October 27, 2013


October 27, 2013
A Catholic community
devoted to deep and
abiding friendship
with Jesus Christ
Established 1700
3320 St. Peter’s Drive
Waldorf Maryland 20601
Mission Statement
Saint Peter’s Church is a Catholic community devoted to deep and abiding
friendship with Jesus Christ. We strive to build upon the legacy of faith entrusted
to us by the Catholic pioneers who courageously established Saint Peter’s – an
ethnically and economically diverse community unified through the power of
the Holy Spirit in the truth and love of Jesus Christ. Mindful of this legacy as well
as our need for ongoing conversion amidst new challenges, today, in our fourth
century, we seek friendship with Jesus through our commitments to:
• Understand and proclaim His saving truth revealed in the
Bible in union with the official teaching authority of the
Catholic Church.
• Worship joyfully His living presence in the sacraments,
especially the Eucharist.
• Recognize His face in those we are privileged to serve and
protect, particularly the poor and vulnerable.
• Welcome Him in each other through our fellowship and
unity amidst the rich diversity of our parish community.
• Encounter Him and the beauty of His creation by preserving
our parish as a peaceful and prayerful sanctuary.
• Hear His personal call to holiness and help families embrace it
in all vocations, especially to priesthood or consecrated life.
• Imitate His generous self-giving as a way of life that expresses
our gratitude to Him and our love for God and neighbor.
Mass Schedule/Misa
Monday - Saturday: 8:00 am
Saturday Vigil:
5:00 pm
8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm, en Español 1:30 pm
7:00 pm
3:30 pm
Parish Office
Hours: M – F, 8:30 – 4:30
301-843-8916 Fax: 301-843-3163
St. Peter’s School 301-843-1955
Office for Christian Formation
Rev. Zygmunt Kurzawinski
Parochial Vicar
Msgr. J. Wilfrid Parent
Deacon Robert Martin
Tom Abell, Parish Facilities Manager
Alice Culbreth, Director of Christian Formation
Sr. Theresa Frere, IHM, Coordinator of Ministry
to the Sick and Homebound
Marianna Hamilton, Coordinator of Christian Formation
Alicia Moore, Parish Secretary
Msgr. Oliver McGready
Msgr. Andrew Cassin
Fran O’Neill, Parish Accountant
Pastor Emeritus
Cara Tiffin-Johnson, Music Director
J.R. West, Principal, St. Peter’s School
Parish Pastoral Council • [email protected]
John Baden, Chairman
Jim Johnson, Co-Chairman
Mary DiMuro, Secretary • 301-645-4596
RoseMary Buzzeo
Kevin Kane
Bobbie Vaira
Kathy Carrigan
Mark Leslie
Ron Wade
Linda Cogburn
Stephanie Nolan
Marsha Forson, Youth Rep. Liliana Perez, Hispanic Rep. Allan Wibbenmeyer, Finance Council Rep.
Parish Finance Council • Don Palchak, Chairperson • 301-934-1281
Stacie Burch
Allan Wibbenmeyer
Richard Buschman
William Young
Beth Watson
Parish Life & Service
For information concerning registration,
baptism, marriage, funerals, and other
sacraments, please contact the parish office.
Christian Formation
To report repairs and other matters concerning
church buildings and grounds, please contact the
parish facilities manager on 301-843-8916, ext. 35.
Make St. Peter’s Your First Call!
As a way of exploring this goal, here are a few scenarios of when and
why to contact St. Peter’s when someone is seriously ill or homebound.
My aunt’s health is so
bad I think she should
get Last Rites soon.
She hasn’t seen a
priest in a long time
and doesn’t even know
I’m making this call to
you. She’s going to
need hospice soon.
We don’t want to just spring this on your aunt. Could
you create an opening by saying that St. Peter’s has
this ministry? I can come for a first visit, listen to her
needs, and then follow up with the priest on call.
These visits can continue even with hospice.
Sister, I found you on the internet but don’t even
live in MD. My mother, a devout Catholic, fell
and is now in a Waldorf rehab. How do I get her
Communion? She used to go to St. Peter’s before
she moved out of the area.
I can make arrangements with the rehab facility for the
nearby parish to bring her Communion and for a
priest to visit her. I follow up on our parishioners in
the local rehabs. Sometimes I get requests from family
and staff to visit/offer prayer for other Catholics, so I
will include your mother.
I’m stressed out all the time, running from work
to family to caring for Dad. Being everybody’s
caregiver is more difficult than I thought. I’m not
sick and homebound, but I needed to call
somebody and your name was in the bulletin.
Let’s make time for a visit, by phone or in person, to
provide some care and resources for you.
In a few weeks I’ll be going in for surgery and
won’t be able to get out to church. Could I
arrange for short-term homebound visits?
That’s good that you made this call to take care of your
spiritual needs while you’re looking at your physical
needs. Short-term visits won’t be a problem.
My mother moved in with us three months after
her health declined. Now she’s usually in bed,
but she’s still very alert. For years she had her
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
own home in the Midwest and was very active in
her parish and community. She misses all that.
Ask her if I can come as part of our ministry here. I
can help create a little “faith community” for her, with
another Eucharistic Minister and a pastoral volunteer.
I just got diagnosed with cancer and chemo’s
starting soon. I’m still in shock. I’m not sick and
homebound yet, but I need to talk to someone
and my faith is really important to me.
I can make the time to talk with you right now, or what
would be convenient for you? Journeying with
someone in illness is very important in this ministry.
These last six months have been terrible. My
brother’s in and out of hospitals, rehab, back and
forth so many times, I’ve lost count. I meant to
call long before this.
Tell me more about him … visits won’t be a problem.
One parishioner, in a situation similar to your
brother’s said, “You always manage to find me, no
matter where I go!”
Sister, I don’t even know if I’m considered “sick
enough” to qualify for your services. Sometimes
I can get out to church, but other times I’m really
Having this ministry come to you is not on an “all or
nothing” basis. We realize that things change from
week to week with chronic illness. You shouldn’t have
to do without the sacraments.
I’m a manager at a small assisted living facility in
Waldorf. We got a resident not from this area.
She’s Catholic, loves her prayers, and wants
Communion. She has some dementia but is alert.
St. Peter’s provides for the spiritual needs of those in
the parish including homes, apartments and other
facilities. When would be a good time to visit her?
…and there are many other scenarios too. We
encourage you to make that first call to St. Peter’s!
Joining with many others in our prayers for the
sick and homebound,
Sister Theresa Frere, IHM
October 27, 2013
Sunday, October 27, Thirtieth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
5:00 p.m.
Della Janssen
8:00 a.m.
Intentions of Ana Davidson
10:00 a.m.
Parishioners of St. Peter’s
12:00 noon
Catherine Dillon
1:30 p.m.
Intentions of the celebrant
Monday, October 28, St. Simon and St. Jude
8:00 a.m.
Harold and Alma Ruf
Tuesday, October 29
8:00 a.m.
Intentions of Kevin &Tiffany Morris
Wednesday, October 30
8:00 a.m.
L. C. Addison
Thursday, October 31
8:00 a.m.
Elisabeth Di Giovannantonio
7:30 p.m. Vigil
All Souls
Friday, November 1, All Saints
8:00 a.m.
All Souls
7:30 p.m.
All Souls
Saturday, November 2, All Souls’ Day
8:00 a.m.
All Souls
5:00 Vigil
All Souls
Sunday, November 3, Thirty-first Sunday
in Ordinary Time
8:00 a.m.
All Souls
10:00 a.m.
All Souls
12:00 noon
All Souls
1:30 p.m.
All Souls
The sanctuary light will burn this week in
loving memory of Betty O’Neill.
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Communion with the dead.
“In full
consciousness of this communion of the
whole Mystical Body of Jesus Christ, the
Church in its pilgrim members, from the
very earliest days of the Christian
religion, has honored with great respect
the memory of the dead; and ‘because it is
a holy and a wholesome thought to pray
for the dead that they may be loosed from
their sins’ she offers her suffrages for
them.” [LG 50; cf. 2 Macc 12:45] Our
prayer for them is capable not only of
helping them, but also of making their
intercession for us effective.”
Catechism of the Catholic Church, #958
Friday, November 1 is the Feast of All
Saints and a holy day of obligation.
Masses will be on Thursday, October 31
at 7:30 p.m. and Friday, November 1 at
8:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
October 27, 2013
If someone you know is seriously ill and asks to be included in the prayers for the sick, please call
the parish office. Names will remain on the prayer list for four weeks. At that time if you wish to
have the name put back on the prayer list, please call the parish office.
Delani Norman
Frank Ciccarello
Alice Joseph
John David Yamnicky
Joseph McKay, Sr.
Our Parish Prayer Requests
Mary Faunce
Victoria Thorne
Bill Reeves
Bartholomew Booth
Ethan Jacobs
Barbara Gray
Stephanie Walls
Brenda Dodson
•For Jhaylen DePugh, Khyrie Proctor, Janiyah Proctor
and Katy Wells who were baptized on October 20.
• For Lt. Daniel (DJ) Davis, U.S. Army, serving in Afghanistan
• For newly ordained priests, especially Fr. Samuel Plummer
• For our parish priests
2013 Charles County Senior Summit, sponsored by the Charles
County Area Council on Aging, will be held on Thursday, November 14,
from 10 a.m. to noon at the Richard R. Clark Senior Center in La Plata. Keynote speaker will be the
Honorable Gloria Lawlah, Secretary of the MD Department of Aging. A Charles County representative
will also discuss Senior Initiatives in the county.
Morning refreshments will be served, exhibitors will be on hand, and questions concerning senior issues
are encouraged. The event is free, but donations are requested for those staying for the senior center
lunch program (eligible seniors, 60 and older ). Reservations for both are required. Please RSVP by
November 7, 2013 to Janice Hamby at 301-609-5702.
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 27, 2013
The annual collection next weekend will be for the Retired Priests of
the Archdiocese of Washington. Please use the envelope that has
been mailed to your home or the special collection envelopes that are at
the entrances to church. You can also use these envelopes to make a
credit or debit donation. Please put your envelope in the regular
collection basket. Thank you for your generosity.
Bring Back the Baby Bottles
Please remember to return your Catherine Foundation baby bottle next
weekend, November 2 and 3, filled with spare coins or extra cash. This annual
campaign supports the Catherine Foundation Pregnancy Care Center in Waldorf
which assists women with crisis pregnancies and difficult choices about life.
Sunday Social!
Our parish social is this Sunday in Sank Auditorium after the 8:00 and 10:00 Masses. Please
stop over for a cup of coffee and morning snacks. All are welcome, regardless of what Mass
you regularly attend. We want to thank the Catholic Daughters of the Americas for hosting
this social.
St. Peter’s High School Youth Group Plan
Cemetery Cleanup on November 9.
On Saturday, November 9, St. Peter’s High School
Youth Group will clean the parish cemetery. The
Youth Group will remove faded flowers and unsightly
decorations, trim around the headstones as needed, and
wipe down stones that are dirty. To help the Scouts and
prepare for their work, please remove weathered
decorations or memorabilia that you don’t want thrown
away. Thank you, Youth Group, for honoring our
beloved dead and helping to keep our cemetery a peaceful, prayerful sanctuary.
Thanksgiving Sharing
St. Peter’s Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul hopes to provide a
turkey to each family that signs up and comes to the Thanksgiving food pantry on
Saturday, November 16. But they need your help to purchase the turkeys. SVdP is
asking parishioners who would like to assist them to place their donation in an
envelope marked "Turkeys" in the collection basket. Please make checks payable to
"SVdP – St. Peter's." Thank you for your generosity to the poor.
Don Hayes and Bob Moore, co-chairpersons
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 27, 2013
FOCCUS Training Rescheduled
FOCCUS International is in the process of finalizing the 4th edition of materials used in its programs, which will
become available for use in January 2014. The training for couples/clergy/lay ministers has been rescheduled
for Saturday, February 22, 2014. Contact the Office for Christian Formation for registration details.
REMINDER for Family/Youth Ministry Programs
No morning sessions (Family Program) on Sunday, November 3. High school youth ministry (yCIA) will meet
on that evening from 7:00 - 8:30 which parents are asked to attend. Call 301-843-9583 for more information.
Today’s Readings
Sirach 35: 12-14, 16-18 ▪ Psalm 34
2 Timothy 4: 6-8, 16-18 ▪ Luke 18: 9-14
Reflect and Discuss
† For what or whom have I prayed recently? What is the top item on my prayer list?
Who is praying for me?
† What does humility mean to me? Is it something desirable or not?
† Do I see how God is the source of my strength in "finishing the race"?
When is it easy to assume that I did it, I achieved it, I won it I earned it?
† Do our parishioners believe that caring for one another and establishing justice is important?
Don’t forget!
Santa will be at the
CDA Holiday Craft Fair next Saturday from
10:30 a.m. until 1:30!
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 27, 2013
Preserving St. Peter’s Capital Campaign
Thank you to the following parishioners who have already made a gift to the
capital campaign. Please make your gift today and join this growing list!!
Ms Wendy I Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Ferrante
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Acosta
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J Buzzeo
Mrs Jocelyn P Foreman
Mrs Karen M Acton
Mrs Gloria Cable
Mrs Juliana Forson
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony V Cangiano
Mr. & Mrs. Gary B Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J Almaraz
Mr. & Mrs. Willard H Carney Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J Frauenfelder IV
Mr Edward V Alston
Mrs Suzanne M Carr
Ms Elizabeth E Garner
Mr. & Mrs. David J Amadei
Mr. & Mrs. William A Chase
Mr Brian M Garza
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J Antonioni
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore O Chick Jr
Mrs Suzette M Gibson
Mrs Margaret Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Warren C Clare
Mrs Virginia S Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Noel L Arquero
Mr. & Mrs. Felix A Colaciello
Mr Dominic Gioffre
Mr. & Mrs. Leland E Ashburn
Mrs Jacqueline H Conti
Miss Peggy Goldsmith
Mr. & Mrs. John T Baden
Mr William W Cooper
Mr Kenneth A Goldsmith
Mrs Teresa Baker-Chase
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Gonzalez
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F Baldesari
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cope
Mr. & Mrs. David W Gouge
Mr. Arthur L. Baldia
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent B Costanzo
Ms Bonnie J Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil E Ball
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R Gray Jr
Mr Richard E Bamberger
Mr. & Mrs. Glaudenio F Cruz
Mr Robert C Greenwell
Mr. & Mrs. Apolinar V Barbaza
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Daniel
Mrs Teresa Grimes
Mr. & Mrs. P Anthony Bean
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Daniels Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Walter A Grudzinskas
Mr Donald F Berens
Ms Hasinta Davis
Mrs Martha E Gruss
Mr. & Mrs. William J Bond
Mrs Carol A Dawn
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A Gryn
Mr. & Mrs. Bartholomew D Booth
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Decker
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gummere
Mr. & Mrs. Bartholomew Booth
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C DeLeon
Mrs. Thomas H Gunning
Ms Suzanne Bowman
Ms Mary T Di Muro
Mrs Mary Haggenmaker
Mr. & Mrs. William W Bradd
Ms Elizabeth Dillard
Mrs Sandi L Hankinson
Mrs Anna Branan
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent DiMauro
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J Breagy
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred M Dintino Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Keith M Hennek
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brett
Mr. & Mrs. John M Dodson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P Higgins
Mrs Wanda M Bridgett
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M Dopkowski
Ms Katherine Hunter
Mrs Betti Bridgett
Ms Brenda A Douglas
Mr. & Mrs. Philip P Ibe
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L Burch
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J Dressick
Mr. & Mrs. Joselito S Ignacio
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A Burch
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson D. Enriquez
Mr. & Mrs. James B Inaldo
Mrs Rose Burroughs
Mrs Elizabeth Estevez
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis W Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Buschman
Mr. & Mrs. Jacques Etienne
Ms Patricia A Johnson
Mr Francisco Bustillo
Mr. & Mrs. Dossouvi K Ezi
Mr. & Mrs. James K Johnson
Mr. James H. Butler
Mr. & Mrs. John H Faasen II
Mr. & Mrs. William Jupiter
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 27, 2013
Preserving St. Peter’s Capital Campaign
Thank you to the following parishioners who have already made a gift to the
capital campaign. Please make your gift today and join this growing list!!
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C Kan
Mr Michael J Monaco
Mr. & Mrs. John J Simko
Mr. & Mrs. John J Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. David M Moore
Mrs Joyce Simpson
Col John J Kennedy Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Blanchard P Smalley
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M Kimm
Mrs Elizabeth A Moreland
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sobnosky
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S Kline
Mr Stephen T Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stadler
Mr. & Mrs. John M Koper Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A Mudd
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Steffensmeier
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J Kovaleski
Mr. & Mrs. William W Naumann
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D Strutt
Mr. & Mrs. David Langrell
Mr. & Mrs. Edward G Neely
Mr. & Mrs. William E Strutt
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J Leginze
Mr Brian Neiheisel
Mr. & Mrs. George T Swanson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M Leslie
Mrs Patricia G Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. J David Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Pablo M Lopez
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Nungesser
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence W Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lucchesi
Mr Michael F O'Connell
Mr. & Mrs. Jason C Theriault
Mrs Doris Lyles
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O'Neill
Mrs Bernice Y Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Macquade
Ms Cora E Patch
Mrs Ida Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Magno
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J Peruso
Mr. & Mrs. John C Thomas
Miss Mary C Maher
Mr. & Mrs. Michael O Peters
Mr. & Mrs. David D Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Buhay Malabanan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Petrocci
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A Tomasko Sr
Deacon and Mrs Robert L Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J Pheulpin
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A Tompa
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Danny R Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Jose A Torres
Mr James A Martinez
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J Plummer
Mrs Kellie Troese
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A Mattingly
Mrs Peggy Poole
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Turner
Mr. & Mrs. William J Matts
Mrs Mary Helen Potter
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Turner
Kathryn and Gary May
Mr Robert T Powers
Mr. & Mrs. David D Vaira
Mr Vincent E Mc Gowan
Mr Joseph R Proctor
Mrs Barbara Vest
Ms Sandra C McGraw
Mrs Bernadette T Prout
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C Wade
Mrs Dolores McLean
Mrs Amelia C Reid
Mr. & Mrs. Oliver J Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E McManus
Miss Margaret Mary Renner
Mr. & Mrs. Damien Wanner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard McMillen
Ms Holly M Rexrode
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T Ward
Ms Marion C Metzger
Mr. & Mrs. James P Roddy
Mr. & Mrs. John P Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Meyers
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Rouse
Mrs Michelle M Willis
Ms Cynthia Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie B Rutledge
Mrs Virginia V Winkelhake
Ms Katherine M Miller
Mr James M Sardo
Mrs Janet W Yamnicky
Mrs Margherita Minopoli
Mrs Virginia Schadt
Mrs Adele Youngborg
Mr. & Mrs. Ciro Minopoli
Mr Henry P Sermons Jr
Ms Linda C Young-Brown
Mrs Gloria Minor
Miss Freida G Shlagel
Mrs Andrea Zimmerman
Please call the Parish Office for any corrections or omissions.
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 27, 2013
Asegúrese de San Pedro la primera llamada!
Como una forma de explorar este objetivo, he aquí algunos escenarios de cuándo y
por qué ponerse en contacto con San Pedro cuando alguien está gravemente
enfermo o va a salir de su casa.
La salud de mi tía es
tan mal creo que debería conseguir la ultima
uncion pronto. Ella no
ha visto un sacerdote
en mucho tiempo y ni
siquiera sabe que estoy
haciendo este llamado
a usted. Ella va a necesitar los cuidados de un auspicio pronto.
No se trata simplemente de la primavera este con su tía.
Podría crearse un dialogo diciendo que San Pedro tiene
este ministerio? Yo puedo ir para una primera visita,
escucho sus necesidades y luego conseguire el sacerdote
de turno. Estas visitas pueden continuarse incluso ya
cuando la persona esta en el auspicio.
Hermana, te encontré en el Internet, pero no vivo en
Maryland. Mi madre, es una devota católica, cayó
enferma y ahora está en un centro de rehabilitación
en Waldorf. ¿Cómo puedo conseguir que se le de la
Comunión? Ella solía ir a San Pedro antes de que se
mudara de la zona.
Puedo hacer arreglos con el centro de rehabilitación para
que la parroquia mas cercana pueda llevar su comunión
y un sacerdote pueda visitarla. Hago visitas a nuestros
feligreses en los centros de rehabilitación locales. A veces
las familias me lo piden, y el personal para ver/si podemos ofrecer oración por otros católicos, por lo que incluire su madre.
Estoy estresado todo el tiempo, salgo del trabajo a
los queaseres de la familia y luego a cuidar a papá.
Siendo el cuidador de todos es más difícil de lo que
pensaba. No estoy enfermo pero estoy confinado a
su hogar, pero tenía que buscar a alguien y su nombre estaba en el boletín.
Vamos hacer una visita, ya sea por teléfono o en persona, para proporcionar una cierta atención y algunas
ayudas para usted.
Dentro de unas semanas tendre una cirugía y no
sere capaz de ir a la iglesia. ¿Podría disponer visitas a mi casa a corto plazo?
Es bueno que usted hizo este llamado para cuidar de su
necesidades espirituales, mientras que usted está buscando en su necesidades de bienestar físico. Visitas a corto
plazo no será un problema.
Mi madre vino a vivir con nosotros, tres meses después su salud declino. Ahora por lo general esta en
la cama, pero sigue estando muy alerta. Durante
Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
años tuvo su propia casa, en el Medio Oeste y fue
muy activa en su parroquia y en la comunidad.
Ahora echa de menos todo eso.
Pregúntale si puedo venir como parte de nuestro
ministerio aquí. Yo puede ayudar a crear un poco de
"comunidad de fe" para ella, con otro Ministro de la
Eucaristía y un voluntario pastoral.
Acabo de ser diagnosticado con cáncer y la quimioterapia comenzara pronto. Todavía estoy en shock.
No estoy enfermo y puedo salir de casa todavía,
pero tengo que hablar con alguien porque mi fe es
muy importante para mí.
Puedo sacar mi tiempo para hablar con usted ahora, o lo
que sea mas conveniente para usted? Ayudando a alguien
en la enfermedad es muy importante en este ministerio.
Estos últimos seis meses han sido terribles. Mi
hermano está dentro y fuera de los hospitales, la
rehabilitación, la espalda y sucesivamente, que he
perdido la cuenta. Quise llamar mucho antes de
que esto ocurriera.
Quiero saber más sobre él ... las visitas no serán un problema. Un parroquiano, en una situación similar a la te tu
hermano dijo, "Siempre se las arregla para encontrarme,
no importa donde voy!"
Hermana, yo ni siquiera sé si soy considerado
"enfermo suficiente" para tener derecho a sus
servicios. Aveces yo puedo salir a la iglesia, pero
otras veces estoy que no puedo salir de mi casa.
Este ministerio que viene a usted no es un "todo o nada"
base. Nos damos cuenta de que las cosas cambian de un
semana a semana con una enfermedad crónica. Usted no
debería prescindir de los sacramentos.
Soy gerente de un pequeño centro de asistencia en
Waldorf. Tenemos una residente que no es de esta
zona. Ella es católica, ama a sus oraciones, y quiere
la santa Comunión. Ella tiene algo de la demencia,
pero esta alerta.
San Pedro ofrece a las necesidades espirituales a las personas en la parroquia incluyendo casas, apartamentos y
otras instalaciones. ¿Cuándo sería un buen momento
para visitarla?
... y hay muchos otros escenarios también. Nosotros
animamos a hacer la primera llamada a San Pedro!
Junto con muchos otros en nuestras oraciones por el
enfermo y confinado en casa,
Hermana Theresa Frere, IHM
27 de octubre 2013

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