SASS NEWS - Escuela Escocesa San Andrés


SASS NEWS - Escuela Escocesa San Andrés
Diseñado por Dolores Suarez Gilligan, alumna de year 9.
SASS Community
Founders’ Day - 175th Anniversary
El 1 de Septiembre la comunidad San Andrés se reunió en
Punta Chica para festejar el 175° Aniversario.
La celebración comenzó con el Servicio de la Iglesia
Presbiteriana, y continuó con las presentaciones del Concert
Choir, Concert Band y Open Choir quienes cantaron la
canción “The Thistle” especialmente compuesta por Tomás
Merello para la ocasión, con letra de Ardashes Vartparonian
y arreglos de Matías Villamil.
Asimismo se pudo disfrutar de los tradicionales gaiteros y
danzas escocesas, en este caso liderando un desfile de ex
alumnos desde el año 1949 a la actualidad.
Los alumnos participaron presentando todos los proyectos
realizados para el aniversario junto a sus docentes, que se
pudieron conocer visitando las exposiciones ubicadas en
las distintas aulas.
Los ex alumnos pusieron en escena las canciones de los
plays más recordados, y la Banda del Club de Exalumnos acompañó con su música.
Todo finalizó con una gran torta acompañada por fuegos artificiales.
¡Feliz 175° Aniversario!
2013 is a very special year for our school. We are
celebrating 175 years and although our kindergarteners
love to have St. Andrew’s’ birthday, coming dressed
in tartan clothing, blowing candles and sharing a
delicious cake on Founders’ Day, this year they worked
enthusiastically during our first term, in learning about
the history of our school and working on values, one
of our main goals of our founding fathers and future
generations of educators.
Olivos Kindergarten
• 175 is a large number, so five year olds worked the
number in Maths and Social Studies.
• K4 worked on a special project with a Scottish
School. They shared their culture, traditions,
recipes of traditional food, songs, poems and
stories. They worked on similarities and differences
in school routines. They were able to work on 21st
Century Skills taking advantage of what technology
offers in order to be connected to other parts of
the world. One of our families travelled to visit
some relatives that live in Scotland being our
ambassadors at this Scottish School and also
bringing books and information from them.
• K3 worked specially on the Symmetry, the ship that
brought the Scottish families to Argentina. They
played with the idea of being the Scottish settlers
and dramatized the story of those families, giving
way to their imagination and prepared with empty
boxes a lovely Symmetry exhibited on Founders’
Everyone enjoyed our Concert: “From Scotland to
Argentina, a blend of two cultures”. The songs talked
about the respect for diversity, the integrity and the
responsibility our school fosters. The different groups
sang and danced joyfully!
Our 175th Anniversary will leave good memories of
how our school started and what it became within our
Community, especially for our students.
Happy birthday St. Andrew’s! We are proud to share
our school spirit with all our
Our Projects for the 175th Anniversary
On this very special year for our school, our 175th anniversary, teachers carefully planned
projects with the objective of having our pupils live and understand the history at such a
young age.
The “Bunnies”(K3) planned a celebration. They thought about every detail needed, from
the cake to the invitations and decorations. They prepared everything for this very special
date: September 1st. They wrote the invitations for their families, decorated a big cake made
out of boxes and prepared a huge crown for the school. Each one baked an individual cake
with dough and decorated it with paint, as well as making a tablecloth to put the cakes on.
Finally, the day arrived, and they had lots of fun celebrating.
Punta Chica Kindergarten
The “Froggies” and the “Bears” (K4) looked at maps to find out where Scotland was and
dramatized the arriving of the Scottish settlers in Argentina and their time in Monte Grande
where they worked as farmers. The children visited the library to search for books which
had photographs about the School’s history that served as a starting point. How did the
students dress? What did the classrooms look like? Was there a playground? The children
also learnt about all the people who help at our school at present, both in Olivos and Punta
Chica, by walking around the school, talking to everyone and asking questions about their
jobs. They also visited Olivos site, where they saw that there were other children like them
who use the same uniform and carry out similar activities. They visited the Administration
to find out who worked there and what they did. After this, their Olivos peers came to share
some time with them in Punta Chica. The teachers asked the parents who were former
pupils to bring pictures for the children to see. With all this information they learnt about
their school and they were able to retell the story of St. Andrew´s Scots School using a time
line made out of cloth which they had to spread out in the field because of its length. The
legend of Loch Ness was a highlight they all enjoyed to the full. The teachers documented
all the activities and photographs of the process on a web-page that they looked at with
their pupils and shared with the community.
The “Spiders” and “Bumblebees” (K5) prepared a short film where all of the
children sang and dramatized a part of our story. They investigated what farm life
in Scotland was like, looked into the different animals that were raised there,
as well as the food made from their produce. They prepared masks, and came
dressed up as farmers and carried out art techniques to decorate the classroom:
tartan designs, church vitraux made out of paper and some lovely paper pipers.
They dramatized the trip overseas from Scotland to Buenos singing the very traditional
“My Bonnie lies over the ocean” and made boats out of egg cartons. On their arrival, the
immigrants had to learn about Argentina, their language and traditions enacting their
first encounter, by singing “Chacarera de la bienvenida”.
The values of our Scottish founders, Respect, Responsibility and Integrity were highlighted
in our activities as part of our tradition and present in our daily practice.
Community Building Projects: 175th anniversary
As a part of our 175th anniversary celebrations, several community building projects,
student and teacher led, took place in Olivos Primary. We worked on our school mission
and our school values, honouring our past, celebrating our present and envisioning our
A group of dedicated Y6 students, with the help of their teachers started publishing a
newspaper called “The St. Andrew’s Times”. It took months of hard work, many meetings
during break time, agreeing on layout, organization and roles. The St. Andrew’s Times
features interesting articles, interviews, games and news about school life.
Olivos Primary
As part of the project “Friends Stitch Together”, Year 1 and Year 3 students shared a
wonderful experience. The children were grouped in pairs and the Year 3 students read
different Leo Lionni stories to their Year 1 friends. Together they reflected on the message
conveyed by the author in each story, and collaboratively, they prepared an art activity
trying to imitate the author’s illustration techniques.
The Ecology Team met several times to prepare a campaign to promote the Recycling
Projects that take place at school. The children divided the tasks that the team would
undertake: clearly identify the recycling bins,
an audiovisual presentation to show in all the
classes and posters for the halls. They also
made dustpans and tiny brooms using plastic
bottles. When the Recycling Campaign was
presented to the children, each class was
given a set of broom and dustpan to help keep
the school clean. The Ecology Team gives the
students the chance to learn about caring for
our environment while providing a service to
the community.
A group of Y6 students has been trained in
conflict resolution techniques and skills. They
volunteered to help younger students solve
their conflicts during break time in a constructive
way, avoiding physical and verbal aggression.
They were appointed Break Monitors and they
guided their younger peers, giving ideas for
playground activities, helping them develop
their social skills and improving school climate.
One of the best ways to foster leadership
and academic skills is through a Student
Council. Student Council is democracy in
action. It teaches children that they truly can
make a difference at home, at school, in the
community, and in the greater world society.
This year our Student Council representatives
-students elected by their classmates from
Years 4, 5 and 6- held regular meetings and
worked on important projects: improvement of
behaviour and attitudes during bus rides, dining
room rules and playground rules and activities.
The whole school community benefits when
students get involved in planning and decisionmaking; when students, staff and community
work together on issues they choose and value.
This year’s projects were student leadership
centred. We are happy to have shared some of
these enriching experiences with you!
El desafío de ser anfitriones
Durante los festejos de nuestro 175° Aniversario, los alumnos de Primaria Punta Chica mostraron
un espíritu solidario y creativo al participar con mucho entusiasmo en la preparación
de esta fiesta. Nos movilizó el saber que esta vez seríamos nosotros anfitriones en una
celebración que convocaría a tantas personas.
Frente a la propuesta de preparar 80 estandartes para el desfile inaugural, los alumnos
de 6to año aceptaron el desafío con alegría y compromiso. Es así como en el marco del
Taller de Art Attack comenzamos con esta ambiciosa idea. ¡No era mucho el tiempo pero
sí inmensas las ganas!
Punta Chica Primary
Los chicos demostraron un verdadero trabajo en equipo al coordinar las acciones con sus
compañeros para poder completar la tarea, compartiendo los recursos, proporcionándose
apoyo mutuo y celebrando juntos el éxito al lograr el objetivo propuesto. Creemos que lo
que verdaderamente motivó a este grupo fue el orgullo de ser parte de las celebraciones
de nuestra comunidad, aunar esfuerzos, ideas y tiempo al servicio de lograr algo que nos
representara ese día.
Para diseñar los estandartes, pensamos en seguir adelante un mismo patrón, pero las
ideas de los chicos superaron ampliamente nuestras expectativas. Cada diseño fue distinto al otro, todos inspirados en el tartan, los cardos y los colores, todos ellos símbolos de
las raíces escocesas. Fue muy emocionante cuando al finalizar la tarea, ensamblamos los
carteles y los sostuvimos juntos en el Hall. Todos unidos para hacer algo juntos: el mejor
aprendizaje y la alegría perfecta al ser compartida.
Los alumnos de 4to, también en el espacio de Taller quisieron sumarse a la preparación
de los festejos. Fueron los encargados de preparar cardos con papel crepe para decorar
el colegio. Llevó mucho tiempo y esfuerzo, pero siguiendo las instrucciones y trabajando
juntos armaron unos grandes y vistosos ramos que decoraron los pasillos.
Consideramos que somos nosotros los docentes los que aprendemos juntos a nuestros
alumnos al participar de proyectos como este: disfrutar de crear con alegría y compromiso.
Y sobre todo el orgullo al poder decir que juntos cumplimos con la tarea propuesta.
Paula Saubidet
PSE Coordinator
Primaria Punta Chica
Celebrating our 175th Anniversary
In this very special 175th anniversary
year, we have been focusing on further
developing a sense of belonging, values
and community in the Secondary School, at
the same time as learning more about, and
celebrating, the St. Andrew’s heritage and
traditions. Many of our staff and students
have worked incredibly hard submitting innovative, interesting and creative projects
relating to our history. These projects include:
• Connecting Classrooms with Year 8
• ¿Qué representa para mí San Andrés? with Year 12
• Raíces, herencia, entretejiendo valores del pasado, del presente y del futuro
with Year 7
• SASS cards with Year 7
• El camino del Héroe with Year 7
• El arca de Noé with Years 10, 11 and 12
• 175 años de historia de nuestro colegio en 175 segundos
In addition to these exciting projects, at the request of our students, we held a
Community Spirit Day with the aims of building House and School spirit and celebrating
our 175th anniversary. The day provided the opportunity to learn and have fun in mixed
age groups, gave a space to reflect and develop self confidence and encouraged team
work. Our Student Leaders not only developed the programme for the day but also led
each of the workshops – demonstrating incredible leadership, courage, perseverance
and tenacity; traits exhibited by our
competition this year also carried the
theme of our 175th anniversary and
once again students demonstrated
great leadership skills, teamwork and
creativity in putting together four
wonderful online House magazines.
Our Founders’ Day Assembly was a very special and important event for us this year. It was
held at Punta Chica meaning that both Middle and Senior Schools were able to celebrate
together along with former students, invited guests and dignitaries. We shared many
interesting speeches, wonderful music and memories. Years pass and times change but
the core values of respect, integrity and responsibility endure, and we recognize that we
are stewards of our school, looking after not only our own needs but those of others and
future generations. We appreciate all that has been handed down to us by our ancestors
and we are conscious of our own legacy as we seek coherence and build bridges from the
past, to the present and the future.
“Like branches on a tree, our lives may grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one.
All the flowers, of all the tomorrows, are in the seeds of today.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”
En este año tan especial, por la
conmemoración del 175° Aniversario
del colegio, nos propusimos crear una
obra especialmente dedicada a este
importantísimo acontecimiento. Pensamos
en alguien que pudiera escribir una letra
que estuviera íntimamente relacionada
con la historia de la escuela, y con la que
cada miembro de la comunidad pudiese
identificarse. Para la tarea contactamos a Ardashes Vartparonian, ex-alumno y
miembro del coro del colegio, licenciado en literatura inglesa por Edinburgh University,
quien aceptó con entusiasmo sumarse al ambicioso proyecto. Así nació “The Thistle”,
interpretada en Founders’ Day por un ensamble de más de 200 personas que forman
el Concert Band, el Concert Choir y Open Choir (coro de padres, ex-alumnos, staff).
Coro & Banda
En cuanto a las actividades extracurriculares, se centraron en los eventos del calendario
habitual, que año a año se ven enriquecidos por la participación, esfuerzo y entusiasmo
de nuestros alumnos. Entre muchos otros, destacamos el Festival Instrumental de
Colegios Secundarios y el Interhouse Music Competition, en el que participaron más
de 400 alumnos.
Las giras de Junior Choir, Intermediate Choir y Concert Choir se realizaron con mucho
éxito a Mar del Plata, Rosario y La Cumbre respectivamente, así como todas las
presentaciones en nuestro Colegio y en los Festivales organizados por instituciones
En el plano curricular, este año trabajamos para crear así un Programa de Música K-12
unificado y con objetivos comunes. Estamos convencidos de que la música ennoblece
e inspira elevados sentimientos y valores, acompañando y enriqueciendo casi todas las
acciones humanas. La música es una de las pocas actividades interdisciplinarias en las
que se desarrolla simultáneamente lo exacto, lo motriz, lo auditivo y lo sensorial. Con ese
principio fundamental estamos estudiando los programas para seguir evolucionando y
crear un nuevo programa de música que se irá implementado en los años futuros.
Al regreso de las vacaciones de invierno se comenzó
el trabajo de atletismo con el objetivo de preparar los
equipos para el Inter House para luego armar los equipos
que representarían al colegio en los distintos torneos.
Los resultados de estos torneos fueron muy variados,
individualmente hubo muy buenas performances y en
su conjunto nos dejó una buena base para comenzar a
trabajar el año próximo.
El primer torneo es el organizado por el A.D.E, que este
año se llevo a cabo en nuestro campo de deportes. Los
varones obtuvieron en el resultado general el 1er PUESTO
y las niñas 5to PUESTO.
Physical Education
El segundo torneo fue el que organiza el Colegio Michael
Ham. Cabe aclarar que tanto en este torneo como en el
que organiza nuestra escuela participan los alumnos de
primer año, siendo esta su primera experiencia en este
tipo de competencias. En este mismo torneo la modalidad
es de dos competidores por prueba de cada colegio y
obtuvimos un 4to PUESTO tanto en niñas como varones.
Para cerrar la temporada, se realizó el torneo más
esperado, organizado por San Andrés, porque es en donde
participan más colegios. Este año participaron Michael
Ham, Newman, Holly Cross, Los Molinos, St John’s,
Godspell, St Matthew’s, Los Robles, St Luke’s, St Mark´s
SI, St Mary of The Hills y Southern Cross. Los resultados
generales fueron: varones 2do PUESTO y las niñas 3er
PUESTO.Nos gustaría nombrar a algunos alumnos que se
destacaron, no solo por sus performances individuales,
sino también por el compromiso que demostraron desde
el primer día de entrenamiento.
Las niñas: NATALIA VUJACIC de primer año, HANNAH
Los varones : MATEO FIORITO de primer año, ALAN
una mención especial MICHAEL WELZEL quien obtuvo el
primer puesto en el lanzamiento de la jabalina y marcó
un nuevo record para esta disciplina en el torneo del
Michael Ham.
A todos, ¡FELICITACIONES por el gran esfuerzo y
Founders´ Day Assembly & Former Pupil Award
Founders’ Day Assembly took place on the morning of Tuesday September 3rd at
Punta Chica.
All secondary students attended, together with members of the community including
staff, former pupils, parents, school authorities and special guests.
Alejandro Solernó (Head of Y11) was Master of Ceremonies. The Assembly was
conducted in Spanish and English. It began with the entry of flags led by pipers and
speakers including Ms. Sarah Howling (Head of Secondary), Gerardo Muniello (Minister
of the Presbyterian Church), Mr. Alberto Ermili (School Committee Chair) and Mr.
Gabriel Rshaid (Headmaster) addressed the audience.
The Concert Band performed “Caravan” followed by the Concert Choir singing “Te
Quiero” and to conclude, together they executed “The Thistle”, a song composed
especially for the occasion by Tomás Merello, with lyrics by Ardashes Vartparonian ‘07
and orchestrated by Matías Villamil.
The Former Pupil Award 2013 was presented and this year’s awardees were Mr.
Anthony Hall ‘59 and Mr. Iván French ‘00.

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