Joan Ramon Rodríguez i Amat


Joan Ramon Rodríguez i Amat
May ‘10 __________________________________________________________________________ Curriculum Vitae: 1/2
Personal info:
Joan Ramon Rodríguez i Amat
[email protected]
C/Centelles, 5, 1r, 3a
08500 Vic (Barcelona)
Office. +34.938.861.222, Mobile. +34.615.494.162
Place and birth date:
Vic, march, 9th, 1975
Department of Digital Communication. University of Vic (Barcelona, Spain). Lecturer, since 2001
History and Structure of Social communication (150 students)
Communication theories and discourse analysis (30 students),
Communication in political and public institutions (12 last year students).
PhD Thesis “The Symbolic Public Sphere” (Department of Media, Communication and Culture, U.A.B)
(PhD with European Mention).
Pre-Diss.06: “Saying the nation: theories of nationalism for media studies”
Doctorate courses:
Journalism and Communication science (U.A.B.) Speciality: political and cultural communication
Postgrad.Degree: 2001: Political Communication and Media strategy. Inst. for Political & Social Science (ICPS). UAB.
Postgrad. Degree: 2000: Strategies of Political Communication. Department of Communication Science. UAB.
1999: Postgrad: Qualitative methodologies in Social Research. Dep. of Psychology, Fac. Education. Univ.of Girona (UdG).
Lic. 97-93:
Media Studies. Speciality: Advertising and PR. (UAB –University Autonoma of Barcelona)
• Catalan
• Spanish
English: C1
French: C1
German: Spoken: C1, Read: B2,
Written: B1
Other teaching experiences:
- September, 2009. FSU Jena (Germany). Department of IWK
- Course (6h) Kulturworkshop Spanien Interkulturelle SommerAkademie.2009 (Intercultural Summer school)
- March-September 2008. Research period in Hans-Bredow Institut für Medienforschung. U. Hamburg.
- Granted DAAD (Pre-doc) for June, July, and August 2008.
- September-January 2008: Blockseminar at FSU Jena (Germany).Dep. IWK (Interkulturelles Wirtschaftskommunikation)
- „Kulturbegriffe in Media studies: Konzepte, Analysen, Übungen“ (German and English) (max.30 students)
- Course (6h) Kulturworkshop Spanien Interkulturelle SommerAkademie.2008 (Intercultural Summer school)
- March-September 2007: Visitor FSU Jena (Germany). Dep. IWK
- Seminar (30h): Theories of Communication and Media analysis (English, SS07)
- Course (2h) The communicative Spains (Spanish) about media structure in Spain. Coord. Javier Montiel.
- Course (6h) Kulturworkshop Spanien Interkulturelle SommerAkademie.2007 (Intercultural Summer school)
- Participation in the Doktorandenkolloquium in IWK (Prof Dr. Jürgen Bolten)
- July 2007 „Daily or diary: towards a new profile in e-journalism“ presented at the U. of Oxford, may 2007.
- May 2007 “From Habermas to affection”: A discussion on my doctorate dissertation.
- April 2006: Socrates Visitor FSU Jena (Germany). Department of IWK
- Conference (2h): Postcards from the margins of the global: a discussion about nationalism (English).
- Course (2h) The communicative Spains (Spanish) about media structure in Spain. Coord. Javier Montiel.
- Course (3h) Country-brand and Nation-building in Latin America (Spanish). Coord. Jorge Peña.
- Doktorandenkolloquium (5h): To be, to belong, to appear: A classification of the theories of nationalism.
- September 2005: Visitor FSU Jena (Germany) and IWK:Course (4h): “Objectualizing the
nation” (English) Seminar of Spanish cultures through objects and advertising. Interkulturelle
SommerAkademie.2005 (Intercultural Summer school)
July 2005: Socrates Visitor FSU Jena (Germany) Department of IWKCourse (2h) How to sell a country.
Seminar about nationalism in advertising (Spanish). (Coord. J. Montiel)
- Course (5h) Thinking about Nationalism in Business Culture (English). (Coord. Agnes Kick & J.Montiel)
United Kingdom
- December 2004: Visitor University of Surrey (Roehampton - London) Dept. English & Modern
languagesCourse (2h): Public Opinion and Nationalism: a two ghost story”(English). Coord. Lourdes Melcion
- January 2006: Teaching for the Bilingual course EMK: Université de Lyon II Lumière (bilingual: German and French)
- Course (9h): “Ni una, ni grande, ni libre: Structure des Médias en Espagne”
(Not one, nor great, nor free: media structure in Spain)
Seminar about the Structure of the Media in Europe (Coordinated by Dr. Dominique Bourgain).
May ‘10 __________________________________________________________________________ Curriculum Vitae: 2/2
Research experience:
− September 2009. Coruña, Spain. “Xth World Congress of Semiotics”.
Paper: “El nacionalismo como narrativa transmediática, ensayo de una transmutación” (Nationalism as a
transmedia narrative. Essay for a transmutation).
− November 2008. Aalborg, Denmark. “Space, Interaction and Discourse”.
Paper: “The ventriloquist’s milestones: monuments and cultural heritage in national discourse”
− November 2008. Barcelona,Spain. ECREA:“Communication Policies and Culture in Europe”.
Paper: “Technologies of the public sphere: the construction of time” (co-presented)
− September 2008. Oxford. UK. “Global Conference Multiculturalism, Conflict and Belonging”.
Paper: “The ghost of the nation: a methodological discussion”
− April 2008. Bristol. University of Bristol. Workshop “Media and Communication in Europe: Babel Revisited”.
Paper: “The Remains of the day: building Europe and still thinking nationally”
− April 2008. University of Perpignan. France. “Colloque : Tourismes Patrimoines Identités Territoires”.
Paper: "¿Vender país o hacer país? del Countrybranding al nationalbuilding y viceversa" (To sell the country or to
build the country? From Countrybranding to nationalbuilding and vice versa)
− November 2007. Glasgow. Caledonian University. Conference “National Days: Summoning The Nation?”
Paper: “Signing the nation: the role of national day in national discourse”
− November 2007. Salzburg. Fachochschule. VII. Interdisziplinäres Symposium Europäische Kulturen in der
Wirtschaftskommunikation. EUKO-Symposium.
Paper: „Country-Branding als Identitätsmetapher“ (co-written)
− May 2007. Oxford. Reuters Institute. “Minding the Gap: Reflections on Media Practice and Theory”
Paper: “Daily or diary: towards a new profile in e-journalism” (co-written) (available online at:
− March 2007. Gregynog. University Wales.”Media History and History in the Media: The media and time”
Paper: “The Origins of the daily nation” (co-written)
− December 2006. Sevilla.. ULEPICC-IBERCOM (Spanish).
Paper: “Representaciones no nacionales: una revisión de los argumentos cosmopolitas”
(Non national representations: a revision of the cosmopolite arguments)
− April 2005. Buenos Aires. V Congreso. Asociación Argentina de Semiótica (Argentinian association of semiotics)
Paper: “¿Semiótica crítica o crítica a la semiótica?” (co-written) (¿Critical semiotics or critics to semiotics?)
− May 2005. Granada.Spain. International Association for Philosophy of law and Social philosophy. 22nd World Congress.
Paper: “Becoming citizens: Citizenship in the theories of nationalism”
− November 2004. Tenerife. Canarian Islands. Asociación Española de Semiótica
Paper: “Aislando: para una semiótica del nacionalismo” (Isolating: towards a semiotics of nationalism)
Research groups:
- Currently: GRECTIC: Communication, Tourism, and Cultural Heritage Research group.
- Recently formed. Faculty of Business and Communication. University of Vic.
-September 2005: Qualitative and Participative Research Unit. Foundation Robert. UAB.
- Interdisciplinary (psychology, sociology, political science graduates and communication students)
-September 1997 (after graduation) Social Qualitative Research and Health. University of Girona.
- Interdisciplinary (physicians, sociology, psychology, Communication students).
Rodriguez-Amat, J.R “Todos a la vez, en el mismo sitio: tiempo y espacio en el discurso nacionalista” in: DeSignis, Revista de Semiótica. FELAFACS. (Sent
Corrections february 2010. Forthcoming)
Rodriguez-Amat, JR. “Memories of stone: analysis of the Hamburger Rathaus in the Public sphere” (Sent for review January 2010. Forthcoming)
Rodriguez-Amat, JR; Conti, L (2008) “Culture and the city” in: Contatti-Rivista di relazioni pubbliche e comunicazione. Università degli studi di Udine.
Montiel, J; Peña, J. Rodríguez-Amat, JR (2008) “Countrybranding als identitätsmetapher” in: Brandstätter, M./ Gölzner, H./ Siems, F. (Hg.):
Anspruchsgruppenorientierte Kommunikation - Neue Ansätze zu Kunden-, Mitarbeiter- und Untenrehmenskommunikation, Wiesbaden, DUV.
Rodríguez-Amat, JR; Campalans, C (Eds.) (2010) Història de les sincronies: manual d’estructura de la comunicació social (History of synchronicities:
handbook of structure of social communication) MediaTK, Vic. (Forthcoming)
In: DeSignis. Num.3 (2004) Barcelona, Gedisa. ISSN: 1578-4223
BRIGGS, A. & BURKE, P. (2002) De Gutenberg a Internet. Una historia social de los medios de comunicación. Madrid: Taurus, 2002. ISBN 84-3060479-0.
(from English to Spanish):
KLEINSTEUBER, H. & THOMASS, B. (1999) “Alemania: la continuidad del sistema federal y la aparición de la televisión urbana” in: MORAGAS, M. DE,
GARITAONANDÍA, C. I LÓPEZ, B. (eds) (1999) Televisión de proximidad en Europa. Experiencias de descentralización en la era digital. Bellaterra,
Servei de Publicacions de la UAB.
TUFTE, T. (1999) “Dinamarca: una nueva legislación ¿la salvación en el último instante?” in: MORAGAS, M. DE, GARITAONANDÍA, C. & LÓPEZ, B. (eds)
(1999) Televisión de proximidad en Europa. Experiencias de descentralización en la era digital. Bellaterra, Servei de Publicacions de la UAB.
* For further information or certification about these (or other) questions, please, feel free to contact me through the above addresses.
Thank you.

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