EFRAIN KRISTAL Books Invisible Work. Borges and Translation


EFRAIN KRISTAL Books Invisible Work. Borges and Translation
Invisible Work. Borges and Translation. Vanderbilt University Press, 2002.
Temptation of the Word The novels of Mario Vargas Llosa. Nashville and London,
Vanderbilt University Press, 1998.
The Andes Viewed from the City. Literary and Political Discourse on the Indian in Peru
1848-1930, New York, Peter Lang, 1987.
--Spanish translation: Una visión urbana de los Andes. Génesis y desarrollo del
indigenismo en el Perú 1848-1930, Lima, Serie Tiempo Historia; Instituto de Apoyo
Agrario, 1991.
Edited Volumes
The Cambridge Companion to the Latin American Novel,
Cambridge University Press, 2005.
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Novel, Oxford, Wiley Press, Associate Editor [Peter
Logan, editor in chief], 2011.
The Cambridge Companion to Mario Vargas Llosa, co-edited with John King, 2012
Jorge Luis Borges, Poems of the Night, New York, Penguin Books, edition, introduction
and notes by Efraín Kristal, 2010.
Cesar Vallejo, Los heraldos negros, co-edited with Marta Ortiz Canseco with an
introductory essay by Efraín Kristal, Madrid, Ediciones Castalia, 2009.
Clorinda Matto de Turner, Aves sin nido. Notes, chronology and bibliography by Efraín
Kristal, Caracas, Biblioteca Ayacucho, 1993.
Efraín Kristal
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“Poetry as Fiction,” Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, Princeton University
Press, 2012, pp. 484-485.
“Poetry of Peru,” (co-authored with Marta Ortiz Canseco), Princeton Encyclopedia of
Poetry and Poetics, Princeton University Press, 2012, pp. 1027-1030.
“Refundiciones literarias y biográficas en La ciudad y los perros,” in Mario Vargas Llosa,
La ciudad y los perros. Edición conmemorativa del cincuentenario, Madrid, Alfaguara,
2012, pp. 539-557.
"Literature in the Philosophy of Peter Sloterdijk," Sloterdijk Now, Stuart Elden (ed.),
Cambridge, U.K., Polity Press, 2012, pp. 147-164.
“Introduction,” co-authored with John King, The Cambridge Companion to Mario
Vargas Llosa, 2012, pp. 1-8.
“The Total Novel and the Novella. Conversation in The Cathedral and The Cubs,” The
Cambridge Companion to Mario Vargas Llosa, 2012, pp. 37-48.
“From Utopia to Reconciliation. Paradise Around the Corner, The Bad Girl, and The
Dream of the Celt,” The Cambridge Companion to Mario Vargas Llosa, 2012, pp.129147.
“An Interview with Mario Vargas Llosa,” The Cambridge Companion to Mario Vargas
Llosa, 2012, pp. 212-220.
"Fiction and the Novel," The Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Novel, Volume I, 2011, pp.
"Art and Literature in the Liquid Modern Age. On Richard Wollheim, Zygmunt Bauman
and Yves Michaud," The Blackwell Companion to Comparative Literature, Oxford,
2011, pp. 108-119.
"Mario Vargas Llosa y la Comedia Humana de Balzac," Turia, Número 97-98, MarchMay 2011, pp. 298-300.
"Richard Wollheim on Art and Psychoanalysis," Navigatio vitae. Saggi per I settant’anni
di Remo Bodei (Festschrift in honor of Remo Bodei), edited by Luiggi Ballerini, Andrea
Borsari and Massimo Ciavolella, New York, Agincourt Press, 2010, pp. 123-134.
“Literatura y filosofía moral según Jacques Bouveresse,” Anuario de Estudios
Filológicos, vol. XXXII, 2009, pp. 145-156
Efraín Kristal
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“Sobre Ajuar Funerario de Fernando Iwasaki,” in Adélaîde de Chatellus (ed.), El cuento
hispanoamericano contemporáneo, Paris, ADEHL, 2009, pp. 133-138.
“Vargas Llosa, Mario (1936—)” Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture,
edited by Jay Kinsbruner and Erick D. Langer. 2nd ed., Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2008.
“Ergal’s Edition of Proust’s Translation of Ruskin’s The Bible of Amiens,” Between
Texts, Languages and Cultures. A Festscrifft for Michael Henry Heim, Craig Cravens,
Masako U. Fidler and Susan C. Kresin (eds.), Bloomingon, Slavica, 2008, pp. 325-332.
"Los últimos reyes godos y el final del imperio incaico
en los Comentarios reales de los incas," in Simulacros de la fantasía
Nuevas indagaciones sobre arte y literatura virreinales, Ballón, Aguirre, Enrique,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, 2007, pp. 405-409.
“Unrequited Sublimations: Borges Reads Spinoza,” The Romanic Review, Volume 98,
Numbers 2-3 (March-May) 2007, pp. 225-236.
“Relectura de Conversación en La Catedral de Mario Vargas Llosa,” Letras Libres,
Octubre 2007.
“Primera edición bilingüe de la Poesía Completa de César Vallejo,” Chasqui. El Correo
del Perú, Año 5, Número 11, Octubre, 2007, p. 5
“Introduction,” Vallejo, César, The Complete Poetry. A Bilingual Edition, Edited and
Translated by Clayton Eshleman. With a Foreword by Mario Vargas Llosa, and a
Chronology by Stephen M. Hart, University of California Press, 2007, pp. 1-20.
“’Considerando en frío…’. Una respuesta a Franco Moretti,” América Latina en la
‘literatura mundial,’” Ignacio M. Sánchez Prado (ed.), Pittsburgh, IILI-Biblioteca de
América, 2006, pp. 101-116.
“Screening Peru. The Films of Francisco Lombardi,” New Left Review, 42 (Nov Dec
2006) : 99-114.
“El Quijote experesionsta de Elías Canetti,” special issue on Cervantes, Estudios
Públicos, Santiago de Chile, Número 100, Primavera 2005, pp. 271-282.
“Rebeldía y fantasia,” Prologue to Mario Vargas Llosa, Obras Completas III, Novelas y
Teatro (1980-1986), Barcelona, Círculo de lectores, 2005, pp. 9-34.
Introduction to “César Vallejo. Fourteen Poems Translated From the Spanish by Clayton
Eshleman,” The American Poetry Review, 34; 3 (May/June 2005) : 25
Efraín Kristal
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Prologue to Thomas Mann’s Die Zauberberg in a new Spanish translation by Isabel
García Adánez, in Mann, Thomas, La montaña mágica, Barcelona, Círculo de lectores,
2005, pp. 9-28.
“The Lovelorn Librarian: On Edwin Williamson’s Borges a Life,” New Left Review, 31
(Jan/Feb 2005) : 153-160.
“La violencia política en la narrativa peruana: 1848-1998,” Belay, Raynald, Jorge
Bracamonte, Carlos Iván Degregori and Jena Joinville Vacher (eds.), Memorias en
conflicto. Aspectos de la violencia política contemporánea, Lima, IEP and IFEA, 2004,
pp. 337-343.
“La Perricholi de Ventura García Calderón: una creación literaria a partir de un
imaginario híbrido,” Latein Aemrica. Orte un ordnungen des Wissens. Festshrift für
Birgit Scharlau, Sabine Hoffman and Monika Wehrheim (eds.), Tübingen, Guntger Narr
Verlag, 2004, pp. 101-108.
“Création littéraire et culture religieuse: Northrop Frye, Kenneth Burke, Harold Bloom et
George Steiner,” Esprit, (December 2003) : 34-50.
“Lessons from the Golden Age (On García Márquez’s Living to Tell the Tale,” New Left
Review, 24 (Nov/Dec 2003) : 145-153. Also published as a revised article in Stephen M.
Hart (ed.) A Companion to Magical Realism, London, Tamesis, 2005, pp. 88-97.
“Interpreting Andean Myths: the Case of Garcilaso Inca de la Vega,” in Lisa Block de
Behar (ed.), Entre mitos y conocimiento, Montevideo, Association internationale de
littérature comparée, 2003, pp. 105-118.
“La faute n’est pas dans les étoiles…” in Bensoussan, Albert, (ed.) Mario Vargas Llosa,
Paris, Editions de l’Herne, 2003, pp. 243-251.
“Bret Harte, Ricardo Palma: Recreadores del pasado americano,” in Annette Paatz and
Burkhard Pohl (eds.), Texto Social: Estudios pragmáticos sobre literatura y cine.
Homenaje a Manfred Engelbert, Berlin, Verlag Walter Frey, 2003, pp.363-372.
“Jorge Luis Borges y Octavio Paz: Poéticas de la traducción y traducción poética,” Studi
Ispanici, MMII (2002) : 261-270.
“Borges Translates North American Literature (Whitman, Poe, London, and Melville),”
in Buchanau, Barbara and Annette Paatz (eds.), Do the Americas have a Common
Literary History?, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2002, pp. 343-352.
“Borges und die Ubersetzung,” in Ubersetzan in Lateinamerika, Birgit Scharlau (ed.),
Tübingen, Guner Narr Verlag, 2002, pp. 159-176.
“’Considering Coldly...’ A Response to Franco Moretti,” New Left Review, 15 (May June
2002) : 61-74.
Efraín Kristal
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“Facundo (Domingo F. Sarmiento, 1845),” in Moretti, Franco (ed.), Il Romanzo. Le
Forme II, Turin, Enaudi, 2002, pp. 153-162.
“La presencia de César Vallejo en Esperando a Godot de Samuel Beckett,” in De
Palabras, Imágenes y Símbolos: Homenaje a José Pascual Buxó, Mexico City,
Universidad Autonoma de México, 2002, pp. 667-674.
“Triumphs of Humility. Borges and Translation,” Catalogue for the exhibition: Borges,
the Time Machine, Buenos Aires, Fausto Vazaquez, 2001, pp. 8-10.
“Pedro Mexía y el paradigma del infiel en Ercilla,” La producción simbólica en la
América colonial, José Pascual Buxó (ed.), México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
México, 2001, pp. 15-25.
“La política y la crítica literaria. El caso Vargas Llosa,” Perspectivas, vol. 4, n. 2, 2001,
pp. 339-351.
“Heidegger and the Psychology of Art,” Klaus-Peter Veit (ed.) Zwischen Literatur und
Philosophie. Suche nach dem Menschlichen, Berlin, WVB, 2000, pp. 53-62.
“Retaggio Spagnolo e ‘Americanidad,’” Puccini, Dario and Saúl Yurkiévich (eds.) Storia
Della Civilta’ Letteraria Ispanoamericana. Volume Primo. Dall’Età Precolombiana
All’Ottocento, Turin, UTET, 2000, pp. 483-501.
"The Incest Motif in Narratives of the United States and Spanish America," Udo
Schöning (ed.) Internationalität nationaler Literaturen, Goettingen, Wallestein Verlag,
2000, pp. 390-403.
Introduction to Mario Vargas Llosa’s Cervantes and the Craft of Fiction, Vanderbilt
University Press, 1999, pp. 3-6.
“Donoso y el discreto encanto de la ternura,” Anthropos, nos. 184-85 (1999) : 163-166.
“Borges en el Collège de France,” Taller de Letras, no. 27 (1999) : 117-118.
"Borges y la traducción," Lexis, Vol. XXIII, no.1, (1999) : 3-23.
"La historia imperial de España en el Orlando Furioso y La Araucana," in Dulce et
decorum est philologiam colere: Festschrift für Dietrich Briesemeister, Sybille Grosse
and Axel Schoenberger (eds.), Berlin, Domus Editoria Europea, 1999, pp. 1667-1677.
"Captive in the Wilderness: An Argentine Adaptation of an Anglo-Saxon Image," in
Frank, Armin Paul and Helga Essmann (eds.), The Internationality of National
Literatures in Either America: Transfer and Transformation, Goettingen, Wallstein
Verlag, 1999, pp. 215-230.
Efraín Kristal
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"Goths and Turks and the Representation of Pagans and Infidels in Garcilaso and
Ercilla," in Garcilaso Inca de la Vega, an American Humanist, José Anadón (ed.), Notre
Dame University Press, 1998, pp. 110-125.
"Lo demoniaco con urbanidad: Mario Vargas Llosa y Thomas Mann," Insula. 624
(1998) : 19-20.
"Walter Benjamin: el Mesianismo y la Traducción," Teoría/Crítica. 4 (1997) : 135-143.
"Captain Pantoja and the Special Service. A Transitional Novel," Review of
Contemporary Literature 17.1 (1997) 52-57.
"A Reading of The Real Life of Alejandro Mayta in the light of Joseph Conrad's Under
Western Eyes," Antipodas, VII-IX (1996/1997) : 205-215.
"La literatura y el lenguaje de la religión: Frye, Burke, Bloom y Steiner,"
Teoría/Crítica. 3 (1996) : 483-495.
"Lo más oscuro del verano: interpretando un poema de Blanca Varela," Essays in honor
of Gisela Beutler, S. Neumeister (ed.), Neue Romania, 16 (1995) : 131-135.
"The degree zero of Spanish-American Cultural History and the
Role of Native populations in the Formation of Pre-Independence National Pasts" in
Poetics Today 15:4 (Winter 1994) : 587-603.
"En torno a la historia del concepto de la historia literaria hispanoamericana," Special
issue, Pedro Aullón de Haro (ed.): "Teoría de la historia de la literatura y el arte,"
Teoría/Crítica. 1 (1994) : 195-209.
"Julio Ramón Ribeyro," Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 145: Modern Latin
American Fiction Writers. Luis, William and Ann González (eds.) Detroit, Bruccoli
Clark Layman, 1994, pp. 257-262.
"Asociaciones: una lectura de Mephisto Waltzer," Mester, Vol. xxiii, no. 2, (Fall 1994) :
45-51. Reprinted in Literatura Mexicana V:1 (1994) : 111-116.
"Fábulas clásicas y neoplatónicas en Los Comentarios reales de los Incas," Cortest, Luis
(ed.) Homenaje a José Durand, Madrid, Verbum, 1993, pp. 47-59.
"Bello, Lastarria, and Sarmiento: Dialogues and polemics," in Sarmiento and his
Argentina, Joseph Crescenti (ed.), Boulder and London, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1993,
pp. 61-70.
"Lo mágico-religioso en el indigenismo y en la vida de José María Arguedas," Mester,
Vol. xxii, No. 1, Spring 1993, pp. 19-29.
Efraín Kristal
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"Eros y transfiguración: La palabra y la mirada de Octavio Paz," special issue on
painting and poetry, Boletín de la Fundación Federico García Lorca, no. 9, Junio 1991,
pp. 119-135.
"Mario Vargas Llosa y la función social de la literatura," in Ciplijauskaité, B. and Ch.
Maurer (eds.) La voluntad de humanismo. Homenaje a Juan Marichal, Barcelona,
Anthropos, 1990, pp. 249-260.
"Clorinda Matto de Turner," in Solé, Carlos A., and María Isabel Abreu (eds.) Latin
American Writers, New York, Scribner's Sons, 1990, Vol. I, pp. 305-309.
"Del indigenismo a la narrativa urbana en el Perú," Revista de crítica literaria
latinoamericana, vol. XIV, no. 27, (1988) : 57-74.
"Problemas filológicos e históricos en Páginas libres de González Prada," Revista de
crítica literaria latinoamericana, vol. XI, no. 23, (1986) : 141-150.
"El narrador en la obra de Julio Ramón Ribeyro," Revista de crítica literaria
latinoamericana, no. 20, (1984) : 155-169. Reprinted in Márquez, Ismael P., and César
Ferreire (eds.) Asedios a Julio Ramón Ribeyro, Lima, Pontifica Universidad Católica del
Perú, 1996, pp. 127-148.
“Entrevista con Julio Ramón Ribeyro,” Renacimiento. Revista de Literatura, vol. II, nos.
41-42 (2003) : 3-35.
"Entrevista con Blanca Varela," Mester, Vol. xxiv, No. 2 (Fall 1995) 133 : 150.
"El rostro y la máscara: entrevista con Sergio Pitol," Revista de Literatura
Iberoamericana, vol. LII, no. 141 (October-December 1987) : 981-994.
"Goldemberg: A caballo entre dos culturas," Hueso Húmero, no. 7 (October-December
1980) : 53-66.
"Entretien avec Alfredo Bryce Echenique," Imprévue, 1979 : 221-239.
“Entrevista: Efraín Kristal. Historia de un desencuentro,” by Gabriela Wiener, El
Comercio, Lima, November 25, 2001.
“La Filosofía Literaria,” by Magdalena Edwards Cox in El Mercurio. Suplemento Artes y
Letras, Santiago de Chile, December 24, 2000.
“Efraín Kristal y el Borges traductor,” El Comercio. Cultural, Lima, September 23, 1996,
p. 10.
Efraín Kristal
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“Gerald Martin. Gabriel García Márquez. A Life. Alfred A. Knopf, 2009,” San
Francisco Chronicle, June 7, 2009.
“House of Desires by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Royal Shakespeare Company, Swan
Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon, June 30, 2004,” Review: Latin American Literature, Issue
70; Vol. 38, No. 1 (May 2005) :119-121.
“Mario Vargas Llosa. The Way to Paradise. Translated by Natasha Wimmer, New
York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003,” Review: Latin American Literature, Issue 69;
Vol. 37, No. 2 (November 2004) :337-339.
“Mario Vargas Llosa. La fiesta del chivo. Madrid: Alfaguara, 2000,” Mester, Vol. XXIX,
(2000) : 192-194.
"Clorinda Matto de Turner. Birds Without a Nest: A Story of Indian Life and Priestly
Oppression in Peru Translated by J.G.H. emended with a foreword by Naomi
Lindstrom,” and “Clorinda Matto de Turner, Torn from the Nest Translated by John H.R.
Polt.”, Review: Latin American Literature, Vol. 60 (Spring, 1999) : 88-90.
"Mario Vargas Llosa. Making Waves. Edited and Translated by John King, Review:
Latin American Literature, Vol. 57 (Fall 1998) : 79-80.
"Martin S. Stabb. The Dissenting Voice. The New Essay of Spanish America 1960-1985,
Latin American Literary Review.
"Thomas. M. Scheerer. Mario Vargas Llosa. Leben und Werk. Eine Einführung,"
Iberoamericana, Vol.53, no.1 (1994) : 100-101.
"Leopoldo M. Bernucci. Historia de un malentendido. Un estudio transtextual de La
guerra del fin del mundo de Mario Vargas Llosa," Estudios Hispánicos.
"Richard Morse, O espelho de Próspero: Cultura e idéias nas Américas," Hispanic
American Historical Review, Vol. 69, no. 4 (Nov. 1989) : 752-753.
"César Vallejo, Tungsten, translated by Robert Mezey," Erato: Harvard Book Review.
nos. 11-12, (Winter and Spring 1989) : 20.
"Octavio Paz, Sor Juana or the traps of faith; A Sor Juana Anthology translated by Alan
S. Trueblood," Erato: Harvard Book Review, nos. 9-10 (Fall, Winter 1988) : 5-6.
"Raúl Bueno, Poesía hispanoamericana de vanguardia," Hispamérica, no. 45, 1986.
"Unidad y diversidad en la literatura actual," Sábado, México, D.F., June 10, 1981.
Efraín Kristal
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Critères esthétiques et jugement de goût, by Yves Michaud (In progress, commissioned
by the Green Integer Press)
Le forme del Bello, by Remo Bodei (In progress, commissioned by the University of
Toronto Press)
"The Disputed Legacy of Christopher Columbus," Mario Vargas Llosa's 1992
Commencement address at Boston University, Bostonia, Summer, 1992, pp.45-48.
“Borges’ Time,” Juan José Saer, Catalogue for the exhibition: Borges, the Time
Machine, Buenos Aires, Fausto Vazaquez, 2001, pp. 6-8.
(1) On Jorge Luis Borges, BBC Radio, In Our Time with Melvyn Bragg:
(2) Keynote address for the annual symposium sponsored by the Institute of the
Americas held in Paris on Nov. 14, 2010 (Note: click under "colloque annuel 2010").
(2) Interview and presentation of Mario Vargas Llosa for the Lannan Foundation:
(3) On Mario Vargas Llosa, PBS NewsHour (Television):
(4) On Mario Vargas Llosa, "Here on Earth," a NPR (Radio):
http://www.wpr.org/hereonearth <http://www.wpr.org/hereonearth>
(5) Interview for UCLA media posted as my institution's response to Mario Vargas
Llosa's Nobel prize:
Efraín Kristal
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(7) Literary event sponsored by the Peruvian Ministry of Culture to honor Mario Vargas
Llosa in Peru on his return from Stockholm after receiving the Nobel prize (Broadcast on
live television in Peru and Spain).
(6) Interview for segment on Vargas Llosa for UNIVISION's "Aquí y ahora"

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