Middle School Religious Education Change Cambio en Educación


Middle School Religious Education Change Cambio en Educación
August 2nd, 2015
MAR. 2015
$ 54,171 $ 54,774 ($ 603) (1.1%)
JULY-MAR. 2015 $449,857 $453,480 ($3,622) (0.8%)
The Finance Council appreciates this opportunity
to share the highlights of our parish finances.
Weekly offertory collections were under forecast
for both March and year-to-date. Meanwhile,
Building Fund and Stewardship contributions are
sufficient to pay the Family Life Center mortgage.
Your continued generosity to our parish and the
Family Life Center is appreciated.
Regular Collection
Mission Outreach
$ 371.16
Regular Collection
Middle School Religious Education
Beginning this fall, the Middle
School Religious Education will
move to Wednesday nights from
6:30-8:30 pm. This will allow more
time for our classes to meet and for
the youth to have a regular
fellowship time with the other youth. Please contact
Erica Espinoza for more information.
Cambio en Educación Religiosa
para la Escuela Secundaria
A partir de este otoño, la Educación Religiosa de
Escuela Secundaria (grados 6-8) se cambiará al
miércoles por la noche de 6:30-8:30 pm. Esto permitirá
más tiempo para nuestras clases para reunirse y para
que los jóvenes puedan tener un poco más de tiempo de
socializar con los otros jóvenes. Por favor, póngase en
contacto con Erica Espinoza para más información.
Women of St. Frances Cabrini
Weekday Mass Intentions
Monday/Lunes, August 3rd
9:00am Liturgy of the Word
Tuesday/Martes, August 4th
9:00am Liturgy of the Word
Wednesday/Miércoles, August 5th
6:00pm †Joan Noguera (Cathy & Jerry Lowe)
Thursday/Jueves, August 6th
9:00am Crystal & Hank Hardister
(Mike & Shelly Anderson)
Friday/Viernes, August 7th
9:00am Sally Ramirez (Ferguson Family)
Weekend Mass Intentions
Saturday/Sábado, August 8th
5:00pm Michael Ross Family (Sue Ross)
Daniel Drone Family (Sue Ross)
Sunday/Domingo, August 9th
9:00am †Ray Kautz (Carol Kautz)
†Gary Johnson (Harry Mckee)
10:45am Parishioners of the parish
12:30pm Parishioners of the parish
Next Week Second Collection is for
Building Fund
The Women of St. Frances
Cabrini (formerly known as the
Ladies Guild) will be having a
brainstorming session in the
FLC on Wednesday, August
5 , from noon until 2:00 pm. All the women of the
parish are invited to attend. We will be sharing thoughts
and ideas on what we would like to accomplish during
the coming year. We will also be taking suggestions
and ideas for our meetings. Please plan on joining us
for what will be a fun, lively and informative meeting!
Snacks and beverages will be provided.
Tuesday Morning Ladies Bible Study
A reminder for you who will be attending the Tuesday
morning Ladies Bible Study – This will begin on
Tuesday, August 11 @ 9:30 am in room 101 of the
Family Life Center. See you then!
Fifty Plus
50+ will meet August 13th in the Family Life Center. A
social starts at 5:30 pm followed by a pot luck meal at
6:00pm. This evening is free for all parishioners over
50. Please bring a covered dish for the pot luck meal
and join us for games afterwards. If you have any
questions, please call one of the hosts: John and
Annemarie Richmond 817-279-7082; Tom and Anna
Clayton 817-991-3687; Dave and Pat Schreck 214-9524159.
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Registrations for Religious Education
Lighthouse Catholic Media
Registrations for Religious Education
will be after Sunday Masses on August
30th and September 13th in the Family
Life Center. Classes for grades PreK-5
begin on September 13, 10:30-11:30
a.m. and classes for grades 6-12 begin on September 9,
6:30-8:30 p.m. Children and youth who have not been
baptized or made their First Communion by age 7 will be
in a 2 year preparation program. During the first year they
will receive regular catechism lessons according to their
grade level, and the second one is oriented to the
reception of the sacraments. All children and youth older
than 7, needing a sacrament will need to complete the 2
year preparation. High School youth will complete a 2
year preparation program to make their Confirmation in
the spring of their second year, regardless of grade level.
Please note that RCIA for children/youth, First
Communion and Confirmation Preparation are all 2 year
programs. All students interested in making a sacrament
must be enrolled and attending classes for 2 full years,
missing no more than 5 classes per year (beginning on the
first day of classes, regardless of when the child registers.)
The last day to enroll in classes and qualify for
sacramental preparation this year is October 11.
We are proud to present a new
evangelization opportunity here at St.
Frances Cabrini. Lighthouse Catholic
Media offers a practical and effective
program to help Catholics know their Faith, keep their
Faith, and share their Faith! We all have friends or
family members who have fallen away from the
Church, or loved ones who are searching for answers
about their Faith and want to increase their knowledge
and understanding but don’t know where to begin.
Now you can reach out to them by offering a wonderful
learning tool - a Lighthouse CD. Whether in the car or
at home, people can deepen their understanding of the
Catholic Faith when they listen to inspiring talks given
by some of the best Catholic speakers in the world. In
the back of the church, you will see a display offering a
variety of CDs, books, pamphlets, and DVDs. We just
ask for a donation when you take one of these items so
we can continue the program. Suggested donations will
be posted at the kiosks. Won’t you reach out and help
bring someone home?
Inscripciones para la Doctrina
Inscripciones para la Doctrina serán después de las misas
del domingo 30 de Agosto y 13 de Septiembre en el
centro familiar. Las clases para grados PreK-5 comienzan
el 13 de septiembre, 10:30- 11:30 a.m. y las clases para
grados 6-12 comienzan el 9 de septiembre, 6:30-8:30
p.m. Niños y jóvenes mayores de 7 años que no han sido
bautizados o no han hecho su Primera Comunión estarán
en un programa de preparación de 2 años. Durante el
primer año recibirán lecciones de catecismo de acuerdo a
su nivel de grado, y el segundo año estarán siendo
orientados hacia el recibimiento de los sacramentos.
Todos los niños y jóvenes mayores de 7 años que
necesiten un sacramento tendrán que completar la
preparación de 2 años. Jóvenes en la High School
necesitaran completar un programa de preparación de 2
años para hacer su confirmación en la primavera de su
segundo año, a pesar del grado en que estén. Por favor
note que RICA para niños/jóvenes, Preparación para
Primera Comunión y Confirmación son programas de 2
años. Todos los estudiantes interesados en hacer un
sacramento tienen que estar inscritos y asistiendo a clases
por 2 años completos, sin faltar más de 5 clases por año(a
partir del primer día de clases, sin importar el día en que
el niño se registre.) El último día para inscribirse a clases
y calificar para la preparación de un sacramento este año
será el 11 de octubre.
Estamos orgullosos de presentar una nueva oportunidad
de evangelización aquí en St. Frances Cabrini.
¡Lighthouse Catholic Media ofrece un programa
práctico y efectivo para ayudar a los católicos a conocer
su fe, mantener su fe, y compartir su fe! Todos tenemos
amigos o familiares que se han alejado de la Iglesia, o
seres queridos que están en busca de respuestas sobre
su fe y quieren aumentar sus conocimientos y
comprensión, pero no saben por dónde empezar. Ahora
se puede llegar a ellos, ofreciendo una maravillosa
herramienta de aprendizaje - un CD de Lighthouse. Ya
sea en el coche o en casa, la gente puede profundizar su
comprensión de la fe católica cuando escuchan charlas
inspiradoras compartidas por algunos de los mejores
charlistas católicos en el mundo. En la parte de atrás de
la iglesia, verá un librero que ofrece una variedad de
CDs, libros, folletos y DVDs. Sólo pedimos una
donación cuando usted tome uno de estos elementos
para que podamos continuar el programa. Donaciones
sugeridas serán publicadas en los quioscos. ¿No le
gustaría ayudar a traer a alguien a casa?

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