September 27, 2015


September 27, 2015
SEPTEMBER 27, 2015
Symbolon Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults/ Adult Faith Formation The 2015-2016 RCIA/Adult Faith Formation year is
underway. We meet at Casa St. John on Thursday
evenings from 7:00-8:30. If you are interested in sitting
in on the classes to learn more about your Catholic
faith, please feel free to join us. We are using the new
“Symbolon” program as the foundation. This week’s
topic will be: “The Bible”.
For more information contact Karen Mathers at 972816-0621 or e-mail at [email protected]
Young Women’s Group
Saturday, September 26
5:00 PM
For the People of St. John’s in Thanksgiving
for their prayers by Drilma Vezina
Sunday, September 27
8:00 AM
Our Immediate & Extended Family by
Jimmy & Melody Blasingame
10:30 AM
For the Bulletin Sponsors by Fred/Trinity
12:15 PM
Pro Populo
Friday, October 2
8:00 AM
In Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Saturday, October 3
5:00 PM
†Drilma Vezina by Tom & Maxine Koller
Sunday, October 4
8:00 AM
Pro Populo
10:30 AM
†Sylvia Lozano by Parents
12:15 PM
†Israel & †José Luis Navarrete Int. de
Rebeca Navarrete
Sound Catholic practice encourages us to offer the Mass for the
departed and for those in any need. To request a Mass to be offered,
please visit the parish office or return to the office a completed Mass
intention card. Available cards are located in the foyer of the church.
The Young Women’s Group will meet today, Sunday,
September 27th from 1:30 – 3:00pm in the Parish Hall.
If you are a young lady in grades 7-12 and would like
to join us please come out to our meeting. If you would
like information on the YWG you can e-mail Michelle
at [email protected].
First Friday in Honor of the Sacred Heart
We will have our monthly Holy Hour on Friday,
October 2nd from 8:30-9:30am. Everyone is invited
to come.
Anointing of the Sick
Because of the Privacy Act, hospitals and
nursing homes are no longer able to
patients/residents for the Churches use in
order to visit and administer the Sacraments of Holy
Communion or Anointing of the Sick. Therefore, I need
your assistance when you have a family member who is
hospitalized or in a nursing home. Please call Fr. Orosco
at the Church Office at (972) 563-3643 so that I may be of
Blessing for Expectant Mothers
Next weekend we will have our monthly blessing
for expectant mothers of our parish after all the
Fr. Orosco will be on unavailable this coming week,
therefore, there will be no daily Mass Monday-Thursday.
We will, however, have Daily Mass on Friday, October 2nd
followed by Holy Hour 8:30-9:30am.
Prayer Requests
Join the National Life Chain!
Hwy. 205 in Terrell
(Meet in Discount Tire’s parking lot
Richard Collier
Laurie Lisius Kinkaid
Richard Lozano Sr.
Amalia Ibarra
Mike Gonzales
Kenneth Elliott
Ma. Mercedes Sanchez
Deborah Dubcak Krueger
Patricia Reyes
Stanley Ewaniak
Sylvia Stenda
Lee Wilde
Rosario Rodríguez
Ma. Consolación González
Tommy Locour
Jackson Patterson
Mayra Anguiano
Michelle Elliott
Dolores Boyd
Elsie Rittmuller
Claire Taft
Ida Gunstanson
Soledad Valencia
Steven LaPoint
Bill Blankenship
Suzzane Sikors Owen
Don Coleman
Myrna Wharton
Chris Stader
Rebecca Elliott
Nick Morales, Sr.
Jack Sikors
Stella Childers
Brenda Newburn
Raul Rivera
Dorothy Newburn
Tom Boyd
Mason Gumler
Felipa Garcia
Joe Wages
Donna Lain
Margarito Soto
Colleen McNamara
Laurie Rangel
Mike Beaty
Olivia Nicole Yates
Erica Vargas
Margaret Wages
Nathan Wright
Henry Taft
Dennis Kiger
David Carmona
John Jones
Claire Vargas
Ginger Guthrie
George Lyon
Sheila Wages
Yamileth Martinez
Jerry Lain
Warren Soto
Ministry Schedule for the Weekend of
October 3/4
Sat. 5:00pm Cathy Burton/Karen Mathers
Sun. 8:00am Marianne Marsden/Gerald Garcia
Sun.10:30am Karie Hammond/Shelilah Dean
Stand with thousands of pro-lifers throughout the
USA! You’ll be a light in a darkened world as you
help put an end to abortion through prayer!
Bring your whole family! Rain or shine!
Water, lawn chairs, umbrellas and strollers are
Signs proclaim “Abortion Kills Children,”
“Adoption the Loving Option,” “Jesus Forgives &
Heals,” “Lord, Forgive Us and Our Nation,”
“Abortion Hurts Women,” “El Aborto Mata Niños,”
“Life – the first Inalienable Right” and “Pray to End
Stand 25-30 feet apart. Do not park in front of an
open business.
LIFE CHAIN is a peaceful and prayerful public witness of
pro-life Americans standing for one hour praying for our
nation and for an end to abortion. It is a visual statement of
solidarity by the Christian community that abortion kills
children and that the Church supports the sanctity of human
life from the moment of conception.
Monday, September 28
1:00 PM
7:00 PM
Crochet meeting at Casa St. John
Grupo de Oración en la Casa St. John
Friday, October 2
8:00 AM
Daily Mass
8:30-9:30 AM Holy Hour
Saturday, October 3
6:00 PM Pláticas Pre-Bautismales en el Salón Parroquial
Sat. 5:00pm Sherry Goelden*/Debbie P./Paul M./Volunteer
Sun. 8:00am David Bendele*/Robert B./Wayne M./Rachel H.
Sun. 10:30am Richard Jr.*/Dennis C./Calvin H./Steve H.
Last Week’s Collection:
FY’15-16 Budgeted Average:
Extraordinary Ministers
FY’15-16 Average Sunday Coll. thru 8/31/15:
Sat. 5:00pm Karen Mathers/Gary Whalin/Linda Whalin
Sun. 8:00am Chris Probst/Dan Probst
Sun. 10:30am Melinda Sanchez/Bill Bedrick/Argie Benavidez
Shelilah Dean/Tammy Guerra/Bud McClure
SEPTEMBER 27, 2015
Twenty-Sixth Week of Ordinary Time
Religious Education classes will start in October.
We are pleased to announce that the repairs to the
Parish Center are complete! Religious Education
classes will start on the following days:
*Sunday classes:
October 18, 2015,
9:15am – 10:15am.
*Tuesday classes:
October 20, 2015,
6:30pm – 7:30pm.
*Wednesday classes: October 21, 2015,
6:30pm – 7:30pm.
Catechetical Sunday:
What does the Word “Catechetical” mean?
Fr. Orosco will commission and bless all catechists at
the 10:30am Mass on Sunday, October 11th. The root
word of “catechetical” is “catechesis,” from a Greek
word meaning “to echo, or resound.” Catechesis is the
act of resounding or bringing the Church’s teachings to
the world. Catechists are those who teach in the name
of the Church.
Why do we have a special day to commission
Catechesis is a distinct and special ministry in the
Church. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church
makes clear, “Catechesis is intimately bound up with
the whole of the Church’s life…her inner growth and
correspondence with God’s plan depend essentially on
catechesis” (#7). The ministry of teaching in the name
of the Church has a profound dignity, which is why
catechists are formally commissioned by the Church.
On this day the Church highlights this ministry and
invites the entire church community to think about our
responsibility, because of our baptism, to share our
faith with others.
On the Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus tells his disciples not to worry about someone
driving out evil in his name. He warns about giving
scandal, especially to children and calls for a radical
avoidance of evil. We are to separate ourselves from it
and choose to turn away from sin and its sources as
radically as if to cut off our hand or pluck out our eye.
It’s about life itself.
The week is filled with special days, including
Tuesday's, Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and
Raphael, archangels; Wednesday's Memorial of
Saint Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church,
and Thursdays rembrance of the Little Flower, Saint
Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor
of the Church. Friday is the Memorial of the Holy
Guardian Angels.
The first readings continue with the prophet
Zechariah of the period of recovery after the exile.
“They shall be my people, and I will be their God, with
faithfulness and justice.” The Book of Nehemiah,
like Ezra, chronicles this history. The prophet Baruch
gives us a prayer of the people in captivity and God's
reply, “Fear not, my children; call out to God!”
We continue reading Luke’s Gospel, as the disciples
argue about who is the greatest. Jesus points out a
young child and asks them to strive to be the “least” not
the greatest. Jesus stops his disciples from preventing
people, not of their group, from healing, because they
are with Jesus, too. When Nathanael believes because
Jesus could say where he had been, Jesus tells him that
as a follower, “You will see greater things than this.”
People come up, offering to follow Jesus, but have
excuses for why they can't do it now. Jesus calls them
to not “look back” once they have said, “yes.” He sends
his disciples to other towns: “The harvest is rich but the
workers are few.” Jesus tells us to humble ourselves
like a defenseless child. He prays, “I give you praise,
Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you
have hidden these things from the wise and the learned
you have revealed them to the childlike.”
Grupo de Muchachas Jóvenes
Dé a beber un vaso de agua…
No engañe con el peso en el mercado…
Espere a que terminen de subir los pasajeros
antes de arrancar…
El Grupo de Muchachas Jóvenes se van a reunir hoy
domingo, 27 de septiembre de 1:30-3:00pm en el Salón
Parroquial. Esta junta es para las jóvenes en grado 712.
No deje su bolsa de basura en la puerta del
Ceda su asiento a los ancianos, o señoras con
niños en brazos…
Vamos a tener la Hora Santa el viernes, 2 de
octubre de 8:30-9:30am. Todos están invitados.
Se muestre
Tenga un poco de paciencia…
Por el hecho de que son de Cristo (y todo ser
humano es hermano de Cristo), LES ASEGURO
Hora Santa
Primer Viernes en Honor del Sagrado Corazón
Bendición Especial
El próximo fin de semana después de la Misa
vamos a tener una bendición especial para las
madres de nuestra parroquia que están
Todos están invitados a la Hora Santa cada
miércoles a las 6:45pm. Nos reunimos en la
Iglesia para honrar al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.
Las clases de la Doctrina empezaran en octubre.
Grupo de Oración
El Grupo de Oración se reúnen cada lunes a las
7:00pm en la Casa St. John.
Clases de Pre-Bautismales
Ofrecemos clases Pre-Bautismales cada
primer sábado de cada mes a las 6:00pm en el
Salón Parroquial. Favor de llamar a la oficina
(972-563-3643) para más información.
Unción de los Enfermos
Si usted o alguien que usted conozca está
necesitado en recibir comunión o el
Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos
favor de llamar al Padre Orosco en la
oficina de la Iglesia al número 972-5633643.
Nos complace en anunciar que las reparaciones en el Centro
Parroquial han terminado. Las clases de Doctrina empezaran
en los siguientes días:
Clases de los Domingos: 18 de octubre, 9:15am – 10:15am
Clases de los Martes:
20 de octubre, 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Clases de los Miércoles: 21 de octubre, 6:30pm – 7:30pm
El Padre Orosco va a bendecir a todas las
catequistas el domingo, 11 de octubre en
la Misa de las 10:30am.

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