Sixth Sunday of Easter May 1, 2016 Sixth Sunday of Easter May 1


Sixth Sunday of Easter May 1, 2016 Sixth Sunday of Easter May 1
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 1, 2016
Fr. Federico Capdepón, V.F.
Dean, Pastor
Fr. Damian Flanagan
Parochial Vicar
Mrs. Mary E. Fernández, Ed.S.
School Principal
Mrs. Patricia Zapatero
Director of Religious Education
Roberto Berrocal
Music Director
(Horas de Oficina)
Monday thru Friday/Lunes a Viernes
Phone: 305-444-8363
[email protected]
(Horas de la Iglesia)
Daily/Diario 9:00am-7:00pm
(Horario de misas)
5:30pm (English)
9:00am (English)
10:30am (English, live broadcast)
12:30pm (Español, transmisión en vivo)
5:30pm (English)
7:00pm (Español)
Misa Diaria (Capilla)
8:00am (English)
7:00 pm (Español, Martes y Jueves)
Saturdays/Sábados 4:45-5:30 pm
Before Sunday Masses if a priest is
Antes de las misas del domingo si hay un
sacerdote disponible.
(Bautizos y Matrimonios)
For information, call the office.
Para información, llame a la oficina.
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 1, 2016
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6th Sunday of Easter (Cycle C)
Pastor’s Corner
Jesus Christ tells his friends that he does not give them peace as heads of state
do, that is, a peace that is obtained through the force of arms. He gives us
peace of spirit, true peace, a peace that is born from the heart and transforms
the whole person. Only the one who renounces hatred, who no longer wants
to kill or harm anyone, who does not lust after his neighbor’s wife, who no
longer steals, will experience this peace. The one, in short, who prefers peace
of spirit to everything else in this world.
Jesus Christ’s message starts with the announcement of peace to all people of
good will. His greeting is always one of peace: “Peace be with you”, “Do not
let your hearts be troubled”. This peace flows from having the Kingdom of
God in our hearts, in our families, in society.
My deepest thanks go to Patricia Zapatero, Francisco Dueñas, Denisse Ortiz,
Karen Bonvecchio, all CCD teachers and all those who helped prepare our
children for Confirmation, as well as to Archbishop Auza who administered
the sacrament. Thank you also to all the teachers and catechists who prepared
the children to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time and
congratulations to all the children receiving First Communion these days. We
will be praying especially for them. Congratulations!
May 1, 2016
Lecturas de la semana
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Ps 67:2-3,
5, 6, 8; Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn
Saint Athanasius, Bishop and
Doctor of the Church
Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-2, 34, 5-6a, 9b; Jn 15:26—16:4a
Saints Philip and James,
1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-3, 4-5; Jn
Wednesday Acts 17:15, 22—18:1; Ps 148:1
-2, 11-12, 13, 14; Jn 16:12-15
St. Matthias, Apostle
Acts 1:15-17, 20-26 Ps 47:2-3,
6-7, 8-9; Jn 15:9-17
Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-3, 4-5, 6
-7; Jn 16:20-23
Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-9,
10; Jn 16:23b-28
Fr. Federico
6o. Domingo de Pascua (Ciclo C)
Rincón del Párroco
Jesucristo dice a sus amigos que no nos da la paz como la dan los jefes de estado, o
sea, la paz que se consigue con las armas. El nos da la paz del Espíritu, la paz
verdadera, la paz que nace desde dentro del corazón y transforma a todo el hombre.
Solo obtiene la paz el hombre que renuncia a odiar, el hombre que ya no quiere
matar, que no quiere hacer daño a nadie, el hombre que no quiere la mujer de su
prójimo, que no quiere robar; el hombre, en fin, que prefiere esta paz de espíritu a
todas las cosas del mundo.
El mensaje de Jesucristo empieza por el anuncio de paz a todos los hombres de
buena voluntad. Su saludo es siempre de paz: “Paz a todos ustedes”. “Que no se
turbe su corazón”. Esta paz es el flujo del Reino de Dios en nuestros corazones, en
nuestras familias, en la sociedad.
Mi profunda gratitud a Patricia Zapatero, Francisco Dueñas, Denisse Ortiz, Karen
Bonvecchio, todas las catequistas y a todos los que ayudaron a preparar a nuestros
niños para recibir la confirmación, así como al Arzobispo Auza que administró el
sacramento. Gracias también a todas las maestras y catequistas que prepararon a
los niños para recibir la Reconciliación por primera vez y felicitaciones a todos los
niños que reciben su primera comunión en estos días. Pediremos muy especialmente
por todos ellos. Felicidades.
P. Federico
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Cardinal Donald Wuerl, of
Washington, D.C., addresses
the children during the 10:30
am Mass on April 17. It was a
pleasure to have him
celebrate Mass with us during
his stay in Miami.
El Cardenal Donald Wuerl,
de Washington, D.C., se dirige a
los niños durante la misa de las
10:30 am el 17 de abril. Le
agradecemos que celebrara la
misa con nosotros durante su
estancia en Miami.
Intenciones Misas
Sat/Sab, April 30
5:30 pm  Demetrio Castillo Montalvo
 Alfredo Vargas
Sun/Dom, May 1
9:00 am  Juan A. Granados
Special Intention Noel Poyntz
10:30 am  Ralph Sánchez
Thanksgiving Andrés Gómez
12:30 pm  Amalia Yanes
 Pedro José Greer, Sr.
Acción de Gracias Zenith Dibut
5:30 pm  Doris Rowe
 Florance White
7:00 pm  Dr. Elihut Ravelo
 Ana María Ossi
Mon/Lun, May 2
8:00 am  Iris & Luis González
Special Intention Benedicte Galán
Tue/Mar, May 3
8:00 am Special Intention Mary Wohlmuth
7:00 pm  Andrés Pubela
 Evarista Serrano e hijos
Wed/Mier, May 4
8:00 am Thanksgiving 20th Wedding
Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Paul
Huck, Jr.
Thanksgiving Danilú Fernández
Thu/Jue, May 5
8:00 am Thanksgiving Joseph Stanford
7:00 pm Acción de Gracias Marcela
Congratulations to Samuel Anderson,
Félix Hernández and Nadira Johnson,
who received the Serra Award for
outstanding altar servers at a Mass
celebrated by Vocations Director Fr.
Elvis González at St. John Vianney
Seminary on April 17. We are proud of
Felicitaciones a Samuel Anderson, Félix
Hernández y Nadira Johnson, quienes
recibieron el Premio Serra para monaguillos
excepcionales durante una misa celebrada
por el Director de Vocaciones P. Elvis
González en el Seminario St. John Vianney
el 17 de abril. Estamos orgullosos de
LET US PRAY FOR / Oremos por
Lila Cruz, Hannah Moss, Annette Méndez, Andrés Hidalgo, Carlos Zapatero, Jacques Vera,
Morelia Campos, Danilo Argote, Sister Barbara Makar, John Amador, Marcela Gómez,
Martha Gómez, Charlie Winchester, Milagros Segarra, Catherine Gallego, Jake Mark Lugo,
Esperanzita Noriega, Eduardo Gómez, Raquel Alvarez, Luis Rodríguez, Gabriel Medina,
Patricia Cardona, Jaimito Cruz, Carmen Naquin Hebert, Shafia Sánchez, Eddy Valdés,
Orlando Telles, Angie Crespo, Vicente Bononi do Valle, Gladys Giner, Armando Otero,
Nancy Solano, Sister Kathleen Donnelly, Linda Mayers, Tania Pérez. Marta Yee Vinas,
Ricardo Rumbos, Enrique Consuegra, María Elena Cruz, Rafael Flores, Rosa Machado, Gloria
Beyra, Elyna Pérez, Lourdes Menéndez, Esperanza Ramos, Alfredo Fernández, Emelia Aguilar,
Dulce Álvarez, Jim Pelletier, Zenaida Villamil, Msgr. Tony Kyereme, Alfredo Luis del Castillo,
Glen Rivera, José & Blanca Martínez, Jean Paul Arias, Shanda Lee Stephenson, Lourdes
Martínez, for the members of our armed forces, their families and all victims of war.
Fri/Vier, May 6
8:00 am  Alba Zapata
 Alfredo Atencio
Universal: Respect for Women
That in every country of the world,
women may be honored and
respected and that their essential
contribution to society may be
highly esteemed.
Evangelization: Holy Rosary
That families, communities, and
groups may pray the Holy Rosary
for evangelization and peace.
Universal: Las mujeres en la
Para que en todos los países del
mundo las mujeres sean honradas y
respetadas y sea valorizado su
imprescindible aporte social.
Por la Evangelización: El Rosario
Para que se difunda en las familias,
comunidades y grupos, la práctica de
rezar el santo Rosario por la
evangelización y por la paz.
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St. Hugh
Altar Servers: Juan Alayo
[email protected]
Bible Classes: Karen Bonvecchio
[email protected]
3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24, 30 & MAY 1
CCD: Patricia Zapatero
[email protected]
Centering Prayer: Maritza Ramos
[email protected]
Clases de Biblia: Patricia Zapatero
[email protected]
Emmaus Men: Douglas Aguirre
[email protected]
Emmaus Women: Daniela Fernández
[email protected]
Encuentro en la Palabra:
Milagros Contreras
[email protected]
Grove for Ghana: Bob Dudley
[email protected]
Grove Outreach: Lily Montero
[email protected]
Health and Wellness:
María Socorro Torres-Burgos
[email protected]
Job Bank: Marta Carbonell
[email protected]
Knights of Columbus: Marc Spinola
[email protected]
Marriage Covenant Experience:
Joe & Jane Mastrucci
[email protected]
Matrimonios en Victoria:
Rolando & Irene Silva
[email protected]
Mindo Medical Mission:
Jason Gaetan
[email protected]
Ministry to the Sick:
Mariana Caballero
[email protected]
Music Director: Roberto Berrocal
[email protected]
Pastoral Ministry Coordinator:
Cristina Fundora
[email protected]
RCIA: Cristina Fundora
[email protected]
RICA: Eleazar & Leticia Terán
[email protected]
Sunday, May 8
Domingo 8 de mayo
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Page 5
Respect Life: Yamileth Rivera
[email protected]
School News: Julie Méndez
[email protected]
The Mindo Futures Medical Mission requests your assistance
with the collection of non-prescription, over-the-counter
medications and supplies to help people in Mindo, Ecuador. Due to
the recent earthquake, your help is now much more important and
needed. Check the ad on the facing page for details.
La Misión Médica Mindo Futures solicita su ayuda en la colecta de
medicamentos sin receta y artículos de primeros auxilios para llevar en su
misión a Mindo, Ecuador. Debido al terrible terremoto ocurrido
recientemente, su ayuda es aún más necesaria e importante. Encontrarán
más detalles en el anuncio de la página anterior.
Congratulations to all our school children who received their First
Communion yesterday, April 30, as well as to our CCD children
who will be receiving it on May 14. The parish rejoices with their
families in welcoming them to the Eucharistic table.
Felicitaciones a los niños del colegio que recibieron su Primera
Comunión ayer 30 de abril, así como a los niños de la catequesis que la
recibirán el 14 de mayo. La parroquia se alegra con sus familias y les da la
bienvenida al banquete de la Eucaristía.
Register your mothers and grandmothers in the Mother’s Novena,
starting on Mother’s Day, May 8. Use the special envelopes available
on the tables in the back of the church.
Recuerden inscribir a sus madres y abuelas en la Novena de las Madres
que comienza el Día de la Madre, 8 de mayo. Usen los sobres especiales
que se encuentran en las mesas a la entrada de la iglesia.
The Youth Group will be holding its annual Mother’s Day plant
sale on Sunday, May 8, after the 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
Masses. Proceeds benefit the St. Hugh Youth Group.
El grupo juvenil de St. Hugh realizará su venta anual de plantas por el
Día de la Madre el domingo 8 de mayo después de las misas de 9 y10:30
a.m. y 12:30 p.m. Las ganancias beneficiarán al grupo juvenil.
Registration for the annual Steubenville Conference in Orlando
the weekend of July 22-24 is underway. If you would like to join
please contact Francisco Dueñas, [email protected], as
soon as possible.
Ya pueden inscribirse para la conferencia anual de Steubenville en
Orlando el fin de semana del 22 al 24 de julio. Si desean participar,
pónganse en contacto con Francisco Dueñas, [email protected], lo antes posible.
Spanish Choir: Andrés Trujillo
[email protected]
St. Hugh Charities: Liliana Villanueva
[email protected]
St. Hugh Immigration Services:
Karlene Punancy
[email protected]
St. Vincent de Paul: James Hartnett
(Call the office)
Ushers & Hospitality Ministry:
[email protected]
Youth Director: Francisco Dueñas
[email protected]
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St. Hugh
Meetings 2nd Thursday of every month
7th Grade Classroom
7:00 pm Fellowship
7:30 pm Meeting
Saints this Week/Santos de la Semana
St. Athanasius, May 2, bishop of
Alexandria, his episcopate lasted 45 years, of
which over 17 were spent in five exiles
ordered by four different Roman emperors.
Athanasius is a renowned Christian
theologian, a Church Father, the chief
defender of Trinitarianism against Arianism,
and a noted Egyptian leader of the fourth
San Atanasio, Mayo 2, obispo de Alejandría
durante 45 años, 17 de los cuales pasó en el
exilio decretado por cuatro emperadores
distintos. Atanasio es reconocido como teólogo,
Padre de la Iglesia y principal defensor de la
doctrina trinitaria y opositor del arrianismo, así
como líder notable de la Iglesia en Egipto
durante el siglo cuarto.
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Page 7
The Jubilee of Mercy
El Jubileo de la Misericordia
We cannot escape the Lord’s words to us, and they will
serve as the criteria upon which we will be judged:
whether we have fed the hungry and given drink to the
thirsty...Moreover, we will be asked if we have helped others to escape
the doubt that causes them to fall into despair and which is often a
source of loneliness...if we have forgiven those who have offended us...if
we have had the kind of patience God shows, who is so patient with us;
and if we have commended our brothers and sisters to the Lord in
prayer. In each of these “little ones,” Christ himself is be
acknowledged, touched, and cared for by us. Let us not forget the words
of Saint John of the Cross: “as we prepare to leave this life, we will be
judged on the basis of love”
Pope Francis
Bull Misericoridae Vultus, No. 15
No podemos escapar a las palabras del Señor y en base a ellas seremos
juzgados: si dimos de comer al hambriento y de beber al
sediento...Igualmente se nos preguntará si ayudamos a superar la duda,
que hace caer en el miedo y en ocasiones es fuente de soledad
perdonamos a quien nos ofendió...siguiendo el ejemplo de Dios que es
tan paciente con nosotros; finalmente, si encomendamos al Señor en la
oración nuestros hermanos y hermanas. En cada uno de estos “más
pequeños” está presente Cristo mismo...para que nosotros los
reconozcamos, lo toquemos y lo asistamos con cuidado. No olvidemos
las palabras de san Juan de la Cruz: “En el ocaso de nuestras vidas,
seremos juzgados en el amor”.
Papa Francisco
Bula Misericordiae Vultus, No. 15
Page 8
St. Hugh
To the couples getting
married in May
José Gabriel Marichal & Sheyla
Arianna Winter
Bryan José Medeiros & Daniela
Oriele Serrano
David Anthony Rodríguez & Michelle
Joanna Morales
Anthony A. Crousillat & Daniela
Carolina Romero
Ricardo Artigas & Lyanne María
Francisco Javier Armas & Amanda
Susan Enríquez
Kevin Alexis Nieto & Chantell
Jeanette Castro
Luca Alfonso G. Di Giacomo Di
Giovanni & Cristina GonzálezSempere
Christopher George Coule & Lindsey
Caridad Calle
Nicolas Joseph Pozzo Di Borgo &
Lauren Pereira
Adam Howard Roback & Alexandria
Kristina Costanzo
Alejandro Vicente Gómez & Ashley
Lauren Rodón
Vicente Sanavia & Carolina
Calandriello Núñez
St. Hugh
St. Hugh
Monday, May 2
7:00 pm Bible Class in English
7:00 pm Encuentro en la Palabra
School Chapel
7:00 pm Pre-Baptismal Class (English)
Parish Hall
Tuesday, May 3
7:00 pm Ignite Middle School Group
7:00 pm Centering Prayer
School Chapel
7:30 pm RCIA
6th Grade Room
7:30 pm RICA
7th Grade Room
Wednesday, May 4
8:30 am Bible Class in Spanish
Rectory Chapel
6:30 pm CCD for 1st through 6th grades
7:30 pm Matrimonios en Victoria
Music Room
Thursday, May 5
8:30 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Rectory Chapel
7:30 pm Lay Ministry Class
Social Studies Room
Sunday, May 8, Mother’s Day
Youth Group Mother’s Day Plant Sale after Masses
6:30 pm EPIC Youth Group
Recommendation for this week:
To Heal, Proclaim and Teach, by Jared Dees, Ave Maria Press, 16.95
Teaching is not the same as evangelization. Dees uses examples from
his own experience to show how by focusing on healing the wounded, proclaiming
the word of God and finally teaching, you can bring people of all ages to Christ.
“Catholic education changed my life!” If you would like to help children and families
to enjoy the same benefit of Catholic education, consider starting a scholarship fund.
Contact the Office of Planned Giving at (305) 762-1110 for more information.
"La educación católica cambió mi vida!" Si desea ayudar a niños y familias a disfrutar de los
mismos beneficios de la educación católica, considere la creación de un fondo para becas.
Póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Donaciones Planificadas llamando al (305) 762-1110
para obtener más información.
Colecta de la semana pasada
Segunda colecta la semana pasada
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Page 9
Each year the Independent Schools of South Florida
recognizes outstanding students who have excelled in
one or more of these areas: academics, community
service, citizenship, fine arts, athletics, student
activities, perseverance, effort, dedication,
commitment to positive goals and improvement in
performance and attitude.
This year, Cristina Jugo, Chiara McCartney and
Giancarlo Rice, eighth graders at Saint Hugh were
chosen to receive the ISSF Star Award for their
outstanding performance and for setting an example
for others to follow.
Saint Hugh Catholic School
Summer Program
Monday, June 13th, 2016
Friday, July 8th, 2016
no camp on Monday, July 4th
Pre-K3 & Pre-K4 half day program
8am to noon
Academics only for Kinder thru 8th grade
8:00 am to noon
Kindergarten thru 8th grade
8:00 am to 4:00 pm full day program
Please visit the school website at for more
information or contact Mrs. Benitez, camp coordinator, at [email protected].
Page 10
We encourage you to be a part of our
Backpacks for Mindo collection. These children
who live at the UEFTE School do not have
family or come from extreme poverty and their
families cannot afford to raise them, a situation
made more difficult by the recent earthquake.
Help us to ensure that they are afforded the
same opportunity as our own students by
providing them with backpacks, pencils, pens,
glue sticks, scissors, and towels. Some tools
and necessities that will make living much
better for them.
St. Hugh

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