UBD-E37 JUN 2011 (FINAL).indd


UBD-E37 JUN 2011 (FINAL).indd
Año IV - Nº XXXVII - June 2011
Tu Futuro / Your Future
! Clinical Laboratory
Technologists and Technicians
Tecnólogos y Técnicos de
Laboratorio Clínico
Salud / Health
Feria ¡Vive tu Vida! Ya está Aquí
¡Vive Tu Vida! Get Up! Get Moving! is Here
Nutrición / Nutrition
Día del Padre: Carne a la Parrilla
Father's Day: Grilled Meat
Summer is Here!
!El Verano esta Aquí!
El Samaritano
Russell de Palma logra con donaciones cambiar la vida
de dos personas pobres con piernas amputadas
Russell de Palma changes the lives of two poor people
with amputated legs with donated prosthesis
The Samaritan
Thanks to prosthesis donated by his patients, a
young Italian who loves Hispanics returns the will
to live to those who lost some of their limbs
was laughing inside because it was going to
surprise him that with what I sell I can not even
afford to eat. So he invited me to his office and
I slowly realized that his offer was true. I could
not believe it and so far I think I'm dreaming.
"On May 20th, in the presence of UN BUEN
DOCTOR and the donor of the prosthesis, Rafael López, they put his prosthetic leg on."Just
imagine, I came in a wheelchair and I will leave
walking without paying a penny, "he said
excitedly."It is inconceivable that someone
comes to their life out of nowhere, and offers
his time, labor, knowledge and money to help
me walk. God put Russell in my path. Thank
you dear God, "he said as he walked without
crutches or a cane.
uan Vega is a Mexican who came to Chicago in 1984 and by a twist of fate could not
raise a family and build wealth. He more
or less lived happily until about two years ago
diabetes dealt him a bad hand and they had to
amputate part of his right leg below the knee.
Then everything got worse, his health broke
down again, he lost his job and fell into depression. He ended up selling sweets on 26th
St., in Little Village, sitting in a wheelchair because he could not use a prosthesis that was
given to him since it was too big and it caused
him great pain. He had become very skeptical
and distrustful. So an evening when Russell de
Palma approached him to buy candy and then
inquire about the reason he did not walk, his
first thought was to send him on his way for not
minding his own business.
However, the good Spanish words of this young
Italian seemed sincere. "He told me he built
prosthesis and he had one that had been donated to him that he could give me," Juan Vega
told UN BUEN DOCTOR. "I did not believe him
and thought he was looking for money and I
Busque más en: www.unbuendoctor.com
De Palma, 33 years old with a Masters in Prosthetic Design from Northwestern University
Feinberg School of Medicine, certified by the
American Board of Prosthetics, certified to the
highest level by the International Society for
Prosthetics and Orthotics, adjunct instructor
in the same prosthetic design school at Northwestern University, and Clinical Chief of Prosthetic Design at the Center for Orthotic and
Prosthetic Excellence, thinks the same thing as
Juan Vega: "God definitely put me in his path,
because one of my patients, Rafael López, had
given me his prosthesis to benefit someone
who could not buy one, " he said.
Rafael López, from Guadalajara, Jalisco (Mexico) - who donated the prosthesis - 3 years ago
had his leg amputated due to complications
from an infection, Russell was involved in his
care at the hospital and the prosthetic he used
first had to be changed because the leg stump
was being reduced. "I changed my prosthesis a
year ago. When I heard that Russell had helped
a young woman from Guatemala with a prosthesis donated by one of his patients, I called
him and told him I wanted to donate my prosthesis and for him to seek someone who will
benefit from it. Today I see with satisfaction
that he has chosen well to give Mr. Vega the
chance for a better life, "he said, while moved
by the experience. López prosthesis has a value of $20,000.
And yes, Russell had made a similar gift last
year. It all started in May 2010 after Sunday
Mass which Russell regularly attends at Our
Lady of Mercy Church on the northwest side
of Chicago. One attendee said that Nathalie
Hernandez, niece of one of the parishioners
attending the church had been run over in
Guatemala and had no resources for a prosthesis and asked his expert advice to see
what was the best that could be done. A week
before, one of Russell’s patients had died of
bone cancer that he had fitted before with a
cutting edge technology prosthesis that costs
$60,000. In those days, the widow asked if he
could sell this prosthesis and he said it might
sell for $30,000. "He is poor and was struggling
to pay bills for the illness of his wife. But nevertheless, after a week he called and told me
tearfully that he had decided to donate the
prosthesis because his wife would have wanted it and asked if I had someone to give it to. I
was so excited because it was just a few hours
before I had heard the case of Nathalie. And I
let him know and we both wept with emotion,
"he said.
Then began the process to put the prosthesis
on Nathalie. "I immediately called Guatemala
and told them what had happened. Then
with my own money I bought my plane ticket
and talked to a company that sells prosthetic
parts that were missing to suit Nathalie’s leg,
they donated the parts and I gave the other
ones. I gathered the tools needed to assemble
the leg there, packed my things and went to
Guatemala. I had already taken note of the
measurements of the leg with her therapist
via video on Skype and made a design to assemble the prosthesis. When I traveled to Guatemala I had to go to Antigua because there
was a prosthetic workshop with equipment
that was needed to build this leg, the rental of
the workshop cost $ 500, of which Nathalie's
family paid. Once she was ready, I put it on her
and it fit real well. She used a walker for a while
and then a cane, but she now walks almost
normally because the prosthesis has a “smart”
knee and adapts to her movements, "he said.
Today, Nathalie has gone back to school and
thinks of getting her degree as a lawyer within
2 years, she has regained the job she left after
the accident, goes to the disco to dance salsa
and merengue something she really likes, and
is even thinking about getting a boyfriend. "I
don’t have one, but would like one. Regardless, the suitors follow, "she said to UN BUEN
DOCTOR from Guatemala via telephone while
she also confirmed everything Russell had said
about the process to put the prosthesis on."My
life has changed dramatically. I'm another person, I have the desire to live, make plans and
I'm very optimistic. The depression has passed
because I believed that the world had ended
for me. I still walk aided by a cane, but I'm happy and infinitely grateful to God that he put
Russell in my path, he is an angel who will be
in my heart for the rest of my life. "
EDITORIAL NOTE: Russell invites people
who want to donate their prostheses and
those who need it and do not have the
means to pay for one, call (773) 383-6063
UnBuenDoctor® Magazine 9
Take Charge. Man Up
for Your Health!
¡Hágase cargo. Salud
para el hombre!
June is Men’s Health Month
Junio es el Mes de la Salud Masculina
According to the 2008 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports, Latino and Black men were less likely than
White men to see a doctor. Don’t be one of those men.
Según informes de Cuidados de Salud Nacional Calidad y
Disparidades, del año 2008, los hombre latinos y de raza negra eran menos propensos a ver un médico que los hombres
anglosajones. No sea usted uno de esos hombres.
The purpose of Men’s Health Month is “to heighten the
awareness of preventable health problems and encourage
early detection and treatment of disease among men and
boys” (www.menshealthmonth.org). Now is the time more
than ever to take control of your own
health. Your family and community
need you.
El propósito del Mes de la Salud Masculina es “aumentar
la conciencia de los problemas de salud prevenibles y fomentar la detección precoz y los tratamientos de enfermedades entre los hombres y jóvenes” (www.
menshealthmonth.org). Ahora más que
nunca es el momento para tomar control sobre su propia salud. Su familia y la
comunidad necesitan de usted.
Take charge of your life, see your
doctor and get the following recommended screenings: Blood Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Colorectal Cancer Tests, Diabetes Tests,
Depression, Sexually Transmitted
Diseases and Prostate Cancer. The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has cited some of the leading
causes of illness and death among
Latinos, which include heart disease,
cancer, unintentional injuries (accidents), stroke and diabetes.
Did you know?
tLatinos have higher rates of obesity and are 2 times more
likely than non-Latino adults to have been diagnosed with
tLatinos accounted for 17% of HIV/AIDS cases in 2007.
tLatino males have almost 3 times the AIDS rate as nonLatino males.
Aunt Martha’s encourages you to talk to your doctor today
and make your next appointment. Aunt Martha’s Men’s Clinic is the place for quality and confidential reproductive and
sexual health issues for men in Chicago’s south suburbs.
We provide a convenient and trusted place to go for your
medical and educational needs. Information you need to
make the best decisions for you are available. If you would
like to schedule an appointment or learn more, please call
877-MY-AUNT-M or 877-692-8686 or visit our website at
10 UnBuenDoctor® Magazine
Tome las riendas de su vida, consulte a
su médico y hágase los exámenes que
se recomiendan a continuación: Colesterol en Sangre, Presión Arterial, Pruebas de Cáncer Colorrectal, Exámenes
de Diabetes, Depresión, Enfermedades
de Transmisión Sexual, y Cáncer de
Próstata. Los Centros para Control y
Prevención de Enfermedades han citado algunas de las principales causas de
enfermedad y muerte entre los latinos,
entre las cuales se incluyen enfermedades cardíacas, el cáncer, lesiones accidentales, accidentes cerebro vasculares y la diabetes.
¿Sabía usted que…?
tLos latinos tienen las tasas más altas de obesidad y son 2
veces más propensos que los adultos no latinos a ser diagnosticados con diabetes.
tLos latinos representaron el 17% de casos de VIH/SIDA
en 2007
tLos hombres latinos tienen un porcentaje casi 3 veces más
de SIDA que los hombres no latinos.
Tía Martha le invita a hablar con su doctor hoy mismo para
que haga su próxima cita. La Clínica de Tía Martha para
Hombres es el lugar donde se trata con calidad y confidencialmente temas de salud reproductiva y sexual en los suburbios del sur de Chicago. Ofrecemos un lugar cómodo y
confiable para atender sus necesidades médicas y educativas, con la información que usted necesita para tomar las
mejores decisiones. Si desea hacer una cita u obtener más
información, por favor llame al 877-MY-AUNT u 877-6928686, o visite nuestro sitio web en www.auntmarthas.org.
Busque más en: www.unbuendoctor.com
Suplemento Especial
En la búsqueda de la correcta
casa de ancianos de largo plazo
aga una lista de instalaciones de cuidado a largo plazo en su área que parece ajustarse a las necesidades
y preferencias de la persona que necesita atención.
Mientras más opciones tengan, mejores serán sus probabilidades de hacer la mejor selección. Comience con las páginas amarillas de la guía telefónica. Otras posibles fuentes de
información son el departamento de salud local, los grupos
de la tercera edad, la oficina del Seguro Social, la oficina del
Departamento de Servicios Humanos locales, y su médico,
sacerdote, familiares y amigos. Ningún individuo o grupo
puede proporcionar información completa sobre todas las
casas posibles.
Es preferible visitar las instalaciones más de una vez y en diferentes momentos del día. Una visita debe ser durante el final de
la mañana o al mediodía para que pueda observar la comida
del mediodía que se sirve. Otra visita debe ser durante la tarde
para observar las actividades que se ofrecen. Otra vez a visitar sería durante la cena. Haga planes para pasar al menos una
hora en cada visita. Normalmente es mejor hacer una cita para
reunirse con el administrador la primera vez que visite el centro
para explicar el propósito de su visita. Tras una visita guiada, es
recomendable hablar con los residentes y observar las condiciones por sí mismo sin la presencia de personal de planta. Si
el administrador se niega a hacer esto, puede que asumir que
tiene algo que ocultar.
La mayoría de las casas muestran sus certificados. Nunca acepte la palabra de alguien sino los certificados existentes. Pregunte para verlos y tómese su tiempo para examinarlos. Asegúrese de que estén al día. Los documentos más importantes
incluyen: licencia de cuidado de instalaciones a largo plazo y la
licencia de administración de casa de enfermería.
ake a list of long-term care facilities in your area that seem to fit
the needs and preferences of the
person who needs care. The more choices you have, the better your chances of
making the best selection. Start with the
yellow pages of your phone book. Other
possible sources of information are the
local health department, senior citizen
groups, the local Social Security office,
Department of Human Services local office, and your physician, clergyman, rela-
26 UnBuenDoctor® Magazine
In Finding the right
long-term care facility
tives and friends. No single individual or
group can supply complete information
about all possible homes.
It is preferable to visit the facility more
than once and at different times of the
day. One visit should be during late
morning or midday so you can observe
the noon meal being served. Another
visit should be during the afternoon to
observe activities being offered. Another
time to visit would be during the evening meal. Plan to spend at least one hour
at each visit. It is usually best to make an
appointment to meet with the administrator the first time you visit the facility to
explain the purpose of your visit. Following a guided tour, it is wise to talk to residents and observe conditions by yourself
without facility staff being present. If the
administrator refuses to do this, you can
assume he or she has something to hide.
Most homes display their licenses and
certificates. Never accept someone's
word that certificates exist. Ask to see
them and take time to examine them. Be
sure they are current. The more important documents include: Long-term care
facility license and Nursing home administrator license.
Tenga cuidado con los efectos del sol
"La piel tiende a ser más gruesa en el verano.
#Utilice productos más ligeros para el rostro.
$Rehidratar la piel después de la playa.
%Proteger la piel del sol.
'acondicionador para el cabello antes del
3 cucharadas de aceite de oliva para el
cabello seco. Deje reposar durante un máximo
de una hora y enjuagar bien.
el cabello del sol. Use champú y acondi)Proteja
cionador con filtro solar.
subestime el poder de la crema hidra*Nunca
(FUENTE: Skin-Beauty-Secret.com)
Be careful with the effects of the sun
"The skin tends to be fatter in the summer.
'lighter products for the treatment of facial
$Rehydrate the skin after the beach.
%Protecting the skin from the sun.
some hair conditioner before shampoo.
3 tablespoons of olive oil for dry hair, let
stand for one hour, rinse thoroughly.
hair from sun. Use a shampoo and
conditioner with sunscreen.
underestimate the power of moisturiz*Never
(SOURCE: Skin-Beauty-Secret.com)
y de seguridad de
t Use gafas de sol
t Este seguro dentro y fuera del agua
American Council on
t Este seguro a la hora de nadar y
Science and Health a
tener en cuenta al
t Sea cuidadoso cuando nade en su
propia piscina
planificar sus
t Revise la seguridad de los estanques
vacaciones de
y pozas
t Tenga precaución en las playas
t Sea precavido cuando viaje en bote
t Utilice equipo de protección
t Manténgase seguro durante las tormentas eléctricas
Healthy and
t Cuidado con mordeduras y picaduras
t Cuidado con la hiedra venenosa, el roble venenoso
safety tips
y el zumaque venenoso
from American
t Prevenga el sobrecalentamiento del sol de verano
on Science
t Cuidado con el mareo por movimiento
and Health to help
you plan your
t Wear sunglasses
t Be safe in and out of water
t Be safe when swimming
and diving
t Be careful when swimming in your own pool
t Review the safety of ponds and pools
t Use caution on beaches
t Use caution when traveling by boat
t Wear protective equipment
t Stay safe during electrical storms
t Beware of bites and stings
t Beware of poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac
t Prevent overheating of the summer sun
t Beware of motion sickness