
Deseamos asistirle en la preparación para el Sacramento de Matrimonio. Nuestra misión es ayudarle y
apoyarle, no únicamente con su preparación matrimonial sino también en formar una relación con Dios y
su iglesia para toda la vida.
 HORARIO DE BODAS – Por lo general, las bodas en Santa Cruz se celebran los Sábados a las
10:00 AM, 12: PM, 2:00 PM, o a las 7:30 PM. Únicamente se programan dos bodas por Sábado.
 PUNTUALIDAD – Por favor tenga todos los detalles de su ceremonia en orden para que su boda
empiece puntualmente. A las parejas que lleguen tarde o que no desocupen la iglesia después de
los 30-minutos permitidos para fotos perderán su depósito de $100.
 ENSAYOS – Los ensayos se programan normalmente los viernes por las tardes.
 CUARESMA – No se recomiendan bodas durante el tiempo de cuaresma por nuestro estado de
ánimo penitencial y solemne. Este estado de luto se refleja el la iglesia por eso no se permiten las
flores en el santuario durante la cuaresma.
 COMMUNICACION – Toda comunicación y preguntas sobre la preparación de su matrimonio y su
misa deberán ser hechas por ustedes, la pareja que se va a casar.
 COSTO – A los Parroquianos que recién casarse, se les sugiere que hagan una contribución de
$350. Esta cantidad ayuda a disipar los gastos de la iglesia, especialmente con el mantenimiento
del edificio. A los No-Parroquianos se les pide una contribución a la iglesia de $500 dólares. Un
depósito de $100 deberá ser pagado al sacristán el día que reserve la fecha de su boda. El balance
de ($250 o $400) deberá ser pagado (3) meses antes de su boda. Si su boda es cancelada y no da
(3) meses de anticipo, perderá su depósito. Si no sigue estas reglas también dará lugar a la
pérdida del depósito de $100 dólares. Los $100 dólares de depósito serán entregados a la pareja
después de la ceremonia, si es que siguen todas las reglas.
 MUSICA – La música que se emplee el día de la boda deberá ser escogida por la pareja y el
Coordinador de Liturgia y Música. (Puede localizar al Sr. Ademar Chavana en los siguientes
números: 512/312-2520 o 512/460-9229). Hay un costo de $100 para el acompañista/instrumental
y $75 para el cantor/solista. Si un individuo provee los dos servicios, el costo será de $175.
Estos costos para los ministros de música de Santa Cruz son completamente separados y deberán
pagarse directamente a ellos, por lo menos dos (2) semanas antes de la boda. Ministros de
Música que sean invitados son aceptables, sin embargo deben comunicarse de ante mano con el
Sr. Chavana en cuanto a las llaves, micrófonos, instrumentos etc.
 MODESTIA – Debido a la dignidad del Sacramento de Matrimonio y de la reverencia con el cual
observamos la liturgia de la iglesia católica, pedimos vestir apropiadamente, con modestia, y no
usar escotes muy bajos y sin mangas o vestidos sin tirantes para la boda y para el ensayo. Se
permite usar un chal o mantón para la ceremonia o misa.
[Rev. 03/09/09]
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Santa Cruz Catholic Church
Guidelines for Marriage Liturgies
 Hablar a la oficina de la parroquia por lo menos nueve meses de anticipo, para hacer una cita con
un sacerdote o con un diacono. Esta cita inicial nos dará la oportunidad de conocernos y hablar
sobre los requisitos del Sacramento del Matrimonio, llenar los papeles necesarios para los
archivos de la iglesia y hablar sobre las clases y preparación requerida, etc. Una vez que se
cumplan estos requisitos el sacerdote o el diacono reservara la fecha para su boda y la misa. El
depósito de $100 deberá ser pagado en este momento. Si su ceremonia matrimonial se celebra en
la iglesia un sacerdote deberá ser presente. Si su ceremonia matrimonial se celebra fuera de la
iglesia un diacono deberá ser presente.
 Algunos documentos necesarios:
Católicos deberán traer a su cita inicial una copia reciente [expedida en los últimos seis
(6) meses] del certificado de bautismo. Puede hablar o escribir a la iglesia donde fue
bautizado para obtener una copia. Deberá pedir un certificado bautismal con
No-Católicos simplemente se les pide traer la información de su bautismo: nombre y
dirección de iglesia (no-católica) donde fue bautizado y la fecha de su bautismo.
La Iglesia Católica requiere que cualquier persona que se este preparando para el
sacramento de matrimonio este dispuesto y preparado, porque el matrimonio es para toda
la vida. Se les ofrece lo siguiente para ayudarle en esta preparación.
Cita inicial con el sacerdote o diacono (indicado anteriormente)
La evaluación de la “Preparación” o “Enfoque Matrimonial”
Asistir a una preparación matrimonial (por ejemplo: el programa de cinco (5-) clases en
la iglesia de San José, o un programa de fin de semana patrocinado por la Diócesis de
Austin o iglesia local, o un programa patrocinado por parejas.
Después de su cita con el sacerdote o diacono [nueve (9) meses de anticipo], póngase en
contacto con el Coordinador de Liturgia y Música para preparar la música y liturgia de
su ceremonia.
 Continué y termine su preparación matrimonial para que pueda expresar su relación con Dios y
con su pareja. Recibirá un certificado cuando termine sus clases matrimoniales. Por favor de
entregarle una copia al sacerdote o diacono, que será incluida en su archivo matrimonial.
 Escoja sus lecturas y rezos del libro “Unidos en Vida”. Este libro se le dará en su cita inicial con
el sacerdote o diacono.
 Determine quien va a participar en su liturgia matrimonial y haga una lista. Puede escoger
lectores y padrinos. Quizás conozca algunos acólitos o ministros de Comunión que quisieran
participar en su ceremonia, si es que habrá misa.
 Deberá obtener una licencia de matrimonio civil 30 días a 72 horas antes de la boda. Usted
puede solicitarla en la corte (cualquier condado de Texas). Hable por adelantado para verificar
que documentos/identificación son requeridos para obtener su licencia.
[Rev. 03/09/09]
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Santa Cruz Catholic Church
Guidelines for Marriage Liturgies
Otorgué la licencia al sacerdote o diacono que va a presenciar en su boda en cuanto la reciba o a
más tardar la noche de su práctica. No espere hasta el día de su boda! El sacerdote o diacono no
podrá testificar su matrimonio sin este documento.
 De dos a tres semanas antes de su boda, necesita hacer una cita con el sacerdote o diacono para
dialogar sobre sus lecturas. Si tiene su licencia por favor de entregarla junto con su selección de
lecturas, rezos, música y nombres de las personas que van a leer sus lecturas.
 El día del ensayo, por favor pídales a todos que lleguen por lo menos 15 minutos antes. Para
prevenir confusión el día de su boda, toda persona que vaya a participar en las lecturas deberá
estar presente en el ensayo El sacerdote o diácono llevará a cabo el ensayo, según lo acordado en
su última reunión. Opiniones o sugerencias a último momento solamente confunden y prolongan
el ensayo. Usted tiene sólo una hora para el ensayo; pérdida de tiempo y cambios de última hora
sólo acortan el tiempo disponible para el ensayo.
 La iglesia es la casa de Dios y un lugar de oración. Deberá demostrarse el debido respeto por
todos los que le acompañan el día de su boda. Todos los invitados también deben comportarse
apropiadamente mientras que estén en la iglesia. Por favor, estén atentos en que sus invitados se
comporten apropiadamente.
 En el ensayo; por favor entregue su licencia de matrimonio al sacerdote o diacono, si es que
todavía no lo ha hecho.
 Recuerde que su ceremonia comenzara a tiempo. Por favor enfatice a sus acompañantes
(padrinos, damas, etc.) que deberán estar en la iglesia por lo menos 30 minutos antes de su
ceremonia. Si no llegan a tiempo perderán su depósito de $100. Solamente una hora es permitida
para su ceremonia y 30 minutos adicionales para las fotografías. El llegar tarde, hará que el
sacerdote o diacono acorte su ceremonia.
 No permite comida o bebidas (solo agua) en la iglesia.
 Le recomendamos tome tiempo a solas o en silencio, antes de llegar a la iglesia.
 Le sugerimos coma algo ligero antes de llegar a la iglesia.
 No consuma bebidas alcohólicas para aliviar su nerviosismo.
 La iglesia ofrece una habitación nupcial fuera el vestíbulo (en el lado derecho al entrar en la
iglesia) para la novia y sus asistentes. Es responsabilidad de la novia de nombrar a alguien para
limpiar la habitación y el baño inmediatamente después de la boda.
 Santa Cruz no es responsable de los artículos que quedan olvidados en la iglesia o de la
habitación nupcial.
 La iglesia no ofrece una habitación nupcial para el novio.
 En la iglesia no se permite comida, bebidas (solo agua), o tabaco (cigarros) a ninguna hora. NO
[Rev. 03/09/09]
Page 3
Santa Cruz Catholic Church
Guidelines for Marriage Liturgies
 The parish hall (PAC) may be reserved if it is available only after the date of the wedding is set
with the priest or deacon, after these Guidelines have been received and acknowledged, and after
the deposit is made. To reserve the PAC, please contact Mr. Jerry Herrera at the church office
 There is a rental fee and set-up/clean-up fee for the PAC. The PAC may be reserved only after
you have set the date for your marriage liturgy with a priest or deacon, after having read and
signed these Guidelines, and after having paid your fee. This prevents booking conflicts.
Marriage is a sacramental celebration, and, as such, all music for a marriage ceremony should reflect the
sacred act of worship. Therefore, all music must be sacred in nature and reflect the faith of the Church.
The words of any songs must reflect the context of faith. Songs that are secular in origin or that focus on
romantic love are better suited for the reception. If you have any questions, consult with the Coordinator
of Liturgy & Music.
 Guest music ministers from outside Santa Cruz Parish are welcome but should communicate with
the Coordinator of Liturgy & Music. All music ministers, instrumentalists, and soloists are
required to follow the guidelines for liturgical music at Santa Cruz Catholic Church.
 There is a $100 requested stipend for the accompanist/instrumentalist and $75 for the
cantor/soloist. Should one individual provide both services, the stipend is $175, the combined
stipends for both accompanist and soloist. These stipends for the Santa Cruz music ministers are
separate and are paid directly to them at least two (2) weeks prior to the ceremony. Any
arrangements for payments to guest music ministers are made by the couple.
 NO pre-recorded music, cassette tapes, or CDs are allowed.
 All music must be sacred in nature and reflect the faith of the Church.
 If there are guest music ministers and the church’s sound equipment and/or instruments are to be
used, these arrangements should be made before the ceremony. Guest music ministers are to
communicate beforehand with Mr. Chavana regarding keys, microphones, instruments, etc.
 Furnishings and seasonal church decorations must remain in place. No flowers may be added
during the season of Lent. During Advent, the Advent wreath remains in its place, and flowers
are kept to a minimum. During Christmas, there are many poinsettias decorating the church;
these and the Christmas Manger cannot be moved.
 There are two (2) options for flowers:
1) For $300, the sacristans of Santa Cruz Church will provide flowers outside of Advent and
Lent. The flowers remain in the church for the weekend, and an announcement is placed
in that weekend’s bulletin indicating that the flowers that weekend are in honor of your
wedding. This is a very economical way for you to provide flowers for your wedding
and give a gift to Santa Cruz Church.
2) You may provide your own florist. Your florist must follow all guidelines, and their
work and time schedule must be coordinated with our sacristans. (Roland and Romelia
Hernandez may be reached at 512/312-2520.) There is no work place provided for
florists; they must bring their flower arrangements completed and ready for use.
 A kneeler is provided for the bride and groom.
[Rev. 03/09/09]
Page 4
Santa Cruz Catholic Church
Guidelines for Marriage Liturgies
 No flowers, arches, or candles are to obstruct the space around the altar or tabernacle. Flowers
and other decorations should also not block the music minister’s view of the altar.
 For safety reasons, no candles may be attached to the pews.
 For safety reasons, no aisle runners are permitted.
 It is your responsibility to clear all decorations from the church as soon as possible following the
ceremony. All decorations should be cleared within 30 minutes of ending your wedding.
Another ceremony or liturgy may follow.
 If you have used an outside florist, we would certainly appreciate the gift of your flowers after
your wedding for our weekend Masses. Please let our sacristans know if you wish to donate your
 Although the use of the Unity Candle is not encouraged, the church does have a Unity Candle
stand. The three candles use oil cylinders and do not drip. If the Unity Candle is desired, you
must use the one provided by the church; this prevents drips and damage to carpeting and other
furnishings. There is no fee for using the church’s Unity Candle.
 Flower petals, rice, birdseed, bubbles, confetti, smoke producing devices, Silly String, or
sparklers cannot be used inside or outside of the church. This prohibition is for safety and
maintenance reasons. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. Failure to comply will result in the
loss of your $100 deposit in addition to incurring the cost of any repairs as the result of
 No tape or tacks may be used to attach bows or flowers to the pews. They may be attached with
ribbon, string, or plastic clips that fit over the pews. Please assign someone to remove any pew
bows and all decorations immediately after the ceremony.
 Please pick up all trash, programs, etc., that may have been left behind.
 All photographers (still and video) must check with the priest or deacon prior to the rehearsal.
We want the couple to have a good remembrance of their ceremony; however, the photographers
and videographers should be discreet and not distract in any way during the ceremony.
 Photographers are not to interfere with the liturgy or the exchange of vows by excessive
movement or flashes. If there are any questions, please address them to the presiding priest or
deacon before the ceremony.
 Photographer must remember that marriage is an act of worship and that unnecessary distractions
are unacceptable. Therefore, photographers and videographers are not allowed in the sanctuary at
any time during the liturgy and are to remain at a respectful distance so as not to distract the
 Video cameras are allowed under the conditions stated above. All video cameras must remain
 No extra camera lights may be used during the liturgy. Flash lighting is permitted only at special
moments, such as vows, rings, communion of the couple, Hispanic customs (arras, lasso, etc.).
Extra lighting is permissible following the liturgy.
 You and the photographer are asked to respect the sacredness of the church while giving
instructions and taking pictures of the wedding party.
 Photographs are normally permitted only after the ceremony.
[Rev. 03/09/09]
Page 5
Santa Cruz Catholic Church
Guidelines for Marriage Liturgies
 Any photographs following the wedding should take no longer than thirty (30) minutes. The
sacristans will inform the photographer when s/he has exceeded the limit. It is expected that the
photography session will immediately end. Failure to comply results in loss of the $100 deposit.
It is best that the photographer be given a list before the photo session so that s/he will know what
photographs need to be taken (parents, grandparents, etc.). This will help assure that they
complete their work in the allotted 30-minute timeframe.
 Attached to these guidelines is an acknowledgement stating that the bride and groom have
received and read a copy of these guidelines and that they agree to abide by the guidelines. It also
serves as a receipt for the fee of using the church. This acknowledgement must be signed and
given to the priest, deacon, or sacristans prior to reserving the church.
 Priests or deacons from other parishes who preside at weddings at Santa Cruz Church are asked to
remain in the church until the wedding party has left. Please deliver a completed copy of the
wedding file to the sacristans after the ceremony.
 Additional copies of “Guidelines for Music,” “Guidelines for Flowers and Decorations,” and
“Guidelines for Photographers” are included in this document to present to outside music
ministers, outside florists, and photographers. Please give them their copy of the guidelines so
they will be able to comply with our established rules.
 The couple assumes financial responsibility for:
Repairs of any damage to the church, church property, or other facilities at Santa Cruz
Parish at the rehearsal or before, during, and after the wedding due to negligence or
vandalism associated with the wedding; and
Replacing any items taken from the church.
 If your wedding time is Saturday at 2:00 PM, everyone must be out of the church by 3:30 PM to
allow for cleaning prior to confessions, which are scheduled to begin at 4:00 PM.
 If your wedding time is Saturday evening, please do not arrive before 6:30 PM. An earlier arrival
will cause disruption of the 5:30 PM Vigil Mass and will create traffic problems in the parking
[Rev. 03/09/09]
Page 6
Santa Cruz Catholic Church
Guidelines for Marriage Liturgies
I (we) have received and read a copy of the Guidelines for Marriage Liturgies at Santa Cruz Church. By
signature below, I (we) agree to abide by these Guidelines and accept responsibility for damages, as
stipulated in the Guidelines, done during our rehearsal scheduled for:
and/or wedding scheduled for:
Bride’s Signature
Groom’s Signature
(required when booking the church)
Receipt of $100 deposit received on
 Cash
 Check No.
Receipt of $250 received on
 Cash
 Check No.
Parish ID#
Parishioner status verified by
Receipt of $400 received on
 Cash
 Check No.
[remaining fee required at least three (3) months prior to the ceremony]
Name of Couple
Telephone No.
[Rev. 03/09/09]
Page 7
Santa Cruz Catholic Church
Guidelines for Marriage Liturgies
I (we) have received and read a copy of the Guidelines for Marriage Liturgies at Santa Cruz Church. By
signature below, I (we) agree to abide by these Guidelines and accept responsibility for damages, as
stipulated in the Guidelines, done during our rehearsal scheduled for:
and/or wedding scheduled for:
Bride’s Signature
Groom’s Signature
(required when booking the church)
Receipt of $100 deposit received on
 Cash
 Check No.
Receipt of $250 received on
 Cash
 Check No.
Parish ID#
Parishioner status verified by
Receipt of $400 received on
 Cash
 Check No.
[remaining fee required at least three (3) months prior to the ceremony]
Name of Couple
Telephone No.
[Rev. 03/09/09]
Page 8
Santa Cruz Catholic Church
Guidelines for Marriage Liturgies
Marriage is a sacramental celebration, and, as such, all music for a marriage ceremony should reflect the
sacred act of worship. Therefore, all music must be sacred in nature and reflect the faith of the Church.
The words of any songs must reflect the context of faith. Songs that are secular in origin or that focus on
romantic love are better suited for the reception. If you have any questions, consult with the Coordinator
of Liturgy & Music.
 Guest music ministers from outside Santa Cruz Parish are welcome but should communicate with
the Coordinator of Liturgy & Music. All music ministers, instrumentalists, and soloists are
required to follow the guidelines for liturgical music at Santa Cruz Catholic Church.
 There is a $100 requested stipend for the accompanist/instrumentalist and $75 for the
cantor/soloist. Should one individual provide both services, the stipend is $175, the combined
stipends for both accompanist and soloist. These stipends for the Santa Cruz music ministers are
separate and are paid directly to them at least two (2) weeks prior to the ceremony. Any
arrangements for payments to guest music ministers are made by the couple.
 NO pre-recorded music, cassette tapes, or CDs are allowed.
 All music must be sacred in nature and reflect the faith of the Church.
 If there are guest music ministers and the church’s sound equipment and/or instruments are to be
used, these arrangements should be made before the ceremony. Guest music ministers are to
communicate beforehand with Mr. Chavana regarding keys, microphones, instruments, etc.
[Rev. 03/09/09]
Appendix A
Santa Cruz Catholic Church
Guidelines for Marriage Liturgies
 Furnishings and seasonal church decorations must remain in place. No flowers may be added
during the season of Lent. During Advent, the Advent wreath remains in its place, and flowers
are kept to a minimum. During Christmas, there are many poinsettias decorating the church;
these and the Christmas Manger cannot be moved.
 There are two (2) options for flowers:
3) For $300, the sacristans of Santa Cruz Church will provide flowers outside of Advent and
Lent. The flowers remain in the church for the weekend, and an announcement is placed
in that weekend’s bulletin indicating that the flowers that weekend are in honor of your
wedding. This is a very economical way for you to provide flowers for your wedding
and give a gift to Santa Cruz Church.
4) You may provide your own florist. Your florist must follow all guidelines, and their
work and time schedule must be coordinated with our sacristans. (Roland and Romelia
Hernandez may be reached at 512/312-2520.) There is no work place provided for
florists; they must bring their flower arrangements completed and ready for use.
 A kneeler is provided for the bride and groom.
 No flowers, arches, or candles are to obstruct the space around the altar or tabernacle. Flowers
and other decorations should also not block the music minister’s view of the altar.
 For safety reasons, no candles may be attached to the pews.
 For safety reasons, no aisle runners are permitted.
 It is your responsibility to clear all decorations from the church as soon as possible following the
ceremony. All decorations should be cleared within 30 minutes of ending your wedding.
Another ceremony or liturgy may follow.
 If you have used an outside florist, we would certainly appreciate the gift of your flowers after
your wedding for our weekend Masses. Please let our sacristans know if you wish to donate your
 Although the use of the Unity Candle is not encouraged, the church does have a Unity Candle
stand. The three candles use oil cylinders and do not drip. If the Unity Candle is desired, you
must use the one provided by the church; this prevents drips and damage to carpeting and other
furnishings. There is no fee for using the church’s Unity Candle.
 Flower petals, rice, birdseed, bubbles, confetti, smoke producing devices, Silly String, or
sparklers cannot be used inside or outside of the church. This prohibition is for safety and
maintenance reasons. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. Failure to comply will result in the
loss of your $100 deposit in addition to incurring the cost of any repairs as the result of
 No tape or tacks may be used to attach bows or flowers to the pews. They may be attached with
ribbon, string, or plastic clips that fit over the pews. Please assign someone to remove any pew
bows and all decorations immediately after the ceremony.
 Please pick up all trash, programs, etc., that may have been left behind.
[Rev. 03/09/09]
Appendix B
Santa Cruz Catholic Church
Guidelines for Marriage Liturgies
 All photographers (still and video) must check with the priest or deacon prior to the rehearsal.
We want the couple to have a good remembrance of their ceremony; however, the photographers
and videographers should be discreet and not distract in any way during the ceremony.
 Photographers are not to interfere with the liturgy or the exchange of vows by excessive
movement or flashes. If there are any questions, please address them to the presiding priest or
deacon before the ceremony.
 Photographer must remember that marriage is an act of worship and that unnecessary distractions
are unacceptable. Therefore, photographers and videographers are not allowed in the sanctuary at
any time during the liturgy and are to remain at a respectful distance so as not to distract the
 Video cameras are allowed under the conditions stated above. All video cameras must remain
 No extra camera lights may be used during the liturgy. Flash lighting is permitted only at special
moments, such as vows, rings, communion of the couple, Hispanic customs (arras, lasso, etc.).
Extra lighting is permissible following the liturgy.
 You and the photographer are asked to respect the sacredness of the church while giving
instructions and taking pictures of the wedding party.
 Photographs are normally permitted only after the ceremony.
 Any photographs following the wedding should take no longer than thirty (30) minutes. The
sacristans will inform the photographer when s/he has exceeded the limit. It is expected that the
photography session will immediately end. Failure to comply results in loss of the $100 deposit.
It is best that the photographer be given a list before the photo session so that s/he will know what
photographs need to be taken (parents, grandparents, etc.). This will help assure that they
complete their work in the allotted 30-minute timeframe.
[Rev. 03/09/09]
Appendix C

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