1 Spanish 409. Advanced Spanish Syntax Fall Quarter 2005 Libro


1 Spanish 409. Advanced Spanish Syntax Fall Quarter 2005 Libro
Spanish 409. Advanced Spanish Syntax
Fall Quarter 2005
Office Phone:
Office hours:
Dr. Teresa Fernández-Ulloa
DDH 104K
Classroom meetings: M/W/F,
2:00-3:25 pm
Language Lab: DDH/E-102
Language Lab Technician: Joe McFaddin
Language Lab Phone: 665-6028
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://www.csub.edu/~tfernandez_ulloa
Dept. phone: 665-2359
Dept. Adm. Asst.: Diana Torres
Dept. office: DDH/B-115
Libro de texto:
Guillermo Hernández: Análisis gramatical, Madrid, SGEL, 2000.
Estrella Montolío: Manual de escritura académica, Barcelona, Ariel, 2004.
(Also see Course reserves or course web site).
A course in written and verbal stylistics, with emphasis on Spanish Syntax.
Prerequisite: competency in Spanish at the 202 level or the equivalent, or permission of
the instructor.
Al final del curso el alumno tendrá un conocimiento avanzado de la lengua española
(acentuación, puntuación, léxico, morfología y sintaxis, planificación y redacción de
textos académicos).
-Conocer las estructuras morfológicas y sintácticas de la lengua española.
Conocimientos de análisis morfológico y sintáctico, que se lograrán a través del estudio
de la gramática de cada sección y de los ejercicios realizados en clase y en casa.
Durante el curso habrá dos exámenes, que valdrán un 25% de la nota final cada uno. En
dichos exámenes el alumno debe conocer la teoría expuesta en el libro de texto. Los
ejercicios que aparecen en dicho libro, y que el alumno debe hacer en clase y en su casa,
son fundamentales para el aprendizaje y serán el modelo que el profesor seguirá en el
examen. El alumno es responsable de revisar las respuestas en la sección de soluciones, si
es que no puede venir a clase algún día.
El examen final valdrá un 25% de la nota total.
-Mejorar la escritura académica, con especial atención a los siguientes elementos:
I. Cuestiones oracionales: reglas de acentuación, normativa morfosintáctica,
precisión, adecuación, selección y riqueza léxica
II. Estrategias fundamentales: Planificación, redacción y revisión de un texto
III. Mecanismos lingüísticos propios de un texto planificado: puntuación, uso de
conectores y marcadores discursivos, mecanismos de objetivación.
Ser capaz de escribir un texto académico al nivel requerido en los cursos superiores de
nuestro departamento; ello se logrará mediante las explicaciones del profesor, seguidas de
lecturas y ejercicios prácticos, además de algunas composiciones.
Nos ocuparemos de reglas de acentuación, puntuación y cómo escribir textos expositivos
y argumentativos. Habrá varias composiciones en las que se pondrá en práctica lo
aprendido en la sección de escritura académica. Las composiciones estarán relacionadas
con el tema que se trata en los documentales y películas vistas en clase. Las
composiciones deberán traerse el día del examen.
--Se valorará una asistencia participativa y respetuosa con el profesor y los demás alumnos.
El alumno que falte 4 días sin justificar (sólo por motivos médicos) tendrá una F en el
curso. Esta nota supondrá un 10% de la nota final.
10. Lección 1. La oración gramatical y las partes de la oración. La interjección
12. Lección 1. La oración gramatical y las partes de la oración. La interjección
14. Escritura académica: las expresiones referenciales.
17. Documentary: Caminantes, by Fernando León de Aranoa. 60 minutes.
19. Lección 2. El nombre, núcleo del sintagma nominal
21. Lección 2. El nombre, núcleo del sintagma nominal
24. Escritura académica: La puntuación
26. Lección 3. El pronombre
28. Lección 3. El pronombre
1. Film: Las tortugas también vuelan, by Bahman Ghobadi. 95 minutes. (“Caminantes”
and “Las tortugas también vuelan”, compositions are due October 24)
3. Lección 4. (And end of the documentary)
5. Lección 4.
8. Escritura académica: La puntuación
10. Lección 5.
12. Lección 5
15. Escritura académica: objetividad e implicación
17. Lección 6
19. Lección 6
22. Repaso examen. Escritura académica: tipos de texto (exposición, argumentación…)
24. Exam 1: lessons 1-6 (and compositions)
26. Lección 7
29 Documentary: Señorita extraviada, by Lourdes Portillo. 74 minutes.
31. Lección 7
2. Lección 8
5. Film: Bread and Roses, by Ken Loach. 110 minutes.
7. Lección 8. (And end of the film)
9. Oraciones compuestas
12. Holiday.
14. Oraciones compuestas
16. Oraciones compuestas
19. Last day of classes. Exam 2: lessons 7-to the last material we cover (and
compositions: “Señorita extraviada” and “Bread and roses”)
(Students with a D+ or less in Exam 1 should repeat that exam the day of the second
During the lesson, the student will have to prepare exercises. They will be corrected
in class.
After each lesson, students have to prepare, for the next day of class, the exercises
called “Ejercicios de recapitulación y autoevaluación”, at the end of the lesson.
FINAL EXAM: November 26, 2:00-4:30 p.m.
EXTRA CREDIT: activities related to the documentary En el mundo a cada rato.
This syllabus is subject to change to meet the needs of the class. Any such change will be
announced. Students are invited and encouraged to contact the instructor for assistance during
regular office hours whenever they feel it desirable or necessary. If you cannot come at those
hours, send me an e-mail and we will do it by appointment.
EXCUSE (medical, etc.).
GRADING PROCEDURE: The grading system in all Spanish courses is identical to the
one described on page 70 of the 2005-2007 CSUB Catalog. Students will be given letter
grades on all their tests; on their written assignments, such as compositions, and on their
final exam.
A student's grade will depend on the following factors:
Classroom participation and behavior
Final exam
The letter grades given will be as follows: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F
A 100-94
A- 93-90
B+ 89-87
B 86-84
B- 83-80
C+ 79-77
C 76-74
C- 73-70
D+ 69-67
D 66-64
D- 63-60
F 59-0
The CSUB rules regarding the integrity of scholarship will be strictly enforced. For your
information, the rules, as they appear on page 80 of the 2005-2007 CSUB Catalog are as
The principles of truth and honesty are recognized as fundamental to a community of
teachers and scholars. The University expects that both faculty and students will honor
these principles and in so doing protect the validity of University grades. This means that
all academic work will be done by the student to whom it is assigned, without
unauthorized aid of any kind. Instructors, for their part, will exercise care in the planning
and supervision of academic work so that honest effort will be positively encouraged.
Plagiarism, the practice of taking ideas and writings from another and offering them as
one's own, is a form of cheating and is unacceptable. It may consist of handing in
someone else's work, copying a composition, using ideas, paragraphs, sentences, or
phrases written by another or using ideas, data, and statistics compiled by another. This
includes rearrangement of phrases from the original into a new pattern.
When using ideas, interpretations, or material written or compiled by another,
acknowledgement of indebtedness to the original author or source must be made by the
use of quotation marks, footnotes or similar references.
A student may not submit a paper (or two papers which are substantially the same) for
credit in two different courses unless a prior agreement to accept such work has been
made between the instructors involved.
If any instance of academic dishonesty is discovered by an instructor, it is the instructor's
responsibility to give a failing grade to the student for the course. In every case, the
instructor should notify in writing the Dean of Students and the dean of the school in
which the student is enrolled of the circumstances of the case. In all cases of academic
dishonesty, the first offense will result in the student's receiving an "F" in the course and
the second offense will result in termination of the student's enrollment at the University.
A student may appeal any sanction employed by the instructor and the University based
upon an allegation of academic dishonesty by initiating grievance procedures within no
more than fifteen (15) school days (academic year) after notification of the grade is
mailed or personally given to the student. Procedures are available in the School deans'
Documentaries and films’ topics:
1. Caminantes (España)
This documentary begins in early 2001 as Mexican Zapatistas began a march to Mexico
City to support the San Andres Accord and to protest the oppression of Mexico's rural
indigenous population.
2. Señorita extraviada (México)
Señorita Extraviada, Missing Young Woman tells the story of the hundreds of kidnapped,
raped and murdered young women of Juárez, Mexico. The murders first came to light in
1993 and young women continue to "disappear" to this day (2005) without any hope of
bringing the perpetrators to justice. Who are these women from all walks of life and why
are they getting murdered so brutally?
The documentary moves like the unsolved mystery it is, and the filmmaker poetically
investigates the circumstances of the murders and the horror, fear and courage of the
families whose children have been taken. Yet it is also the story of a city of the future; it
is the story of the underbelly of our global economy.
3. Las tortugas también vuelan (Kurdistán iraquí)
This third feature from internationally acclaimed Iranian filmmaker Bahman Ghobadi is
set in his native Kurdistan on the eve of the American invasion of Iraq. The devastation
to this land and its inhabitants is revealed in the matter-of-fact perspective of the children
and is equally displayed with every poignant detail of its unbearable nature. (IFC Films).
Set in Ghobadi's native Kurdistan, close to the Turkey-Iran border. Soran is a 13-year-old
boy who orders other children around as he installs an antenna for villagers keen to hear
of Saddam's fall. Eventually, he falls for Agrin but is disturbed by her brother Henkov,
who was left armless after he stepped on a landmine and who can now seemingly predict
the future.
4. Bread and Roses (Reino Unido, Francia, Alemania, España, Italia, Suiza)
The loftily titled Bread and Roses, Loach's first film made in the United States (with
alternating Spanish and English subtitles), is set against the janitors' strike in L.A. in
1988. The Service Employees International Union was yet another union busted in the
Reagan years. Janitors who had been paid up to $13 an hour with benefits were replaced
by nonunion, usually immigrant, laborers making minimum wage.
A group called Justice for Janitors publicly embarrassed some high-profile companies-such as the William Morris Agency--with joke awards. In June 1990, the LAPD attacked
a janitors' march, roughing up a pregnant woman who later miscarried.

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