Tortuga Post #75


Tortuga Post #75
Boletín informativo de la Hermandad de la Costa
Bulletin d'information des Frères de la Côte * Newsletter of the Brotherhood of the Coast
Notiziario dei Fratelli della Costa
Vol. XX/1
No 75
EDITORIAL by Brise-Galets
t all started in 1992, when
being more aware than ever
that the number one value of
the Brotherhood of the Coast was
practicing solidarity among
seafarers and that it required a
higher level of communication to
become reality. At first all I did
was to use the simplest of tools,
which was to group 18 addresses
on my AOL address book. Then
with the advice and help from
brother Henri Schongut from
Belgium, I moved to a list server
wh i c h wa s s u b s e q u e n t l y
purchased by Yahoo. That
became up to now the home of
the Boclist. By 2014, the number
of addresses had grown to more
than 2,600 from the original 18.
Unfortunately, changes made by
Yahoo have made it impossible
for me to maintain the boclist the
way I used to. Aware of the
challenges that I wo uld
necessarily have to confront, I
moved the boclist to a new home.
Go to and use
your email address (the one that
was yours on the boclist). If you
have forgotten your password
just click on "Forgot ?" and the
system. will email you the
password. Please note that you
can update your own contact
details and insert your photo.
Ideally, as long as all brothers are
interested in having an updated
and accurate boclist, the boclist
could be continuously updated by
its members.
Still, if you do not receive
Tortuga Post, it means that for
some reason your address has not
been transferred to the new
system, let it be known to
[email protected] giving
your first name, family name and
the name of your table. This new
system has potentially all the
features that would make it
possible for it to become a
system is very flexible and if you
want to suggest improvements or
changes, please let me know.
"Continuous improvement is the
only goal" (Edward Deming)
out a commencé en 1992
quand j'ai pris vraiment
conscience que la principale valeur pour les Frères de la
Côte était la pratique de la solidarité entre gens de mer qui impliquait un niveau plus élevé de
communication. Au départ, je me
suis contenté d'utiliser le plus
simple des outils consistant à
employer la messagerie de mon
email AOL en regroupant les 18
adresses que j'avais à l'époque.
Ensuite avec l'aide et les conseils
du frère Henri Schongut de Belgique, je suis passé à l'utilisation
d'un "serveur de listes" peu après
racheté par Yahoo et qui est resté
jusqu'à récemment l'hébergeur
de la Boclist. Entre temps le
nombre d'adresses de la liste est
passé à plus de 2'600.
Malheureusement, sans préavis,
Yahoo a récemment introduit des
changements dans son "modus
operandi" qui ont rendu impossible de garder la liste à jour
comme j'avais l'habitude de le
faire. Très conscient des difficultés qui ne manqueraient pas
de se manifester en cas de changement, j'ai déplacé la liste vers
un nouvel hébergeur. Allez à
" lesfreresdelacote" et utilisez
l'adresse eMail sous laquelle
vous étiez inscrits sur la Boclist.
Si vous avez oublié le mot de
passe qui vous a été envoyé lors
de la mise en route du nouveau
système, cliquez sur "forgot?" et
un mot de passe vous sera envoyé
à nouveau par le système. Vous
pouvez à tout moment mettre à
jour votre propre fiche et y insérer votre photo. Dans l'idéal et
dans la mesure où les Frères sont
désireux de disposer d'une liste
exacte et à jour, la Boclist pourrait être en permanence tenue à
jour par ses membres.
Si vous ne recevez pas le "Tortuga
Post" cela veut dire que pour diverses raisons votre adresse n'a
pas été transférée vers le nouveau
système. Dans ce cas envoyez moi
un eMail à "brisegalets@" en mentionnant vos nom
et prénom ainsi que le nom de
votre table. Ce nouveau système
comporte tous les outils et possibilités pour lui permettre de devenir
un rôle mondial. C'est un système
très flexible et vous pouvez nous
faire part de toute amélioration ou
changement que vous souhaiteriez.
"L'amélioration continue est notre
unique objectif."(Edouard Deming)
utto è iniziato nel 1992 ,
q u a nd o f u m mo p iù
consapevoli che mai che il
valo r e nu mer o uno d ella
Fratellanza della Costa era
praticare la solidarietà tra
marittimi e questo, per diventare
realtà, richiedeva un più alto
livello di comunicazione. In un
primo momento tutto quello che
ho fatto fu quello di utilizzare gli
strumenti più semplici che era
raggruppare 18 indirizzi sulla mia
rubrica di AOL libro. Poi con il
consiglio e l'aiuto del fratello
Henri Schongut dal Belgio , mi
sono trasferito su un server-list
che è stato successivamente
acquistato da Yahoo . che divenne
fino ad ora la casa del Boclist .
Entro il 2014 , il numero di
indirizzi era cresciuto a più di
2.600 dagli originali 18 .
Purtroppo, le modifiche apportate
dalla Yahoo ha reso impossibile
per me mantenere la boclist come
facevo prima. Consapevole della
sfide che avrei devuto
necessariamente affrontare , ho
spostato la boclist in una nuova
casa Vai a http://clients.all-inweb
.fr / lesfreresdelacote e usa il tuo
indirizzo email (quello che era tuo
sulla boclist). Se si hai dimenticato
la tua password basta cliccare su "
Dimenticata? " e il sistema .ti
invierà via posta elettronica la
Si prega di notare che potete
aggiornare i dettagli vostro
contatto e inserire la vostra foto .
Idealmente, finché tutti fratelli
interessati ad avere un
aggiornamento accurato della
boclist, questa potrebbe essere
continuamente aggiornata dal i
suoi membri .
Ancora, se non si riceve Tortuga
Post, significa che per qualche
ragione il vostro indirizzo non è
stato trasferito sul nuovo sistema ,
comunicatelo a “brisegalets “ dando il vostro nome
, cognome e il nome della Tavola .
q uesto nuo vo sistema ha
potenzialmente tutte le
caratteristiche che lo renderebbero
possibile per farlo diventare il "
MONDIALE ". Il sistema è molto
flessibile e se volete suggerire
miglioramenti o modifiche , per
favore fatemelo sapere .
" Il miglioramento continuo è
l'unico obiettivo " (Edward
Deming )
dirección en mi libro de
direcciones de AOL. Entonces,
con la ayuda y los consejos del
hermano Henri Schongut de
Bélgica, cámbiela lista
a un
servidor que fue secuencialmente,
comprado por Yahoo.
empezó a ser hasta ahora la casa
del BOCLIST. Hasta ahora en el
2014, el número de direcciones ha
crecido a más de 2,600 desde las
originales 18.
Desafortunadamente, los cambios
realizados por Yahoo han hecho
imposible para mí mantener el
boclist, de la manera en que lo
hacía. Conscientes de los retos a
los que necesariamente me tendría
que enfrentar, he movido la boclist
a una nueva casa. Anda a
http://clients.all-in /
lesfreresdelacoste y utiliza tu
dirección de correo electrónico (la
que usabas en el boclist). Si has
olvidado tu contraseña, haz clic en
" ¿Forgot?" y el sistema te
enviará por correo electrónico la
contraseña. Por favor ten en
cuenta que puedes actualizar tus
datos de contacto e insertar tu
Idealmente, en la medida en que
todos los hermanos estén
interesados en tener una
actualización y precise del boclist,
este podrá ser continuamente
actualizado por sus miembros.
odo comenzó en el año
1992.cuando estaba más
consciente que nunca, de
que el número uno de los valores
de la Hermandad de la Costa, era
practicar la solidaridad entre la
gente de mar y que eso requería,
un mayor nivel de comunicación
para convertirse en realidad.
Primero que todo, lo que hice fue
utilizar la herramientas más
sencillas y que fue el agrupar 18
Si todavía, no recibes el Tortuga
Post, significa que, por alguna
razón tu dirección no ha sido
transferida al nuevo sistema,
[email protected], dando a tu
nombre, apellido y el nombre de
tu Mesa. Este nuevo sistema tiene
p o ten cia lmen te, to d a s la s
características que harán posible
que se convierta en el "LISTADO
El sistema es muy flexible y si
quieres sugerir algunas mejoras o
cambios, por favor házmelo saber.
“Mejorar continuamente es la
única meta” (Edward Deming)
Invitation au
4 Zafarrancho
International des Lacs.
Après l’Italie, la Pologne et l’Allemagne, la Suisse a le plaisir d’organiser l’édition 2014 du Zaf international des Lacs.
Celui-ci aura lieu au bord du Lac
Léman, au Bouveret les 7 et 8
Au programme, dans un esprit de
fête, les réjouissances seront aussi
bien gustatives, sportives, touristiques que culturelles.
Embarqués par le premier bateau
au monde ayant été équipé d’un
moteur diesel nous nous rendrons
tout d’abord au Château de Chillon, joyau médiéval, en longeant
les belles rives suisses et françaises du lac. La soirée verra le Dîner
de Gala se dérouler en musique.
Un Match Race aura lieu le lendemain afin de défouler nos ardeurs
de flibustiers et ceux qui n’ont pas
l’âme compétitive pourront aller
découvrir l’histoire des barques à
voiles latines du Léman.
L’écot de participation, modeste,
ainsi que le fait que nous puissions
vous loger avantageusement doit
vous encourager à nous rejoindre.
Pour recevoir toutes les informations, adressez un mail à :
[email protected]
ou appelez: +4178 681 65 70
Vigie Internationale
pour la Suisse
Invitation to the 4th
International Lakes
After Italy, Poland and Germany,
Switzerland is pleased to organize
the 201 4 editio n o f the
International Lakes Zaf
It will take place on Lake Geneva,
"Le Bouveret" on the 7th and 8th of
The agenda, in a festive spirit, will
cover different activities such as
tasting, tourism, culture and sport
On the first ship in the world
having been fitted with a diesel
engine, we will go first to the
Château de Chillon, a medieval
jewel and after we’ll go along the
beautiful Swiss and French shores
of Lake.The evening ,the Gala
Dinner take will take place in
Match Race will be organized the
next day to vent our filibusters
ardor and those who do not have
the competitive spirit can take a
tour at « Le Musée des Barques »
to discover the history of the
lateen sails of Lake Geneva.
The reckoning modest
participation and the fact that we
can accommodate advantageously
should encourage you to join us.
To receive more information, send
an email to :
[email protected]
or call : +4178 681 65 70
Kent Invicta Table
Grand Boucan
Kent Invicta is a small Table
which has acquired a fine
reputation for putting on a great
party. Their Grand Boucan not
only lived up to expectations, it
exceeded even their high standard
of excellence.
Fifty Brothers & their Shipmates
arrived at the Stade Court Hotel in
the small Kent town of Hythe all
set for weekend of bawdy pirate
fun! What was remarkable was
the fact that the event had attracted
no less than eighteen overseas
visitors: five from Guernsey, five
from Poland, four from the
Nederlands, two from Switzerland
and two from Belgium. There was
representation from the British
Tables of Solent, Dorset and East
The pirates assembled for an
excellent dinner and a warm
welcome from Grand Frère Barry
Hill (Peeler)
After dinner the Kent Invicta
Choir gave a “unique” rendition of
“Talk like a Pirate” and other well
known Sea Shanties. It was a
hilarious performance and was
rewarded with tumultuo us
Those with strong constitutions
continued the singing in the bar,
accompanied by an extremely
versatile and accommodating
keyboard player.
There was an early start the next
morning as we boarded the coach
to take us to the small, but
fascinating, Dover Museum of
Afterwards we had a tour of Dover
in a veteran double-decker London
Bus, visiting the town highlights
including Dover Castle which had
played such a vital role in the
defence of the realm over the
centuries by commanding the
Straits of Dover.
After a fine buffet lunch and warm
hospitality in The Royal Cinque
Ports Yacht Club, by courtesy of
the Commodore, we boarded the
coach and headed off to
Canterbury. Here, in the famous
medieval cathedral, is the shrine of
Saint Thomas Becket, who, as the
Archbishop of Canterbury in the
reign of Henry II, was murdered
by the king’s barons before the
altar in his own cathedral.
Nearby the cathedral we visited a
museum trail dramatically
depicting some of Chaucer’s
famous “Canterbury Tales”. We
followed the pilgims’ journey as
they walked from London to
Canterbury in medieval times,
through a series of tableaux
narrating “The Miller’s Tale”, the
“Wife of Bath’s Tale”, the
“Knight’s Tale” and “The Monk’s
We were ‘forced to eat, - yet
again’, this time in the Abode
Hotel where tea and warm scones
were served with cream and jam.
There was barely time to shower
and change ready for the formal
part of the Boucan in the Stade
Court Hotel.
After another excellent dinner, the
visitors presented gifts to Kent
Invicta Table and Grand Frère
Peeler enrolled a new Engagée,
Ian Wilkinson (The Organ
Grinder) This was to be Barry’s
penultimate ceremonial duty as
Grand Frère before finally handing
over the office to Tony
Bodycombe (Stemson).
Fine tributes were paid to the
retiring Grand Frère and warm
words of confidence and welcome
were expressed to the new Grand
Frère, Stemson.
Of course, there were plenty of
OOOooorrzzaa’s!, but one, which
was rendered in the English
language, just did not sound right.
It sounds much better in Spanish!
It was not long before the singing
began again in earnest.
It was a fitting way to conclude a
wonderful weekend programme
full of interest and great fun. Great
credit goes to the team of
organisers from Kent Invicta
Table. Their fine reputation
enhanced even more!
“Who would be king who could sit
in the sun and sing?” - William
Punta del Este, donde los buques
de instrucciones se encontraban en
escala de la Regata Velas LA
Visita de la Hermandad de
la Costa Uruguay a Buque
Escuela Esmeralda.
A solicitud de mi Capitán de la
Nao Montevideo Daniel Sosa
“Albacora”, y en mi condición de
Lugarteniente de la Nao y Vigía
Internacional del Uruguay, inicie
las gestiones para aventurarnos en
esta visita.
A las 7:45 hrs. el piquete de la
Nao Montevideo inicia su travesía
camino al Este recorriendo así 140
KM. que nos separaban de nuestro
Con un total de 24 hermanos, 5
cautivas, 1 escualo y 1 sirenita,
nos embarcamos en el Barco
Mariana, que nos traslado al lugar
en donde se fondeaba la
A nuestra llegada y pese a su
agitada agenda el Capital de Navío
y Comandante del Buque Juan De
La Maza, nos dio la bienvenida a
bordo, dándonos una reseña de las
actividades y programación que
tenían dispuestos para nuestro
se extendió por un lapso de 2
horas y medias, recorriendo gran
parte de B.E., finalizando con una
pequeño refrigerio preparado para
la ocasión.
Posteriormente nos dispusimos a
desembarcar del buque para volver
a puerto, en donde con anterior
coordinación los hermanos nos
trasladamos a un Zafarrancho de
camaradería con quienes habíamos
compartido de la experiencia.
Para esto se encomendó al
Hermano Javier Cantera “Txavi”
quien facilito la barbacoa de su
guarida y quien además se encargo
de preparar los condumios para la
tripulación que llegaba hambrienta
y sedienta a esa altura de la
En el mismo se fomento la
amistad y fraternidad entre los
hermanos de todas las naos
compartiendo narraciones sobre la
experiencia vivida durante esta
hermosa travesía.
Esta actividad contó en todo
momento con el apoyo de nuestro
Capitán Nacional Gonzalo Dupont
Abo “Jambo”.
Dentro de las tareas
encomendadas envié botellas a mi
colega Chileno Mario Cerpa
“Tiburón Blanco”, para que nos
oficiara de contacto con la
tripulación de la Dama Blanca, las
cuales dieron sus frutos siendo
posible establecer comunicación
directa con el buque a través del
Oficial de Operaciones Capitán de
Corbeta Patricio Acevedo Donoso.
Acordamos que la visita se
realizaría el día Sábado 22 del
segundo mes del año en curso a
las once horas, en la bahía de
piquete durante nuestra estadía en
el buque, posteriormente se
hicieron entrega de diversos
presentes por parte del Capitán de
la Nao Montevideo, Punta del Este
y del Lugarteniente de la Nao
A continuación de las primeras
fotos y antes que el Capitán de
Navío hiciera abandono del buque,
dispuso a tres oficiales quienes
fueron los guía en nuestra visita,
dividiendo el numeroso pique en 3
grupos de 10 personas; la muestra
Gonzalo Trias “Mangueira”
Vigía Internacional Uruguay
Lugarteniente Nao Montevideo.
Sont présents à l’appel
de la Flotte de NORMANDIE
Boucan du samedi 8 mars 2014
à Saint Vaast la Hougue
Pour l’Isle de France :
L’AUVERGNAT, Grand Frère,
LE TRAPEZISTE, Scribe et sa
Captive, LE BATTELEUR, Subrécargue, LE BATAVE et sa
Pour les USA :
Il y a 50 ans, le premier Boucan de
la Flotte de Normandie se déroulait sur l’Ile de Tatihou.
Une lettre de Course a invité les
Frères de Normandie et des Flottes
environnantes à venir se joindre à
notre premier Boucan de cette
année 2014.
Trois navires portant les grandes
enseignes de la Confrérie sont
regroupés sur le même ponton
dans le port de Saint Vaast la Hougue :
GWENNILI arrivé de Cherbourg,
piloté par son Capitaine GRAND
COUREUR venu en solitaire de
Deauville, ARQUEBUSE sur son
rapide vaisseau SEA BEMOL a
également de Deauville, le CHRISRIC avec AJUT et sa Captive
Didine ont fait le parcours maritime.
Nous sommes 41 Frères et Captives au rendez-vous sous un soleil
radieux pour embarquer à midi
précis sur le bateau/roues qui établit la liaison entre le continent et
l’Ile de Tatihou.
Pour la Normandie :
Captive Féfette, TI PUNCH,
BROQUE, AJUT et sa Captive
sa Captive Dominique, LOCKROY et sa Captive Josette,
LEVE TAUD et sa Captive
Yvonne, SURF LA VAGUE et sa
Captive Béatrice, GALBORD et
sa Captive Odile, TABARKA,
Captive Catherine,
B E QU I L LEUR et sa Captive
CHAUSS’MAREE et sa Captive
Sur l’invitation de FLAMBERGE,
s’est également joint au groupe
Christian OEXMELIN, le descendant direct du très célèbre chirurgien/historien des Frères de la
Côte Alexandre-Olivier OEXMELIN dont le livre « Histoire des
Aventuriers, des Flibustiers et des
Boucaniers d’Amérique » est présent dans toutes les bibliothèques
des Frères de la Côte.
En ouverture du déjeuner dans le
restaurant de l’Ile de Tatihou, LE
BATTELEUR fait la lecture de
lance un vibrant ORZA en l’honneur de TRIOTE qui nous a déniché et préparé les lieux, mais qui
ne peut être présent en raison d’un
engagement antér ieur emen t
Le repas, que ce soit en qualité et
quantité, satisfait l’ensemble des
convives. A la fin du repas, l’invité Christian OEXMELIN nous
comte un poème écrit lors de sa
dernière navigation dans le Pacifique.
Pendant ce temps, ABRASIF récolte les doublons de participations des Frères aux agapes.
Après le déjeuner, les Frères, Captives et invités se livrent à la visite
de l’intéressant musée maritime,
de la tour Vauban et pour d’autres,
temps libre à flâner dans cette végétation bien maitrisée avant le
retour sur le continent par le même
bateau/roue à 16 H.
Une photo de groupe est réalisée
avant l’embarquement de retour.
Le prochain Branlebas/Boucan se
déroulera le 12 avril 2014 à Fécamp.
Grand Frère de Normandie
recent development is a contest for
the sculpture of our late Brother
Ludomir Mączka (6), known
widely in the world, long time and
distance sea voyager whose memory is much alive and who is
often affectionately referred to by
his alias of ‘The Sea Monk’
Brother Andrzej Drapella (89)
Polish Brothers
in action
Eugeniusz Moczydlowski (73) from Warsaw Ta-
ble completed sea trials of his
brand new research vessel MAGNUS ZAREMBA and now is in
the process of building a team of
sailors and scientists for first expedition to Antarctic planned for
August-September 2014. Both the
spectrum of possible science data
collection and the abilities of the
custom made boat are impressive.
The Lehmkuhl Visits
Norfolk, VA
and Baltimore, MD
There is now a rare window of
opportunity for scientists involved
in Antarctic studies to join the
team and include their favourite
topic to the research programme.
In case you want to know more
and discuss specifics, please
contact Polish Vigia International
for a direct access to Capt. Moczydlowski.
from Gdańsk Table was for many,
many years a merchant navy and
sail-yacht captain. He is now 85
years old and just received a due
recognition. He became a laureate
for a “Capt. Wiktorowicz Trophy”, which is granted for outstanding performances in sailing, nautical education and transfer of maritime awareness and love of the
sea to the younger generations.
Late Capt. Leszek Wiktorowicz
was himself such a person, well
known in Poland as a builder and
long standing commander of Polish famous sail training ship DAR
MŁODZIEŻY. Trophy bearing his
name was initiated by his heirs
and is supported by other maritime
Jean Pommeret, Table de Gascogne,
Eric Matherne and Mike Monteith,
Chesaleake Bay Table
Brothers Maciej
Krzeptowski (80) and Piotr Owczarski
(127) from Szczecin Table are
instrumental in the development of
an Alley of Sailors situated on the
left embankment of the river Odra
in Szczecin. Since inauguration in
August 2013 there is systematic
influx of objects d’art connected
to the sea and navigation. Most
The US Brotherhood was pleased
to visit the Statsraad Lehmkuhl
which made its annual calls to
Norfolk, Virginia and Baltimore,
Jerzy Knabe
Vigia Internacional, Polonia
The Lehmkuhl's first stop was
Norfolk, Virginia. Usually her
schedule does not allow for the
Chesapeake Bay Brothers and
Captives to share an evening with
our four Norwegian Brothers away
from the ship. Fortunately this
time was different and on
November 8th, we quickly
arranged for an emergency party
for Brothers Marc Seidl, David
Seidl, Per Langhelle, and Lasse
Earlier that week, Brother Jean
Pommeret, from the Table of
Gascogne, France had sailed his
45’ aluminum sloop into Rebel
Marina on his way south. After a
couple of evenings of drinking
copious amounts of rhum, we
convinced Jean Pommeret to stay
for the party. You can imagine
this perfect Brotherhood storm
developing and we needed the
perfect setting. John & Susan
Williams stepped up and offered
their home for the evening of food
and revelry.
Susan’s famous
chicken pot pie was a big hit as
well as were all of the side dishes
and desserts prepared by our
It was an amazing site to see the
inside works of the world’s largest
thr ee- mas ted b ar q ue fr o m
Norway. And what a wonderful
way to meet and host Brothers
from all over the world!
For the US Chesapeake Brothers,
visiting Statsraad Lehmkuhl is
always a greatly anticipated
annual event. In years past,
Brothers have been invited to sail
on-board Statsraad Lehmkulh for
their transit up the Chesapeake
Bay from Norfolk to Baltimore as
well as visits while in Baltimore.
In addition to National Captain
Charles Hankins (Oso) and his
Captive Marcia, four Brothers and
Mates from the Solomons Island
Table plus one prospective
Brother guest and his wife, and
four Brothers and Mates from the
Sailing Capital Annapolis Table
visited the Lehmkuhl.
They were hosted by Commander
and Norwegian Brother Lasse
and Chief Engineer Per Langhelle.
Brother Lasse met them at the
Eastport Yacht Club (Annapolis)
for a drink on the evening of 13
November and we all reassembled
14 November on-board Statsraad
Lehmkuhl moored at the Inner
Harbor, Baltimore for their
Annual Diplomatic Reception
hosted by the Norwegian Defense
Attache. Many of the guests were
from the US State Department as
well as many of the foreign
Defense Attaches assigned to
posts in Washington, DC. There
was a contingent from the U.S.
Naval Academy also.
Guests were treated to a
sumptuous meal of Norwegian
fare and a performance of sea
chanteys by the embarked
Norwegian Cadets. We were able
to meet several of the principals of
the Baltimore City host, Sail
Baltimore. All in all, it was a great
evening of International
Charles Hankins, US NC, Mattigan
McMichael, Annapolis Table and John
Craighill, Salomon Isl. Table Captain
We washed it all down with wine
and beer as we prepared for the
inevitable broadsides with rhum.
A fun time was had by all as
Brothers from three nations
bonded in friendship.
Normally, that would be the end to
the story as we delivered our
Viking Brothers safely back to
their ship. But since Michele and
Scott Ripley had moved Orza to a
marina within crawling distance of
the Statsraad, Per and Lasse were
invited down for “one more
drink.” I’m not sure when Per
went back to the ship, but Lasse
never made it as he crashed in one
of Orza's berths. It was a great
Brotherhood evening with us all
moving slowly the next morning.
However, we did manage to
muster up enough energy for a
grand tour of the STATSRAAD
LEHMKUHL with Per, who
showed us above and below the
decks, including the engine room.
HiisBurgh, Norwegian Navy from
the Norwegian Naval Academy
and assigned to Statsraad
Lehmkuhl as Norwegian Navy
liaison officer. As always, the
officers and crew of Statsraad
Lehmkuhl were gracious hosts and
welcomed US Brothers aboard as
honored guests. Other Statsraad
Lehmkuhl crew brothers who were
not present for the visit to
Baltimore are Captain Marcus
Seidl, First Officer David Seidl
The US Brotherhood was honored
to visit with our Norwegian
Brothers on the Lehmkuhl and we
l o o k f o r wa r d wi t h g r e a t
anticipation and fondness for the
Statsraad Lehmkuhl’s return visit
next year.
Many thanks to Brothers Scott
Ripley and John Craighill for their
Joe Citarella, US Int. Vig.
Promemoria di alcune regole
Rappel de quelques règles
1. TTP est publié 4 fois l'an. Les délais (à respecter absolument) pour l'envoi de matériel rédactionnel sont: le 15
mars, le 15 juin, le 15 septembre et le 1er décembre. Des
numéros spéciaux sont publiés à l'occasion d'événements
internationaux majeurs.
2. TTP est envoyé à tous les Frères figurant sur la BocList,
de préférence pour être imprimé. Cette particularité explique le format pdf qui n'est en principe pas fait pour être lu
sur l'écran. TTP compte toujours un nombre de pages pair,
normalement de 8 à 16, selon les besoins.
3. La rubrique "Nouvelles nationales" est alimentée par les
Confréries nationales elles-mêmes. Les textes seront transmis exclusivement par le Capitaine national ou la Vigie
internationale. TTP, qui depuis 20 ans est l'organe officiel
de la Confrérie, n'accepte donc pas les articles en provenance d'autres sources.
4. Les nouvelles nationales doivent être rédigées dans l'une
des 4 langues officielles de la Confrérie (Espagnol, Italien,
Anglais et Français). Elles ne sont ni traduites ni réécrites
par la rédaction. Seules les erreurs élémentaires seront corrigées. En principe, l'espace accordé à chaque confrérie ne
doit pas excéder une page (ou 4000 signes espaces compris
et sans photo). Contrairement aux nouvelles nationales, les
éditoriaux et les communications de Secoin sont en revanche traduits.
5. Toutes nos règles ont cependant connu des exceptions
dans le passé, et elles en connaîtront sans doute encore dans
le futur. OOOOOrza!
Reminder of a Few Rules
1.TTP is published 4 times a year. Deadlines (which must
be respected) for submitting articles are: March 15, June
15, September 15 and December 1. Special issues are
published on the occasion of major international events.
2.TTP is sent to all Brothers appearing on the BocList in
pdf format for ease of printing, but not necessarily
intended to be read on the screen. TTP always has an even
number of pages, typically 8 to 16, as is required.
3.The feature "National News" is supplied by the national
fraternities themselves. The texts will be forwarded
exclusively by the National Captain or the International
Vigie. TTP, which for 20 years has been the official voice
of the Brotherhood, does not accept articles from other
4.National news should be submitted in one of the four
official languages of the Brotherhood (Spanish, Italian,
English and French). They are not translated or rewritten
by the editor. Only elementary mistakes will be corrected.
In principle, the space given to each fraternity should not
exceed one page (or 4,000 characters including spaces and
without photo). Unlike national news, editorials and
communications from Secoin are translated.
5.All our rules have known exceptions in the past, and
shall, no doubt, know still more in the future. OOOOOrza!
1. TTP viene pubblicato quattro volte all'anno . Scadenze
(che devono essere rispettate ) per la presentazione degli
articoli sono : 15 Marzo , 15 giugno , 15 settembre e 1 °
dicembre. Un’edizione speciale viene pubblicata in
occasione di importanti eventi internazionali .
2. TTP viene inviato a tutti i Fratelli che compaiono sul
BocList in formato pdf per la facilità di stampa , ma non
necessariamente destinati ad essere letti sullo schermo .
TTP ha sempre un numero di pagine , tipicamente 8 a 16 ,
come richiesto .
3.La caratteristica " National News " è fornita dalle stesse
Fratellanze nazionali. I testi saranno trasmessi
esclusivamente dal Capitano nazionale o dal Vigie
Internazionale. TTP, che per 20 anni è stata la voce
ufficiale della Fratellanza , non accetta articoli provenienti
da altre fonti.
4.Le Notizie Nazionali National devono essere presentate
in uno delle quattro lingue ufficiali della Fratellanza
(spagnolo , Italiano , inglese e francese ) . Esse non sono
tradotte o riscritte dall'editor . Solo errori elementari
saranno corretti . In linea di principio , lo spazio dato ad
ogni fraternità non deve superare una pagina ( o 4.000
caratteri compresi gli spazi e senza foto ). A differenza
delle notizie nazionali, gli editoriali e le comunicazioni da
SECOIN sono tradotti .
5.Tutte le nostre regole hanno conosciuto eccezioni in
passato , e senza dubbio , le conosceranno ancora di più in
futuro . OOOOOrza !
Recordatorio de Algunas Reglas
1. TTP se publica 4 veces al año. Los plazos (que deben ser
respetados) para presentar los artículos son: 15 de Marzo,
15 de Junio, 15 de Septiembre y el 1 de Diciembre. Cosas
especiales se publican con motivo de grandes
acontecimientos internacionales.
2. TTP se envía a todos los Hermanos que aparecen en el
BocList en formato pdf, para facilitar su impresión, pero no
necesariamente para ser leídas en la pantalla. TTP siempre
tiene un número par de páginas, normalmente de 8 a 16,
según se requiera.
3. La función de "Noticias Nacionales" es suministrada por
las respectivas Hermandades nacionales. Los textos se
enviarán exclusivamente por los Capitanes Nacionales o los
Vigías internacionales. El TTP, que durante 20 años ha
sido la voz oficial de la Hermandad, no acepta los artículos
de otras fuentes.
4. Las noticias nacionales deberán presentarse en uno de los
cuatro idiomas oficiales de la Hermandad (Español,
Italiano, Inglés y Francés). Estos no son traducidos o
depurados por el editor. Sólo los errores elementales serán
corregidos. En principio, el espacio concedido a cada
hermandad no debe exceder de una página (o 4.000
caracteres incluyendo los espacios y sin foto). A diferencia
de las noticias nacionales, las editoriales y las
comunicaciones de Secoin se traducen.
5. Todas nuestras reglas, como se sabe tenían excepciones
en el pasado y sin lugar a dudas, seguirán habiendo más en
el futuro. OOOOOrza!
Ina was as enthusiastic as
Charles in hosting visiting
Brothers and support for the
Joe Citarella
US Int. Vig
Raduno Nazionale
di Barche del Solstizio
Marciana Marina
Jan. 21, 2014
20/22 Giugno 2014
Come ogni anno la Fratellanza
Italiana riunirà i propri legni presso
uno degli innumerevoli porti
“magici” delle nostre meravigliose
coste per il tradizionale Raduno del
Solstizio d’estate.
Come molti sanno, il Raduno si
svolge ad anni alterni in località che
affacciano sui tre mari che bagnano
l’Italia, Adriatico, Ionio e Tirreno e
proprio in quest’ultimo si svolgerà la
manifestazione che sarà curata in
mare e a terra dalla Tavola di Firenze
guidata dal valente Luogotenente
Canovai “the Old Boy” a Marciana
Marina dal 20 al 22 di giugno.
Nei prossimi giorni si procederà alla
pubblicazione sul sito della
Fratellanza italiana ( del programma che, al
momento, è in definizione degli
ultimi dettagli prevede due giorni di
veleggiate per tutti coloro che
interverranno con i loro legni che
saranno ospitati presso il Circolo
Velico Marciana Marina e escursioni
turistico-culturali per coloro che
rimarranno a terra, il tutto sarà
allietato da canti, balli e
innumerevoli golpe de canon.
Il Raduno si concluderà con la serata
di Gala durante la quale verranno
premiati i vincitori delle veleggiate
con i loro equipaggi.
Per maggiori informazioni scrivere a
scrivano [email protected] o
telefonare al +39063016622
Dave Nofs, aka Moon
Our Suncoast and international
sailing brother Dave Nofs,
"Moon" no. 158 passed away on
Tuesday 1/21/14.
Dec. 11, 2013
Charles (Slow Goose)
It is with great sadness that I
announce to my Brothers that
Charles (Slow Goose) Fine has
embarked on his final sail to the
Eternal Sea.
Charles was an enthusiastic
Brother, past Captain of the NY
Table and Sage for the US
Brotherhood. He recently
received the "For The Merit"
award from US Captain Charlie
Hankins, which is the highest
award for outstanding
contributions to the US
Brotherhood. Charles always
had a ready smile and his home
was open to all Brothers who
needed a bunk. Charles' Captive
Dave became a brother in the
very early days of the Suncoast
table in 1990 and then very
quickly became the envy of many of us by sailing off to the
Caribbean with Judi on their
Endeavor 40 "FIA". After that,
we mostly got to see Dave and
Judi on the best of occasions, at
parties, both nationally and
internationally. Now we are
trying to gather some of those
memories with any photos or
anecdotes that anyone has of
By Frère Boz (GB)
VIDEO: una propuesta chilena !
El Supercilious nos llevará entre tortugas gigantes y
leones marinos de las Galapagos, a los tormentosos
mares del Sur entre témpanos, por los fascinentes y
tortuosos fiordos de la Patagonia, por el cabo de las
tempestades: el Cabo de Hornos, rozando las Malvinas y de repente rodeado de ballenas asesinas, a la
sugestiva bahía de Guanabara en Rio de Janeiro, la
Isla del Diablo y de regreso a Venezuela, después de
siete largos meses de viaje.
Para pedir el libro, enviar un mensaje a:
[email protected]
Nuestro hermano Norge Lilla, con más de 40 años
como hombre del mar, narra sin ficciones, con la
cruda realidad, como su barco y tripulación desafíaron al mar con éxito en la conquista de este clásico
El Tortuga Post es enviado libremente por Email a todos los Hermanos que se están inscritos en BOC-Lista. Las Hermandades nacionales están autorizadas para utilizarlo de acuerdo
a sus necesidades: copias, traducciones parciales, etc, con la condición sin embargo que
siempre se indique la fuente. Por su parte, los
Vigías internacionales comunicarán con uno u
otro de los redactores o a SECOIN las noticias
de su fraternidad. Estos comunicados serán
escritos en una de los cuatro idiomas oficiales
de la fraternidad, y no traducidos normalmente.
The Tortuga Post is sent free by e-mail to all
the Brothers who are on the BOC-List. The
national Brotherhoods are authorized to use it
to fit their needs: copies, partial translations,
etc., with the condition that the source always
be indicated. For their part, the International
Lookouts will communicate the news of their
Brotherhood to one of editors or to SECOIN.
These official news will be written in one of
the four official languages of the Brotherhood
and will normally not be translated.
The Tortuga Post est adressé gratuitement par
e-mail à tous les Frères qui figurent sur la
BOC-List. Les confréries nationales sont
autorisées à l'utiliser au mieux de leurs besoins: copies, traductions partielles, etc., à la
condition toutefois que la source soit toujours
indiquée. Pour leur part, les Vigies internationales communiqueront à l'un ou l'autre des
rédacteurs ou à SECOIN les nouvelles de leur
confrérie. Ces communiqués seront rédigés
dans l'une des quatre langues officielles de la
Confrérie, et ne seront normalement pas traduits.
Il The Tortuga Post è inviato gratuitamente
per posta elettronica a tutti i Fratelli che sono
nella BOC-List. Le Fratellanze Nazionali sono
autorizzate a utilizzare per le loro esigenze
copie e traduzioni anche parziali a condizione
che ne sia sempre indicata la fonte. Da parte
loro i Vigìa Internazionali comunicheranno a
uno dei Redattori o a SECOIN le notizie
relative alla loro Fratellanza. Questi
comunicati saranno redatti in una delle
quattro lingue ufficiali della Fratellanza e di
regola non saranno tradotti.
ATTENTION: tu reçois The Tortuga Post parce que tu figures sur la
BocList. Si tu changes d'adresse,
envoie donc ton nouvel e-mail
directement au responsable de la
BocList (et non à la rédaction) :
ATENCIÓN : Tu recibes The Tortuga Post porque figuras en el
listado del BOCLIST. Si cambias
de dirección envía tu nuevo email
directamente al BOCLIST
(y no a esta redacción) :
ATTENZIONE: tu ricevi il The
Tortuga Post perchè sei memorizzato nella BocList. Se cambi indirizzo manda la tua nuova e-mail
direttamente al responsabile della
BocList e non a questa redazione:
WARNING: You receive The Tortuga Post because you appear on
the BocList. If you change your
address please send your new email directly to the managing party
for the BocList (and not the
publisher of TTP):
[email protected]
Vol.XX/1 no 75 XII.2014
Boletín informativo oficial
de los Hermanos de la Costa.
The official newsletter
of the Brotherhood of the Coast.
Bulletin d'information officiel
des Frères de la Côte.
Notiziario ufficiale dei Fratelli della Costa
Editor honorario de la parte española:
Aldo Devoto Pascualetti
Honorary English Editor :
René Fiechter
Director of the publication
and English Editor:
Tony Olmer (SECOIN)
Phone: (+1) 203-854-9558
@: [email protected]
Editor de la parte española :
Rene Olhaberry Gonzalez
Tel. fijo:
(56 2) 8487193
Móvil: 98217839
@: [email protected]
Editore della parte italiana :
Maurizio Piantoni,
tel. 00 39 06 3016622
mobile 00 39 348 7806234
@: [email protected]
Editeur de la partie française ,
coordination finale et production:
Jacques Rial
Mobile: ++41 79 356 17 86
@: [email protected]
Tony Olmer
6 Fourth Street
Norwalk, CT 06855 U.S.A.
Phone: (+1) 203-854-9558
Fax: (+1) 203-852-0260
Next issue:
III/ 2014
@: [email protected]
Deadlines, délais, plazos, scadenze
2014 :
Indice Contents Sommaire
No. 76 15/06/2014
No. 77 15/09/2014
No 78 1/12/2014
Editorial 1-2
International News 2-3
National News 4-10
TTP: règles, rules, regole, reglas 9
Última Travesía 10
Cartoon, Book, Video 11

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