Father`s Day 2012


Father`s Day 2012
Dear Dad,
Thank you for everything you have done for me; and for always being there
for me. You have been there through the beginning of my time-in my goods
and bads. I love you and miss you. I appreciate when you come and visit me
and cheer me up when I'm down, stressing about what might happen with
my life, and tell me that everything is going to be alright. Today is your day.
I would love to be there like you are with me. I want you to enjoy it. Love
you, Dad! Happy Fathers Day!!!
Happy Father’s Day
Dad, I just want you to know that I appreciate everything you did for me
in the past. I also want to thank you for being there for me. Dad, I’m
sorry for being in jail, but I know you and my mother have forgiven me.
Well Dad, thank you for all the love you have shown me. I love you,
The only father I had was my mother. I consider her my father because
of everything she has done. She worked for me to have a roof over my head,
she tried to give me good advice, she was the father in my life and I want
to thank her for that. I want to tell her thank you for everything she’s
done and for being there through this tough time. I know I made her
suffer and I put her through a lot. And through it all, she is still here
for me. As for my father, I’ve never seen him. But I want to be a better
dad than he was and be their for my son.!!
Dad, if you would have been in my life, I think I would have been a whole
different person. I don’t think I would have been in this situation right
now. I don’t think I would have been in jail or been a gang member. I would
love to spend some time with you. But you know, it’s all good because I
always had my father with me even though I can’t see him, it’s alright
because I know he never left me and will never leave me. What I like the
most is that I have a lot of brothers and sisters and we have only one
father, the one and only Jesus Christ.!
Felíz Día De Los Padres
Para mi querido padre,
Te quiero dar las gracias por estar aquí por mi y por apoyarme todo
este tiempo. En este día de los padres te quiero dar el mayor regalo
que te puedo regular, este regalo es que cambié mi vida y me entregué
a Dios. Le quiero decir también que me perdone por no hacerle caso
cuando estaba con la familia pero quiero que estés muy feliz porque
tiene un nuevo hijo que a hecho un nuevo cambio y esta en el camino
de Dios. Me siento feliz y le doy las gracias a Dios que estoy encerado
en la cárcel. Yo se si yo todavía estuviera en las calles, yo nunca
estuviera cerca de Dios o tal vez estuviera muerto. Yo se que estas
feliz por que yo hice este cambio
tan grande. Te extraño mucho y
te amo con todo mi corazón.
¡Feliz Día De Los Padres!
- Anónimo
Primeramente, te quiero dar
gracias por todo lo que has hecho por mi. Nunca pensé encontrarme
en un lugar como aquí. Siempre me enseñaste mejor pero yo nunca te
hice caso. Tu siempre estabas allí por mi cuando me sentía triste y
siempre me decías, “Hijo no te me agites, todo va a salir firme.”
Cuando te veo en las visitas, veo que tu y la familia me extrañan.
Tengo la esperanza de un día verlos otra vez como antes. No te quise
lastimar pero así es la vida. Te prometo que voy a ser lo mejor de
hacer las cosas bien y ser un triunfador.
- Brandon

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