Sr. D`Orsi, Per 6 y 7 Lesson Plan—Spanish II (H


Sr. D`Orsi, Per 6 y 7 Lesson Plan—Spanish II (H
Sr. D’Orsi, Per 6 y 7
Lesson Plan—Spanish II (H), Period 7: Monday, March 10
Objective: Students will be able to recognize and correctly use vocabulary which will allow
them to describe a problem, specifically problems in the environment/the world around them
(Chapter 11, Section 1).
State Standards:
4.14 Identify interactions, patterns of social behavior, social norms, customs, holidays, and
special events that are typical of the target culture, and discuss how they reflect language and
cultural perspectives
4.19 Describe the relationship between social establishments such as schools, religions,
governments, and the perspectives of the target culture*
Hook: (5 minutes) Students have been solving a riddle every day at the beginning of class. The
riddle is in Spanish and usually prompts them to begin thinking in Spanish. Oftentimes, the
answer to the riddle has more to do with the words themselves than the meaning of the words.
Here’s today’s riddle:
“Forma una palabra con los siguientes letras: abapualnar.”
Answer: una palabra
Translation: Forma a word (una palabra) with the following letters: abapualnar.
Answer: una palabra (a word).
Lecture: Vocabulary about Describing a Problem in your Environment (20 mins)
Students will follow along with a presentation that I have prepared, listing each
vocabulary word, and their definition in English. Notes not necessary—worksheet
Without revealing the word, I will have students attempt to guess the meaning, before
ultimately revealing the correct
Students will repeat each Vocabulary word after me, following along with the
presentation I prepared.
Once we get to the “Así se dice” part of the presentation they no longer need to repeat
after me.
I will field any questions about any new vocabulary. Once I have answered all questions,
we will move on to the activities.
As students work through the activity, I will hand out vocabulary worksheet (Appendix
A), which lists all new vocabulary they should know
Sr. D’Orsi, Per 6 y 7
Activity: 30 minutes
Activity 1 (10 Minutes): Listen to the following statements. Decide whether the speaker in each
statement believes that the following problem is “grave,” “mejor,” or si “no hay problema.”
I will read off each statement (Appendix B) and students will answer each question on
the worksheet provided. (Appendix C)
Activity 2 (20 Minutes): Adapted from Activity 11 in the ¡Ven Conmigo!, Level 2, book.
“With a partner, discuss some of the ecological problems you find in your school or your town.
Prepare a list of at least 4 problems you have noticed. Use the vocabulary we’ve practiced today
to help you list these problems.”
Assessment (Exit Ticket)
• Each student (even if in same group) will share one problem on their list so that I can
determine whether or not these new terms and vocabulary are being used correctly.
Sr. D’Orsi, Per 6 y 7
Appendix A
Cuidando nuestro medioambiente
Nuevo Vocabulario
Capítulo 11: Primer Paso
Para describir un problema
Cada vez hay más (o menos)
o There are more and more (or
less and less)
o To waste
El desperdicio
o The waste
La destrucción
o The destruction
o Serious
Lo malo es que…
o The bad thing is that…
o To improve
El sistema no funciona.
o The system isn’t working.
o To throw out.
El medio ambiente (The environment)
La basura
o The trash
La capa de ozono
o The ozone layer
El combustible
o Fuel
El petróleo
o Petroleum
El plástico
o Plastic
Los químicos
o Chemicals
Los recursos naturales
o Natural resources
La selva tropical
o Rainforest
El smog
o The smog
La tierra
o The earth
Z. D’Orsi
Así se dice…
Hay demasiado ruido en la ciudad
o There’s too much noise in the city.
Es uno de los problemas más grandes
o It’s one of the most serious problems.
¿No podemos hacer nada para mejorar la situación?
o Can’t we do something to improve the situation?
Estoy preocupado por…
o I’m worried about…
Z. D’Orsi
Appendix B
1. Lo malo es que en todas partes sufrimos de la contaminación del
aire. Pero en algunas ciudades como Denver el uso de nuevo
productos está mejorando la calidad del medio ambiente.
2. Para mí la contaminación del agua es uno de los problemas más
graves. En efecto, hay ríos y lagos que están muertos.
3. Yo creo que la crisis de la energía no existe realmente. Para mí el
sistema funciona muy bien.
4. Otro problema grave es la destrucción de la capa de ozono. No lo
sentimos, pero el efecto es alarmante. Cada vez hay más casos de
5. Estamos preocupados por la Tierra y gracias a los esfuerzos de
muchos grupos, más gente está colaborando para evitar los
problemas del medio ambiente. ¡Lo bueno es que sí, todos
podemos hacer algo para mejorar la situación!
Llave (key)
No hay problema.
Z. D’Orsi
Appendix C
Actividad de escuchar
Instrucciones: Escucha las frases siguientes que el Sr. D’Orsi va a leer en voz alta.
Para cada número, decide si la situación que describe está grave, mejor, o si no
hay problema.
1. ________________________
2. ________________________
3. ________________________
4. ________________________
5. ________________________
Z. D’Orsi
Lesson Plan—Spanish II (H), Period 7: Wednesday, April 30
Objective: Students will be able to practice new vocabulary about describing places.
Students will be able to read and summarize a short reading in Spanish of their choice.
Students will be introduced to the Subjunctive mood and how it is used in English and in
State Standards:
1.3 Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with no major repeated patterns of
error, students will ask and answer questions
1.5 Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with no major repeated patterns of
error, students will Exchange information and knowledge
1.9 Ask and respond to questions to clarify information
1.15 Share personal reactions to authentic literary texts, such as letters, poems, plays,
stories, novels, etc.*
2.1 Students will be able to follow directions in target language
2.4 Read or listen to and interpret signs, simple stories, poems, and informational texts
2.7 Read authentic and adapted materials, such as short stories, narratives,
advertisements, and brochures
2.8 Understand important ideas and details in highly contextualized authentic and adapted
2.12 Read articles in a magazine, journal, or newspaper and understand main ideas
3.4 Describe people, places, and things
3.8 Write simple paragraphs
3.22 Recount events in an incident or a reading
5.1 Ask and answer questions regarding similar/different phonetic/writing systems used
in the target language
5.2 Give examples of ways in which the target language differs from/ is similar to
5.9 Recognize grammatical categories such as tense, gender, and agreement in the target
language and English
Z. D’Orsi
4.14 Identify interactions, patterns of social behavior, social norms, customs, holidays,
and special events that are typical of the target culture, and discuss how they reflect
language and cultural perspectives
4.19 Describe the relationship between social establishments such as schools, religions,
governments, and the perspectives of the target culture*
Hook: Students will break into groups immediately in order to have the most time
possible in centers.
Lecture/Activities: Centers Day (50 Minutes)
Center 1: Vocabulary practice—10 preguntas. Students will play the game 10
questions, where one person chooses a place while the other students in the group
try to identify the place with 10 questions or less. Students must use vocabulary
from chapter 12.2 to form their questions. See Appendix A for assignment sheet.
Students will take notes on each round and pass notes into me as assessment of
their work in this center.
Center 2: Reading Center—Students will have the opportunity to read a short
story or news article in Spanish. They will be asked to summarize the article and
write any words that they did not know, along with their translations on the
Reading Center worksheet to be passed in (See Appendix B).
Center 3: Subjunctive/Grammar Section—Students will be taught a mini-lesson
about the subjunctive mood. This difficult concept is just introduced in Chapter
12, to really be taught in Spanish 3. This concept will be better taught in small
groups for a short period of time. After a short lecture/explanation, students will
work on activities I will distribute to reinforce subjunctive skills.
Assessments: I will be able to informally assess students in a number of ways through
Centers day. First, students will pass in notes from Vocabulary Center, as well as their
worksheet from the reading center. Secondly, students will be informally assessed by me
by way of the activities completed in the Grammar center.
Z. D’Orsi
Appendix A: Vocabulary Center Assignment Sheet
Instrucciones: ¡Júntate con su grupo para hacer el juego Diez Preguntas! Una persona
escoge un lugar y los otros tratan de identificarlo con 10 preguntas o menos. Cambia los
papeles cada vez que juegue. ¡Buena Suerte!
IMPORTANTE: Toma notas de las preguntas que haces, y los respuestas que sus
compañeros(as) te dan. Tienes que entregármelos al final del clase.
Z. D’Orsi
Appendix B: Reading Center Worksheet Nombre: _________________________ Centro de Leer Titulo del artículo o cuento: _____________________ Autor del artículo o cuento: _____________________ Vocabulario Nuevo del artículo/cuento: Resumen corto del artículo/ cuento: 

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