compromiso. - St. Hugh Catholic Church


compromiso. - St. Hugh Catholic Church
33rd Sunday in Ordinary
Time November 16, 2014
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014
Fr. Federico Capdepón, V.F.
Dean, Pastor
Fr. Damian Flanagan
Acting Pastor
Mrs. Mary E. Fernández, Ed.S.
School Principal
Mrs. Patricia Zapatero
Director of Religious Education
Roberto Berrocal
Music Director
(Horas de Oficina)
Monday thru Friday/Lunes a Viernes
Phone: 305-444-8363
[email protected]
(Horas de la Iglesia)
Daily/Diario 9:00am-7:00pm
(Horario de misas)
5:30pm (English)
9:00am (English)
10:30am (English, live broadcast)
12:30pm (Español, transmisión en vivo)
5:30pm (English)
7:00pm (Español)
Misa Diaria (Capilla)
8:00am (English)
7:00 pm (Spanish, Tue. & Thurs.)
Saturdays/Sábados 4:30-5:15 pm
Before Sunday Masses if a priest is
Antes de las misas del domingo si hay un
sacerdote disponible.
(Bautizos y Matrimonios)
For information, call the office.
Para información, llame a la oficina.
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November 16, 2014
Lecturas de la semana
Thirty-Third Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps
128; 1 Thes 5:1-6;
Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary,
Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1; Lk 18:3543
The Dedication of the
Basilicas of Saints Peter
and Paul, Apostles; Saint
Rose Philippine Duchesne,
Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15; Lk 19:110
Wednesday Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150; Lk 19:11-28
Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149; Lk 19:41-44
The Presentation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119; Lk 19:45-48
Saint Cecilia, Virgin and
Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144; Lk 20:27-4
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Cycle A)
Pastor’s Corner
It has always been difficult to understand that from the one who has nothing even the
little he has will be taken away, while the one who has much will receive more. To put it
simply, it means that the one who works harder will receive more from the fruit of his
labors, while the one who doesn’t work will eventually lose what he had at the beginning.
This Sunday’s gospel invites us to be bold, to be daring in serving God, to negotiate
without fear the talents the Lord has placed in our hands. There is an old Spanish saying:
“the one who risks nothing, neither loses nor wins”. But according to what we just read,
not taking a risk and burying, because of fear, the talents of the Lord always represents a
loss because it deprives us of our friendship with God, the greatest loss we can suffer in
this world.
All fields of human society are begging for men, women, young people and children to be
a sign of salvation and of hope. Every profession can present the opportunity to give
witness. The parable of the talents encourages us to discover within ourselves this hidden
strength of God and to place it at his service and at the service of our brothers and
sisters. In so doing, we will have found the way to happiness both in this life and in
My thanks to all who have taken part in the food drive for the Grove Outreach. If you did
not bring your bag today, please remember that you can still drop it off at the office.
“Could you not watch one hour with
me?” (Mk 14:37)
From 8:30 am to 7:00 pm
Congratulations to the St. Hugh-Steinway Concert Series for a wonderful concert, which
I was able to watch on livestream. Have a blessed week.
Domingo 30o. del Tiempo Ordinario (Ciclo A)
Rincón del Párroco
Siempre nos ha resultado difícil entender que a quien no tiene le será quitado aun lo poco que
tiene y al que mucho tiene le será dado más. Esto significa, sencillamente, que quien trabaja
recibe más con el fruto de su labor, mientras que el que no trabaja llega a perder lo que poseía
al comienzo.
El evangelio de este domingo nos invita a la audacia, al atrevimiento en el servicio de Dios, a
negociar sin miedo con el talento que el Señor ha puesto en nuestras manos. Un viejo refrán dice
que “el que no se arriesga, ni pierde ni gana”. Pero según el texto que leímos, no arriesgarse y
enterrar por miedo el talento del Señor, siempre produce pérdida: nos priva de la amistad de
Dios y esta es la mayor pérdida que puede sufrirse en el mundo.
“¿No podían velar una hora
conmigo?” (Mc. 14, 37)
De 8:30 am a 7:00 pm
Todas las actividades de la sociedad reclaman hombres, mujeres, jóvenes y niños que sean signo
de salvación y de esperanza. Todas las profesiones pueden ser ocasión de dar un testimonio. La
parábola de los talentos nos anima a descubrir en nosotros la fuerza oculta de Dios y a ponerla
a su servicio y al servicio de nuestros hermanos. Haciéndolo, habremos encontrado el camino de
la felicidad temporal y eterna.
Gracias a todos los que tomaron parte en la colecta de alimentos para el Grove Outreach. Si no
pudieron traer su bolsa hoy, recuerden que pueden entregarla en la oficina.
Felicitaciones a la Serie de Conciertos St. Hugh-Steinway por un concierto maravilloso que pude
ver por livestream. Que tengan todos una bella semana.
Fr. Federico
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St. Hugh Catholic Church is a diverse community of faith manifesting our love for
God through our generosity, and putting our faith into action by working together to
impact positively the lives of our parishioners, visitors and the community in general.
Intenciones Misas
Sat/Sab, November 15
5:30 pm
 José Manuel Serret
 Eduardo Arango
 Carlos Bandín
Sun/Dom, November 16
9:00 am
Parish Community
10:30 am
Special Intention
Alexandra André
Special Intention MedinaGonzález Family
12:30 pm
 Oscar Mas Sr.
 Enzo Rebora
5:30 pm
 Olga Riamonde Miyar
 Pablo Cano
7:00 pm
 Mirtha Carreras
 Matthew Cancela
Mon/Lun, November 17
8:00 am
Parish Community
 Lucia Mary Owocki
Tue/Mar, November 18
8:00 am
 José M. De la Torre
Thanksgiving Morales
7:00 pm
 María Santos López
 María Figueira
 Alfredo de Goveia
Wed/Mier, November 19
8:00 am
 Richard H. Aubry
Thu/Jue, November 20
8:00 am
Special Intention
7:00 pm
Our parish is in high gear for the Thanksgiving food drive to benefit the
Grove Outreach and Mission St. Ann. Thank you all for your donations!
Nuestra parroquia toma impulso para la colecta de alimentos del Día de Acción
de Gracias a beneficio del Grove Outreach y Misión Santa Ana. ¡Gracias a todos por
su colaboración!
Recuperación de la salud
de Alex Zangen y Daniela
 Frank Gutiérrez
Fri/Vier, November 21
8:00 am
Thanksgiving Wedding
Anniversary Claudio &
Susy Ayub
Bendición de esta semana
LET US PRAY FOR / Oremos por
Lila Cruz, Hannah Moss, Annette Méndez, Andrés Hidalgo, Carlos y Martha
Zapatero, Manuel Carbonero, Jacques Vera, Morelia Campos, Danilo Argote, Sister
Barbara Makar, John Amador, Mr. & Mrs. Juan Manuel Gómez, Martha Gómez, Darío
Pulgarín, Fr. Manuel (Tito) Soler, Charlie Winchester, Oscar Alberto Jiménez,
Milagros Segarra, Catherine Gallego, Andrés & Nora Pérez, Jake Mark Lugo, Bárbara
Valencia, Brunella Bonvecchio, Juan Pedro Díaz, Antoine Veliz, Carlos Bracamonte,
Oscar Rodríguez, Alexandra Valdés, Fabiola Uribe Gaviria, Douglas Ugarte, Norma
de Junco, Esperanzita Noriega, Evelyn Sandoval, James Scott Moss, Marcia Besada,
Alex Zangen, Carlos Cuevas, Christopher Bennett, Hilda Domínguez, Silvia Sánchez,
Andrea Veras, Juana G. Rippes, Marta Miranda, Carmen Dono, Olga Alonso, Michael
Lemay, Elena Romero, Marcela Lamelois, María Isabel Poiares, Juan Pedro Díaz,
Eduardo Gómez, Raquel Alvarez, for the members of our armed forces, their
families and all victims of war.
For parishioners celebrating
their wedding anniversary in
Para los feligreses que
celebran su aniversario de
bodas en noviembre.
Altar Servers: Juan Alayo
[email protected]
Bible Classes: Karen Bonvecchio
[email protected]
CCD: Patricia Zapatero
[email protected]
Centering Prayer: Maritza Ramos
[email protected]
Clases de Biblia: Patricia Zapatero
[email protected]
Emmaus Men: Manuel Núñez
[email protected]
Emmaus Women: Claudia Martínez
[email protected]
Encuentro en la Palabra:
Milagros Contreras
[email protected]
Grove for Ghana: Bob Dudley
[email protected]
Grove Outreach: Lily Montero
[email protected]
Health and Wellness:
María Socorro Torres-Burgos
[email protected]
Job Bank: Marta Carbonell
[email protected]
Knights of Columbus: Marc Spinola
[email protected]
Marriage Covenant Experience:
Joe & Jane Mastrucci
[email protected]
Matrimonios en Victoria:
Rolando & Irene Silva
[email protected]
Mindo Medical Mission:
Jason Gaetan
[email protected]
Ministry to the Sick:
Mariana Caballero
[email protected]
Music Director: Roberto Berrocal
[email protected]
Pastoral Ministry Coordinator:
Cristina Fundora
[email protected]
RCIA: Ann Naquin
[email protected]
RICA: Eleazar & Leticia Terán
[email protected]
Respect Life: Yamileth Rivera
[email protected]
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St. Hugh
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 5
Sincere thanks to all who participated in our Stewardship initiative. If you have not yet
sent in your pledge card, we ask that you prayerfully consider your weekly donation and
make a commitment today.
Mil gracias a todos los que participaron en nuestra iniciativa de Mayordomía. Si todavía no ha
enviado su tarjeta, le pedimos que considere en la oración cuál es su donativo semanal, y que haga
su compromiso hoy.
This Sunday, November 16th, we are collecting your contributions to the food drive for the
Grove Outreach and Mission St. Ann. Thank you for helping the most needy of our
community. If you were not able to bring your contribution today, please drop it off at the
office during the week.
Este domingo 16 de noviembre recogeremos sus contribuciones a la colecta de alimentos para el
Grove Outreach y Misión Santa Ana. Gracias de corazón por su ayuda a los más necesitados de
nuestra comunidad. Si no pudo traer su contribución hoy, recuerde que puede entregarla en la oficina
durante la semana.
Thanks also to those who helped altar server Nicolas Alayo to carry out his Eagle Scout
project by donating time or “treasure”. Your assistance is much appreciated.
Gracias también a todos los que ayudaron a nuestro monaguillo Nicolás Alayo a llevar a cabo su
proyecto para ascender a Eagle Scout, donando tiempo o “tesoro”. Su ayuda ha sido valiosísima.
The St. Hugh-Steinway Concert Series presented their second concert last Friday,
November 14th. We congratulate them for their success, thank all committee members for
their efforts and look forward to the next concert on February 13, 2015, when we will hear
Roberto Berrocal at the piano.
La Serie de conciertos St. Hugh-Steinway presentó su segundo concierto el pasado viernes 14
de noviembre. Los felicitamos por su éxito, damos gracias a los miembros del comité por su trabajo y
quedamos pendientes del próximo concierto , el 13 de febrero de 2015, cuando escucharemos a
Roberto Berrocal al piano.
Matrimonios en Victoria announces its upcoming retreat, in Spanish, the weekend of
December 6 and 7. Come and enrich your marriage! For more information contact Rolando
and Irene Silva, [email protected].
Matrimonios en Victoria anuncia su próximo retiro en español, el fin de semana del 6 y 7 de
diciembre. Los invitamos a participar y profundizar su compromiso. Para más información, diríjanse a
Rolando e Irene Silva, [email protected].
The Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (traditional Latin Mass)
will be celebrated at St. Hugh on Monday, November 24 th, at 7:30 pm. The celebrant
will be Msgr. Oscar Castañeda. Come and experience the richness and beauty of the
ancient liturgy.
La santa misa en la Forma Extraordinaria del Rito Romano (en latín) se celebrará en St.
Hugh el lunes 24 de noviembre a ls 7:30 pm. El celebrante será Mons. Oscar Castañeda.
Venga a participar de la riqueza y belleza de la liturgia antigua.
The Marriage Preparation ministry is looking for couples who are willing to help in
administering the FOCCUS questionnaire as part of the preparation process. Help form the
families of the future. For more information contact Rolando & Irene Silva, 305-519-3019.
El ministerio de preparación matrimonial busca parejas dispuestas a ayudar en administrar el
cuestionario FOCCUS como parte del proceso de preparación. Ayude a formar las familias del futuro.
Para más información llamar a Rolando e Irene Silva, 305-519-3019.
Visit the Welcome table in front of the church to find out information regarding
baptisms and weddings, to get answers for any question you may have or to register or
update your information.
Visiten la mesa de bienvenida a la entrada de la iglesia para obtener información acerca de
bautizos y bodas, para encontrar respuesta a cualquiera de sus preguntas o para actualizar su
información o inscribirse en la parroquia.
School News: Jocelyn Bianco
[email protected]
Spanish Choir: Andrés Trujillo
[email protected]
St. Hugh Charities: Liliana Villanueva
[email protected]
St. Hugh Immigration Services:
Karlene Punancy
[email protected]
St. Vincent de Paul: James Hartnett
(Call the office)
Stewardship: Luisana Hung Salazar
[email protected]
Ushers & Hospitality Ministry:
[email protected]
Youth Director: Francisco Dueñas
[email protected]
Page 6
St. Hugh
St. Hugh of Lincoln
St. Hugh of Lincoln was born in Avalon, Burgundy, in 1140, of a noble family. He was
educated and made his profession at the priory of Augustinian canons at Villarbenoît.
Hugh joined (c.1160) the Carthusians at age 25, rising to become procurator general.
About 1176 he was, at the request of King Henry II, sent to England to become Abbot
of the first Carthusian monastery in England. This had been built by King Henry II as
part of his penance for the murder of Thomas Becket.
His reputation for holiness and sanctity spread all over England and attracted many to
the monastery. He admonished Henry for keeping Sees vacant to enrich the royal
coffers. Income from the vacant Sees went to the royal treasury. He was then named
bishop of the eighteen year old vacant See of Lincoln in 1186 - a post he accepted only
when ordered to do so by the prior of the Grande Chartreuse. Hugh quickly restored
clerical discipline, labored to restore religion to the diocese, and became known for his
wisdom and justice.
He was one of the leaders in denouncing the persecution of the Jews that swept
England, 1190-91, repeatedly facing down armed mobs and making them release their
victims. He went on a diplomatic mission to France for King John in 1199, visiting the
Grande Chartreuse, Cluny, and Citeaux, and returned from the trip in poor health. A
few months later, while attending a national council in London, he was stricken and
died two months later at the Old Temple in London on November 16, 1200. He was
canonized twenty years later, in 1220, the first Carthusian to be so honored.
SAN HugO DE Lincoln
San Hugo de Lincoln nació en Avalon, Borgoña, en 1140. Hijo de una familia noble, fue
educado en el monasterio agustino de Villarbenoît, donde profesó. A los 25 años se
hizo monje cartujo, llegando a ocupar el cargo de procurador general de la orden.
Alrededor de 1176, a petición del rey Enrique II de Inglaterra, fue enviado a ese país
para ser abad del primer monasterio cartujo en Inglaterra, que el rey fundó como
penitencia por su participación en el asesinato de Tomás Beckett.
La fama de su santidad se extendió por toda Inglaterra y atrajo a muchos al
monasterio. Amonestó al rey Enrique por mantener vacantes las sedes para enriquecer
las arcas reales, adonde iban a parar los ingresos de esas diócesis. Fue nombrado
obispo de Lincoln, cuya sede había estado vacante por 18 años, en 1186, cargo que solo
aceptó por obediencia al prior de la Gran Cartuja. Hugo luchó por restaurar la disciplina
entre el clero y fomentar la devoción en la diócesis. Fue reconocido por su sabiduría y
justicia. Denunció la persecución contra los judíos que barrió Inglaterra entre 1190 y
1191, enfrentándose a turbas armadas y obligándolas a liberar a sus víctimas.
Enviado en misión a Francia por el rey Juan en 1199, visitó la Gran Cartuja, Cluny y
Císter, de cuyo viaje regresó en mala salud. Pocos meses más tarde, mientras asistía a
un concilio nacional en Londres, cayó enfermo y falleció dos meses más tarde en el Old
Temple en Londres, el 16 de noviembre de 1200. Fue canonizado veinte años después,
en 1220, el primer cartujo en llegar a los altares.
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 7
Our Common Union in the Church
General Audience, October 22, 2014
The Church is a masterpiece of the Spirit that instills in all the new life of the risen
Christ, placing us side by side to serve and support one another, thus making of us
one body, built in communion and love… It is good to remind ourselves more
often of what we are and of what the Lord Jesus has made of us. We are His body,
a body that nothing and nobody can snatch away from him and that He fills with all
His passion and love just as a husband loves his wife... We should not be jealous
but, in our communities, we should appreciate the gifts and qualities of our
brothers and sisters.
Nuestra unión común en la Iglesia
Audiencia General, 22 de octubre de 2014
La Iglesia es la obra maestra del Espíritu, que infunde en cada uno la vida nueva de
Cristo Resucitado y nos coloca al lado del otro, para servirlo y apoyarlo,
convirtiéndonos en un solo cuerpo, construido en la comunión y el amor…Somos
su cuerpo, ese cuerpo que nada ni nadie le puede arrebatar y que él recubre con
toda su pasión y su amor, como un esposo lo hace con su esposa…No (debemos)
ser celosos, sino apreciar en nuestras comunidades los dones y las cualidades de
nuestros hermanos…no considerar a nadie más importante que a otro, sino en la
caridad considerarse como miembros los unos de los otros, que viven y se dan a sí
mismos en beneficio de todos.
Próximo retiro
6 y 7 de diciembre
Page 8
Recommendation for this
Making Sense of Saints:
Fascinating Facts about
Relics, Patrons, Canonization
and More, by Patricia Ann
Kasten, OSV, $13.95
Everything you wanted to
know about saints in a fun
and handy book. Perfect for
families, teachers,
catechists all those who
want to grow in their faith
with the help of the saints.
Sumas de la semana pasada
Y la segunda
El año pasado
Y la segunda
La segunda colecta será para
Church Maintenance
Mantenimiento de la iglesia
Because of our Stewardship
initiative, there will no longer be a
second collection on Sundays. We
thank you for your generosity.
Debido a nuestra iniciativa de
Mayordomía, no habrá ya segunda
colecta los domingos. Gracias por su
St. Hugh
St. Hugh
St. Hugh
Monday, November 17
7:00 pm Bible Class in English
7:00 pm Encuentro en la Palabra Adults and
Young Adults
Tuesday, November 18
7:00 pm EDGE Youth Group
7:30 pm RCIA Program
7:30 pm RICA Program
Wednesday, November 19
8:30 am Bible Class in Spanish
6:30 pm CCD Classes
7:30 pm Matrimonios en Victoria
Thursday, November 20
8:30 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
7:00 pm Centering Prayer
Friday, November 21
7:00 pm LifeTeen Youth Group
Sunday, November 23
Stewardship Sunday
Thanksgiving Food Drive Continues
Social Studies Room
Social Studies Room
7th Grade Room
Music Room
Rectory Chapel
School Chapel
You are being enriched in every way for all generosity.
(2 Cor 9:11)
Siendo ricos de todo, estén listos para dar abundantemente.
(2 Cor 9, 11)
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 9
Thank you to the families listed below who turned in their Stewardship pledges this week.
Gracias a las siguientes familias que entregaron su compromiso de Mayordomía esta semana.
Tomás Abreu
Robert Adam
Juan Alayo
Edilio Alcázar
John Alessi
Julio Alia-Arias
Frank Alvarez-Gil
Paul Michael Andre
Ana Argüello
Andrew Armstrong
Thomas Avila
Jeffrey Azari
Franco Balzano
Katherine Barcia
Gregory Barnes
Ricardo Barrera
Lodovico Blanc
Blanc Family
Brian Blauch
Alexis Brunet
Michael Andrew Brunner
Teresa Buoniconti
Vicente Buraglia
Susan Butler
María Cabal
Mariana Caballero
David Cabarrocas
Carlos Cabrera
Jeffrey Caldwell
Daniel Carles-Chaparro
Clarence Claflin
Daniel Colmenares
Eduardo Costa
Gary Dagnan
Philip Theodore Davidson
Jaime Davis
Margie Dawson
Ana De Cardenas
Ignacio De Isusi
Steven De Renzo
Alexander Delgado
John Devine
Charles Di Mascio
Francisco Diaz
Miguel & Marielba DiMise
Catherine Dorvil
Elizabeth Du Fresne
Daniel Duval
Daniel Echevarría
John Elwan
Lourdes Falconi
Josefina Faria
Federico Fernández
Alfred Figueroa
John Paul Florian
Juan Carlos Freite
Miguel Galbis
Nereida García
Orlando Gómez
Andrés González
Ivan González
Joseph Edward Goodman
Eduardo Goudie
Francisco Granados
Alan Greer
Kevin Gunter
Catherine Hanus-Zank
María Haramboure
Joseph Hart
Gavin Heale
José Alejandro Hurtado
Kingsbury Ingraham
Ban Jennings
Kenneth Jessell
Timothy Jugmans
Oswaldo Jugo
Joanne Kerby
Steven Komel
Patrick Krug
Jorge Lazo
Alona Leal
Karl Lindstrom
Jonathan Loaiza
Félix López
Mayra López
Raúl López
Jonathan Maiza
Ronald Mangravite
Víctor Márquez
Louis Martos
Joseph P. Mastrucci
Marina McCabe
Darren McCartney
Mary McCray
Daniel Mc Murray
Steven McNamara
Aileen McGregor
Martín Medina
Gilberto Mendoza
Thaddeus Mensah
John Mestepey
Todd Mestepey
Carlos Miquilarena
Rafael Miyar
Samuel Moncada
Yarina Montalvo
Patricia Montiel
Vicente Mora
Milagros Morales
Zsuzsa Nemmeth
Eduardo Neret
Claudio Noriega
Leman Oliveros
Luis O'Naghton
Jaime Alberto Paredes
Marita Pereira
Aldo Pérez
María Cecilia Pérez
Rafael Pérez-Uribe
Arthur Perry
María Pesant
Jack Pfleger
Paul H. Pina
Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk
John Pomeroy
Gustavo Posada
Mehmet Postigo-Akcin
Liliana Rainey Lacau
Germán Ramírez-González
Andrew Rodríguez
Joseph Rodríguez
Roberto Rodríguez
Elena Rodríguez-Maribona
Richard Rogers
Alfred Román
Edward Rosasco
John Roscio
Rebecca Saenz
Halina Sak
Urszula Sak
Claudio Salazar
Lily Sánchez
Eric Santa-Cruz
Gabriel Sarmiento
Alejandro Silva
Fred Smith
Tomasa Sotolongo
Eric Spencer
Marc Spinola
James Summerlin
Samule Terrizu
Maria Thornhill
John Thornton
Danilo Toledo
Antonio Tremols
Umberto Troia
Carlos Valdes-Lora
Carlos Valle
Manuel Vázquez
Ernesto Vázquez
Eric Vieira
Guillermo Villa
José Villasmil
Christine Villoch
Josephine Wells
Steve Williams
Wendy Woodward
Gustavo Yelamo
Stefan Zachar
Page 10
Learning About
St. Hugh
Girls Win
The first Box Tops Challenge for the school
year is over. It was a boys versus girls
challenge. We are happy to announce that
the winners are the girls. The girls clipped
and brought to school 1,536 Box Tops. The
boys trailed behind with 1,384 Box Tops.
The total amount of money raised for the
school was $292.00! As a reward for winning
As our second grade students prepare to
the challenge the girls were awarded with
receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and
their very own dress down day and were
First Communion, they have been learning
allowed to come to school in jeans. Thank
about other sacraments. Recently they held a
you to all the students who participated.
mock Baptism as part of their religion study.
Keep the Box Tops coming in! We will be
They learned how the Catholic Church
submitting again in late February.
welcomes us through the sacrament of Baptism
and how we must try to follow the example of
Jesus Christ, Mary and the saints. As a class
they discussed each step in the process of
Baptism and reviewed the symbols of Baptism.
It was a wonderful experience for all!

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