August 18, 2013 - St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Parish


August 18, 2013 - St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Parish
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
601 N. 4th, St. Charles, MO 63301
Parish Vision Statement:
We are the parish that, through our communion with Jesus, guided by the Holy Spirit:
Welcomes all; Celebrates our unity, diversity, and traditions; Uses God’s gifts to
serve and teach others and be the face of Jesus Christ in the Community.
Parish Office:
School Office:
Religious Education Office:
Latino Ministry:
St. Vincent DePaul Society:
Founded 1791
email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]
leave a message after the recording
Pastoral Staff:
Father John Reiker, Pastor: [email protected]
Father Bob Menner, Associate Pastor: [email protected]
Father Don Schramm, Senior Associate: [email protected]
Deacon Don McElroy, Deacon
Deacon Fred Haehnel, Deacon
Jorge Perez, Deacon in Training
Mrs. Silvina Baez, Latino Ministry
Mrs. Becca McCullough, Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Peggy Dupree, Office Manager
Ms. Becky Sanchez, Office Secretary
Mrs. Ann Hoffman, School Principal
Mrs. Mary Kutchback, Organist, Pastoral Associate for Seniors
Mrs. Beth Duello, Children’s Choir
Mrs. Lisa Delicath, Contemporary Youth Choir
Mr. Juan Saldana, Hispanic Choir
Mr. Sam Plummer, Youth Ministry
Mr. Ron Weisar, Parish Council Chairperson
Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation:
Saturdays 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. or by appointment
Schedule of Holy Mass
8:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. vigil for Sunday
7:00, 8:30, 10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m. in Spanish
Sacrament of Baptism:
Arrangements made after parental instruction.
Call the parish office for more information.
Sacrament of Matrimony:
Contact the parish office six months prior to
wedding to begin preparations
Weekdays: 6:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.
Holy Days of Obligation: watch the bulletin
National Holidays: 9:00 a.m.
Eucharistic Adoration:
Third Mondays, 8:30am to 6:30pm
Parish Office Business Hours
Perpetual Help Devotions:
Tuesdays following the 8:00 a.m. Mass
Monday thru Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Bulletin deadline: Monday 10:00 a.m.
Parish Hall Rental:
Neal or Pat at 636-949-9722 (gym)
Peggy at 636-946-1893 (café)
[email protected]
We welcome all who come and worship with us. If you wish to join our parish faith family, or have a change in your contact information, kindly complete this form. You can return it to the Rectory, place in in the collection, or give it to a Priest or Deacon.
Cell/Phone Number_______________________________
Address/Zip______________________________________________________ Email____________________________________
___ Please make the above changes to my parish record
___ I wish to find out more about the Catholic faith
___ I would like to speak with a Priest/Deacon
Interested in information about annulments/validation
Information on having my children baptized
Please pray for: __________________________________
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish!
SCB Unity Day
Mass and Picnic in the Park
Our 6th Annual Borromeo Parish Unity Day
11:00am Mass on Sunday, September 15, 2013
at Bales-DuSable Park
I and our whole staff personally hope and pray each one
of you and every family, who are proud to call Borromeo our
home, will come together to celebrate our Unity in Jesus
Christ and His Holy Communion. We will have a special involvement and blessing for all our children who are preparing
this year for First Holy Communion—the Sacrament of Unity.
Because it is so important, we have decided to cancel the
10am and 11:30am Masses in church and have the Mass in
the Park at 11:00am on September 15. One of many reasons
is so the choir and others can join us.
Come for fun, fellowship, and our faith family!
Celebrating our Countries of Origin
We’re adding something new this year that will help us
to celebrate the many different countries in which Borromeo
parishioners were born, as well as the countries our ancestors came from generations ago. We’ll begin the Unity Day
Mass in the park with a procession in which one person from
each country of origin or country of heritage carries a small,
lightweight flag and places it near the altar.
We need a volunteer from every country for the procession. Please let the Unity Day committee know very soon if
you’d like to carry the flag for your country. You’ll find a
phone number and email address you can use to contact
them under the Unity Day announcement later in this bulletin. Or next weekend, just drop an envelope marked “Unity
Day” in the collection basket. Include your name, the country
of your origin or cultural heritage, and your contact information.
We are All One Family In our Lord Jesus Christ!
Help A Student
I would like to personally ask each of you if you could
pitch in to help us keep all our wonderful students in our
school. Thanks to those who have been so generous over the
years—because of you we do not need to turn anyone away
from our excellent SCB Catholic School. Some parents have
been unemployed or have a health crisis or just have lowpaying jobs and growing expenses these days. They all pay as
much of the tuition as they can.
The total donated this past fiscal year was a little over
$33,000. We have been able to give grants more than that
total. So we need everyone’s help. This is what it means to
be one family here at SCB. Please read the box in this bulletin
on how to contribute.
Good News of Jesus Working
in our Borromeo Family
I received a beautiful God-filled long email this week
from someone who is getting involved again in our parish/
school family. I want to share one of her thoughts:
“While standing at the table with all the other volunteers,
I realized how many wonderful families we have at SCB, and
as different people hugged me to say hello, it hit me that I
have a history here, a positive history, one that is filled with
volunteerism, laughter, memories, and great people that
love . . . “
Prayer of the Week
Loving God, as You lure the whole world into salvation,
guide us with Your Spirit that we might not only be pilgrims on
the earth but pilgrims with the earth, journeying home to You.
Open our hearts to understanding Your intimacy with all creation.
May we always speak for the voiceless,
the diminished and demeaned.
May we know the good company of the meek as we travel
for their inheritance will be the earth.
and finally for this day and all that it contains,
and for all the days to come, we give joyful thanks and praise
to You from whom all good things come.
Loving God, all creations sings of Your glory. AMEN.
Spread the Gospel, the Good News
about Jesus and His Borromeo Family!
Your brother in Jesus,
Father John
Please pray for our loved ones who are hospitalized or ill, including:
Sarah Pryor, Warren Westerfeld, Jeff Wittenauer, Eddy Lopez, Leo Gonzales, Erin Kalkbrenner, Berna Petzold,
Mary Vogt, Francis Dwyer, David Rodgers, George Scott, Alex Baumgartner, Louise Bruder, Gretchen Nichols
also, please pray for Sister Anna Mae Marheineke RSCJ who is now in hospice care and (in the words from one of the
sisters) “inching her way to heaven.” Sister Marheineke was born and raised in St. Charles and was a life long member of
Borromeo. She served at the Academy for many years before retiring in an RSCJ retirement community in California.
Homebound, Critically Ill or in the Hospital: If you are homebound and wish to receive the Eucharist, or receive a visit
while in the hospital, please call Mary Kutchback at 946-9758 or the parish office at 946-1893.
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 18, 2013
Monday, August 19, St. John Eudes, priest
6:30 a.m.
Communion Service
8:00 a.m.
Bruce Sollors
Tuesday, August 20, St. Bernard, abbot/doctor
6:30 a.m.
Wilfrid “Bill” Brockgreitens
8:00 a.m.
Tim Sullivan
Wednesday, August 21, St. Pius X, pope
6:30 a.m.
Joseph Mallory Jr.
8:00 a.m.
Martha Gegg—35th anniv.
Noon (Spanish) Bern Goeke
Thu, Aug 22, The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
6:30 a.m.
Bernice Burckhardt
8:00 a.m.
Frank Sitar
Friday, August 23, St. Rose of Lima, virgin
6:30 a.m.
Omar L. Griesenauer
8:00 a.m.
in honor of Bob Fleming
Saturday, August 24, St. Bartholomew, Apostle
8:00 a.m.
Anna Mae Young
5:00 p.m.
Donald Rankin
Sunday, August 25, 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 a.m.
J. Maurice Thro
8:30 a.m.
Lou Borgmeyer
10:00 a.m.
Our Parish Family
11:30 a.m.
Margaret Gruenloh
Readings of the Week
Jgs 2:11-19; Ps 106:34-37, 39-40, 43ab, 44;
Mt 19:16-22
Jgs 6:11-24a; Ps 85:9, 11-14; Mt 19:23-30
Jgs 9:6-15; Ps 21:2-7; Mt 20:1-16
Jgs 11:29-39a; Ps 40:5, 7-10; Mt 22:1-14
Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Ps 146:5-10; Mt 22:34-40
Rv 21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Jn 1:45-51
Is 66:18-21; Ps 117:1-2; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13;
Lk 13:22-30
Gospel Reflection
As members of God’s family we are called to proclaim
God’s love through our actions and words. We have two
choices for ways to live. We can either do things that are
right, or we can do things that are wrong. To live eternally with God, we must choose to live the right way.
God is there to help us because we believe that God is
stronger than evil. The way of good is the way to Christ.
To do wrong, leads to our destruction. By loving Jesus,
we can continue the good work God began in each of
 How are we encouraged by others throughout history who have been witnesses to their faith?
 What is the good work God began in you?
~~ Activities This Week ~~
Sunday, August 18
Birthright selling Quilt raffle chances after all Masses
Monday, August 19
Eucharistic Adoration, 8:30am—6:30pm
Closing Benediction 6:30pm
W-CRHP1, Bl. John XXIII Room, 6:00pm
Protecting God’s Children Workshop, café, 6:30pm
St. Vincent dePaul, church office, 7:00pm
Tuesday, August 20
Right Start Parent Meeting, café, 6:00pm
W-CRHP9, church office, 7:00pm
SCB Book Club, Bicentennial Room, 6:30pm
Wednesday, August 21
Quilting, rectory basement, 8:30am—noon
School Night for Scouting, café, 6:00pm
March for Immigration meeting, church office, 7:00p
Thursday, August 22
Girl Scout Recruitment Night, St. Charles Room, 6pm
Boy Scouts, café, 7:00pm
Friday, August 23
Athletic Association Mouse Races, gym, 6:30p
Saturday, August 24
Women’s Fellowship, church office, 6:00am
Sunday, August 25
PSR Parent Meeting, café, 10:00am
CRHP Reunion, gym, 11:00am
Youth (and young at heart) Mass at 5:00pm
You Are Invited!
Break the Ice Cream Social
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
7pm Borromeo Cafeteria
RCIA Informational Gathering
Interested in the Catholic Church?
Come and Learn More! Invite a Friend!
Contact Becca McCullough
[email protected]
Joke of the Week
There was a very gracious lady who was mailing an old
family bible to her brother in another part of the country.
“Is there anything breakable in here?” asked the postal
clerk. She replied, “Only the Ten Commandments.”
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Clem and Catherine Weber, celebrating their 64th anniversary Sunday at 7:00am Mass
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish!
Servers, 8:00 a.m. Weekdays
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday, August 19/20/21
Ana Gerstenkorn, Amy Edmondson, Jayme Bergman
Thursday/Friday, August 22/23
Paul Myers, Nathan Burke, Danny Newman
Saturday, August 24
Emma Brueggemann, Elizabeth Brueggemann
Contributions for August 10/11
General contributions:
Matching Gifts:
Total contributions:
Latin America:
Capital Improvements:
Mission Trip:
St. Vincent dePaul donations:
10% dedicated to Birthright
Ministry List: August 24/25
August 24
5:00 p.m.
L/C: Kurt Haefner, Sr. Munch
Angie Lloyd
EM: Chris Burgoyne, Larry Henry, Denis Watson,
Francis Fessler (Host) Tom & Joyce Schneider
Srv: Andrew Johnson, Michael Howard, Jacob Williams
Ush: Jim Lammert, Don Richardson, John Williams, volun.
Craig Herrington Family
Gr: Becky Barrett, volunteer please
August 25
7:00 a.m.
L/C: Dick Albrecht
Mary Baronovic
EM: Tom & Margie Pickering, Becky Albrecht
Serv: Ashley Norviel, Karly Shelburne
Ush: Jim Eisenbath, Cathy Herrod, Charles Weber,
John Weber
GB: Florence Williams
Gr: volunteers please
August 25
8:30 a.m.
L/C: Linda Beeson, Kevin Tollefson
Beth Duello
EM: Rich & Blanche Wessler, Rob Glosier, Darrell Fuse
(Host) Joe & Gerry Kloeppel
Serv: Nicolette Kolenc, Quinn Gallagher, Abbey Westerfeld
Ush: Dan Dziedzic, Tim Meyer, Charlie Schroeder,
Don Wappelhorst
GB: Gary & Jill Jansen
Gr: volunteers please
August 25
10:00 a.m.
L/C: Judy O’Connor, Mary Glenn
EM: Roland Faubert, Judy Dwyer, Drew VanBoening,
Patti York (Host) Dorothy Williams, Rosa Lee Rodgers
Serv: John & Sam Scheffel, Joe Tierney
Ush: Mike Hogan, Ray Powers, Frankie Fessler, volunteer
GB: Bill Powers
Gr: volunteers please
August 25
11:30 a.m.
L/C: Olivia Tinoco Munoz, Carlos Quiroz
el coro
EM: Guadalupe Damian, Maria Barretos, Maria Fuentes,
Richard Veit (Host) Bernardo Silverio, Maria Ramirez
Serv: Mike & Uriel Zamudio, Areli Aragon
Ush: Jeff Kozich, Francisco Plaza, Leobardo Aguilar,
Diego Damian
GB: Hermila Murillo & Family
Gr: Nancy Sprague, Diego Damian
THANK YOU for the great love you show to our Borromeo
Family carrying on the work of Jesus and to those in need by
the generosity you display when you share your Treasure,
and all God’s gifts to you, given for others.
“Do you think I have come to give you peace on Earth? No,
I tell you, but rather division.”
(Luke 12:51)
Living a stewardship lifestyle means stepping out of our
comfort zone when needed. Many of us like to play it
safe, not cause waves, stay in the middle of the road. In
today’s world we are called to be informed and take a
stance for life, marriage and religious liberty.
We pray that we have the courage to step out of our comfort
zone and stand up for life, marriage and religious liberty.
Blood Drive—August 27
3:00—6:00 in the gym
Please take a short time to donate in order to
save someone’s life as well as help the school
achieve a grant. Appointment not needed. Homemade
chili and desserts for all. We will be raffling off 4 pairs of
tickets for a September 1st River City Rascals Baseball
Game! Any Questions, call Barb at 636-947-3939.
SCB High School Youth Ministry is open to
all Borromeo teens entering 9th through 12th grades.
We welcome you to join us typically on the 2nd and
4th Sunday of each month from 6:30—8:00pm in the
Youth Room.
Upcoming Meetings: (3rd and 5th Sundays)
August 25—Back to School BBQ
September 15 * 29
Questions? Contact Sam Plummer, SCB Youth Ministry
at 636-328-2106 or [email protected]
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 18, 2013
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA):
A Strong Start in the Catholic Faith
Thinking of joining the Roman Catholic Church?
Does someone you know show an interest in becoming a member of the Catholic Church?
Have you or someone you know been away from the Church and recently returned?
Where do you begin? Well, you just begin from where you are now!
Many adults entering the Catholic Church, or those just thinking about it, follow a process known as the RCIA — the Rite
of Christian Initiation of Adults.
Join us Tuesday, August 27 at 7 pm in the Borromeo Cafeteria for our
Break the Ice Cream Social – a kick off to our Fall RCIA sessions.
The RCIA process has several stages.
Inquiry is the initial period before you decide to enter the Catholic Church. You're asking questions and checking it
out, but aren't yet ready to commit.
Catechumenate is the stage where those who want to continue their journey into the Church begin developing
their faith and are being "catechized" — learning catechism, or the basic points about Catholic faith and life.
Purification and preparation: The Church will help you focus and intensify your faith as you prepare to commit
your life to Jesus Christ and be received into the Church at the Easter Vigil. If you're following the RCIA process, you'll
go through a beautiful series of Gospel-based meditations during Lent, which is the time frame of this period.
Initiation itself, the culmination of the whole process! You're received into the Church during the Easter Vigil Mass,
where you'll receive the sacraments of initiation: baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist. (If you've already been baptized, you won't be baptized again.)
Mystagogy is the period after reception into the Church at Easter that lets you reflect and learn more about the
mysteries of the Mass and the Sacraments that you now participate in fully.
Our sessions are held in the school building each Tuesday evening from 7 to 8:30 pm beginning with the Ice Cream Social.
Should you have any questions, or would like more information, please contact Becca McCullough at 946-2916 or [email protected].
Special Event at Duchesne High School for our 2013/14
The St. Charles area Catholic Schools and Youth Ministries plan a Rally to kick off the year of Confirmation! Please mark your calendars for
Saturday, September 7, 2013 from 8:30am to 5pm.
All Confirmation students from Borromeo, St. Peter, St. Robert, St. Elizabeth, Sts. Joachim & Anne and St. Cletus
will gather for a Spirit-filled day at Duchesne High School in St. Charles. Mass will be at 4pm. Lunch and snacks
throughout the day will be served. There is no cost to students or families for this Rally, the parishes have generously provided for food, bands, and speakers.
Pastors have agreed this Rally is an event students will not want to miss and sports schedules have been planned
around the Rally!
Mark your calendar now and more information will follow. Should you have any questions regarding the
Rally, please let me know.
Becca McCullough
Director, Religious Education
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish!
St. Charles Borromeo School
Dear Parishioners,
We've already experienced many blessings at the beginning of this school year! Meeting new friends and getting reacquainted with old friends is one of God's blessings for all people! I'd like you to join me in welcoming our new staff: Secretary, Mrs. Sue Schutz; Gr. 8 and Math, Ms. Amy Reed; Gr. 7 and English Language Arts, Mrs. Gwynne Kahrhoff; Gr. 6
and English Language Arts, Ms. Katie Byrne; Gr. 2, Mrs. Stephanie Saulet.
Our teachers have already spent two days learning how to use our updated version of Accelerated Reader and Accelerated Math. Additionally, teachers attended the annual Religious Education Institute last week. Teachers have taken courses
and workshops during the summer as well as reading and planning for a new year.
I ask that your number one priority for our school is to pray for each of us daily. I humbly ask for your continued financial
support as well. It is critical that we all support the future of our Church by helping with the education of our children in
the faith. Support of all our Catholic education programs from PSR to day school to RCIA, etc. helps ensure that our faith
is passed to many people.
Looking forward to the blessings of another faith-filled and productive school year!
God bless, Mrs. Hoffman
The Athletic Association will have its next meeting on Monday, August 26th in the gym
SCB All Parish 6th Annual UNITY DAY
4th Misa Anual DIA DE LA UNIDAD
Mass and Barbeque in the Park /Misa y Barbacoa en el Parque
September 15 at 11:00am / Septiembre 15 a las 11:00am
Bales-DuSable Park / Parque Bales-DuSable
(in case of rain we will move it to the gym)
(en caso de lluvia el evento se mueve al gimnacio parroquial)
Let’s join together to celebrate
the cultural diversity that we are blessed with
at St. Charles Borromeo Parish.
We will gather at the park at 11:00am for Mass
followed by a barbeque and potluck lunch.
There will be music, games, piñatas and fellowship.
Acompáñanos a celebrar juntos la
cultura y diversidad de la que somos bendecidos
en la parroquia St. Charles Borromeo.
Nos vemos en el parque a las 11:00am para la Misa
y luego barbacoa y comida que traigamos todos
para compartir el almuerzo.
Tendremos música, juegos, piñatas y convivencia.
The parish will provide the main dish and beverage. Parishioners are asked to bring the following food items according
to your last name:
Side Dish
La parroquia donara la carne y bebidas. Todos traeremos lo
siguiente según la primara letra de su apellido:
Questions? Please contact Brenda Galloy
636-219-6767, [email protected]
Preguntas? Llame a Silvina Baez
636-946-1893, [email protected]
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 18, 2013
St. Charles Borromeo Religious Education
Dear Parishioners:
Are you or someone you know interested in learning more about the Catholic faith? Are you or someone you
know interested in becoming Catholic?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process to assist prospective Catholics in their journey to become
active members in the Roman Catholic Church.
Join us for RCIA in September and October—no commitment required! Learn more about this ministry at our RCIA Ice
Cream Social, Tuesday, August 25 at 7pm in the Borromeo Cafeteria. For more information, contact Becca McCullough,
946-2916 or [email protected].
Our Parish School of Religion (PSR) provides instruction in our Catholic faith to children and youth who attend public
schools, so9 that they can grow in their relationship with Jesus. We also prepare students for celebrating the Sacraments
of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.
Our program offers a Sunday morning class during the 8:30 Mass for children ages 3, 4 and 5 who are not yet in kindergarten and do not wear diapers. Registration is required for attendance and is available as described below!
Classes for K through Confirmation begin today, August 18 at 9:45 in the school building. Enter through the triple black
doors from the southernmost parking lot off 4th Street. Parents and children will attend classes together, and will gather
at the end of the class time for a prayer service and introduction of Catechists. The parent meeting will be held next Sunday, August 25 beginning at 10am in the school cafeteria. All PSR parents are expected to attend.
If you have not already done so, please complete and return the registration material for your child! Information regarding registration is available on our parish website at and selecting Religious Education along
the left hand side of the home page. Registration material can be printed, completed and returned to the Parish Office
with payment.
Parents with students preparing for Confirmation (age 13 or older and grade 8 or older) should contact the Parish Religious Education Office at 946-2916 to register for our Confirmation program.
Prayer Angels are always needed in our Parish School of Religion! Volunteers work with individual students or
in small groups during class time (9:45—11:10) helping children learn prayers we say every day.
We are blessed to have so many giving and loving people as leaders in our PSR program. Our catechists include
teachers, nurses, engineers, accountants, cosmetologists, program managers, realtors, stay-at-home moms, full
time students, business owners, and grandmas and grandpas! Please keep these parishioners in your prayers:
Ms. Anna Plummer
Mrs. Ellie Plummer
Mrs. Dana Saale
Mrs. Karie Westerfeld
Ms. Ann Murray
Mr. Mike Dreyer
Mr. Scot McCullough
Mrs. Alana Dickson
Mrs. Sheila Kitzmann
Mrs. Lisa Hazel
Rachel Kitzmann
Kyle Kitzmann
Gabe McCullough
Mrs. Brenda Souter
Mrs. Mary Shelburne
Mrs. Angel Taylor
Mrs. Aimee Koester
Mrs. Katy Smith
Mrs. Beth Ratkewicz
Mrs. Michelle Hawkins
Mrs. Maureen Prinster
Mrs. Tricia Hermann
In the love of Jesus, Mrs. Becca McCullough
Protecting God’s Children Workshop : Monday, August 19
Please call the church office 946-1893 to make your reservation.
Workshops generally last about 2 hours. Ours will begin at 6:30pm. If you cannot make the 19th, please search
the Archdiocesan website:, and follow the link to get the workshop information. You may also call the
church office for information.
All those who volunteer for activities involving parish children
must attend one of these workshops before becoming active!
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish!
St. Charles Borromeo
Help-A-Student Program
Parents have the hardest job in the world, and
young parents in our parish community need our loving
support more than ever before. Besides struggling to
provide the material needs of their children, they are
dedicated to handing on their rich heritage of the Catholic faith.
To provide financial assistance for those parents
who cannot afford the full cost of tuition in our school,
we appeal to you, their parish family members, to consider a contribution through our parish Help-A-Student
program. When you support this program, you are giving youngsters a chance to strengthen their faith in God
and prepare themselves for their future.
We maintain complete confidentiality when receiving and distributing financial aid from our Help-AStudent Program.
Parents willing to support the standards and requirements of the school, and participate in
parish and school projects and activities, will be helped
to give their children the excellent academic and religious education available in St. Charles Borromeo
Please pray for our expectant moms:
Michaela (August)
Linsey (September)
Christine (November)
Viki, Michelle (December)
Let us pray: for world leaders, that their actions may
promote the dignity of the human person through respect for all human life, the sanctity of marriage and religious liberty.
Do you think you might be pregnant?
Are you scared? Not sure what you want to do? Are
you thinking the unthinkable? Abortion? You’ve always
been pro-life but now??? Birthright of St. Charles is available to help you sort out all your feelings and concerns.
Call us before you make that decision that will last a lifetime: 636-724-1200 (all services are always free, always
Chances available after Mass.
Birthright is staffed by volunteers
and supported by donations
Won’t you please consider a gift today, perhaps in
memory of a loved one, or in gratitude for the many
blessings in your life. Your generosity is deeply appreciated.
Name __________________________________________
Address __________________________________________
Zip ____________
Date ________________
( ) In memory of _________________________________
( ) In gratitude to God
Total gift pledged for 2013-2014:
Payment enclosed: $_____________
Do you need reminders? Yes_____
) $3,793.00
) $1,896.50
) $379.30
One full year of Catholic education
One-half year of Catholic education
One full month of Catholic education
One full week of Catholic education
Please make check payable to:
SCB Help-A-Student
In today’s Gospel, Jesus said to His disciples: “I have
come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were
already blazing! There is a baptism with which I must be
baptized, and how great is my anguish until it be accomplished!”
Your gift to the Society to assist those suffering in poverty will help set the earth on fire with the love of God.
Look around your house to see what furniture, household items, and clothing you no longer use . . . and give
it to the Society of St. Vincent dePaul.
For information about the work of the Society of St. Vincent dePaul and how you can help, contact Matt Medina
at 636-946-5756 or Joyce Cain at 636-448-2021.
Marriage in Christ has been promised between:
Cary Hardy and Sean Ross
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 18, 2013
2013-2014 School Year Kickoff
Family Mouse Race
Friday, August 23, 2013
$7 Per Ticket
Doors open at 6:30pm
First Race at 7:00pm
Buy your tickets before August 19th for reserved seating.
Tickets will be available at the door on a first come first serve basis
The concession stand
will be open
to purchase your
favorite snacks
Interested in sponsoring a race?
Only 8 races available.
Name the mice in the race you sponsor.
Sponsored by the St. Charles Borromeo Athletic Association
Family Mouse Race Order Form
Here’s My Check For ____Tickets. Seat Me With _____________
Please make checks payable to SCBAA
Mail your ticket order form & payment to Wendy Box, 7 Elk Trail, St. Charles, MO 63303.
Tables seat 10. Questions? Call Wendy Box at 636-724-3033 or email [email protected]
Please contact our Prayer Tree for your intentions: 928-2970 or [email protected]
Back to School Mixer at Duchesne High School—September 6
Gather your friends for one last party before hitting the books! Students in grades 6, 7 and 8 are invited to Duchesne’s
annual Back to School Mixer on Friday, September 6. Doors open at 6:30pm and the mixer will take place from 7 to
9:30pm. Admission is just $5 at the door, but you’ll want to bring a few extra dollars for snacks. (Don’t worry, Mom
and Dad—plenty of chaperones will be on hand while students dance the night away.) Visit to sign up online. Students who sign up by September 4 could win an awesome DHS prize basket!
For more information, please contact Ms. Lindsay Lammert, Director of Admissions and Marketing, at
[email protected] or 636-946-2603.
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish!
El Viaje a México
Acá en los Estados Unidos, mucha
gente ha escuchado hablar de una
organización que se llama, Habitat
For Humanity, que construye casas
para los sin hogar, pero cuantas
habrán escuchado de la organización que se llama Esperanza Internacional, un programa en México, que
hace algo similar.
En julio de este año un grupo de 38
personas de nuestra parroquia,
jóvenes y adultos, por segunda vez
(el año pasado eran 28 personas)
fueron a una comunidad cerca de
Tijuana, que se llama La Gloria, sede del programa Esperanza Internacional. El grupo incluyó siete latinos entre los 20 jóvenes y 18 adultos. El grupo retornó el 27 de julio
y los líderes dicen que ya hay mas
de viento personas que quieren ir el
próximo año. Más de una persona
comentó que esto había sido la mejor experiencia de su vida.
Que ocurre?
Mucho. Los jóvenes y adultos trabajan con los vecinos locales para
hacer ladrillos de cemento y construir los cimientos para la casa, y
luego los constructores locales terminan la parte interior de la casa.
Al mediodía las vecinas preparan un
delicioso almuerzo que se comparte
entre todos, y los anglos que deseen
puedan practicar su limitado español.
contento y amor en nosotros, los
Finalmente, dado que éramos un
grupo de San Luís, fuimos a un partido de beisbol entre San Luís Potosí
y los Toros de Tijuana, jugando por
primer puesto en su liga.
El enfoque principal es la construcción de una casa pero las oportunidades de conocer de cerca algo de
la cultura Mexicana son igualmente
importantes. Un día el grupo fue a
la frontera para conocer el muro de
fiero que separa México de los Estados Unidos, una experiencia que
causa tristeza. Otro día fuimos a
una clínica donde algunas religiosas
y médicos locales atiende a la gente
en la zona, que incluye casas construidas sobre un basural. Una tarde
llevamos pizzas a un orfanato de
niñas para cenar con ellas. Después
de comer, platicar y jugar futbol,
regresamos al hogar y las niñas nos
cantaron, primero un canto en
Inglés de John Lennon, “Imagine All
The People”, y luego en Español,
“El Canto de Alegría” por Beethoven. Esto produjo grandes sonrisas y también algo de lágrimas de
Cada mañana el día comenzaba con
una oración y reflexión después del
desayuno, y varias veces en las tardes había oración y compartir sobre
las experiencias del día. Un día algunos del grupo fuimos a la Misa en
la parroquia San Antonio, a tres
cuadras de nuestra residencia. Todos participaron en la Misa que celebramos con el grupo una tarde.
Esto inspiró el comentario de uno
de los jóvenes que fue también el
año pasado que dijo, “Padre, todo
este año ha sido más poderoso que
el año pasado.”
Que bendición entre tanta otras
esto ha llegado a ser para nuestra
parroquia. Acompáñanos el próximo año.
~~P. Donaldo
Pray-ers Needed!
Have you tried giving an hour of time to pray to our Lord Jesus during Eucharistic Adoration? It is truly
more a gift and grace of Jesus to you than you to Him.
Eucharistic Adoration at St. Charles Borromeo is held the 3rd Monday of each month (August 19) from
8:30am to 6:30pm, and we especially need an individual or two for the 6:00 time slot, which includes closing
To volunteer one hour once per month, please contact Carol Pappas at [email protected] or call 928-6722.
Please pray for our troops
WO Michael Sakalauski (US Army), serving in Afghanistan (brother of Heather Willie)
Jorge Lozoya (US Army), serving in Afghanistan (son-in-law of Becky Sanchez)
Matthew Ervin (US Navy), started boot camp July 2013 (grandnephew of Ivy Hall)
Brent Schulze (US Army), serving in Afghanistan (son-in-law of Steve Cave)
MM3 Paul J. Robben (US Navy), attending NNPT School, Goose Creek, SC (son of David & Betty Robben)
If anyone in the parish would like prayers for their loved one in the military, please contact the church office
at 946-1893. We will be happy to list their name in the bulletin.
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 18, 2013
Oficina: Tel: (636)946-1893 Fax (636)946-5598
[email protected]
INTERPRETACION—Llámenos al 314-842-0062
Terapia en español confidencial Jesús López 636-219-2405
La fe nos abre el camino y acompaña nuestros pasos a lo
largo de la historia. Por eso, si queremos entender lo que
es la fe, tenemos que narrar su recorrido, el camino de
los hombres creyentes, cuyo testimonio encontramos en
primer lugar en el Antiguo Testamento. En él, Abrahán,
nuestro padre en la fe, ocupa un lugar destacado. En su
vida sucede algo desconcertante: Dios que habla y lo
llama por su nombre. La fe está vinculada a la escucha.
Abrahán no ve a Dios, pero oye su voz. De este modo la
fe adquiere un carácter personal. Aquí Dios no se manifiesta como el Dios de un lugar, ni tampoco aparece vinculado a un tiempo sagrado determinado, sino como el
Dios de una persona, el Dios de Abrahán, Isaac, Jacob,
capaz de entrar en contacto con el hombre y establecer
una alianza con él. La fe es la respuesta a una Palabra que
interpela personalmente, a un Tú que nos llama por
nuestro nombre.
Carta Encíclica Lumen Fidei, Papa Francisco.
Seguimos luchando por un reforma migratoria integral, únase a nosotros el 22 de agosto 5pm a la
marcha en St. Charles!!!
Festival Hispano 2013
este domingo 18 de agosto de 1pm-8pm
en la iglesia Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.
Información 314-522-9264.
- St Charles Community College comienza las inscripciones para clases de inglés gratis para todos los niveles,
este lunes 19 de agosto. Más información 636-922-8411.
- Necesitamos voluntarios para el Día de la Unidad, por
favor digan "si" al servicio del Señor.
Un Pensamiento...
“Cuando uno es joven los pensamientos se vuelven
amor, con la edad el amor se vuelve pensamientos.”
Intención general: Que padres y educadores ayuden a las
nuevas generaciones a crecer con una conciencia recta y
una vida coherente.
Intención misionera: Que las iglesias locales en Africa
fieles al Evangelio, promuevan la construcción de la paz
y la justicia.
Por tu Matrimonio
Si cometes un error, no te justifiques. Solo
acéptalo y ganarás la admiración de tu
¿Sabías qué...?
Los Cardenales son electores del Papa desde
1059, siguiendo actualmente las orientaciones
de la Constitución Apostólica de Juan Pablo II
"Universi Dominici gregis".
~~Albert Einstein
Pláticas para Bautismo
Las pláticas para Bautismo son el 1º y 2º domingo de
cada mes de 9.30-11am, se pide puntualidad.
Son necesarias las dos clases para padres y padrinos, debido a la importancia de esta preparación se pide que en
lo posible no se traigan niños, por consideración y respeto a los demás participantes, ya que pueden distraer
la atención.
Para confirmar su asistencia por favor llame a la oficina
parroquial 636-946-1893.
August 18
11:30 a.m.
L/C: Hermila Murillo, Areli Aragon
el coro
EM: Misael Alvarado, Dionisia Zamudio, Ampelia V.,
Steve Cave (Host) Toni Hernandez, Maria Fuentes
Serv: Luz, Alma, Carlos Quiroz
Ush: Jeff Kozich, Carlos Chica, Ramon Sandoval,
Jorge Guerrero
GB: Jose Damian & Family
Gr: Adolfo & Gaby Quiroz
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish!
“God so loved the world that He migrated to the far corners of our
sinful lives so that we can migrate back to our homeland.”
March on Main Street for Immigration Reform
August 22 at 5:00pm
March starts at the Courthouse on 2nd Street
and continues down Main Street
“We can no longer accept a situation in which some public officials
and members of our communities scapegoat immigrants at the same
time our nation benefits from their labor. We can no longer accept
a status quo in which migrants are compelled to risk their lives in
order to support their families. We can no longer accept a reality in
which migrants fill jobs critical to Americans and U.S. employers
without receiving appropriate wages and benefits. We can no
longer tolerate the death of human beings in the desert.”
~~U.S. Bishop James Tamayo
“We pray for a heart which will embrace immigrants. God will judge us upon how we have treated the most needy.”
~~Pope Francis
Catholic bishops have asked Congress to support immigration reform; Pope Francis urged societies receiving immigrants
to exhibit “maternal care,” noting that in many cases, migrants also fall victim to human trafficking. The U.S. Senate has
passed an immigration bill, not perfect but a start, but the House has not.
Join fellow St. Charles Countians for our Action for Immigration Reform on Thursday, August 22 at 5pm, lasting until
about 6:30. We will assemble at the St. Charles County Courthouse, 300 N. Second in St. Charles, and proceed down to
Main Street to Frontier Park for a rally with speakers.
It is past time for our Missouri Representatives to support an inclusive Immigration process. For further information or to
register, contact: or 314-644-0466 x 15.
10 Ways to Help Your Child Get Organized
Having good organizational skills is a key ingredient for success in school and life. Although some people are by nature
more organized than others, anyone can put routines and systems in place to help a child “get it together.”
Use checklists.
Help your child get in the habit of keeping a “to do” list. Use checklists to post assignments, household
chores, and reminders about materials to bring to class. Your child should keep a small pad or notebook dedicated to
listing homework. Crossing completed items off the list will give him a sense of accomplishment.
Set a designated study time.
Your child should know that a certain time every day is reserved for studying and doing
homework. The best time is usually not right after school—most children benefit from time to unwind first. Include your
child in making this decision. Even if she doesn’t have homework, the reserved time should be used to review the day’s
lessons, read for pleasure, or work on an upcoming project.
Organize homework assignments.
Before beginning a homework session, encourage your child to number assignments in
the order in which they should be done. She should start with one that’s not too long or difficult, but avoid saving the
longest or hardest assignments for last.
Designate a study space.
Your child should study in the same place every night. It doesn’t have to be a bedroom, but
should be a quiet place with few distractions. All school supplies and materials should be nearby. If your young child
wants to study with you nearby, you’ll be better able to monitor his progress and encourage good study habits.
Keep organized notebooks.
Help your child keep track of papers by organizing them in a binder or notebook. This will
help him review the material for each day’s classes and to organize the material later to prepare for tests and quizzes.
—continued next page—
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 18, 2013
Survey Shows Strong Catholic Support For Immigration Reform
Nearly eighty percent of Catholic voters support earned citizenship. Most Catholics support the bishops' call
to respect human rights and dignity. Catholics need to contact their legislators
WASHINGTON­­—A large majority of Catholics support
immigration reform legislation that provides a path to
citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants
in the country, according to a recent survey sponsored
by the Office of Migration Policy and Public Affairs of
the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).
Overall, 77 percent of Catholic voters support a proposal
that allows earned citizenship through meeting requirements like registration, paying a fine, paying taxes and
taking English classes, the survey shows.
 Sixty percent agreed that an enforcement-only policy featuring deportations has a devastating social
impact upon family unity.
 Sixty-nine percent agreed that the U.S. can ensure
the safety of our border and treat all people humanely, even those who come illegally.
 Sixty-seven percent agreed that the Church has a
moral obligation to help those in need, even if they
are here illegally.
Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, chairman of
the USCCB Committee on Migration, embraced the results of the survey. “It is clear that Catholics understand
the importance of this issue,” Archbishop Gomez said.
“As an immigrant church, Catholics from all walks of life
understand the migration experience and accept the Gospel’s call to welcome the stranger.”
 Fifty-seven percent stated that they would cross the
Most Catholics support the bishops’ call for the creation
of an immigration system that respects basic human rights
and dignity while ensuring the integrity of our borders,
according to survey results. As immigration reform takes
center stage in the public square, this data makes clear
that the Catholic population is behind current efforts to
reform the broken immigration system.
In their 2003 pastoral letter, “Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope,” the U.S. Conference of
Catholic Bishops outlined several policy goals for immigration reform, which include:
Archbishop Gomez called upon Catholics to engage their
elected officials on behalf of immigration reform. “I encourage Catholics across the nation to contact their legislators in support of humane immigration reform, which
would help our brothers and sisters come out of the
shadows and become full members of our communities,”
he said.
 The protection and enhancement of the family-
Key findings include:
 Eight-four percent agreed that requiring undocumented immigrants to register with the government
as a condition to remain permanently would improve national security.
 Seventy-five percent said that enforcement of laws
should be based upon humane values that deports
violent criminals but finds ways to work with people who have come to find a better life.
 Sixty-one percent said that immigrants were good
for the economy.
Shopping list for August 24/25:
beef hash, apple sauce, carrots,
jelly, tuna helper, dish liquid
border in search of work in order to feed their family.
 Sixty percent of Catholics who attend Mass once a
week or more rate this issue as extremely or very
important to them.
 A path to citizenship which is achievable and includes the maximum number of persons.
based immigration system, including the reduction
in backlogs and shortening of waiting times for husbands and wives and their children.
 A program which allows low-skilled migrant workers to enter and work in the United States legally
and safely and includes appropriate wage and
worker protections.
 The restoration of due process protections for immigrants.
 Policies which address the root causes, or push factors, of irregular migration, such as the absence of
living wage jobs in sending communities and persecution.
For more information:
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
April 19, 2013
Borromeo Parish Library
Located in the Bicentennial Room
Open Sundays 9:30am to noon
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish!
Mission Trip to Mexico, 2013
People have heard of Habitat for
Humanity that builds houses for the
homeless, but how many have
heard of Esperanza International, a
program in Mexico that does something similar? St. Theodore Parish in
Flint Hill has been sending a group
of parishioners there for half a
dozen years, and now St. Charles
Borromeo Parish in St. Charles has
also caught the bug. In July of this
year Borromeo sent a group of 38,
adults and youth (last year, their
first trip, 28 attended) to a program
called Esperanza Internacional
(International Hope), located an
hour south of San Diego, CA in a
community near Tijuana called La
Gloria. Having returned home on
July 27, group leaders say that
some 20 people already are talking
about going next year. More than
one young person was heard to say
that it was the best experience of
their life.
What happens?
Lots! Youth and adults work together with local people to make
concrete blocks and build the foun-
dation for the home of a family that
then, with the help of local laborers, finish the modest home. It’s
strenuous work but everyone loves
it and sees the appreciation on the
faces of the people living there. At
lunch break the future home owners
and neighbors provide a real, authentic, Mexican meal for everyone,
and a chance to practice one’s limited Spanish if so desired.
The main focus is helping build a
house, but the added cultural experiences are equally important.
One day the group visited the border fence (20 foot steel wall) that
separates the U.S. from Mexico.
That is sobering. Another day after
work the group visited a rehabilitation clinic run by a priest from the
States employing local health professionals and volunteers. One evening the group bought pizzas and
went to an orphanage to have supper with the girls living there. Before leaving the girls sang several
songs to the delight of their visitors,
including in English, John Lennon’s
“Imagine All The People”, and in
Spanish, Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy”.
It brought wide smiles to peoples’
faces, and also some tears of joy
and love. And, being from St. Louis
area, the group had to see a Mexican baseball game that featured San
Luis (Potosi, not Missouri) against
the local Tijuana Lobos playing for
first place in the playoffs.
Each morning the day begins with
Morning Prayer and a short reflection after breakfast, and several evenings the group gathers for night
prayer and sharing on the day’s experiences. Some attended Mass in
Spanish one morning at the local
parish. All participated in an evening Mass at the posada (residence)
in the middle of the week. That
prompted one of the young men
who had also attended last year’s
trip to comment that, “Father, this
year everything is more powerful
than last year.”
What a blessing this has become for
St. Charles Borromeo Parish,
founded in 1791 and still going
10 Ways to Help Your Child Get Organized (continued)
Use dividers to separate class notes, or color-code notebooks.
Separate “to do” and “done” folders help organize worksheets, notices, and items to be signed by parents, as well as provide a central place for completed assignments.
Conduct a weekly cleanup.
Encourage your child to sort through book bags and notebooks on a weekly basis. Old tests
and papers should be organized and kept in a separate file at home.
Create a household schedule.
Try to establish and stick to a regular dinnertime and bedtime. Children with a regular bedtime go to school well-rested. Try to limit TV and computer play to specific periods during the day.
Keep a master calendar.
Keep a large, wall-sized calendar for the household, listing the family’s commitments, schedules
for extracurricular activities, days off from school, and major events at home and school. Note dates when your child has
big exams or due dates for projects. This helps everyone keep track of each other’s activities and avoid scheduling conflicts.
Prepare for the day ahead.
Before your child goes to bed, he should pack schoolwork and books in a book bag. The next
day’s clothes should be laid out with shoes, socks, and accessories. This cuts down on morning confusion and creates a
smooth morning.
Provide needed support while your child is learning to become more organized. Most important, set a good example!
Provided by The Marriage and Family Life Office, Diocese of Columbus
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 18, 2013
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish!
St Charles Borromeo
Contact: Peggy Dupree
Win Vista
Pub 2007
Transmit: Wed 5pm
Pages Sent: 1-16

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