Ofertas Pre-navideñas Pre-Christmas discounts


Ofertas Pre-navideñas Pre-Christmas discounts
Now its become much
easier to advertise
at LivinginPeru.com !
Pre-Christmas discounts
¡Ahora es más fácil
anunciar en LivinginPeru.com !
November - December
Noviembre - Diciembre
Offer 1
1 banner in the weekly newsletter "Peru this Week"
1 rotating banner per 75,000 impressions
of 140 x75 px located under
the main menu
$ 499.80
including IGV
Offer 2
1 rotating banner per
150,000 impressions of 140 x75 px
located under the main menu
1 banner publicitario en el boletin semanal "Peru this Week"
1 banner publicitario rotativo
por 75,000 impresiones de 140 x75 px
ubicado debajo del menu principal
$ 499.80
incluido IGV
Oferta 2
$ 499.80
including IGV
For more information, call Millie Coquis at 442-6986
or write to [email protected]
Ofertas Pre-navideñas
1 banner publicitario rotativo por
150,000 impresiones de 140 x75 px
ubicado debajo del menu principal
$ 499.80
Para mayor información, comunicarse con Millie Coquis al 442-6986
o escribir al correo [email protected]

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