June 12, 2016 - St. James Catholic Cathedral


June 12, 2016 - St. James Catholic Cathedral
St. James Cathedral
215 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando FL 32801 www.stjamesorlando.org
Phone: 407-422-2005—Fax: 407-422-2009
June 12, 2016
David Gray , Carlos Sola &
Patrick McAvoy
Pastoral Ministry:
Sr. Mary Katherine Palisin, SND
School Principal: Dawn Helwig
Reverend John McCormick
Parochial Vicars:
Rev. Vilaire Philius
Rev. Serge Pardo
Bishop of Orlando
Most Reverend John Noonan
The Holy Father, in a recent chat with young people in this jubilee year of mercy, told them
that happiness in this life and the next is not just another app. It is a useful reminder for many
of us who may have grown accustomed to pressing our finger on our smart phones or laptops
and things seem to happen. Here at St. James Cathedral Parish there is a sizeable number of
elderly parishioners who enjoy the benefit of attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on
weekends, because the church bus makes the rounds of some of our downtown high rise
apartment complexes. This, of course, takes place not because we have acquired one of those
machines that drive themselves, but because men and women in our parish have made this
possible by their commitment. Naturally, with the passing of time, some of them become
elderly themselves and are no longer able to provide this service. We are in constant urgent
need of parishioners who will offer their time and talent so that this Eucharistic offering can
continue. Like the Holy Father reminds us, it is not simply another app. It requires a particular
driver’s license but most especially an investment of time. Think simply in terms of pick up,
attend Mass and drop off and in real time week after week. As a parish that wishes to think of
itself as caring for those who have labored in the Lord’s vineyard even unto the dusk of their
days, we have a debt of gratitude to those who in the past and now have made this
commitment. The invitation is open to anyone who feels the calling is there, and they have the
God given ability and time to respond. It is not another app, but it could be you.
God bless,
Fr. John
Sr. Mary Katherine Palisin, SND to retire
“The devotion and witness of the Sisters of Notre Dame from my home parish and high school served
as graces to join the Notre Dame community,” says Sister Mary Katherine. Her ministry includes 22
years of teaching in parish elementary schools throughout Ohio, Washington .D.C. and Florida, most
notably St. Paschal Baylon , Highland Heights, Ohio; Our Lady of Victory, Washington, D.C. and Our
Lady of Lourdes, Dunedin, Florida. Sister spent 12 years as director of religious education at St.
Joseph in Winter Haven, and for the past 15 years, has served in the pastoral care and bereavement
ministry at St. James Cathedral. She has been an enormous source of comfort to parishioners facing
a difficult time in their lives, illness and the death of a loved one. We have been blessed to have her as
part of our St. James community. But Sister will continue her life of service to the elderly and retired
Sisters of St. Joseph back in Cleveland. She will be in Pastoral Care in her community. Though saddened by our loss, we
are happy to know that her community will be in her kind and gentle care. Sister will be leaving for Ohio at the end of June.
Peter’s Pence Collection
In this Jubilee Year of
Mercy, Pope Francis has
called each of us to be a
witness of charity for
our suffering brothers
and sisters living on the
margins. He encourages
us to “open our eyes
and see the misery of
the world, the wounds
of our brothers and sisters who are denied their
dignity, and let us recognize that we are compelled
to heed their cry for help!” Next weekend we
unite with the Holy Father through the Peter’s
Pence collection, helping those suffering the
effects of war and violence, natural disasters and
religious persecution. Please be a generous
witness of charity.
We are hoping to enhance our
lobby area in the Parish Office and
are seeking two chairs. We are also
in need of queen size headboards
for the Rectory. If you should
have either item and would like to
donate, please send a picture to
[email protected]. We appreciate your
Please remember in your prayers
our parishioners who are ill,
Angela Sutton, Dolores Sutton, Pete Bryant,
Jean Niccoleti, Roberto Garcia,
Jorge Guzman, Maureen Murray,
Fr. Peter Henry
We are looking for a part
-time maintenance
worker and a full time
front desk receptionist/
administrative assistant
for the Cathedral. Details, qualifications
and the application are available on our
website at stjamesorlando.org, or call 407422-2005 and ask for Larry or Coleen.
Please help us spread the word if you know
of anyone looking for employment.
Sacrament of Baptism for Infants
Baptism of your child is a
wonderful blessed occasion for
your child, family and our parish
community. Parents seeking
Baptism should set up an
appointment with Valeira at 407422-2005 ext. 119 or
[email protected].
Wednesday, June 15 is a
good time to turn off the
voices inside and outside
our heads and tune into
what God wants to tell us
through Adoration! Please
join the Young Adults in
the Chapel for an evening of prayer, praise
and worship. Rosary will begin at 7 PM
followed by Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament at 7:30 PM.
Vigil (Saturday) 4 PM, Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:15 PM (Spanish),
5 PM, 6:30 PM (Kreyole)
Weekdays: 7 AM, 12:10 PM Saturdays: 8 AM
Confessions: Monday-Friday: 11:30 AM Saturdays: 3 PM, Spanish: Sunday, 11:45 AM
Adoration and Exposition: Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM-noon Pro-life Holy Hour Wednesday 6 PM
There are still a great
many baby bottles
outstanding. Please bring
back any bottles taken for
the JMJ fundraiser. They can be
returned next weekend or dropped
off at the Parish Office.
When I say “Thank You” to God!
Please pray for our Youth as they are
on a Mission Trip to Charleston,
South Carolina. They will be returning on Sunday June 12.
Monday, July 4 Parking Fundraiser!
We will be selling spaces at the
Wednesday July 6 Movie Night for all 7th-12th
grade students. Please see the website for more
Treasure: April & May $624.98
Envelopes received: 547
A Way Of Life For A Grateful Disciple
“When I entered your house, you did not give me water for
my feet…”
Today’s Gospel calls us to consider how we serve
God. Do we consume like the Pharisee who simply
reclines at the table and expects to be served? Or,
do we contribute like the woman who kneels before
Jesus and washes His feet? Every day we must
make a choice. Take or give? Consume or
contribute? Recline or serve?
Stewardship June 4 & 5 $29,858.65
St. Vincent de Paul $2,961
For your convenience, electronic funds transfer and credit
card giving is available at stjamesorlando.org.
Thank you for placing God first!
Journey Into Faith
Are you feeling called to Christ?
Are you interested in becoming
Catholic? Are you in need of a
sacrament? Next class session
begins on Tuesday, July 26. For
more information, call Steve at 407
-422-2005 ext. 123 or e-mail
[email protected].
Monday, June 13
7:00 AM Robert & Carolyn Trosky
12:10 PM Conrad Guevaro †
Tuesday, June 14
7:00 AM Fr. Jordan Grime †
12:10 PM John Callahan
Wednesday, June 15
7:00 AM Robert Couch †
12:10 PM Lynn Siekiewicz †
Thursday, June 16
7:00 AM Bishop Norbert Dorsey †
12:10 PM Frank Sevick †
Friday, June 17
7:00 AM Murray Osgood †
12:10 PM Ana O’Loane †
Saturday, June 18
8:00 AM Crystel Alexandre
12:10 PM Norma Hofstetter †
Sunday, June 19
7:30 AM Anne Leblanc †
9:00 AM Ed Kolesar †
10:30 AM Dulce Foyo †
12:15 PM Humberto Reyes †
5:00 PM Manuel Angel Rivera †
Come, Father of the poor!
Come, source of all our store!
Sequence, Veni Creator Spiritu
Dear Friends in Christ:
We celebrate Pentecost Sunday, remembering the
extraordinary gift of the breath of the Holy Spirit
which emboldened the first followers of Christ to
share the Good News with those whom they
encountered. We too receive this gift and go forth
from the Eucharistic table glorifying the Lord by our
The 27 ministries funded through Our Catholic
Appeal are visible signs of the breath of the Holy
Spirit in our world today. Be emboldened and glorify
the Lord through a gift to Our Catholic Appeal for this
year. As we welcome the Holy Spirit into the hearts
of the faithful, we renew the face of the earth by the
good works realized through these important
Whatever you are able to provide in the Lord’s name
brings forth the first fruits of the Spirit. If you have
not participated in Our Catholic Appeal in recent years,
please pray about the possibility of making a modest
gift to Our Catholic Appeal for 2016.
It is easy to give through our secure website. Please visit www.cfocf.org/OCA/give to make
your pledge.
Thank you for your generosity. May we seek the source of all our store.
Sincerely yours in Christ
Most Rev. John Noonan
Bishop of Orlando
Semana antes de la Colecta
¿No es una app?
El Santo Padre en una conversación reciente
con unos jóvenes en este jubileo del año de
la misericordia, les dijo que la felicidad en
esta vida y en la siguiente no es solo otra
app. Es un recordatorio conveniente para
muchos de nosotros que nos hemos
acostumbrado a presionar el dedo en
nuestros teléfonos inteligentes o
computadoras para que aparezcan cosas.
Aquí en la Catedral St. James hay una
cantidad de personas mayores que se
benefician de asistir al Santo Sacrificio de la
Misa durante los fines de semana porque el
autobús de la iglesia hace las rondas por los
condominios del centro de la ciudad. Esto
por supuesto, se lleva a cabo no porque esas
máquinas se manejen solas, sino porque hay
hombres y mujeres de nuestra parroquia que
lo han hecho posible gracias a su
compromiso. Naturalmente, con el paso del
tiempo, algunos están mayores y no pueden
ofrecer este servicio. Estamos en una
necesidad constante y urgente de
parroquianos que puedan ofrecer su tiempo
y talento para que este ofrecimiento
Eucarístico pueda continuar. Como nos
recuerda el Santo Padre, no es otra app.
Requiere un permiso de manejar especial,
pero especialmente es una inversión de
tiempo. Piense simplemente en términos de
recoger, asistir a misa y dejar en tiempo real
semana tras semana. Como una parroquia
que desea pensar de sí misma como una que
se preocupa por los que han trabajado en la
viña del Señor aun en el anochecer de sus
días, le debemos gratitud a aquellos quienes
en el pasado y ahora han hecho este
compromiso. La invitación está abierta para
cualquier persona que sienta el llamado y a
quien Dios le haya dado la habilidad y el
tiempo para responder. No es otra app, pero
podrías ser tú.
Dios los bendiga,
Padre John
La próxima semana la
diócesis realizará la
Colecta Peter’s Pence, la
cual le proporciona al
papa Francisco los
fondos que necesita para
llevar a cabo sus obras de
caridad alrededor del
mundo. Lo recaudado
beneficia a nuestros
hermanos y hermanas que viven al margen de la
sociedad, incluyendo a las víctimas de guerra,
opresión y desastres. Únanse a nuestro Santo Padre
como un testigo de la caridad para aquellos que
La única manera en que la
administración de St. James
puede adecuadamente
atender a los feligreses de la
parroquia es cuando las
familias o los individuos se registran como
miembros de la parroquia. Constantemente
hay personas buscando ser casados en la
catedral, desean una carta de recomendación
para ser padrinos de bautismo o
confirmación, y a la vez insisten que son
miembros de la parroquia aunque no están
registrados. Les pido que cuanto antes se
registren que pueden hacer en persona en la
recepción de la parroquia o bien por medio
de la computadora y el website de St. James
Corresponsabilidad una forma de vida para un
discípulo agradecido
Colecta: 5 de junio……$1,726.16
¡Gracias por colocar a Dios primero!

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