Crest Memorial School Curriculum and Pacing Guide Grade: 7


Crest Memorial School Curriculum and Pacing Guide Grade: 7
 Crest Memorial School Curriculum and Pacing Guide Grade: 7 Subject: Spanish Adoption Date: 04/01/14 Revision Date: 01/19/16 MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 Scope and Sequence Adonde vas a ir de vacaciones? How can you describe a vacation? (4 weeks) Qué tiempo hace? What’s the weather like? (4 weeks) ¿Qué haces en tu casa? What do you do at home? (4 weeks) ¿Cómo te sientes? How do you feel? (4 weeks) ¿Cómo es la ciudad? What’s the city like? (4 weeks) ¿Qué te gustaría ver? What would you like to watch? (4 weeks) ¿Con qué se hace la comida? How is Mexican food prepared? (4 weeks) ¿Cómo podemos proteger el ambiente? How can we protect the environment? (4 weeks) Instructional Materials Paso a Paso Scott Foresman Videos: El tiempo, Jeff Corwin Experience: South American Rain Forest Paso a Paso Scott Foresman Quack Video: La Casa Quack video: El cuerpo Standard Deviants Video: Possessive Adjectives Tejano dance video: Selena Paso a Paso Scott Foresman Video: Sabado Gigante Hispanic Murals/Diego Rivera Powerpoint Paso a Paso Scott Foresman Video: Mexican Cuisine Video: Global Stratification: The Way We Live United Streaming Video: Jeff Corwin Experience: Costa Rica Standards 7.1A.4 7.1A.3 7.1B.4 7.1C.5 7.1C.1 7.1C.2 7.1A.4 7.1A.3 7.1C.1 7.1C.2 7.1A.5 7.1A.4 7.1A.3 7.1C.1 7.1C.2 7.1A.5 7.1A.4 7.1A.3 7.1C.5 7.1B.4 7.1A.5 7.1.B.2 7.1C.2 Activities Play vocabulary games Watch Jeff Corwin Experience: South American Rain Forest Play TPR/vocabulary games Use the verbs poner, preferir and Play TPR/vocabulary games Use the preposition de + el, the Play TPR/vocabulary games Use the verbs traer, pedir, Use the verbs querer, pensar and poder to form simple sentences Write a descriptive paragraph of a vacation Write and present a weekly weather report for a Spanish speaking city Discuss the usage of Celsius or Fahrenheit. Make conversions. hacer to make short sentences Use IR verbs to construct short sentences 7.1.A.5 Use possessive adjectives to indicate ownership Create and describe a map of Wildwood crest using adjectives lejos and cerca (near and far) Discuss the use of patios and casitas in Hispanic culture Use website visit site Festival de los Patios Cordobeses to explore authentic patios in Cordoba Use Microsoft Paint to design a patio Use the verbs dormir, the expression hace…que and indirect object pronouns to construct short sentences Create and describe a multi­body part alien with one injury Discuss wellness activities including Latin Dance Discuss the characteristics of Tejano dance Watch Tejano dance video: Selena Use www.makebeliefs preterit tense of AR verbs and the preterit tense of ir to write short sentences about the past Discuss the role of murals/ public paintings in Hispanic neighborhoods Create, describe and present a city mural Use comparative expressions and superlatives to construct simple sentences Compare and contrast Sabado Gigante with U.S. television programming Use the preterit tense of the the verb ver and indirect object pronouns to construct simple sentences Create movie poster in target language Explore Spanish Television programming indirect object pronouns and the preterit tense of ER and IR verbs to construct simple sentences Prepare and sample authentic Mexican dishes Design a menu for an authentic Mexican restaurant Role play waiter/guest situations using restaurant vocabulary Discuss the causes, effects and possible solutions to the issue of world hunger Use the verb decir and saber to construct simple sentences Construct simple positive commands Watch Jeff Corwin Experience: Costa Rica Compare and contrast protected areas in the US and Costa Rica to create a conversation between a doctor and a patient Modifications Write and present a weekly weather report for a Spanish speaking city tier 1: extended vocabulary/ no support tier 2: Use chapter 7 vocabulary tier 3 use chapter 7 vocabulary and grammar outline Create and describe a multi­body part alien with one injury Tier 1: No support/extended vocabulary Tier 2: no support/ chapter 9 vocabulary Tier 3: grammar outline/ vocabulary notes Create, present and describe a city mural Tier 1: no notes Tier 2: simple notes Tier 3: student prepared script Role play waiter/guest situations using restaurant vocabulary Tier 1: no notes Tier 2: simple notes Tier 3: prepared script Interdisciplinary Connections Discuss the usage of Celsius or Fahrenheit. Make conversions. (Math/science) Discuss wellness activities including Latin Dance (health) Discuss the role of murals/ public paintings in Hispanic neighborhoods (Art) Compare and contrast protected areas in the US and Costa Rica (Science) Assessments test quizzes projects Test Quizzes House project Patio project Alien project Test Quizzes Mural project Movie project Test Quizzes projects 21st Century Themes and Skills Discuss the usage of Celsius or Fahrenheit. Make conversions. (CRP12 Work productively using global competence) Discuss the use of patios and casitas in Hispanic culture (CRP12 Work productively using global competence) Discuss wellness activities including Latin Dance (CRP3 Attend to personal health) Discuss the role of murals/ public paintings in Hispanic neighborhoods (CRP12 Work productively using global competence) Compare and contrast Sabado Gigante and Hispanic television programming with that of the (CRP12 Work productively using global competence) Role play waiter/guest situations using restaurant vocabulary (CRP4 Communicate clearly and effectively) Discuss the causes, effects and possible solutions to the issue of world hunger (CRP8 Utilize critical thinking skills to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them) 

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