Gaima Consultores Estimados compañeros/as


Gaima Consultores Estimados compañeros/as
Mactech Europe
Mactech Europe is pleased to
announce that we have recently signed
a European Partnership agreement with
Gaima (Spain).
Gaima Consultores
Estimados compañeros/as,
Nos es grato comunicarles que GAIMA
Consultores y MACTECH han firmado
recientemente un acuerdo de
colaboración en la península Ibérica.
Conjuntamente ofrecemos el suministro
de Cortadoras de Tubo, Biseladoras
y Refrentadoras Portátiles, junto con
los servicios en caso de que fueran
En breve, nos pondremos en contacto
con ustedes para enviaros una
presentación más detallada de nuestros
Para cualquier duda, pueden contactar:
Gaima will be distributing the complete
range of Mactech Europes Pipe Cutting
& Bevelling, and Pipe End Prep
machines and will use their
infrastructure and existing commercial
network for renting and selling our
portable machines in.
Similarly, Mactech Europe is pleased to
be able to promote GAIMA’s large end
machinery and services which will be
added to our portfolio for the UK.
Should you wish more information
concerning availability of machines in
Spain please contact Felipe Martos at
Alternativly if you would like more
information concerning how Mactech
may be able to help your company in
the UK then please contact George
Cornelius at
[email protected]
Contacto: Felipe Martos
Móvil.: 673409990
Mail: [email protected]
Click above to view the complete range
of cutting and bevelling machines
available with video.
Mactech Europe will be exhibiting at
this years International Trade Fair Joining Cutting & Surfacing - in Essen
Germany form 16th to 21st September if you are attending why not come along
to our stand and meet the team
Hall 8 - Stand A137

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