St. Bartholomew Church - St. Bartholomew Parish


St. Bartholomew Church - St. Bartholomew Parish
St. Bartholomew Church
4949 W. Patterson Ave.  Chicago, Illinois 60641
773-286-7871 
St. Bartholomew Parish is a faith-filled people, guided by the Holy Spirit and the Gospel, striving to hear and
spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to all…
to CELEBRATE together because the Lord is in our midst and dwelling within us.
to CARE about each other, sharing our joys and sorrows.
to GROW in awareness of Jesus, alive and active in our lives.
to INVITE everyone to share in one another’s goodness, talents, hopes and visions.
The people of God at St. Bartholomew REACH OUT to all because we need each other.
August 7, 2016
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Cada vez que recito yo solo la Liturgia de las horas, en el Oficio Sagrado de las lecturas
del dia, continuo recordándome a mi mismo que tan importante es el mantener la
tradición de la oración para asi también darme cuenta de mi dependencia total en Dios y
en su bondad por todo lo creado. Aun asi en medio de tragedias personales de las que he
tenido experiencia, veo la resistencia de mi espíritu que no se deja aplastar ni se
deja fallecer. Estoy muy convencido que todos tenemos una experiencia similar. La vida
para muchos de nosotros, no es tan facil, porque nos guste o no, tenemos que lidiar con
relaciones con otras personas y situaciones diversas que muchas de las veces nos desvian
del curso normal de nuestra vida , de nuestra propia agenda personal y debemos de tartar
de solucionar el problema de lo que esta pasando. Muchas de las veces miramos hacia Dios
por medio de la oracion y pedimos de la mejor forma, un arreglo a los problemas, ya que
esos problemas sean financieros, relacionales, emocionales, sociales, sicologicos,
espirituales, o cualquier otro. Por esta razón, otras veces también le pedimos a Dios una
solución fácil para esos mismos problemas y situaciones en las que nos encontramos, y con
gran esperanza en Dios buscamos la oportunidad de salirnos de ellos. Podemos ver que la esperanza actua por
medio de nuestra fe en Dios para intervenir en nuestro beneficio. San Pablo en su Carta a los Hebreos no lo pudo
haber dicho mejor: “la fe es la realización de los que se espera y es la evidencia de las cosas que no se ven. Por
eso, nuestros antepasados estaban en lo cierto” (Hebr. 11:1-2). Podemos concluir con firme convicción que San
Pablo le habla a los Hebreos mas en forma filosófica para asi dar a entenderles por medio de su enseñanza el
gran significado de las realidades teologales. Lo que ha hecho San Pablo es aplicar el método escolástico de la
filosofía Griega para establecer un dialogo que elevara sus enseñanzas a un nivel mas alto y significativo de Dios.
Por esta razón, San Pablo se remota a tiempos lejanos en la historia de nuestro Padre en la fe, Abraham. Pablo
nos hace el recuento de esta gran historia de fe y de los que últimamente se trata la fe.
El Domingo pasado uno de los cantos usado en la misa de Ingles se llama: “We will Serve the Lord” (Serviremos
al Señor). Es un canto que nos recuerda la Lectura del Libro de Josue (Jos 24:15), que es quien en el Libro del
Exodo recibe el llamado a ser el líder para llevar a Israel y entrar en la tierra prometida. Pero el desacuerdo de
muchos que se rebelaban contra Dios y sus mandatos, hizo posible que los Israelitas mas fieles a la ley de Dios se
apegaran mas a la ley dada a Moises. Asi es con nosotros, y con aquellos que deciden quedarse en la practica de
la fe, tratando de la mejor forma vivir en la misericordia de Dios. El hecho que que muchas iglesias estén medias
vacias, no destruirá el espiritu de quienes continúan apoyando la comunidad parroquial de fe. Hay algunas
gentes “del mundo,” quien, en su necesidad por Dios buscan los sacramentos por la razón equivocada, ya sea que
bautizen a sus niños para hacer la fiesta, o se casen para tener la recepción de la boda, o tengan el Sacramento de
la Confirmación y Eucaristía (Primera Comunión) porque simplemente lo tienen que hacer. La razón autentica
para que la gente practique su fe es para mantener una relación muy estrecha con Dios, porque, después de todo,
todos los que practican la fe, verdaderamente entienden de que se trata la vida, y cuales son las multiples
oportunidades cada día de alabar al Señor y reconocerle sus grandes obras por su creación. No hay mas que eso,
para asi poder buscar el verdadero significado de la vida en alguna otra cosa mas que en los adentros de si mismo
y asi encontrar la necesidad de la dependencia total en Dios para que asi el alma pueda rendirse a la voluntad de
Dios y su diseño creativo de la persona humana.
En el Evangelio de este fin de semana Jesús llama la atención a la necesidad de la verdadera conversión al
llamado de Dios para que nosotros podamos desapegarnos de todo totalmente por medio de nuestro desinterés de
todo aquello que nos mantiene separados de las cosas del cielo. Una de las cosas que no nos deja tener una muy
buena relación con Dios es la actitud a la que nos apegamos, especialmente lo que nos gusta hacer, lo que nos
gustaría llegar a ser y lo que añoramos llegara a realizar especialmente aquellas actitudes que no van con el
principio básico ser dadivoso para asi ganarnos el cielo. Tanto así como el amor que comparten los que se acaban
de celebrar el sacramento de Matrimonio, el hombre y la mujer dejan de ser individuos separados en la
intención, en la mente y en el corazón para ser uno solo en propósito, también es nuestro reto para progresar en
el siguiente nivel y hacer nupcias con las cosas del cielo. El ceñirse la túnica y encender la lámpara, significa que
siempre debemos estar preparados para abrir inmediatamente la puerta cuando el amo llegue y toque la puerta.
Esto quiere decir que debemos de estar preparados todo el tiempo desapegados de todo lo que nos separa del
amor de Dios y verdaderamente desapegarnos del amor propio y de los intereses personales. Que Dios nos ayude
a caminar en el peregrinar que nos aviene desechando cada cosa que puede hacerle daño al alma. ¡Amén!
Padre Ricardo
Page 3
Every time I recite by myself the Liturgy of the Hours, in the Office of the Readings
for the day, I continue to remember how important it is to keep the old tradition of
prayer so as to realize my total dependence on God and His goodness towards
creation. Even in the midst of personal tragedies that I have experienced, I see
the resilience of my spirit to be crushed and collapse on itself. I am sure it is likewise
with everyone. Life, for most of us is not that easy, because we have to deal with
relationships and personal situations that so many times may throw us away from the
tangent course of our personal agenda and we have to figure out what is going on and
what we need to do about it. Most of the times we look up to God in prayer and ask
for the best part to take place as a solution to our problems, whether they be financial,
relational, emotional, social, psychological, spiritual, or anything in between. For this
reason, many of the times we also turn to God for an easy answer to these same
problems and situations we find ourselves in, and with hope we look for the best
opportunity to get out of them. We see faith acting out as the effects of good hope in
God to intervene on our behalf. St. Paul to the Hebrews could not have it said better: “faith is the realization
for what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen. Because of it, the ancients were well attested” (Hebr.
11:1-2). We may conclude with firm conviction that St. Paul is speaking to the Hebrews more in a
philosophical form in order to outline his argument with a heavy overtone of theological realities. St. Paul
has taken the Greek style of the school of philosophy in order to establish a dialogue that will take the
teaching to a new level of meaning in God’s terms. For that reason, St. Paul goes back in history to explain
the greatest gift given to our Ancestors in faith, Abraham. He goes on to re-tell us this great story of faith
and what faith is all about.
Last Sunday one of the hymns used for our Masses, called “We will Serve the Lord”, recalls the Reading
from the Book of Joshua (Joshua 24:15), who in the Book of Exodus receives the call to lead the people into
the promised land. The dissent of many of those that rebelled against God and His commandments made the
most faithful Israelites re-commit themselves to abide by the law given to Moses. So it is with us, and all
those who decide to stay in the practice of the faith, trying their best to live in God’s mercy. The fact that the
churches are so empty nowadays will not destroy the spirit of those who continue to support the local parish
community of faith. There are some people “of the world,” who in their need of God, seek the sacraments
for the wrong reason, whether they baptize their children to have a party, or get married to have the
reception, or have the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist because they have to do it. The ultimate
reason for people to practice their faith is to keep a close tight relationship with God, because, after all,
those who practice the faith really understand what life is about and this great array of opportunities each
day to acknowledge God in their lives and praise God for all the wonderful deeds done onto creation. There
is nothing more than that to look for meaning in life in something else, but to look inward and find in itself
the need of a total dependence on God in order for the soul to surrender to God’s will and creative design of
the human person.
In the Gospel for this weekend Jesus addresses the need of total conversion to God’s call for us to surrender
everything, totally, by becoming detached from all that hinders us from attaining the things of heaven. One
of those things that prevents us from having a good relationship with God is the attitude we embrace,
especially, what we love to do, what we want to become and what we long to accomplish. Especially those
attitudes that do not go along with the basic principle of self-giving for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.
Just as the married love of those who celebrate the sacrament of matrimony, the woman and man cease to
be individuals in intention, mind, and heart to become one in marriage so it is our challenge to take it to the
next level and marry the things of heaven. To “gird your loins and light your lamps” means that we should
always be ready to open the door immediately when the master comes back and knocks. This means that we
should be prepared at all times, detached from all that separates us from the love of God, and be truly
detached from the love of self and all personal interests. May God help us to walk the journey ahead of us,
rid us of everything that harms the soul. Amen!
Father Ric
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To continue the tradition of
St. Sebastian of Nochistlan Zacatecas
Accompanied by Fr. Fernando Hernandez
St. Bartholomew Church
Invites you to the Welcoming Mass
On Friday, September 2 at 7:00PM
And the Concluding Mass
on Sunday, September 4 at 1:00PM
Mass will be accompanied with Macuil-xochitl
The traditional Dance Aztec Conchera
A great family event will continue at
3124 N. Central Ave, 2:00 to 7:00PM
We will present the Folkloric Ballet “Anahuac” and
Wind Instrument Band “Eskandalozza”
For more information or to buy tickets call
Erica Duran at 773-316-7199. Free Parking lot.
Sunday Mass Attendance Count /
Total de Misa Dominical
July 30 - 31, 2016
To get a better sense of Mass attendance we are
taking an informal Mass count all year long.
Page 5
“A Century of Faith, Love & Devotion”
"Un Siglo de Fe, Amor y Devoción"
Bishop John Manz, Celebrant
All are invited!
Following Mass the celebration will continue in
Krueger Hall with an Ice Cream Social.
Bishop John Manz, Celebrante
Todos son bienvenidos
Siguiente la celebración continuará en Krueger
Hall con una fiesta de helados
St. Bartholomew Parish
100 Year Anniversary Raffle
$20.00 per ticket or $40.00 for 3 tickets
La Parroquia de San Bartolomé
Rifa del Centésimo Aniversario
$20.00 por boleto o $40.00 por 3 boletos
Opening Jubilee Mass of Thanksgiving
Saturday, August 27 at 5:00PM
Win a Brand New
Jeep Patriot Sport!
2nd Prize: $1,500.00
3rd Prize: $1,000.00
2 Monthly Drawings of $100.00 each
from August 2016 thru July 2017!
First Drawing Saturday, August 27, 2017
Raffle tickets are available at the Rectory Office.
Call Bob Ruffing 773-213-4310 for more
100 Anniversary T– Shirts
All Sizes
Short Sleeves or Long Sleeves
Youth or Adult Sizes
Red shirts with white lettering
Black shirts with red lettering
White shirts with red lettering
Call Bob Ruffing at 773-213-4310
to order yours today!
“Celebrating the Year of Mercy –
Friendship with Jesus”
Dr. Mary Amore , Executive Director of Mayslake
Ministries, will be our distinguished presenter
Felician Sisters Convent
3800 W. Peterson Ave. (Entrance in rear-- follow signs)
Morning session 9:00AM – 12:00 noon
Evening session 6:30PM – 9:00PM
*Each session contains the same material - please
attend the one most convenient for you.
A light meal is served at each session, with delicious
refreshments throughout both events. Cost is $10 /
session. Please register with Mary Kelly at
[email protected] or 847-800-5654, or online at and click on Women’s Spiritual Spa.
We encourage preregistration for planning purposes
Misa de apertura del año jubilar
27 de Agosto a las 5:00PM
¡Gane un nuevo
Jeep Patriot Sport!
2º Premio: $1,500.00
3 º Premio: $1,000.00
¡2 sorteos mensuales de $100.00 cada uno de
agosto de 2016 a través de julio de 2017!
Boletos para la rifa están disponibles en la oficina
parroquial. Para más información, llame a la
rectoría, 773-286-7871.
Camisetas del 100 aniversario
Todos los tamaños
Mangas cortas o mangas largas
Jóvenes o adultos tamaños
Camisas rojos con blanca letras
Camisas negras con rojo letras
Camisas blancas con rojo letras
Llame Bob Ruffing en
773-213-4310 para orden hoy!
Instituto de Liderazgo Cristóforo
773-472-1515 / 773-481-0628
Lugar: San Bartolome
4910 W. Addison St., Chicago, IL 60641
Sesión Informativa e Inscripción
Jueves, Agosto 18, 2016 de 7:00PM a 10:00PM
Primera Sesión
Jueves, Agosto 25, 2016 de 7:00PM a 10:00PM
Curso de 10 semanas. Tres horas semanales.
Costo total $100.00
¡Enriquece tu vida! Actúa con Iniciativa,
Responsabilidad, y Sentido de Pertenencia.
¡Comunícate! ¡Aprende! ¡Crece! y ¡Construye!
Adquiera…Confianza en sí mismo, Mentalidad
Positiva, Personalidad Atrayente, Facilidad de
Expresión, Entusiasmo y Optimismo.
Page 6
Remember to Pray… for all the sick, suffering,
handicapped and lonely of St. Bartholomew, especially:
Monday, August 8, 2016 - St. Dominic
8:30 AM - Joaquin Miranda Jr. & Petra Miranda
req by Mariana Salgado
Tuesday, August 9, 2016 - St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
8:30 AM - Niven Beluso Jr. req by family
Wednesday, August 10, 2016 - St. Lawrence
8:30 AM - Joaquin Miranda Jr. & Petra Miranda
req by Mariana Salgado
Thursday, August 11, 2016 - St. Clare
8:30 AM - John Czerwony req by James & Diane Gazda
Friday, August 12, 2016 - St. Jane Francis de Chantal
8:30 AM - Joaquin Miranda Jr. & Petra Miranda
req by Mariana Salgado
Saturday, August 13, 2016 - SS. Pontian & Hippolytus
8:30 AM - Mayra Ruiz req by Grace Torres
5:00 PM - Lorraine Gienko req by family
- Ralph, Al & Yolanda Melone req by family
- Rosa D’Agostino
req by sister, Rosaria Aguirre
Sunday, August 14, 2016 - 20th Sunday In Ordinary Time
7:00 AM - Health Intentions - Jose Cruz Navarro
req by Maria Luisa Wyskiel
- Tiodola Martinez req by Esquivel Family
- Julio Emiliano Topia req by his children
9:00 AM - Blessings on 60th Birthday - Bob Kaucher
req by family
11:00 AM - St. Juan de los Lagos - For favors granted
req by Bertha Perez
- Ricky Allen Lajb & Sharon Pacheco
req by family
- Health Intentions - Gayle Bakouris
req by Pat Noonan
- Health Intentions - Suzanne Noonan Smith
req by Pat Noonan
1:00 PM - Ruben Corral req by family
- Intentions of Maria Corral req by family
- Eufrosina Vazquez req by family
Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14;
Mt 17:22-27
Tuesday: Ez 2:8 — 3:4; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103,
111, 131; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
Wednesday: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112:1-2, 5-9; Jn 12:24-26
Thursday: Ez 12:1-12; Ps 78:56-59, 61-62:
Mt 18:21 — 19:1
Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63;
Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Mt 19:3-12
Saturday: Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32;
Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 19:13-15
Jer 38:4-6, 8-10; Ps 40:2-4, 18;
Heb 12:1-4; Lk 12:49-53
Carmen Agosto
Miguel Angel Alcala
Guadalupe Arreguin
Brian Ayala
Olga Bazzi
Donald Bonnem
Patrick Collins
Patrick Connors
Arlene Corbin
Maria Corral
Maddie Curran
Janet Espinosa
Angela Estrada
Anne Foy
Phillip Gagliano
Ruben Garcia
Diane Gazda
James Gazda
Gregorio Gonzalez
Ed Johns
Pat Johns
Pat Jozwiak
Ellen Kelly
Gerard Kurek
Florence Kuss
Fr. Tom Lamping
Rosa Lara
Adeline Lewanski
Lydia Mabrito
Irene Maldonado
Henry Marchionne
Mary Marinoff
Cynthia Mazac
Linda Mazac
Noreen Melone
Sally McAlister
Tulio Melone
June Miller
Larry Murphy
Nicholas Nigro
Pat Noonan
Joseph Parisi
Guiseppe Parisi
Frances Plantago
Bill Potrafka
Greg Potrafka
Patricia Prendergast
John Ratulowski
Veronica Ratulowski
Michael Riccetti
Tony Rivera
Esther Rodriguez
Louis Samartino
Deacon Faustino
Kathy Schmidt
Mike Shapiro
Georgia Melone
Terri Shaughnessy
Jean Spisak
Carmen Torres
Christ Trost
Edita Tolentino
Rich Van Durme
George Wenzel
Marge Wenzel
Bob Whiteman
Catherine Wolek
Eric Wood
Maria Luisa Wyskiel
Norbert Zagas
Carlos Zambrano
Mary Zgonina
Raymond Zgonina
Rest in Peace... Jean Morris
Please pray for all the deceased members of our parish.
Remember to Pray…
for the protection & safety
of all our family and friends serving in the Armed Forces.
Rev. Chris Doering
Jason J. Fleming
Christian Garicia
Christopher Lamping
Matthew Lodwich
Matthew Richardson
Andres Suarez
Jaime Suarez
Christopher Ryan Whiteman
Emanuel Zambrano
Matthew Zwolinski
Devotional Opportunities
Every Tuesday, the Rosary is recited and prayers are
prayed for World Peace at 6:00PM in the Rectory.
All parishioners and friends are invited to join us.
All are invited every Tuesday morning to the Novena
of Our Lady of Fatima after the 8:30AM Mass.
All are invited to the 48 Hour Exposition and
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday,
9:00AM until Saturday, 8:00AM in the Mater Dei
Mass Schedule
Saturday English Anticipatory Mass: 5:00PM
Sunday English Masses: 9:00 & 11:00AM
Missas Dominical Español: 7:00AM y 1:00PM
Mon.– Sat. Weekday Masses: 8:30AM
Holy Day Masses: 8:30AM, l0:00AM (school year) and
7:00PM (Bilingual)
What can I do to build a safe neighborhood?
1. Make a phone tree for my block
2. Go to the CAPS Meeting on the 4th Thursday of
all even months in Krueger Hall.
8/25/16 6:30PM
The Summer BLOOD DRIVE is
Today, Sunday, August 7th, 9AM3PM. The BLOOD DRIVE will take
place in Krueger Hall. Blood is in
short supply during the summer
months. Give a few minutes and Give the Gift of
There are people waiting to bring you Communion - we just need to know you want us to come. Please call
the rectory or drop a note (attention Ministers of
Care) with your name, address, and phone number.
We’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Spanish
Ministers of Care are available, as well as English
speaking ministers. For more information call:
Rectory Office 773-286-7871 for English
Jennifer Martinez 773-283-5514 for Spanish
Reconciliation : 4:00 to 5:00 PM every Saturday.
Baptism: During pregnancy or after birth, parents are
expected to attend a Baptismal Preparation meeting held
on the first Sunday of the month at 12:30PM. Baptisms are
celebrated on the fourth Sunday of every month at
2:30PM. For information and registration for class and
Baptism times, please telephone the rectory 773-286-7871.
Marriage: For pre-marriage preparation and to assure
the wedding date you prefer, please call the Rectory at least
six months in advance before confirming a reception hall.
Communion, Confirmation and Conversion for Adults:
Please call the rectory for an appointment.
Communion, Confirmation and Conversion for
Please call the Coordinator of Religious
Education. All children should be enrolled in R.E. 1st - 8th
Communion to the homebound: Please call the parish
office with information about those who are shut-ins or
sick so that visits may be made. In an emergency situation,
please call immediately at any hour.
Anointing of the Sick and Funerals: Please call the
rectory if your family member is sick and needs the
Anointing of the Sick, or when a family member dies, so
that the parish priests may minister to your needs and
assist you in planning the Funeral Liturgy. This includes
the Wake Service, the Eucharistic Liturgy and the final
commitment at the Cemetery.
Page 7
¿Cómo puedo construir un vecindario seguro?
1. Crear una lista de números telefónicos de
vecinos cercanos
2. Asistir a las reuniones de CAPS cada cuarto
jueves del mes en Krueger Hall.
8/25/16 6:30PM
La donación de sangre del verano
será el domingo, 7 de agosto de 9AM3PM. La donación de sangre
ocurrirá en Krueger Hall. Se
necesita sangre para salvar vidas y
usted puede ayudar. Por favor sea
generoso y acompáñenos el 7 de
agosto ha dar el REGALO DE LA VIDA.
Renovación Carismática Católica
El Grupo de Servidores de la Renovación
Carismática Católica de San Bartolomé invita a
todas las personas a compartir juntos la palabra de
Dios en el círculo de oración.
los miércoles en la capilla comenzando a las
7:00PM con el Santo Rosario y a las 7:30PM con el
círculo de oración. Te esperamos con AMOR.
Reconciliación: Cada Sabado a las 4:00PM.
Bautismos: Llamar a la Rectoría para registrarse y
señalar la fecha de la clase de preparación y la fecha de
Bautizo. Siempre celebramos el Bautismo el segundo
domingo de cada mes. La celebración de bautizos comienza
con la misa de la 1:00pm en español y termina después de
la misa. La clase de preparación se lleva a cabo el primer
sábado de cada mes a las 3:00 de la tarde, para padres y
padrinos en la Rectoría. No traer niños, por favor. Los
padrinos deben ser mayores de 16 años, católicos y haber
recibido los sacramentos del bautizo, confesión, comunión
y confirmación. Aquellos que viven en unión libre NO
pueden ser padrinos.
Matrimonios, Quinceañeras: Llamar a la Rectoría y
preguntar por el Padre Castillo seis meses antes de la
ceremonia para segurar la fecha que usted prefiere y antes
de contratar el lugar de recepción.
Comunión, Confirmación o Conversión para Adultos:
Llamar a la Rectoría.
Comunión, Reconciliación o Confirmación para
Niños: Llamar a la Rectoría para registrarse en las clases
de Educación Religiosa. Todos los niños deben asistir a
clases desde el primer grado hasta el octavo grado.
Entierros: Llamar a la Rectoría.
Presentación: Se realizará el primer domingo de cada
mes, cuando el niño cumpla los cuarenta días o tres años
de edad Llamar a la Rectoría para registrarse una semana
Attention School Families
Reminder to school Families: Please come to
Krueger Hall on Thursday, August 11 between
4:00 to 7:00PM for Packet Pick Up.
Information pertinent to the start of School
(Tuesday, August 23) is contained in your
packet. Be reminded that certain Grade Levels
(PK, Kdg, 2nd, 6th) require Medical, Dental, or
Eye Exams.
School Summer Office Hours
Registering your child for the 2016-2017 school year is
easy…Our summer office hours are Monday to
Thursday from 9:00AM - 12:00PM. We can also
accommodate your visit at your convenience; just call
ahead at 773-282-9373.
Bilingual assistance is
From the Office of Religious Education
Dear Parents,
At this time, I would like to remind you that
registration for the 2016-17 school year is open. Please
stop by my office to complete this important
requirement. I will help you register your children,
please don’t let this important step wait for the last
minute. The sooner we have your children registered,
the better we can plan and order supplies for them.
Another reminder for the parents of children who
celebrated their First Communion in April. Your
children’s video & picture are ready for you to pick
up. Please stop by the Religious Education office from
9:00AM – 3:00PM. For more information, please call
Maria Arrez at 773-283-5702.
May peace and love be with you during this fun & hot
summer, enjoy it.
Maria Arrez
Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic?
Has not been baptized?
Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not
celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation
and Eucharist?
We offer an opportunity to come together in a small
group to learn more about our faith. Sessions focus on
the teachings and experience of Church and prepare
individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism,
Confirmation, and Eucharist during the Easter
season. You are welcome to participate in the process
with your questions, your insights and your faith story
in a warm accepting setting. For information please
contact Rosaria Aguirre or Alejandro Vega at
[email protected]
Page 8
Horario de Oficina en el Verano
Es fácil inscribir a su hijo para el año
escolar 2016-2017. Nuestro horario de
oficina durante el verano es de lunes a
jueves entre las 9:00AM y 12:00PM. Si es
más conveniente para usted visitar a otra
hora, simplemente llámenos al 773-2829373. Asistencia bilingüe está disponible.
Clases de Educación Religiosa
Queridos padres en este momento me gustaría
recordarles que las registraciones para este 2016-17
año escolar ya están abiertas. Por favor pasen a mi
oficina para completar este importante requisito. Yo le
ayudare a registrar a sus niños/as, por favor no deje
este paso tan importante para el último minuto. Tan
pronto queden sus niños/as registrados es mejor para
nosotros poder planear y ordenar libros y útiles para
Otro recordatorio es para los padres de los niños que
celebraron la primera comunión este pasado Abril. Su
video y fotografías están listos para que los recojan.
Por favor pasen a la oficina de educación religiosa de
9:00AM – 3:00PM. Para mayor información llame a
Maria Arrez al Tel. 773-283-5702.
Que la paz y el amor este con ustedes durante este
divertido y caliente verano, disfrútenlo. Maria Arrez
• Ha expresado un interés en convertirse en católico
• No ha sido bautizado
• Fue bautizado a católico cuando niño, pero no
celebra los sacramentos de la confirmación y
la Eucaristía
Ofrecemos la oportunidad de reunirnos en grupos
pequeños para aprender más acerca de nuestra fe. Las
sesiones se centran en las enseñanzas y experiencias de
la iglesia y preparan personas para celebrar los
sacramentos de bautismo, confirmación y Eucaristía
durante la temporada de Semana Santa. Usted es
bienvenido a participar en el proceso con sus
preguntas, sus ideas y su historia de fe en un cálido
ambiente. Para información por favor comuníquese
con Rosaria Aguirre o Alejandro Vega en
[email protected].
Help St. Bartholomew School by collecting and
saving General Mills Box Tops. Boxtops for
Education are found on many products.
Clip your Campbell Soup Label UPC’s (or
provide entire label).
Both Box Tops and
Campbell Soup Labels can be dropped off at the
school office or the Rectory.
Page 9
July 30 - 31, 2016
5:00pm Envelopes.............$621.00 11:00am Envelopes ........ $800.00
Loose ...................$131.00
Loose ................. $271.85
7:00am Envelopes ............$113.00 1:00pm Envelopes ......... $555.00
Loose ...................$400.70
Loose ................. $903.03
9:00am Envelopes ..........$1,030.00 Mail In Envelopes .......... $255.00
Loose ...................$128.51
Loose ....................... $.20
All Masses .................................. $5209.29
GiveCentral ................................. $831.25
TOTAL...................................... $6,040.54
BUDGETED GOAL ................ $6,200.00
Difference .................................... ($159.46)
15-16 Budgeted Goal to Date.............. $31,000.00
15-16 Actual to Date............................ $27,704.91
Difference ............................................. ($3,295.09)
Thank you for your stewardship! Special thanks to those who used
collection envelopes and to those who recently increased their weekly
Offertory Collection contribution. If you did not remember to bring
your collection envelope today, please use the envelope available from
the usher.
Welcome New Parishioners! Please register at the Rectory as soon as
possible. You may register either in person or by phone (773-286-7871)
Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM.
Welcome Visitors! We welcome you to our Parish Family. We hope
that you will worship with us weekly.
Please remember St. Bartholomew when planning your will.
Thank you for your continued support!
Participate in Electronic Giving.. was created with input from Parishes in Chicago as a customized online giving
program. is a secure online system where Parishioners can create individual giving profiles with
payment options ranging from direct debit (ACH) to credit cards.
Benefits For You:
Increased options and accessibility for giving - Review your giving history in real time 24/7
Keep your gifts secure
Benefits For Your Parish:
Saves money on envelopes and postage - Helps predict cash flow for budgeting
Cost-effective solution for online payments - Better Collection of payment history for tax purpose
How to get set-up:
1. Go to and create your own giving profile. Select how &
when you will make your contribution.
2. Contact Rose Rutherford in the Parish Office, 773-286-7871.
Rev. Ricardo Castillo, Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Thomas E. Lamping, Associate Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Mr. Faustino Santiago, Deacon
Mr. Charles A. Kessell, Music Director
Mr. James Phillips, Director of Buildings & Grounds
Mrs. Vanessa Baldwin, Operations Director
Mrs. Wanda Fleming, Athletic Director
Mrs. Rose Rutherford, Parish Manager
[email protected]
Mr. Joseph Angelastri, Finance Council Chairman
Ms Joan Billingham, Parish Pastoral Council
Mr. Ricardo Trujillo, School Board
4949 W. Patterson Telephone: 773-286-7871
FAX: 773–286-4808
4941 W. Patterson
Telephone: 773-282-9373
FAX: 773-282-4757
Mrs. Karen Rebhan-Csuk , Principal
[email protected]
4941 W. Patterson
Telephone: 773–283-5702
FAX: 773-286-4808
Mrs. Maria Arrez, Coordinator of Religious Education
[email protected]
Social Media
St. Bartholomew Website Addresses
Instagram: stbartholomewparish
St. Bartholomew Church
4949 W. Patterson
Chicago, IL 60641
Save these dates:
Saturday, August 27: Opening Jubilee Mass of Thanksgiving 5:00PM
After you read the bulletin, fold, stamp and mail it to a friend! Share good news!
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