8.5C Periodic Table


8.5C Periodic Table
Periodic Table
Picture Vocabulary
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Periodic Table of Elements
tabla periodica de los elementos: un arreglo de los elementos
en funcion de sus numeros atomicos; muestra la ley periodica.
A table showing the chemical elements
arranged according to their atomic numbers.
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elemento: una substancia pura que no puede separarse
en substancias mas simples por medios fisicos o
A pure substance that cannot be
separated into simpler substances
by physical or chemical means.
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Chemical Symbol
símbolo químico: una o dos letras que se utilizan para representar un elemento .
The atomic
symbol for Helium
A one or two letter notation used to
represent an atom of a particular element.
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Atomic Number
numero atomico: el numero de protones en el nucleo de un atomo.
The number of protons in the
nucleus of one atom of an element.
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unidad de masa atomica: la unidad SI de las
masas de las particulas en los atomos.
Atomic Mass
Always has 8 protons
If all Oxygen atoms had 8 protons and 8
neutrons, the Atomic Mass would be 16.0.
If all Oxygen atoms had 8 protons and 7
neutrons, the Atomic Mass would be 15.0.
All Oxygen atoms have 8 protons and most
have 8 neutrons, BUT a few have only 7
Atomic Mass is the
number of protons (8) plus
the number of neutrons (?).
Each proton and neutron is
assigned the mass of 1 unit.
Therefore, the Oxygen atomic mass
(15.9994) is not a whole number because it
represents the average of all examples of
the element, Oxygen (both those with 7
neutrons and those with 8 neutrons.)
The average mass of protons and
neutrons in an element.
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Group 1
grupo: cada una de las columnas verticales de elementos
(de arriba hacia abajo) de la tabla periodica.
The columns on a Periodic Table that arrange
the elements by the number of electrons
that are in the outermost shell.
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periodo: cada una de las hileras horizontales de elementos
(de izquierda a derecha) de la table periodica.
Period 1
Period 5
The rows in a Periodic Table that classify the
elements by the number of electron shells.
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metales: La mayoría de los elementos son metales.
Son típicamente sólido , brillante , y buenos
conductores del calor y la electricidad .
Most elements are metals; they are typically solid,
shiny, malleable, and good conductors
of heat and electricity.
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no metales: no brillante ; usualmente un gas o un sólido frágil .
Malos conductores del calor y la electricidad .
Elements typically not shiny, usually a gas or
brittle solid, not malleable, and poor conductors
of heat and electricity.
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metaloides: elementos que tienen propiedades tanto de metales
como de no metales; a veces de denominan semiconductores.
Elements that have properties of both
metals and non-metals; sometimes
referred to as semiconductors.
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Noble Gases
de valencia (a excepction del helio, que tiene dos).
Group 18
del grupo 18 de la tabla periodica; son no metales
no reactivios; sus atomos tienen ocho electrones
When outer energy level (or shell) is
“filled” with its maximum number of
electrons, the atom will not add or lose
another electron; it is not reactive.
10P, 10N
Filled Shell
8 Valence
Unreactive non-metals in
Group 18 of the Period Table.
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Filled Shell
2 Valence
2P, 2N
Electron Shell
capa de electrones: la zona donde se encuentran los electrones.
In a carbon atom, 2 electrons
are located within the first shell and the
next 4 electrons within the second shell.
Remember that this is only a model.
The atom is 3-dimentional,
and a shell can be loosely compared to a
layer of an onion with the electron
appearing any place on the layer.
A specific area where electrons of the
same energy level are found.
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Valence Electrons
electrones de valencia: los electrones del nivel externo de energia
de un atomo; son importantes porque determinan como
reaccionara un elemento con otras substancias.
The electrons in the outermost energy level
of an atom that influence how an element
will react with other substances.
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