Bob C. Green, D. Min. - BibleBaptistChurch


Bob C. Green, D. Min. - BibleBaptistChurch
Bob C. Green, D. Min.
Hispanic Ministries Representative
and Aviation Ministries Director
[email protected]
January 2016
Dear Praying Friends:
Thank you for your faithfulness and concern for us and the ministry. We have much for which to
be thankful, but we also have some challenges before us. Lord willing, on the 29th I will be having a
procedure to remove a kidney stone that is lodged in the ureter of my left kidney. Two tries going a
lithotripsy have not given the desired results. I very much need your prayers and God’s working
in this situation. We will keep you posted.
In December we lost one of our best friends and fellow missionaries in Hispanic ministries, Brother
Bob Garrett. We had served the Lord together in efforts to reach the Spanish speaking people in
South Carolina, especially in the area of Greenville. God has used Brother Bob and his precious
family to win many, and in recent years they have been seeking to plant and establish the Iglesia
Baptist Berea. There has been a good foundation put in place toward the formal organization of
this church, but there is still some work to be done. The members (including Sharon, Samuel, and
Elizabeth Garrett) have asked me to help them over the next three months until the mission church
can be stabilized, etc. I count it a real privilege to be able to help these folk on a temporary basis.
Hopefully the Lord will call forth a man of God to become a more permanent pastor and overseer of
the church. Please pray for God to work in the hearts of these good people, to give wisdom and
His direction. Pray for me as I will be driving back and forth from Chattanooga to Greenville
each weekend. I also need His wisdom and anointing as I teach and preach.
Patsy and I also ask that you remember her as she cares for my mom. She will have the sole
responsibility while I am away each weekend. She needs strength and special help from the Lord. I
am blessed to have a wife who willingly and graciously provides this 24/7 care for Mom.
Please pray for us to see many more souls saved and new people discipled. The situation in
Greenville should present new opportunities for evangelism and the training of Hispanics for the
roles of church leadership (2 Timothy 2:2). Only God’s Holy Spirit can take the Bible truths that
we teach and make them heart felt convictions in the lives of the disciples we are mentoring.
The book, A Missionary God Gave Wings, has been well received by our friends in the Lord. Several
have ordered it by going to or on the other online book providers. We are praying
God will use it to challenge and inspire and also to draw lost people to Himself. To those who have
ordered it and given it as a gift, we say, “THANK YOU!”
May the year 2016 be the year Christ returns, and if not may it be the most fruitful year yet as we
seek to serve HIM.
Bob and Patsy Green
Bob C. Green, D. Min.
Hispanic Ministries Representative
and Aviation Ministries Director
[email protected]
Enero, 2016
Estimados y Amados Hermanos:
Dios les bendiga. Les agradecemos su fidelidad y compañerismo en el servicio de Nuestro
Señor y Salvador, Jesucristo. El Señor nos ha bendecido mucho, pero hay cosas difíciles por
Dios mediante, me someteré a un proceso para quitar un cálculo renal trabado en el uréter de
mi riñón izquierda. He tenido dos lithotripsy sin buen resultado. Les pido que estén orando
porque me ayude el Señor y que los médicos tengan éxito en eliminar el cálculo. Gracias a Dios
no he sufrido dolor durante estas semanas pero sí le pido al Señor Jesús que me sane.
En diciembre perdimos uno de nuestros mejores amigos y colaboradores en el ministerio
Hispano, el Hno. Roberto Garrett. Durante años habíamos colaborado para alcanzar el pueblo
Hispano, especialmente en el área de Greenville, Carolina del Sur. Dios ha usado la Familia
Garrett para la conversión de muchos y en los años recientes para plantar y establecer la Iglesia
Bautista Berea. El Hno. Garrett puso un fundamento bíblico muy firme para la organización
formal del ministerio, pero hay trabajo que cumplir todavía. Por lo tanto Los Garrett (Sharon,
Samuel, Y Elizabeth) y los miembros de la Iglesia me han pedido que les ayude durante los
próximos dos o tres meses. Para mi es un privilegio grande poder ayudarles provisionalmente.
Viajaré cada fin de semana de Chattanooga para Greenville con el propósito de ayudar a los
miembros de la Iglesia prepararse para tomar las posiciones de liderazgo (2 Timoteo 2:2). Les
pido a Ustedes sus oraciones porque tenga la protección del Señor en el camino y que todos
podamos tener la llenura del Espíritu Santo, la sabiduría y la dirección del Señor.
Estaremos orando porque el Señor llame y envié un pastor permanente.
Paty y yo les pedimos que estén orando por ella, ya que le toca a ella la mayor responsabilidad
en cuanto al cuidado de mi mamá. Claro estaré pendiente los fines de semana pero a Paty le
tocará la mayor parte del cuidado de 24 horas cada día de la semana. Favor de orar porque
Dios las cuide y ayude.
Estamos orando porque haya más conversiones este año. El ministerio en Greenville me
proveerá de nuevas oportunidades. Solo el Espíritu Santo puede obra en los creyentes la
madurez y las convicciones bíblicas necesarias.
Esperamos que venga Cristo este año, y si no, que 2016 sea el año más fructífero hasta la fecha.
Dios les bendiga.

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