Revisión del conocimiento científico de la ZEE


Revisión del conocimiento científico de la ZEE
Interactions between fisheries and other activities in
the Uruguayan EEZ
Marín Y., Chocca J., González B. & G. Beathyate
Characterization of the Uruguayan
Continental Margin – EEZ
Ecosystem approach to fisheries
Complex system
Undefined limits
Interconnected processes
Integration between disciplines and
dimensions is required
Different scales
The human activity dimension
Fisheries is only one of many activities
Limited resources
Multiple use and growing needs
Competition and conflicts
Consequence = is necessary to
find management instruments
Spatial planning is one of those instruments
Incluyendo nuevas actividades
Incluyendo nuevos límites
Las pesquerías están sometidas a límites
Geográficos y topográficos
Biológicos: distribución de los recursos
Operativos: según arte de pesca
Manejo y ordenación de pesquerías: vedas, interacción entre flotas
Externas: existencia de otras actividades
El espacio es escaso
Hay nuevos proyectos
Necesidad de armonizar intereses
Fuente: FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 443, 2003
Spatial competition, how are fisheries affected ?
Submarine cables and fisheries as study case
© 2003, MBARI
Optic fiber, 95 % of communications
Underground between 0 m and 1000 m depth
Above sediment in depth > 1000 m
Cables protection international agreement
Existe una franja de prohibición a lo largo del cable
When laid down, deep fishing activity was low
Undocumented previous study
Interactions submarine cables - fisheries
Starting operation:
• Atlantis II - 1999
• Sam-1 - 2001
• 2 reported accidents
> 1000 m
• 1 reported accident
< 1000 m
Interactions with submarine cables
Increased restriction area
¿yes or no?
¾ Loss of communications
¾ Possibility of serious accidents
¾ Complex and costly repairs
¾ Compensation Mechanisms
¾ There are rules
¾ Limited fishing area
¾ Lost fishing grounds
¾ 2 separated cables (no
¾ There are rules
Results: Disp. Marit. N° 128 (2010), Increased
restriction area along each cable.
¾ What we learned ?
¾ Single side solution: unsolved conflict
¾ Poor coordination
¾ Unforeseen interferences
¾ Where ? / with who ? / we discuss / plan
Planning can be improved ...
Long term vision …
¿ What other activities will interfere with
¾ New buildings and facilities
¾ Navigation
¾ Underground resources
• Obras en puertos existentes
• Creación de nuevos puertos
• Nuevos emprendimientos
New buildings and facilities
Proyecciones de crecimiento del transporte
Movimiento de cargas (containers and Teus)
Rio Grande
647.188 TEU
+ 2,8 % (2010)
Proyecciones de crecimiento
en la región (A. del Sur) y
Pto. Montevideo (2030)
Buenos Aires
1.730.831 TEU
+ 22,5 % (2010)
671.952 TEU
+14,2 % (2010)
Fuente: CEPAL. Div. Rec. naturales e infraestructura (2010)
Kaluza et al. 2010
Containerisation International Yearbook 2011
Administración Nacional de Puertos
Schandy s.r.l.
The need of a port in deeper waters
¾ La Esmeralda
¾ Laguna Garzón
¾ El Palenque
¾ La Paloma
Safe waters passage
Freeway for vessels
Easier ports access
Coastal fisheries – Categoría B
Navigation and marine traffic
Marine traffic through AIS
(Automatic Identification System)
From public web
Converted to binary maps (valor 1 a
¾ Area identification
High / low traffic
Services, STS and
Overlapped maps
Traffic map
Categoría B – 2009
Less fishing grounds, less capture, but how much ?
Total puntos
nº emisiones
Categoría B - 2009
Landings “Categoría B” (2009): 35.668 Ton
In passage: 4.494Ton (12,6 %)
Nuevos recursos energéticos
Industria sin antecedentes
Instalaciones offshore
High impact
Offshore fisheries - Categorías A y C
Underground resources:
oil and perspectives
Exploration 2007 - 2012
Promover inversiones en exploración y producción en las tres cuencas
petrolíferas del offshore uruguayo
Bloques para prospección y explotación de hidrocarburos
Período exploratorio
Relevamiento sísmico y levantamiento de perfiles de fondo
Instalación plataforma de exploración
Coordinated surveys
Minimizing interactions
2D seismic
3D seismic
Bergen Surveyor 2007
WG Tasman 2012
Academik Shatsky 2008
Polarcus Amani 2012
Reflect Aries 2011
Ramform Vanguard 2012
Discoverer 2012
¿ What kind of fisheries are involved ?
Especie objetivo
Merluza negra
Cangrejo rojo
Pelágicos grandes
Es posible identificar problemas de espacio
• Existen límites espaciales externos originados en las
nuevas actividades con varias pesquerías
• Hay multiplicidad de usuarios e intereses
• Es posible prever incorporación de nuevas actividades
• Incertidumbre
• Escasa pero creciente coordinación
• El tiempo es el factor clave dada la velocidad
de las transformaciones
• Aún hay tiempo?
How we plan forward ?
First steps since 2007:
• Meeting the parties (10 Institutions)
• Crear el ámbito
• Define goals and priorities
• ...
• Information
• Periodic review of the situation
• An important, non formal, operative, place
Yamandú H. Marín
Julio F. Chocca
Bernardo González
Gastón Beathyate
Noviembre 2012
Hemos finalizado…
Gracias por su tiempo.
Characterization of the Uruguayan Continental Margin – EEZ:
Fishing resources and fisheries
Rodrigo Forselledo, Yamandú Marín, Arianna Masello y Luis Orlando.
Create a report based on a bibliographic review about fisheries in
the Exclusive Economic Zone of Uruguay from 50 m isobath. The
analysis included:
Main fishing resources
Current and prospect fisheries
Location, current state, rules and international agreements
Question: What is the extent of overlapping between areas
of exploration and prospecting defined by Ancap and fishing
zones in the Uruguayan EEZ?.
Bibliographic and database analysis.
Sources: scientific papers from refereed journals, national and
binational technical reports (with Argentina), books, thesis
referred to the southwestern Atlantic ocean, with special
emphasis in Argentina and Brasil.
Maps showing the operation zones of the industrial fishing fleet
by categories were extracted from reports prepared by DINARA
and based on data from the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS).
Fisheries were classified by categories assigned by the DINARA as (A, B,
C y D) according to industrial fishing vessels features, area and mode of
operation and objective species (Decreto 149/997).
Fishing sector:
Catch: about 50 different species.
Operation: 18 processing plants and 65 - 70 industrial vessels grouped in
4 categories ( A, B, C, D),
ZCPAU, ZEE and areas defined by ANCAP.
Year 2011
N° of vessels
URUGUAY. Dirección Nacional de Recursos Acuáticos. 2010. Boletín Estadístico Pesquero.
Montevideo, MGAP-DINARA, 52p.
Merluccius hubbsi
Hake (Merluccius hubbsi) is
the objective species of the
Category A fishing fleet.
Fishing mode: bottom
trawls with otter
Abundance: highest in winter
lowest in summer.
Demerso-pelagic species that form
dense schools near the bottom during
the day, spreading at night
Category: A
Covered zones: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12.
Fleet operation zone - 2010
Merluccius hubbsi
Estado de “riesgo biológico” de
la población de merluza.
Exportaciones de merluza para
2010 : 60,5 millones de dólares
2011 : 75,6 millones de dólares
Plan de manejo para la
recuperación del recurso en la
*Captura máxima anual: 50.000
toneladas, con un cupo
adicional de 10.000 t.
* Área de veda al arrastre con el
objetivo de proteger a los juveniles
de merluza
Solapamiento entre áreas de
veda y áreas ANCAP 1, 2, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
Laboratorio de Tecnología Pesquera. Marzo 2011.
Categoría B: Pair trawls, coastal
•Main target species: whitemouth croaker (Micropogonias
furnieri) and weakfish (Cynoscion guatucupa).
Área de operación de la flota - 2010
Most of this fishery develops at depths less than 50 m, in the Río de la Plata and
Atlantic sector of the Uruguayan EEZ.
Areas ANCAP covered: 1, 5, 10 y 11.
Negligible interference
Category C includes: catch of different resources,
different fishing methods
deep water benthos (50 to more than 2.000 m),
big pelagic fishes (highly migratory)
demersal fishes
Because of this variety, the fishing effort performed by this
category is developed in most of the EEZ of Uruguay, covering
almost all the areas bounded by ANCAP.
Several of these resources represent an important fishing and
economic potential for the country
Categoría C
Fishing mode: all “no traditional” resources
Covered areas: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.
Fleet operation area in 2010
Category C
•Buques dedicados a pesquerías "no tradicionales", es decir aquellas
cuyas especies objetivo no sean la merluza, la corvina y la pescadilla.
Long pelagic fishes: swordfish (Xiphias gladius),
Tuna (Thunnus sp.) and sharks.
Small pelagic fishes: anchovy (Engraulis anchoita)
and squid (Illex argentinus).
Bentónicos: snails (Zidona dufresnei), red crab
(Chaceon notialis), octopus (Octopus vulgaris),
vieira (P. patagonica), centolla (Lithodes
santolla), langosta oceánica (T. birsteini)
Demersales: Rouget (Helicolenus dactylopterus),
skates (Dipturus chilensis), Cherna (Polyprion
americanus) and Patagonian toothfish
(Dissostichus eleginoides).
Category C:
Pelagic longline
• Objective species: big pelagic fishes
•Swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
•Big eye tuna (Thunnus obesus)
•Yellow fin tuna (Thunnus albacares)
•Albacora tuna (Thunnus alalunga)
•Blue shark (Prionace glauca)
•Most of the fishing effort is
performed in the AUCFZ
between 100 and 200 nm from
the coast.
•The “big eye” tuna is the
species with the highest
commercial value.
•Highest CPUE occurs in the
EEZ of Uruguay, from May to
July in the continental slope
Category C: Dissostichus eleginoides (Patagonian toothfish)
Resource of high commercial value
Management: multiple and shared.
Its management in the Antarctic area
is centralized by the Commission for
the Conservation of Antarctic Marine
Living Resources CCAMLR
Presence in cold, deep waters of the
Malvinas Current
Fishing mode: bottom longline and traps .
Adults and subadults in areas of zone ANCAP 16.
Juveniles: trophic migrations parallel to the continental shelf. They
are transported northward by the malvinas current and are generally
caught by category A vessels.
Category C: Chaceon notialis (deepsea red crab)
Fishing mode: baited traps
Areas covered by fishery: 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12.
Lat.: 35º00’ - 37º00’S
Depth: 200 - 2000 m
Species endemic to
deep water (33º and
43º S)
Fishery directed to
males <95 mm CW
Long life, late sexual
maturity (5 to 15 years
old) slow growth.
Larvae settle to the
bottom at 1200 m
depth, migrating to
shallower depths as
they grow
Conclusions and perspectives
Shelf convergences: the Uruguayan shelf is characterized by a
peculiar hydrographic system composed by water masses of
contrasting thermohaline characteristics. These frontal zones
are key areas for most resources, so it should be a priority to
reconcile fisheries and surveying activities.
Surveying activities in the Uruguayan EEZ represents a
differential risk for resources and fishing areas:
a) areas of high vulnerability (eg: rouget associated to coral
b) changes on the substrate involve major impacts:
benthic organisms with low mobility and demersal fish related
to the bottom.
d) unknown risk represented by the existence of unexplored
areas and the lack of information on potential unexploited
Coordination of activities: prospecting (ANCAP) with
recovery plan for hake
Information gaps: lack of knowledge about ecosystem resilience
that supports fish and deepwater benthic fisheries, as well as
about oceanographic conditions, bottom types and bathymetry.
We recommend a study from the 200 m to greater depths.
Available information: systematize fragmented or scattered
information from different sources.
Deep Water Research Program (PIAP) designed from a
multidisciplinary initiative aimed at providing information
mapping and oceanographic, geological, biological,
ecological and about fishing in the Uruguayan EEZ from the
200 m deep.
The information gained during the first year of the PIAP
project with the Spanish O/V M. Oliver is particularly
relevant as part of an ecological, environmental and fishing
baseline of exceptional quality
for the assessment of environmental impacts of future
endeavors. .