NOTES Subjunctive with Future Actions


NOTES Subjunctive with Future Actions
Subjunctive with Future Actions 1. The following conjunctions express time. Cuando when Después de que after En cuanto as soon as Hasta que until Tan pronto como as soon as 2. Use the subjunctive with conjunctions that express time when the verb refers to an action that hasn’t happened yet. Voy a comprar un carro en cuanto tenga el dinero. I am going to by a car as soon as I have the money. Después de que Rosa salga de clases, iremos al parque. After Rosa gets out of class we’ll go to the park. Voy a esperar hasta que lleguen mis amigos. I’m going to wait until my friends get here. Tan pronto como Luis termine su tarea va a su clase de natación. As soon as Luis finishes his homework he’s going to his swimming class. Vamos a salir con ellos cuando pasen por nosotros. We are going to go out with them when they come for us. 3. The indicative can also be used with conjunctions of time when talking about habitual or past actions. 

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