Ilídio Silva Conferences


Ilídio Silva Conferences
Dr. Ilídio Silva Conferences
Silva, I. “The impact of the financial information quality and transparency on market
efficiency – a proposal of model analysis”, 24th Portuguese and Spanish Conferences of
Scientific Management – The Management Contribution for the Sustainability of Firms
and Society, Leiria, Portugal, 7 February 2014.
Silva, I. “A Matemática das nossas Finanças Pessoais” (“The Maths of our Personal
Finances”), 12th MatViseu, Viseu, Portugal, 8 July 2011.
Silva, I. “Contraste de la teoria del Pecking Order: Evidencia para el caso português”
(“Pecking Order Theory: evidence for the Portuguese case”), 18th National Congress of
ACEDE (“Asociación Científica de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa” – Corporate
Economics and Management Scientific Association), Léon, Spain, 15 September 2008.

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