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330 East Fullerton Avenue, Addison, Il 60101-4099
Office: 630-279-6553 Office Fax: 630-279-4925
April 10, 2011
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma
Email: [email protected]
Web Site: www.stjoeaddison.com
Weekend Masses - English
Saturday Vigil 4:30 p.m.
Sunday 7:30 & 10:30 a.m.
3:30 - 4:15 p.m.
Sábado 6:30 p.m.
Domingo 9:00 a.m. y
12:30 p.m.
Misa en Español entre Semana
Jueves 7:00 p.m.
Rev. Luís Gutiérrez
Rev. Mr. Philip Marrow
Mrs. Edna Pasillas
Office Administrator
Monday thru Thursday at 8:30 a.m.
Friday 7:30 a.m.
Adoration ending at 7 p.m.
Misas en Español
Parish Staff
Weekday Masses English
Parish Office Hours
Horario de Oficina
Monday - Thursday
Lunes - Jueves
9 am - 4 pm
9 am - 12 Noon
Monday - Thursday
7:45 a.m.
Children’s Faith
Formation Office
Oficina de Formación
de Fe
Mrs. Dolly Matthews
Holy Family Cath. School
Escuela Católica de la
Sagrada Familia
Mrs. Corinne Alimento
Email: [email protected] [email protected]
Web Site: www.hfcatholic.org
Our Parish Mission Statement
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon us, because the Lord has anointed us to proclaim the
Good News of Jesus Christ!” (Inspired by Jesus’ Mission Statement - Luke 4:18)
Nuestro Lema de la Misión Parroquial
“El Espíritu del Señor esta sobre nosotros, porque el Señor nos ha Ungido para proclamar
la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo” (Inspirado por el Lema de la Misión de Jesús - Lucas 4:18)
Masses for April 10 - 17, 2011
Saturday, April 2, St. Francis of Paola
4:30 pm: †Maria Luisa Vazquez
†Angelo & Madeline Migliozzi
6:30 pm: Community Mass– Spanish
Por las intenciones de Eduardo Quintanilla
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Sunday, April 10
7:30 am: † Frank & Elizabeth Legrand
9:00am: † Concepcion Marquez
Por las intenciones de Rosy Garcia en su cumpleaños
10:30 am: For the Health of Ada Ksiazkiewicz
In memory of Smolensk, Russia
Air Tragedy Victims
12:30 pm: Community Mass– Spanish
†Henry B. Vasquez †Carmen Peña
†Estela Bolivar (1er Aniv.)
†Jesus Esparza †Carmen Campo
†Jose Regalado †Beatriz Franco (2o Aniv.)
Por Karina Vazquez en sus XV Años
Por las Intenciones de Ezequiel Hernandez
Monday, April 11
8:30 am: †Albert Verkler
Tuesday, April 12
8:30 am: †Beatriz Franco
Wednesday, April 13
8:30 am: Community Mass
†Julio Camacho
Thursday, April 14
8:30 am: †Maribel Lopez
7:00 pm: Spanish Mass
†Sacramento Villegas
Friday, April 15
7:30 am: †Jesus Segura
8:15 am: Adoration
Saturday, April 16
4:30 pm: †Maria Luisa Vazquez
6:30 pm: Community Mass– Spanish
Por todas las almas del Purgatorio
Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 17
7:30 am: † Winnie Hardie
9:00am: † Manuel Rojas Garcia
En accion de gracias por Manuel y Maria Rojas
10:30 am: For all souls in Purgatory
12:30 pm: Community Mass– Spanish
†Jose Refugio Garcia
Por las intenciones de Claudia Rivera
Jeani Ortega Piron, Esbeydi Fulcado,
Ashley Garza, Arthur Steinhauer,
Manuel Antunez, Vicente Vieyra, Maria Hurtado
Isabel Hernandez, Al Warneke, Florentino Garcia,
Luis Angel Ramirez, Ricardo Gonzalez, & Lubia Saucedo Flores
Rest in Peace
Belen Rojas, Aurora Ruiz, John Pusateri, candido Sanchez,
Angelita Gomez, Roxana Huck, Ernestina Venegas,
Maria Aguilar, Jose de Jesus Vasquez, Carmen Hernandez,
Cruz Corral, & Claudio Garcia
Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62];
Jn 8:1-11
Nm 21:4-9; Jn 8:21-30
Wednesday: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Jn 8:31-42
Gn 17:3-9; Jn 8:51-59
Jer 20:10-13; Jn 10:31-42
Ez 37:21-28; Jn 11:45-56
Sunday: Mt 21:1-11
Is 50:4-7; Ps 22; Phil 2:6-11;
Mt 26:14 -- 27:66 [27:11-54]
This Week
Sunday, April 10
Retiro de Rica, Papas y Padrino
Monday, April 11
7:30 PM
8 PM
Tuesday, April 12
7 PM
Koinonia de Matrimonios
Wednesday, April 13
4:30 PM
Children’s Faith Formation Classes
6:45 PM
Children’s Faith Formation Classes
7 PM
Finance meeting
Thursday, April 14
7 PM
Misa en Español
Friday, April 15
7:30 PM
Estaciones del Viacrusis
Saturday, April 16
8:45 AM
Children’s Faith Formation Classes
10:30 AM
Children’s Faith Formation Classes
5:30 PM
Capacitacion Pastoral
Sunday, April 10
Retiro de Rica,
Holy Week Schedule
17th- Palm Sunday
Regular Mass Schedule
21st- Holy Thursday
8:30 a.m. - Morning Prayer
7:00 p.m. - Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Bilingual)
Adoration till midnight
22nd- Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion
8:30 a.m. - Morning Prayer
3:00 p.m. - (Eng.lish) Liturgy &
Veneration of the Cross
23rd- Holy Saturday
8:30 a.m. - Morning Prayer
9:00 a.m. - Blessing of the Easter Food/Baskets
7:30 p.m. - Easter Vigil (Bilingual)
24th- Easter SundayThe Resurrection of the Lord
Masses 7:30 & 10:30 a.m.
17- Domingo de Ramos
Horario Regular
21- Jueves Santo
7:00 p.m. - Misa bilingüe de la Ultima Cena,
Lavatorio de los pies y Adoración
hasta la medianoche
22- Viernes Santo
6:00 p.m. - Liturgia, Vía Crucis, y veneración a
la Santa Cruz
23- Sábado de Gloria
9:00 a.m. - Bendición de la
comida/Canasta de Pascua
7:30 p.m. - Vigilia Pascual (Bilingüe)
24- Domingo de PascuaLa Resurrección de Nuestro Señor
Misas 9:00 a.m., 12:30 & 2:00 p.m.
Lent Calendar of
Parish Events
Calendario de Eventos
Parroquiales durante la
Abril Cada Viernes 7:30 pm. - (español)
Estaciones de la Cruz y
April - Lent Activities
Every Friday– 6:30 p.m.- (English) Stations of
the Cross and Reconciliation
Días de Ayuno y Abstinencia
El Miércoles de Ceniza y el Viernes Santo,
son días de ayuno y abstinencia.
1. Everyone 14 years of age or
over is bound to abstain from
meat on Ash Wednesday and all
the Fridays of Lent (excluding the Solemnity of
St. Joseph per Canon 1251).
2. Everyone 18 years of age and under 59 years of
age is bound to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good
3. On these two days of fast and abstinence, only one
full meatless meal is allowed. Two other meatless
meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be
taken according to each one’s needs, but together
they should not equal another full meal. Eating
between meals is not permitted on these two
days, but liquids, including milk and fruit juices
are allowed. When health or ability to work
would be seriously affected, the law does not
4. To disregard completely the law of fast an abstinence is seriously sinful.
5. Lent is the principal season of penance in the
Christian year. All of the faithful are strongly
urged to develop and follow a program of voluntary self-denial (in addition to following the
Lenten regulations), serious prayer, and a performance of works of charity and mercy.
Todos los viernes de Cuaresma son
días de abstinencia de carne. Pero el
Episcopado Mexicano ha dispuesto
que: “se puede suplir la abstinencia
de carne, excepto la del Miércoles de
Ceniza y Viernes Santo, por:
A) la abstinencia de aquellos alimentos que para
cada uno significan especial agrado, sea por la
materia o por el modo de preparación;
B) o por una especial obra de caridad;
C) o por una especial obra de piedad;
D) o por otro significativo sacrificio voluntario”.
Sujeto de la ley del ayuno y la abstinencia:
- Abstinencia de carne: todos los que han cumplido 14 años. EL hecho de tener 60 años o más, no
exime de esta ley de abstinencia.
- Ayuno: todos los que han cumplido 18 años,
hasta el comienzo de los 60.
Lo más importante al hacer este tipo de practicas es
darle sentido verdadero: por una parte someter la voluntad para fortalecerla con virtudes como la templanza, la sobriedad y la humildad, y por otra, favorecer el ejercicio de la caridad, pues todos los sacrificios que se realizan deben apuntar a hacer un bien o
un servicio al prójimo y a toda la Iglesia. Hacer sacrificios y penitencia por costumbre o porque todos lo
hacen, no tiene sentido y no favorecen el crecimiento
del hombre, que en conclusión es lo que se pretende.
Children’s Faith Formation program
is taking registrations and reregistrations for the school year
2011 – 2012. Please remember that
any sacramental preparation is a
two year catechetical process.
Please come to the office for the
forms. Your child’s baptismal certificate is absolutely necessary for
registration. And 1/3 deposit is due at time of
El Programa de Formación de Fe para
los Niños esta ya tomando nuevas
Inscripciones y Re-Inscripciones para
el año escolar 2011-2012. Por favor
recuerden que cada Sacramento lleva
un proceso de catequesis de dos años.
Por favor pase por nuestra oficina y
llene la Inscripción. ¡La Fe de Bautismo de su niño-a es requerida al momento de Inscripción!!! Se requiere una 1/3 parte
de la Matricula al momento de la Inscripción.
Fast Facts... "In the Diocese of Joliet, parents choose a Catholic education for the religious instruction that is
offered each day and is integrated across all subject areas. The Curriculum in the Diocese of Joliet is aligned
with the Illinois Learning Standards and infused with Catholic Identity. Our instruction is similar to what is
expected throughout Illinois and consistent with Catholic values. The instructional programs in all of our
schools are excellent." (Taken from Diocese of Joliet Catholic Schools Office)
Upcoming events...Holy Family students will be performing The Wizard of Oz on Friday, April 15th at
7:00pm. Come and see the talent we have here at Holy Family!
Helping others...The third and fourth grade students will be making small Easter gift bags for senior citizens
at Bridgeway Christian Village located in Bensenville. Some items they will be collecting are wrapped candy,
travel-sized toiletries, emery boards, playing cards, note cards, and pens. If you have items that you would like
to donate, you can drop them off at the school office. Collections will take place now through April 14th.
Come check out Holy Family Catholic School where we proclaim Christ!
Candy Sale Results
Thanks to all who supported the DARE candy sale. The money that was raised will help 45 students attend the DARE Lock In which is run by the Addison Police Dept.
Gracias a todos los que apoyaron la venta de dulces para el programa DARE. El dinero recaudado ayudara a 45 estudiantes a asistir a este programa que esta organizando el Departamento de Policía de
Let’s beautify St. Joseph
with a fundraiser that will
keep on giving.
It’s the sale of Spring/Summer Flower bulbs.
By purchasing bulbs for your own gardens, St. Joseph
will make a 50% profit on all orders. We will take this
profit and purchase bulbs to plant on the church
grounds. These bulbs will multiply as years go on. It’s
a win-win for you and St. Joseph. But we only have
one week. Order forms due back April 17. Call
Pammy Bender for more information
Vamos a embellecer la Parroquia de San
José con una recaudación de fondos que
seguirá floreciendo. Es una venta de bulbos/camotes de flores de Primavera/Verano. Al comprar sus propios bulbos/camotes para su jardín, la parroquia obtendrá el 50% de ganancia en todas las ordenes.
Tomaremos esta ganancia para comprar bulbos/camotes
para la misma parroquia. Estos bulbos/camotes se multiplicaran con los años. Es ganancia para ambos, usted y
San José. Pero solo tenemos una semana. Necesitamos
entregar las ordenes antes del 17 de Abril.
Comuníquese con Pammy Bender para mas
información 630-747-4500.
Time, Talent & Treasure
Fostering Stewardship as a way of life
This week’s Stewardship of Time & Talent Salute
In gratitude of God’s gifts of time and talent to us,
we gratefully acknowledge and salute:
Parish Mission Volunteers
Saint Joseph Church
Sacrament Procedures
Who have donated countless hours of hard work, dedication
and devotion to the parish.
As Stewards, Lent provides each of us the opportunity to reflect more deeply on what life God
wishes for us. As spring unfolds we begin to see
many signs of new life around us in nature. Similarly, our lives can be renewed spiritually by allowing Christ, who is the Resurrection and Life, to
raise us up.
Stewardship Thought for the Week
Pre-baptism Class is required before
your date will be set. Please register two to
three months in advance.
Spiritual Preparation begins at least
SIX months in advance. Do not make your
reservations until you have met with pastor.
Sacrament of the Sick:
& Communion Visits:
First Fridays 7:30 am.
Call the Parish Office.
Requisitos de los Sacramentos
Last Weeks Sunday Offering
Ofrenda Dominical de la Semana Pasada
Last Weeks Sunday Offering
Ofrenda Dominical de la Semana Pasada
296 Adult Envelopes $6,917 + Loose Cash $4,186
+ Children’s $80.00
= Total Sunday $11,183.00
Our Goal each Week to cover our expenses is $11,500.
CRS Collection = $872.00
Thank you for your kind generosity
and your deep love of Saint Joseph.
Nuestra Meta por Semana para cubrir los gastos es de: $11,500.
Gracias por su Generosidad
Pantry News
On Wednesday, April 6 our pantry gave out 75 bags.
Your donations make the pantry possible. Thank you, to
all who have so generously supported the pantry.
Please help! We need two volunteers to pick up free
bakery good from Andresen's Bakery in Bensenville,
IL. We need one volunteer to pick up every other Sunday at 1pm and we need one volunteer to pick up every
other Wednesday at 6pm. If you are interested in volunteering for one of these times please call John Junokas, 630-834-9863, or Edna/Maria, 630-2796553. Training will be provided. Thank you.
Holy Family Catholic School
Escuela Catolica Sagrada Familia
Mrs. Corinne Alimento - School Principal
Email: - [email protected]
Web Site: - www.hfcatholic.org
Las Charlas Pre-bautismales son requieridas antes de fijar la fecha de Bautismo.
Favor de inscribirse con dos a tres meses
de anticipo.
Preparación Espíritual empieza por lo
menos con SEIS meses de anticipo. No
haga preparaciones para su Celebración antes
de reunirse con el párroco.
Sacramento de los Enfermos: Primer Viernes
a las 7 am., durante la misa.
y Visitas de Comunión: Llame a la parroquia.
Quince Años: ¡Solamente para miembros activos de la parroquia!
Joseph Faith Formation Office
Oficina de Formación de Fe - Doctrina
Dolly Matthews– CFF Director
[email protected]
Office Hours / Horario de Oficina
Tuesday ,Thursday and Friday
Martes, Jueves y Viernes
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
12:00 noon – 8:00 pm
Saturday/ Sábado
8:00 am – 12:00 noon
Sunday and Monday
Domingo y Lunes
Closed - Cerrado
Youth Ministry: Miss Michele McCreary
St. Joseph Church #512139
330 East Fullerton Avenue
Addison, IL 60101
630 279-6553
Edna Pasillas or Fr. Luis
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April 10, 2011