Bulletin - St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church


Bulletin - St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church
St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church
1602 Thousand Oaks Dr. - San Antonio, TX 78232
Our Mission Statement:
to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to
all God’s people by word and action.
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Kevin E. Ryan
PASTORAL OFFICE - (210) 494-1606
Pastoral Administrator
Development Director
Development Asst.
Asst. Bookkeeper
Parish Data Services
Administra ve Asst.
Rev. Msgr. Kevin Ryan
Dot Hamlin
Pamela Raines
Laura Boren
Rich Mazzara
Brenda Houchens
Zulaika L. Muñiz
Pat Flores
Gil Hernandez
Raul Adam
Steve Marques
Larry Brisiel
Hipolito Huerta
Ext. 312
Ext. 311
Ext. 345
Ext. 344
Ext. 319
Ext. 313
Ext. 327
Ext. 300
LITURGY OFFICE - (210) 494-1660
Liturgy/Pastoral Care
Liturgy Asst.
Music Director
Asst. Music Director
Sunday Recep onist
Robert Mar nez
Carroll Migura
Dolores Mar nez
Gary Marks
Kathleen Bedingfield
Ext. 315
Ext. 307
Ext. 316
Ext. 330
Ext. 303
FAITH FORMATION - (210) 494-7434
Director of Adult Faith Forma on - Paul Vance
Chris an Ini a on Ministry (RCIA), Spiritual
Direc on, Quinceañeras - Anne Kemper
Children’s Ministry Coordinator - Elizabeth Herring
Faith Forma on Admin Assistant, Bap sm &
Childcare Coordinator - Rita Cabello
Ext. 326
Ext. 329
Ext. 324
Ext. 320
Ext. 334
Ext. 332
Ext. 333
PRE-SCHOOL - (210) 494-9282
Administra ve Asst.
Kathy Glendening
Connie Mago
Kim Hicks
Ext. 321
Ext. 322
Ext. 337
PHYSICAL PLANT - (210) 494-9399
Team Leader
George Wetherill
Ext. 318
Juan Olivo
Rosa Hernandez, Hector Rendon,
Miguel Mar nez, Jenny Alarcon
Are you new in the parish? You are invited to register in the
Pastoral Office, Monday-Thursday, 9am-5pm or Friday, 8am-4pm
(closed 12pm-1pm) or in the pastoral office located in the church
on Saturday or Sunday. Registra on forms are also available on
our website: www.stmarkevangelist.com.
(‘½Êݛ— ¥ÊÙ ½çđ« ¥ÙÊà 12:00—1:00 Öà MÊėƒù-FÙ®—ƒù)
PHONE: (210) 494-1606 | FAX: (210) 494-4957
AFTER-HOURS EMERGENCIES: ‘ƒ½½ (210) 494-1606 ƒÄ— ¥Ê½½Êó ƒÄÝó›Ù®Ä¦ Ñ«®Ä› ®ÄÝãÙç‘ã®ÊÄÝ
8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM
2 PM (S
), 5 PM
8:15 AM 6:30 PM
6:30 AM
6:30 AM 8:15 AM
6:30 AM 8:15 AM
8:15 AM
5 PM
6:30 AM
8:15 AM
6:30 AM
7:30 AM
, T
9:00 AM - *9:00 PM
*(LƒÝã HÊç٠ʥ A—Êكã®ÊÄ ®Ý ¥ÙÊà 8-9ÖÃ)
, F
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
: 494-7434, Ext. 320.
494-1606, E . 315
E . 307.
YOUTH MINISTRY - (210) 494-1959
Director of HS Youth Ministry - Frank Peacher
Middle School Youth Ministry - Zachary Hemmi
Youth Ministry Admin. Asst. - Brenda Mireles
: 494-1606
May 22, 2016
The Most Holy Trinity
We are on a long and eventful journey. Today’s readings for Trinity Sun‐
day succinctly cover the depth and breadth of our human travels.
The very beginnings of our journey are revealed in the reading from
Proverbs. God’s plan filled with divine wisdom was born before the earth
was made. In today’s Gospel, Jesus speaks of his own personal journey. He
has come from the Father and will return to the Father. Only then will the
Advocate—the Spirit of Truth—take us onward.
This does not diminish the fact that the journey will be hard. The very
setting of the Gospel is the night before Jesus died. As Saint Paul writes to
the Romans, “[W]e even boast of our afflictions, knowing that affliction
produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven charac‐
ter, hope” (Romans 5:3‐4). Ultimately, our human journey is modeled by
the Holy Trinity—a family of love among Father, Son, and Spirit that we are
Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
all called to emulate.
MONDAY, May 23
1 Pt 1:3-9; Ps 111:1-2, 5-6, 9-10c; Mk 10:17-27
8:15 AM
6:30 PM
† Gloria Schlecht
Requested by Betty and Ralph Sirois
Blaine Foresman
Special intention requested by the Foresman Family
1 Pt 1:10-16; Ps 98:1-4; Mk 10:28-31
6:30 AM
† Kitty Polka
Requested by Jim and Martin Polka
1 Pt 1:18-25; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Mk 10:32-45
6:30 AM
† Angel
8:15 AM
Requested by Mom, Dad, and Brothers
† Clara Lawrenz
Requested by Mary and Cliff Bingham
1 Pt 2:2-5, 9-12; Ps 100:2-5; Mk 10:46-52
6:30 AM
St. Mark’s Community
8:15 AM
† Holy Souls in Purgatory
Requested by anonymous
FRIDAY, May 27
First Reading — Before anything was created, the wisdom of
God was brought forth (Proverbs 8:22-31).
Psalm — O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in all the
earth (Psalm 8)!
Second Reading — God’s love has been poured out into our
hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us
(Romans 5:1-5).
Gospel — Everything that the Father has is mine; the Spirit will
take from what is mine and declare it to you (John 16:12-15).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass
(c) 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Eighth Week in Ordinary Time
Wednesday: St. Bede the Venerable;
St. Gregory VII;
St. Mary Magdalene de’Pazzi
Thursday: St. Philip Neri
St. Augustine of Canterbury
Blessed Virgin Mary
1 Pt 4:7-13; Ps 96:10-13; Mk 11:11-26
8:15 AM
† Helen Ott
Requested by Marian and Leo Whitley
Jude 17, 20b-25; Ps 63:2-6; Mk 11:27-33
5:00 PM
† Daniel Rodriguez and Mary Rodriguez
Requested by Maria and Ramon Rodriguez
SUNDAY, May 29
Gn 14:18-20; Ps 110:1-4; 1 Cor 11:23-26;Lk 9:11b-17
8:00 AM
† Sue Weaver
Requested by Marian Waterhouse
10:00 AM † James M. Gonzales
Requested by Veronica Gonzales and Family
12:00 PM † Ramon and Beatriz Rodriguez
Requested by Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez
2:00 PM
Luisa Cardona
Special intention requested by Zulaika Muniz
5:00 PM † Frank Fox
Requested by Luci Guyer
Monday, May 30, all offices will be
closed in observance of Memorial Day.
No Masses on this day
Danielle Baksic
Ralph Benavides
Yolanda Benavides
Jacob Bowers
Franklin Brothers
Ina Brown
Cel Burks
Hope Casias
Juan Ricardo Castaner
Liz Czervinske
Mike Czervinske
Blaine Foresman
Denith Garza
Olga Garza
Glenn Gibbs
Alicia Goen
Celina Gonzalez
Nancy Guerra
Carl Hallenberger
Kirsten Harless
Peggy Hayes Obringer
Glenda Hodge
Josephine Huizar
Matthew Hutzler
Stef Keegan
Don Kersting
Phillip Ledwig
Erik Luis
Connie Marszalek
Lori Martin
Gloria Martinez
Mary Ellen McGinley
Saba Mebrathu
Allen Mejia
Lani Allen Mejia
Alvin Moczygemba
Wayne Moore
Mattie Neff
Amber Nelson
Mercedes Ortiz
Robert Overend
Sarah Paquette
Frank Perri
Lisa Perri-Molina
Eva Quinones
Bubba Radick
John Reichensperger
Lucy Respondek
Roberto Rojas
Olivia Sandoval
Don Schwirtlich
Linda Shoe
Joe Slaven
James Spruel
Janet Spruel-Jenkins
Rae Sutherland
Darrell Tomblin
Joe Ureste
Filomena Hazel Villa
Daniel Villarreal, Jr.
David Williams
Kenneth Williams
Sarina Williams
Susan Winter
Cely Zamuco
Prayer list requests can be made by calling the pastoral office or sending an
email to Pat Flores at [email protected]. Names of the sick will
be listed for three months. A er three months, names will be removed.
Should you need to keep a loved one on the prayer list, please contact the
pastoral office, and the name will be added for an addi onal three months.
We offer our prayers and sympathy to our parishioners
who have experienced a death in their family:
Florida Banawa Juan Cantu
Josefina Flores
Alice Hackert
Bill O’Hanlon
May 22, 2016 | Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
and Islam consider mercy one of
The word mercy, Pope Francis
God's most important attributes. Israel
declared in his announcement of the
unceasingly proclaims God boundJubilee Year of Mercy, "reveals
less in mercy. Islam addresses
the very mystery of the Most
the Creator as "Merciful and
Holy Trinity" (Misericordiae
Kind," believing divine merVultus, 2). For mercy is
cy limitless, its doors always
how God comes to meet us;
open. May this Jubilee Year
mercy is the fundamental
of Mercy, Pope Francis
law helping us recognize
prays, open us to more fereveryone as brothers and
vent dialogue, deepen our
sisters; mercy is the bridge
mutual understanding, elimconnecting God and huinate all closed-minded dismanity, opening our hearts
respect, and drive out every
to the hope of being loved
form of violence and discrimiforever despite our sinfulness.
God's self-revelation as a life—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch
giving, love-sharing Trinity of PerInc.
sons draws us closer to God in friend- Co.,
Papal quotes Copyright (c) 2015, Libreria
ship and communion. Both Judaism
Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission.
Around the turn of the fourth century, Augustine, still fairly fresh from the
baptismal waters in Milan, was elected
bishop of a tiny city in North Africa,
Hippo. He told his people, “While I am
frightened by what I am for you, then I
am consoled by what I
am with you. For you I
am a bishop, with you I
am a Christian.” He had
his priorities right, and
also knew that everyone
coming from the water
arises with a ministry, a
specific role, in bringing about God’s
If we were asked to purge English of
Greek vocabulary, we would gain an
insight into key ministries in our church.
Bishop, from the Greek episkopos,
would become simply “overseer;”
priest, from the Greek presybter, would
become “elder;” and deacon, from the
Greek diakonos, would be “servant.”
Each title stands in relationship to all
the baptized, serving the community,
helping it to be the Body
of Christ. In our deepest
tradition, each of these
ordained ministries is
attuned to help us become our best selves, to
hunger and thirst for the
coming of God’s kingdom. The goal for each one of us is to
be able to recognize the presence of
Christ in worship and in service.
Although only some of us are ordained to
ministry, each of us is called to ministry.
Good Morning Mondays
Alcoholic Anonymous
Adult Faith Formation
MIR ACTS Meeting
Monday Night Prayer Group
Divine Mercy
Young at Heart Senior’s Club
Visioning Committee Meeting
CH #202 & CH #203
CH #201
Aquinas Hall
CH #205
San Juan
Eucharistic Adoration
Centering Prayer Group
Taco Tuesday
Women’s ACTS Meeting
Boy Scout Troop #500
Secrets of the Rosary
OLOG Board Meeting
First Communion Rehearsal
Chapel of the Reservation
New Legacy
Holy Family Room
CH #206
CH #206
Eucharistic Adoration
Women of Mercy Prayer Group
Teen ACTS Meeting
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Men’s ACTS Prayer Group
Adult Confirmation
Boy Scout Troop #500
10:00 Choir Rehearsal
Spirit and the Word
Section Rehearsals
Chapel of the Reservation
New Legacy
CH #201
Holy Family Room
CH #202
Day Chapel
Eucharistic Adoration
Small Faith Community
Alcoholic Anonymous
Doors of Mercy
Adoramus Te Christe
5:00 Choir Rehearsal
Chapel of the Reservation
CH #201
CH #202—#206
CH #201 & CH #202
Children’s Ministry Core
Youth High School Mini Retreat
Art and Environment
KofC Ticket Sales
Teen ACTS Commissioning Mass
CH #201
Guadalupe Room
Chapel of the Reservation
Outside & Breezeway & Narthex of CC
Day Chapel
I have much more to tell you! As disciples of Christ by Baptism, we take up
an obligation to listen to Jesus and learn about the Kingdom of God. At times
it is easy to feel that we’ve learned enough and can ‘quit listening.’ But there is
more, the Lord tells us today, and the Holy Spirit will come to us to help us
continue to hear and understand the truth. When the grace of
God touches us, we begin to see how our lives are directed to
the Kingdom through the stewardship of his bountiful
gifts. May the Holy Spirit open our hearts to the Word that we
may earnestly strive toward God’s Kingdom.
Special Needs FF
WIR ACTS Meeting
KofC Ticket Sales
RCIA for Teens
Charism & Inspiration
CH #201
Outside & Breezeway & Narthex of CC
Wednesday Night
Men’s ACTS Prayer Mee ng
Come to Me!
Join us every Wednesday night at 7:30pm
in Christopher Hall, Room 201, for music,
prayer & spiritual reflec on.
Feast of Corpus Christi Procession
May 29 | Noon Mass
San Fernando Cathedral
Followed by an archdiocesanwide Eucharistic Procession
from San Fernando to San Francisco Di Paolo Parish
Please find a map of the procession route and flower petal path,
as well as rules for the event at
www.archsa.org/feast-of-corpuschristi or contact Dan Rangel at
(210) 274-3256.
St. Mark’s Knights of Columbus
Council 7613 will provide
flower petals to those who
join them in Section #2.
These flower petals
will decorate the
path for Jesus
along the procession
route as we sing songs
of praise to our King!
We meet at 7pm to 8:30pm
in the library right
after the 6:30pm Mass.
For information, contact
Olga Ruiz at (210) 496-1079.
As if his own life, his teachings
about God's love, his miracles, his
death and resurrection were not
enough, Jesus told us something
about God that we never would have
imagined: There are three Persons in
one God. It is also something we can‐
not completely comprehend. So in‐
stead of trying to explain it, let's look
at what it means for us believers.
One thing it shows is that God
wants to be known by us. In ancient
times, people would expect their
gods to be mysterious and hidden.
Many cultures thought that you could
control a spirit or god if you knew its
name. God sees us not as a threat,
but as beloved children. Just as a cou‐
ple falling in love wants to know eve‐
rything about each other, so God
wants to be known by those whom
God loves. That leads to my second
The Trinity also shows us that "God
is love" (1 John 4:16) because the
three Persons are united in one God.
God calls us to be united in love with
God and with each other. Remember
that God knows us perfectly and still
loves us. Yet knowing our weakness‐
es and our sins does not hurt God's
love for us. On the contrary, our
weaknesses allow God to help us by
forgiving sins, or inspiring someone
to come to our assistance. We may
not be able to grasp the full meaning
of the Holy Trinity, but knowing that
God shares this with faithful people
helps us to love God even more.
All men are welcome
No need to have a ended an
A.C.T.S. retreat
• This is your invita on to come
and see what it is all about
• No RSVP needed!
If you bring your Bible and your rosary,
we’ll bring fellowship, friendship, and
We hope you join us!
Prayer Group Meeting
All ACTS sisters are invited to gather
for prayer and fellowship the first
Saturday of each month. Please bring
your gentle spirits, kind hearts, and
beau ful voices. Returning sisters,
remember to bring your Blessings
journal. For more informa on, contact Dahlia Zavala at (210) 494-3966.
A silent prayer just being
in the presence of God
Centering Prayer Group meets every
Tuesday from 11am to 12pm in the
library. All are welcome to come and
see what centering prayer is about.
For more info, call Jo Ann at
(210) 496-1255.
—Tom Schmidt, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
Interested in receiving the St. Mark
bulletin and The Winged Lion newsletter in electronic format via your email?
We send the bulletin each
Friday so you can plan for
the weekend. The monthly
newsletters are also included. Scan this QR code
to sign up.
Year of Mercy
for Adults
(in Spanish)
and Children
(in English)
The local community of the Focolare movement invites you to a oneday retreat to emphasize living the
Gospel in order to bring about unity
among all.
Celebration Mass
For persons with disabilities, hospital
ministries, nurses, physicians and health
care workers
Saturday, June 11
8:30am to 5:30pm
Oblate Grotto, Martyr’s Hall
5712 Blanco Road, 78216
June 12 | 5pm
San Fernando Cathedral
For information, please contact Virginia Losoya at (210) 722-2984 or
register at www.register.focolare.us.
Special guest celebrant
Msgr. Douglas Fater
RSVP by June 1 for limited reserved
seating. Please arrive at 4:30pm for best
Sign language
interpreters will
be provided.
To RSVP, or for more information, please contact Seth
Galemore at [email protected] or (210) 7341637. Please indicate if wheelchair accessibility is needed. Please also indicate the number of persons who will
use the sign language service.
For over 20 years, the First Saturday
Prayer Group has been meeting to pray the
Holy Rosary and celebrate Holy Communion.
Come join us at 9am in the Day Chapel
on the first Saturday each month.
For more information, contact
Deacon Steve Marques at (210) 269-1339.
Gather a group of family
and friends around a table. Place a popcorn
popper, salt, bu er and
a container for the
popped corn on the table. Give to each
person one kernel of un-popped popcorn
to hold. Remind them that it is hard,
small, insignificant and unappe zing by
itself. Discuss what is within the shell
(the white, fluffy, popped corn) and how
to get the insides out (heat). Then gather
the kernels, enough necessary to make a
full batch of popcorn. Prepare to drop
the kernels into the popper. Before proceeding, explain the symbols: The CORN
= US. We are poten ally beau ful, with
just the right talents, when we “go-it”
with God. We are hard and unappe zing
without Him. The POPPER = CHURCH, into which Jesus invites us all. The HEAT =
GOD in THE HOLY SPIRIT, Who brings out
of us the person we should be and the
talents we need. Together, with other
kernels, we become God’s sweet smelling community. The SALT and BUTTER =
SACRAMENTS. The Sacraments make us
more flavorful and appealing, more
Christ-like. They give us the strength to
con nue sharing ourselves with others.
Before star ng the popper, offer a prayer and read a short Bible passage, such
as Ma hew 25:14-30 (the Parable of the
Talents). Briefly explain the meaning of
the passage and say some personal
needs prayers. Then let the popping
begin. No ce how some of the kernels,
like people, respond more quickly and
that, when they are filled with the heat
(the Holy Spirit), all dance around, evenflowing the popper (Church). When the
corn is popped, eat it. The lesson is not
over. Some of the kernels do not pop.
They were in the same heat for the same
length of me. That is like the people
who come to Church but don’t let it
make any difference in
their everyday lives or
those who don’t come
to Church at all. End
with a prayer and song.
Adapted from a recipe by the
Diocese of Venice, FL
Thank you to all who signed up for the previously scheduled Parish Visioning Workshop.
We have decided to allow more time for
parishioners to RSVP by moving the date to
the summer.
We hope this enables more of the community
to participate. We look forward to getting your
feedback on June 25!
Parish Workshop
Sat. | June 25, 2016
Aquinas Hall
Workshop: 10am-12pm
Tour: 12pm-12:30pm
High School Confirmation II
Save the Dates!
this Sunday, May 22, and next Sunday, May 29. Sessions will resume
Sunday, June 5.
Please note: CFC will break for summer beginning in June a er Father’s
Day and resume in August.
RCIA has Breaking Open the Word
(BOW) dismissal during the Sunday
10am Mass and meets on Wednesday evenings for Inquiry & Catechumenate sessions. The various sessions will take place in Shalom.
Please note: RCIA adults will con nue to meet through the summer.
Mass and reception:
Sat. | Jun. 4 | 2pm | Main Sanctuary
RSVP to Pamela Raines at
[email protected]
or (210) 494-1606, ext. 345.
We have been there.
We can help.
Weekly AA Meeting Schedule
Monday & Thursday
(women only - closed book study)
12pm | Christopher Hall | Rm 201
For further information,
call Terri at (210) 213-8362
or the AA Help-Line
at (210) 828-6235.
Do you need extra prayer?
St. Mark’s prayer line is here
to serve you.
How the prayer line works:
1. All prayer requests are confidential;
2. You can make a prayer request to
Peggy at (210) 494-2968, and it will be
forwarded to the next person on the
prayer line;
3. Phone requests can be made between
the hours of 9am-9pm, unless it is a dire
4. Each person prays as the Holy Spirit
leads them;
5. We take anonymous requests;
6. We pray in thanksgiving, too.
God answers all prayers!
Northeast Senior Assistance (NESA) is in
dire need of more volunteer drivers to
take clients to doctor appointments and
to grocery shop.
As our community ages, the demand
for our services increases and we are already overworking those volunteers on
our current roster. With United Way funding we have started a television campaign
with our sister agencies, and together we
are called: Drive A Senior SA.
If you know someone who has extra
me on their hands who might be able to
drive a person once a week or once a
month, please tell them about NESA and
send them our way. It’s just like taking a
family member. If you are concerned
about gas, don’t worry. Mileage is reimbursed.
It is truly a fulfilling experience to be
able to give back to the community and
pay it forward…take a chance and try it
Call (210) 967-6372 for more info.
Society of
St. Vincent
de Paul
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
As we celebrate the mystery of the
Trinity, we also realize the mystery of
how much God loves and cares for us
each day. Believing in this, our lives can
then overflow in thanksgiving and praise.
Is there a family you know who needs
assistance? Please call the St. Mark’s
Society of St. Vincent de Paul so that,
together, we can help those who are
suffering. Please call (210) 858-0399.
The pantry is in need of these items:
• Dried pinto beans (1lb)
• Canned peaches (15oz)
• Mayonnaise (24oz)
• Vegetable oil (24oz)
• Jelly (18oz)
• Hamburger Helper
We know
what you are
Most of us
have been
where you
are now,
by all that is happening and fearful for the
safety of our loved ones...shock, despair,
confusion. Losing someone to the system
is very much like a death. We grieve the
loss of that person in our daily lives, and
we grieve the loss of all our hopes and
dreams for a future with that loved one.
You do not have to go through this
alone. We provide support, education, and
advocacy for our members through
monthly chapter meetings Texas-wide,
quarterly newsletters and access to the
executive director of TIFA. Our mission
is to educate, advocate and support to
break the cycle of crime by strengthening
families. We advocate on behalf of our
members to the Texas Department of
Criminal Justice (TDCJ) and the Texas
We hold monthly meetings in Matthew/Mark every third Thursday from
6—-9pm. Ask your questions or state
your concerns here, and draw on the collective wisdom of others sharing this journey or who are simply interested in our
cause. All are welcome! Also see our
webpage at www.TIFA.org for more information.
If you have any questions, contact
Lucia Hamilton by calling (915) 2045870, by text and/or call to (210) 8587602 or by email at
[email protected].
Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as you ever can.
—John Wesley
Looking for a way to SERVE others?
Want to GIVE back to the community?
Have some EXTRA time on your hands?
Need to complete service HOURS?
In addition to the many ministries of St. Mark the Evangelist,
we have other opportunities in which you can fulfill your
commitment of time and talents for the Church.
Not sure you have the skills for the available positions?
No worries...we will teach you what you need to know!
WELCOME COMMITTEE (we need at least one more person!)
For more info, contact Pamela Raines:
(210) 494-1606, ext. 345, or [email protected].
DID you notice?
A new membrane roof was installed in
April on the former Church of Christ sanctu‐
ary located in West Campus. This type of
roof provides a lifetime of protection for the
building. The roof was funded with gifts
from the Women’s Guild and individual pa‐
rishioner donations.
The new roof is part of ongoing efforts to
expand the use of the facility for larger par‐
ish social functions, wedding receptions,
and ministry activities. Since 2014, minis‐
tries including MLF, Women’s Guild, ACTS,
etc. have been using the facility for meet‐
ings and events.
There will be an in‐
formative meeting on
June 25 at 10am in
Aquinas Hall to share
more about our pro‐
For information
about rental and use
options, future building
projects, donations, or
to become involved,
call the parish office.
October will be here before
you know it...and the Pumpkin
Patch will be BACK!!!
Mobile Loaves and Fishes will be hosting a pumpkin
patch in October. We are looking for volunteers to help
with the planning to make this a successful event.
Our first meeting will be tomorrow, May 23, at 7pm in
the MLF Annex (West Campus). Hope to see you there!
Questions? Contact Karen Bell at [email protected].
Repaired roof
Guadalupe Room
Knights of Columbus
Council #7613
VIP Events
May 29: Feast of Corpus Christi Procession,
12pm Mass, San Fernando Cathedral
June 2: Mass & Council Meeting
June 18: Golf Tournament, Northern Hills
Get ready for the 2016—2017 St. Mark’s
Parishioner Guide Book & Directory!
We are in the process of updating our annual Guide Book & Directory for
our Church. This book will contain everything pertinent to St. Mark’s: our
various ministries, organizations, committees, activities, functions and
events, plus a parish member directory.
So, now is the time to...
Update Your Membership Information or Register
Does our Church database have YOUR family membership record correct? Are you registered? Here is your chance to update YOUR record
or register as a parishioner for our Guide Book & Directory.
Have you changed your phone number?
Have you moved?
Are you preparing to move soon?
Are all of your children under 18 years of age included in your membership record?
Are you an adult child of a registered family, even if
you still live at home, and have you registered yourself as a parishioner?
Do you want your record published in the directory?
It is time for us to update our database with any changes, additions or
deletions that may have occurred in YOUR family since your last update.
If you have not already informed the Church office about changes to
your record, please let us know now so that the information in the Guide
Book & Directory is correct. Contact Zulaika Muñiz at (210) 494-1606,
ext. 327 or [email protected].
Registered individuals/families will receive their directories in the mail.
Only registered parishioners will be listed in the directory. If you are
not registered and would like to be in the directory, you simply need to
register by June 10. If you are registered but do not wish your contact
information to be listed in the directory, you need to let us know by
June 10 so that we can omit your contact information.
Guide Book & Directory Advertising Opportunity
This Guide Book & Directory is being provided and direct-mailed to each
family at no cost to our Church, and it is, again, being subsidized by local
businesses that advertise. If you own or manage a business and would like
to find out about advertising in our book, please call Pamela Raines at
(210) 494-1606, ext. 345.
Recent survey results by Guide Book Publishing show that 92.1% of families would rather patronize a Guide Book & Directory advertiser over a
non-advertiser. It “will pay” to advertise in our new Guide Book & Directory.
You are invited to
attend the 2016
Men’s ACTS/R retreat. The goal of
the retreat is to enable you to fellowship with other
men, deepen your
relationship with Christ and renew
yourself spiritually. This retreat focuses on men who have been affected
directly or indirectly by addictions.
The retreat will likely be most meaningful to those men directly affected
by addictions who are in recovery
and have some history of solid sobriety.
The weekend begins Thursday evening, June 2, with a 5:30pm check-in
and ends with Mass at St. Mark the
Evangelist Catholic Church at 12:00
noon on Sunday, June 5. Mass is followed by a reception for retreatants
and their families and members of
the ACTS community. Transportation
is provided to and from the retreat
The cost is $170, which includes a
$70 deposit. The balance is due upon
arrival Thursday evening at St. Mark’s
before departure. This will cover all
meals, lodging, and transportation.
Do not let the cost of the retreat keep
you from participating.
Registration forms may be downloaded at St. Mark’s website,
www.stmarkevangelist.com. Your
completed and legible registration
form and payment should be handdelivered to an ACTS/R team member, sent by U.S. mail, or handdelivered to St. Mark’s pastoral of ice
in an envelope marked “Men’s
Retreat, c/o St. Mark the Evangelist
Catholic Church, 1602 Thousand
Oaks Dr., San Antonio, TX 782322398.” Make checks payable to
“St. Mark’s.”
For more information, please contact
22 de mayo de 2016
La Santísima Trinidad
Lecturas de Hoy
Estamos en un viaje largo y lleno de acontecimientos. Las lecturas
de hoy para el Domingo de la Santísima Trinidad cubren sucintamente
la profundidad y la amplitud de nuestros viajes humanos.
Los comienzos de nuestro viaje se revelan en la lectura de Proverbios. El plan de Dios lleno de sabiduría divina nació antes de que la
tierra existiera. En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús habla de su propio viaje
personal. Él ha venido del Padre y volverá al Padre. Sólo en ese momento el Paráclito –el Espíritu de la Verdad– nos llevará hacia adelante. Esto no disminuye la dificultad del viaje. El contexto mismo del
Evangelio es la noche antes de la muerte de Jesús. Como san Pablo
les escribe a los romanos, “Nos gloriamos hasta de los sufrimientos,
pues sabemos que el sufrimiento engendra la paciencia, la paciencia
engendra la virtud sólida, la virtud sólida engendra la
esperanza” (Romanos 5:3-4).En última instancia,
nuestro viaje humano está modelado por la Santísima
Trinidad –una familia de amor entre el Padre, el Hijo y
el Espíritu que todos somos llamados a emular.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe
Este domingo la Iglesia celebra la Solemnidad de la Santísi‐
ma Trinidad: Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. Este dogma acerca
de la realidad de Dios es la clave para comprender la verdad de
la religión cristiana. Mediante el poder del Espíritu Santo el
Padre envió al Hijo como Salvador del mundo. Estas tres perso‐
nas son un solo Dios.
No es una doctrina fácil de comprender y mucho menos de
pintar en arte sagrado. Sin embargo muchos artistas latinoa‐
mericanos han intentado pintar simbólicamente la verdad de la
Santísima Trinidad. En muchos casos imaginan al Padre car‐
gando a Jesús en la cruz y soplando sobre él el Espíritu en for‐
ma de paloma. A veces Padre e Hijo están entronados sobre las
nubes soplando el Espíritu mutuamente y las alas de la paloma
tocan los labios de ambos. En algunos casos el Padre, el Hijo y
el Espíritu Santo son tres cabezas que salen de un solo cuerpo.
Seguido los tres tienen el mismo rostro distinguiéndose solo
por el color de sus vestiduras o los símbolos que cargan.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
En la Bula papal Misericordiae
Vultus, 2, el Papa Francisco
dice que la misericordia "es la
palabra que revela el misterio
de la Santísima Trinidad".
Pues la misericordia es cómo
Dios viene a nuestro encuentro; misericordia es la ley
fundamental que nos ayuda a
reconocernos como hermanos
y hermanas; misericordia es
el puente que conecta a Dios
con la humanidad, abriendo
nuestros corazones a la esperanza de ser amados por
Primera lectura — Antes de que algo fuese creado, la sabiduría de
Dios estaba presente (Proverbios 8:22-31).
Salmo — ¡Qué admirable, Señor, es tu poder (Salmo 8)!
Segunda lectura — El amor de Dios ha sido derramado en nuestro
corazón mediante el Espíritu Santo que hemos recibido
(Romanos 5:1-5).
Evangelio — Todo lo que el Padre tiene es mío; el Espíritu de verdad
tomará todo lo que es mío y te lo concederá (Juan 1:12-15).
Salmo responsorial: Leccionario I (c) 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral
Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso.
Todos los derechos reservados.
La Alegria del Evangelio: La fe obra en el amor
¡Tengo mucho más que decirles! Como discípulos de Cristo por
medio del Bautismo, tenemos una obligación de escuchar a Jesús y
aprender acerca del Reino de Dios. En veces es fácil sentir que ya
hemos aprendido demasiado y que podemos dejar de escuchar. Pero, hay más. El Señor nos dice hoy que el Espíritu Santo
vendrá para ayudarnos a continuar escuchando y entendiendo la verdad. Cuando la gracia de Dios nos toca, empezamos a ver como
nuestras vidas se dirigen hacia el Reino por medio del compartir Sus
abundantes regalos. Que el Espíritu Santo abra nuestros corazones a
la Palabra y que lleguemos hacia el Reino de Dios.
Retiro Espiritual para adultos
(en Español) y niños (en Ingles)
La comunidad del Movimiento Focolare los invita a un día de
retiro para profundizar en cómo vivir el Evangelio para fomentar la unidad entre todos.
Sera el Sábado, 11 de Junio, 2016, de 8:30am a 5:30pm
en el Oblate Grotto (Gruta), Martyr’s Hall (salón)
localizado en 5712 Blanco Road, 78216
Para información, llame a Virginia Losoya al (210) 722-2984 o
regístrese en www.register.focolare.us.
siempre pese a nuestras ofensas. La
revelación de Dios hacia
nosotros es un don de
vida, un amor compartido
de la Trinidad de personas
que nos acercan más a
Dios en amistad y comunión. Tanto el judaísmo
como el islamismo consideran a la misericordia
uno de los atributos más
importantes de Dios. Israel
incasablemente proclama
la misericordia inmensa.
El islamismo se refiere
hacia Dios como "Misericordioso y
Clemente" (Corán 59:22) creyendo
en su divina e inmensa misericordia
cuyas puertas siempre están abiertas. Que este Año Jubilar de la
Misericordia, ruega el Papa Francisco, se nos abra a un dialogo más
ferviente, profundizando nuestro
entendimiento mutuo, eliminando
toda falta de respeto de tener una
mente cerrada y, eliminando toda
falta de violencia y discriminación.
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch
Co., Inc. Citas del Papa Copyright (c) 2015,
Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Usadas con

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Bulletin - St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church PHYSICAL PLANT - (210) 494-9399 Manager Team Leader Custodians

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