Natalia Cardenas Zuluaga


Natalia Cardenas Zuluaga
Natalia Cárdenas Zuluaga
Calle 36 sur # 25-175
Medellin, Antioquia
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: + (574) 3362410/ (57) 3103929035
Extension Academic Coordinator July 2009- present
Faculty of Psychology
Universidad CES, Medellin-Colombia
As an Academic Extension Coordinator, charged with three components of the Faculty:
 Continuing education: courses, seminars, symposia and conferences about education, mental
health and neuropsychology
 Advice and consultancy to the social and education sectors
 Social projects to meet societal and community needs
Fields of Interest
 Development and Prevention of Youth Violence and Victimization
 Media Effects on Child Health
 Influences on Infant Social Behavior
Masters program, Education and Human Development, July 2012-current
Universidad de Manizales-CINDE
Medellin, Colombia
Specialist, Management / Human Development, 2011
Universidad EAFIT
Medellin, Colombia
Coursework, 2008
Harvard Extension School
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
BA, Psychology, 2007
Universidad CES
Medellin, Colombia
Continuing Education
Juvenile issues, sexual abuse, sexual abuse prevention, violence prevention, conflict resolution,
sales management, women’s mental health, negotiation, leadership and coaching.
 Hospital Universitario san Vicente de Paúl, Medellín-Colombia, Psychology
 Unidad de Atencion Integral Integral -Attention Unit, Office of Education and Culture,
Itagui-Colombia, Neuropsychology
The International Center for Education and Human Development CINDE
Medellin-Colombia, Research assistant: field study on childhood in Medellin
“Diagnostico Social Situational de la Niñez en Medellin”
“Drugs and Alcoholism Prevention and Municipalities Healthy life style Promotion”.
Remedios- El Carmen Antioquia – Colombia; E.S.E CARISMA
Professional Activities
Chair and Academic Coordinator:
 III International Symposium on School Harassment (Bullying): Initiatives and
Challenges for Prevention in Early Childhood, Children and Youth;, October 2012
 II International Symposium on School Harassment (Bullying): Intervention Strategies
and Successful Experiences ,, October 2010
 I International Symposium on School Harassment (Bullying): Psycho educational
Approach, Research and Interventions;, October 2009
Founder and Representative, Universidad CES
Observatory on School Violence (Universidad CES, FUNLAM, Universidad de Antioquia,
Instituto Popular de Capacitación and Corporación Región, 2011-present
Founder and Representative, Universidad CES
National Antibullying Network, Universidad CES, Universidad de Antioquia, Universidad
Javeriana de Cali, Universidad La Sabana, Universidad de Los Andes and Universidad del Norte,
Validation of the School Harassment (Bullying) Instrument CIE-A (Short Form)
Coordinator and Co-researcher
I First Meeting for Students, Teachers and Parents: Perceptions, Definitions and Strategies
about School Bullying
Presentations and Workshops
Percepciones, Definiciones y Estrategias que Estudiantes, Padres y Docentes tienen acerca de
la Intimidación Escolar (Perceptions, Definitions and Strategies that Students, Parents and
Teachers have about School Bullying)
III Simposio International Acoso Escolar (Bullying): Iniciativas y Retos para la Prevencion en
Primera Infancia, Ninez y Juventud
University CES
Facultad de Psicología
4 -5 October, 2012 Medellin, Colombia
Simposio Acoso Escolar (Bullying); Conceptualización, Contextualización y Medición
(Symposium on School Bullying: Conceptualization, contextualization and Measurement)
XV Congreso Colombiano de Psicologia
Fundacion Universitaria Los Libertadores
Facultad de Psicología
25-28 April, 2012 Corferias, Bogotá, Colombia
Acoso Escolar (Bullying); Conceptualización y Estrategias de Intervención
17 Seminario Institucional Ciudad Don Bosco, Colombia
November 3rd, 2011
Institutions and schools
Bullying in Colombia: the Efforts and Challenges as a Latin-American Country
American Psychological Association (APA)
19 November, 2012 Washington, DC- United States
Bullying in Colombia: the Efforts and Challenges as a Latin-American Country
University at Buffalo
Alberti Center for Bullying Abuse Prevention
Graduate School of Education
24 October, 2012 Buffalo, New York- United States
Conference “Acoso Escolar (Bullying); Conceptualización y Estrategias de Intervención” to
parents, schools and teachers
Alcaldía de Medellín, Medellín, Antioquia
Alcaldía de Itagüí, Itagüí, Antioquia
Colegio La Presentación Medellín, Antioquia
Colegio Colombo Británico Envigado, Antioquia
Colegio Santa María del Rosario Medellín, Antioquia
Colegio Jose María Berrío, Medellín, Antioquia
Colegio San José de la Salle, Medellín, Antioquia
Colegio Windsor Royal School, Montería, Cordoba
Colegio Campestre, Montería, Cordoba
Colegio El Recreo, Montería, Cordoba
Colegio Colombiano de Psicólogos COLPSIC (Member since 2009)
Interamerican Society of Psychology SIP (Member since 2011)
Member of the executive committee of the XXXIII Interamerican Congress of Psychology
Flinders Research Centre: Student Wellbeing and Prevention of Violence, SWAPv (Member
since 2012);
Fundación Positivos por la Vida, Medellín, Antioquia
June 2011-present
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
February – May 2009
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Center for Workplace Development
Bridge to Learning and Literacy
November 2008 – May 2009
Soñar Despierto, Medellín- Colombia
January 2000 – December 2007
Casa de María y el Niño (Adoption Center), Medellín- Colombia
January 2000 - December 2007

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