cycle b • june 7, 2015 to august 30, 2015


cycle b • june 7, 2015 to august 30, 2015
CYCLE B • JUNE 7, 2015 TO AUGUST 30, 2015
CYCLE B • JUNE 7, 2015 TO AUGUST 30, 2015
Ciclos de Fe
Cycles of Faith
~ Table of contents ~
Pages 1 / 2
June 7, 2015
he Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ /
El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo
Pages 5 / 6
June 14, 2015
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 11º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Pages 7 / 8
June 21, 2015
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 12º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Pages 9 / 10
June 28, 2015
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 13er Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Pages 11 / 12
July 5, 2015
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 14º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Pages 13 / 14
July 12, 2015
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 15º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Pages 15 / 16
July 19, 2015
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 16º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Pages 17 / 18
July 26, 2015
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 17º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Pages 19 / 20
August 2, 2015
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 18º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Pages 21 / 22
August 9, 2015
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 19º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Pages 23 / 24
August 16, 2015
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 20º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinarioa
Pages 25 / 26
August 23, 2015
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time / 21er Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Pages 27 / 28
August 30, 2015
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time / 22º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
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CYCLE B • JUNE 7, 2015 TO AUGUST 30, 2015
Ciclos de Fe
Cycles of Faith
~ In each week you will find the following ~
Scripture Illustrations:
Weekly selections of art designed for each Sunday reading.
A second art option for each Gospel is available at www.
Scripture Verses:
Quotations in Spanish and English selected to enhance each
of the Gospel illustrations.
Scripture Reflections:
Photo Art:
Scripture Reading Charts:
Clip Art:
Relevant and timely messages in both Spanish and English.
Choose from full-color or black-and-white photo art
to enhance the English and Spanish reflections.
Convenient listing of all the Scripture readings for the week,
in both Spanish and English.
Weekly selections created to celebrate the season
or parish life.
LUPITA VITAL: is from Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico. She
holds an MA in Catechesis from Santa Clara University.
Since September 2000 she has been a member of the
Office of Pastoral Ministry for the Diocese of San Jose.
In July 2009, she was appointed Director of Hispanic
Apostolate for the diocese.
Lupita Vital es de Guadalajara, Jalisco México. En el
año 2005 obtuvo su Maestría en Catequesis de la
Universidad de Santa Clara, en Santa Clara, CA. Desde
el año 2000, ha servido en la Diócesis de San Jose, CA,
como Asociada para la Catequesis de los Hispanos. En
julio de 2009 fue nombrada directora del apostolado
hispano de la diócesis.
GINA LOEHR: is a freelance writer and speaker who
has authored four books: Saint Francis, Pope Francis:
A Common Vision; Real Women, Real Saints; Choosing
Beauty; and The Four Teresas. She holds an MA in
theology and currently teaches at Marian University in
Wisconsin where she lives on a six-hundred-acre dairy
farm with her husband and four children.
CYCLE B • JUNE 7, 2015
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Ciclos de Fe
El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo
Cycles of Faith
Art for 1st Reading
Art for 2nd Reading
A second
Gospel art
option is
provided for
each Sunday.
Files: B168BodyBlood_cf01_4c.tif | B168BodyBlood_cf01.tif
Files: B168BodyBlood_cf02_4c.tif | B168BodyBlood_cf02.tif
Art for Gospel
Files: B168BodyBlood_2_cf03_4c.tif | B168BodyBlood_2_cf03.tif
Seasonal Art
Black-andwhite versions
of all art are
also included.
A second
verse option is
offered to pair
with the other
art option.
Files: 060715_cf12_4c.tif | 060715_cf12.tif
Files: 060715_cf13_4c.tif | 060715_cf13.tif
READINGS for the Week of June 7, 2015
LECTURAS para la semana del 7 de junio de 2015
Ex 24:3-8/Heb 9:11-15/Mk 14:12-16, 22-26
Ex 24, 3-8/Heb 9, 11-15/Mc 14, 12-16. 22-26
2 Cor 1:1-7/Mt 5:1-12
2 Cor 1, 1-7/Mt 5, 1-12
2 Cor 1:18-22/Mt 5:13-16
2 Cor 1, 18-22/Mt 5, 13-16
Wednesday: 2 Cor 3:4-11/Mt 5:17-19
2 Cor 3, 4-11/Mt 5, 17-19
Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3/Mt 5:20-26
Hch 11, 21-26; 13, 1-3/Mt 5, 20-26
Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9/Eph 3:8-12, 14-19/Jn 19:31-37
Os 11, 1. 3-4. 8-9/Ef 3, 8-12. 14-19/Jn 19, 31-37
2 Cor 5:14-21/Mt 5:33-37
2 Cor 5, 14-21/Mt 5, 33-37
Immac. Heart: Is 61:9-11/Lk 2:41-51
Corazón Inmac.: Is 61, 9-11/Lc 2, 41-51
Next Sunday: Ez 17:22-24/2 Cor 5:6-10/Mk 4:26-34
©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc
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©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc
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CYCLE B • JUNE 7, 2015
Ciclos de Fe
PAGES 1 / 2
Cycles of Faith
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
B168BodyBlood_cf10_2015_4c.tif | B168BodyBlood_cf10_2015.tif
“While they were eating, he took bread, said the
blessing, broke it, gave it to them, and said, ‘Take it;
this is my body.’” Celebrating the Passover meal was
nothing new for the disciples. They shared bread
and wine with their families and friends at this
special ritual meal every year as a part of their Jewish
heritage. But when they were making preparations for
this particular sacred supper, they did not know how
different this meal was going to be.
On this night, Jesus changed the formula. Instead
of hearing only the ancient words of the Passover
prayers that his followers probably knew by heart,
they heard these new, unexpected, and, frankly,
quite dramatic words: “This is my body ... This is my
blood.” Nobody had ever made such an unusual claim
before. But this was more than a statement. It was a
command. Not only did Jesus enlighten his disciples
about the miracle taking place as the bread and wine
became his body and blood, but he also ordered them
to “take it.” Being passive observers was not enough.
Jesus wanted his followers to be personally involved in
accepting and receiving his body and blood.
The gift of the Eucharist that Jesus instituted for
all believers at that Last Supper is not just a sign or a
symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice. It is something that we are
called to participate in. He has given us the instruction
to take the eucharistic bread—his body hidden within
it—and to make it part of ourselves. Through this
great sacrament, which we celebrate on today’s feast of
Corpus Christi, we are able to be united, in a deeply
mystical yet truly physical way, to our Lord and
Savior. This union brings about the promise in today’s
Alleluia from John’s Gospel: “Whoever eats this bread
will live forever.”
El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo
Nunca debemos olvidar que tanto en la Última
Cena, como en la cruz y en la Misa, se trata siempre
de la única inmolación de Cristo al Padre, pero
debemos notar que en la Cena y en la Misa el
sacrificio es sacramental. Nosotros al participar en
la Eucaristía nos unimos con la fe al sacrifico de
Cristo. Al comulgar nos asemejamos más a Cristo,
es por eso tan importante hacerlo con reverencia y
recogimiento. No perdamos de vista lo principal,
que Jesús dio su vida por cada uno de nosotros.
San Pablo en la Carta a los Hebreos nos clarifica
diciendo: “Por eso, Cristo es el mediador de una
alianza nueva” (9, 15).
La secuencia que se recita en este día nos ayuda
a comprender y reflexionar en este misterio. “Hoy
celebramos con gozo la gloriosa institución de
este banquete divino, el banquete del Señor”. Pan
para sobrevivir en nuestra jornada de fe no debe
ser desaprovechado. ¿Qué sentimientos afloran
en tu corazón al celebrar el cuerpo y la sangre del
Señor en tu vida? ¿Qué te viene a la mente cuando
escuchas las palabras de Cristo: “Hagan esto en
memoria mía”? Definitivamente, se trata de relación
y de unión entre el Señor y cada uno de nosotros.
Por lo tanto, no se puede comer el cuerpo y tomar
la sangre del Señor y seguir viviendo egoístamente.
Pidamos al Señor, que cada vez que asistimos a la
Eucaristía nos ayude a vivir plenamente el sentido de
compromiso, fidelidad y relación hacia el Padre por
medio de su Hijo Jesucristo. Sin olvidar que también
debemos darnos generosamente a la personas
cercanas a nosotros.
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File: B168BodyBlood_cf08_2015.txt
©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc, Resource Center, P.O. Box 510817, New Berlin, WI 53151-0817, 1-800-950-9952 x2469
Ciclos de Fe
Cycles of Faith
CYCLE B • JUNE 7, 2015
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo
Scripture verse tiffs
are also provided as
text files so you can
format them to fit
your publication.
CYCLE B • JUNE 7, 2015
PAGES 3 / 4
Photo art
reflections to
bring the Gospel
message to life.
Use seasonal clip art
to enhance your
parish celebrations.

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