The Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time


The Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time
The Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time
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September 4, 2011
Bishop Kelly Rep/Representante
Bryan Smith.............................................................. 853-0909
Robert Wehde, Principal.......................................... 375-6010
Choir Directors/Directores del Coro
Robert Parsley ......................................................... 703-2568
Juan Moreno ............................................................. 378-0415
Benny Garcia ........................................................... 376-1298
Development and Finance Council/Consejo de Desarrollo y
Roy Schiele .............................................................. 385-9364
Nathan Drashner...................................................... 334 6546
Bob Ancin................................................................. 938-9853
Leah Rourke………………………………………….. 322-8525
Saul Huerta .............................................................. 899-2108
Merikay Jost............................................................. 384-5160
Billy D’Souza............................................................ 853-3631
Food Bank/Banco de Comida
Isabell Yale............................................................... 850-6818
Knights of Columbus/Caballeros de Colón
Roland Krueger........................................................ 336-1355
Catherine Petzak ..................................................... 658-8892
Magnificat/Revista Magnificat
Joanne Lechner ....................................................... 344-2782
Music Director/Director Musical
Patty Gabica Haas................................................... 322-7010
Prayer Network/Cadena de Oración
Lenora Brown........................................................... 376-5446
Prison Ministry/Ministerio de Prisión
Bill Teske.................................................................. 514-8717
Carlos Castro ........................................................... 440-1214
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)/Rito de Iniciación
Cristiana de adultos
Monica Pittman ........................................................ 331-2989
Imanol Betikoetxea ……………………………………284-5225
Salt and Light Ministry
Michelle Hill .............................................................. 713-7471
St. Mary’s School Governing Board
Francois Casabonne................................................ 939-6706
St. Mary’s School P.T.O/ Escuela de Sta. María
John Davis .............................................................. 995-4041
St. Mary’s School Dir. of Development & Alumni Relations
Bob Tanner ............................................................. 342-7476
Small Church Communities/Pequeñas comunidades de base
Mary Johnson .......................................................... 853-8136
Stephen Ministry/Ministerio de Esteban
Darcy Amburn .......................................................... 342-2988
Linda Leonard .......................................................... 336-8773
Prayer Network by Email … [email protected]
Chairperson ........... Robert Parsley...........703-2568
[email protected]
Parish at Large ...... Pat Reilly....................344-3487
[email protected]
St. Anne .................. Marilyn Tratz..............342-3480
[email protected]
St. Anthony ............
St. Cecelia.Carol Herring/[email protected]
and.....Vicki Smart/[email protected]
St. Francis .............. Pat Ware....................853-3813
[email protected]
St. Joan................... John Francis ..............484-8838
[email protected].
St. Juan Diego ....... Margo Mojica .............939-2053
[email protected]
St. Michael.............. Sandy Banta ..............343-3048
[email protected]
St. Theresa ............. Deb English ...............336-7829
[email protected]
St. Sylvester ........... Christine Landram .....908-3046
[email protected]
St. Winefride........... Deene Malone ...........375-7412
[email protected]
Saul Huerta................................................... 899-2108
Magaly Carrillo ............................................. 346-1163
Alfredo Garibay............................................. 371-1612
Scripture Readings
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 4– September 10, 2011
Ezekiel 33:7-9; Psalm 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9;
Romans 13:8-10; Matthew 18:15-20
Colossians 1:24-2:3; Luke 6:6-11
Colossians 2:6-15; Luke 6:12-19
Colossians 3:1-11; Luke 6:20-26
Micah 5:1-4a or Romans 8:28-30;
Matthew 1:1-16, 18-23 or Matthew 1:18-23
1 Timothy 1:1-2, 12-14; Luke 6:39-42
1 Timothy 1:15-17; Luke 6:43-49
The Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time
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September 4, 2011
This is indeed a busy time. For my 40th anniversary of ordination I was given a beautiful quilt from a friend in
my old parish in Sisters, Oregon. It now hangs from the wall near the back door in the narthex. I thank Mary Richards who made it, and Cathy and Ken Ehlers, wonderful new members of Saint Mary’s, who brought it to Boise
and arranged to hang it.
A reminder that the altar flowers each week can be donated in memory of a special person, and when that
happens we will name them in the bulletin. If you would like to donate the flowers for a weekend, please call the
office. We will soon have envelopes in the pews to get ready for the people who want to donate flowers for Advent
and Christmas in memory of loved ones.
I have been asked about a custom in the old church at the 10:45am Mass of having people hold hands crossing the aisles during the Our Father. The question was could we do that again? The aisle is wider but I always
thought that was a great custom. If people want to do it, please do.
Next weekend is the anniversary of the attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.
Please keep all of those who died and who suffered in your prayers.
Our Parish Community Council has been asked to lead us in planning for the 75th anniversary of Saint Mary’s
Parish in 2012. If you have ideas, suggestions, or would like to help, please call your Parish Community Council
Happy Labor Day!
Peace, Father Tom Faucher, Pastor
Día del Trabajo (de los trabajadores). El Comité de Justicia Doméstica y Desarrollo Humano de la Conferencia de
Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos, a través de su presidente el obispo de stockton Ca., Stephen E. Blaire, dio
a conocer su mensaje del Día del Trabajo titulado: “Costos Humanos y Desafíos Morales de una Economía
Quebrantada”. En su parte central el documento dice: “Cada año los norteamericanos celebran el Dia del Trabajo
como un dia feriado nacional para rendirle homenaje a las personas trabajadoras. Este año, no obstante, hay
menos razones para para celebrar y más para reflexionar y actuar respecto a la inestabilidad económica y a las
dificultades por las que atraviesan las personas trabajadoras y sus familias. Para los católicos, también es el
momento para recordar la enseñanza tradicional de la Iglesia sobre la dignidad del trabajo y los derechos de los
trabajadores. Este Dia del trabajo, los hechos económicos son crudos y los costos humanos son reales: millones
de nuestras hermanas y hermanos se encuentran sin trabajo, educando a sus hijos en la pobreza y atormentados
por las tragedias humanas, desafíos morales y pruebas de nuestra fe”. Hagamos oración y lo que está de nuestra
parte para aliviar esta situación tan dolorosa que enfrentan nuestros trabajadores.
Su amigo y servidor
Su amigo y servidor ~ Padre Jesús Camacho
Labor Day (the workers). The Committee on Justice and Domestic Human Development of the Catholic Bishops’
Conference of the United States, through its President, Bishop of Stockton Ca, Stephen E. Blaire, unveiled his Labor Day message entitled "Human Costs and Moral Challenges of an Economy Broken." At its core, the document
says: "Each year Americans celebrate Labor Day as a national holiday to honor working people. This year, however, there are fewer reasons to celebrate. We need to reflect and act on economic instability and the difficulties
being experienced by working people and their families. For Catholics, it is also time to remember the Church's
traditional teaching on the dignity of work and the rights of workers. This Labor Day, the economic facts are raw
and real human costs are: millions of our brothers and sisters are out of work, raising their children in poverty and
tormented by the tragedies of human moral challenges and tests of our faith.” Let us pray and ask ourselves what
part we have in alleviating this painful situation faced by our workers.
Your friend and servant ~ Father Jesus Camacho
The Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time
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September 4, 2011
¿Desea bautizar?
Que los Papás llamen para
hacer una cita con el
Diácono Jorge González al
2. Asistir a dos pláticas durante el mes.
3. Traer el acta de nacimiento
de la persona a bautizar.
4. Los Bautismos se llevará a
Pre-School – 8th Grade Religious Education
Register now for religious education pre-school through 8th
grade. All classes begin September 18. Kindergarten
through 8th grade meet Sunday mornings from 9:40-10:35
am. Pre-school meets Sundays during the 10:45am Mass.
Registration forms are available in the narthex or in the
parish office. Registration will also be available after
Masses the weekends of August 21 and 28. Deadline to
register is August 28. Call Meg in the parish office for
more information.
Sacrament of Confirmation
There will be an introductory meeting on September 6 at
7pm in the gym for teens, 9th grade and older, who wish to
prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation and their parents. Sessions will be on 12 Sundays throughout the year
from 5-6:30pm. Please bring your baptismal certificate.
Call Meg in the parish office for more information.
RCIA for Children and Teens
Children and teens who wish to become Catholic or have
been baptized Catholic or other faith and wish to enter into
full communion and receive Confirmation in the Catholic
Church, please contact Meg at the parish office, 344-2597.
Our classes will begin September 18 from 11:15am to
12:15pm in the parish center.
The Parish office will be closed on Monday,
September 5 in observance of Labor Day.
Thank you!
God give me work, till my life shall end
And life, till my work is done.
~Epitaph of Winifred Holtby
cabo el sábado 17 de
Septiembre a las 9 am
(IIRAH) and its endorsers are
sponsoring an interfaith discussion on hunger, in particular,
moving people from direct service
to being a voice for the hungry,
Tuesday, September 13, 7-8:30pm at Ahaveth Beth Israel
Synagogue (11 N. Latah, Boise). Then, from 8:30pm-9pm is
the IIRAH public meeting to make some decisions on its
operation and strategies.
Listen to faith leaders share their observations on hunger
in Idaho, what the many faiths’ holy books say on serving
the hungry and poor, what the faith groups are doing from
state or national level to alleviate hunger, what the faith leaders would like to see happen in eliminating hunger in the
next 5 years. There will be a section for you to share your
experience in working with people that are hungry in direct
service or advocacy.
For questions, call 362-9579 or email [email protected].
We are blessed to have you join us at St. Mary’s Catholic Church this weekend! If you are visiting and looking for a
church home, please consider joining our Catholic Community.
To register in the parish ...OR... if you regularly attend St. Mary’s Church, but have never registered, forms are
available at the back of the narthex near the drinking fountain or at the parish office during the week. Completed
forms may be returned to the parish office, placed in the collection basket or mailed to the address on the front of
the bulletin. For questions or more information, please call 344-2597.
Agradecemos su asistencia a esta su Iglesia Católica de Santa María. Si nos visita y anda buscando alguna parroquia a donde asistir
regularmente, apreciamos su interés en unirse a esta comunidad. Si desea mayor información sobre nuestros grupos o desea registrarse, las formas estan enfrente del bebedero. Si desea venir personalmente durante las horas de oficina, nuestras secretarias con
gusto le atenderán. Para cualquier información adicional puede comunicarse al teléfono 344 2597.
The Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time
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September 4, 2011
Lector 1
(Sept. 10/11)
Lector 2
(Sept. 10/11)
5:00 PM
8:30 AM
10:45 AM
Sam Murano
Keith Pettyjohn
Marina Edwards
Dominique Clifford
Gene Fadness
Vince Huerta
Imanol Betikoetxea
Roland Krueger
Tom Ditter
Rich Canderan
Vic Haus
Marty Downey
Joan Haus
John Kralovec
Mary Ann Hogg
Merikay Jost
Margo Mojica
Mark Oden
Isabel Yale
Rod Jaszkowiak
Heidi Oden
Liz Lister
Pat Edwards
Elaine Davis
Francois Casabonne
D'Souza Family
Dan Appel/
Vince Johnson
Vince Huerta
Priest Host 1
Alt. Eucharistic
Minister - Host 1
Head Eucharistic
Minister Host 2 JoAnne Canderan
Minister Host 3
Minister Host 4
Deacon Alternate - Cup 1
Minister - Cup2
Minister - Cup 3
Minister -Cup 4
SEPT. 10
SEPT. 11
SEPT. 11
SAT. 5pm
SUN. 8:30am
SUN. 10:45am
Danielle Murano
John Paul Betikoetxea
Sean O’Toole
Christopher Pennisi
Megan Pape
Ailish Harrison
Abby Murano
Josie Pape
Nick Thometz
All current Altar Servers, and those who
wish to begin: there are changes coming to
Altar Serving, and there will be mandatory
training in the very near future. Please
contact Sam Murano by e-mail:
[email protected]. Please put
"Altar Serving" in the subject line.
August 28
August 29
• Choir practice, 7pm– Church
• Comité Hispano (Mensual) 7pm- Salón G
August 30
• Clases de Inglés, 6pm- Salón C
• Al-Anon, Español 7pm – Salón E
• Estudio Biblico, 7pm- Salón G
Wednesday • Christian Meditation, 8pm– Room G
August 31
Sept. 2
• Reel Men’s Prayer Group, 6:30am - Room A
• Adoration, 9am-3pm– Church
• Centering Prayer, 12pm– Cry Room
Sept. 3
• Cursillo (men’s group) 8:30am - Room G
• Gómez Quinceañera, 11pm– Church
• Patlán-Martínez wedding, 2pm– Church
Sept. 4
• Hispanic catechism classes, 10:45am, all school
Choir practice, 7pm– Church
RCIA, 7pm– Room D
Clases de Inglés, 6pm- Salón C
Grupo de Jóvenes, 7pm– Salón E
Coro de Niños en Español, 7pm- Salón G
Prayer network
This ministry is made up of a large phone network of
people praying for the needs of those requesting
prayers. Please call Lenora Brown at 376-5446 if you
would like to join this vital ministry.
The Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time
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September 4, 2011
Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic
Are you unbaptized but recognize a need for spirituality in your
Are you baptized Catholic but never received any formal religious education or have never been confirmed?
Are you baptized into another denomination and want to become Catholic?
Are you married to a Catholic and attend Mass but just don’t
know what the next step is to becoming one of the Catholic
Are you yearning for something more in your life?
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a spiritual journey in
faith to discover what it means to follow Jesus as a Catholic
Christian and the joy and freedom that can result from journeying
with Christ. Every year adults are welcomed into the Catholic
Community through Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. It is a
learning and loving process in which conversion of the heart
brings you to Jesus Christ who is our Lord and Savior. “Come to
me, all you who are weary and find life burdensome, and I will
refresh you. Take My yoke upon your shoulders and learn from
Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart. Your soul will find rest,
for My yoke is easy and My burden light.” (Matthew 11:28 – 30)
Inquiry period begins September 1
If you or anyone you know is interested, or has questions and are
high school age or older, please call the parish office or Monica
Pittman (208) 331-2989: email us at
[email protected] or find us at st. marys boise rcia
on facebook.
Fall Conference is coming to Boise
on October 14 and 15, 2011. Bishop
Driscoll and our keynote speakers
will present or be broadcasted live in five locations throughout the state: Pocatello, Jerome, Boise, Lewiston and Coeur
d’Alene. Registration fee: One day $35 and both days $50.
Additional information can be found at:
FallConference/Pages/FChome.aspx . Look on the left side
of the page for specific details. All five conference locations, workshops and details can be viewed here in the preconference registration booklet, which is divided into sites.
Find the site closest to you and look there:
Dear Parishioners,
Now that school is open I’d like to
ask for your help regarding student
safety. Please be aware of the following school safety rules:
We welcome parishioners to our school. All visitors to the
school need to sign in on the Visitor Log book in the front office. Children/grandchildren may only be checked out of
school by a person that is authorized by the parent/guardian.
Please come into the main office and sign the student out with
the school secretary.
When school is in session between 8:10am and 3:10pm
avoid parking on the school playground. If you must park on
the playground, park along the fence line. It’s best if you park
so that you can pull out straight, rather than backing out.
Please do not drive on the playground at any time while
children are present. Our parking lot is also our playground.
The lot is used for PE classes and our recess periods throughout the school day. To be courteous to our neighbors, and to
keep students safe, the alleyway is not to be used as a drive
We encourage you to come in and visit while school is in
session. Our Student Ambassadors would be most happy to
give you a school tour. Thank you for your help keeping our
children safe. May God continue to guide and direct us!
~Marianne White, Principal
PANCAKE BREAKFAST Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus
next Sunday, Sept. 11, after the 8:30
& 10:45 am Masses. Come and enjoy this wonderful breakfast!
St. Mary’s Parish is offering Jeff Cavins’ Great
Adventure Bible Study and Timeline to interested parishioners. The Great Adventure is a
Catholic bible study system developed by Jeff
Cavins and is designed to give the average
Christian the big picture of salvation history. This 24-week study
makes the complex simple by teaching the story of the Bible.
Classes begin Tuesday, September 13, at 7 p.m. in the church
and will continue on Tuesday nights through next spring, with breaks
during Advent and Holy Week. In order to know how many workbooks
to order, pre-registration is necessary. Costs for each person should
not exceed $20. St. Mark’s Parish has generously offered us the DVD
series at no charge and will allow us to buy 15 of their unused workbooks for $20 each, more than half off the regular price. To preregister by no later than Sept. 6, contact Roxanne or Alejandra at the
parish office or Gene Fadness at [email protected] or
call him at 890-2712.
The Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time
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September 4, 2011
English for Immigrants is an English language course at Sacred
Heart Church for all immigrants of all levels. The course is every
Friday morning from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. beginning September 9th and ending December 16th. Pay $10 only one time at registration. This covers the entire semester: all classes in September, October, November and December. All students must register the first day of class, September 9, 2011. Course held at
Sacred Heart Church, 811 S. Latah, on the corner of Cassia and
Latah. For more information or to volunteer, please call Suzanne
Kelso at 658-9039.
Es un curso de inglés en Sacred Heart Church enfocado a
inmigrantes. El curso es cada viernes de 10:30 a.m. a 12:30 p.m.
Las clases iniciarán el 9 de septiembre conluyendo el 16 de
diciembre del 2011. El costo del curso es de $10, el cual se debe
hacer al momento de la inccccccscripción. El día de la inscripción
es el mismo 9 de septiembre. La iglesia del Sagrado Corazón o
Sacred Heart Church, está ubicada en el: 811 S. Latah, en la
esquina de Cassia y Latah en la ciudad de Boise. Para obtener
más información, por favor llame a Suzanne Kelso al (208) 6589039.
Rachel’s Vineyard Post Abortion
Healing Weekend Retreat
If you have been wounded by the act of
abortion…or someone dear to you has
struggled with the spiritual and emotional aftermath of abortion, experience the healing love of
Jesus Christ on our upcoming Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat November 4 - 6, 2011 at Nazareth Retreat Center in Boise, sponsored by Holy Apostles Catholic Church. Participation is
strictly confidential and offers a beautiful opportunity to experience God’s love, forgiveness, and compassion. For more
information, contact Gerry & Susan Guzman (208) 938-9797
[email protected] or visit . Return phone calls are handled with discretion. Space is very
limited and beginning to fill already.
Please give your support
to our
by calling them first!
Casino Night, Mexican Style! and Benefit Auction
Capstone Missions is hosting its 4th Annual Fall Feast and Benefit
Auction at the Basque Center in Boise, ID on September 16,
2011! Join us for an evening full of great food, entertainment and
gaming, all to support a great cause. Invite your friends and family
and make an evening out of it! Tickets are $25 per adult, $40 per
couple, which includes a Mexican buffet by El Gallo Giro (Kuna),
dancing by Ballet Folklorico Mexico Lindo, music by Mariachi
Tleyotltzin, and gaming chips. Purchase your tickets before September 1 and receive additional gaming chips! Table reservations are
also available. For ticket information or to donate an auction item
contact: [email protected] or call Molly at 208-863-8786
or Carol at 208-658-4491.
Capstone Missions will be traveling to Tijuana on October 15-22,
2011 for a mission trip. As always, we have a lot of projects and
need many helping hands. If you have ever considered giving a
week of your time in service to the Lord, this would be an excellent
time to participate in an amazing experience. If interested, please
contact Debby Miciak by email [email protected] or
phone: 208-733-1187.
Misiones Capstone: Noche de Casino al estilo Mexicano! Y subasta benéfica. Misiones Capstone tendrá su 4ta fiesta benéfica y
subasta anual de otoño. Esta se llevará acabo en el Centro Vasco
(Basque Center) de Boise, ID. El día 16 de Septiembre del año
2011. Lo invitamos a que se una con nosotros para una noche llena
de buena comida, entretenimiento, juegos y todo para apoyar una
buena causa. Invite a sus amigos y familia hacer de esto una noche
de convivio. El costo de boletos individuales por adulto son $25 y
$40 por pareja. El costo por boleto incluye un buffet Mexicano
proveído por El Gallo Giro (de Kuna), entretenimiento proveído por
la danza del Ballet Folklórico México Lindo, música de mariachi
Tleyotltzin y fichas de juego. Compre sus boleto antes del 1ro de
Septiembre para así obtener mas fichas de juego! Reservación de
mesas también están disponibles. Para mas información sobre
boletos o para donar un artículo para la subasta, favor de contactar
a Molly por E-mail [email protected] o por teléfono
al 208-863-8786 o Carol al teléfono 208-658-4491.
Viaje en Octubre de Misiones Capstone: Misiones Capstone viajara este próximo 15 de Octubre hacia Tijuana en su próxima
misión. Como siempre, tendremos un montón de proyectos y la
necesidad de mucha ayuda. Si alguna vez ha considerado dar una
semana de su tiempo al servicio del Señor, esta seria su gran oportunidad para participar en una experiencia increíble. Si Ud. está
interesado(a), favor de ponerse en contacto con Debby Miciak por
correo electrónico o teléfono: 208-733-1187 o
[email protected].
The Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time
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September 4, 2011
Treasure Valley Young Adult Ministry
A ministry of Holy Apostles, St. John's, St. Mark's, Risen Christ, Sacred Heart, Our Lady of the Rosary, and St. Mary's Churches
Check out all our programs at our website: or contact Bob Barros-Bailey at 371-8289.
Holy Grounds
“Holy Grounds” meets on the 1st Monday of each month at 7pm at Moxie Java Bistro on Chinden Blvd.
A Spiritual Coffee House Series that mixes in some Jesus, Good Joe, with new friends, new faces, and plenty of graces!
Yes – we are talking about Holy Grounds! The night includes a interesting topic, good discussion, some social time and the 1st
coffee selection is on us. So, grab some coffee or tea and enjoy an interesting experience to encourage you on your faith journey. We will be experiencing and discussing theological insights from Fr. Robert Barron on faith and the Catholic Church . On
Monday, September 5, the topic is “The Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist”
Faith in Focus
Our group meets on the 2nd Monday of the month at 7pm on the 2nd Floor Conference Room at
Saint Paul's BSU at 1915 University Drive.
This is an exciting opportunity for Catholic young adults to engage in further learning, exploration and discussion of their faith
as expressed in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. A short focused teaching will be followed by lively discussion sure to
deepen your appreciation and understanding of the faith. On Monday, September 12, our topic is: “Mustard Seed: The Early
Theology on Tap
This group meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7pm at the Smokey Mtn. Pizza at 415 East Parkcenter Blvd.
Catholic Adults and their friends enjoy meeting together and listening to a speaker, gaining new insights, engaging in discussion, relaxing, eating, drinking and having fun! Whether you’re an active Catholic, inactive Catholic, sort of interested in being Catholic, or a “Wow, these Catholics are cool to hang out with” kind of person. Come on down to Theology on Tap and get
in touch with the Good News of Jesus Christ in a whole new way. This year we will premiere the new and exciting "Catholicism
Project" produced by Word on Fire ministries. It will rock your world! On Monday, September 19, the topic is: “Church as
Community” See you there!
“Anti-Pasta” and Adoration
Join us on the 4th Monday of every month (September - May) at 7pm at the Saint John's Cathedral Adoration Chapel.
We are a social and spiritual gathering where young adults can share a light meal and then pray together with intention in the
Real Presence of Jesus Christ. This social and spiritual experience provides an opportunity to eat, pray and get to know fellow
believers who seek to contemplate the mystery and wonder of our faith while praying for those in need.
\Bring your favorite light dinner dish or beverage to share.
Deacon Robert Villarreal from Los Alamos,
New Mexico, will present his talk, "The Shroud of
Turin: God and Man Sharing," on Friday, September 16, 2011 at 7 pm in the Holy Apostles dining
hall. Deacon Villarreal has been active since the mid-1970's in
the scientific study of the Shroud. Deacon Villarreal's talk makes
the case that the Shroud is authentic by using 100 scientific and
technical observational peculiarities. He further draws correlations to the theme of sharing between the Shroud and prayers in
the Mass. All are welcome to attend.
If you would like to share your bounty
from your garden with other parishioners, we will again be offering a “sharing
table” located in the entryway of the
church. This is for everyone, regardless of whether
you contribute to the table or not. You can bring
your produce with you to Mass or anytime during the
week day. Thank you!
The Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time
September 4, 2011
Luke 12:34—For where your treasure is, there will your heart also be.
St. Mary’s Weekly Collection
FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011
Weekly Offertory
Net Revenue (loss)
Two weeks ago
Difference ($385)
St. Mary’s Food Bank
Two weeks ago
Year to Date
St. Mary’s Debt Reduction Fund
Two weeks ago
Year to Date
Memorial Gifts
A personal will is
your final statement
of your Christian
stewardship. When
planning your bequests and memorials, prayerfully consider including our
parish community of
St. Mary’s.
Thank you for your generosity!
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