mark your calendar - All Saints Catholic Church


mark your calendar - All Saints Catholic Church
That Man is You ! Honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern
culture, especially those relating to their roles as
husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of
the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop
the vision of man fully alive. It was St. Ireanus who
said back in the 3c. that The Glory Of God is Man fully
alive !" More details will be coming soon with the
program scheduled to begin Friday, September 12th.
For more information
Contact Greg Getty @ [email protected] or
A truly American sentiment recognizes the dignity
of labor and the fact that honor lies in honest toil.
—Grover Cleveland
Interested in becoming Catholic?
The 2014-15 RCIA (Rite of
Christian Initiation for Adults)
begins with weekly sessions on
Tuesdays from 7:00PM to
8:30PM beginning September
2. If you are interested in becoming Catholic or learning
more about the Catholic faith, we invite you to join us in
Room 2 of the 2-story school building.
Sunday, August 31
8:30 a.m. Mass (English)
10:30 a.m. Mass (English)
11:30 a.m. Marriage Prep Group 111 SVDP Room 2
12:30 p.m. Mass (Misa en Español)
Monday, September 01 OFFICE CLOSED/
La oficina está Cerrada
8:00 a.m. Communion Service
Tuesday, September 02
8:00 a.m. Mass ( English)
10:00 a.m. Ukulele Practice
6:00 p.m. Zapata Ballet Folklorico
7:00 p.m. RCIA Monthly Meeting in SVDP room 2
7:00 p.m. Guadalupanas Meeting
7:30 p.m. Cultural Arts /Vocal Arts Ensemble
8:30 p.m. Cultural Arts Play Rehearsal
Wednesday, September 03
Eucharistic Adoration from 8:30 a.m. till 12:00 pm
8:00 a.m. Mass ( English)
7:00 p.m. Legion of Mary Meeting Span in SVDP Rm # 2
Thursday, September 04
8:00 a.m. Mass ( English)
6:00 p.m. Practice for Reyes Quinceanera
6:00 p.m. Zapata Ballet Folklorico
6:30 p.m. English Choir Practice in SVDP Room 1
7: 00 p.m. Knights of Columbus Monthly Meeting
Friday, September 05
8:00 a.m. Mass (English)
4:00 p.m. Ministry Fair Set up
4:30 p.m. Wedding rehearsal for Pereira/ Fernandez
Saturday, September 06
8:00 a.m. St. Fiacre Garden Society
3:00 p.m. Wedding for Quiroz
4:30 p.m. Confession
5:30 p.m. Mass (English)
6:30 p.m. Ministry Fair / Feria de Ministerio after Mass
Adults who have not been baptized or have not received
Sunday, September 07-Grandparent’s Day/
their sacraments and wish to do so at the 2015 Easter Vigil
El dia de Abuelos
8:30 a.m. Mass (English)
should attend these sessions. Please visit
9:30 a.m. Ministry Fair / Feria de Ministerio after Mass for additional information
9:45 a.m. Bible Study in Admin Bldg conference room
or email [email protected]. There’s never been a
a.m. Mass (English)
better time. We have a place reserved for you!
11:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
Ministry Fair / Feria de Ministerio after Mass
Marriage Prep Group 111 SVDP Room 2
Mass (Misa en Español)
Ministry Fair / Feria de Ministerio after Mass
Más del 40% de la población católica en Estados
Unidos es de origen hispano y sólo el 6% de los
My beloved sisters and brothers,
sacerdotes son hispanos. Hay algo que está mal en las
The great prayer of the Church is the Mass cifras. Parte del problema es que en los seminarios
the Sacred Liturgy. Liturgy is a Greek word that
estadounidenses no saben qué hacer con las vocaciones y
means the "work of the people." When we
culturas hispanas. Por otra parte, los hispanos
participate in the Liturgy/ the Mass, we receive
que nuestros hijos tengan mejor vida y la vocación sacerdomany graces that flow from the Liturgy and it
tal no constituye un lugar privilegiado en la escala social.
becomes a meaningful, fulfilling prayer for us.
Ciertamente, había un tiempo en que los sacerdotes se tratNext week-end will be our Ministries Week-end after all the
Masses. If you do not participate in the Mass at this time, I hope aban con mucho respeto, ya no. Últimamente la escasez de
sacerdotes y los escándalos en la Iglesia han hecho que el
you will look at the different ways you can be a greater part of
the Liturgy and become a part of it by selecting one of the areas sacerdocio pierda mucho de su encanto. La vida sacerdotal
se ha hecho muy difícil. Hoy día el joven que busca el sacerof participation and becoming more active in it. Do you know
how many ministers are needed to celebrate the Mass fully and docio lo busca por servicio y vocación, no por prestigio o
posición social. El sacerdocio es un apostolado que se recwith all the ministries?
ibe con el sacramento del Orden. Ser ordenado es recibir
Choir --- As many as are available
Ushers ---- 6 persons
es decir, ser obediente. Hoy más que nunca, el sacerdote
Altar Servers ---- 2, preferably 3
está llamado a la misma obediencia de Jesucristo,
Lectors ---- 2
obediencia que lo llevó a la cruz y a la resurrección.
Eucharistic Ministers ---- 6, 8 at the crowded Masses..
Oremos por nuestros sacerdotes para que su entrega sea
Sacristan --- 1
Deacon --- 1
Priest ---- 1
That makes a total of 20 person if all the ministries are filled.
Bible Study in English:
The liturgical guidelines say that each person should serve in
The Sunday Bible study is on Luke 22: 7-13
ONLY ONE MINISTRY at a Mass; i.e. multiple ministries at a
discussion group gathers in the parish
Mass are to be avoided. More persons are needed in most
conference room on Sundays from 9:45 to
ministries. Visit the ministry of your interest next Saturday/
Sunday at Ministry Weekend and become an active part in the 10:30 AM.
great prayer that we are privileged to offer to God our Creator.
Blessings, Msgr. Adam
Raffle Time! Raffle Time! Raffle Time!
The All Saints Raffle will be starting soon. We are still in need of a
few prizes. If you would like to donate a prize, please contact Liz at
713-862-5444 .or June at 713-485-0864. The funds from the raffle
are used for church expenses. If all the ministries would help sell
tickets or buy tickets, it would help make this raffle a great success.
Please contact Liz if you would like to help with the raffle in any
5th Annual Walk for Life
800 AM - 11AM
Saturday, September 6, 2014
215 E. 10th Street
Houston, Texas 77008
Houston Coalition for Life
Parishioners are Welcome
Thank you! Thank you! Thank YOU, ALL Saints! İGracias! İGracias! İMuchísimas
Gracias! The cooperation and support from the All Saints parishioners for the FIFTH Annual Garage
Sale held this last weekend by the Guadalupana Association was truly wonderful. We did very well, clearing about $ 2500.00 from the garage sale alone, and we could not have done it without YOU! Thanks also
to all members of the Guadalupana Association and other volunteers who helped us organize the items
and price them. They also picked up items donated, as well as cleaned up on Monday and delivered the leftover items to
Christ the King for their garage sale. İMUCHISIMAS GRACIAS! Con su cooperación y apoyo para nuestra venta de
garaje el fin de semana pasada, nos fue muy bien. Recaudamos $2500.00 y no lo pudiéramos haber hecho sin la
cooperación de los miembros de la Asociación Guadalupana y otros voluntarios quienes nos ayudaron a organizar las
cosas, ponerles precio, y levantar cosas donadas y también empacar el lunes todas las donaciones para llevárselas a
Cristo Rey para su venta de garaje. The Guadalupanas that helped were Maria and Isabel Villarreal, Tony and Paulita
Gutierrez, Minnie Gonzelez, Briana Garcia, Maria Valdez, Maribel, Yordanca, Rosa and Ben Carreno, Julia Lopez, Elisa
Jimenez, Mercedes Alejandro and Ana Cummings. In addition, we had help from Federico Enriquez, Bertha Salazar,
Nelson Urizar, Raul and Diana Garcia, Eduardo Casas, Xitlalic Alvarez, Ronnie, Norma, and Susan Jamison.
Registration for Faith Formation (CCE)
Volunteers for Sharing the Faith with Children:
We are grateful to our volunteers who helped strengthen our efforts to share the faith
with the children. Our mission is not only to offer faith formation on Sundays and
Wednesdays at All Saints, but to evangelize our children six days a week at nine different times in seven different public schools. We are in need of volunteers to help
spread the faith. If you are interested in sharing your faith with our children, contact
Dan, Adriana, or Sra. Chavez at 713-864-2653 if you can help. “We pray that you
hear God’s call to work in his vineyard….”
Orientation for Catechist:
All Saints will have an Orientation for our catechist and teacher aids on September 14 from 8:30AM-10:30AM in
English and 10:30AM-12:30PM in Spanish. We will be having a second Orientation on Wednesday September 17
from 7-9pm for those who cannot attend Sunday. We will gather in rooms 3-4 in the TALC. All interested who may
wish to help are invited to join this orientation.
Pe-Kinder & Kinder at All Saints:
Have you heard the discontent of little children during mass? These are children who do not understand what we proclaim and celebrate. Sundays,
starting Sept. 21 - May 3, 2015, while the parents attend mass, the children “celebrate” the Word of God with a “lector” who shares the Gospel
through story, music, prayer and activities for ages 3-5yrs in the St. Vincent de Paul building #3 at 10:30 AM in English and 12:30 PM in Spanish. Register in RE if you wish your child to attend.
Could you volunteer to bring the Good News to these children in a way they are content and can understand what God’s word means? If so,
contact the RE Office - 713-864-2653.
Voluntarios para compartir la Fe con los niños:
Nos sentimos muy agradecidos con nuestros voluntarios quienes ayudaron a fortalecer nuestros esfuerzos en compartir la fe
con los niños. Nuestra misión en no solamente ofrecer la formación los Domingos y Miércoles en Todos los Santos, sino evangelizar a nuestros niños seis días a la semana, en nueve horarios y lugares diferentes en las escuelas públicas. Para hacerlo, necesitamos voluntarios para que ayuden a esparcir la fe. Si ustedes están interesados, en trabajar con la iglesia joven, pónganse
en contacto con: Dan, Adriana o la Sra. Chávez, al 713/864-2653 para ofrecer su ayuda. “Oramos porque ustedes escuchen
el llamado de Dios para trabajar en su viña....”
Orientación para Catequistas:
Todos los Santos tendrá una Orientación para nuestros catequistas y ayudantes de maestros, en Septiembre 14 de 8:30-10:30
AM en Inglés y 10:30-12:30 PM en Español. Tendremos una segunda Orientación el Miércoles 17 de Septiembre de 7-9 PM,
para aquellos que no pudieron asistir el domingo. Nos reuniremos en las Aulas 3 y 4 del edificio TALC. Todos los interesados
en ayudar, están invitados a asistir.
Pre-Kinder & Kinder en Todos los Santos:
¿Han escuchado ustedes el descontento de los niños durante la Misa? Estos son los niños que no entienden lo que se está proclamando y celebrando. Los domingos, comenzando en Sept. 21 hasta Mayo 3, 2015, mientras los padres asisten a misa, los niños “celebran” la Palabra de Dios con un “lector” que comparte el Evangelio por medio de la historia, música, oración y actividades, para los de edad de 3 a 5, en el Edificio de San Vicente de Paul, a las 10:30 AM en Inglés y 12:30 PM en Español. Regístense con nosotros si desean que su niño asista.
¿Les gustaría ser voluntario para llevar las Buenas Nuevas a estos niños, en una forma en que ellos estén contentos y puedan
entender lo que la palabra Dios significa? Contáctenos en la Oficina de RE – 713/864-265
Registration in the Parish Hall after all Masses on Sept 6th & 7th.
Registro en el Pasillo de Parroquia después de todas las misas el 6 y 7
de Septiembre.
Mass Intentions & Readings for the Week/ Lecturas De la Semana
August 30, 2014 – September 07, 2014
Saturday August 30
Blessed Virgin Mary
5:30 p.m. Oscar Gomez †
Tuesday September 02
First Quarter
Friday September 05
First Friday
8:00 a.m. Rev. Jacques Weber S.J. Retired †
8:00 a.m. Eleanor Alameda †
Jer 20:7-9; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9;
Rom 12:1-2;Mt 16:21-27
1 Cor 2:10b-16; Ps 145:8-14; Lk
1 Cor 4:1-5; Ps 37:3-6, 27-28,
39-40; Lk 5:33-39
Sunday August 31
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:30 a.m. People of the Parish
10:30 a.m. Ervin”Rip” Hermann †
12:30 p.m. Louise Knapik †
Wednesday September 03
Jer 20:7-9; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9;
Rom 12:1-2;Mt 16:21-27
St. Gregory the Great
8:00 a.m. Andrew Soza †
1 Cor 3:1-9; Ps 33:12-15, 20-21;
Lk 4:38-44
Thursday September 04
Sunday September 07
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:30 a.m. Forian Konieczy
10:30 a.m. Leonard Peggy Bryan
& Sugar / John Fannaly †
12:30 p.m. La Gente de la Parroquia
Monday September 01
St. Augustine
8:00 a.m. Graham Harris †
1 Cor 2:1-5; Ps 119:97-102; Lk
4:16-30, or, for Labor Day, any
readings from the Mass “For the
Blessings of Human Labor,” nos.
1 Cor 3:18-23; Ps 24:1bc-4ab, 5
Lk 5:1-11
8:00 a.m. Communion Service
Saturday September 06
Blessed Virgin Mary
5:30 p.m. Terry Lynn Stewart †
Ez 33:7-9; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Rom
13:8-10; Mt 18:15-20
Ez 33:7-9; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9;
Rom 13:8-10; Mt 18:15-20
St. Gregory the Great
Pope Saint Gregory I, commonly known as St. Gregory the Great, was one of the most fascinating of early Church leaders. Son of a
Roman Senator, Saint Gregory was born in Rome around 540AD and, following his dad's footsteps, embarked upon a political career. He rose through the ranks of civil service and eventually became Prefect (mayor) of the city of Rome. At that point, Gregory
discerned a call to deeper life with God so promptly gave away his wealth to the poor and entered the monastery of St. Andrew (ca.
574) where he ultimately became abbot (585). The Pope, recognizing his talent, named him as one of the seven deacons of Rome
and then sent him on a diplomatic mission as papal legate to the imperial city of Constantinople where he remained for five
years. Upon the death of the pope in 590, St. Gregory was elected to succeed him, the first monk ever elected as the Successor of
He is one of the few men in the history of the Church whose name is customarily followed
by "
the Great."His liturgical memorial is on September 3, the anniversary of his consecration as
bishop of Rome and successor of St. Peter. His favorite title for this exalted office was "servant
of the servants of God."
Knights of Columbus Council #12748
The All Saints Catholic Church Knights of Columbus Council is looking to recruit more members. If you are
looking to become more involved in church activities such as Lenten Fish Frys, Great Taste of the Heights and
Christmas Adopt-a-Family Program to name a few, the Knights are for you. We meet on the first Thursday of
the month where we enjoy fellowship and plan out our monthly schedule. If you are male and 18 years old or
older and are interested in learning more about the Knights of Columbus or joining, please contact
James Coligan at 713-501-1147 or by email at [email protected].
Opens it’s Sixth Season
September 14, 2014 – 5:00 pm
All Saints Third Age Learning Center
Seniors to Hold Fall RegistraƟon
Third Age Learning Center (TALC) senior program will hold its 2014
Fall Semester Registra on for classes and ac vi es on Thursday, August
28, 2014 in the church parish hall from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The Fall
Semester will begin on Monday, September 8 and conclude on Friday,
November 14. Registra on will con nue the first two weeks of the semester. TALC invites all seniors in the community to come and enjoy the
many classes and ac vi es offered by the TALC Fall Program. Classes
offered include exercise, woodworking, conversa onal Spanish, computer,
line dancing, hula, stain glass, watercolor pain ng, bridge, a con nued
educa on program called Lifelong Learning and much more. Also on the
agenda are monthly par es, day trips, seminars, and birthday celebraons. A full course hot lunch, served on individual trays, is cooked on-site
and is available Monday through Friday at 12 noon during the semester
for the nominal fee of $2.00. Lunch reserva ons are recommended. For
TALC program informa on and lunch reserva ons,
We are so happy to open our Sixth Season with a Gala concert featuring
the All Saints Vocal Arts Ensemble (ASVAE) under the direction of Dr.
Rick Lopez. This concert will include the rousing "Missa Criolla" by Ariel
Ramirez and the "Romancero Gitano" by Mario Caselnuevo-Tedesco.
Guest soloists will be Tenor Angelo Ferrari and Bass Eduardo Lopez de
Casas. The All Saints Cultural Arts Series is a cultural outreach program
which brings the music of the world to our
community free of charge. A light meal is
also served after every event so that concert
goers can nourish the soul with great music,
food and art. For more information about the
All Saints Cultural Arts Series, please call
Eduardo at 832-641-6319 or message at
[email protected]
713/ 713-248-1277.
Request for the month of September
The St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry at All Saints Church would
like to request for your generosity to
donate the following items:
Soups and Canned Meats
Thank you for your continued support.
Our Food Pantry is open Monday thru Thursday 9:00-10:30 am
and every first Saturday of each month 9:00-10:30 am
All Parishioners:
Just a reminder, don’t forget to link your Kroger
Plus Card to the All Saints Kroger Community
Reward Program. The Kroger Plus Card must be
entered on time.
Our NPO Number 80328
Remember, you must swipe your registered
Kroger Plus Card or use their Alt ID when
shopping for each purchase to count.
Thank You
For the Week Ended Sunday, 08/24/2014
Wkly Offering
Electronic Offering
Bldg Imp Fund
For the 8 Weeks Ended Sunday, 08/24/2014
Year-to Date
Electronic Offering
Bldg Imp Fund
Wkly Offering
If you are interested in ELECTRONIC GIFT GIVING
(Automatic Bank Withdrawal), please complete the
“Agreement for Preauthorized Payments”. Forms are
located in the rear of the church or on our website
All you need to do is fill out the form in full
and attach a “Voided” check.
You can mail the form or bring it by the
Administration Building. Use the mail slot if you come
by after hours.
215 E. 10th Street
Houston, TX 77008
Attention: Bookkeeper
Please DO NOT drop the form in the weekly collection
basket as it contains your “CONFIDENTIAL” bank
Special Collections
St Vincent de Paul
Mission Appeal Carmelite Sisters
TALC is in need of Part-time Help for the
kitchen. Please call Liz Lester @
349.09 713/862-5444 or 713/248-1277
Please keep the following persons in your prayers. If you have a family
member, friend or neighbor who is in need of prayer, let the church know
by either calling the parish office or emailing
[email protected]
Names are updated on a weekly basis:
Ken Boudny, Cararina Marinelli, Pedro Marinelli, Angela Perkins, Rosalee
Rocha Velasquez, Ron Hudson, Mary Jane Flores, Balthazar Joel Garcia,
Leonard Cegelski, Justin Martinez, Jennifer Cruz, Catarina Salazar, Jasmine
Ledesma, Family of Rosa Ann Turano Ardoin, Lorena Vela Molina, Moises
Cedillo Gonzalez Marc Ardoin, Monroe Johnson, Marie Ellis, Beth Pennington,
John Garza, Susan Cernosek, Norma J. Garcia, Sadie Morales, Bob Bark, Doctor
Alpesh, Tony Fontana, Rory Hernandez, Connor O’Leary, Jacob & Joshua
Peters, Rudy Martinez, Carmene Romero, Estella Naranjo, Deborah & Socorro
Castillo, Richard Tristan, Brandon Tristan, William Samohyl, James Tarazoff,
Myrle Bullock, Nicholas Rowell, Emma “Mimi” Newhouse, Angel Flores, Pete
Bolds Jr., Delia Lozano, The Lozano Family, Dorothy Scalco, Rosi HernandezCurtis, Sue Ann Schwantes ,Ralph Lasher, Juan Ygnacio, Miguel Perugache,
Camile Nick & Gloria Herminia, Alexie Alcoser, Altagracia Flores, Dubelza C.
Garcia, Sylvia G. Reyes, Blanche Perez, Refaela DeLeon , Jaclyn Aguirre, Mike
Komkov, Janie Alcoser, Jonah Robert Reda, Pedro Sevilla, Terry Lee Smith,
Laura LuLu Reyes, Joyce Waire, Dudley Richard, Yvonne Davila,
Leo Munguia, Louis Freeh, Sandra Ledesma Martinez
Please contact the Church Office with an update.
Many parishioners have family or friends who are active in
the military. Join us in supporting their families as we pray
for their safe return:
Landa, Andrew Valdez, Matthew W. Wilson, Cecilio D. Flores,
Robert Padilla, Michael Rodriguez, Randy Boyorquez, Rocio
Marquez, Jr., Adrian Rodriquez, Francisco G. Martinez, Mark Lubinski, Brett A. West, Christian Flores, John Mark Hamm, Jillian
Dougherty, Dianne Keister, Major Michael Huerta, Michael Jones,
Michael Katkoski, Luis Espinoza, Andrew Munoz, Leo (Leo Getz)
Richardson, Eric Michael Wilganowski, Patrick Ryan Alban,
Anthony Brian Garcia
Altar Society
Liz Lester
Altar Servers
Matthew Ardoin / Mercedes Alejandro
Art & Environment
Jeanenne Hagerman / Barry Connor
Eucharistic Ministry
Isaac Tapia
Jimmy Phillips
Maggie Tyerina / Wendy Nugent
Hispanic Ministry
Ana Cummings
Kelly Hawkins
Third Age Learning Center
Jo Kelley Parrish
Homebound Ministry
Jo Kelley Parish /Cecilia Garcia
Knights of Columbus
Joel Syzdek
Richard Kercho / John Ortiz
St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry
Janice Chatham
Monday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. & First Saturday of the month, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Charles Adams Chairperson
Pedro Amador
Duane Bradley
Esteban Caro
Christopher Cola
Charla Macicek
Trevor Pinkerton
Stephanie Sullivan
Paul Taverna
Mike Towns
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Msgr. Adam McClosky, Pastor
[email protected]
Gary Hilbig, Deacon
[email protected]
Cecilia Garcia Pastoral Assistant
cecilia garcia@
David V. Dwigans Business/Facilities Manager [email protected]
Christine Anguiano Reyes, Secretary
[email protected]
Dalia Mendoza, Receptionist
[email protected]
Mary Gahr, Music Director and
[email protected]
English Mass Choir Director
eduardo Casas, Spanish Choir & Children Choir
[email protected]
Jeanenne Hagerman, Bookkeeper
Dan Schwieterman, DRE
[email protected]
Adriana Guzman, Youth Ministry
[email protected]
Irene Chavez, RE Adm. Asst.
[email protected]
Ana Cummings, Hispanic Ministry
[email protected]
[email protected]

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