Curriculum Vitae - Christian Theological Seminary


Curriculum Vitae - Christian Theological Seminary
Curriculum Vitae
Carmelo E. Álvarez
B. A. University of Puerto Rico, 1969
M. Th. Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico (Magna Cum Laude), 1971
Doctoral Studies, Church History, Emory University, 1971-1974
Ph. D. Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2006
Dissertation: “Sharing in God’s Mission: The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the
Evangelical Pentecostal Union of Venezuela, 1960-1980”
Honors and Awards:
North Award, Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico, 1970
Alumni Association Award, Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico, 1971
Division of Overseas Ministries Scholarship, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 1971-1974
Candler School of Theology, Teaching Fellow Scholarship, 1971-1974
World Council of Churches Scholarship, 1974-1975
Order of Saint Sergius, Russian Orthodox Church, 1983
Civic Award, Government of Puerto Rico, 1987
Honorary Member, ACHTUS (Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians in the US) 1997
Academic positions:
Teaching Fellow, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, 1971-1974
Visiting Professor, Theological Community of Mexico, 1974-1975
Visiting Professor, Modern History, IUCE, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Institute on
the Science of Education), Mexico, 1975.
Church History and Liturgy Professor, Latin American Biblical Seminary, Costa Rica, 1975-1989.
Visiting Professor, National University of Costa Rica, 1976, 1985
Secretary of Admissions, Latin American Biblical Seminary,
Director, Department of General Studies, Latin American Biblical Seminary, 1975-1978
President, Commission on Academic Affairs, Latin American Biblical Seminary, 1975-1977
President, Latin American Biblical Seminary, 1979-1982
Visiting Professor, Perkins School of Theology, Summer 1983
Visiting Professor, Theological Community of Chile, Second Semester, 1983
General Coordinator, DEI (Ecumenical Research Department), Costa Rica, 1987-1992
Researcher and Professor of Ecumenism, DEI, 1987-1992
Visiting Professor on Pentecostalism and Ecumenism, Latin American Biblical Seminary, 1989-1992
Professor, PACTO, Theological Education Program at a Distance, Maracaibo, Venezuela 1988-2009
Visiting Professor, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago,
1992-1993, 1997, 1999, 2000
Missionary in Residence, Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, Indiana, Second Semester,
Affiliate Professor, Latin American and Caribbean Christianity, Christian Theological Seminary,
Visiting Professor of Church History and Theology, Christian Theological Seminary, 1997-2000
Interim Dean of Students, Christian Theological Seminary, 1998-1999
Dean of Students, Christian Theological Seminary, 1999-2002
Affiliate Professor, Church History and Theology, Christian Theological Seminary 2000Adjunct Professor, SEMISUD (Seminary of the South, Church of God, Quito, Ecuador), 20032
Visiting Professor, Latino Studies Program, Brite Divinity School, 2004Adjunct Professor, Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico, 2007-
Courses taught:
Emory, 1971-1974: Church History I & II
Mexico, 1974-1975: Reformation Theology
The Restoration Movement in the USA
Political Ethics of the Protestant Reformation
History and Theology of Liberation
Costa Rica, 1975-1992: Christianity and Culture
Church History I & II
Christian Worship
Introduction to Homiletics
Pentecostalism in Latin America
History and Theology
Of the Ecumenical Movement
History of Christian Confessions
Seminar: The Doctrine of God
Seminar: The Doctrine of the Spirit
History of Christian Thought
History of Christianity in Latin America
Political Ethics of the Reformation
Venezuela 1976-1989: Pastoral Ministry Series: Intensive Courses Pentecostal Institute of the
Evangelical Pentecostal Union of Venezuela:
The Pastor as Liturgist
The Pastor as Preacher
The Pastor as Prophet
The Pastor as Theologian
Perkins, summer 1983: People of Hope: The Protestant Movement in Central America
Chile, Second Semester, 1983: Political Ethics of the Reformation, History of Christianity in Latin
Chicago, 1992-1993: History of Protestantism in Latin America andthe Caribbean. Seminar: God
in Latin America
Indianapolis, Christian Theological Seminary:
Church History I: Early Church to Reformation, 1993-2001
Hispanic Theology in the US 1994, 1996, 1997, 1999
Liberation Theology, 1993-2001
History of Pentecostalism in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1994, 1995, 1997
History and Theologies of Liberation in a Globalized World, Fall 2002, Summer
2003, Summer 2004, Summer 2005
Quito, Ecuador, SEMISUD: History and Theology of the Protestant Reformation, 2003-2007.
Other Areas of Teaching Competence and Current Research Interests:
Popular Religiosity in Latin America
Introduction to Theology
Pastoral Ministry
Liberation Theologies in the Third World
Cross-cultural Issues in Mission
Afro-Caribbean Religious Movements
Contemporary Missiology
Secondary areas of teaching Competence:
Theology of Preaching
Liberation Ethics
Evangelism and Mission
Ecumenical Ethics
Lectures and articles:
El uso de los himnos en ls Cantatas de Bach, (The Use of Hymns in Bach's Choral Cantatas),
Monograph in Partial Fulfillment, M. Th., Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico, 1971 (Spanish)
“Dimensiones de la Pastoral Latinoamericana” (Pastoral Dimensions in Latin America)
Commencement Address, Theological Community of Mexico, 1975 (Spanish)
"Bartolomé de Las Casas and the Theology of Liberation,” Lecture, Consultation on the Church and
Indian Liberation, St Louis, 1973.
"The Panama Congress 1916: Its Economic and Political Background,” CEHILA Seminar, Panama,
1976 (Spanish)
"The Role of the Church in Latin America: Between Crisis and Challenge,” Keynote Lecture,
Assembly of Latin American Churches, Oaxtpec, Mexico, Sept. 1978. (English and Spanish)
"Latin America: A History of Oppression,” Third World Seminar, Irazú Hotel, Costa Rica, 1979
"Faith and Knowledge: The Concept of God in Theology Proper,” VIDA Y PENSAMIENTO, San
Jose: SEBILA, 1980 (Spanish)
"Protestant Thought in Puerto Rico,” in Materiales para una historia de la Teologia en América
Latina (Materials toward a History of Theology in Latin America) San Jose: DEI, 1981
"Latin American Protestantism, 1969-1982,” in Sergio Torres (ed.) The Challenge of Basic Christian
Communities New York: Orbis Books, 1981
"Protestant Thought in Latin America 1969-1982,” in Pablo Richard (ed.) Raíces de la teología
latinoamericana (Roots of the Latin American Theology) San Jose: DEI-CEHILA, 1985
"The Cross of Life,” in La Iglesia esperanza en medio del sufrimiento (The Church: Hope in the
Midst of Suffering), Panama: Latin American Council of Churches, 1985
"The Pentecostals in Latin America: Ecumenicals and Evangelicals,” A Consultation on Confessing
the Apostolic Faith from the Perspective of the Pentecostal Churches, Pasadena, 1986
"Protestantismo y misión: Hacia una ubicación histórico-teológica del pensamiento de Orlando E.
Costas en América Latina y el Caribe,” (Protestantism and Mission: Orlando Costas' Theology in
Latin America and the Caribbean) in PASTORALIA Año 10 Números 20-21 Julio-Dic. 1988
"Los pentecostales en América Latina: ¿Ecuménicos o evangélicos? (The Pentecostals in Latin
America: Ecumenicals or Evangelicals?) in PASOS No. 18 July, 1988
"George Casalis y Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Caminos de espiritualidad encarnada,” (George Casalis and
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Ways of an Incarnated Spirituality) in De Basilea a Managua: Georges Casalis
hermenéutica, revolución, fidelidad Managua: CIEETS, 1989
"Felipe Melanchthon: Humanista cristiano,” (Phillip Melanchthon: Christian Humanist) in Teología
alemana y teología latinoamericana de la liberación San José: DEI, 1990
"Las iglesias en la presente coyuntura,” (The Churches in the Present Juncture) Lecture, Latin
American Ecumenical Encounter, Quito, Ecuador, July 1989
"Las iglesias protestantes en la presente coyuntura,” (The Protestant Churches in the Present
Juncture) in PASOS No. 29 Mayo-Junio, 1990
"Oscar Romero y Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Pastores y profetas de Jesucristo,” (Oscar Romero and
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Pastors and Prophets of Jesus Christ) in PASOS No. 18 Julio, 1988
"Perspectiva ecuménica,” (Ecumenical Perspective) in Jornada Teológica en Nicaragua, Agosto,
"La iglesia en Diáspora de Ricardo Shaull: un aporte protestante a la teología de liberación,” (The
Church in Diaspora of Richard Shaull: A Protestant Contribution to Liberation Theology) en Vida y
Pensamiento Vol. 10, No.1, 1990
"Suffering and Hope,” Keynote Address, Faith Works Conference, United Church of Christ,
University of Indiana, summer 1990
"Herencia y destino: Desafío a los anglicanos de la región Central de América,” (Heritage and
Destiny: Challenge to Anglicans in Central America) in Jacinto Brooks (ed.) Eclesiología: presencia
anglicana en la región central de América San Jose: DEI, 1990
Twenty-six articles in Diccionario de Historia de la Iglesia (Dictionary of Church History) Miami:
Ed. Caribe, 1990
(Acosta José de, Altar, Ayuno, Cabildo, Contrición, Ejercicios Espirituales, Encomienda, Esclavitud
en América Latina, Evangelio Social, Iglesias de Cristo, Jesuitas en América Latina, Leyenda Negra,
Mita, Montesinos Antón, Patronato Real, Quiroga Vasco de, Reducciones, Sahagún Bernardino de,
Soto Domingo de, Teólogos-juristas españoles, Torres Camilo, Unam Sanctam, Universidades en
América Latina Colonial, Vitoria Francisco de, Zumárraga Juan de)
"Los proyectos evangelizadores protestantes a 500 años,(The Evangelizing Protestant Projects after
500 years) Three Lectures, Jornada Teológica en Nicaragua, August 1991
"Pentecostalismo y liberación: Un desafio a los pentecostales,” Lecture, I National Pentecostal
Encounter, Maracay, Venezuela, August 1991
"Don Sergio Méndez Arceo: Perfil de un profeta,” (Don Sergio Mendez Arceo: Profile of a Prophet)
in Iglesias Año VIII marzo 1992, Num. 98
"¿Hacia donde va el protestantismo latinoamericano y caribeño?, (Quo Vadis Latin American and
Caribbean Protestantism?), Protestantism and Culture In Latin America, Consultation sponsored by
the Latin American Council of Churches and CEHILA, Quito, Ecuador, July 1992
"El sacerdocio universal: un principio de autoridad en las iglesias evangélicas,” (The Priesthood of
all Believers: A Principle of Authority in the Protestant Churches) XILOTL Num. 9 Año 5 Julio,
"Las iglesias evangélicas en América Latina,” (The Protestant Churches in Latin America)
Diccionario ecuménico breve (Concise Ecumenical Dictionary) Santiago de Chile: Eds. Rehue, 1992
Bible Study, "Power and Authority: Mark 1 and the Central American Spirituality,” in Missionary
Conference, United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), August 1992
"Raíces históricas de la crisis...a 500 años,”(Historical Roots of the Crisis...After 500 years) Keynote
Lecture, VIII Latin American Lutheran Congress, La Paz, Bolivia, September 1992
"Las Iglesias puertorriqueñas frente a la crisis,” (The Puerto Rican Churches face the crisis), Lecture,
Annual Assembly Puerto Rican Evangelical Council, October 1992
"El Kairós latinoamericano: Desafío a las iglesias pentecostales,” (Latin American Kairos: Challenge
to Pentecostal Churches), Keynote Address, Latin American Pentecostal Encounter, Sao Paulo,
Brazil, November 1992
"Pastoral Testimony: An interview with Raúl Suárez,” in Oscar Bolioli (ed.) The Caribbean: Culture
of Resistance, Spirit of Hope New York: Friendship Press, 1993
"Liberation Theology: A Central American Perspective,” "The Cross of Life: Hope and Suffering,”
"Ecumenical Solidarity in Central America,” Interfaith Lectures Series, Sponsored by the Campus
Ministry Association at the University of Alabama, February 26-28, 1993
"Power and Authority: The Gospel of the Kingdom,” "Power and Authority: Mark 1 and Mark 10,”
"The Holy Spirit: A Challenge to Hispanic Disciples,” Lectures, Disciples Hispanic Convention of
the Northeastern Region in the USA, March 1993
"Los Discípulos de Cristo: ¿Restauración o reforma?” (The Disciples of Christ: Restoration or
Reformation?) "Herencia y destino: Un desafío misional,” (Heritage and Destiny: A Missionological
Challenge), The Carmelo Álvarez Pérez Lecture Series, Puerto Rican Convention, Christan Church
(Disciples of Christ), April 1-2 1993
“Pentecostals in Latin America,” Academy of Mission, University of Hamburg, April 1994
“A People of Hope: A Central America Experience,” Chataqua Institution, Religious Lecture Series,
August, 1994
“A Hispanic/Latino Spirituality,” Lecture, Doctor of Ministry, United Theological School, Dayton,
OH, April, 1997
“Spirituality and Healing,” The Prest Lecture, Program of Patient Counseling, School of Allied
Health Professionals, Medical Collage of Virginia Hospitals, Virginia Commonwealth University,
Richmond, Virginia, April 23, 1999
“Is Liberation Theology Finished?” Encounter 59.1-2 (1998)
“To Suffer and…to Love? A Spirituality of Pilgrimage.” Encounter 61.4 (2000)
“Ecumenism of the Spirit: Latin American Voices,” Keynote Lecture, Society for Pentecostal
Studies, Lakeland College, Lakeland, Florida, March 2001
“La Missio Dei en un contexto global. Una lectura ecuménica latinoamericana.” Spiritus 165.42
(December 2001)
“El Concilio Evangélico de Puerto Rico: Desafíos misionales,” (The Evangelical Council of
Churches: Missionological Challenges), Lecture, Assembly, Evangelical Council of Churches,
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, 2002
“George W. Bush and Civil Religion in the US,” Lecture, International Theological Consultation,
Santafé de Bogotá, September 2004
“Puerto Rico,” in The Encyclopedia of the Stone-Campbell Movement
Grand Rapids: W.B. Eerdmans, 2004
“Living in a Globalized World,” Lecture, Christians for Peace Movement, Maracaibo, Venezuela,
February, 2005.
“Pentecostalism in Latin America and the Caribbean,” in Encyclopedia of African American Culture
and History 2nd. ed. Macmillan Reference USA, 2006
“Ethics in a Globalized World,” Lectures, Armed Forces University, Maracaibo, Venezuela, May 2830, 2007
“Caribbean,” in Encyclopedia of Missions and Missionaries NY-London: Routledge, 2007
Pastoral Homiletical Commentaries, in Feasting on the Word. Preaching the Revised Common
Lectionary Year B, Vol. 2 Louisville: WJKP, 2008
“Latin American Spirituality,” in The Encyclopedia of Christianity, Vol. 5 Grand Rapids: W. B.
Eerdmans, 2008
“Ecumenism of the Spirit and Mission,” in Peter G. Heltzel, ed. Chalice Introduction to Disciples
Theology St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2008
“Ecumenism,” “The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, Voodoo,” in Miguel A. de la Torre,
ed. Santa Barbara-Denver-Oxford: ABC-CLIO, 2009
Carmelo Alvarez and Pablo Leggett (eds.) Lectura teológica del tiempo latinoamericano: Ensayos en
honor del Dr. Wilton M. Nelson (Theological Analysis of the Latin American Kairos) San José:
SEBILA, 1979
El protestantismo latinoamericano: Entre la crisis y el desafío (Latin American Protestantism:
Between Crisis and Challenge) México: CUPSA, 1981
Carmelo Alvarez, Roberto Craig and José Míguez Bonino, Protestantismo y Liberalismo en América
Latina (Protestantism and Liberalism in Latin America) San José: DEI-SEBILA, 1984
Santidad y compromiso (Holiness and Commitment) México: CUPSA, 1985
Celebremos la fiesta: Una liturgia desde América Latina (Let's Celebrate the Feast: A Liturgy from
Latin America) San José: DEI, 1986
Cuba: Testimonios y vivencias de un proceso revolucionario: Entrevistas por Carmelo Álvarez
(Cuba: Testimonies and Experiences of a Revolutionary Process: Interviews by Carmelo Álvarez)
San José: DEI, 1989.
Carmelo Alvarez, ed. Teología alemana y teología latinoamericana de la liberación (German
Theology and Latin American Liberation Theology) (ed.) San José: DEI, 1990
People of Hope: The Protestant Movement in Central America New York: Friendship Press, 1990
Una iglesia en diáspora: Apuntes para una eclesiología solidaria (A Church in Diaspora: Notes
Towards a Church in Solidarity) San José: DEI, 1991
Pentecostalismo y liberación: Una experiencia latinoamericana ed.(Pentecostalism and Liberation:
A Latin American Experience) San José: DEI, 1992
Carmelo Álvarez and William O. Paulsell, Spiritual Inheritance: Claim It! Live It! St.Louis: CBP,
Carmelo Álvarez and Carlos Cardoza, Llamados a construir el Reino de Dios (Called to Build God’s
Reign) Bayamón: Puerto Rico Convention Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 2000
Twenty articles, Diccionario intérpretes de la fe (Interpreters of the Faith), Justo L. González, Editor
General, Barcelona: CLIE, 2004
Carmelo Álvarez, Alborada de tiempos fecundos: una teología ecuménica y pentecostal (At the
Dawn of Fertile Times) CLAI: Quito, 2006
Book reviews in Encounter, Pneuma, International Missionary Research Bulletin, Apuntes, MidStream, Polémica, Voices of the Third World
Bible Commentary, “A Biblical Faith,” DisciplesWorld 2002-2006
Forthcoming books:
General Editor, Dictionary of Pentecostalism in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2004Introducción a la unidad cristiana (Introduction to Christian Unity) Abingdon Press
Denominational Work:
Member, Association of Disciples Musicians, 1966-1980
Overseas Staff, Common Ministry in Latin America and the Caribbean, The Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ, 1975-1993, 2002Delegate, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Puerto Rico to the Disciples Ecumenical
Consultative Council 1985-1989
Member, General Board, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the US and Canada, 1997-2002
Member, Faith and Understanding Commission, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 1999-2002
Member, Worship Planning Committee, General Assembly/General Synod, UCC-Disciples, 20002001
Pastoral Experience:
Pastor, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Anones, Puerto Rico, 1966-1967
Pastor, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Dorado, Puerto Rico, 1967-1971
Ministry of the Word, The Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, Diocese of Costa Rica, 1978-1992
Member, Commission on Ministry for the Episcopal Diocese of Costa Rica, 1978-1989
Theological Advisor, Bishop Cornelius Wilson+, Episcopal Diocese of Costa Rica, 1978-1992
Theological Advisor and Member of the Administrative Board, Evangelical Pentecostal Union of
Venezuela, 1976Ordination: Puerto Rican Convention, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), February 13th. 1972
Bishop, Member of Council of Bishops, Evangelical Pentecostal Union of Venezuela, 2009
Ecumenical Participation:
Member, Society for Pentecostal Studies, 1987Founding Member, Ecumenical Commission on Human Rights, Costa Rica, 1978-1992
Member, Editorial Committee, Dictionary of Church History, 1977-1982
Protestant Coordinator, CEHILA (Commision for the Study of Latin American Church History),
1978-1982; Member, Executive Committee, 1980-1982
Secretary, Executive Committee, CELADEC (Latin American Commission on Christian Education),
President, Executive Committee, CELADEC, 1980-1982
Secretary, Special Fund for Ecumenical Theological Education in Latin America, 1979-1981
President, Special Fund for Ecumenical Theological Education in Latin America, 1981-1982
Member, Team Visit to the Soviet Union, World Council of Churches, October 1982
Member, Ecumenical Team Visit to Nicaragua, March 1983
Advisor, General Assemblies, Latin American Council of Churches: Mexico, 1978, Peru, 1982,
Brazil, 1988, Chile, 1995, Colombia, 2000, Argentina 2007
Member, Team Visit to Nicaragua, Latin American Council of Churches, World Council of
Churches, March 1983
Regional Secretary, Caribbean, Latin American Council of Churches, 1984-1986
Secretary, Pastoral Ministry of Consolation and Solidarity, Latin American Council of Churches,
Delegate, World Council of Churches Consultation on Ecumenical Sharing of Resources, El
Escorial, Spain, October 1987
Ecumenical Observer, Municipal Elections, Philippines, January, 1988.
Ecumenical Observer, Ecumenical Delegation, Nicaraguan Elections, 1990
Advisor, CEPLA (Evangelical Pentecostal Coordination in Latin America), 1990Vice-President, Executive Committee, Fondo de Micro-Proyectos Costarricenses (Special Fund for
Small Projects, Costa Rica), 1990-1996
Commissioner, Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development, WCC, 1989-1991
Coordinator, Program on Theology, Economy and Politics, Latin American Network, Commission
on the Churches' Participation in Development, World Council of Churches, 1989-1991
Delegate, General Assembly, Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians (EATWOT),
Nairobi, Kenya, January, 1992
Delegate, General Assembly, EATWOT, The Philippines, December 1996
Executive Secretary and Treasurer, EATWOT, 1992-1996
Member, Faith and Order Commission, NCCC-USA, 1995-1999
The Associated Church Press Awards Judge, 1999
Member, Ecumenical Delegation to Venezuela, September 2002
Official International Observer, Presidential Referendum, Venezuela, August 2004
Official, International Observer, Constitutional Referendum, Ecuador, September, 2008

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