Spring 2013 Activity Sheet Spanish Clown Emotions 5+Kids Only


Spring 2013 Activity Sheet Spanish Clown Emotions 5+Kids Only
Emociones del Payaso
Clown Emotions
El payaso
¿Cómo se siente el payaso?
How does the clown feel?
Students: Draw each emotion (contento,triste, enojado, sorprendido, cansado) of the clown
by drawing his mouth and other things you might want to add with a pencil. Practice saying
the sentences below after each emotion. After each emotion, erase the drawings and draw
the next emotion.
El payaso está contento.
The clown is happy.
El payaso está triste.
The clown is sad.
El payaso está enojado.
The clown is angry.
El payaso está sorprendido.
The clown is surprised.
El payaso está cansado.
The clown is tired.
Now, how are you feeling?
Yo estoy contento(a)/triste/enojado(a)/sorprendido(a)/cansado(a).
I am happy/sad/angry/surprised/tired.
Fun with Foreign Language 443-616-7343

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