NOTES Present Tense of Querer with infinitives


NOTES Present Tense of Querer with infinitives
PRESENT TENSE OF QUERER WITH INFINITIVES 1. To say you or others want, use a form of the verb querer. The form to use depends on the subject. Querer = To want Yo quiero (I want) Nosotros(as) queremos (We want) Tú quieres (You want) X queréis Él/Ella quiere (He/She/ Ellos/Ellas, quieren Usted You want) Ustedes (They/you all want.) 2. You can want something (noun) or to do something (a verb) just like gustar Ex. quiero fruta. I want fruit. quiero comer. I want to eat. ¿Qué quieres hacer? What do you want to do? Él quiere escuchar música. He wants to listen to music. Queremos jugar al fútbol americano. We want to play football. 

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