de
todas sus regiones para permanecer integradas totalmente y de forma
competitiva en la economía mundial. Para que esto sea posible, es esencial
contar con un transporte eficiente.
Challenges. Goals
Challenges. Goals
Challenges. Goals
Challenges. Goals
¾A single transport area
¾Innovating for the future. Technology and behaviour
¾Modern infrastructure, smart pricing and funding
‰Legal framework/regulations
9European Directives
9National/regional regulations
‰Proyectos de demostración
Tools. Legal framework
‰Directive 2009/28 on the promotion of the use of
energy from renewable sources
Article 1. It establishes a common framework for the promotion of
energy from renewable sources. It sets mandatory national for the
share of energy from renewable sources in transport.
Article 3. Each Member State shall ensure that the share of energy
from renewable sources in all forms of transport in 2020 is at
least 10 % of the final consumption of energy in transport in that
Member State
Article 21. Member States shall ensure that information is given to
the public on the availability and environmental benefits of all
different renewable sources of energy for transport
Tools. Legal framework
‰Directiva 2009/28 relativa al fomento del uso de
energía procedente de fuentes renovables
Artículo 1. Fija objetivos nacionales obligatorios en relación con la
cuota de energía procedente de fuentes renovables en el consumo
final bruto de energía y con la cuota de energía procedente de
fuentes renovables en el transporte.
Artículo 3. Cada Estado miembro velará por que la cuota de
energía procedente de fuentes renovables en todos los tipos de
transporte en 2020 sea como mínimo equivalente al 10 % de su
consumo final de energía en el transporte.
Artículo 21. Member States shall ensure that information is given
to the public on the availability and environmental benefits of all
different renewable sources of energy for transport
Tools. Legal framework
‰Directive 2009/30 amending Directive 98/70/EC as
regards the specification of petrol, diesel and gas-oil
Article 1. This Directive sets, in respect of road vehicles, and nonroad mobile machinery a target for the reduction of life cycle
greenhouse gas emissions.
Article 7 bis. Member States shall require suppliers to reduce as
gradually as possible life cycle greenhouse gas emissions per unit of
energy from fuel and energy supplied by up to 10 % by
31 December 2020.
Tools. Legal framework
‰Directiva 2009/30 por la que se modifica la
Directiva 98/70/CE en relación con las especificaciones
de la gasolina, el diésel y el gasóleo
Artículo 1. La presente Directiva establece, respecto de los
vehículos de carretera y las máquinas móviles no de carretera un
objetivo de reducción de las emisiones de gases de efecto
invernadero durante el ciclo de vida.
Artículo 7 bis. Los Estados miembros exigirán a los proveedores
que reduzcan de la forma más gradual posible las emisiones de
gases de efecto invernadero del ciclo de vida por unidad de energía
suministrada del combustible y la energía suministrada hasta un 10
% antes del 31 de diciembre de 2020.
Tools. Legal framework
‰Directive 2009/33 on the promotion of clean and
energy-efficient road transport vehicles
Article 1. This Directive requires contracting authorities, contracting
entities as well as certain operators to take into account lifetime
energy and environmental impacts, including energy consumption
and emissions of CO2 and of certain pollutants, when purchasing
road transport vehicles with the objectives of promoting and
stimulating the market for clean and energy efficient vehicles and
improving the contribution of the transport sector to the
environment, climate and energy policies of the Community.
Tools. Legal framework
‰Directive 2009/33 relativa a la promoción de
vehículos de transporte por carretera limpios y
energéticamente eficientes
Article 1. La presente Directiva ordena a los poderes adjudicadores,
a las entidades adjudicadoras y a determinados operadores que
tengan en cuenta los impactos energético y medioambiental durante
su vida útil, incluidos el consumo de energía y las emisiones de CO2
y de determinados contaminantes, a la hora de comprar vehículos
de transporte por carretera, a fin de promover y estimular el
mercado de vehículos limpios y energéticamente eficientes y
aumentar la contribución del sector del transporte a las políticas en
materia de medio ambiente, clima y energía de la Comunidad.
Tools. Legal framework
‰Directive 2010/40 on the framework for the
deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems in the field
of road transport and for interfaces with other modes of
Article 1. This Directive establishes a framework in support of the
coordinated and coherent deployment and use of Intelligent
Transport Systems (ITS) within the Union, in particular across the
borders between the Member States, and sets out the general
conditions necessary for that purpose.
Annex II. Principles for specifications and deployment of ITS
Be effective, be cost-efficient, deliver interoperability, facilitate
Tools. Legal framework
‰Directiva 2010/40 por la que se establece el marco
para la implantación de los sistemas de transporte
inteligentes en el sector del transporte por carretera y
para las interfaces con otros modos de transporte
Artículo 1. La presente Directiva establece un marco en apoyo de
la implantación y el uso coordinados y coherentes de sistemas de
transporte inteligentes (STI) en la Unión, en particular a través de
las fronteras entre los Estados miembros, y fija las condicio-nes
generales necesarias para alcanzar ese objetivo.
Anexo II. Principios de las especificaciones y de la implantación de
STI: Ser eficientes, rentables, facilitarán la interoperabilidad y la
TABLE. Smart Technologies in the Transport System and their Potential Influences on Sustainability
Categories of Smart Transport Technology
Smart Technologies Traffic signal system
Transit priority signal
Control Systems (manages traffic flow and safety Pedestrian signal
at intersections)
Elderly pedestrian signal
Intelligent road studs
Potencial influences on Sustainability
Higher system efficiency Reduced fuel consumption and emission (less congestion)
Enhanced safety of motorists and pedestrians
Increased choice of modes (promoting public transport)
Monitoring and Enforcement Systems
(monitors traffic flow continuously to ensure proper enforcement of
Intersection surveillance system
Speed cameras
Red light cameras
Incident detection and management system
Bus lane enforcement system
Enhanced safety (smart surveillance)
Smoother traffic flow (less violation of rules, less incidents, less clearance time after incidents)
Higher choice of modes (promoting bus service)
Monitoring and Enforcement Systems (monitors traffic flow continuously to ensure proper enforcement of rules)
Traffic news broadcasting
Traffic flow and travel time
Accidents and incidents
Parking guidance.
Dynamic information (signs, motorist's speed)
Public transport information sharing
Interactive service map (next‐bus arrival time)
Travel planner
On‐board passenger services
Taxi booking system
Reduction of fuel consumption and emission (less congestion, less travel time)
Increases accessibility (smart taxi booking, public transport information availability)
Higher efficiency (availability of advisory information on travel planning and parking) and fostered economy
Revenue Management Systems (processes fast and accurate transactions)
Integrated public transport fare payment system
Parking charge payment system
Electronic toll collection system
Smoother traffic flow (fast transaction)
Integrated and affordable public transport
Less waste (no paper‐based ticketing)
Ranking europeo Smartcities
Fuente: European Smartcities project
Tools. Incentives
• The Intelligent Energy Europe Programme (IEE)
Stimulate energy efficiency and the use of new and renewable energy sources in transport
• 7th Framework Programme for Research and
Development - TRANSPORT
Objective 3.1: Promote interoperability and continuity of existing transport networks, and
sea/road/rail/air intermodality
Objective 3.2: Promote short sea shipping and cooperation between ports
• Trans-European Transport Networks TEN-T
• National Plans (E4, MOVELE,…)
Tools. Dissemination
• Transport & Energy are key issues in the European
• Different actions to improve the energy efficiency
and the use of smart technologies
• It’s a challenge, it’s an opportunity
• Collaborative projects and actions
• Training for people who work in this field and
dissemination for citizens to change the behavior are
an important issue
in you
Carlos García Sánchez
Responsable Ahorro y Eficiencia Energética FAEN

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