SIGNIS Media 2/2007: Niños y medios


SIGNIS Media 2/2007: Niños y medios
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SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
Excellence Award for Visibility, since she is considered the most well-known and visible Asian
American in the media today.
Hollywood Actor George Clooney Goes on
Journey to Darfur - A number of famous
Hollywood actors such as George Clooney,
UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors Angelina Jolie
and Mia Farrow are involved in giving a voice to
the human tragedy in Darfur. George Clooney
and his father Nick made a documentary for TV
on the tragedy, called A Journey to Darfur. Now
the film is being shown on a number of television
stations world-wide.
Award for Congolese Human Rights
Defender - On 1st May 2007, the famous rock
star Bono presented the third Front Line Award to
Gégé Katana, a defender of human rights for over
25 years in the Democratic Republic of Congo, at
a ceremony in Dublin's City Hall. Gégé Katana is
the founder and president of the Solidarity
Movement of Women Human Rights Activists
based in Uvira. Gégé Katana's movements are
routinely under surveillance. She was completely
banned from travelling between 1996 and 2003.
She has been arbitrarily arrested on several occasions and regularly receives death threats. The
annual Front Line Award honours a human rights
defender who has displayed exceptional courage
in working non-violently for the rights of others as
enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human
Lucy Liu, Children and
Unicef - In early 2007,
the famous ChineseAmerican Hollywood
actress Lucy Liu
awarenessbuilding campaign
powered by Yahoo!
UpClose programme is
discussing the challenges
facing the world's most vulnerable children. She
asked: "How do you save a child's life?" Lucy Liu
was appointed U.S. Fund for UNICEF Ambassador
in 2005. She is particularly committed to supporting
UNICEF's HIV/AIDS awareness and education
programmes. Early in 2006, Liu received an Asian
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
Mireille Darc,
réalisation et vie
religieuse - Mireille
Darc est surtout
actrice entre 1960 et
1980. Après cette
période, elle se raréfie à l'écran et se
consacre plutôt à la
photographie, à la
télévision et au théâtre. En 2006, pour réaliser
Vivre d'amour, elle va à la rencontre de trois
communautés religieuses : les Sœurs de
Jérusalem, les Carmélites et les Xavières. A
travers les témoignages de sœurs de tous âges
et de différentes congrégations, la réalisatrice
tente de rendre compréhensible la vie dans
l'amour de Dieu et la foi. Ce film a été diffusé sur
les écrans de la télévision française en avril 2007.
Togo : une télévision catholique ? On
bénéficiait déjà de radios au Togo, mais on
espérait vivement la naissance d'une télévision
catholique. Suite à l'appel d'offres pour l'attribution de deux canaux lancés en février 2007,
TVC SPES a été déclarée adjudicataire pour
l'attribution d'un canal TV en UHF à Lomé. TVC
SPES signifie Télévision Catholique Espoir.
L'attribution du canal de télévision constitue
une étape très importante pour le projet, mais il
reste sa mise en œuvre pour laquelle la
compétence, la générosité et le dévouement
de chacun sont attendus. La TVC SPES est
une propriété de la Conférence des Evêques
de Lomé, elle sera implantée à Lomé et
couvrira progressivement tous les diocèses.
Children and Media
A Media Education challenge
Cultural Diversity
News from everywhere
Media Education
TV Producers
Présence Chrétienne - n°132 / avril 2007
(Foto: Michelino Roberto)
El Papa Benedicto XVI - En Mayo 2007, el
Papa Benedicto XVI saluda en San Pablo al
jeque Armando Hussein Saleh, representante de
la comunidad musulmana en Brasil y al rabino
Henry Sobel. Sobel, además de jefe de la comunidad israelita de San Pablo, el mayor Estado
del país, goza de gran prestigio en el mundo
intelectual. El rabino contribuyó a hacer caer la
dictadura militar en ese país sudamericano.
Frente a la muerte del periodista judío Vladmir
Herzog, se negó a enterrarlo como suicida fuera
del cementerio. Desacreditó así la pretendida
tesis de los militares sobre la muerte del comunicador. El suceso tuvo una gran resonancia
otre organisation a toujours eu dans ses priorités la thématique de la
relation enfants-médias. Cela s'explique notamment par le fait que
l'OCIC a facilité dans les années 1950 la naissance du Centre
International du Film pour l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse (CIFEJ). Les relations
entre cet organisme et l'UNICEF furent toujours très étroites jusque dans les
années 1980, où le Père Léo Lunders nous quitta. Ce Père dominicain, délégué de l'OCIC, défendit en effet à un niveau mondial le cinéma pour l'enfance,
et, ce faisant, il prônait " l'Education aux Médias ", sans utiliser toutefois ce
terme à l'époque. Avec la disparition du Père Léo Lunders, les contacts avec
le CIFEJ et l'UNICEF devinrent moins intenses et plutôt ponctuels.
Ensuite, dans les années 1980 et surtout 1990, c'est Unda en accord avec
l’OCIC qui mit en priorité l'Education aux Médias dans son travail, ceci avec un
tel succès qu'un véritable réseau se constitua. Au fil des années, les héritages
respectifs de l'OCIC et de Unda se sont finalement rejoints dans la politique de
SIGNIS et connaissent à l'heure actuelle un développement extraordinaire. Le
dossier principal de ce numéro en est la preuve. En effet, les activités de
SIGNIS et la présence de ses membres au niveau de l'Education aux Médias
ont été très remarquées au Sommet de Johannesburg, démontrant ainsi l'importance que SIGNIS accorde à ce domaine si passionnant.
ur organization has always had the theme of the relationship between
children and the media as one of its priorities. This is partly explained
by the fact that in the 1950s OCIC was one of the founding members of
CIFEJ, the International Centre for Films for Children and Young People.
Relations between CIFEJ and UNICEF were always very close until the 1980s
when Father Léo Lunders left us. This Dominican priest, an OCIC representative, worked for cinema for children at the world level, and in so doing, could be
said to have 'preached' Media Education without using the term. With the
departure of Fr. Lunders the contacts with CIFEJ and UNICEF became less
close and rather intermittent.
Then in the 1980s and especially in 1990, Unda, in concert with OCIC, gave
priority to Media Education. This was so successful that a real network was
created. Today, many years later, the traditions of OCIC and Unda have come
together in the work of SIGNIS which is, at present, experiencing an extraordinary flowering. This issue's main story is the proof. Indeed, the activities of
SIGNIS and the presence of its members in Media Education were very noticeable at the Johannesburg Summit, thus showing the importance that SIGNIS
attaches to this enthralling field.
uestra organización ha tenido siempre dentro de sus prioridades la
temática infancia y medios. Lo que explica que la OCIC haya sido en
los años 50s una de las impulsoras principales del nacimiento del
Centro Internacional del Cine para la Infancia y la Juventud (CIFEJ, por sus
iniciales en francés). Las relaciones entre nuestra organización y la UNICEF
fueron muy estrechas hasta los años 80s, cuando el P. Léo Lunders dejó su
dirección. Este sacerdote dominico, delegado de la OCIC, defendió a nivel
mundial el cine para los niños, convirtiéndose de hecho, en uno de los pioneros de la "Educación para los Medios", sin utilizar ese término inexistente en
aquel entonces. Con el fallecimiento del Padre Léo Lunders, las relaciones con
CIFEJ y la UNICEF fueron siendo menos intensas y más bien puntuales.
Luego, en los años 80s y sobre todo en los 90s, es Unda en acuerdo con la
OCIC que toma la prioridad de la Educación para los Medios, con tal éxito que
se constituye una verdadera red de comunicadores en ese campo. En estos
últimos años, las tradiciones respectivas de la OCIC y de Unda se unen dentro
las líneas de acción de SIGNIS llegando en la actualidad a un desarrollo significativo, la nota de tapa de este número es prueba de ello. En efecto, las actividades de SIGNIS y la presencia de sus miembros educomunicadores ha sido
muy destacada en la Cumbre de Johannesburgo, demostrando así la importancia que tiene para SIGNIS este campo apasionante.
Augustine Loorthusamy
arly this year Pope Benedict XVI announced
Communications Day, "Children and the
Media: a Challenge for Education". For SIGNIS,
with members all over the world committed to
Media Education for children and adolescents, the
message invites reflection on the work that media
educators do with children. The Holy Father's
message comes out 30 years after our organization
adopted Media Education as one of its main issues
of concern. In November 1977 the Unda General
Assembly, held in the Belgian city of Namur,
approved the project "Developing Media
Education". These two events highlight the relevance of the theme for SIGNIS and this issue of
SIGNIS Media reflects that institutional preference.
SIGNIS Media has already covered this theme
twice before: in issue 4/2002 and issue 1/2004. The
first one, entitled "Children under influence",
analyzed the controversial theme of the effects of
media on young people. The latter reviewed a
number of different media education experiences
for teenagers and young people. This issue will
focus on the relationship that children have with
media, both as consumers and also as producers.
This theme is presented in the framework of the 5th
World Summit on Media for Children (5WSMC) and
the SIGNIS Media Education meeting that took
place in Johannesburg (South Africa). The Summit,
which gathered a thousand communication professionals and 300 children, is a significant opportunity to think about children and media. In the following pages you will find the highlights of the Summit,
the impressions of three young communicators,
and a review of Sr. Rose Paccatte's workshop that
SIGNIS offered in the 5WSMC. Also you will find a
brief report about the meeting of 11 SIGNIS media
educators in Johannesburg to reflect on the work
that the organization will do in the coming years in
the field of Media Education.
Lawrence John Sinnah
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
Children and media
A Media Education challenge
as a meeting point
The World Summit for Media and Children
movement ( was founded
by Dr. Patricia Edgar of Australia in 1993 to
promote quality programming for children
around the world. Since then, World
Summits have taken place every three years
beginning in 1995 in Australia, then London,
Greece, Brazil, and this past March 24 - 28,
in Johannesburg, South Africa. As a
member of the Catholic Academy for
Communication Arts Professionals, the U.S.
affiliate of SIGNIS. I was privileged to be the
SIGNIS North America delegate to this
conference. About one thousand people,
including and almost 300 children, participated in the Summit at Johannesburg.
The Summit was a thoroughly wonderful
African experience. It showcased "the diversity of the global children's media environment with a focus on developing countries'
achievements." Numerous educators,
media professionals and children from
South Africa, Kenya, Canada, Israel, the
Philippines, Italy, India, and the United
States, emphasized the fact that children
have something to say and want to be part
of media production in their countries and
communities - and that they all want peace.
The parallel Summit programme for children
focused on hands-on media production and
cultural interludes featuring African song
and dance. The children read their own
poetry during meal times; these pieces were
inspiring and reflected their deeply felt lives.
A spokesperson from MediaSnackers
(, a site/weblog/
project/call to action, based in the UK, for
people interested in how young people
consume and create media across the
globe, said about the Summit experience:
"The World Summit was an enriching experience for MediaSnackers. Our involvement
was to work with a group of youth delegates
and enable them to become digital journalists. These young people then had the skills,
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
equipment and support to blog and vodcast
the conference from their perspective and
create a digital window for the conference
Children also addressed the assembly of
participants. In one of the most moving
sessions, Tepetia, who as a 12-year old was
abducted and forced to become a child
soldier during Liberia's civil war, said that
"Many [children] participated in killing. In
some countries a volatile mixture of cocaine
and gunpowder was given to make them
careless in battle." Ian Stewart, a Canadian
journalist, while covering the stories of children in Sierra Leone in 1999 was shot
through the head by a child soldier (who was
in turn shot and killed), is today paralyzed on
his left side. He lamented the fact that of the
more than 100 stories that he filed for North
American news outlets about the plight of
children in the midst of war and as victims of
the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa, very few
were ever published. Now a doctoral
student of history in the United States,
Stewart's contribution to the Summit was
sobering and inspiring.
In addition, 250,000 households in South
Africa are headed by children because of
the impact of HIV/AIDS deaths. The question: "how will this reality shape Africa's next
generation, and that of the world" confronted
educators, government officials, and information and entertainment media professionals present. This situation of children-raising-children is one of the greatest challenges to Africa and the world today.
How these overwhelming realities coalesce
with the U.N. global imperative to create and
promote quality media productions, as
expressed in the Convention for the Rights
of the Child, for and by children, is a question that the World Summit was only barely
able to address.
Rose Paccatte
The SIGNIS meeting
after the Summit
Following the decision that the SIGNIS
Board of Management (BOM) did in 2006
the SIGNIS Media Education group did their
meeting in South Africa in the frame of the
5WSMC. Eleven media educators from the
Pacific, Asia, Africa, Europe, North America
and Latin America and the group of interna-
Augustine Loorthusamy, President of SIGNIS, with Fiordoze Bulbulia, Chairperson of the
5th World Summit on Media for Children.
tional members (see picture) got together to
start building a plan for this field of action in
which SIGNIS is committed.
This meeting was the follow up of the fourday Symposium on Media Education that
was held in Lyon in November 2005. The
beginning sessions were for the redaction of
the final version of the Charter for Media
Education (see below).
The second day was devoted to the writing
of the mission, aims and strategies of the
Global Media Education Network and the
plan that the SIGNIS BOM will study on its
next meeting in November of this year.
Johannesburg SIGNIS
Charter on Media
Building a Global Community
of Media Educators
(I) Preamble
SIGNIS recognizes the power of the
media and their influence in all aspects
of individual, community, and social life.
The fact that we live in a mediated environment makes it imperative to promote
Media Education.
While media are meant to contribute to
human development and wellbeing, not
all media activities uphold human
values and dignity. By their nature,
national and global media influence
people's consciousness and social life,
often leading to the legitimatization of
the status quo. Critical thinking skills are
essential for citizens of the 21st century
so that they may be active participants
in existing and emerging democracies.
This means that people interacting with
media messages will be empowered to
economic structures when these put at
risk the person, the community, human
development, or the environment.
moral, and human values of empathy,
freedom and responsibility, truth and
justice, and peace and reconciliation,
aims to promote Media Education as a
human right and a moral imperative for
all societies and their governments.
This Charter is based on human and
Gospel values and on the teachings of
the Catholic Church, respecting all
faiths in a spirit of dialogue.
To achieve community-oriented global
communication and promote a sustainable environment, so that the basic
needs of all people can be met now and
in the future, this Charter aims to offer
an effective action platform to introduce,
Education at all levels.
(ll) Rationale for Media Education
Media Education provides a conceptual
framework and methodology to develop
awareness, access, analyse critically
evaluate, and produce media in their
various forms. Its definition encompasses three main dimensions:
Critical - developing the critical
competence to analyse and assess
the media as cultural, social and
economic institutions;
Creative - developing and enhancing creativity to enable the use of
the media for expression, interpersonal communication and active
participation in the public arena;
Cultural - broadening knowledge
and experience of different kinds of
media forms, content, and technology.
We believe that Media Education
1. Empowers people to interact and
engage critically with the media in
local and global socio-political,
economic and cultural contexts;
2. Enables people, through the use of
the media, to become active citizens
able to exercise their democratic
rights and responsibilities;
3. Engages people to analyse media
messages in relation to their institutions, codes and conventions, audiences, technologies and ideologies;
4. Provides ways for people to make
informed choices;
5. Inspires the creative and democratic
use of the media to express and
communicate ideas, information and
opinions, as well as to entertain, in
an effort to promote participation in
the creation of content;
6. Encourages the use of information
and communication technologies
(ICTs) to shape and share alternative content, media products, and
services to meet individual, community, and regional needs and interests;
7. Promotes interpersonal communication to build positive relationships,
family life, and community;
8. Enhances the dignity of the human
person and the potential for ethical/moral and spiritual development,
in solidarity with the poor, and with
SIGNIS Media Education meeting (from left to right): Fr. Tom Kunnel sdb (Kenya),
Augustine Loorthusamy (Malaysia), Pablo Ramos (Cuba), Sr. Dominic Dipio (Uganda),
Agatha Ferei (Fiji), Ricardo Yáñez (Argentina/USA), Delia Hernandez (Philippines), Adrián
Baccaro (Argentina), Gianna Cappello (Italy), Sr. Rose Pacatte (USA) and Lawrence John
Sinniah (Malaysia).
Against this background, Media
Education (Media Literacy, Critical Media
Education and Edu-communication)
enables people to examine media
production, media strategies, media
ownership, the ways knowledge and
meaning are made, as well as the capacity of the media to contribute to the
common good and to empower citizens.
This Johannesburg SIGNIS Charter on
Media Education, animated by spiritual,
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
respect for the earth and cultural
(III) Aims of the Charter
The Charter proposes to launch a
Global Network of Media Educators
(GNME) that will:
1. Strengthen
Education efforts by both individuals
and organizations;
2. Develop regional leadership for
Media Education activities;
3. Develop strategic Media Education
programmes, curricula and events;
4. Produce and make available print,
electronic, and web resources for
regional and global use.
5. Advocate the institutionalization of
Media Education as part of national
educational policies, and formal,
informal and non-formal educational
processes, and teacher training;
6. Conduct ongoing research to reflect
changing realities and to assess
Media Education initiatives; and
7. Establish a SIGNIS desk to co-ordinate the activities of the GNME.
(IV) The Way Forward
As citizens of the world in a multimedia
age, we, members of SIGNIS, declare
the importance of Media Education in
strengthening the values of family,
school, faith communities, public institutions, and society as a whole. Through
this Johannesburg SIGNIS Charter on
Media Education, we want to join hands
with media professionals, cultural
groups, and agencies that work to
empower children, young and older
people, women, and marginalized
communities to participate actively to
transform our mediated world into one of
justice, peace and democracy for all.
Mandela Bridge
in Johannesburg
Children participating in the Summit
Avhatali Nekokhane is 15 years old and is
from Limpopo, South Africa. She has some
media experiences because of what she
did in her school. She is quiet and serene.
During the Summit she attended the radio
workshop. "I learnt how to do an interview she said and for her the best of this event
was to learn about other rights and to meet
other children".
Ida Ingmansson is 17 years old and is
from Stockholm, Sweden. In her country
she is doing a Media Monitoring Program
supported by the Global College. "I've seen
a lot of very interesting speakers, for example one child soldier who told his story". For
her the most interesting projects in the
Summit were those of children producing
media. "We don't have them in Sweden she told us-, so I'm going to talk about them
back in my country. The biggest problem
with the children is how they are represented in media, often with stereotypes".
Aníbal Obregón tiene 18 años y es de
Argentina. Participa de la experiencia de
producción para jóvenes "Desde Abajo
Cine" que se realiza en la Provincia de
Buenos Aires. En la Cumbre participó de un
taller de animación. Para él lo mejor fue
que se sentió cómodo, como en su casa.
"Uno de los temas que me preocupa agregó Aníbal- es que en Argentina los
medios discriminan a los adolescentes sin
mostrar lo bueno que cada persona tiene;
para mí los medios deben fomentar lo
bueno que tenemos y cuanto valemos
como personas. Cuando vuelva voy a
intentar luchar por esto, transmitir esta experiencia y ver como todos juntos podemos
solucionar los problemas que nos afectan a todos".
A voice for children
in the Media
The 5th World Summit focused on a number
of significant issues. A good number of
impressions have got stuck on my mind.
Hearing the voices of children with their raw
directness, spontaneity and sincerity was
remarkable. Adults were surprised realizing
that children can speak/read so eloquently!
Adults do not offer them many such opportunities. But the Summit showed that they
wanted to speak!
I was impressed by this bubbling energy of
young people to express themselves: they
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
have opinions about the media, and they
have their expectations of the media which
have not often been met. Following this,
what I returned home beaming with, was the
desire to create space for children to
express themselves in their own voices. In
cultural contexts like mine, where adults are
used to giving orders to children, the challenge now is to open up and learn to listen
to what kids have to say; not in an opinionated manner, but with an open-mindedness
that appreciates their points of view.
Because we are adults, it does not mean we
know it all!
dr Dominic Dipio
The SIGNIS participation in the Summit
Father Chris Townsend, Communication/Information Officer of the South
African Bishops' Conference and pastor of a local parish in
Johannesburg, and Sr Rose Pacatte co-presented the SIGNIS workshop. Townsend addressed the role and challenges of children producing their own media within the limited possibilities of the South African
Church, although opportunities for radio production certainly exist. He
described the local situation and the challenges to dialogue between
faith leaders of various churches and communities and key media
makers about the quality of television content for children and families
as well as the possibility to develop and broadcast specifically religious
programming. Sr. Pacatte's presentation focused on "Helping Kids Mind
the Media". She began by highlighting some points on faith formation
(catechesis) in the popular culture environment. She then presented a
four-part strategy for media mindfulness based on theological reflection,
developed by Sr. Gretchen Hailer, RSHM, that anyone can use when
engaged with any form of media.
(For Sr. Pacatte's complete report see
Rose Pacatte
Un desafío para la
comienzos de año el Papa Benedicto
XVI dio a conocer el tema de la
cuadragésima primera Jornada de
las Comunicaciones Sociales, “Los niños y
los medios de comunicación social: un reto
para la educación”. Para SIGNIS, con miembros en todo el mundo comprometidos en la
educación para la comunicación de niños y
adolescentes, el mensaje invita a reflexionar
sobre el trabajo que los educomunicadores
llevan adelante con este grupo etario. El
mensaje del Santo Padre llega a los 30 años
de que nuestra organización adoptara la
educomunicación como una de sus preocupaciones centrales. Fue en noviembre de
1977 en la Asamblea General de Unda realizada en la ciudad belga de Namur con el
proyecto “Desarrollando la Educación para
los Medios”. Por lo que este año queda
doblemente marcado por el interés que
despierta este tema y el presente número
de SIGNIS Media se hace eco de esa
opción institucional.
Nuestra publicación había hecho dos acercamientos a la temática, en el número
4/2002 y en el número 1/2004. El primero,
con el título “Niños bajo influencia”, analizó
el controvertido tema de los efectos de los
Los preescolares en frente de la TV en Chile
El estudio del Consejo Nacional de Televisión (CNTV) ha confirmado que los preescolares tienen una alta exposición a programas de TV dirigidos a otras edades. Se trata de
toons, menores de 6 años, que pretende saber cómo son los televidentes de esa edad.
¿Por qué denominar a estos niños como toons? La palabra está inspirada en el hecho
de que esta franja etaria ve muchos "cartoons" -programas de animación-. Después de
haber observado un gran número de niños en jardines infantiles y hogares de todos los
estratos socioeconómicos, los investigadores concluyen que los toons son un grupo que
tiene bastante más autonomía y capacidad de elección de la que se creía y de la que
mostró este mismo grupo etario en estudios de 1994 y 1999. La influencia que ellos
tienen sobre la familia es también muy importante, ya que los niños de 6 años toman hoy
decisiones respecto a qué ropa usar, qué sabor de leche beber o qué golosina comer, o
qué actividad desean hacer en familia. Lo más sorprendente es que los propios padres
estimulan esta temprana autonomía, explicó María Dolores Souza -psicóloga del CNTV.
Los toons pasan no solamente varias horas al día viendo televisión pero también películas en DVD y VHS, y usando videojuegos y otras tecnologías. Es increíble constatar que
muchos niños permanecen hasta 14 horas por día en frente de un televisor, que sirve en
muchos hogares como telón de fondo. Los preescolares pueden llegar a estar concentrados hasta cuatro horas. De este modo ven programas que no están dirigidos a su
edad, lo que afecta la relación con sus padres. "Ellos comentan y preguntan lo que no
entienden" explica la psicóloga.
Muchas veces son informaciones a las que los preescolares no deberían tener acceso,
porque no tienen la capacidad para procesarla. Finalmente, pasar tanto tiempo solos
frente a los medios, impide en ellos desarrollar otras habilidades, como las sociales o la
Info: El Mercurio
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
medios en una audiencia menuda. El último
se ocupó de dar cuenta de una importante
cantidad de experiencias que existen de
educación para la comunicación para
adolescentes y jóvenes. Este ejemplar hará
foco en la relación que los niños tienen con
los medios, como destinatarios pero
también como productores.
El tema se analiza en el marco de la realización en Johannesburgo (Sudáfrica) de la
5ª Cumbre Mundial de Medios para Niños
(5CMMN) y del encuentro de educadores
para la comunicación de SIGNIS. La
Cumbre, que reunió a mil profesionales de
la comunicación y a 300 chicos, es un escenario propicio para pensar la relación niñosmedios. Se describe en las páginas siguientes los pasajes más salientes la Cumbre,
testimonios de tres chicos comunicadores y
la reseña de la Hna. Rose Paccatte del taller
que SIGNIS tuvo en la 5CMMN.
Brevemente también se relata el encuentro
que once educomunicadores de SIGNIS
celebraron en Johannesburgo para pensar
el trabajo que la organización llevará
adelante en los próximos años en el campo
de la Educación para la Comunicación.
mientas para la paz y la democracia. El
millar de delegados escuchó atento cuando
el prelado se dirigió a los 300 niños y niñas
de 88 países para decirles: “Nunca es
demasiado temprano para comprometerse
con los medios, no tan sólo como consumidores, sino también como participantes activos”. El obispo estuvo presente en las cinco
jornadas de la Cumbre, asistiendo a talleres
y paneles. Los miembros de la delegación
internacional de SIGNIS pudieron mantener
una fluida comunicación con él que reconoció el trabajo que la asociación hace en este
Lawrence John Sinniah
Los miembros de SIGNIS estuvieron muy
activos realizando relaciones públicas, avanzando en el camino hacia futuras alianzas
que permitan fortalecer la misión y comunes
objetivos. Augustine Loorthusamy, Presidente
de SIGNIS, presentó su ponencia en el plenario de “Los medios como recurso para construcción de la paz” en el Salón Principal junto
a Sarah Crowe, Directora Regional de
UNICEF. Sus palabras fueron muy bien recibidas por los asistentes. Fue también convocante el taller organizado por SIGNIS sobre
Johannesburgo como
punto de encuentro
La importancia de la participación de
SIGNIS en las Cumbres Mundiales de
Comunicación, en este caso la de los
Medios de Comunicación con la infancia y la
juventud, radica en la oportunidad de insertar a la institución en los movimientos globales que, promovidos por la sociedad civil,
intentan involucrarse en las transformaciones necesarias que conduzcan al respeto
generalizado de los derechos humanos, de
la infancia y de la comunicación.
Más allá de la diversidad cultural y religiosa
presente en este tipo de encuentros, la voz
de los comunicadores católicos es atentamente escuchada en estos ámbitos y es
muy tenida en cuenta por los profesionales
y organizaciones de todas las naciones.
Esto se puso de manifiesto en la 5CMMN
que con el lema “Medios: instrumento para
la paz y la democracia global” se realizó
entre el 25 y el 28 de marzo en
Johannesburgo, Sudáfrica, con la presencia
y la palabra de Monseñor John Patrick Foley
(Presidente del Pontificio Consejo para las
Comunicaciones Sociales) quien tuvo un
lugar destacado en la Ceremonia de
Apertura. Sus palabras indicaron el camino
para trabajar en las acciones necesarias
para que los medios realmente sean herra-
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
La delegación estuvo representada por
todas las regiones del mundo (África, Asia,
Pacífico, Europa, América del Norte y
América Latina). La integraron: Augustine
Loorthusamy (Malasia), Lawrence John
Sinniah (Malasia), Delia Hernandez
(Filipinas), Agatha Ferei (Fiji), Gianna
Cappello (Italia), Hna. Dominic Dipio
(Uganda), P. Tom Kunnel (Kenia), Hna.
Rose Pacatte (EE.UU.), Ricardo Yáñez
(EE.UU./Argentina), Pablo Ramos (Cuba) y
Adrián Baccaro (Argentina).
Religiosidad y Medios de Comunicación que
llevaron adelante el P. Chris Townsend (representante de SIGNIS en Sudáfrica) y la Hna.
norteamericana Rose Pacatte. (Ver recuadro
en página 8)
Los delegados de SIGNIS tuvieron la oportunidad de acceder a múltiples experiencias
e informaciones sobre temas de Educomunicación, políticas de comunicación,
regulación, proyectos y realizaciones de
diversas ONGs, creatividad en la producción, novedosas aplicaciones en el campo
de las TICs, actividades de comunicación
comunitarias, etc. Será su compromiso
transmitir o socializar lo aprendido a todos
aquellos que en las regiones asuman el
compromiso de trabajar en comunicación,
medios y derechos de la infancia. Para ello
es fundamental la creación de bases de
datos que concentren la información y redes
que faciliten el diálogo y el intercambio para
enriquecer la tarea cotidiana. La futura Red
Global de Educomunicación puede tener un
rol decisivo en este aspecto.
La evaluación realizada por la delegación
de SIGNIS incluyó, entre otras ideas, una
carta que se envió al Consejo de
Administración de la Fundación de las
Cumbres realizadas hasta 2007. También
se recibió una síntesis de lo actuado en la
Cumbre de Johannesburgo de parte de
Firdoze Bulbulia, Directora del encuentro,
donde se destaca la participación de
SIGNIS que por tercera vez se ha hecho
presente en estos encuentros.
Adrián Baccaro
Ricardo Yáñez
Mons. John P. Foley (Presidente del Pontificio Consejo para las Comunicaciones
Sociales), Augustine Loorthusamy (Presidente de SIGNIS) y Agatha Ferei (Fiji) en el
almuerzo de clausura de la Cumbre.
Un défi pour
l'éducation aux médias
u début de l'année, le pape Benoît
XVI annonçait le thème de la 41ème
Journée mondiale des communications sociales : “ Les enfants et les moyens
de communication sociale : un défi pour
l'éducation “. SIGNIS compte de nombreux
membres engagés dans l'éducation à la
communication des enfants et des adolescents.
Pour SIGNIS, l'Association
Communication, le message invite à une
réflexion sur le travail des éducateurs aux
médias avec ce public cible. Le message du
Saint-Père retentit alors que voici déjà 30
ans que notre organisation fait de l'Éducation aux médias une de ses principales
préoccupations. C'est en effet en novembre
1977 que l'Assemblée Générale de Unda,
réunie à Namur (Belgique), a pris cette décision dans le cadre d'un projet intitulé " Dans
la perspective du développement de l'Éducation aux Médias ". Cette année se trouve
de la sorte doublement marquée par l'intérêt
que suscite ce thème et il est naturel que le
présent numéro de SIGNIS Media se fasse
l'écho de ce choix institutionnel.
Notre publication avait déjà fait deux approches de cette thématique respectivement
dans les numéros 4/2002 et 1/2004. Le
premier, sous le titre " Enfants sous
influence " analysait le thème controversé
des effets des médias sur une audience
d'enfants. Le second s'est attelé à rendre
compte de bon nombre d'expériences
d'éducation aux médias réalisées auprès
d'adolescents et de jeunes. Il s'est focalisé
sur la relation que les enfants ont avec les
médias, non seulement en tant que destinataires, mais également en tant que producteurs.
Ce thème a fait l'objet d'analyses au marché
de la réalisation à Johannesburg à l'occasion du 5ème Sommet Mondial des Médias
pour les Enfants et de la rencontre des
éducateurs à la Communication de SIGNIS.
Ce sommet, qui a rassemblé quelque 1000
professionnels de la communication et 300
enfants, a été une scène de choix pour réfléchir à la relation enfant-médias. Les pages
de ce dossier reprennent les passages les
plus saillants du Sommet, les témoignages
de trois enfants communicateurs et le
compte-rendu fait par sœur Rose Pacatte
de l'atelier que SIGNIS a animé dans le
cadre du 5ème Sommet Mondial des
Médias pour les Enfants. Aussi le lecteur
trouve un rapport de la réunion à
Johannesburg. Quelque onze éducateurs
aux médias de SIGNIS y ont participé en
vue de déterminer le travail dans lequel l'organisation va s'engager au cours des
prochaines années dans le champ de l'éducation aux médias.
Augustine Loorthusamy
Johannesburg :
le théâtre de la rencontre
Pour SIGNIS, participer à des sommets
mondiaux de la communication consacré
avec l'enfance et la jeunesse est de
première importance. C'est l'occasion d'insérer l'institution dans les mouvements
globaux qui, portés par la société civile,
tentent de s'engager dans les transformations nécessaires œuvrant au respect généralisé des droits humains, de l'enfance et de
la communication.
Au-delà de la diversité culturelle présente
dans ce type de rencontres, la voix des
communicateurs catholiques est écoutée
attentivement dans ces périmètres, et prise
en considération par les professionnels et
organisations de toutes les nations. Ceci a
été clairement remarqué au cours du 5ème
Sommet Mondial des Médias pour les
Enfants. Celui-ci avait pour thème "Les
médias : instruments pour la paix et la
démocratie dans le monde" s’est déroulé du
25 au 28 mars à Johannesburg.
Monseigneur John Patrick Foley, Président
Communications Sociales, assurait la présidence de cette assemblée qui s'est tenue
dans un lieu en symbiose avec la cérémonie
d'ouverture. Ses paroles ont ouvert la voie
et présenté le travail et les actions nécessaires à l'avènement de médias qui soient
effectivement des instruments au service de
la paix et de la démocratie.
La délégation de SIGNIS représentait toutes
les régions du monde (Afrique, Pacifique,
Europe, Amérique du Nord et Amérique
latine) ainsi que le groupe international (voir
photo en page 6).
Les membres de SIGNIS se sont montrés
très actifs sur le plan des relations
publiques. Ils ont progressé sur le chemin
qui conduit à de futures alliances permettant
de renforcer notre mission et nos objectifs
Augustine Loorthusamy,
Président de SIGNIS, a fait part de ses
propositions lors de l'Assemblée plénière
qui se tenait au salon principal et s'intitulait
"Les médias, des outils pour construire la
paix". Ses propos ont été très bien reçus par
les participants. Ils faisaient suite à l'intervention de Sarah Crowe, Directrice
Régionale de l'UNICEF. L'atelier organisé
par SIGNIS sur le thème "Religiosité et
Moyens de communication" était animé
conjointement par le Père Chris Townsend
(représentant de SIGNIS en Afrique du Sud)
et la Sœur Nord-américaine Rose Pacatte.
(voir encadré en page 8).
Adrián Baccaro
Ricardo Yáñez
The SIGNIS delegation at the Apartheit Museum.
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
Human relations
cultural diversity and painful memories
uring the first quarter of the year,
SIGNIS members participated in
different film festivals in Asia, Europe,
Africa and Latin America. Recurrent themes
which were found in the presented and
awarded films were: human relationships in
families and among children, cultural diversity and how film is a part of overcoming the
traumas of the past and also a way of
talking to the living
The ecumenical award at the Fribourg film
festival Le cercle des noyés (Drowned in
oblivion) by the Belgian director PierreYves Vandeweerd, is one of those films
which looks to the past. The title of the film
is the term for a group of political prisoners
arrested in Mauritania in 1986 because of
their fight for equal rights for Blacks, and
who, cut off from the outside world, were
incarcerated in a fortress in the desert for
years. There they had to endure inhumane
conditions, humiliation, forced labour, and
torture. It is a film about political tyranny,
misuse of power, injustice, and torture. As
such, it can be understood not only as a
gesture against forgetting, but also as a
parable that can extend as far as
Guantánamo. At Fribourg the ecumenical
jury gave a commendation to Junun (by
Fadhel Jaibi), a film about a young, schizophrenic Tunisian, Nun, who is a patient in a
psychiatric clinic, where he meets a therapist who asks him questions and who
listens. While he comes to terms with his
past, the therapist puts her future at stake.
For what gives her the right to poke her nose
into the life of her patient and his family?
It is almost common for film-makers in Arab
countries to show schizophrenic characters
in order to give them the chance to criticise
a society, which has placed them in such an
alienated position. This device is also seen
in the Algerian film Bled Number One,
where a woman is forced to obey oppressive
traditional laws. She ends in an asylum in
Constantine where she in her madness
denounces her inhuman environment. In
Latin America the unresolved political, and
above all, juridical traumas of recent history
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
4 de julio, de Juan Pablo
Young y Pablo Hernán
Zubizarreta. El Jurado
(Festival de Mar del Plata)
concedió esta distinción
especial por rescatar la
memoria de un crimen que
enlutó a la Argentina y a la
humanidad; y hacerlo con
valentía, respeto por la
verdad histórica y calidad
cinematográfica; al documental sobre el asesinato de
sacerdotes y seminaristas
are still hanging over the (democratic) future
of many countries. The Chilean short film
Treinta Anos expresses this tension;
directed by Nicolás Lasnibat, it got an award
in Toulouse and a commendation at the Mar
del Plata film festival. An old man whose
wife and unborn child were murdered and
hidden by the Pinochet regime comes back
after thirty years of living as a political
refugee in Paris. He sees that nobody is
really interested in what happened in those
days and that nobody wants to come to
terms with the crimes of that undemocratic
regime. In that same category of films the
SIGNIS jury in Mar del Plata gave a special
award to the film The 4th of july 1976. This
film looks back to the massacre at St.
Patrick’s in Buenos Aires, where five
Pallotine priests and seminarians were
killed. According to Peace Nobel Prizewinner Adolfo Perez Esquivel, this massacre
was a thoroughly planned, well-coordinated
operation. The killers targeted them as a
warning to the Catholic Church and to
frighten the increasingly rebellious intellectual middle-class, who didn’t accept the military coup. These priests were one of the
first of the 30,000 victims of the military
regime that ruled Argentina from 1976 to
1983. Officially nobody knows who did it, but
all the evidence presented in the film, indicated that a para-military group, perhaps
linked to the Navy secret police (Esma),
were the killers. The Church did not encourage a full investigation and they attributed
the murder to the rebels. In this way the
Catholic hierarchy, like the Bishops’
Conference were openly backing the military
junta. A priest who survived the massacre
and who was sent to Rome to be out of the
reach of the death squads was completely
ignored by the Church and treated as if he
were a terrorist. The film ends with a Mass in
which the events are commemorated three
decades later and where the Cardinal (and
with him the Bishops’ Conference)
denounces those times and its crimes. It is
one of the most emotional films about
Argentina, the Church, and also the courage
of those who decided to be with and to work
for the poor. Another documentary,
Angelelli, la palabra viva was dedicated to
the assassination of bishop Enrique
Angelelli on August 4th, 1976.
When Pinochet took power in Chile, many
talented people left the country. One of them
was film-maker Patricio Guszman, who fled
with his family to Cuba. His daughter Camila
Guzmán Urzua went to school in Cuba and
became a Cuban. Although the Cuban
regime was a safe haven for them, and
although the family sympathised with the
regime, Camila made a very sharp portrait
and analysis of the last twenty years (19832003) of what happened in Cuban society.
Her starting and reference point is the
school she went to. In the eighties everybody believed in the slogans of the revolution… then the wall came down, the
Russians did not support the Cubans
anymore. Then it became clear that Cuba
lived in a dream, an unrealistic bubble, but,
and that shocked Camila, the slogans and
government information (propaganda) did
not change. Her documentary is an honest
but also a tragic way of looking at the Cuban
revolution and its last twenty years. One
positive element is that the film Telón de
Azúcar was made thanks to the Cuban film
industry. The film got the SIGNIS award at
Les Rencontres cinéma d’Amérique Latine
in Toulouse.
At the 17th African, Asian and Latin
American Film Festival of Milan the SIGNIS
award went to Daratt, a film from Tchad
which already had a commendation from the
SIGNIS jury in Venice in 2006. This film is
the third feature film made by Mahamat
Saleh Haroun. Daratt is in the tradition of
Haroun’s work but the presence of Sissako
can clearly be seen. The film tells in a sober
and very visual way the story of someone
who intends to revenge the killing of his
father and who lives with the killer waiting for
the exact moment to murder him. This time
it is a kind of Stockholm syndrome. The
young man who wants to kill discovers that
his father’s murderer is also a man, and
even a good man, with a family. The man
even wants to adopt him as a son. Haroun
brings into his story a lot of suspense. The
boy hesitates, takes a decision and then
does something unpredictable. The film is
important for Africa, where blood feud
between individuals, families or tribes is the
engine of bloodshed over generations and
even of war. Daratt shows that humanism
and openness to the other is important and
can be a solution to stop the eternal circle of
violence. It is a film which definitely
promotes a culture of peace.
The same could be said of The Island by
the Russian director Pavel Lounguine. What
is the future for someone who has killed and
betrayed? How can this change his life?
Pavel tells the story of such a person who
was forced to kill his friend in the Second
World War. The murderer, consumed by
guilt, sees the only way to redeem himself is
to go to a monastery on a island and to live
as a hermit. But to protect himself from the
other monks he behaves strangely. Visitors
to the monastery think that he has the power
to heal and to exorcise demons and foretell
the truth. The hermit knows in himself that
this is a lie. He cannot exorcise the demons
of the past… and the way he lives as a
hermit can also be seen as a lie. Some see
the story as a parable of recent Russia
history. The demons (undemocratic rulers)
of the past are still there and they are not yet
overcome which means that they weigh on
the future. Here the bad spirits still talk to the
living. The Balkan wars of the 1990s have
also left many scars and traumas and are a
constant source for artists and film-makers.
The Croat, Goran Devic, wants to oppose in
his short film, I Have Nothing To Say To
You, the process of denial in a small
Croatian city after the war. Without facing
the truth, and finishing with the demons of
the past, darkness will prevail and will probably be the source for further conflict. This
film got an Ecumenical commendation at the
Oberhausen film festival. Another
Ecumenical commendation at Oberhausen
was given to We Will Win, by Mahmoud
Hojeij, who shows an attempt by three men
to solve the over sixty-year-old Arab-Israeli
conflict. They are in Paris to tackle in eight
minutes all the political, economic and
psychological issues.
The Legacy, which received a SIGNIS
commendation in Las Palmas, is an interesting film about relations between families in
the mountains of Georgia. Here three French
tourists and their translator meet an old man,
his grandson and an empty casket. They
discover that the two are on a journey to their
enemy’s village, where the old man will be
killed to settle a longstanding blood feud.
In Milan the SIGNIS jury gave a commendation to the animated film L’arbre aux
esprits, directed by Cicilia Sawadogo (she
was born in Germany, lived a while in Africa
Le Cercle des noyés
de Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd
Prix oecuménique à Fribourg
Le Cercle des noyés est le nom donné aux
détenus politiques noirs en Mauritanie, enfermés à partir de 1987 dans l’ancien fort colonial
de Oualata. Ce film donne à découvrir le délicat
travail de mémoire livré par l’un de ces anciens
détenus qui se souvient de son histoire et de
celle de ses compagnons.
En écho, les lieux de leur enfermement se
succèdent dans leur nudité, dépouillés des
traces de ce passé.
and is at present living in Canada). Her
animation brings the spectator into the
African metaphysical world, where (good)
spirits talk with the living. In that sense the
Argentinean documentary Next to be Gone
(Los próximos pasados) is similar to
L’arbre aux esprits. This is the second
documentary film by Lorena Muñoz. It
received the International Critics’ Prize and
a SIGNIS commendation. It is about a lost
mural painted by the famous Mexican muralist David Alfaro Siqueiros (1896-1974) in
Argentina. Munoz’s film is like a spirit who
wants to say something to the Argentina of
today. Film director Munoz goes back to the
Siqueiros mural painting made in 1933 in
Buenos Aires. Munoz is interested in the
story because it says something about her
country and also the neglect of history. This
film has a lot in common with her previous
documentary, co-directed with Sergio Wolf, I
Don’t Know What Your Eyes Have Done
to Me (Yo no sé qué me han hecho tus
ojos, 2003). She seems to consider the loss
of this painting as a kind of metaphor for the
loss of Argentinean (cultural) identity…
remarked film critic, Nelson Carro, in an article for Fipresci in 2006. The idea of loss,
disappearance and forgetfulness, is the
basis of both of Lorena Muñoz’s films, “but it
is also fundamental to many Argentine cinematographic and literary works, products of
a country whose identity is based on the
absence of an identity. In this sense, Next to
Be Gone can also be seen as an allegory
about Argentina’s own history, which generally has to be constructed out of gaps and
Human relationships
in their complexity
The first SIGNIS award at the Las Palmas
Film Festival went to Half Nelson, a film
about a heroic teacher who is dedicated to
his work. He is a crack addict, with a very
confusing personal life. His job is the only
thing what keeps him going, even when it is
in a rundown Brooklyn high school, where
he coaches the girls’ basketball team and
teaches history to a class of mostly AfricanAmericans. He is a genuinely charismatic
figure: alert, energetic, and clearly enthusiastic who stimulates the schoolkids. SIGNIS
awards at Mar del Plata such as Ficció and
El Otro are looking at crucial moments in a
man’s life which have consequences for his
future relationships and family. The film
Ficció, also awarded by the international
jury in Mar del Plata, is made by Catalan
director Cesc Gay. It is a really simple but a
well done, beautifully muted, intimate exploration of an unexpected relationship. Alex is
a successful married film-maker in his
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
forties. One day he has a problem in finishing a new script. He decides to look for inspiration in the solitude of the mountains. So he
leaves his wife and children for a few days
and goes to stay in a friend’s summer
house. Everything seems reasonable, or is
he passing through a kind of midlife crises?
Then his friend introduces him to a young
woman who is a musician. She lives in the
mountains and has an uncomplicated life.
Soon they are mutually attracted to one
another, but they also know that they are
committed to others whom they do not want
to hurt. The film is looking at normal life and
feelings, expressing what is important in life
and the importance of family values. As a
journalist correctly wrote, in Ficció the
emotional power lies equally in words
unspoken and caresses denied. For him as
well as the SIGNIS jury, this film is a wonderful love story for adults.
El Otro is by the Argentinean director Ariel
Rotter. As in Ficció the main character is a man
in his forties who is happily married. His wife is
expecting a baby. He takes care of his father
with whom he has a wonderful relationship. But
apparently there is something wrong with this
life. Is it a midlife crisis? He is wondering if life
could have been more for him. He has to leave
for a one-day business trip outside Buenos
Aires. He is sitting next to a man who is almost
the same age as him. When he arrives he finds
out that the man has died. Instead of returning
home, he finds out the dead man’s name and
takes a room at the local hotel, and says he is
a doctor. He is confronted with the effect of his
lie as a women in the hotel has a heart attack
and by chance he saves her life… which
somehow also saves his own life. As he
wanders in the night, he thinks about committing suicide. It is a healing experience and he
discovers his tastes and his basic instincts
again. He decides to go home, stronger from
the spiritual experience, and to be a better
father for his yet unborn child. In Ariel Rotter’s
words: “Over the years, I believe that all of my
films have been about the same subject. From
my first short films to El Otro, I am always
aware of the time allotted to us in life, and the
question of what we do with this time preoccupies me.”
Children and families
looking for happiness
In The Unpolished (Die Unerzogenen), the
SIGNIS award at the Buenos Aires
Independent Film Festival, a fourteen-yearold girl sees that her parents, hippies without
any structure in their life and family, will
destroy her life. They are on drugs and
involved in illicit activities. She wants to have
a normal and regular family life and decides
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
that if she wants to survive and have a
future, she has to take responsibility for it.
So she takes both her life and her parents’,
in her hands. The Russian film, The Italian,
by Andrei Kravchuk, a SIGNIS award at the
film festival in Hong Kong, is a film for young
people. Full of suspense and adventure, it is
completely different from most mainstream
products from Hollywood. The main character of this epic story is a six-year-old Russian
boy who decides to run away from an
orphanage with the help of a teenage prostitute to find his mother, rather than be sold to
a wealthy couple in Italy. The film is also
about life in a Russian orphanage. “It’s like a
story by Charles Dickens, adapted by
Gogol, and directed by Roberto Rossellini:
inexorable, reformist, devastating, with the
sentiment balanced by an overwhelming
compassion” a critic wrote. It is a strong
feature film, directed like a documentary.
Kravchuk lives in St. Peterburg, in a city
where thousands of children have been
living on the streets since the 1990s. His
story is also partly based on a real story of a
young orphan who learnt to read and write
so he could run away to look for his mother.
For his actors, the director chose mostly
orphans, and their expressions of sadness
or helplessness are not faked.
The SIGNIS commendation at the Hong
Kong film festival went to a first film. Fresh
Air portrays in a very subtle and fine way an
impossible mother-daughter relationship in a
small Hungarian town. Both the mother and
her 17-year-old daughter are painfully lonely
but would never openly admit it to each
other, or to the outside world. The mother,
who works as a toilet attendant, hopes that
one day she will find a man. Her life is full of
routines. She irritates her daughter who
doesn’t like her mother’s job. They are living
together, in tension and without real
dialogue. The only place where they find
themselves together in their loneliness is in
front of the television when they watch an
Italian soap together. Although this psychological drama has a suffocating atmosphere
in giving an insight into family relationships
in today’s world, this very visual film is also
full of emotions and humour.
In the Senegalese short film Oumy et moi,
the young director Adams Sie tells his and
Oumy’s story. She is a girl with a very strong
personality and great appeal, who works hard
to pass her exams. But Oumy is an albino.
Adams loves her for who she is, at the cost of
clashing with the community, starting with his
parents. It is a wonderful, honest and also
courageous self-portrait of a young couple
who break down taboos and live their love
despite prejudice. It received a commendation from the SIGNIS jury in Milan.
au festival Las Palmas
de Gran Canaria
Half Nelson
by Ryan Fleck
Brillant professeur dans un lycée
de Brooklyn, Dan enseigne avec
passion à des adolescents en difficulté. Cependant dans sa vie
privée Dan est au bord du gouffre,
il s'enfonce chaque jour un peu
plus dans le désespoir et la drogue.
Un jour après les cours, une de ses
jeunes élèves surprend son professeur en train de fumer du crack. En
dépit de leur différence d'âge et de
situation, leurs destins se croisent
à un moment crucial de leur existence, où tout peut encore basculer
d'un côté comme de l'autre.
Social realities and
complexities of today
The prize of the Interreligious jury at the
Nyon documentary film festival Visions du
Réel went to Welcome Europa, by the
French director Bruno Ulmer. In his documentary Ulmer follows a number of young
men, Moroccans, Romanians and Kurds
who want to find their way to Europe. He
shows people who have fled their countries
for political reasons or whose social conditions and poverty give them only one way
out: leaving home to find a solution and a life
elsewhere. But most of them do not find the
solution in Europe. They are often lost in
bureaucratic structures, dealing with racism
and mistrust. Most of them end up at the
bottom of society. The agile camera of Ulmer
captures the raw existence on the streets of
those he depicts. In black-and-white intermezzos, they speak in detail and very
candidly about their past and the problems
that they face. Their introduction to modern
and prosperous Europe is disconcerting to
say the least. It is almost impossible to
survive on the streets without ending up in
prostitution, but they refuse to give up their
dignity just like that. Ulmer has a special film
style; he forces the spectator to look at the
migrants as individuals in their own story,
filming them in close-up and bringing their
face and feelings to the screen. The
Ecumenical Prize film at the Oberhausen
short and animation film festival, Tolya, by
Rodeon Brodsky (Israel), also talks about
migrants. Brodsky depicts in his short film
how on International Women’s Day, when all
his fellow foreign workers in Israel call their
wives to greet them, the Russian Tolya
remains speechless as he calls Natasha, his
wife. His toothless mouth can’t pronounce
anything but a whistling mumble. But he
manages, through a surprising action, to
make his wife and himself laugh on the telephone.
At the Nyon Film Festival, the John
Templeton Foundation gave an award to
State Legislature by the American documentary film-maker Frederick Wiseman. He
wanted to film the process of the working of
democracy, at a time when people doubt the
democratic procedures in the US. He shows
the day-to-day activities of the Idaho
Legislature, including committee meetings,
debates of the House and Senate, informal
discussions, meetings with lobbyists,
constituents, the public and the press. He
does it in his own well-known way, namely
by observation and letting the images
speak. In his film you see no interviews and
there is no commentary. A critic said that this
makes clear the arduous interpersonal
process of democratic decision-making
itself. She was also touched by the way
Wiseman quite incidentally shows a distillation of white, Christian America, “which for
many has lost its attractiveness as a healing
exporter of values.” And for her, Wiseman’s
observational gesture shows that it is worth
taking a closer look to understand complex
contexts and to allow for contradictions.
Questioning one’s own prejudices then
takes care of itself. It is clear that the workings of a democratic government are not of
interest solely to Americans, but, because
so many countries in the world are currently
trying to adopt a democratic form of government, the issues presented have relevance
on a global scale. In that sense the documentary is an example of the achievements,
values, constraints and limitations of the
democratic process. Almost in the tradition
of Wiseman, the Brazilian directors Gregorio
Graziosi and Thereza Menezes look in their
short film Saba at the world of care homes,
where old people live in a routine waiting for
their end. The film-makers have made an
impressive document, respecting the old
people they depict.
The transformational power of film
Films have world-wide influence. The American way, for example, has been seen and
heard and often imitated in the most remote places on earth. The Argentinean film
Stars (Estrellas), by the Argentinean directors Federico León and Marcos Martínez,
depicts another reality. It is a humorous portrait of a shanty town in Buenos Aires
where the population offer themselves as actors to film-makers. Julio Arrieta (photo)
started a cultural centre, an agency to search for film work for him and his neighbours, and he does this by turning their impoverished appearances into a virtue,
getting them jobs as onscreen thieves and crooks. He even had contact with
Hollywood director Alan Parker, when he prepared the film Evita in Argentina. He has
produced a film about aliens coming to the slum, as a reaction to all the films that
take place in middle class areas. The SIGNIS
jury justified their choice by stating that the
film evokes with humour and realism the
stereotypical view of the world of poverty and
marginalization. It teaches -according to the
jury members- how work reinforces human
dignity through the confirmation of the
protagonists’ identity. Art not only nourishes
the soul but stomachs as well.
Si l’on analyse les prix qui ont été attribués
par les membres SIGNIS lors de jurys
SIGNIS, œcuméniques ou interreligieux de
festivals internationaux, l’on peut constater
que certains thèmes reviennent fréquemment. Certains événements liés au passé
ont une influence déterminante sur ces
choix, quand pèsent encore dans le présent
des souffrances qui perdureront probablement encore longtemps dans les esprits.
Un thème souvent abordé est celui de
l’esprit de vengeance, la vendetta, dont le
résultat est une violence sans fin, qui peut
dépasser le cycle des générations, comme
dans Daratt ou L’Héritage. Au Chili, en
Mauritanie ou en Argentine, les crimes
commis lors des régimes militaires pèsent
encore sur la démocratie d’aujourd’hui (4
de julio 1976, Le cercle des Noyés et
Treinta años). Les slogans du passé,
encore aveuglément proclamés actuellement, sont comme des sables mouvants
pour l’avenir du régime cubain (Télon de
Azúcar). Dans certains pays arabes, des
cinéastes ont recours à la psychiatrie pour
démasquer les mensonges du passé
(Junun). Les esprits du passé touchent
ainsi à la fois les individus (The Island) et
les collectivités (I Have Nothing To Say To
You et Next to be Gone). Un bon nombre
de films évoquent également la complexité
des relations humaines, comme El Otro et
Ficció, traitant de la crise de la quarantaine
ou Half Nelson, abordant la relation d’un
professeur avec ses élèves.
Un troisième groupe de films se centre sur
les enfants et leur recherche du bonheur.
Dans The Unpolished, une jeune fille tente
de fuir les influences négatives de ses
parents et dans L’Italien, un petit garçon fait
tout pour retrouver sa mère. Dans Oumy et
moi, un jeune Africain tombe amoureux
d’une fille albinos rejetée par la société et
par ses parents. Une dernière catégorie de
films aborde des situations sociales difficiles. Welcome Europa suit des immigrés
illégaux en Europe et Tolya parle des problèmes relationnels de certains migrants
mariés. Un regard sur la démocratie de base
aux Etats-Unis est présent dans State
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SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
Si se analiza los premios que los jurados
SIGNIS, ecuménicos o interreligiosos han
otorgado en los festivales internacionales de
los últimos meses, se verá que ciertos temas
son recurrentes. Los hechos del pasado
tienen una influencia determinante en las
elecciones del presente, cuando los sufrimientos han permanecido sin sanarse por
largo tiempo en el espíritu. Un tema frecuente
es la venganza, que desemboca en una
violencia sin fin, que pasa de una generación
a otra, como en Daratt o L’Héritage. En
Chile, Mauritania o Argentina, los crímenes
cometidos por los regímenes militares
afectan aún a las democracias de hoy (4 de
julio 1976, Le cercle des Noyés y Treinta
años). Se ve también como los slogans del
pasado -ya vacíos de su contenido originaltodavía se siguen repitiendo hoy en día en
medio de la incertitud del futuro del régimen
cubano (Télon de Azúcar). En algunos
países árabes, los cineastas han recurrido a
la psiquiatría para desenmascarar las mentiras del pasado (Junun). Los espíritus del
ayer afectan tanto a los individuos (The
Island) como a las colectividades (I Have
Nothing To Say To You y Next to be Gone).
Un buen número de filmes evocan la complejidad de las relaciones humanas, como El
Otro y Ficció, que se ocupan de la crisis a
los 40s o Half Nelson, que aborda la relación
de un profesor con sus alumnos.
Un tercer grupo de filmes se centra en la
infancia, en la búsqueda de su felicidad. En
The Unpolished, una adolescente intenta
protegerse de las influencias negativas de
sus padres y en L’Italien, un muchacho hace
todo lo que puede para encontrar a su madre.
En Oumy et moi, un joven africano se enamora de una chica albina que es rechazada por
la sociedad y por sus padres.
Una última categoría de películas aborda
situaciones sociales difíciles. Welcome
Europa sigue a los inmigrantes ilegales en el
Viejo Continente y Tolya muestra los problemas de relación de algunos inmigrantes
casados. Una mirada sobre la democracia de
base en los Estados Unidos se ofrece en
State Legislature.
Una mirada a las relacionas humanas
en culturas diversas
Por la primera vez SIGNIS fue invitada al Festival Internacional de Cine de Las Palmas
para formar uno de los tres jurados independientes que otorga un galardón. El presidente
de SIGNIS-Europa, Jos Horemans (Bélgica); Sergio Perugini (Italia); y Belén Ester Casas
(España) conformaron el jurado. Se valoró para el Premio SIGNIS a Half Nelson, un filme
norteamericano independiente del novel Ryan Fleck, por aportar una visión positiva sobre
las relaciones humanas, y “por apostar por la fuerza de una hermosa amistad entre una
niña y su profesor y por abrir las puertas a una vida mejor donde las oportunidades nunca
se acaban”, señala el acta. La película trata la relación de amistad que surge entre un
profesor de unos 30 años adicto al crack y una de sus alumnas, cuyo hermano está en la
cárcel por tráfico de drogas. En el momento en el que la niña de 13 descubre el secreto
de su profesor, empieza a entablarse entre ellos una hermosa relación de amistad. Ambos
encuentran en el colegio el equilibrio de sus míseras vidas, ambos caen en el abismo más
profundo, ambos acaban necesitándose y queriéndose de tal manera, que pese a la historia dura y amarga que relata, el final es positivo, intrínsecamente esperanzador, por lo
tanto, cristiano. La verdadera grandeza de la película está en que la maltrecha vida del
profesor, un drogadicto solitario, encuentra equilibrio en su alumnado, a quienes trata de
enseñar valores tan loables como la justicia o el respeto a los derechos humanos para
que no hagan de sus vidas lo que es la suya. Dan Dune es un hombre desgraciado y
desesperado que, pese a todo, encuentra un motivo por el que levantarse cada mañana.
A ojos de SIGNIS, L’Héritage, un filme franco-georgiano que hace una severa crítica
contra la obsesión del mundo occidental con los medios de comunicación y que reflexiona
sobre el respeto con que debe mirarse al resto de las culturas, merecía una Mención. En
L’Héritage un trío de amigos franceses van a Georgia porque uno de ellos ha heredado
un castillo en ruinas. Camino de su nueva posesión y con un intérprete al que han
contratado para que les acompañe en su viaje y que sobrevive como puede en un país
todavía pobre, conocen en un autobús a un anciano y su nieto que acuden a la montaña
con un ataúd vacío. No tardan en descubrir que ese viejo posee otra herencia: la del odio
entre dos clanes. El ataúd es para él, le van a matar para poner fin a una contienda que
pasa de padres a hijos y de generación en generación. Sin embargo, los occidentales,
lejos de querer detener ese sin sentido, lo único que quieren es grabarlo con sus cámaras
de video y vender las imágenes.
La primera presencia del Jurado SIGNIS en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Las
Palmas no ha podido dar mejor fruto, pues ha distinguido dos películas duras, amargas,
tristes, de las que puede hacerse una lectura positiva y de pasión por la vida. Dos miradas
distintas ante un problema similar, el de la desesperación. Con su presencia en este festival, SIGNIS da un paso más en diálogo con el mundo de la cultura.
El artículo completo se puede leer en
by Gela and Temur Babluani
Para ver más acerca
de festivales y películas,
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
Video, Radio, TV, Film
and Cyberspace
secured a postgraduate diploma in French.
He has been the Public Relations Officer of
the Tamil Nadu Bishops’ Conference for the
past ten years. For over seven and a half
years, he has been publishing and editing a
Catholic Tamil Weekly titled Nam Vazhvu
(Our Life). Currently he is the Secretary of the
Commission for Social Communication of the
Tamil Nadu Bishops’ Conference, besides
Communications Centre, a prestigious
regional communication centre of the
Bishops Conference.
For the first time in the history of SIGNIS
India, one of its members, Fr. Vincent
Chinnadurai, the Director of Santhome
Communication Centre and the President of
SIGNIS Tamil Nadu has been appointed as
the Chairman of the Minority Rights and
Welfare Commission, Government of Tamil
Nadu, India.
The role of the commission is to safeguard
the rights of the minorities and introduce a
series of initiatives for their welfare. One of its
specific activities is to provide skills training
for young people from minorities throughout
the state. The new portfolio brings new challenges and tasks for Fr. Vincent Chinnadurai,
who is an able administrator and an expert in
public relations. The new position will also
help Fr. Vincent highlight the issues of religious minorities in decision-making bodies to
influence policies.
Fr. Chinnadurai holds several Masters
degrees to his credit in the fields of English
literature, political science, sociology, public
administration and journalism. He has also
Fr. Vincent is also a writer with nine books to
his credit. One of his popular books on the life
of Mother Teresa titled Boomiyin Devathai
(The Goddess of the Earth) was released by
the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Mr. M.
Karunanidhi. During a public function, the
Chief Minister, whole-heartedly commended
Fr. Vincent for his extraordinary proficiency in
Tamil. His contribution in the field of education, pastoral care, public relations, etc. is
well known. He receives hundreds of
requests from the members of minority
communities to resolve their issues.
Acknowledging his untiring efforts and meritorious services, the World University of the
United States has conferred a Doctorate on
him. He was also awarded as Man of the
Year 2004 by the International Biographical
Association, USA.
an anti-hate film boycotted
The film Parzania based on the Godhra
carnage (in February 2002 a train was set on
fire, in which 59 people were burnt to death)
will not be screened in Gujarat. Giving in to
pressure from the Bajrang Dal, the multiplex
owners announced that the film was too
sensitive and will not be shown in any of the
multiplexes in Gujarat. Though the police
have promised protection to multiplexes we
don’t want to take any chances,” Munabhai
Patel, the cinema group’s president said,
while announcing their decision not to screen
Parzania, directed by Rahul Dholakia. Jesuit
Priest and activist Fr. Cedric Prakash was not
surprised by the development. “I was sure it
is not going to release. But Rahul being a
good friend, we tried our best. We were with
him all these days,” he said. “This is apparently because certain fascist and fundamental forces have warned film distributors and
theatre owners of dire consequences if the
film is screened. Rahul Dholakia, very categorically states that the film is about “antihate and compassion” of a tragedy that
should not visit anyone, anytime, anywhere,”
Fr. Cedric said. Challenging the people of
Gujarat the Jesuit priest urged citizens from
all walks of life to protest openly against the
fundamentalists of the Bajrang Dal organisation (an extremist Hindu-nationalist party).
The movie was released in other parts of the
country on January 26 and it was expected to
be released in Gujarat on 6th February 2007.
While the fear of cinemas being vandalized
by Bajrang Dal elements, if the film is
screened, is being cited as the reason behind
the decision, Dholakia sees a “hidden
agenda” behind the whole controversy. “I am
surprised that multiplex owners are so
shaken by a threat from one person,”
Dholakia said. He was referring to the
Bajrang Dal leader, Babu Bajrangi, who had
said that the film had the potential “to disrupt
the communal harmony” in the state.
Dholakia added,” if the government does not
want its screening, it should have the guts to
formally impose a ban on the film.” He added,
“if Amu, a film based on anti-Sikh riots of
1984 or Black Friday on Mumbai serial
blasts of 1993 could be screened, then why
not Parzania?”
Radio RTK
15 year of broadcasting
On March 14th 2007, Malta’s Radio RTK
entered its 15th year of broadcasting.
RTK’s mission statement clearly defines it as
being a national station based on general
interest that focuses on all aspects of life in
the modern world in the light of Christian
In his Anniversary message, Victor Formosa,
RTK’s Chairman quotes the late Pope John
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
Paul II from his Apostolic Letter The Rapid
Development addressed to those responsible for communications: “In the communications media, the Church finds a precious aid
for spreading the Gospel and religious
values, for promoting dialogue, ecumenical
and interreligious cooperation, and also for
defending those solid principles which are
indispensable for building a society which
respects the dignity of the human person
and is attentive to the common good.”
Certainly not an easy mission in an age such
as ours.
Most of the programmes of Radio RTK are,
in different ways and different formats,
meant to help the person become more
human and to live a more humane environment. They are not only accessible but also
open to scrutiny through discussion and
dialogue. The radio continuously keeps a
balance between being a Church station
with a mission and also being a commercial
Backlash Against Sikh
In the days following the September 11th
terrorist attacks, images of the burning
World Trade Center towers and a bearded
and turbaned Osama bin Laden flashed
across TV screens. President Bush spoke of
the kindness that Americans of all backgrounds were showing one another in a time
of grief. But the messages filling Valarie
Kaur’s e-mail inbox spoke of something
else. The 20-year-old Stanford University
student heard of fellow Sikhs who were
harassed, beaten and even murdered. With
a video camera and the help of her 18-yearold cousin, Amandeep Singh Gill, Kaur
drove across the country to capture the
stories of Sikhs, Muslims, Arabs and others
who were victims of a post-9/11 backlash.
What was intended to be a one-hour video
to accompany Kaur’s thesis turned into an
independent feature-length documentary
film, Divided We Fall: Americans in the
Joanna Corman
The Jesus Project
Originally released in 1979, Jesus followed
the 1977 release of Franco Zeffirelli’s Jesus
of Nazareth. With a considerably smaller
budget and starring British actor Brian
Deacon, the film was gradually released and
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
Catholic interest are shown, both for a little
relaxation and as spark for some lively cultural conversation.
re-released around the world. It was translated into a great number of languages,
including several Indian languages.
For twenty years it circulated everywhere, a
more direct Gospel film, using texts from
Luke (and from John) as the basic screenplay. It received a major cinema re-release
in the late 1990s and VHS copies in many
languages were distributed to pilgrims to
Rome for the Jubilee of 2000. Some of these
versions were edited with episode omissions (for example, the temptations in the
desert from the English language version).
With DVD, the film has been distributed
even more widely. It is sometimes referred
to as The Jesus Project. In fact, it is still a
work in progress. In the early years of the
decade, it was edited to 42 minutes and a
20-minute segment added which showed
life in Palestine at the time of Jesus through
children’s eyes. It was distributed as The
Story of Jesus for Children.
In 2007, some sequences were edited into
Jesus, showing him and his actions from a
women’s point of view. Produced in English,
it was translated into Arabic for women’s
audiences in the Middle East (screened in
Nazareth, March 14th, 2007). This version is
Jesus as seen by Mary Magdalene. (This
also serves as a counterbalance to the
picture of Mary Magdalene from The Da
Vinci Code). The project was financed by
Campus Crusade for Christ International.
(For more information and seeing the evangelical dimensions of the Crusade, especially using the film, see the Life Agape
website, also Come and See, The Christian
Website from Nazareth).
Students enjoy film
and Faith
Crowds of young people have been gathering in the Catholic Chaplaincy Centre, at St.
John the Evangelist Catholic Church on
South Parade, to watch movies. Films of
Bath universities' Catholic Chaplain, Fr Bill
McLoughlin OSM, organized on May 13th
the showing of Romero- the true story of the
Catholic Archbishop Oscar Romero of El
Salvador during the political unrest in the
1980s. "The film reflects on the government
having launched a 'terror campaign' against
the guerrillas in an attempt to crush them.
Romero's protests against the government's
actions are perceived as disloyalty. As an
example to others, the government begins
to destroy churches and murder priests.
Despite persecution, Romero continues to
speak out against the atrocities the government is committing against the people of El
Salvador, until his untimely death", explained McLoughlin.
Trinity FM
Catholic Radio Station
The Catholic Radio Station of the
Archdiocese of Mt. Hagen, Trinity FM 98.1,
celebrated its 4th anniversary in March 2007
at Rebiamul. Its Director Fr. Victor Roche
SVD, announced that Trinity FM has seen a
lot of changes within the last 12 months. He
outlined changes such as live transmission
of programmes, the increase in number of
staff, and better programmes. With the
ongoing fundraising programme, there are
plans to further develop and improve the
station. In the last Catholic Bishops’
Conference meeting, there were plans to
take on a recently established Radio Maria.
Trinity FM plans to relay some programmes
from Radio Maria and also relay news from
the BBC. There are plans for setting-up
more repeater stations and installing broadband.
Students Award
Son of Man
For the first time a jury of students of the
Catholic University of Leuven participated in
12th Afrika Film Festival, from April 20 to
May 5th 2007 in Leuven (Belgium). Son of
Man stimulates viewers to think and does
not leave them feeling indifferent. The organizers of the festival had asked the student
magazine Veto to select seven students
from the different faculties to judge new films
which have not yet been distributed in
Benelux. These students were confronted
by films from Africa for the first time. They
discovered in Another Man’s Garden the
realities of Mozambique, in Barakat some
aspects of the current political situation in
Algeria, in Bunny Chow a trendy road movie
from South Africa and in La tendresse du
Loup views on urban violence in Tunisia.
It was Son of Man, a south African perspective on the life of Jesus, directed by Mark
Dornford-May, who had won the Golden
Bear at the 2005 Berlin Film Festival with UCarmen eKhayelitsha ,which won the first
Veto-students award. The director dramatised the story of the life of Jesus in the situation of contemporary Africa and asks what
would be happen today, if someone in Africa
came forward with the same message as
Jesus. The students gave the reasons for
their award: "We selected a film which
stimulates viewers to think and which does
not leave them feeling indifferent. Musical
beat, rapid rhythms, alternation of several
styles and original shots ensure that the film
is always stimulating. It is a film of a ’bestseller’, but nothing is obvious in it; the story
as we know it is turned upside down".
The Veto jury gave a special commendation
to Africa Paradis, directed by Sylvestre
Amoussou (Benin). The jury members were
touched by the revolutionary aspect of the
story which they didn’t find in the other films
of the competition. Amoussou confronts the
viewer with the theme of migration, situating
the story in an imaginary future where
Europeans have to fly their impoverished
continent to find a safe haven in Africa,
where there is prosperity and peace.
Radio “La voix de la paix”
Début mars 2007, le Président de la
République du Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza,
a visité la station de radio Ijwi ry’amahoro
(“La Voix de la Paix” en kirundi). Cette radio,
appartenant à la Conférence des évêques
catholiques du Burundi et agréée le 6 octobre 2005 par le Conseil national de la
communication (CNC), est la onzième
station agréée au Burundi et la deuxième
station de l’Eglise catholique du Burundi (la
première, Radio Maria, appartient à l’archidiocèse de Gitega, au centre du Burundi).
L’objectif de cette visite du Président était de
se rendre compte du fonctionnement de la
station et des problèmes auxquels elle fait
face. Le directeur de la radio a profité de
l’occasion pour solliciter son soutien. Le
Président a réaffirmé que son gouverne-
ment ne ménagerait aucun effort pour épauler les organes de presse. Il a aussi exprimé
sa satisfaction quant au travail fourni par la
radio et a rappelé que les médias burundais
avaient un grand rôle à jouer dans cette
période d’après conflit, entre autres pour la
consolidation de la paix et le développement
10e anniversaire
Radio Maria Togo
Radio Maria Togo (RMT) a 10 ans. A cette
occasion, une messe solennelle d’action de
grâce a été dite à la Grotte “Notre Dame des
Victoires” de la paroisse de Lomé. Lors de la
célébration, on notait la présence du Père
Faustin Yigbé, directeur des programmes de
RMT Lomé, du Père Abey Rodolphe Folly,
directeur de Radio Maria Station de Kpalimé
et de René d’Almedia, président de
l’Association Radio Maria Togo. Durant le
sermon, les difficultés de Radio Maria Togo
ont été évoquées : vols de matériel de
transmission, problèmes financiers, suspension ou interdiction d’émettre… Le Père
Kété a enfin exhorté les fidèles et tous les
auditeurs à soutenir moralement, financièrement et matériellement la station mariale
dans la poursuite de sa mission d’évangélisation. Créée en mars 1997 à Lomé, Radio
Maria Togo compte aujourd’hui 5 stations
basées à Dapaong, Kpalimé, Kara,
Sotouboua et Lomé.
et communication
“L’introduction des nouvelles techniques de
l’information et de la communication va
transformer notre système éducatif (.)” Les
mots sont lancés par Gaston Nkuyu, président du Conseil d’administration des instituts supérieurs privés à Kinshasa, en RDC.
Le 21 avril 2007, au collège Saint Etienne,
ce cadre précise que ce jour marque d’une
pierre blanche la naissance d’une des
œuvres des Missionnaires du Sacré Cœur
en RDC, le Caentic, Centre d’appui à l’enseignement des nouvelles technologies de
l’information et des communications. Le
président du Conseil d’administration des
instituts supérieurs privés a signalé
qu’Olivier Misimi, technicien supérieur en
maintenance électro-informatique, avait
constaté un manque cruel de cette nouvelle
technique dans les écoles. Nkuyu a signalé
dans ce contexte la décision de créer le
Caentic, qui, a-t-il précisé, n’est pas une
Ong, mais un cadre de formation et d’acquisition des connaissances nouvelles dans le
domaine de l’informatique.
Radio Renascença &
Prix de la Tolérance
Radio Kaoze
Le diocèse de Kalemie-Kirungu, au
Katanga, RDC, a inauguré sa station radiophonique “Radio Kaoze”, baptisée ainsi en
souvenir du premier prêtre congolais du
diocèse et du pays. Le président de la radio
est Mgr Isidore Katele, vicaire général du
diocèse de Kalemie-Kirungu. Dans la ville
de Kalemie, qui compte 50.000 habitants,
cette station diocésaine ne laisse personne
indifférent. Les habitants non catholiques de
Kalemie suivent eux aussi de près le lancement de la radio. Ils déplorent le silence de
plomb qui s’abat régulièrement sur la diffusion des réalités socio-politiques de leur
milieu, faute de moyens de communication
sociale sur place. Pour mettre fin à ce
silence, les émissions de Radio Kaoze
ciblent la méditation et la parole de Dieu, la
culture, la santé et les droits humains. La
théologie, la philosophie, le développement
et les nouvelles du diocèse ne sont pas en
Le reportage de la journaliste Anabela Góis
de la Radio Renascença a été primé par le
prix 2006 "Journalisme pour la Tolérance catégorie Radio", une initiative du Haut
Commissariat pour l'Immigration et les
Minorités Ethniques. Le reportage était
consacré au service pour l'aide aux immigrés (Linha SOS Imigrante).
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
Une bibliothèque
numérique pour le Sahel
Une bibliothèque numérique portant sur une
cinquantaine d’années d’archives audiovisuelles sahéliennes va être mise en place
au terme d’un partenariat entre l’Unesco,
une université américaine et un organisme
ouest-africain. Des bandes audio, des enregistrements musicaux, des films et des
photographies seront numérisés afin de
«privilégier la préservation du contenu culturel et du savoir local présentant un intérêt
particulier». La future bibliothèque numérique sera ensuite accessible sur le Web. Ce
projet résulte d’un partenariat entre le
“Programme Information pour Tous” (PIPT)
de l’Unesco et la Kent State University
(Ohio), qui elle-même formera des chercheurs du Centre de recherche ouest-africain (Croa/Warc) de Dakar et leur fournira
les ordinateurs nécessaires au travail de
L’Église et
les communications
Chaque dimanche sur RFO, vers 6h45, les
croyants peuvent suivre une émission
catholique réalisée par une équipe de bénévoles. Les thèmes sont divers et essaient de
prendre en compte la vie de l’Eglise, à la fois
locale et universelle. Une fois par mois,
l’émission est construite sur base des textes
de la liturgie du jour pour permettre à ceux
qui n’ont pas la possibilité de participer à la
messe du dimanche de rejoindre, par la
prière et la méditation, l’ensemble des chrétiens. Les messes radiodiffusées à partir de
la Cathédrale St Joseph de Nouméa ont lieu
tous les 15 jours à 9h sur RNC. Depuis le
début de l’année, l’émission “Jour du
Seigneur” est diffusée chaque semaine sur
Télé Nouvelle-Calédonie, le dimanche vers
7h45. Cette émission religieuse, qui existe
depuis 57 ans, est l’émission de télévision la
plus ancienne de Nouméa. Elle est
programmée par le CFRT (Centre Français
de Radio-Télévision) qui se trouve à Paris.
Sept magazines, tels que ceux de Noël,
Pâques, Ascension, Pentecôte, Assomption,
Toussaint sont réalisés à tour de rôle par les
huit diocèses des Départements et
Territoires d’Outre-Mer. Lors d’événements
spéciaux dans les diocèses, comme le
200ème anniversaire de la naissance de St
Pierre Chanel en 2003 pour la Nouvelle
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
Calédonie, l’émission est coproduite par le
CFRT, RFO et France 2. Le reste de la grille
est complété par la rediffusion de programmes du Jour du Seigneur coproduits par le
CFRT et France 2. Il faut aussi noter que la
Messe de Noël est diffusée chaque année à
partir d’une paroisse de Nouméa avec la
participation de RFO Nouvelle Calédonie.
Chaque année depuis 2002, les huit
Délégués Episcopaux pour l’Information se
réunissent au CFRT à l’invitation du Père
Noël CHOUX, producteur délégué JdS sur
RFO, pour faire le calendrier des émissions
réalisées par les diocèses d’Outre-Mer et
apprendre les techniques pour leur
programmation et leur réalisation. Le site du
diocèse de Nouméa
est régulièrement mis à jour. Il contient des
informations intéressantes et diverses en
texte et en images. Une rubrique spéciale
“média” vient d’être installée pour informer
des programmes TV et Radio du mois en
cours. Le site Internet de “Jour du Seigneur” est un des
premiers sites chrétiens français mis en
ligne en 1996.
Le CFRT a lancé en avril 2006,
première plate-forme vidéo à la demande
spécialisée dans le domaine religieux sur
Internet. Il permet de choisir puis de regarder des vidéos sur son ordinateur. Tout au
long de l’année, de nouveaux contenus
viendront enrichir JDS.TV en fonction de
l’actualité. Ces émissions aident à approfondir la foi et à avoir une meilleure connaissance de l’Evangile, ce qui aide le croyant à
ne pas se laisser déstabiliser par les “faux
prophètes”, ceux qui proclament avec
aplomb des contre-vérités. Le site du
diocèse contient plus d’informations et les
programmes des émissions catholiques en
radio et en télévision.
S. Danielle LE MOULLEC smsm
Enfant et information
dans les médias
Le Bureau régional pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest
de Save the Children / Suède appelle les
médias africains à se pencher davantage
sur les questions liées aux droits des
enfants. Cette préoccupation de l’Ong internationale découle de son étude intitulée
«Enfant et information dans les médias»,
menée au Sénégal entre janvier et mars
2006. Elle révèle que seuls 10 % des informations traitées par les médias concernent
les enfants. Les résultats de l’étude ont été
partagés avec les journalistes sénégalais au
cours d’un atelier organisé le 20 décembre
2006. Selon Save the Children / Suède, ces
constats faits au Sénégal pourraient être les
mêmes dans la presse africaine en général.
L’étude citée montre que les médias consacrent plus de place aux thèmes de l’éducation et de la formation (25 % environ) qu’à
ceux relatifs aux manquements aux droits
des enfants tels que l’exploitation, les violences et les abus sexuels (13 %).
de SIGNIS France
Nouveau membre national de SIGNIS en
France, SIGNIS France a été créé ce 15
mars 2007, par une association loi 1901
dont les statuts ont été déposés à la préfecture de Paris. Philippe Harrouard, journaliste
de la chaîne nationale France 2, a été
nommé Président de SIGNIS France.
Arnaud de Coral, producteur du Jour du
Seigneur, en est le trésorier et Magali Van
Reeth, journaliste et attachée de presse du
jury oecuménique au Festival de Cannes, la
secrétaire générale.
SIGNIS France regroupe des professionnels
de radio, télévision, cinéma, vidéo, éducation aux médias, Internet et nouvelles technologies qui souhaitent soutenir et contribuer à la richesse du réseau mondial de
SIGNIS, notamment à travers :
- l’éducation aux médias
- la promotion d’émissions de qualité dans
les réseaux des radios et télévisions chrétiennes
- l’attribution du Prix du Jury oecuménique
au Festival de Cannes et d’un Prix
SIGNIS aux festivals du film d’Amiens et
de Toulouse
- constituer un support pour les journalistes
et réalisateurs chrétiens engagés dans
les stations et programmes grand public
Contact :
Magali Van Reeth
+ 33 (0)6 88 30 36 62
renueva directorio
El jueves 17 de mayo 2007, en Quito, la
Asociación Católica de Comunicación
SIGNIS-Ecuador realizó su asamblea ordinaria para consensuar las líneas de acción
y elegir el nuevo Directorio para el periodo
2007-2010. Los miembros establecieron 4
líneas de acción: capacitación y formación,
festivales y premios, fortalecimiento institucional y fortalecimiento de la imagen de
SIGNIS en el contexto nacional y mundial.
La nueva Comisión Directiva de SIGNIS-Argentina: Agustín Neifert, Adrián Baccaro,
Richard Noseda, María Laura Paz, Graciela Garzelli y Marcelo Fernández.
SIGNIS-Argentina con
nuevos directivos
Al fin de abril 2007, en Buenos Aires, tuvo
lugar la asamblea anual de SIGNISArgentina. Durante la mañana, los integrantes de la Comisión Directiva saliente (Carlos
Ferraro, Graciela Garzelli, María Laura Paz,
Adrián Baccaro y Daniel Sotelo) presentaron un informe de lo realizado los últimos
tres años. Tras lo cual se pasó a las elecciones de los integrantes de la nueva
Comisión Directiva y los fiscales de cuenta.
Fueron electos: Richard Noseda (presidente, Santa Fe), Graciela Garzelli (secretaria y vicepresidenta 1ª, Buenos Aires), María
Laura Paz (tesorera y vicepresidenta 2ª,
Buenos Aires), Adrián Baccaro, (director del
Departamento de Educomunicación y 1er
vocal, Quilmes), Agustín Neifert (director del
Departamento de Crítica e Investigación y
2° vocal, Bahía Blanca), Martín Bernal
(director del Departamento de Espiritualidad
y 1er vocal suplente, Morón) y Marcelo
Fernández (director del Departamento de
Producción y 2° vocal suplente, Bahía
Blanca). Los fiscales de cuenta electos
fueron: Juan Miguel Bestani (Buenos Aires),
Gabriela Valinoti (Ramos Mejía) y Rocco
Oppedisano (Buenos Aires).
Los treinta miembros presentes, se reunieron en los cuatro departamentos para realizar aportes al Plan 2007-2010 que la nueva
Comisión Directiva terminará de diseñar en
los próximos meses.
Los derechos humanos
y el audiovisual
El Festival Internacional de Cine de
Derechos Humanos de América Latina y el
Caribe (Derhumalc) se originó a partir de la
plena convicción de que "cada mujer,
hombre, niña y niño, para materializar su
pleno potencial humano debe ser consciente de todos sus derechos humanos,
civiles, culturales, económicos, políticos y
sociales". Su finalidad es promover la reflexión y el debate que lleve a primer plano la
cuestión de los Derechos Humanos en el
mundo a través de la representación artística contenida en la realización de filmes y
videos de producción independiente. En el
9º Derhumalc, el Jurado SIGNIS, decidió
otorgar su premio al documental
L'orchestra di Piazza Vittorio (Italia) dirigido por Agostino Ferrente. "Por hacer realidad un sueño donde 'la unidad en la diversidad' es un hecho que se concreta a través
de la música como vehículo de comunicación e integración entre hombres y mujeres
pertenecientes a diferentes culturas". El
jurado entregó también una mención al
documental Semillas (España), dirigido por
Cristian Perenyi. "Por la construcción de un
excelente documento para recuperar la
memoria, otorgándole la voz a sus protagonistas después de 60 años de silencio". El
Jurado SIGNIS estuvo integrado por los
argentinos Blanca María Monzón (presidente), José Antonio Salas (secretario) y
Gabriel Aquino (vocal).
El Directorio quedó conformado por personas representantes de varios lugares del
país y de acuerdo a diversos perfiles profesionales en comunicación. Fueron electos:
Eduardo Guerrero (presidente, Latacunga),
Carmita Coronado (vicepresidenta, Quito),
Catalina Mier (primer vocal principal, Loja),
Marianela Pinto (segundo vocal principal,
Quito), Armando Grijalva (tercer vocal principal), José Mármol (primer vocal suplente,
Quito), Estevan Segarra (segundo vocal
suplente, Cuenca) y Marcelo Mejía (tercer
vocal suplente, Quito). Además los asambleístas decidieron conformar el Equipo
Asesor Eclesial, cuya misión es la de acompañar el trabajo de la asociación, quedando
integrado por los padres: Salvador Calva
(Zamora), Jaime Terán (Ibarra) y Rolando
Calle (Quito). Los miembros de SIGNISEcuador reafirmaron su compromiso de
trabajar conjuntamente con la directiva para
generar una comunicación solidaria guiada
por los valores del Evangelio.
Orlando Mercado
Camacho (1965-2007)
El domingo 3 de junio, a los 42 años,
falleció en la ciudad de Cochabamba
(Bolivia) el sociólogo, politólogo y
docente de las universidades Orlando
"Maqui" Mercado Camacho luego de una
excursión realizada con sus alumnos de
la Universidad de Aquino Bolivia
Formaba parte de la OCIC-SIGNIS en
Cochabamba y desde allí impulsó
durante años la difusión del cine boliviano y latinoamericano. Desde la tarea
periodística promovía la difusión de películas alternativas al cine comercial norteamericano. Publicó también libros y
ensayos sobre cine, especialmente sobre
el cine boliviano.
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
Media Education
A new set of Media Education trainers, fourteen sisters and brothers from different
congregations was the outcome of a weeklong workshop organized by Santhome
Communications Centre, Chennai, early
May 2007. The course was directed by Fr.
Vincent Chinnadurai and coordinated by Mr.
Magimai Pragasam.
A new set of Media Education trainers (fourteen sisters and brothers from different
congregations) was the outcome of the
workshop organized by Santhome
Communications Centre, Chennai, from
April 30 to May 5, 2007. The course was
directed by Fr. Vincent Chinnadurai and
coordinated by Mr. Magimai Pragasam.
‘Imparting skills to critically analyse the
media products, enabling them to understand how media messages are
constructed, helping them to identify their
inner potential and use them creatively”
were the three major objectives of the workshop. ‘Learning through doing’ was the
methodology adopted with four major exercises, namely, radio programme production,
social advertisement production, television
spot production and writing letters to editors.
As special features of the course were ‘Meet
the Expert’ sessions, during which the
participants had the opportunity to interact
with film directors, actors, editors and journalists to get the inside stories of the media
The participants were also exposed to a
satellite television and a feature film shoot in
AVM studios. Film directors Prabhu
Solomon and S.S. Stanely, film actress
Kaniga, film editor B. Lenin, Namvazhvu
weekly editor Fr. Madurai Anand, Director of
DBICA Fr. Harris sdb, Director of Culture
and Communications Fr. Joe Arun sj, journalist and social activist Joseph Raj, SIGNIS
India President Fr. Dominic Emmanuel,
experts from Santhome Fr. Thisai Gerry,
Rajabukshaw, Edward and Ramesh made
the sessions highly interactive. All the
productions by the participants such as television spots, radio talks, radio documentaries, dramas and letters to editors were
presented during the valedictory function.
“The productions by the participants reveal
the effectiveness of the workshop” said Fr.
Joe Antony sj, Editor of New Leader who
presided over the function and awarded the
Media News
Santhome Communications Centre
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
Media Education Manifesto
The media of communication occupy a most important place in our lives today. They
constitute our physical and psychic environment. If you walk around in the open, you will
soon find yourselves surrounded by billboards and posters shouting the messages of the
corporate world. At home, television is a fixture similar to the water tap. Put the TV on
and a flow of audiovisual messages pours in. And then there are radio, newspapers,
magazines, CDs and DVDs, and, of course, the Internet. Our physical and psychic environment has been totally appropriated by ‘corporate speech.’ We are told what to know,
what to think about, what we have to know, what style of life to adopt, and above all,
since we are held as mere consumers, what to desire and ... to buy. Are we, then, totally
under the coercive power of the empire of mind? [1] That is the first question towards
media self-education. What do I know, what do I think, what do I desire, what do I
like…and what do I buy that has not been prompted into me by the media?
Step number two. A study of the media as institutions and as disseminators of the ‘corporate speech’ [2] is required. Who owns the media? Who controls the media? Scholars in
Asia have discussed the “Murdochization” of the media in this part of the world and even
beyond.[3] The media are an integral part of the power complex – military, economic
and cultural. While George Bush wields military and economic power, Rupert Murdoch,
with his TV channels and the 175 editors of his multifarious press empire are his cheerleaders. For instance, if Bush attacks Iraq, Murdoch and his media orchestra exult in a
paean to the economic prospects the war will bring about.[4]
If one disagrees with Bush’s action and if one dislikes Murdoch’s media ‘music’, then
what can one do? Answer: wake up to the fact that thanks to the very media that can
have such a negative influence, one also has, for the first time in the history of
humankind, the possibility of voicing dissent and of uniting with millions of like-minded
brothers and sisters the world over to engage in anti-capitalist action. [5] The Internet is
used freely to voice dissent in a variety of ways. One way is to subvert the dominant
discourse, by transforming, for instance, McDonald’s into McDeath, or profaning ‘holy’
icons, by showing, for instance, a ‘dancing Bush.’ [6] And there is collective action too.
When the war on Iraq was declared a new crusade, over ten million people took to the
streets to express their disapproval.[7] And when the French Government passed a law
unfavourable to young people under 26, French students paralyzed the universities for
over a month; the Villepin Government had to withdraw that law. Action is possible and
efficient.[8] Media Education is self-education for liberation and revolution.[9]
Gaston Roberge
[1] Strangelove, Michael: The Empire of Mind: Digital Piracy and the Anti-Capitalist Movement.
Toronto, 2005. [2] Strangelove, op. cit., passim. [3] Thussu, Daya: ‘Taming the Dragon and the
Elephant: Murdoch’s Media in Asia’. In Media Development, 2004, No. 4. Quarterly Journal of the
World Association of Christian Communication (WACC). Strangelove, op. cit. p. 77. [4] Thussu, id.
[5] Strangelove, op.cit. p. 77. [6] [7] Strangelove, op. cit. p. 214. [8] [9] Manifesto published January 2007.
Les télévisions catholiques
Initiatives nouvelles
i, dans le monde particulier des
médias catholiques, on observe
aujourd'hui la multiplication d'initiatives nouvelles, c'est bien dans le domaine
de la télévision. Plusieurs conférences épiscopales d'Afrique ont obtenu de leurs
gouvernements les autorisations pour lancer
leur propre station de télévision. C'est le cas
au Togo, qui prépare une télévision catholique nommée "SPES". Mais d'autres pays
rêvent d'en faire autant, au Kenya, en
République Démocratique du Congo, par
exemple. En Zambie, le studio de production télévisuelle Yatsani se présente désormais sous le label "CMSTV" pour "Catholic
Media Services TV" et continue à produire
un magazine Lumen 2000 pour la chaîne
nationale de télévision. Ce même studio
assure sa survie économique en produisant
des spots publicitaires pour la télévision.
Internet : l'avenir
de la télévision ?
Nombreux sont ceux qui pensent que l'avenir de la télévision passe par Internet et l'interactivité qu'offre ce media. C'est en tous
cas la conviction de Niklas Zennström et
Janus Friis, les cofondateurs de Kazaa et de
Skype, qui se lancent dans un vaste projet
de télévision gratuite via Internet, sous le
nom de "Joost". Sur le site
les internautes peuvent découvrir un large
choix de programmes de télévision pour
fabriquer leur propre programmation. Cette
"VoD" (vidéo à la demande) est appliquée
par la télévision catholique de France "Le
Jour du Seigneur" via un site spécialisé : Là aussi, l'internaute fait ses
choix et peut même acheter des programmes en ligne. La télévision catholique du
Brésil, Canção Nova, a également lancé un
site en six langues (portuguais, français, anglais, italien, espagnol et
allemand… cette dernière langue n'étant
pas encore développée). En Autriche, K-TV
propose des programmes en streaming sur
le site
Au Canada, Sel & Lumière propose une
webémission quotidienne que vous pourrez
découvrir sur Cette
émission existe en langue française et en
anglais sur Aux
Etats-Unis, Faith and Values propose sur
Internet un espace interreligieux où vous
pouvez découvrir de nombreux programmes
à la demande. Rendez-vous à www.faiths-
22 Nous ne
donnons ici que quelques
exemples de sites qui
offrent des programmes
en ligne.
Sites dédiés
aux télévisions
Depuis plusieurs années,
SIGNIS a cherché à
soutenir les télévisions
catholiques et leurs producteurs de
programmes. Ce fut d'abord en apportant
son appui à l'initiative de CRTN (Catholic
Radio and Television Network), à
Königstein. Cette institution vient d'ailleurs
de réorganiser son site web :
offrant aux internautes de nombreuses
ressources d'information.
Dès 2003, le "tvdesk" de SIGNIS réunissait
des responsables de télévisions catholiques
et des producteurs afin de susciter les collaborations. Un premier séminaire eût lieu au
Cap (Afrique du Sud). D'autres séminaires
eurent lieu à Strasbourg, Prague, Lyon et
Madrid. Le sixième séminaire aura lieu en
novembre 2007, à Bucarest, à l'occasion
d'un festival international de cinéma et de
télévision portant sur le thème des droits
des enfants. Plusieurs initiatives sont nées
de ces séminaires. Vous pourrez les découvrir en visitant le site que
SIGNIS prépare actuellement et qui offre
déjà plusieurs programmes en streaming
vidéo, dont le pilote du magazine Signs.
Nous invitons donc tous ceux qui sont actifs
dans les domaines de la production ou des
télévisions catholiques à visiter ce site et à rejoindre le réseau du
"tvdesk" de SIGNIS.
Robert Molhant ([email protected])
Good Religious TV Vitally
Important, European
Broadcasters told
The traditional historic world religions are
still hugely important in shaping the Europe
of today and religious broadcasting should
reflect that fact, argued Michael Wakelin, the
Head of the BBC’s Religion and Ethics
department. He was giving the opening
speech at the WACC/SIGNIS European TV
Festival of Religious Programmes, held at
the Gimlekollen School of Journalism and
Communication in Kristiansand, Norway
from May 16-20, 2007.
The term ‘religion’ should not be replaced by
words such as ‘spirituality’ and ‘vague faith’,
he said. At the heart of religious broadcasting, “ there has to be a solid body of content
and expertise that deals with the main religious traditions, celebrating them, exploring
them, interrogating them, reflecting themthat is our foundation. And the beauty of the
word “religion” is that it is big enough to then
cover all the individualistic beliefs, superstitions and vague spiritual longings that are
undoubtedly out there.” Religious broadcasters had a vital role to play in reflecting the
continuing importance of religion in people’s
The former Prime Minister of Norway, Kjell
Magne Bondevik, now President of the Oslo
Centre for Peace and Human Rights, also
spoke. The Centre, he said, aims to
“promote peace and reconciliation, with
strong emphasis on interfaith dialogue.” He
challenged the participants “to consider if
and how you can use the media for the
same purpose. News programmes in the
media are often conflict oriented. But other
programmes, which I know you are working
on, open up more room for going deeper, for
example by facilitating dialogues in television programmes.”
Broadcasters from France, Semeur de
Gospel (Présence Protestante) the
Netherlands, Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht
(IKON), Great Britain, Every Parent’s
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
Nightmare (BBC) (which also won the
audience prize, chosen by the festival participants), and Ireland, Last Judgement
(RTE),were the prize winners at the
Festival. Commendations were given to two
programmes : Words of Wisdom (NCRV,
the Netherlands) and The TV Pastor (TV
Inter, Norway). For the first time there was
a special prize for the best website linked to
a programme in the competition. This was
awarded to Faith, Sex and Hope(lessness) from the Dutch broadcaster, IKON by
a jury of members of the European
Christian Internet Conference (ECIC).
Also for the first time Jewish, Muslim, Hindu
and Buddhist channels participated in the
Festival. Sixty programmes from 14 countries were originally submitted to the competition, and of these, 19 were chosen for
screening in Kristiansand. The Festival was
organized by the European regions of
WACC and SIGNIS in collaboration with the
Gimlekollen Mediehøgskolen, Kristiansand
and with the support of the Norwegian
Broadcasting Corporation, NRK.
Jim McDonnell
CRTN promueve
el intercambio
La Red Católica de Radio y Televisión
(CRTN), promueve el intercambio entre 163
productoras de TV católicas, 137 cadenas
de televisión y más de 1.300 emisoras de
radio. Ante el surgimiento de nuevos canales de televisión católicos en el mundo, ha
relanzado su servicio en Internet, a través
del cual los productores católicos puedan
presentar su programación y los canales
católicos puedan encontrar esos contenidos.
El director gerente de CRTN, Mark
Riedemann, explica: "los canales católicos
saben que los productores con programación católica de calidad están allí, pero
como las estrellas en el cielo, puedes verlas
pero no sabes como alcanzarlas". "Esto es
particularmente cierto en América Latina continúa Riedemann- donde hoy en día se
encuentran más de la mitad de los canales
católicos del mundo".
Para responder a esta necesitad, CRTN ha
puesto en marcha la versión actualizada de
su servicio en Internet para
facilitar la presentación, negociación y distribución de programación católica a nivel
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
Award winners at the WACC and SIGNIS European Festival of Religious TV in Norway:
From left to right: Piet Halma, IKON, the Netherlands, Séverine Boudier-Daude, Présence
Protestante, France, Roger Childs, BBC, England, Ida Overdijk, IKON, the Netherlands,
and Mike Peelo, RTE, Ireland. The award was a piece of art by well known Norwegian
artist Else Marie Jakobsen. (Photo by Marie-Therese Kreidy).
mundial. "Nosotros comenzamos un servicio básico de intercambio en Internet en
1998, porque comprendimos que había una
necesidad creciente. Sin embargo, en ese
momento, solo considerábamos el mundo
de habla inglesa", explica Riedemann. "Es
interesante, pero no inesperado, que el
crecimiento más fuerte haya sido el de
América Latina. Pronto tomamos conciencia
de que nuestro servicio presentaba una
carencia con respecto al idioma castellano y
que necesitaba una actualización", añade.
"Al principio consideramos la posibilidad de
dividir el sistema en dos: un servicio en
inglés y otro en castellano para el mundo de
habla hispana. Pero a través de contactos
con colegas de América Latina comprendimos que, para ellos, estar encerrados en su
propio mercado era un riesgo y tendría
como consecuencia una escasa comunicación y oportunidad de presentación fuera de
sus fronteras".
"Consecuentemente, con la ayuda de la
productora BNC (Rosario, Argentina)
desarrollamos un motor de búsqueda en el
cual aparecen todos los programas en todos
los idiomas relacionados a una temática
determinada. Esto permitirá a las estaciones católicas seleccionar dentro de un
amplio espectro de programación disponible", aclara el encargado del servicio. El
sitio de CRTN en Internet es un servicio no
comercial, alentado por SIGNIS y apoyado
económicamente por la agencia de Ayuda a
la Iglesia Necesitada.
Capacitación de productores audiovisuales
Trece países: Bolivia, Brasil, Perú,
Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Ecuador,
Costa Rica, República Dominicana, México,
Honduras, El Salvador, y la anfitriona
Colombia, participaron del Seminario Taller
Latinoamericano de Producción de
Argumentales y Documentales de
Televisión, que se realizó desde el 16 al 27
de abril en la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia.
Este encuentro tuvo como objetivo desarrollar, en los participantes, habilidades y
destrezas en los principios básicos de la
producción y expresión televisiva con fines
educativos y pastorales acordes con el
lenguaje y la estética narrativa audiovisual y
Este evento fue organizado por el Centro de
Comunicación Educativa (CEDAL), dirigido
por Gladys Daza Hernández, Asociada
Individual de SIGNIS, y con la asistencia de
P. Jorge Luis Rodríguez, Secretario
Ejecutivo del Departamento de Comunicación del CELAM (Consejo Episcopal
Latinoamericano) y un equipo de docentes
conformado por reconocidos especialistas
en el campo del cine, guión, sonido, y con
titulares en la cátedra universitaria.
Radio comunitaria en América Latina
para servir a campesinos e indios
n este tiempo de globalización, la
riqueza de Latinoamérica está cada
vez más en las manos de pequeños
grupos con contactos internacionales o a
menudo accionistas internacionales en el
caso de las multinacionales. Esos “pocos
afortunados” controlan también los grandes
medios internacionales y gracias a la ola
privatizadora también se hicieron propietarios de las radios comerciales locales. Para
estos grupos económico-políticos, la
concientización cultural y política, y la
educación para la comunicación no son
prioridad, muy por el contrario. Desean
maximizar sus ganancias y controlar los
medios. Las pequeñas comunidades, los
pueblos originarios, los campesinos sin
tierra y otros grupos usan en forma
creciente la radio como herramienta cultural
y política para la defensa de sus derechos y
para desarrollar su comunidad. En estas
redes, la Iglesia Católica ha jugado y juega
un rol fundamental. Se presentan a continuación dos ejemplos -el primero en Costa
Rica y el siguiente en Bolivia- de cómo la
radio está al servicio de las poblaciones
Treinta años de radio
cultural por los
Desde 1977, la Junta Directiva del Instituto
Costarricense de Enseñanza Radiofónica
(ICER) quería que “el oyente se convierta
en sujeto de sus propias experiencias de
comunicación por medio de la instalación de
radioemisoras regionales que estén a su
alcance”. Por tal razón se hicieron gestiones
para que, en 1980, el Movimiento de
Hombres Católicos de Austria financiara un
estudio sobre la factibilidad técnica y económica del proyecto. El estudio lo realizó la
empresa Austroconsult y lo concluyó en
agosto 1981. Esto permite al ICER concretar la idea de las radioemisoras culturales.
El ICER nació en 1973 gracias a la visión de
su fundador el P. Franz Tattenbach, sj.
El detectó que los campesinos de esta
región centroamericana solicitaban que se
les ofreciera la oportunidad de aprender a
leer, escribir y, en general, aprender más
para poder entender los acontecimientos y
las actividades que enfrentaban día a día.
Fue así como se concibió un sistema de
educación a distancia que permitiera a los
campesinos y a los indígenas capacitarse
en un ambiente propio, sin tener que abandonar su comunidad para hacerlo y se le
llamó: “El Maestro en Casa”.
La idea de instalar pequeñas radioemisoras
culturales, quería favorecer a la población
costarricense que se encuentra alejada o no
puede ser atendida por los centros educativos y culturales existentes. De hecho, dos
terceras partes de la población total vive
fuera del Valle Central, y no puede integrarse de lleno al desarrollo social, cultural y
económico del país. De esta manera, el
ICER con este programa viene a llenar un
vacío, una necesidad urgente de los campesinos e indígenas de solucionar el problema
de la alfabetización. Ellos son lo que el
Padre Tattenbach llamó los “culturalmente
El proyecto indica que las emisoras culturales deben ser administradas por asociaciones no lucrativas, dedicadas exclusivamente a satisfacer las necesidades de las
comunidades de la región; su funcionamiento está a cargo de Asociaciones
Radiofónicas Regionales constituidas de
acuerdo a los estatutos elaborados para
definir las labores y las responsabilidades
de cada radio regional. El punto de partida
de las pequeñas radioemisoras culturales,
se da en 1979 con el proyecto piloto La Voz
de Talamanca, en Amubri, lo que aportó
valiosas experiencias. En abril 1982, se
instala la segunda estación de radio en
Turrialba y ese mismo año se inauguran
cuatro, ubicadas en Buenos Aires, Boruca,
Pital de San Carlos y Nicoya. En 1983,
funcionan cuatro más en Los Santos, Upala,
Tonjibe de Guatuso y Los Chiles. En febrero
de 1985, se establecen otras dos radioemisoras, una en La Cruz (Guanacaste) y otra
en Ciudad Neilly (Puntarenas), para sumar
un total de 12.
El ICER ha podido aprovechar las experiencias de muchos años de la Asociación
Latinoamericana de Educación Radiofónica
(ALER) y de las instituciones que la forman.
Se ha recibido bastante asesoría y capacitación de parte de Radio Nederland Training
Centre (RNTC), que actualmente tiene su
sede en Costa Rica. También, ha ayudado
en la capacitación el Centro de
Producciones Alternativas (PROA) con sede
en Alemania.
50 años de Radio Pío XII
o el Indio-radio
En los 80s, 90s y parte del siglo XXI, algunos predicaron que “la historia había llegado
a su fin”. La Radio Pío XII no se creyó el
cuento, nadó contra corriente. Se aferró a
su fe y dijo: es posible ser diferente, construir una comunidad y una sociedad justa
para todos y diferente.
La Red Pío XII decidió nadar, arar, sembrar
y cosechar junto a los marginados: Por ello,
la Red Pío XII siembra desarrollo en los
áridos terrenos de los municipios en las
provincias y los barrios marginales del norte
de Potosí, Oruro y Cochabamba. Promueve
el fortalecimiento de organizaciones populares, vecinales o naturales para que impulsen su propio desarrollo. Los Consejos de
Desarrollo Municipal, los Comités de
Vigilancia, las organizaciones campesinas
naturales y/o sindicales, organizaciones
vecinales y cívicas son espacios participati-
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
In this time
of globalisation...
vos donde el pueblo y la comunidad debaten
y deciden en democracia participativa.
En varios municipios del Norte de Potosí,
provincias de Oruro y Cochabamba, los
padres de familia junto a maestros protagonizaron seminarios pedagógicos, elaboraron
planes de estudio diversificados, apoyan el
trabajo de los profesores, vigilan la buena
calidad educativa y escribieron sus propios
reglamentos internos de Juntas Escolares.
La capacitación es el abono que se echa en
los líderes de las organizaciones populares
para que sean actores del desarrollo. Los y
las líderes serán así capaces de promover la
mejora de sus calles, orientar a sus vecinos
de base, controlar a sus autoridades, vigilar
la buena ejecución de obras y practicar valores humanos como la solidaridad y la democracia en sus organizaciones.
La comunicación para el desarrollo
promueve la participación ciudadana en los
municipios. Cinco Programas radiales están
dedicados a promover el desarrollo: Manos
a la Obra en el Norte de Potosí, Manos a la
obra en los municipios de Oruro,
Municipios somos todos en la población
de Llallagua (Potosí) y Desde mi Barrio en
Cochabamba. Radio Pío XII camina por
montañas, ríos y pueblos junto a los indígenas aymaras y quechuas, pero también de
otras nacionalidades y regiones del país.
Los quechuas y aymaras han tomado el
micrófono para participar, elegir a sus diputados uninominales en la circunscripciones
40 y 41, a Subprefectos, a Consejeros
Departamentales; y luego escribieron planes
y agendas de trabajo para que sus representantes hagan lo que el pueblo manda
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
hacer. Con sus luchas sociales, han logrado
cargos que antes les estaban prohibidos:
ahora son Alcaldes, Concejales Municipales,
Consejeros Departamentales, Parlamentarios. Los indígenas “han tomado” los
micrófonos de la Red Pío XII para hacerse
escuchar con otros sectores sociales, para
hablar entre ellos, para enviar su mensaje o
su saludo. No es extraño escuchar comentarios de algunas personas que califican a
Pío XII como “indio-radio”.
La Red Pío XII, con sus FMs en
Cochabamba y Oruro, sus ondas media y
corta de Siglo XX, tiene programas en red
dedicados a los indígenas quechuas y
aymaras. Los mineros, los jóvenes, los
niños, las mujeres, los emigrantes hablan y
se intercomunican en la Red Pío XII. La Pío
XII ayudó a organizar ERBOL (Escuelas
Radiofónicas de Bolivia) y es coproductora
de los noticieros Encuentro Nacional de
esa cadena que es hasta hoy el miembro
nacional de SIGNIS en Bolivia.
En América Latina la Radio Pío XII es parte
de la Asociación Latinoamericana de
Educación Radiofónica (ALER). Cada
madrugada y cada noche, las redes
quechua y aymara desenvainan el lenguaje
para comunicarse con su país y el mundo.
La Red Pío XII es responsable de la producción de programas de la red quechua boliviana y la red quechua de Latinoamérica. En
esos programas los quechuas de Bolivia,
Perú y Ecuador se reconocen como hermanos de una sola nación y se intercomunican.
Los programas de las radios de Oruro y
Cochabamba se escuchan en el real audio,
en la página
In this time of globalisation, the wealth
of Latin America is ever more concentrated in the hands of a small group with
international links, or often foreign
shareholders, in the case of multinationals. These 'happy few' also control the
mainstream media and with the liberalisation of the media, they have also
penetrated society with local commercial radio. For these economic-political
groups, cultural and political awareness
and media education is no priority, on
the contrary. They want to make money
and control the media. Local communities, indigenous peoples, landless farmers and others use radio more and more
as a cultural and political tool to defend
their rights and to develop their community. In these networks the Catholic
Church is a significant presence. In this
article we present two examples of how
radio is being used for the benefit of the
local population, one in Costa Rica and
the other in Bolivia.
Dans cette période
de mondialisation...
Dans cette période de mondialisation,
la richesse de l'Amérique latine est plus
que jamais entre les mains de petits
groupes ayant des liens internationaux
ou étant actionnaires de multinationales. Ces "élus" contrôlent aussi les
médias traditionnels, surtout depuis la
libéralisation des médias dans les
années 1990. Ils ont également envahi
la société avec des radios locales
commerciales. Pour ces groupes
économico-politiques, la conscientisation et l'éducation culturelle et politique
par les médias ne sont pas une priorité,
au contraire. Ils veulent faire de l'argent
et contrôler les médias pour leur bienêtre uniquement. Actuellement, les
communautés locales, le peuple
autochtone, comme les fermiers sans
terre ou les ouvriers, utilisent de plus en
plus souvent la radio comme un outil
culturel et politique afin de défendre
leurs droits et de développer leur
communauté. L'église catholique a une
présence significative au sein de ces
réseaux. Notre article présente deux
exemples illustrant l'utilisation de la
radio au profit de la population locale,
d'une part au Costa Rica et d'autre part
en Bolivie.
Des films qui donnent
envie de vivre
El cine en Bahía Blanca. Memoria y
homenaje es un libro apasionante no sólo
para los habitantes de Bahía Blanca pero
también para los amantes del cine en general. El autor habla de la relación de la
ciudad con la producción, distribución, exhibición y conservación. Al mismo tiempo,
describe, analiza y comenta la vida cotidiana de los diferentes actores sociales. Así
se describe el importante papel de los cinebares en los años del cine mudo.
Le cinéma, invitation à la spiritualité,
de Michèle Debidour. Éditions de l’Atelier
Il n’est pas toujours simple d’aller au cinéma
“en tant que chrétien”. Comprenez : de voir
un film avec le goût d’y trouver une histoire
qui donne à penser, un montage qui ouvre
des horizons, un jeu d’acteurs qui dessine
des profils humains “habités”, une mise en
scène inspirée… Et l’on ne dispose pas
forcément non plus, ensuite, des outils pour
porter sur ce film un regard ni naïf ni froid,
préservant sa force d’émotion tout en suscitant la réflexion.
Si vous avez ce désir de lecture “croyante”
d’une œuvre cinématographique, soit pour
votre compte personnel, soit pour en faire
profiter d’autres (famille, amis, ciné-club…),
le livre de Michèle Debidour est pour vous.
Cette enseignante de l’Université catholique
de Lyon – qui s’était déjà signalée avec La
quête spirituelle dans le cinéma contemporain (Profac, 1996) - propose des outils
simples et efficaces pour relire un film en lui
faisant donner tout son fruit quant au sens
qu’il véhicule. L’essentiel, dès lors, n’est pas
qu’un film traite d’un sujet explicitement religieux, ni même qu’il se veuille une démarche à label spirituel. Quant à trouver des
critères univoques selon lesquels un
message filmique pourra être qualifié de
“chrétien”, rien n’est moins simple, comme
on le voit ici à partir d’un retour très éclairant
sur Breaking the waves, de Lars von Trier.
Les dizaines d’exemples pris en compte
dans ce livre montrent bien cette complexité, des Ailes du désir à Witness, en
passant par Le festin de Babette ou La
Strada. Bien sûr, nul n’est tenu de partager
toujours l’analyse de l’auteur, même si on la
suit sans peine dans sa prédilection pour
des réalisateurs comme Bresson, les frères
Dardenne, Kieslowski et surtout Tarkovski.
L’enjeu, en tous les cas, est qu’un film mette
en scène des valeurs disposant d’un pouvoir
symbolique digne de ce nom. Ce que
Michèle Debidour appelle des films “qui
donnent envie de vivre” ! Son propos est
largement convaincant.
Michel Kubler
The Media and the Rwanda Genocide
Edited by Allan Thompson
The news media played a crucial role in the
1994 Rwanda genocide: local media fuelled
the killings, while the international media
either ignored or seriously misconstrued
what was happening. This is the first book to
explore both sides of that media equation.
The book examines how local radio and
print media were used as tools of hate,
encouraging neighbours to turn against
each other. It also presents a critique of
international media coverage of the
cataclysmic events in Rwanda. Bringing
together local reporters and commentators
from Rwanda, high-profile Western journalists, and leading media theorists, this is the
only book to identify and probe the extent of
the media's accountability. It also examines
deliberations by the International Criminal
Tribunal for Rwanda on the role of the media
in the genocide. This book is a startling
record of the dangerous influence that the
media can have when used as a political tool
or when news organizations and journalists
fail to live up to their responsibilities. The
authors put forward suggestions for the
future by outlining how we can avoid
censorship and propaganda, and by arguing
for a new responsibility in media reporting.
The book includes an opening statement
from Kofi Annan and an introduction by
Senator Roméo Dallaire. An important part
is dedicated to the role of hate programmes
on radio. This study closes with an important
La obra se ocupa también del papel que
jugaron los católicos en la comunidad del
cine de esa ciudad. Por iniciativa del Círculo
Católico de Obreros se construyó en 1909 el
cine-teatro Colón. Finalmente, veinte años
después, la sala fue adquirida por la congregación salesiana. Después de una renovación, en 1962, y con la bendición del obispo
José Borgatti la sala cambió su denominación por cine-teatro Don Bosco.
Es interesante indicar que entre las primeras películas realizadas en esta ciudad se
encuentra la filmación de la procesión del 24
de septiembre 1904, con la imagen de
Nuestra Señora de la Merced, patrona de
Bahía Blanca. Si bien la histórica visita a
Bahía Blanca de Juan Pablo II, el 7 de abril
1987, fue documentada en el film El Papa
entre nosotros (35 minutos) que con
mucho público se presentó en el cine Don
Bosco (1988), no hay muchas películas que
se ocupen de la religiosidad de la ciudad.
El autor de esta obra necesaria es Agustín
Neifert. Quien es miembro activo de la
Asociación de Cronistas Cinematográficos
de Argentina, confundador del Centro de
Estudios de Cine de Bahía Blanca y Director
del Departamento de Crítica e Investigación
de SIGNIS-Argentina.
This book can be downloaded for free at
w w w. i d r c . c a / f r / e v - 7 1 3 1 3 - 2 0 1 - 1 - D O _
or bought at Pluto Press/Fountain
Publishers/IDRC 2007
ISBN 978-1-55250-338-6 - 480 pp.
El cine en Bahía Blanca.
Memoria y homenaje
de Agustín Neifert
Se publica un libro que investiga la llegada
y el establecimiento del cine en la ciudad de
Bahía Blanca (Argentina). Un estudio interesante que permite descubrir el impacto del
cine en esa comunidad del sur bonaerense.
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007
Festival de la Centrale
Catholique de Cinéma
Un éclat :
La 55ème édition du Festival de la Centrale Catholique de Cinéma
(Le Caire) a récompensé le film Malek wala Ketaba (Pile ou Face) de
Kamla Abou Zikri qui a raflé à lui seul cinq prix, dont celui du meilleur
film, malgré le fait que le film n'ait pas connu de succès populaire lors
de sa projection en salle. Ce deuxième long métrage de la très
prometteuse Kamla était en étroite compétition avec quatre autres
films sélectionnés parmi les 40 films projetés en salle en 2006. Il n'a
pourtant pas séduit le public de la centrale, qui a donné son prix à
Mattab sénaï de Waël Ehsan, une comédie légère sans prétention,
très bien menée.
un nouveau court métrage
sur l'importance de la spiritualité
pour l'homme
Awqatt faghar (Temps perdu) de Mohamed Mostapha méritait plus
d'attention. C'est une histoire de tous les jours, celle de jeunes
désœuvrés, qui vivent sans repères. Bien que matériellement bien
lotis, ils sont perdus dans la vie. Le jeu des jeunes comédiens était
remarquable, comme le film dans son ensemble. Il a quand même
reçu un prix d'appréciation. Tout comme El Abaa El Seghar de Derid
Lahham. Une très belle histoire simple et très bien rendue par le jeu
de quatre enfants qui sont les vedettes du film.
Tradition oblige, cette année encore la Centrale, en marge du festival,
a rendu hommage à des vétérans du cinéma dont l'actrice Lébléba,
qui a fait ses premiers pas au cinéma dès son plus jeune âge surtout
dans les comédies musicales. L'acteur comique Wahid Seif a aussi
reçu un hommage pour l'ensemble de sa carrière. Tout comme l'actrice Zizi El-Badrawi et le comédien Saïd Saleh. Un prix spécial de la
Centrale a été remis au fils de l'écrivain et scénariste Abdel Hay Adib.
L'acteur Hicham Sélim et l'actrice Maali Zayed ont reçu des prix pour
leurs rôles respectifs dans des feuilletons télévisés.
Un grand nombre de comédiens étaient présents à la soirée car le
festival de cinéma de la Centrale conserve un cachet spécial. Malgré
sa simplicité, il reste le festival " fétiche " des grandes vedettes du
cinéma qui y ont toutes, un jour ou l'autre, été récompensées. La
jeune génération apprécie également ce festival et ses prix, car, ils ne
récompensent pas seulement leur travail artistique, mais également
les valeurs dont les œuvres sont porteuses : respect de la dignité
humaine, des droits de l'homme, des valeurs morales, humaines et
sociales. Ainsi donc, ce festival demeure un événement culturel et
artistique pour les familles, toutes confessions confondues.
Ida Ghali
De gauche a droite : Youssef Amin, supérieur des Franciscains;
Mgr. Antonios Naguib, patriarche Copte Catholique, Mamdouh Al
Leisi, producteur, les acteurs Ahmed Helmi, Ména, Maali Zayed,
Wahid Seif et Saïd Saleh.
Pierre Lumens, la cinquantaine, est un homme brisé. Depuis
son veuvage, il est fermé au monde, aux hommes, aigre et nihiliste. Il n'a dans la vie d'autre passion que son travail : restaurateur d'œuvres d'art. On lui confie un jour la restauration d'un
vieux crucifix. Une étrange et paradoxale relation (d'attirance répulsion) s'installe entre l'objet et lui, et va, après bien des
résistances inconscientes, ramener Lumens dans l'humanité, la
pitié et peut-être la piété.
Le cinéaste français Rodolphe Viémont souhaitait montrer avec
ce film le dénuement d'une époque aux sens avachis au travers
du personnage de Lumens, un restaurateur d'art incapable de
percevoir la fonction magique des objets dont il a la charge. Par
le biais de sa profession, Viémont a voulu raconter l'histoire
d'une double restauration. Celle de l'œuvre à laquelle - par la
patience de son regard - il rend vie. Et la sienne : Lumens à son
tour est réparé par l'objet qui, lui tendant le miroir de ses propres craintes, lui permet de les exorciser. Un éclat est donc l'histoire d'une rencontre improbable entre deux ensembles très
éloignés, un solitaire abîmé en lui-même et un objet égaré dans
le temps. Ce film TV de 25 minutes est produit par Fée
Clochette Production en coproduction avec Soleil Cherche
Futur et Le Pèlerin Magazine, avec le soutien du CFRT.
Teaser visible sur
Contact : Rodolphe Viémont
Tél.: 233 674 49 69 42
Email : [email protected]
SIGNIS Media N°2/2007

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