My Life as a Bee


My Life as a Bee
F U N !
My Life as a Bee
By Sharon Callen
Talk through your thoughts.
• How did little bee change from a baby bee to a busy bee?
• Think about what you were like as a baby. Now think about what you’re like as
a first grader. How have you changed?
Make an experience of your own.
• Ask your parents to help you look through pictures that show you growing up.
See if you can find some that show you trying to learn something new.
Make sure to include his stripes
and his strong wings!
• Paint or draw a picture of baby bee on page 5.
Use your imagination to explore.
• My Life as a Bee is a fictional story.
Visit the library and find a non-fiction story about
bees to learn more about how real bees start as an egg and grow into an adult.
• Think about your best, best day and your worst, worst day. Tell your family what
happened and how it made you feel.
Discutiendo. Creando. Explorando.
• Haz un dibujo o actua tu parte favorita del libro.
• Comenta con alquien los ideas principales del libro.
• Crea un juego de palabras correspondientes con palabras del libro.
• Practica leyendo el libro con diferentes voces (bajo, alto, chistoso, lentamente,
en una cancion).
• Escribe una carta a un personaje de un libro o escribele al autor.
• Visita tu biblioteca publica y hazte socio de un club de lectura.
i R E A D
Prepared for Clark County
School District

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