Congratulations to our newly Confirmed!


Congratulations to our newly Confirmed!
Catholic Communities of San Angelo Diocese
to our newly
St. Thomas Church
110 HWY 67
Rankin, TX 79778
St. Margaret of Cortona Church
107 E 1st St, Big Lake, TX 76932 St. Francis of Assisi Church
Ph: 325-884-3221; Fax: 325-884-3070
500 S. Blaton
Iraan, TX 79744
Email: [email protected]
Mission Statement
We, the people of God, are called by the Sacrament
of Baptism, to proclaim the Good News, to minister
to others and to be united as a family.
We are committed to proclaim the Good news of
Jesus Christ to all, that we attain the Kingdom of
Nosotros, la gente de Dios, somos llamados con el
Sacramento del Bautismo, proclamar la Buena Nueva. Y server a otros y ser unidos como una familia.
Somos sometidos a proclamarla palabra a todos de
Cristo Jesus para que todos puedamos obtener el
Raino de Dios.
Mass Schedules
Parish Administrator
Fr. Prem Thumma
Carmen Vasquez
St. Margaret, Big Lake
Saturday: Vigil Mass 7:00 PM
Sunday: 11:30 AM (Spanish)
Monday to Saturday: 8:30 AM
Marguerite Reeves
Adult Ministry
Rose Mary Peña
CRE / Youth Ministry
Mercy Narvaez
Lisa Villalpando
RCIA Coordinators
Steve Zuberbueler
Freida Zuberbueler
CRE for Iraan
Debbie Ramirez
CRE for Rankin
Linda Rodriguez
Parish Office Hours
Tuesday through Thursday
9:00 am. through 12:00 pm.
Big lake: Week days: 8:10 AM
Saturday - 6:00 PM
Iraan : Sunday - 9:15 AM
Rankin: Sunday - 7:40 AM
St. Thomas
Sunday 8:00 AM
St. Francis
Sunday 9:30 AM
Esta semana celebramos el Día del Idioma para festejar la herencia que tenemos en nuestra
lengua castellana. Festejamos el 23 de abril, fecha en que falleció Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra
(1547–1616) autor de Don Quijote de la Mancha. Este autor español fue el que enriqueció y ayudo a
dar forma gramática a la lengua española.
Hay que saber que el castellano que llegó a nuestro continente tiene una larga y rica historia,
ya que es una mezcla del latín, dialectos ibéricos y el árabe. Una vez en América el español tomó características y vocabulario indígena, y ahora en EE.UU. se está renovando con anglicismos. Y es en
este idioma que yo y muchos latinos hablamos con Diosito.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos‑Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Community outreach
Nursing Home, Big Lake
1st Tuesday of the month 9:00 AM
Jail Ministry, Rankin
1st Saturday of the month 9:00 AM
Altar Servers:
Baptismal Prep:
Eucharistic Ministers:
Homebound Communion:
Adult Ministry
Money Counters:
Prison Ministry:
El lenguaje es una herramienta de comunicación no solo entre nosotros mismos, sino con Diosito. Nací en EE.UU. pero mi lengua materna es el español, lo aprendí en la cuna y lo usábamos en
casa. También aprendí ingles en la escuela. Hay quienes me preguntan cual idioma uso para hablar
con Dios. Esta pregunta reconoce que el ser humano debe usar un lenguaje humano para rezar.
Julie Flores: 325-812-6264
Fr. Prem: 432-242-1371
Linda Ortiz: 325-884-3515
Lalo Soto: 325– 884-3610
Rose Mary Peña: 325-450-3495
Fr. Prem: 432-242-1371
Mercy Narvaez: 325-277-7822
Marguerite Reeves: 325-884-3419
Pete Vargas Jr: 325-315-2093
Raquel Garcia: 432-301-0435
Susie Vargas: 325-315-2093
Velia Marrow 325-450-4326
Have you considered belonging to our parish community?
Freddy Perez
2 Year Theology – Assumption Seminary
Birthday: March 30, 1986
From: San Angelo, TX
Favorite Food: Home cooked Food
Likes learning random facts!
Please remember him in your prayers.
Whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave. (Mt 20:27)
Fundamental to us as Christians is our belief
that Jesus Christ really died on the cross, that
he was truly raised from the dead, and that he
will return at the end of time as he promised. It
is clear from today’s Gospel reading that the risen Jesus was not a disembodied spirit, or an illusion of the grief-stricken disciples. On that
first Easter the disciples, as witnesses to Jesus’
death, were overwhelmed
with joy to see him risen to
new life. When Jesus appeared among them he told
them he was no ghost, and to
prove his reality invited them
to touch his hands and feet.
Then he asked for a piece of
baked fish and ate it in front
of them. After this reassurance Jesus went on to explain
to them once more how his
death and resurrection were
foretold in the scriptures. At
this point he did not pose complicated questions to test their understanding; instead, he
gave them a task: to preach repentance and forgiveness of sins ―to all the nations, beginning
from Jerusalem‖ (Acts 24:49). Stop and think.
This is not ―Give a few hours of your time, and
we’ll consider you’ve done your part.‖ What Jesus was giving them was an all-consuming, lifelong mission. They were his chosen followers,
his disciples, but now the time for learning was
over. They must become apostles, the ones sent
on a mission. Every time we come together to
celebrate the Eucharist, we are offered the love
of God through word and sacrament. We are
reminded of God’s saving deeds and wonderful
promises, and we are given food for the journey.
Finally, we are urged to go forth to love and
serve the Lord. What mission is Christ calling
you to fulfill, that only you can do?
Es algo fundamental para nosotros los cristianos
creer que Jesús verdaderamente murió en la cruz,
que verdaderamente él resucitó de entre los muertos y que él vendrá al final de los tiempos tal como
lo prometió. Queda muy claro en el Evangelio de
hoy que Jesús resucitado no era un espíritu sin
cuerpo ni ilusiones de unos discípulos apesadumbrados. En esa primera Pascua los discípulos, que
habían sido testigos de la muerte
de Jesús, se llenaron de gozo
ahora por verlo glorioso en una
vida nueva. Cuando Jesús se les
apareció les dijo que él no era un
fantasma y para probarlo los invitó a que tocaran sus manos y sus
pies. Después les pidió un pedazo
de pescado y lo comió delante de
ellos. Una vez tranquilos, Jesús
les empezó a explicar una vez más
cómo su muerte y resurrección
habían sido predichas en las Escrituras. A estas alturas Jesús no
les hizo preguntas complicadas para probar el entendimiento de ellos, sino que más bien les dio
una tarea: ir a predicar el arrepentimiento y a perdonar los pecados ―a todas las naciones, comenzando por Jerusalén‖ (Hechos 24:49). Esta tarea
no fue: ―den unas pocas horas de su tiempo y ya
habrán hecho su parte‖. Lo que Jesús les estaba
dando era una misión absorbente y de por vida.
Ellos eran sus seguidores escogidos, sus discípulos, pero ahora el tiempo de aprendizaje se había
terminado. Ellos deben hacerse apóstoles, enviados a una misión. Cada vez que nos reunimos para
celebrar la Eucaristía se nos ofrece el amor de Dios por medio de la palabra y el sacramento.
Además se nos recuerda la acción salvífica de
Jesús, sus maravillosas promesas, y se nos da el
alimento para el camino. Por último, se nos encomienda la tarea de ir a amar y servir a Dios. ¿Qué
misión te encomienda el Señor, que sólo tú puedes
llevar a cabo?
Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
Whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant . (Mt 20:26a)
It is interesting that during the Easter season, when
we do not hear a reading from the Old Testament,
it becomes so important. This is particularly true
today. Peter’s speech begins with a prayer formula
familiar to Jews: ―The God of Abraham . . .‖ (Acts
3:13). It likewise contains the potent phrases ―Holy
and Righteous One‖ and ―mouth of all the prophets‖ (3:14, 18). Peter was stating in no uncertain
terms that the law, psalms, and prophets had been
fulfilled in Christ. This is reinforced by Jesus himself in the Gospel passage, when he states that everything in the scriptures (to the early Christians
―the scriptures‖ were what we call the Old Testament) had to be fulfilled. Above all, Jesus and Peter
both emphasize that we are witnesses to all of this,
and are sent forth to bear witness to it in the world.
The Latin Missa, from which our word ―Mass‖
comes, means ―sent‖ (as in ―mission‖). As we leave
Mass today, let us remember to be witnesses to all
that has been fulfilled in the risen Christ.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
The season of First Communions is here,
and invitations pour in as the new communicants,
mostly seven years old, gather extended families
for their first reception of the Eucharist. Recently,
the celebrations are often on Sundays, in the regular gatherings of the faith community. There, it
becomes clear that First Communion is meant to
initiate a regular pattern of reception, and that
there is to be a second, third, hundredth, thousandth celebration.
Eastern Catholics and Orthodox children
follow a different plan, since they are given a taste
of the consecrated wine at their baptism as infants. We Western Christians delay until ―the age
of reason,‖ but many years ago, Communion was
not for children at all. Twelve to fourteen was the
typical time for Roman Catholics to receive for
the first time, and in those days this was a transition into the adult world of work and marriage.
The custom did not begin to shift to childhood
until reforms set in place by Pope St. Pius X began to take hold in the 1920s. If you are going to a
First Communion, you can give thanks that the
table of the Lord is today open so much more lavishly than before.
—James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
SATURDAY, April 18
8:30 a.m. (Sp. Int.) Danny Vasquez
6:00 p.m. Confessions
7:00 p.m. (Sp. Int) Jesus Chávez
Critical - Dean Poynor
SUNDAY, April 19
8:00 a.m. (Rankin) Parish Youth
+Msgr. James Plagens
9:30 a.m. (Iraan) All Parishioners
11:30 a.m. (Sp. Int) Sara Chávez
+Lyndsey W. Castillo
MONDAY, April 20
8:30 a.m. Birthday for Aniyah Flores
TUESDAY, April 21
8:30 a.m. +Fermin Castillo
8:30 a.m. RCES 3rd Graders
THURSDAY, April 23
8:30 a.m. 1st Holy Communion Children
FRIDAY, April 24
8:30 p.m. St. Marg. 1st Holy Comm. Retreat
SATURDAY, April 25
8:30 a.m. Speedy Recovery for Xavier Vasquez
6:00 p.m. Confessions
7:00 p.m. +Adriana Hernandez
SUNDAY, April 26
8:00 a.m. (Rankin) All Parishioners
9:30 a.m. (Iraan) 1st Holy Comm. Children
11:30 a.m. For all the victims of Child Abuse
Universal: Creation
That people may learn to respect creation and care
for it as a gift of God.
Evangelization: Persecuted Christians
That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling
presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all
the Church.
Ministry Assignments
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Altar Servers: Dessarae A., Alyssa R., & Aliya Ch.
Greeter: Carmen Vasquez Choir: Nueva Alianza
Reader: Brenda Schneeman
Sunday, April 26,2015
Altar Servers: Malakai & Glynleah B., Alex R.
Greeter: Susie Vargas
Reader: Aurelia Hdz. Choir : Spanish Choir
Join a ministry and know the joy of serving Christ.
April 12,2015
St. Francis
St. Margaret
Budget to Actual
Budget to Actual
Week of 4/12/2015 $ 4 74.25
Week of 4/12/2015 $ 2,796.79
Weekly goal
$ 420.86
Weekly goal
$ 3,210.40
Keep Praying!
$ - 413.61
Envelope Receipts
Loose Plate
$ 550.79
$ 2,796.79
2nd Collection
$ -0-
Envelope Receipts
Loose Plate
Building Fund
$ 285.00
$ 189.25
$ -0-
2nd Collection
$ 474.25
$ -0-
New to the parish? Please register at
the Parish Office. If you move, kindly let
us know.
Adoration is held in the Church from
7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Tuesdays.
Stop by the church any time during the
Adoration and spend some time in silent
Es interesante que durante el tiempo de Pascua, cuando no escuchamos la lectura del Antiguo Testamento, se vuelve tan importante. Esto es particularmente cierto hoy. El discurso de Pedro comienza con una
fórmula de oración familiar a los judíos: ―El Dios de Abraham...‖ (Hechos 3:13). Asimismo contiene las poderosas frases ―Santo y Justo‖ y ―boca de todos los profetas‖ (3:14, 18). Pedro estaba declarando sin lugar a
dudas que la ley, los salmos y los profetas se habían cumplido en Cristo. Esto se ve reforzado por el mismo
Jesús en el pasaje del Evangelio, cuando dice que todo en la Escritura (para los primeros cristianos ―la Escritura‖ era lo que hoy llamamos el Antiguo Testamento) tenía que cumplirse. Por encima de todo, Jesús y Pedro
hacen hincapié en que somos testigos de todo esto, y somos enviados a dar testimonio en el mundo. La palabra missa en latín, significa ―enviado‖ (como ―misión‖). Al salir de la misa de hoy, recordemos ser testigos de
todo lo que se ha cumplido en Cristo resucitado.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
St. Thomas
Budget to Actual
Week of 4/12/2015
$ 161.00
Weekly goal
$ 370.15
Keep Praying!
Envelope Receipts
Loose Plate
$ 151.00
$ 10.00
$ 161.00
2nd Collection
May God bless you for you generosity.
Financial reports are available in the parish office.
Parish couples planning to be married
must make arrangements with the Parish
Office at least six months prior to the intended date of marriage.
For all requests for Mass Intentions
please contact the parish office.
Intenciones de Misas: para todas las intenciones de Misas
por favor contacte la oficina parroquial.
CCD Announcement!
Please bring your Elementary children no earlier that 4:45 p.m.
Pick up time will be at 6:30 pm. We ask you, please, park in the
church parking lot to leave your child; there will be no parking
alongside 1st Street due to transport traffic. You will need to
cross your child to class. Please give them a drink and a light
snack before coming to class. Send them to the bathroom so that
the class is not disrupted. Mass will be celebrated occasionally
and we invite you to come with your child on those days.
Our next baptism preparation classes are, Saturday,
May 16 at 9:00 a.m. You must call ahead of time to
register for these classes.
Nuestras clases de preparación para el próximo
Bautismo son , Sábado 16 de Mayo a las 9:00 a.m.
Usted debe llamar con anticipación para inscribirse
en estas clases al telefono de nuestra oficina.
Parents must be registered in the Parish.
Sponsors must be practicing Catholics.
Please call the Parish Office to register.
First-time parents must attend a class.
Please contact Fr. Prem for more information. Baptisms are celebrated on the
first Sunday of each month after the
11:30 a.m. mass.
It is an obligation of all, not just Christians, to care for the weak and sick members of our community. Family members,
neighbors and friends who have sick/
weak or home bound persons are encouraged to call the parish office during office
hours or the priests' residence in cases of
emergency for visitation.
Do not hesitate to call the priest
in case of serious illness, injury, or in
danger of death. Call 432-242-1371
Plate Sale Thursday,
April 23rd
11am-sold out
Plate will include: 4 tacos tapatillos, rice,
beans, and a jalapeno.
Each man should give what he has decided in his heart for God loves a cheerful giver.
Pray for our sick family members:
Gary Trojacek, Marilyn Cawiezel, Kelly Matschek, Jerry & Mary Trojacek, David Hoelscher, Miguel Angel Gonzalez, Sam Harrell, Steve Betik, Daniel Mendez, Angela Zapata, Helen Ramos, Adan Castro, Alfredo Enriquez, Armando Reyes (San Angelo), Elida Harrell, Hortencia Martinez, Alvino Martinez, Arturo Escobar, Walter Saner
(Brenda Schneeman’s father), Sofie Samford, Darita Rivero, Mark Amador, Brady Gonzalez, Anna Clemens
(San Antonio), Quinn Carroll, Argentina & Andy Perez, Roberta Schoenhals, Adrian Vasquez (Ft Worth) Lupe
Soto, Joanne Soto, (Amarillo) Bryan Garrison (Ft. Stockton), Martha Peña, Ernestina Rodriguez (El PasoEsperanza’s sister), Juanita Rodriguez (Hereford), , Lori Sanchez (Midland) Martha Cedillo, Nadia Flores (Ft.
Worth), Fernando Escobedo (Jackson Hole, Wyoming), Wendy Ortiz (Amarillo-David Ortiz’s niece) Mari
Garza (San Angel) Rosie Garza (Esperanza’s sister from Abilene) Hervey Acevedo Jr. (Patty Acevedo’s Son)
Alfredo Jr. Soto (Lalo Soto Brother) Gary Aronldi, Guadalupe Jaramillo (Santa Rios brother) Carolina Perez (Maria Gonzales (daughter-in-law) Reynaldo Jimenez (Francisca Sosa’s Brother) Gene
Martin, Dominga DeLeon ( Brownwood Atilano Huerta Niece), Mary Jo Svhillo, Michael Milton.
Pray for Members of our Community who are sick or on prayer request:
Gilbert Subia, Zack Gonzalez, Zane Gonzalez, Zoe Gonzalez, Fernanda Sosa, Maria Barrera, Tina De Leon, Gary
Aronldi, J Elida Lara, Joe Torres, Sr., Luis German Gonzalez,, Louisa and Beto Narvaez, Rey Peña, Juan S.
Ramirez, Benito Morin, Ronald Reyes, Macario Oropeza, Sr., George Crow, Venita Williams, Hector Gonzalez, Jr, Yasmin DelaCruz, Matthew Martinez, Bertha Phyllis Blankenship, Sr. Armando Aguilar, Dora Esquivel ,Maria Vargas, Nevaeh Pena, Loriza Hernandez, Dora Villarreal, Chaya Gonzales, Macario Oropeza Sr.
Pray for the sick in the Communities of St. Thomas & St Francis:
Cata Esparza, Susana Abalos Ramirez, Mary Abalos, Adrian Fierro, Tonya Gonzalez, Henry Rodriguez, Tommie
Quintero, Jesus Galindo, Basil & Debbie Ramirez, Manuel Armendarez, Caleb Martinez Zuniga (McCamey), Jose
―Ché‖ Piña (Rankin) Zay Gonzales, Ramon Prieto, Jr., Mary Rodriguez, Yvette Gonzales (Iraan) Alejandro Castillo,
Linda Gonzales (Iraan), Alejandro Castaneda,Leticia Benavides.
Pray for our Soldiers
Aaron Trojacek, Edward Vargas, John Galindo, Steven Carrasco, Tony Davis, Monica Barrera, Elizabeth Castillo
Cardoza, Ricky Gomez, Jesse Guadarrama, Jr., , Patricio Ramirez, Russell & Linda Miller, Logan Bobb, Stephen
Aguilar, Luis Andres Arteaga, Nito Ramirez, Sean Ramos, Billy Gonzalez, Zac Rodriguez, Jolynn Miron, Tony Barrera, Anthony Flores, Jasmine Alcala, Martin Ilanez, Jonathan Kane Contreras, Stanton Nahar, Lucero Garcia
St. Vincent De Paul
Thrift Store
Wednesday– 10:00—3:00 p.m.
Thursday-10:00a.m. –5:30p.m.
―Christianity is not about ideas, but about deeds inspired by love.‖
—Blessed Frederic Ozanam (1813–1853), lay founder of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, servant of the poor
Have you considered belonging to our parish community?

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