Church of Saint Lawrence the Martyr


Church of Saint Lawrence the Martyr
Church of Saint Lawrence the Martyr
4325 Don Julio Blvd.
North Highlands, CA 95660
Parish Office 916.332.4777 ▪ Fax 916.332.8325
4 August 2013
Schedule of Liturgies/Horario de Misas
Sunday Eucharist (Mass)
Mission Statement
The mission of our community is rooted in Jesus the Christ.
This mission is to hear, respond to and proclaim the word of
God as found in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures.
Saturday Vigil
4:45 pm
7:00 pm (Spanish)
7:00, 8:30, 11:15 am
1:00 pm (Spanish)
Daily Eucharist (Mass)
Monday - Friday 8:30 am
Morning Prayer
Monday - Friday 8:00 am
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Through the Sunday Eucharist we are called to ongoing
conversion and personal spiritual formation. As a community,
we are challenged to provide mutual support for a
Catholic Christian lifestyle and are empowered to use our
gifts to minister to the needs of others. We commit our
selves to the beatitudes, to the spiritual and corporal works
of mercy, and to minister to the larger communities in which
we live and work. We respect the dignity of every person, at
all ages and stages of life.
Infant Baptisms/Bautismos: This includes children
We hand on our Catholic heritage through catechesis,
worship, service and witness.
become fully initiated members of the Catholic Church
may call the Parish Office for information.
In carrying out this mission we further the kingdom of God
in our midst.
Catholics Come Home: Catholics wishing to return to
up to 6 years. This Sacrament is celebrated three times a year.
Parents and God-parents must complete a preparation
class. Please call the Parish Office for information.
Se llevan a cabo el primer Sábado del mes. Los papás y
padrinos tienen que asistir a una clase. Llame a la Oficina
Parroquial para más información.
Christian Initiation: Children and adults seeking to
the church or to become more connected to the church
may call the Parish Office.
Weddings/Bodas: Couples planning marriage at
Parish Staff/Personnel
Rev. Enrique Alvarez, Pastor
[email protected]
Deacon Donald Galli, Parish Deacon
[email protected]
Mrs. Martha Haig, Parish Ministry Coordinator
[email protected]
Mr. Tony Neria, Music Minister
[email protected]
Mr. Mike Fisher, Bookkeeper
[email protected]
Mrs. Yolanda Fletes-Villalba, Receptionist/Admininstrative Assistant
[email protected]
Ms. Elizabeth Peterson, Receptionist
St. Lawrence are asked to call the Parish Office at least six
months prior to anticipated wedding date. Couples are
also required to complete a marriage preparation
Hablar a la Oficina con seis meses de anticipación.
Parish Office Hours/Horas de Oficina
Monday through Friday:
9:00 am to 12:30 pm and
1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Parish Registration/Registración: We welcome new
parishioners. Registration forms are available in the back
of the church and in the Parish Office. Please notify the
Parish Office of moves or changes in address or telephone
number. Por favor registrese en la Oficina.
Page Two
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 4, 2013
The mortgage is paid off. So are the loans that were
taken out for college tuition and children’s weddings. The
second home that was once a far-off dream is now so close
that it seems safe to
dig out the real
And then . . . a
daughter or son can
no longer take care
of a child. It’s time to
start over, this time
as grandparents in
the parents’ role.
Thousands of older
becoming temporary
guardians of their
Vanity of vanities. The years of toil with sights set on
a great reward now belong to someone else: food, clothing,
braces, summer camps, and school tuition.
But, as one grandmother said of her 13-year-old
granddaughter, Megan, “It has all been worth it. She brings
such joy. What would I do without her?”
And so the barns filled with “riches” are again taken
down and new and true riches are discovered. Once again a
new self is found in Christ, and the storehouse is filled with life
that is truly pleasing to God.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Ya pagamos la hipoteca. Y también los préstamos que
se tomaron para el pago de la universidad y las bodas de los
hijos. La segunda casa, que una vez fue un sueño lejano está
ahora tan cerca que
empezar a revisar las
raíces. Y en ese momento. . . un hijo o una hija
no puede atender a su
propio hijo. Es entonces
tiempo de volver a
empezar, esta vez como
abuelos en el rol de
padres. Miles de adultos
mayores se enfrentan
hoy a esa situación, y se
convierten en tutores
temporales o permanentes de sus nietos.
Vanidad de vanidades. Los años de trabajo arduo con
miras a una gran jubilación hoy pertenecen a alguien más:
comida, ropa, ortodoncia, campamentos, escolaridades.
Pero, como dijo una abuela de su nieta de 13 años,
“Todo ha valido la pena. Ella me da una enorme alegría. ¿Qué
haría yo sin ella?”
Y así el granero lleno de “bienes” se vacía y
descubrimos nuevas y verdaderas riquezas. Otra vez
encontramos nueva vida en Cristo, y el almacén se llena de la
vida que realmente agrada a Dios.
© Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Nm 11:4b-15; Ps 81:12-17;
Mt 14:13-21
Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9;
2 Pt 1:16-19; Lk 9:28b-36
Wednesday: Nm 13:1-2, 25 — 14:1, 26-29a,
34-35; Ps 106:6-7ab, 13-14, 21-23;
Mt 15:21-28
Nm 20:1-13; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9;
Mt 16:13-23
Dt 4:32-40; Ps 77:12-16, 21;
Mt 16:24-28
2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112:1-2, 5-9;
Jn 12:24-26
Wis 18:6-9; Ps 33:1, 12, 18-22;
Heb 11:1-2,8-19 [1-2, 8-12];
Lk 12:32-48 [35-40]
Nm 11:4b-15; Sal 81 (80):12-17;
Mt 14:13-21
Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Sal 97 (96):1-2,
5-6, 9; 2 Pe 1:16-19; Lc 9:28b-36
Nm 13:1-2, 25 — 14:1, 26-29a, 34-35;
Sal 106 (105):6-7ab, 13-14, 21-23;
Mt 15:21-28
Nm 20:1-13; Sal 95 (94):1-2, 6-9;
Mt 16:13-23
Dt 4:32-40; Sal 77 (76):12-16, 21;
Mt 16:24-28
2 Cor 9:6-10; Sal 112 (111):1-2, 5-9;
Jn 12:24-26
Sab 18:6-9; Sal 33 (32):1, 12, 18-22;
Heb 11: 1-2, 8-19 [1-2, 8-12];
Lc 12:32-48 [35-40]
Página tres
Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
4 de Agosto de 2013
Pope Francis first encyclical Letter:
“Lumen Fidei- On the Light of Faith”
This week I will share more of Pope Francis’s first encyclical
letter. Last week we learned that the lack of faith leads us to an
illusion and causes darkness in our lives and that Christian
believers are guided by the light of Christ as you will see in
paragraphs 4 and 5.
4. There is an urgent need, then, to see once again that
faith is a light, for once the flame of faith dies out, all other
lights begin to dim. The light of faith is unique, since it is
capable of illuminating every aspect of human existence. A
light this powerful cannot come from ourselves but from a
more primordial source: in a word, it must come from God.
Faith is born of an encounter with the living God who calls us
and reveals his love, a love which precedes us and upon which
we can lean for security and for building our lives. Transformed
by this love, we gain fresh vision, new eyes to see; we realize
that it contains a great promise of fulfilment, and that a vision
of the future opens up before us. Faith, received from God as a
supernatural gift, becomes a light for our way, guiding our
journey through time. On the one hand, it is a light coming
from the past, the light of the foundational memory of the life
of Jesus which revealed his perfectly trustworthy love, a love
capable of triumphing over death. Yet since Christ has risen and
draws us beyond death, faith is also a light coming from the
future and opening before us vast horizons which guide us
beyond our isolated selves towards the breadth of communion.
We come to see that faith does not dwell in shadow and
gloom; it is a light for our darkness. Dante, in the Divine
Comedy, after professing his faith to Saint Peter, describes that
light as a "spark, which then becomes a burning flame and like
a heavenly star within me glimmers".[4] It is this light of faith
that I would now like to consider, so that it can grow and
enlighten the present, becoming a star to brighten the horizon
of our journey at a time when mankind is particularly in need of
5. Christ, on the eve of his passion, assured Peter: "I have
prayed for you that your faith may not fail" (Lk 22:32). He then
told him to strengthen his brothers and sisters in that same
faith. Conscious of the duty entrusted to the Successor of Peter,
Benedict XVI proclaimed the present Year of Faith, a time of
grace which is helping us to sense the great joy of believing and
to renew our wonder at the vast horizons which faith opens up,
so as then to profess that faith in its unity and integrity, faithful
to the memory of the Lord and sustained by his presence and
by the working of the Holy Spirit. The conviction born of a faith
which brings grandeur and fulfilment to life, a faith centred on
Christ and on the power of his grace, inspired the mission of the
first Christians. In the acts of the martyrs, we read the following
dialogue between the Roman prefect Rusticus and a Christian
named Hierax: "‘Where are your parents?’, the judge asked the
martyr. He replied: ‘Our true father is Christ, and our mother is
faith in him’".[5] For those early Christians, faith, as an encounter with the
living God revealed in Christ, was indeed a "mother", for it had
brought them to the light and given birth within them to divine
life, a new experience and a luminous vision of existence for
which they were prepared to bear public witness to the end.
We learn from the above paragraphs that the light of faith
in Christ is a necessity and must be present in our lives. This
light of faith is born of an encounter with the living God who is
manifested in Christ, who is present, who is our reality, who is
our future and who is assured by the inspiration and works of
the Holy Spirit when we follow the light of faith.
La Primera Carta Encíclica de el Papa Francisco:
“Lumen Fidei – La Luz de la Fé”
Esta semana compartiré con ustedes mas de la primera carta
Encíclica de el Papa Francisco. La semana pasada aprendimos
que la falta de Fé nos lleva a una vida ilusoria llena de oscuridad
y tinieblas. Yo también mencione que nosotros los Cristianos
somos guiados por la Luz de Cristo como ustedes lo verán en
los párrafos 4 y 5.
4. Por tanto, es urgente recuperar el carácter luminoso
propio de la fe, pues cuando su llama se apaga, todas las otras
luces acaban languideciendo. Y es que la característica propia
de la luz de la fe es la capacidad de iluminar toda la existencia
del hombre. Porque una luz tan potente no puede provenir de
nosotros mismos; ha de venir de una fuente más primordial,
tiene que venir, en definitiva, de Dios. La fe nace del encuentro
con el Dios vivo, que nos llama y nos revela su amor, un amor
que nos precede y en el que nos podemos apoyar para estar
seguros y construir la vida. Transformados por este amor,
recibimos ojos nuevos, experimentamos que en él hay una gran
promesa de plenitud y se nos abre la mirada al futuro. La fe,
que recibimos de Dios como don sobrenatural, se presenta
como luz en el sendero, que orienta nuestro camino en el
tiempo. Por una parte, procede del pasado; es la luz de una
memoria fundante, la memoria de la vida de Jesús, donde su
amor se ha manifestado totalmente fiable, capaz de vencer a la
muerte. Pero, al mismo tiempo, como Jesús ha resucitado y nos
atrae más allá de la muerte, la fe es luz que viene del futuro,
que nos desvela vastos horizontes, y nos lleva más allá de
nuestro « yo » aislado, hacia la más amplia comunión. Nos
damos cuenta, por tanto, de que la fe no habita en la oscuridad,
sino que es luz en nuestras tinieblas. Dante, en la Divina Comedia, después de haber confesado su fe ante san Pedro, la
describe como una « chispa, / que se convierte en una llama
cada vez más ardiente / y centellea en mí, cual estrella en el
cielo »[4]. Deseo hablar precisamente de esta luz de la fe para
que crezca e ilumine el presente, y llegue a convertirse en estrella
que muestre el horizonte de nuestro camino en un tiempo en el
que el hombre tiene especialmente necesidad de luz.
5. El Señor, antes de su pasión, dijo a Pedro: « He pedido por
ti, para que tu fe no se apague » (Lc 22,32). Y luego le pidió que
confirmase a sus hermanos en esa misma fe. Consciente de la
tarea confiada al Sucesor de Pedro, Benedicto XVI decidió convocar este Año de la fe, un tiempo de gracia que nos está ayudando a sentir la gran alegría de creer, a reavivar la percepción
de la amplitud de horizontes que la fe nos desvela, para confesarla en su unidad e integridad, fieles a la memoria del Señor,
sostenidos por su presencia y por la acción del Espíritu Santo. La
convicción de una fe que hace grande y plena la vida, centrada
en Cristo y en la fuerza de su gracia, animaba la misión de los
primeros cristianos. En las Actas de los mártires leemos este
diálogo entre el prefecto romano Rústico y el cristiano Hierax: «
¿Dónde están tus padres? », pregunta el juez al mártir. Y éste
responde: « Nuestro verdadero padre es Cristo, y nuestra madre, la fe en él »[5]. Para aquellos cristianos, la fe, en cuanto
encuentro con el Dios vivo manifestado en Cristo, era una «
madre », porque los daba a luz, engendraba en ellos la vida
divina, una nueva experiencia, una visión luminosa de la
existencia por la que estaban dispuestos a dar testimonio público
hasta el final.
Aprendemos de estos párrafos que la Luz de Fé en Cristo es una
necesidad y tiene que estar presente en nuestras vidas. Esta
luz de fé nace de nuestro encuentro con el Dios vivo quien se
ha manifestado en Cristo, quien esta presente, quien es una
realidad, quien es nuestro futuro, y quien es afirmado por la
inspiración y el trabajo de el Espiritú Santo cuando nosotros
seguimos la Luz de la Fé
Page Four
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:45 pm
7:00 pm
8:30 am
……….Carmen Gutierrez (health)
……...Agapita Cabinian †
……...Avelina Ragus †
…..….Phyllis Hinnenkamp †
…..….Mark Ragus †
11:15 am
……...Emily Perez (XV años)
……...Kathy Wintermute Hanan †
1:00 pm
….…..Animas del Purgatorio
……...Teodoro Medrano †
……...Fam. Rodriguez Parada
……...John Paul Rodriguez
……...Lesly Rodriguez (16th B-Day)
……...Bro. Stanley Villavicencio †
……...Leonor Cabada †
…....…Ed Orris (sp. int)
WEDNESDAY, AUG 7 ……....Nathanial Davis (surgery)
……….Souls in Purgatory
….…...Patricia Dimas †
1:00 pm
…..….Animas del Purgatorio
……...Fam. Rodriguez Parada
……...John Paul Rodriguez
AUG 2 Leonie Dekepper, Justin Templin, Joseph Chiado,
Lawrence Caradine, Ruby Cruz
AUG 3 Galo Iliria, Ida Lovato, Elizabeth Rejan,
David Taggert, Molly Moore
AUG 4 Martha Enrique, Catherine Rabacchi, Winfield Gantz,
Helen Hobkirk, Victoriano Corpus
AUG 5 Leonard Schnell, Frank Munger, Anne Taylor,
Conchita Carandrarey, Leonard Gipson, Jevic Ulit,
Adelina Tesorero
AUG 6 Daniel Wonder, Frank Aguirre, Geraldine Hewitt,
Petar Sales, Frank Velasquez, Frank Fabula
AUG 7 Karen Davidcon, Carroll Roak
AUG 8 Jesse Aguilar, Ruth Puccio, Leo Francescani,
Frank Cunningham, Julia Grant, Donald Brown,
Doreen Nobel, Mary Anaya, Frank Munger,
Joseph Catollica
Stewards give their first fruits to God - not in payment
for gifts received, but in gratitude for gifts given. Stewards know that in order to receive a gift, the giver must
be acknowledged. To use the gift the giver must be
acknowledged. To use the gift in the way the giver
intended is the highest form of gratitude.
August 4, 2013
Fiscal Year Runs July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014
Año fiscal 1° de Julio de 2013 al 30 de Junio de 2014
First Collection Weekend July 28 .…….… $ 5,350.75
Primera Colecta
We celebrate the martyrdom of our Patron Saint, St. Lawrence, on August 10. St. Lawrence, a deacon of the Roman
Catholic Church, was one of several victims of the persecutions
of Valerian, the Emperor of Rome. In 258. St. Lawrence and
many other religious members of the clergy; bishops, priests
and deacons were put to death upon the edict issued by Valerian.
St. Lawrence has always been one of the most honored
martyrs of the Church. Several places of honor and the basilicas
named for St. Lorenzo were built and remain to this day. It is
said that when asked to bring forward the treasures of the
Church, St. Lawrence brought forward the poor, among whom
he divided the treasure, in place of alms. Our beloved
St. Lawrence lived in true harmony with the Lord, caring for
those who had little or nothing in material goods and who
in the salvation promised to us by Christ.
Truly, St. Lawrence was transformed before his death into
the image of his Master. On the Feast Day of our Patron Saint,
honor him with a prayer for his compassion and perform a
random act of kindness, helping a brother or sister in need.
May the spirit of St. Lawrence rest with and in you.
At A Glance
 August 7: Business Meeting, Gabrielli Hall 7:30 pm.
 August 21, 2013: Business Meeting, Gabrielli Hall 7:30 pm. All
Knights welcome to attend and vote on important agenda items
impacting the Council and Parish.
2nd & 3rd Degree Exemplification Opportunities!!
Saint Basil the Great Council No. 13271 will be hosting a Second
and Third Degree Exemplification ceremony on October 19,
2013. Saint Basil is located at 1225 Tuolumne Street, Vallejo,
Additionally, the St. Roberts, Knights of Columbus Council will
host a Second and Third degree ceremony on November 16,
2013. All First degree Knights of Council 4991 are strongly
encouraged to attend one of these leadership opportunities.
Please contact Joe Gonzales (548-5488) or Paul Mendoza (3328825) for more information.
To learn how you can become a Knight of Columbus, please
call James Stroh, Grand Knight, (331-1061) or Joe Gonzales,
Chancellor, (548-5488).
Página cinco
Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Come to a series of 15 workshops. By means of a
woven pattern of meditations on the Word, intensive prayer,
community reflection and silencing exercises, participants
of the workshops will slowly become filled with a peace
that surpasses all understanding. Result? Overcoming of
complexes, traumas, controlling your nerves, emotion stability and joy of living.
We can become more like Jesus—sensitive and merciful, unconcerned with self and concerned about others.
The workshops also offers a limited and humble service—
teaching you how to pray and to live a Christian life.
Each workshop runs for two hours, 6:00—8:00 pm,
and began on July 24, 2013 in St. Lawrence classroom No.
2. The workshops contribute to the unity and strengthening
of the individual and the family; therefore, it is an
evangelizing and humanitarian dimension. For information,
please call: Lola Gomez 348-0648 or Marie Teodoro 764-2774.
No registration fees; Materials $12.00
¿Sabes dialogar con Dios? Los talleres de Oración y
Vida son un servicio para aprender y profundizar en el
arte de orar. Se aprende a orar de una manera
ordenada, variada y progresiva a través de 15 sesiones
donde la persona se sana y libera de angustias,
miedos, tristezas y ansiedades. Si no sabes relacionarte
con el Señor ésta es la oportunidad para aprender.
El taller iniciará el Jueves, 15 de Agosto a las 7:00 pm
en el salón No. 2. Y otro por las mañanas que empezará
también el 15 de Agosto de las 10:00 a las 12:00 pm.
Para más información comunícate con Mary Salazar al
320-5670 o a la oficina de la parroquia. No faltes,
¡Cristo quiere que te acerques a El!
St Lawrence Conference
St. Vincent de Paul
4 de Agosto de 2013
Aug 4
Aug 5
Adoration of Blessed Sac. CH(STLH) all day
Lectors PCMR 7:00-8:00 PM
Aug 6
Confessions CH(STLH) 5:00-6:30 PM
CIC Men Grp PCMR 6:30-8:00 AM
Aug 7
Harvest Us Home PCMR 9:00-11:30 AM
Knights GH 7:00-9:00 PM
Prayer Group CH(STLH) 7:00-8:30 PM
Scouts Rms 4-5 6:00-8:00 PM
Aug 8
Prayer & Life PCYR 6:00-8:30 PM
RCIA Rm K & 1 7:00-9:00 PM
Aug 9
Spanish Choir CH 5:00-7:00 PM
Guam Grp PCMR 7:00-9:00 PM
Saturday Quinceañera CH 2:00 PM
Aug 10
Aug 11
Rm. 3
RCIA PCMR 8:00-10:00 AM
Parish Center Kitchen
Parish Center Meeting Room
Parish Center Counseling Office
Parish Center Youth Room
St. Lawrence Hall
Gabrielli Hall
Extension (Behind Gabrielli Hall)
Room 3 of the School
In the Gospel, Jesus tells the parable about the rich man who
selfishly stored all his grain and goods only to die and not
enjoy his abundance anyway. What we struggle all our lives
to learn is that life does not consist of possessions nor our
perceived security, but of being possessed by God.
En Español
This week, as you give your gift to the Society of St, Vincent de
Paul to help the struggling poor, ask for the grace to be truly
“possessed by God.” Many of you continue to help our Conference with your gifts, especially last weekend through your donations of new and gently used items collected on Bundle Sunday. The items you contributed will help the St. Vincent Store
and the Conference support those in need. Thank you.
In English:
Clase: 22 de Agosto de 2013
Baptismo: 7 de Septiembre de 2013
Class: September 27, 2013
Baptism: October 12, 2013
 August 14: Parish Center Meeting Room 7:00 pm.
 August 28: Parish Center Meeting Room 7:00 pm.
If you can spare a few hours to share your time and talents
doing the caring work of Jesus, please contact either Jim
Floyd (804.1731) or Paul Mendoza (332.8825).
"All the sins of your life seem to be
rising up against you. Don't give up
hope! On the contrary, call your holy
mother Mary, with the faith and
abandonment of a child. She will
bring peace to your soul."
--St. Josemaria Escriva
Page Six
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 4, 2013
Thank you to our Campaign Donors — Gracias a los Donadores de Nuestra Campaña
Mr/Mrs Ricardo Abasta
Ms Gloria Ann Acuña
Mr. Francisco Aguilar
Sr Manuel Aguilera
Mr Richard Alberghini
Mrs Peggy Alexander
Mr Yacob Alberto
Lydia & Roberto Alicea
Mr/Mrs Raymond R Alire
Ms. Barbara Allen
Johni Allen
Ms Angelica Allian
Ms Erlinda Almazan
Sr Jose M Alvarado
Rev Enrique Alvarez
Frances Alvarez
Sra Isabel Alvarez
Sr Jesus Alvarez
Mr Danny Amistoso
Mrs Donna J. Anderson
Mr/Mrs Andrews
Mrs Nancy Andrews
Mr/Mrs Bruno D Aquino
Antoinette Ardell
Sr Miguel Arguello
Mrs. Bianca Arabi
Ms Luisa M Arupo
Mr/Mrs Monte Austin
Sra. Maria Virginia Badillo
Ms Linda Balasta
Sra Maria Barajas
Mr Michael Barajas
Salvador Barba
Mrs. Patricia Baudendistel
Mr/Mrs Ulric J Bellaire
Ms Bridgoda Bergado
Mr & Mrs Danilo Bertuldo
Mrs Carol Berul
Mrs Anna R. Betz
Mr James G Bigelow
Mrs Rose Blea
Mrs Charo Blythe
Ms Marilyn T Brewer
Mr/Mrs Neil A Buck, Sr
Mrs Rita A. Buelna
Mr/Mrs Michael R Buggy
Maria Emma B. Burns
Sr/Sra Gerardo Cabanas
Sr/Sra Juan Cabanas
Pedro & Lourdes Cabanero
Ms Carol Calloway
Ms Rosa Campos
Sr/Sra Pablo Capulin y Rosa
Figueroa Capulin Figueroa
Mrs Celina M. Caravantes
Sam & Dolores Cardinale
Norma Castañeda
Mrs Margie Cassie
Mr/Mrs Bernardo Castillo, Jr
Sr /Sra Cecilio y Araceli Castro
Ms Nora Castro
Sr /Sra David Celio-Jasso
Ms Pamela M Cerda
Mr Charles Chesmore
Mr/Mrs Jose B Chanco
Mrs Helen A Chandler
Lin D. Chargualof
Mrs Mary Christian-Hicks
Mr Robert Clemente
Ms. Nedyne Cline
Mr/Mrs Vince R. Ciaraglia
Joe & Doris Concepcion
Mr & Mrs Jerry R. Conley
Ms. Anita M. Count
Suerte Crisostomo
Ms Susan A Crow-Menefee
Mrs Geri Cunha
Mr/Mrs Joseph D'Alexander
Cora Dano
Ms Floripinas Davidson
Mrs Jeanette DeLaney
Mr/Mrs Edward Delgado
Jose Luis Delgado
Ricardo Del Real
Kim Dewar
Mr/Mrs Douglas McNew-Demetre
Miguel & Bella Dial
Mr Richard Dillon
Mr Marco Dimas
Mrs James Dixon
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dunbar
Mr/Mrs Robert Dunlay
Mr/Mrs Shelley Dyer
Mr David Elskamp
Sr/Sra Luis Enrique & Margarita Silva
Sra Maria Guadalupe Enrriquez
Mr/Mrs Joe Esparza
Ms Barbara Evangelisti
Mrs Edward Evans
Ms Mary T Evans
Ms Colleen Fadollone
Mr/Mrs Harlan Fawcett
Mr/Mrs Anthony Ferguson, Sr
Mr/Mrs Frank L. Fernandez
Ms Ann Frances Ferrie
Ms Debra Ferris
Mr/Mrs Witt Finger III
Ms. Virginia Flores
Mr James E Floyd
Mr/Mrs Orbin & Constance Fortier
Mr/Mrs Richard C Franklin
Mr. Steven Freitas
Ms Julie A Friedrichs
Michael & Melanie Gador
Sra. Elena Gallo
Mr/Mrs Donald R Galli
Jose Galvan
Ms Nancy L. Gantz
Ms. Cristal Garcia
Jose Garcia
Gerardo Garcia & Maria L Garrafa
Sr/Sra Roberto Garcia
Rudolph Garcia
Sr/Sra Juan Garduño
Mrs. Linda C. Gay
Mrs Denise Gerald
Ms Norma B Geronimo
Mrs Joan C Glaser
Mr/Mrs Stephen C Glipa, Jr
Mr/Mrs Michael B Gipson
Mr/Mrs Mark Godfrey
Ms Rita Goff
Mr/Mrs Stanley J Golik
Mr/Mrs Peter B. Gomez, Sr
Mr Peter Gomez, Jr
Ms Adelaida M. Gonzales
Julian, Arianna & Gianna
Socorro Gonzalez
Sra Virginia Gonzalez
Mr Gamaliel Gonzales
Mr Jose R Gonzales
Fam. Gonzales Sambrano
Mrs Mary Grajeda
Mr/Mrs Jack Haig
Mildred Hall
Mrs Joyce Hart
Ms Karen Hawkes
Ms Mary Hayes
Ms Judy Heal
Mr/Mrs Daniel W Heisler
Mr Kosmos Heisler
Mr/Mrs Luis Hermosillo
Mr/Mrs David Hernandez
Sr /Sra Fernando Hernandez
Sr. Jose Angel Hernandez
Sr. Juan Hernandez
Juan y Amalia Hernandez
Mr Teodoro Hernandez
Pedro e Imelda Hilario
Mr/Mrs Donald Hines
Mr/Mrs Dan Hinnenkamp
Mrs Dorothy Hinnenkamp
Ms Amy Hoekstra
Mr/Mrs Tim Howard
Mrs Diane Hughes
Mrs Ursula C Hughes
Ms Jeanne Iddings
Mr Michael Iddings
Ms Jacqueline Inniss
Mr/Mrs Steven Jackson
Mrs Shelia Janes
Ms Carmela Jasso
Sr/Sra Ignacio Jasso
Mr/Mrs Michael Jones
Mr/Mrs Jesus Juarez
Sr Eliopoldo Juárez
Mr Jesus Juarez
Donald Kennedy
Mr/Mrs Edgar J Kennedy
Ms Delores Kester
Mr/Mrs Dale E Klug
Ms Edith Knutson
Ms Barbara A Kopico
Ms Danalee Lavelle
Mrs. Martin Lavergne
Mr/Mrs Mike Lawlor
Mr & Mrs Peter Le
Mr/Mrs J Leitch
Mr. Jose Lesso
Mrs Linda Long
Elizabeth Lopez
Ms Irene Lopez
Sr/Sra Juan Carlos Lopez
Sra Rosa Elivia Lopez
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Louie
Maria G. Loya
Ms Alice Lozano
Cecilio & Maribel Lozano
Ms. Marisa Lua
Mr Lou Luna
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Lundgaard
Ms Barbara A Kopico
Mr/Mrs Norman R Lobo
Ms Romualda Lodermeier
Mr/Mrs Paul Lopuhovsky
Sr /Sra Marcelino Lozano
Ms Sriani Lynch
Ms Evelyn Mack
Ms Donna MacKenzie
Mr Frank Magallanes
Erlinda Malay
Mr/Mrs Mike Manibusan
Sr Carlos O Maldonado
Sra Guadalupe Maldonado
Mary Mancarini
Mr & Mrs. Arthur P. McManus
Mr/Mrs Daniel B Marse II
Ms Kathleen L Marshall
Mr/Mrs Ernesto Martin
Sra Josefina Martinez
Mrs Matilda Martinez
Sr Manuel Martinez
Pedro & Sayde Martinez
Sr Ramirez Martinez
Mrs Clorinda Mascarenas
Ms Dianne Mater
Mr/Mrs Rodel M Maulino
Mr/Mrs William T Mauser
Ms Jonelle Mashburn
Sra. Catalina Medina
Ms Janice McBride
Ms Rose T McDonald
Mr Edward McElroy
Mr/Mrs Douglas McWilliams
Mr/Mrs Mark & Zenda Medeiros
Mr/Mrs Donald Melin
Ms Estela B Mene
Mr Michael B. Mene
Mary Mencarini
Sr Jorge Mendoza
Mr/Mrs Paul Mendoza
Sra. Lourdes Mercado
Ms Judith H Merritt
Habte & Kidisti Micael
Ms Jackie Michaud
Mr/Mrs John P Michel
Mr/Mrs Paulo V Mikelionis
Mr/Mrs John E Miner
Mr Michael L. Monk II &
Susan A. Colley-Monk
Página siete
Liliana Montiel
La Familia Montrel
Sr Antonio Morales
Geraldine Moore
Mrs Amy Moorhead
Sr/Sra Luis Moreno
Mr/Mrs Celedonio Mostajo, Jr
Mrs Bernadine Mullen
Mrs Gina Murdock
Sra. Yolanda Murillo
Mr/Mrs Steven Nader
Mr/Mrs Henry Nanjo
Ms Nenita Natividad
Mr/Mrs Ruben R Navarrete
Mr/Mrs Anthony Navasero
Mrs Jean Nelson
Mr/Mrs Hector L Neria
Mr & Mrs Tony Neria
Mr. Feliz Carlos Nunez
Mr. Joseph Nunez
Mr/Mrs Larry Newman
Enrique y Gloria Ojeda
Briseyda Olivares
Srita. Jennifer Olivares
Jose Olivares & Ana Rodales
Mrs Essie M Oliver
Ms Kimberly Olmstead
Mrs. Jelen O’Loughlin
Mr Elmer Ortega
Mr/Mrs Isaac L. Ortiz
Mrs Lucille Ortiz
Rosa Otero
Jesus & Patricia Padilla
Reynaldo Palatino
Mr/Mrs Mateo Palomo
Ms Laura Pantoja
Sr Manuel Pantoja
Mrs. Norberto Pascual
Mr/Mrs Patricio Pascual - Sweet
Mr Joseph N Pham &
Nghiem T Nguyen
Ms Mary J. Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Juan S. Payne
Mrs Ruth Pass
Mrs Joanne R. Payette
Ms Regina Pelfrey
Mrs Rubie T Pelton
Irma Peña
Mr & Mrs Gregory Pettit & family
Mr/Mrs Philip T Phelps
Ms Vicenta Phillips
Mr Peter S Pile
Mr/Mrs Danny E Platte
Mr Paul Plummer
Mrs Anna Pohlman
Ms Irma Popp
Mr/Mrs Benjamin B Puntual
Mr/Mrs Doug Purdy
Sra Rosalina Queriapa
Ms. Carolina Quintero
Mr/Mrs George Raine
Ms. Clara Reiner
Ms Rosa Ramos
Ms Lorraine Rankin
Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Mr/Mrs Antonio G Ranit
Mr/Mrs Jerry Ratliff
Ms Mary Ann Rector
Mrs Gloria Reinhard
Ms Andrea Respall
Mr Arnold Rey
Mr Jose Reyes
Mr/Mrs Charles E Rice
Ms. Cathy L. Riggs
Mr Ascencio Rios
Millenne Rivas
Mr/Mrs Jesse E Rios
Salvador Rivera y Etelvina Jimenez
Barbara Rodriguez
Ms Jeanine Rodrigues
Sr/Sra Agustin Rodriguez
Sra Barbara Rodriguez
Ms Dora Rodriguez
Mr & Mrs Ronald Rodrillo
Mr/Mrs Stan Rogozinski
Sra Adelia Quintero de Rojas
Sra Alma Romero
Mr Harry Hart Rumbolz
Mr/Mrs Franklin Sagun
Marytochtion Salazar
Sr/Sra Mario Salgado y
Maria Romero Salgado
Mr/Mrs Theodore V Sanders
Familia Santillan
Ms Corina Santillan
Ms Juanita Santos
Ms Mildred Santos
Marco Antonio Saucedo
Mr/Mrs Harold Saunders
Laureulu Sauvogis
Mr Lawrence Sauvageau
Mr/Mrs Michael T Schiele
Ms N. M. Rickey Schroeder
Mr Gerardo Serrano
Ms Loida Sewell
Mrs Kathleen Showen
Mr/Mrs Jose Sibrian
Mr Jose Silva & Ms Angelica Morales
Mr/Mrs Rogelio L Silverio
Annette Sims
Mr/Mrs George A Slavik
Mrs Thomas Sledge
Mr/Mrs Wayne Smith
Ms Lynn Smith
Margaret Smith
Tara Smith
Ms Shalonn Snider
Mr /Mrs Joseph J Sommerfield
Ms Francis Songco
Ms Jocelyn V. Sotelo
Mr/Mrs John H Storms
Mr/Mrs James Stroh
Mr Donald Struk
Mr/Mrs Paul Stubbs
Fr. John Sullivan
Maluisa R. Taaca
Mr/Mrs Albert Taylor
Mrs Evelyn Taylor
Ms Marie Teodoro
Mr/Mrs Michael Tharp
Ms Gigi D Tiu
Ms Susana Tolosa-Luna
Rodolfo R. Torrecampo
Mrs Barbara Toyne
Mr Tuan Tron
Mr/Mrs Julius Trujillo
Sr/Sra Manuel Trujillo
Sra Angelica Trujillo Garcia
Ms Sonia Ucol
Mr/Mrs Juan & Irma Velazquez
Ms Christine Valenzuela
Mr Jaime Vergara
Mr/Mrs Vincent A Verrastro
Ms Evangeline P Villaescusa
Mr/Mrs Dario M Villalba
Mr John Vieira
Mr/Mrs Christopher Wall
Ms Alice Ward
4 de Agosto de 2013
Mr/Mrs Andrew Wanner
Ms Donna Webb
Mrs Teresa Webb
Mr/Mrs George Webb
Ms Ethel Webb & Family
Mr & Mrs Robert Weber
Mr & Mrs Lester Wells
Ms Adrienne Whatley
Mr/Mrs George Wheeler
Mrs Yvonne Wintermute
Mrs Marilyn Wright
Ms Julie Woodwarth
Elvida J. Woodworth
Mrs Victoria Williams
Ms Joan Wilson
Mrs Rosario Yuponce
Ms Ligaya V Zapanta
Capital Campaign/Campana Capital Combinada
The renovation has commenced and we are now
celebrating Mass in St. Lawrence Hall! Thank you to everyone
that assisted in making the move and transition to our temporary
church setting. Your help was immensely appreciated. Hopefully the
renovation will proceed as scheduled, and we should be back in
our renovated church in time for December Advent activities.
As we proceed with the renovation, every effort will be made
to communicate to you the progress being made and general
renovation highlights.
Since we have not yet reached our goal of $1.35 million, we
ask that if you have not pledged yet, now is time to consider
doing so. It is your opportunity to be a part of St. Lawrence
Parish history. Given this need, we will continue the capital
campaign until we have reached our goal. Your gift is greatly
needed and appreciated as the parish belongs to everyone that
calls St. Lawrence their place of worship. Should you have any
concerns concerning the campaign and how you can make a
pledge, call the Parish Office and staff will assist you. Also,
remember that volunteers from the Campaign Committee are
available after each weekend Mass to assist you with your
questions. The renovation project is in progress as we continue
"A Journey Together in Building Our Faith." May the Lord
continue to guide our decisions and may His blessings shine on our
La renovaciόn ha comenzado y ahora ya estamos celebrando
las Misas en el Salόn San Lorenzo. Gracias a todos los que nos
ayudaron a movernos al salόn. Apreciamos su ayuda inmensamente. Esperamos que la renovaciόn proceda de acuerdo a
lo planeado para regresar a la Iglesia en Diciembre para el
Adviento. Mientrás procedemos con la renovaciόn, se hará
todo esfuerzo posible por comunicarle a la comunidad del
progreso de la renovaciόn.
Como aun no hemos alcanzado nuestra meta de $1,350,000,
les pedimos a todos aquellos que aun no han hecho su
promesa, que la hagan ahora. Esta es una gran oportunidad de
ser parte de la historia de San Lorenzo. Dada esta necesidad,
continuaremos con la Campaña Capital hasta lograr nuestro
objetivo. Tu regalo es altamente apreciado, pues la parroquia
pertenece a todo aquel que llama San Lorenzo su lugar de
alabanza. Si tienes alguna duda acerca de la campaña o como
hacer tu compromiso, llama a la oficina y el personal podrá
ayudarle. También, recuerda que los voluntarios de la campaña
están disponibles todos los fines de semana después de las
Misas. Que nuestro Dios continue guiando nuestras decisiones
y que Sus bendiciones brillen en nuestra parroquia.
St Lawrence the Martyr Church
Editor: Yolanda Fletes-Villalba
Phone: 916-332-4777
If you have any questions,
please give me a call (M-F)
between the following hours:
9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Closed for Lunch:
12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

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